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2012-08-31, 08:24 PM
Nevica obliges with an Icy Wind
[roll2] (+1 from Improved Attacks)

2012-08-31, 08:36 PM

The creatue seems completely un-phased by the attack, and continues to claw it'sway up out the ground, fire coalescing in it's mouth as it prepares an attack. But then the blade shines blue, and Lucia can see through the creature. Like it was some sort of illusion. And you notice a purple creature floating behind the image of the monster. Your Pokemon can't seem to see what you see though.

2012-08-31, 08:44 PM
"What the..."
She stares for a minute, before charging towards the beast, drawing her scythe.

2012-08-31, 09:01 PM

You run through the monster, and the illusion vanishes. The purple creature shreiks at you again, and a beam of energy emits from it's mouth and hurts all of your team. (everyone takes 15 damage). It then floats downwards and phases into the ground.

The scythe grants you the Dispel Illusion feat from the Clairsentient class

2012-08-31, 09:19 PM
"It probably wouldn't trust us even if we revived it," Shina says, dragging the mon back to the beach, near the water, and slices into its spine, severing it, "we'll need a fire," she says, letting the blood drain from the zebra, "and a way to preserve the meat. Best bet is drying it. It's best to eat the offal first, if you can stomach it, I never could..." there's a red tinge just peeking over her scarf at that admission.

I do believe this is common knowledge for anyone that watches survival or cooking shows, if not let me know and I will edit this post.

2012-08-31, 09:26 PM
Lucia growls, before going back.
"Have things that might help you three. Let's get the food and then run."
She heads back for a couple minutes, taking long enough to grab the food, and then legs it out of the ruins into a safer area, splitting that to eat with her compatriots.

2012-09-01, 01:01 PM

David takes a deep breath before looking around. "You think that's the last of them?"

2012-09-01, 01:18 PM
"No clue. From what she said, it sounds like there were more than three, but I don't think we could fight much more than that. One second." He focuses his mind on Beatrice's, trying to open a path of communication to her. Just how bad is the infestation down here? We've taken out 3 already, but we'll die if we have to fight much more.

2012-09-02, 04:05 PM

Picking up the Pokedex, Jaden looks around, deciding to try and track down his companion.

2012-09-02, 04:24 PM

"Offal? Which part of the animal is that?

We could always try making Blood pudding and stuff if you want to use all the animal"

2012-09-02, 04:52 PM
"Offal is the internal organs," Shina replies, "heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, brain... I could never stomach the stuff."

2012-09-02, 04:58 PM

"Huh i always like steak and kidney pie so i guess i can take that if you want"

2012-09-03, 07:38 PM
Sam and Shina

The two of them hack the creature apart into meat, with Sam gallantly taking the lesser parts and giving Shina the nicer cuts. Shina's knife also skins the zebra, leaving them with a nice Zebra coat.

2 days of good meat, and another 2 days of offal if you want to risk eating it.


The creature gives one more shriek and a wall appears closing off the entrance, but Lucia goes right through the last illusion and escapes. After about 20 minutes of non-stop running they make it out of sight of the ruins. They all eat, except Carolyn who just sits and chats with you. 'SO, WHAT IS ON THE TO-DO LIST TODAY?'

David and Jason

'I count 5 and the big one, so you are half way there. If you can take that down, the others will flee. Do you think you can defeat it, or do you have to flee?'


Jaden notices it looks like his buddy went after a strange mammal pokemon with big paws. They had already gone pretty far. Hecan follow them until the tracks cross a river, but then it gets pretty hard.

tracking or perception roll please.

2012-09-03, 08:02 PM
Define big one. Just the three already took out that Tepig you gave David, and that Mantyke you gave me will die if it fights one of these. Not to mention that we're kinda beat up. I haven't really mastered hurting things with this magic. Very hit and miss.

2012-09-03, 08:27 PM

Jaden looks around, hoping to find some sign of his companion. After a moment's thought, he releases his recently caught Pokemon - Leafeon, according to what he saw in the Pokedex. "I think I'll call you Edge..." he says to it, smiling. "That said, Edge, I'm looking for my friend... think you can track him down?" He holds out the Pokedex, figuring it should still have Stephen's scent on it.

Perception: [roll0]
Tracker(Edge): [roll1]

2012-09-04, 01:42 AM

David notices Jason with glazed eyes, talking to people with his mind again. Smirking, he sneaks up behind David and pinches him on his butt.

2012-09-04, 01:56 AM
The med student doesn't even flinch. It would be a damned shame if you were to be knocked out down here and nobody dragged you back to be cared for. His focus instantly returns to Beatrice.

2012-09-04, 02:03 AM
Fine, fine, I'll have my fun after we finish exterminating the rats." David grins as he starts rubbing Jason's waist for a bit, before letting go. "So, what did Beato say?"

2012-09-04, 02:28 AM
"Aparently there's a big one. If we took that out, they'd probably leave. Remind me, did we find anything that could be used for healing? Oh, or for making a fire. I might have an idea..." He only grins. It might be just stupid enough to work. The flask floats in front of him.

2012-09-04, 10:09 AM

The new Leafeon had trouble tracking him. But looking at the tracks, it was obvious that Stephen was chasing the creature, not the other way around. So it was most likely something he could handle himself. But Jaden does notice something, moving below the surface of the water. It looked less like a fish and more like a plant.

David and Jason

'Fire? Nonononono! I keep my chemicals down there. Too many flammable and explosive things down there. You set a fire, and this house, and everything it in INCLUDING US will go kablooey! Fire, no. Now acid on the other hand? There is some of that down there, just be careful not to touch it yourselves.'

2012-09-04, 10:31 AM
Lucia pauses, before swallowing the mouthful of green monkey soup.
"Find some place to stay that doesn't have obnoxious loud purple things in it, find consistent food aside from the spot Nevica found me in, find you something a little smaller. Maybe kill that thing later."

2012-09-04, 10:49 AM
"Damn. Okay, chemicals, chemicals..." Jason starts looking through the cabinets and shelves for anything that seemed to be chemically caustic.

Since you said a perception check was needed: Take 10, +2.

2012-09-04, 10:55 AM

Sam tossess some of the intestines and bits even he wouldn't eat to the Corphish after all they couldnt be that picky then goes over to see Shina "So shall we cook this now since i think Black fire might be useful here."

Time check?

2012-09-04, 11:14 AM
"We should cook half and dry the rest, cut it into thin strips and lay it out to sun dry in a high place, we need to preserve as much as possible," Shina says, "and, like I said, we should eat the offal first. Should try making a stew out of it," she continues, "clean off the skin and sew it into a bag, we could heat rocks to boil water in it, might make it more palatable. Your thoughts?"

Note, I am taking everything Shina says here from survival shows I have seen, meaning she's likely to know these things as much as I do.

2012-09-04, 11:21 AM
"Well i've heard of a recipe where you put the heart lungs and liver in the stomach with some grains. We could substitute the grains for some berrys from the deck, then you simmer it for about 3 hours. What do you think from what i've heard it keeps pretty well and is quite tasty"

2012-09-04, 11:48 AM
A slight tinge of green appears at the edges of Shina's scarf covered face, "...throw in the tongue and we can try it, it tastes like actual steaks but has a better texture," she says, grabbing the skin and cutting it so it could be shaped into a proper bag for boiling, then picks up a bone to carve part of it into a needle before pausing, "we should also boil the bones and make a stock, take out the marrow and mix it in, use everything we can and eat what we can."

2012-09-04, 12:08 PM
"Not sure how well marrow would cook maybe Black fire would prefer to chew on them, after all we still have to be able to keep the food down"

2012-09-04, 12:28 PM

David runs around, helping Jason look for the acid!

Perception: Taking 10 as well! +2 bonus

2012-09-05, 08:26 PM
David and Jason

The duo come back and David has a red flask of acid and Jason has a blue flask of acid.

'Have you seen the evolution of a Pikachu? Look for that and beat it. It'll look like a Pikachu but not a Pikachu.' Both of you had heard of pokemon evolution, but hadn't seen what it looked like in real life.

Blue one counts a Clear smog.

Red counts as an Poison Gas attack.

Sam and Shina

Black fire comes along and makes a fire for you two to cook on, but drags off his share to eat raw. His mood had improved a bit since Shina had first met him.


Smoething blue and fat comes flying out of a nearby tree, lured by the smell of Lucia's soup. 'Munch, Munch!'. It rushes at Lucia and her food.

2012-09-05, 08:40 PM
Lucia holds up the scythe.
"I'll give you the food, but either you follow me or piss off before I make you dinner, got it?"
She holds the bowl out to the pokemon, hoping Carolyn can expound on what the hell it is.

2012-09-05, 08:55 PM
Shina quickly digs a pit in the sand and places the cut down skin into it, placing sand on the edges so it wouldn't fld in on itself. She then puts some fresh water, and a little sea water, into the shaped skin. She then grabs some stones and heats them on the fire so they could heat while they made a stew from the organ meats and tongue, "let's prep everything while the stones heat."

2012-09-05, 09:00 PM
"Doubt this would be enough to take out a stronger version of those. Here, I'm gonna look for some more stuff."

More searching! [roll0]

Due to quick OOC response from Irn:
"Damn, nothing I could identify as useful."

2012-09-05, 09:08 PM

"He should be fine on his own for a while..." Jaden says, looking at the object in the water. Thinking for a moment, he pulls out the Pokedex and points it at the plant-like object, muttering, "It wouldn't be the first plant-like Pokemon we've seen, right Edge?"

2012-09-06, 01:56 AM
As David is handed both flasks, he has to wonder what's inside... but he shouldn't open them here. But it doesn't prevent him from being distracted by the funny colored liquids.

2012-09-07, 07:26 PM
David and Jason

David stares at the funny liquids. One was red ... and one was blue.



Before she can finish, the Munchlax not only downs the soup, but it then chomps the bowl in half. It then tries to sniff around your pack, looking for even more food.

Sam and Shina

Between Sam's fondness for bad food and Shina's survival skills, they manage to cook up 4 days worth of food for the two of them.


'Error, pokemon data incorrect. The pokemon known as Lileep is extinct. Please scan again.'


Stephen was chasing after the thing which he had spotted. It looked like a mushroom, but it was running away on it's little legs.

2012-09-07, 07:28 PM
David tried to figure out a way to figure out what else they do without opening them... but he gives up. There's only one thing he could figure out. "So, we going to take the Pikachu thing down?"

2012-09-07, 07:34 PM
"Well seeing as you could do nothing but stare at pretty colors like a mentally crippled twit, yep, that's it. Hope these help." He points Lophi ahead and takes one of the flasks, floating it in front of him carefully.

2012-09-07, 07:55 PM

Jaden blinks before looking back at the underwater Pokemon. "Hmm... maybe it's because it's underwater..." Jaden thinks for a moment before bringing out Beat. "Alright Beat... think you can transform into that for me? I want to see something..." Jaden gestures to the underwater plant as he says it, before searching for Lileep in the Pokedex.

2012-09-07, 07:59 PM
"...I'm going to see if there's anything useful around," Shina says after eating, "Come on Claire," she calls, getting the little monkey to hop up onto her shoulder and hang off it as she walked into the jungle to try and find anything interesting or useful.


2012-09-07, 08:08 PM

Same takes the food onto the ship and puts it somewhere were it will keep for the maximum amount of time, after finishing with that he drinks his fill of water before chatting with the Solrock again.

"So then what do you think of the boat? Plenty of space, sturdy and the sea is right over there if you ever want to take a dip again, pretty nice huh?

if you decide to stay i'll introduce you to the Corphish next so you don't worry them when you go into the sea. Do you think you will be staying for at least awhile then?"

Cha check if needed

2012-09-07, 08:10 PM
"Yeah, but how do we use them? We could easily drink them, just open them, throw them on a Pokemon... hm..."

2012-09-07, 08:18 PM
"Drink acid on your own time. The glass is fragile enough that it should shatter on hitting the ground, so just toss them at the stupid things."

2012-09-07, 08:18 PM
She shakes her head at that.
"Should've expected that after Nevica bit through a tree..."
The tree sparks an idea, though, as the beast rummages through her coat. She would have to make a pack, or find one...
"If you join us, I can guarantee more food."
And you as more food if you don't join and try to steal from me.
[roll0]-diplomacy on the munchlax

2012-09-07, 08:21 PM
"Alright Xilla let's put this chase to a stop." Stephen sends out Xilla. Xilla use Dragon Rage
[roll0] 2+SDEF auto 40 damage

2012-09-07, 08:36 PM
David looks at the flasks and then at Jason, and then back on the flasks. "So, did you find any other flasks?"

2012-09-07, 08:50 PM

2012-09-07, 08:52 PM
"Right. You want me to help you keep looking for more, or go take on the big baddy." David adjusts his pants, which were about to fall off. ...maybe they should just fall off after all.

2012-09-07, 09:09 PM
"...yes, please do." His voice was strained. How can he be that stupid and function!? We have nowhere near enough stuff to fight them, of course he should go looking!

2012-09-07, 09:13 PM
"Right!" David had to snicker just a tiny bit before delving into the stores. Let's find some more flasks!

WIS roll:

2012-09-12, 08:43 PM
Sorry, real life delays and PTU is uploading, but slowly and bit by bit. Looks like we stay PTA a bit longer.


Stephen orders a Dragon Rage on the fleeing mushroom, and as everything else on the island, Xilla fries it.

140 xp


The Munchlax gives Lucia a massive lick on the face, which reeks.

level 6, docile, female, thick fat


Beat transforms into the thing in the water, and you check your dex. Yes! It was the same. A living breathing (well, kinda) fossil was right in front of him.


As Shina explored the island with Claire, Black Fire following behind, she's ambushed by something hiding in a pile of rocks. It blasts sand in Shina and Claire's eyes.

+1 to accuracy rolls


The rock bobs up and down, then floats over to the sea and gazes out over it like it did to the river you found it at.

level 8, solid rock, quirky

David and Jason

The comedic duo find one more thing they think might be of use. It was a purple flask, and it was growing brightly.

2012-09-12, 08:52 PM

Jaden blinks as the Pokedex confirms his suspicions. "That's... that's amazing..." Wading into the water a bit, he looks down at the Lileep into the river, and mutters to himself, "I wonder if it can understand me... most Pokemon seem to at least understand human languages, after all." Speaking more loudly, he says to the prehistoric plant Pokemon, "Hello? Can you hear me down there?" Jaden begins looking around for anything that might be of interest to the Lileep.

2012-09-12, 09:24 PM
"Tch, Claire, open its defenses," Shina says, getting the little monkey to jump from her shoulder and swing her tail at the opponent. While this happens, Shina draws her knife and goes in for the attack in the, hopefully weakened, defenses.

Claire's Tail Whip
AC: [roll0] vs. 3

Shina's Arms Attack
AC:[/B] [roll1] vs. 7
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2012-09-12, 10:21 PM
Hey B, found this thing full of purple stuff. What's it do? He sends a mental image of the stuff as they begin looking around for the last mons.

2012-09-13, 08:35 PM
[/color=purple]"Dang that was anti-climate great job Xilla.[/color] Stephen returns Xilla. "I go find Jaden Stephen sets off to find Jaden.

2012-09-14, 07:32 PM

yeah, sorry you keep one shotting stuff. Just annoying cos I forget you have that pesky Dragon Rage. Next fight will be better (I hope)

Stephen follows his tracks back, but then notices something.There were 3 sets of tracks. While he was following the mushroom creature, something else was following him. It seemed to have dived into the bushes when he stopped to knock the annoying mushroom out.


Not sure, been a few years since I was down there. Smash it on the ground and see.


Even with Claire's help, the knife deflects off of the rocky looking creature. It glistens for a second, hardening it's rocky shell after the tail slap it received.


The plant turns it's glowing yellow eyes at you, and edges closer to Beat, interested in the fellow fossil pokemon. They edge closer to each other, but the prehistoric poke doesn't quite fully leave the water yet.

2012-09-14, 08:37 PM

Watching the supposedly extinct Pokemon inch closer to the transformed Ditto, Jaden smiles and says, "This is Beat. He's a friend of mine... you probably don't get much company out here, huh? If you wanted to come with us, we definitely wouldn't mind... I can use the extra help."

Persuasion: [roll0]

EDIT: Aaaand that's a Nat 20. Yay for -4 charisma modifiers!

2012-09-14, 08:40 PM
Shina makes another knife strike and Claire dashes forward to hit it.

AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

Critted and Flinched

Arms Attack
AC: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]

2012-09-14, 08:55 PM
Um...you're joking, right? He opens it and pours a little on the ground in front of him before quickly resealing the bottle. Not gonna waste all of it if they couldn't find more. He relays the result to Beatrice. Better idea now?

2012-09-14, 10:47 PM
"Three tracks that's one to many. Alright Xilla come on out this is weird Stephen sends out Xilla "Be on your guard Xilla something is near by."

2012-09-17, 09:58 AM

Sam and weed spend a few hours growing the coconut trees and berry bushes before taking a walk along the forest edge looking for anything interesting

Perception roll for anything interesting (Not sure what counts maybe mons, caves, particualry colourfull trees)

2012-09-17, 02:46 PM

Sam explores a bit and finds a particularly colourful tree outside a cave, where perhaps there was a pokemon sleeping inside. :smalltongue:

He could hear the sounds of snoring from inside, and the fruit on the tree was in full bloom.


Stephen notices a small purple humanoid in the grass, watching the two of them, getting ready to attack.

It uses foresight


'Stop being such a girl, I told you to SMASH IT!' You feel a force grabbing it out of your hand.

The purple jar smashes on the floor, and the goo inside starts to coalesce into a shape. Soon a little creature is looking up at Jason.


The little creature rocks on it's heals, staggering under the attack. It seems to be still standing though.


The plant creature seems to take an interest in Beat. A very keen interest. Soon Jaden is assailed by the sight of what seemed to be two plants breeding, and it wasn't a very pretty sight.

Roll a d100, and also give me a CON check to keep you from throwing up

2012-09-17, 02:56 PM

Jaden blinks as the two creatures approach one another, before being exposed to horrors beyond mortal ken. When it ends, he mutters to himself, "That which has been seen cannot be unseen... that which has been seen cannot be unseen..."

Breeding Check: [roll0]
CON Check: [roll1]

2012-09-17, 02:57 PM
Sorry, I wasn't too keen on throwing what might be acid at my feet. Looks like a Pokémon of some sort. Book says Grimer.

2012-09-17, 02:58 PM
"Oh, hey, it's a Pokemon! I think." David crouches down, patting the little slime on the head. "Tingly, too. But it feels like acid." He looks to Jason. "Hey, Jason, can we keep him?"

2012-09-17, 03:03 PM

Collecting the fruit from the tree Sam and Weed move to just inside the cave so they can see what's making the noise and scan it with the dex.

2012-09-17, 03:08 PM
"If B is okay with it."

2012-09-17, 03:10 PM
"B, B, B, can we keep him?" David checks his pocket to find it void of empty Pokeballs. "And can we get more Pokeballs?"

2012-09-17, 05:35 PM
Shina Nami

Shina takes her knife to the creature again, while Claire makes another spinning strike to open its defense further.

Arms Attack:
AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

Tail Whip:
AC: [roll3]

2012-09-18, 05:12 PM
Stephens sees a figure and starts to think. "I don't have many Pokeballs left let us see if I can talk it out. "Hey thing can we talk this about I can be your friend.
[roll0] Diplomacy check

2012-09-20, 02:32 PM

The little purple guy dislikes solving things with words, and smacks about Xilla.

18 physical normal damage, and flinch.


The little rock totters, nearly down, but rushes at Claire, trying to take the purple monkey down.

27 physical normal damage

David and Jason

'If you want, didn't even realize it would do that. But if you even think of bringing it in my kitchen, I will have to set you on fire. Oh, if you need balls, I think I have a pokeballcase in the back,but you need to defeat the Raichu first to get past.


Sam looks inside and sees 3 little red balls of fur snoring in the back of the cave. They gave off a heat he could feel from back at the cave mouth.


Through iron force of will, Jaden holds onto his lunch. After much horrible squelching sounds Jaden will have nightmare about, they finally finish. There were no little eggs... seeds... whatever.

2012-09-20, 02:59 PM
"Good to know... Whoever loses a mon first commands the...," he looks a the book again, "Grimer. Come on, David." Jason begins searching for the Raichu, Lophi tiredly following.

2012-09-20, 03:59 PM
"Right then." David looks for this Raichu as well!

2012-09-20, 07:09 PM

Putting most of the collected fruit by the entrance Sam sits to one side to see if the fluff balls were a pack or a batch of cubs waiting for their parent. While waiting he eats one of the fruits and tries to look unthreatening, hopefully the cave group would get the point.

2012-09-20, 10:07 PM

Repressing the memories, Jaden shakes his head, before addressing the Lileep with a smile on his face. "You know... you're more than welcome to come with us if you like."

Don't know if I need another CHA check or not.

2012-09-21, 08:30 AM
"Hey forget you don't you hit Xilla. Stephen responses by hitting the thing.
[roll0] 6+ Acc

2012-09-25, 12:25 PM

The purple thing smacks into Xilla again, for 23 physical damage.


The plant thing nods it's head at your request. It flicks it's eyes at Beat, clearly infatuated with the Ditto.

Level 8 Modest Lileep, Suction Cups.


Sam soon hears a large mama poke approaching.

going to give you time to hide, or choose to leave food, or try and spot it or whatever.

David and Jason

The duo soon come across an isle of stuff. Down there they can hear something moving about in the darkness. A few sparks of yellow light were coming from the darkness. Seems this was it.

2012-09-25, 12:32 PM
"Let's do this..." David takes out one of his non-functioning Pokeballs and rolls it out in front of him to see if anyone would take the bait.

2012-09-25, 12:45 PM

Sam stays put with the food a couple of meters infront of him while Weed hides in a nearby bush incase anything went wrong

2012-09-25, 12:51 PM
Shina makes a final slash at the stone-like creature.

Arms Attack
AC: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Crit: [roll2]

2012-09-25, 04:00 PM
Jason rolls the ball around with a few gestures, hoping to gain a bit more attention with the ball.

2012-09-25, 05:50 PM
She resists the urge to wretch as the scent wafts over her, and wipes the spit off as best she can.
"...Welcome aboard then, I guess. Anyway, let's get going soon."
She looks around, trying to spot a food source or potential place of interest.

2012-09-25, 09:17 PM

"Alright, then," Jaden says, motioning for the formerly extinct Pokemon to follow along. "I think I'll call you Eon..." he says, as he thinks for a moment. "Still... no sign of Stephen... I probably could head back to the cave for now. I'm sure he'll make his way back there." He turns to make his way back towards the cave, keeping an eye out as he does for anything of interest.

Need a gender on the Lileep. And looking for... well, anything, really, though food would be a major priority, other objects of usefulness would be nice as well. Perception, if needed: [roll0]

2012-09-26, 10:28 AM
Xilla takes to serious blow but it barely awake. "Alright Xilla use Dragon Rage.
2+SDEF to hit Auto 40

2012-09-26, 04:48 PM
David and Jason

'CHUU!!!UU!' A spark of electricity smacks the ball away, frying it. Soft thumps sounds like something is coming your way, walking cautiously towards the ball.


The purple guy takes the hit, but stays standing, albeit barely.

It uses Endure


Shina finally manages o get her knife to hurt the thing, and it drops down.



There were a few fish in the river bed, and two birds resting up high in the trees.



Lucia notices some recent boot prints, heading into the forest. They looked pretty fresh. There was also a trail of sparkling dust or something, following the foot prints.


Sam sees an approaching red gorilla like beast, and it roars as it notices Sam near her babies. The little ones start to stir awake.

2012-09-26, 05:12 PM

Moving slowly to avoid things escalating Sam nods towards the fruit.

"I brought some fruit for you and i was wondering if you would be interested in hearing a proposition that i think could work out to be in our best interests. If your not interested i can leave the food here and leave now, so would you hear me out?

Also i should stress i have no interest or reason to harm any of your family so please take that into account with your decision"

Cha check to avoid ape related injuries


2012-09-26, 05:39 PM
David takes out Kuhle and commands him to Poison Sting the wild Pokemon as soon as it comes within sight.

2012-09-26, 07:08 PM
Shina goes over to the roggenrola and picks it up to take back to camp. It was not something they could eat, but it may be willing to join them after it's been defeated, the whole, alpha thing. If not, Sam may be able to find a way to use it.

Pickup Roll

2012-09-26, 08:13 PM
The magic user grabs one if the flasks, ready to toss it.

2012-09-26, 08:23 PM
Lucia looks at the dust and the footsteps, then looks through the scythe. If they're real, she looks to her team.
"Well, looks like we have another human nearby. C'mon, girls."
She slowly begins following the trail, scythe in hand and team in tow.

2012-09-27, 07:47 AM
All right Xilla scratch it.
[roll2] if crit

2012-09-29, 08:34 PM

Xilla drops the little purple dude, and he slumps to the ground.

260 xp


Lucia and the team of females follow the trail, and soon they sneak up on the source of the trail. It was a man. With a pokemon on his back. And the pokemon was munching on a stone of some sort, dribbling behind a trail of dust.


David and Jason

The poison sting hits the Pikachu that comes over to investigate the ball.
Roll Poison sting damage once
As the little pikachu suffers the sting, you notice another one behind it. But more than that, you hear 'RAI!' coming from above your heads. A few feet above you, a Raichu was sitting in the rafters, looking down on you two.

Trainers can act, the Raichu and Pikachus are faster than your mon.


Shina picks up the little thing. It weighed quite a bit, but she could probably carry it back. She finds a full heal bottle nestled in the rocks it was hiding in.


The big momma sees Sam and stomps over to him. It lifts up a fist and slams it down .... onto the food Sam had brought. It leans forward and roars right in Sam's face. It then walks backwards into the cave, keeping it's eye on Sam and it's body between him and it's babies.

lucky you rolled so high. this thing was gonna squish you flat for coming near it's babies.

2012-09-29, 08:47 PM
Jaden looks around, before turning his attention to the river. "Let's see if we can catch some fish... think you two can give me a hand here?"

2012-09-29, 11:30 PM
Shina Nami

Shina grabs the full heal and then takes the roggenrola with her back to the ship. She does try to be gentle with it, so it wouldn't be any more injured when she got it to the ship. She hoped it'd at least consider not attacking her again since she spared its life after it attacked her.

2012-10-06, 01:13 PM
"That was close. return Xilla and rest."Stephen returns Xilla into her Pokeball. He looks at the purple creature he picks it up and starts looking for Jaden.