View Full Version : Bull Rushing a Blinking Target

2012-06-18, 04:23 AM
Hello Playgrounders,

Yesterday we started a new campaign and entered a Tower with multiple stories. In one battle there was a Barghast blocking the way in so we were stuck on the stairs. I play a shape-shift variant druid lvl 3 and having a descent strength and AC i attempted to bull rush the beast. It was affected by the Blink spell so my DM made me roll the 50% miss chance.

I succeeded but i wander, is that correct? What happens if he *blunk* to the ethereal plane while being bull rushed?

2012-06-18, 04:51 AM
Hello Playgrounders,

Yesterday we started a new campaign and entered a Tower with multiple stories. In one battle there was a Barghast blocking the way in so we were stuck on the stairs. I play a shape-shift variant druid lvl 3 and having a descent strength and AC i attempted to bull rush the beast. It was affected by the Blink spell so my DM made me roll the 50% miss chance.

I succeeded but i wander, is that correct? What happens if he *blunk* to the ethereal plane while being bull rushed?

RAW-wise, you might possibly have some kind of argument; although the text of blink says "physical attacks", the closest bull rushing comes to being called that is that it's in the Special Attacks section, along with Aid Another and lots of others. This is really just nitpicking, though.

RAI, RACSD, etc... I'm sorry, but it should be very clear that blink defends against physical attempts to knock you back if you happen to be in another plane. I would therefore say that, if it isn't RAW, it should be. (If you want to push your luck, you could try to argue that you don't need to see your target, and therefore only suffer a 20% miss chance.)

2012-06-18, 05:11 AM
The biggest issue was what happens to ME if he is on that other plane? Do I pass through him and his square? It was blocking the door so the biggest issue was getting in that room.

Now I did push it back 10 feet but that was because of the dice rolls and agree on the miss chance.

2012-06-18, 05:41 AM
Yes. If he's ethereal you simply rush through his square. This means that tactically you did very well: he's either there, and thus risk to be bull rushed, or he's not and then you simply pass right through.

OTOH, if your opponents objective was to keep you out of the room, blinking was perhaps not the optimal defensive move.