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2012-06-18, 12:55 PM
The morning is as clear as could be wished for. The sun is shining, the birds are singing like the silly young fools they are, the dew has not yet faded from the leaves. The mountains to the north shine like ivory. It is the last week of spring.

You stand are in the sacred grove of Whitewater Rip, which, against the urges of barbarian cliche, is actually a quite well-built (if largely wooden) and permanent town which would not disgrace a small trading town anywhere. Amongst the oaks and ashes are the carven images of the gods of Your People. Thor has a comradely arm on Loki's shoulder. Loki looks embarrassed. Sif is staring at the pair of them with the expression of one who's not going to say what she's thinking. In a well-meaning and totally misguided attempt at religious open-mindedness, images of the Imperial gods have been added to the grove. Odin and Fharlanghen appear to be glaring at each other suspiciously, Wee Jas looks bored, and someone appears to have recently used the image of Hextar as a urinal.

Freya and Hel are absent from the grove. Their images guard the north gate of the town with their signature longswords. Freya looks as though she hasn't had time to find a decent robe. Hel is presenting, as people who think they're funny say, her Good Side.

The town is prosperous from trading with the Imperials to the north, and is an easy days travel to the mountainous, fjoid-cut coast to the west. This is as close to civilization as you've ever been.

Your heads still a little fuzzy from the previous night's feasting, you await the arrival of the town's Shaman to present the traditional Your People farewell. Which usually takes the form of "Are you STILL here?"

((feel free to chat for a bit while I wrestle with stuff. OOC is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/editpost.php?do=updatepost&p=13416824)))

2012-06-18, 03:01 PM
Grath mostly stayed out of the way during the festivities last night. Knowing his temper, he kept himself to only a gallon of freely flowing ale during the feasting. He awoke at dawn in his tent just outside of town and donned his clothing and armor. In a practiced manner he dropped his tent, folded and packed his gear, and prepared for the day.

He wandered into the sacred grove, knelt at the feet of Kord, and waited for inspiration to see what the day would bring.

2012-06-18, 03:43 PM
I stayed out of most of the festivities, sticking to water to drink and eating my fill but avoiding social situations as best as I could. I take a walk around town to see whats going on in the aftermath, see who or what I encounter.

2012-06-18, 09:43 PM
Horbin, would have partaken in the drinks and food as well as any others. He can hold his own but does get rather sloppy in the late hours. His hangover pushing him to hate the morning he would look around at the others with a blurry haze.

2012-06-19, 01:28 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Lying down in the grove and looking up at the sky Gregor was contemplating about past and future activities in addition to his main current activity of lying down enjoying the place, the weather and all that with his dogs doing mainly the same. Most of yesterday's party time Gregor considers well-spent (especially the time spent ogling, winking and otherwise making passes at Delphi), but pissing at that Hextor... with all of the dogs following the lead... well, he would agree that was a bit too much and hoped no one will fix onto the issue...

Morbis Meh
2012-06-19, 08:32 AM
The sun shon upon the sleeping brow of mighty Korgoth causing him to stir from his dreams. Opening his eye he soon realizes that he cannot move either of his arms and he looks to both sides. Discovering that two women lay ontop of his arms he smiles to himself Ah, last night was a feast to remember praise Thor in all of his slendor and glory! Hey one of them even has all of her teeth, truly an auspicious and kingly gift granted by Thor!

Still groggy from the massive intake of mead, Korgoth tries to ponder a solution to release him from his present situation. Amidst his thinking he remembers that he hasn't seen Skuz yet and so using his limited vision his searches for his companion. Luckily the party animal was passed out just slightly over to the side; Korgoth recollects his friend also getting drunk and also him giving a piggy back to Skuz... wow what a party. Not wanting to disturb the lovely sleeping damsels, Korgoth spits out a mighty loogy that races out and strikes its target. Skuz stirs and looks up irritably to find Korgoth motioning him over with that thick skull of his.

Skuz slowly gets up and walks over to his friend to better evaluate the conundrum Korgoth had gotten himself into. The mule then proceeds to move to the lady on the left and gently nuzzle her arm which successfully caused her to roll over and away from Korgoth.

With one of his massive arms free, Korgoth himself rolled the other one over carefully and soon freed his other arm. Standing up he felt a cool breeze on his body, thinking it odd he looked down and discovered he had no pants! Frowning he tried to remember where they were but it was a futile attempt. As if reading his mind, Skuz walks away and comes back bearing the man's pants in his mouth as well as his tunic. Offering thanks to his most loyal companion, Korgoth dresses and exits the barn he was sleeping in.

2012-06-19, 08:42 AM
You feel warm. You get the feeling that Kord really likes it here. So much competition. Then you hear a voice ring out behind you. It formed words, it must be a voice.

Marn Ortul:
The town is collectively still nursing its hangover for the most part, but some citizens are up early and preparing for the days more family-friendly celebrations. Today is officially the day the Whitewater stops becoming a roaring torrent of meltwater and becomes a broad highway to and from the north, and citizens are looking forward to traders so they can get rid of all this useless gold dust and amber and gems and valuable hides and junk and buy something uselful.

Some maidensyoung womengirls adolescent females of various races are chattering together in the town square, occasionally practicing dance steps, wearing neck to knee-length dresses somewhat rudely dyed with wode and plant juices. Next to them, some men are assembling a wooden platform while trying to make as little noise as possible.

A six-foot black-skinned white haired women wearing clothing apparently looted from every battlefield in the last forty years steps past you and shouts something at the Halfling lying on the ground. You don't really register what she says. You just know it hurts.

"Well, I'm glad one of you has some sense to get some proper rest before the big adventure!" says a voice like a scourge hitting chain mail. "Some of you have already wandered off. Well, we'll start the moot without them" The voice apparently belongs to a tall, dark-skinned women, elderly but still quite spry, dressed like a vengeful ghost and casually bearing a shortbow.

You're not so full of admiration with the setting that you don't recognise the town's head Shaman, of the spirit variety. Her name is Olga or Ilga or something like that.

2012-06-19, 08:52 AM
As you depart, one of the maidens women sits up, yawns hugely, letting the blankets fall to her waist. In the light of the morning she's definitely a little Orcish around the eyes and jaw. And chest. You're not complaining. She looks a you a little blearily.

"Hey, you know to get to the sacred grove? Ingva Soulflayer wants to have a little chat with you and your party before you leave."

Others:Let me know the circumstances of your post-debauch wakening, or I'll just assume you're with the party in the grove and stop with the spoilers.

2012-06-19, 09:31 AM
Grath, startled by the unexpected noise, quickly looks around without saying anything or moving. He is still trying to maintain a calm, cool demeanor in this town. He is used to prejudice based on his race.

I didn't hear anything approaching, he thinks to himself. I still need to maintain a low profile, people might be grumpy with their hangovers, last thing I want right now is an incident to occur.

Spot check: [roll0]
Listen check: [roll1]

2012-06-19, 09:52 AM
Grath: (Spoilers are just needlessly annoying right now) You push aside the moist leaves, and see a tall, dark, white-haired woman dressed in shredded and rent shreds of armour and cloaks addressing (,n a voice like mangled iron,the party gathered in the grove, which currently consists of Gregor, Horbin, and yourself as far as you can see. You have the feeling that the others can't be far.

And everyone:
"Listen well, all of you. That includes the Orc in the bushes, thank you. I am Ingva Soulflayer, the Ghost-hound of Whitewater, and I come to give you counsel and advice before your speedy departure. Here we stand in the north-west corner of the People's domain. To the north is the Empire, to the west the sea. Some of you have already travelled long from the south and the east, so I'm going to assume you're not heading in either of those directions." She spreads her arms heiretically. "Any questions so far?"

Morbis Meh
2012-06-19, 10:03 AM
Korgoth winces as the maiden speaks after he tried to not so stealthly sneak away, scratching his head he replies hurridly "Ugh... sure, I will get on that... definitely could have done better last night oh well, right Skuz?

Moving quickly he finds his belongings and makes his way to the grove as he approaches he hears "Do you have any questions so far?" and without giving much though he swaggers out into the open and proclaims "Yes I have a question, do you have breakfast ready because I am famished, I could also use a breakfest brewskie if you have one love." He gives a winning smile and hopes that the ghost hound finds his antics charming or at the very least mildly amusing. As he waits for a reply he begins to put on his armor.

2012-06-19, 10:04 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

While Gregor *did* have a question of why the woman is telling the "news", he decided it would be for the better not to ask it, instead he just sat where he lied, expressing undeniable interest all over his face. The dogs seemed to listen too.

2012-06-19, 10:28 AM
"Thats a big woman," Horbin lets out, "perhaps she could shut her trap!"

2012-06-19, 10:31 AM
The self-declared Soulflayer dips into her haversack with a flick of a free action and a slight rattle of bone on metal, then throws Korgoth a travel ration and a wineskin. Probably not containing wine. "For future reference, you should arm yourself more quickly on these mornings. Your longspear is suffering weapon shrinkage. Now." She sits crosslegged between Baldur and Heironymous, who appear to be ignoring each other.

"As you might know, I got around a bit when I was younger. Also I travelled. To the south you might seek adventure, if you feel like fighting Orca to become kings and queens of the Penguin people. To the east there's a thousand leagues of back-the-way-you-came to enter the steppes of the Dog People. No. They aren't called that because they ride dogs, are half-dog, or keep dogs. They're called that because they won't shut up, they smell, and they suffer from fleas. To the north of the steppes there's the Plateau of Yamigul, said to be Demon-Haunted. I have it on good authority the Demons resent this insinuation bitterly and avoid going near the place.

If you head west, you come to the sea before nightfall if you move quickly, and should be able to take passage on a trading dragonship. Maybe even charter one yourselves. If you do this, be wary not to stray too far into the western ocean. The Nicely-Painted Fleet of the Administrate patrols the outer ocean as far south as the polar ice, and is very particular about protecting their territory. Which they appear to define as anything they're looking at at the time. Do not under any circumstances stray within site of their towers. Landing on their soil would be...ill-advised."

Morbis Meh
2012-06-19, 10:49 AM
Korgoth smiles broadly at the mention of his 'longspear' and gingerly catches the trail ration and wine skin. He listens to the dronning of the woman and he indulges himself in his morning meal. After finishing he looks up with a raised eyebrow "Excuse me do you have a point to this story, or did you just bring us here to spin a yarn about your travelling days? As for getting around... that's a matter best kept to yourself milady, if you want us to randomly select where we go then my vote is north or south. The dog people are rather mangy for my liking and there isn't a lot of women and mead at sea..."

2012-06-19, 10:54 AM
"Yammering on, Yamigul sounds like a good a place as any," Horbin says holding his head with one hand.

2012-06-19, 11:20 AM
Ingva pulls out a pipe while Korgoth is speaking, stuffs it with something you hope is tobacco, and lights it with a sudden flash of flame. She holds it in her left hand, keeping the flame burning in her right. "Ah, the young Korgoth. Not Odin's Favoured Soul, I see", she breathes through blue smoke. Her eyes narrow as she leans forward. "This is the bit where you get to ask questions."

2012-06-19, 11:27 AM
Grath steps out of the bushes slowly and approaches those gathered. "What can you tell us about the Empire? Grath's village did not speak of them. Grath only hear rumors and murmurs."

2012-06-19, 11:41 AM
Ingva nods politely to Grath. "The Empire is a glorious tangled mess. There has not actually been an Emperor for two hundred seasons, and those for a thousand before that were wandering pretenders, adventurers, warlords who used a faintly justified title to put a bit of legitimacy to their reaving. Still, the states that make it up can still stick together against the outside. The Republic threatens, and The Adminstrate...abides. We profit by providing convenient heroes. And not attracting attention. I sometimes wonder how long this can last. I've seen things, read things, talked to things-" she breaks off smokily.

"If you're after local specifics, the Imperial State directly to the north of us is the Margravate of Ashdown. We have good relations. We give them gold and things they think precious, they give us strong steel and workmanship. They are also often at war with their other neighbours, so they have a constant demand for people who are good at bashing skulls. I was a cornet-captain in their military, at one point. If you go along the border to the east, things between The People and the Empire are not so...convivial."

As she finishes her speech, the flame in her right hand dies. It lasted, for those taking note, for exactly forty-two seconds.EDIT: No it doesn't. I messed something up.:smalleek:

2012-06-19, 12:10 PM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"So no robbing of Ashdowners. Got that. How much do they pay to their mercs? Is not it better to work for their private employers?"

2012-06-19, 12:15 PM
I step out from the behind the bushes where I had been listening to the conversation.

"I'm not picky as to where we go, I'm just exploring the world that is open to me, I'm here for the journey not the destination."

Morbis Meh
2012-06-19, 12:16 PM
Korgoth shakes his head "Either you're hard of hearing or just dense, I did ask a question to which you didn't respond. You are right, I do not serve the one eyed god but my god is just as wise and noble as any other. If you insult him again you will be treading on dangerous ground. My question was a simple one, you called us here, what was your purpose other than wasting our time?"

2012-06-19, 12:24 PM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"Hey, you! More respect to Shaman! I mean it."

Gregor stands up. Dogs stand up.

2012-06-19, 12:24 PM
"Ashdown's standard rates, in my time, weren't anything to write home about. Although they gave you fifty percent on looted items which was where all the money is. And proper military support as long as you swallowed their line of duty-and-honour-and-tactical-co-ordination-and never give the enemy a sporting-chance aesthetic. They were reliable. Almost tediously so. They still send me fifty-one gp and a masterwork dagger every third summer.

"Private employers, well. Up to your own judgement there. You can catch a windfall job, or you can get suckered into a death-trap for a fee they won't even honour. Or, you can find yourself tools of some plot. I do fear sometimes that there's certain people out there that find us somewhat predictable.

EDIT: ((Because that was some quick posting))

Ingva stands up and puts out a (still flaming) hand while breathing on her pipe, mismatched bits of torn martial array jingling. "Sacred Grove, fellows. I don't work through the gods, but I won't dishonour the house of my hosts. If Korgoth sees no value in my presence or words, that is his choice."

2012-06-19, 01:07 PM
Dardiana sits down on the grass, her head still a bit fuzzy from the drinking that she had done. It hadn't been much, as she always watches how much she drank, but it had been a decent amount. She spoke up, "I really don't care where we go. I'm fine with anywhere, as long as it's not back home."

2012-06-19, 01:37 PM
Ingva takes the pipe out of her mouth and gives Dardiana a look at that last words out of her mouth, but seems to decide to say nothing. "Well, then, my people", she turns to the north and holds her pipe out to that direction. Its mountains looks rather high.

"The Imperial way, if you want, goes through the valley of the Whitewater. At this time of year it is as good as a highway, at others, it's roaring death or frozen, treacherous ice. The river cuts right through the mountains. The mountains themselves are dangerous even in the height of summer. Once through the gorges, it remains Our People's territory until it reaches the conflux with the Stahlmund, which marks Imperial territory. Or, maybe I should say, Ashdown.

"The land south of the mountains and north of the Stahlmund is technically ours. Athough it is damned difficult for us to get to get to for much of the year. Ashdown does not persistently intrude upon it. It is called Redside and is a no-mans land.

"The nearest Imperial town is two days from here, It is called Ethandun, and can be reached easily by following the Whitewater, then the Stahlmund. Further questions that deserve an answer?"

2012-06-19, 01:43 PM
"A cure for the hangover," Horbin chimes in before hefting his oversized blade onto his shoulder.

2012-06-19, 01:45 PM
"A cure for the hangover," Horbin chimes in before hefting his oversized blade onto his shoulder.

2012-06-19, 01:53 PM
"Ice water" says Soulflayer. "If that doesn't work, then a steam-bath, then a flogging with birch-twigs, then the ice-water".

2012-06-19, 01:55 PM
Grath hesitates, then blurts out, "Will Grath be ... welcome at Ashdown? Grath is not often welcomed."

2012-06-19, 02:37 PM
Ingva Soulflayer turns around, breathes out smoke, and answers. "I fail to see why. I have known monsters, young Orc, and I don't think you are one. Maintain this level of behaviour and I don't think Ashdown will care."

2012-06-19, 03:27 PM
"And if they do, just give them a 'I will eat you' look and they should leave you alone," Horbin adds.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-19, 04:35 PM
Korgoth looks to the massive orc with an appraising eye, he was big and would more than likely be useful down the road. He offers a grin "No worries Grath, your in company with one of the finest smooth talkers in the land, stick with me and your bed will never be cold again!"

2012-06-20, 01:59 AM
Ingva Soulflayer takes the pipe out of her mouth. She looks at Korgoth, looks at Grath, looks at Korgoth again. Then she apparently decides whatever she was going to say would be much too easy and chomps down on scrimshaw.

2012-06-20, 04:55 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor sits back on the grass (not unlike as if struck) and tries his best to keep a poker face as Ingva is collecting her fallen down jaw.

"I guess I'll start with Ashdown military. It should be good to know their ways and get their training, at the very least. While I am not a big fan of duty and discipline, having proper support and reliable guys around is a great deal."

"Boys, girls... who's going north with me?"

2012-06-20, 06:37 AM
"Seems like a good start to me," Horbin will say. "Name's Horbin, this is Glenda," he continues as he readjusts the sword on his shoulder.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-20, 08:17 AM
Korgoth shrugs "I'm fine with it, it's better than east or west but careful those imperials have stiff necks I hear." He lifts his hammer and rests it on his shoulder then proceeds to walk back to collect the remainder of his property.

2012-06-20, 08:21 AM
"Well, young people. It's good to see you are thinking about this". Breath, blue smoke. "Unless there's any further questions, from the young ladies perhaps? If not, I had best be on my way. Town to run. Patrols to arrange. People to shout at. We are expecting traders soon."

2012-06-20, 09:05 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"Gregor McAlister." - pointing at the dogs, starting with big one, which is fully equipped with a halfling-sized saddle, bags and leather barding - "Abyss, Barry and Cherry." - dogs lazily wave the tails - "Hey, Horbin, they seem to like you!"

2012-06-20, 09:38 AM
I walk up and give the dogs a pat on the head. "I've always loved animals... I think this will be a fun adventure. By the way, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

2012-06-20, 12:28 PM
There is a rustling of bushes, and a slight halfling in hunting leathers bursts out of one side of the clearing, with leaves in her hair and bloodshot eyes. She seemed to have dressed herself rather haphazardly, and a variety of weapons were precariously attached to her hips, back, and bandolier. "Wait wait wait! Can anyone tell me what's going on? I woke up in a barn, sore absolutely everywhere, smelling of animals, and you're all gone. I managed to follow the bellowing noises here, and now here I am." She speaks quickly, and it seems that she may still be a bit tipsy; not unusual, of course, considering both her size and the extremely late hour at which she stopped drinking.

The halfling takes a moment to gather her thoughts, during which she notices the shaman. "Oh, right. Hi there. My name's Delphi, Delphi Fallios, master tracker and ranger and mercenary." She grins broadly, and it looks good on her. "Well, I'm still working on the "master" part of it. So, where are you all going? I came late to the party, so you can fill me in on the details later."

2012-06-20, 12:59 PM
"Somewhere north. I'll explain later. I'm Dardiana, by the way."' She shook her head at Ingva's question. "I have no questions. Thank you and good luck with everything." She turned back towards Delphi and let out a sigh. "I'm glad you're coming. There were too many men, not enough females before."

2012-06-20, 01:31 PM
"Well, then." Ingva steps forward with a jingle of mismatched mithral mail against bronze dastana, notched spaulders, and black iron gorget. She shifts the scrimshaw pipe to her flaming hand and passes a scroll to, after a moment of looking around the party, Gregor.

"Here is a blank piece of parchment. Which is astrally linked to a scroll in my quarters," she says. "It shall at some point become a world map, when I've had time to scribe one. I was never quick or clever at that sort of thing. But I've been around. I shall be able to alter it as things go on and if I should need to send you a message, it shall serve as that as well."

"Go with bravery and wisdom. Remember you carry our name wherever you go. Even if it is unimaginative. And try not to get into a fight with an teenage Administrate Tourist in a dark basement. The gods speed you well, and all that."

She turns, and walks off torwards the town square, giving Nerull an old-fashioned look as she goes.

2012-06-20, 02:43 PM
((And she's lying about it being blank. She's just not happy with it.))
((it shall be replaced with a more detailed one as they get drawn.))

2012-06-20, 06:12 PM
"Girls, boys, Grath welcomes. Grath is not sure what happened, but all go north soon? North sounds nice, no prejudice there. Is danger north? Grath takes care of danger." Grath doesn't look in Korgoth's direction.

2012-06-21, 05:10 AM
You depart the town by the north gate, Freya on your left hand, Hel upon your right. To the north the mountains known as the Godspine rise in an almost sheer wall of granite, cut with a vicious cleft through which flows the Whitewater. It is called Starlight's Razor. For some reason.

The river is almost at a trickle, broad and swift, but very shallow now that the snowmelt of spring has subsided. Much of the water has receded from the bed, leaving the river flowing in winding, cross-connecting braids. The bed and banks are made of white, metamorphic stone worn smooth by the floods of autumn and spring. Your feet make loud crunching sounds as you proceed.

As you enter the Razor, the walls tower up to a frightening height, blocking out the morning sun. The sound of boots on stone echo before and behind you. In the blue strip of sky above you between the granite cliffs, hawks are circling.

((Some knowledge checks, boys and girls, any knowledge you like. Sort out your party order. Delphi, if you haven't upgraded your gear to the 300gp given starter gold, do it now and we'll say you did it last night before getting hammered. Also, the little red X on Ingva's map is the position of Whitewater Rip))

2012-06-21, 05:29 AM
Horbin will move to take up next to whomever is in lead.

2012-06-21, 06:51 AM
Grath adjusts the heavy pack on his back and walks near the end of the party. He has his sword sheathed, but his bow is in his hand, arrow notched but not drawn back. He looks a little nervous, his eyes and head dart too and fro as he tries to watch everywhere and everyone at once, it seems.

2012-06-21, 08:21 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor is riding on Abyss, carrying his lance rested on a stirrup and wishing there would be better ways of carrying a lance. Delphi is invited to ride with him, allegedly to speed up party movement. With generally relaxed attitude Gregor enjoys the ride, the company, and the nature, doing his job of moving in front ranks and being aware of surroundings in some consistent manner.

Smaller dogs are generally moving ahead, to the sides or wherever thei decide is more interesting. Since the dogs consider the canyon itself rather uninteresting and seldom delay to investigate the things like they do in forests etc, most of the way they are like 30..120 feet ahead.

Barry: scent 30* feet, spot [roll0], listen [roll1]
Cherry: scent 30* feet, spot [roll2], listen [roll3]
Abyss: scent 30* feet, spot [roll4], listen [roll5]
Gregor: spot 10+5 = 15, listen 10+3 = 13
Gragor: survival 10+5 = 15 OR [roll6] vs DC 15 to avoid natural hazards

*exact distance varies

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 08:37 AM
Korgoth takes the lead bellowing out a loud drinking song and his donkey even accompanies him at times during the chorus. He prefers walking, it basically forces him to stay sober/sobers him up if he decides to dip into the mead early. The others seemed shaky/sullen so Korgoth thought he would cheer up the group with song it was unfortunate that no one else sang along, though they were from different tribes... He stares at the scenery dully, not overly caring about his surroundings, people interested him because inanimate objects didn't do much of interest.

Screw knowledge I am a Favored soul!
random spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]
knowledge arcane I guess no ranks but it is a class skill [roll2]

2012-06-21, 08:45 AM
Delphi gladly accepts the offer to ride atop the bulky riding dog, and she seems excited to have the chance, scratching the powerful animal's ears with great enthusiasm. She keeps her scout's eyes and ears perked up and attentive, but otherwise she enjoys the chance to get off of her feet. She occasionally mutters off-color jokes to Gregor in Halfling, occasionally poking lighthearted fun at the ranger and his beasts.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Don't worry, I fixed my gear two nights ago. I had just mistakenly not saved it after my final edits; the only change is making her armor masterwork and giving her a bottle of alchemist's fire.

2012-06-21, 08:55 AM
These cliffs have a smooth, half-melted look.

2012-06-21, 09:09 AM
"Anyone know any songs that can be sung quietly in case someone comes along to take our heads," Horbin will ask with a smile.

2012-06-21, 09:16 AM
Grath shakes his head and simply says, "No."

Knowlege: trained only, 0 ranks, but I guess I'll check nature if you want [roll0]
Survival (maybe similar to know:nature?, avoid natural hazards, predict weather, etc) [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2012-06-21, 09:26 AM
These are really tall cliffs!:smallbiggrin:

2012-06-21, 09:32 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Big dog initially attempts to play the same "I am demonstratively ignoring such a familiarity" attitude as it did with Marn Ortul, but soon gives up and is visibly enjoying the scratching. Well, who would not?

2012-06-21, 09:34 AM
Knowledge: Dungeoneering [roll0]
Knowledge: Local[roll1]

Knowledge: Geography[roll2]

Knowledge: Monster Lore[roll3]

Knowledge: Arcana[roll4]

Knowledge: Psionics[roll5]

2012-06-21, 10:03 AM
Knowledge storm!!!

Knowledge(Arcana): [roll0]
Knowledge(Architecture): [roll1]
Knowledge(The Planes): [roll2]

And I will stick near the back of the group, I don't trust humanoids very well yet after the way I was treated growing up, and it probably will never go away. Other then that I'm just going to look around and enjoy the scenery


2012-06-21, 10:27 AM
You can state with impeccable confidence that you are travelling with a group of humanoids, and you think you're on some world of the material plane. You wouldn't bet money on that last one however.

Marn Ortul:
It looks to you like somebody shoved an epic-level evocation through this mountain range and then didn't bother taking names afterwards. Fortunately, it looks like that happened a long time ago.

Now you think about it, the land around Whitewater Rip did have a reclaimed lakebed feel to it.

Shortly after noon, Gregor's dogs start barking up ahead, and a flight of ravens (and hawks) take off into the sky in a flutter of unnecessary Gothic imagery. There's a brown hump on the riverbed, like a dead large animal, from which the kites flew.

2012-06-21, 10:39 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor let Delphi walk for a while and rode forward, ready to charge any sort of large predator or whatever might pose a danger to his dogs with the intent to eventually examine whatever is there and ride a bit past it.

2012-06-21, 10:48 AM
Spot [roll0]

"Dead stuff up ahead," Horbin will call to the others.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 10:50 AM
Korgoth lowered his voice to a gentle hum as he drew his warhammer, his spirits were high and he was hoping for some type of scrap. He was a reasonable man that usually used more diplomatic means to solve problems, but he always felt true joy at more 'aggressive diplomatic solutions' where his hammer did the talking. He generally ignores any negative comments directed towards him, but he stores away the odd image of the hills for later discussion.

2012-06-21, 10:57 AM
The brown hump on the bank separates from the surrounds of rock and resolves into a mule, lying on its side. Its mouth is flecked with red foam. There's a packsaddle on its back, and two red-feathered arrows in its side.

The DM's cruelty and neglect of the possessive apostrophe know no bounds.

2012-06-21, 11:08 AM
Grath allows others to investigate the animal, maintaining his position. He lifts and draws the bow, looking around him intently for any danger.

Spot: [roll0]

@ Marlowe: If it's possessive, it's just I-T-S; but if it's a conjuction then it's I-T-apostrophe-S. Scallawag.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 11:10 AM
Korgoth examines the mule to determine how long it has been dead, to determine whether or not the party was still in danger and whether or not the meat was still fresh for eating!

heal should work for this, let me know if you want something different [roll0]

2012-06-21, 11:13 AM
It seems like the cliffs are beginning to lower at this point. You're almost at the end of the Razor.

Also, the bloodstains on the white quartzite riverbed leading north are obvious to anyone with eyes.

Ravens are screaming overhead.

The mule, notwithstanding the efforts of the carrion-fowl, is not, in fact, dead. It is still breathing shallowly. As you watch, fresh tictures of red bleed into the foam around its mouth and nostrils.

2012-06-21, 11:17 AM
Horbin will look in the direction the arrows appear to have come from, then scan around.
spot [roll0]

2012-06-21, 11:18 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor rides up to 200 feet past the corpse, checking for any dangers anywhere and taking note at what the dogs are barking at.

2012-06-21, 11:23 AM
ok if no one else wants to, I loot the pack, see whats inside, there could be clues

Search(for the deep down hiddens): [roll0]

2012-06-21, 11:26 AM
Then Gregor has a perfect position to determine that the mule's bloodtrail extends quite a bit to the north, beyond his present sight, and also that the cliffs are starting to give way to lower, more accessable slopes.

Horbin can determine that the mule was shot in the left side. He looks that way and sees a massive, towering, but not immediately threatening cliff of rock.

Aside from the birds overhead, it's pretty quiet.

Marn Ortul:
The packsaddle contains a large quality of dyed fabrics. Silks, Cotton, and Linen. There's about 24 gp worth of coins with an eagle on one side and a head on the other stamped "Ashdown Markgrafen", a smattering of smaller copper pieces, and a black, leather-bound book bound with a red ribbon and a simple clasp in a copper allow showing a scythe crossed with a lightning bolt.

The mule wheezes through punctured lungs.

2012-06-21, 11:58 AM
Delphi rushes to the mule's side as soon as she spots it, and she kneels down, brushing its ears gently. "There now, hard worker. There now." Her voice is soft and sad, a stark reversal from her previous demeanor. "Can anyone heal?" She looks to the others, worried and afraid for the poor animal. If no one responds she takes out a small vial, filled with a gleaming pinkish-white liquid. "This stuff is expensive, but a life is worth more." She feeds the potion to the mule as best she can, making sure to not spill a drop.

50gp is hefty, but Delphi will be damned if she's just going to watch it die. It heals for [roll0], which will stabilize it if nothing else.

If anyone says that they can heal, I would much rather use renewable magic than a potion.

2012-06-21, 12:00 PM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

After a short time Gregor rides back.

"Whoever shot this animal did it quite a way north of here. I guess we should try to keep it alive if able, then check what has happened. Robbing robbers might be a good business, right?.."

upd: "Whoa! You see that?" - Gregor is really surprized at how Dardiana climbs the cliff.

Aid another to heal the mule [roll0] vs DC 10 -> success, +2 to whoever is going to heal it

2012-06-21, 12:00 PM
(Could've waited for me >_> Sorry, I sleep late. Also, Korgoth already stabilized it.)

Dardiana walked near the back, not at the back in case of an assault from behind. Arcana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]
The Planes: [roll2]
-Untrained Below-
Architecture & Engineering: [roll3]
Dungeoneering: [roll4]
Geography: [roll5]
History: [roll6]
Local: [roll7]
Nature: [roll8]
Nobility & Royalty: [roll9]
Psionics: [roll10]

She had stayed quiet when they found the mule and, seeing her group handle things here, eventually said, "I'm going to go up the walls and see if I can see anything better from above." With that, she began to climb the walls like a spider, going up them quite easily unless something attacks.

Spot: [roll11]

2012-06-21, 12:26 PM
(OOC: I just realized I sued the wrong character sheet to roll my knowledges, I have more better ones... so i'd like to reroll with the PROPER skills, if not just ignore the rolls...)
The Planes:[roll2]

"Looks like it was a merchants mule, the pack is filled with dyed fabrics mostly... some coins..."

DM: I'll pocket the coins, then pull the book out to get a better look at it, I dont open it yet but I will set it down and cast Detect magic, as well as using my knowledges again specifically for the book

The Planes:[roll5]

Everyone paying attention sees me pull a Black, leather bound book out of the pack, I step away from the mule into an open space, set it down and begin casting a spell...

2012-06-21, 12:32 PM
"Ingva said a merchant was coming in. Mule belonged that merchant, bet."

Grath is still scanning for any danger in all directions, including behind.

2012-06-21, 01:07 PM
((Yay! stuff to do!))

Delphi and Gregor: The mule coughs up blood, then staggers to its feet. To restore the indignity the crows have done to its eyes will require magic. But it licks Delphi across the face all the same.

Delphi still has her potion. I'll let Korgoth's check help here, even though he has just looking for meat.

Marn Ortul:
You detect a roil of differing varieties of magic about the book, but nothing strongly focussed from it.

You know, because you bothered to ask questions back at Whitewater Rip, that this is the Starlight's Razor and it ends in a large, circular depression called the Fall of the Fourth Daughter. For some reason.

You have also have spotted, during the journal down, that the Starlight's Razor shows many signs of having been inflicted upon the landscape by supernatural means. Those cliffs cannot be natural, and they looked half-melted and fused.

The first thing you notice on getting to the clifftop is that the north side of the Godspine is a lot gentler than the south. Only sharp ridges of rock descending to the north between dark vales of coniferous forest, instead of a blank wall of rock.

The second, turning north, is that the Fall of the Fourth Daughter is a teardrop-shaped depression, oddly regular, at least a mile across. Its broad end faces north, suspisciously deeper than its southern end. The Whitewater, taking advantage of a chance gap in the terrain, forces its way through the north side, and disappears beyond. The depression is oddly lacking in trees. There's not enough soil. Even now.

It looks to you, if you were being fanciful, that something drove a fist through the mountains here and impacted with something about 800m from where you're standing.

Grath: You have feeling you're very much right.

2012-06-21, 01:11 PM
Marn Ortul:
Then you know the circular space at the north end of the Starlight's Razor is called the Fall of the Fourth Daughter.

2012-06-21, 01:18 PM
after my divinations, I'll take a chance and try to open the book see whats inside

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 01:19 PM
Korgoth frowns at the poor creature Such a noble beast should not be left here to die, you shall make a fine companion for Skuz... Now are you female?

Working his fingers as he says the sacred words of power a pattern forms in his mind that his fingers unconciosly begin tracing. Warmth floods through Korgoth and light flares from his body. The light and warmth move from his core and flow out from his hands into the hurt mule.

Sorry i would have done the healing... I am currently at work and in the middle of sampling one of my experiments :smalleek:
I don't know if this will restore the mule or if th DM was speaking of a specific spell... [roll0]

2012-06-21, 02:05 PM
Korgoth: The mule's eyes are restored. Amen, halleijuah, peanut butter.

Marn Ortul:
The first page reads:
Maeve put her back to the wall, her bodice heaving in a moonlit majesty of silk, leather, studs and perfumed, lubricative, oils. He could not find her here. He could not! Or else-

The window to her left shattered in a convenient fashion, and through he stepped. His marble features glimmering in the torch light, the sparkles on his skin twinkling like stars.

"No!", she screamed. While her heaving costumage whispered oh hell yes. "No, you can't! Just because we're not blood-siblings-"

He tore the mask off with a jerk. "Beryl", he said. "This is just stupid! It's not working for me at all.""

It continues in this way for the entire book. One fantasy involves the couple killing themselves in a pistol duel on a blasted heath over a disagreement about coffee. Another involves then poisoning each other over a hiccup in the mail system. Yet another ends with the phrase "here's your hankerchief, Othello!".

2012-06-21, 02:09 PM
I look up obviously confused about this book but i'm going to hold onto it for awhile, and study it later, there are more important things to do at the moment.

I put the book in my bag and go back to the rest of the group

"So, what should we do? Try to find the merchant? or continue on our way?"

2012-06-21, 02:42 PM
Delphi gives the mule a hug, which looks a bit ridiculous due to their difference in size. She then turns to the others, drawing out her sling and a smooth stone. "I have an archer to kill. You can go on if you want to, but I may be a while." Her mouth is set in an angry line, and her eyes are filled with a fire you haven't seen in her before.

"I intend to leave him just alive enough to feel the crows, if I can manage it, which may take a while. I would appreciate any help I can get, though." Her voice is filled with a cold anger, and you get the strong feeling that the little woman can and will do exactly as she says, despite her usually jovial nature.

2012-06-21, 02:44 PM
"i'll go with you... leaving an animal to die a slow agonizing death like that is just cruel, and someone needs to pay

2012-06-21, 02:44 PM
Dardiana climbs back down the wall and tells the group what she saw and what she knows.

This is the Starlight's Razor and it ends in a large, circular depression called the Fall of the Fourth Daughter. For some reason.

You have also have spotted, during the journal down, that the Starlight's Razor shows many signs of having been inflicted upon the landscape by supernatural means. Those cliffs cannot be natural, and they looked half-melted and fused.

The first thing you notice on getting to the clifftop is that the north side of the Godspine is a lot gentler than the south. Only sharp ridges of rock descending to the north between dark vales of coniferous forest, instead of a blank wall of rock.

The second, turning north, is that the Fall of the Fourth Daughter is a teardrop-shaped depression, oddly regular, at least a mile across. Its broad end faces north, suspisciously deeper than its southern end. The Whitewater, taking advantage of a chance gap in the terrain, forces its way through the north side, and disappears beyond. The depression is oddly lacking in trees. There's not enough soil. Even now.

2012-06-21, 02:46 PM
"Enemies cannot be behind us. Merchant cannot be behind us. Only one way to go, unless rather go back to Ingva." says Grath.

2012-06-21, 02:55 PM
Before you is a bloodtrail over white rock.

2012-06-21, 03:51 PM
Horbin will follow the obvious trail to it's end.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-21, 06:21 PM
Korgoth pleased with his work anounces "Skuz come here and greet your new friend! Now don't be shy, now you can have someone to lay with at night. I suppose we have an animal shooter to hunt..."

2012-06-22, 04:37 AM
You follow the bloodtrail ((that...is what everyone wants, right? Especially as there's no other direction to go currently)) down the Razor. The mule is obviously a tough beast, even bleeding a good rate and with a perforated lung it managed a decent distance.

After an hour, the walls of the Razor finally give way and you emerge into sunlight, at the southern end of the Fall of the Fourth Daughter. The Whitewater pools into a small lake at the deeper northern end, then breaks through a flaw in the rim of the Fall to flow on to meet the Stahlmund to the north.

The bloodtrail continues to follow the Whitewater, leading towards the lake about half a mile away.

There seems to be a lot of birds wheeling over the lake today, for some reason.

2012-06-22, 07:10 AM
Grath peers down at the lake from his position near the tail of the party.
spot check: [roll0]

OOC: Tell me again why spot isn't a barbarian class skill?
Keeping his bow ready, he says, "Shall all go down? More bird mean more bodies, yes?" Nodding at Korgoth, he asks, "Can bring back from dead others?"

2012-06-22, 07:27 AM
There are seven black, unmoving shapes by the shores of the lake, birds clustering around them. They stand out REALLY well against the quartzite and gabbro.

And it's because Conan was actually a Factotum, and Fafyrd a Bard. They just didn't go around telling people this.

2012-06-22, 07:43 AM
"Grath sees seven still shapes lying on the white rocks, with birds all around. Danger is very close now."

2012-06-22, 08:06 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor stops and takes his time looking at the lake, the area around the lake, the area around the area around the lake... He generally tries to guess what could have happened and how to most safely approach whoever made it happen.

Like if it could be an ambush at day or is it too open, or it could be a campsite and ambush at night or those corpses could have been chased there and had no route to escape, what locations have good view at the site, including locations on other sides of the site etc. Also if there are one or more ways to approach and if it is possible to approach stealthily.

Spot: 10+5 = 15, eventually 20+5 = 25
Survival: [roll0]
Knowledge: Nature [roll1]
Knowledge: Local [roll2] max 10

2012-06-22, 08:27 AM
"Something tells me there is more death to come," Horbin says as he looks at the birds overhead. "Let us advance as a group but everyone keep your eyes peeled."

2012-06-22, 09:06 AM
A teardrop shaped crater about a mile across. The floor largely devoid of topsoil and supporting only some scrubby plants. The rim of the crater, on all sides bar the northern breach through which flows the Whitewater and, to the south, the Razor from which you've come, is fused stone slightly elevated above the dark, surrounding forest. The Lake of the Whitewater would provide a convenient water source but it also cuts down movement options.

You wouldn't camp here, it's a perfect place for an ambush. The rim of the crater makes a perfect hiding spot for any ambush. It's a little large. They'd have some rounds of warning, but what would they do with it?

You notice that the bloodtrail is more spread out here. The mule still had the strength or the terror to run.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-22, 09:16 AM
Korgoth hears the words of the orc and saddly shakes his head "Nay, I have yet to be granted that kind of power by Thor, it requires a heavy price to bring back someone from the dead. Aye we should use caution I don't like the smell of this place... perhaps we should take a look around in the surrounding area before approaching the lake?"

Spot [roll0]
I really appreciate what pathfinder did to the skills system.... made it so much easier to make custom characters with little quirks and hobbies.

2012-06-22, 09:41 AM
I'll look around see what I see, and i'll also think and see if I know anything about this lake

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Geogrpahy: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

2012-06-22, 09:57 AM
((sorry for those who've already got this information))

Teardrop-shaped crater, about a mile wide, with the broad end facing north broken by the breach of the Whitewater. The rim and floor have a slagged look, with little but scrub plants growing on the meager soil. Around the rim is dark forest.

Not a place to linger in, is everyone's judgement. In fact, it looks like you're nearing an object lesson in what happens if you do.

Of course, Whitewater Rip and Ashdown are at peace, so maybe people are a little more careless than might be considered normal. Also, bypassing the area would, by the looks of things, lead to wasting several hours moving through the surrounding forest.

Marn Ortul:
Wish I had something more to say. This geography looks like what you'd expect if people were throwing epic-level evocations around a couple of thousand years ago.

2012-06-22, 10:07 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor decides on what he thinks is the best way to approach a place where he would camp if he were an to set an ambush and proposes to go that way. He'd like to either ambush the ambushers or see them from afar.

Like maybe walking the rim or something...

2012-06-22, 10:24 AM
Delphi moves about ten yards away from the main group, her sling out and her movements soft and quiet. She tries to think like an ambusher, imagining how she would slip through the low-lying cover and attack unsuspecting prey. She looks around the rim of the crater, attempting to spot anything moving.

Take 10 on Hide and Move Silently for a 22 and a 20, respectively.

Spot: [roll0]

She'll Search the pack later, when we have time. She has a +6 in Search, and the skills to be a trapfinder. Do we have an overlap in that department?

2012-06-22, 10:42 AM
Nothing moves except the wings of ravens.

Nothing makes a sound except for the wind, and the cries of the ravens, which are too far away to hear. Because corvid imagery is boring.

The lake abuts the crater rim very close on the west side, so the way around is to the east of the lake. Unsurprisingly, that's where the shapes are still and the birds are circling.

2012-06-22, 10:55 AM
"I doubt it now, but they may still be alive," Horbin says as he starts toward the figures.

2012-06-22, 10:59 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"Wait, Horbin. Whoever is there, they'll wait a bit more. I guess we take a bit east, moving on outer side of the rim with Dardiana and Delphi leading the way. I do not want to get to the position of ambushee before I visit the position of ambusher. Let's play it safe."

2012-06-22, 11:19 AM
Grath points towards the forest and whispers quietly, "Grath can't help hurt creatures like Korgoth can anyway, but can fight ambushers who want to kill."

2012-06-22, 11:19 AM
((DM posts without waiting for debate. Because DM has day off))

A grand piano falls from the sky and inexplicable splatters Korgoth over the surrounding scenery. A Gazebo appears, roaring with hunger from the forest.

Working your way around the rim takes a while, but it all seems quiet and it's good to be cautious.

The trees here are the same as south of the mountains, tall, brown, and spiky.

You work your way around the rim of the Fall until you approach the north-eastern "corner". Then, you see bloodstains and drag marks across your path. The tracks of men and mules. And a copy of "Half-Orcettes Half-Dressed" monthly. Which somebody appears to have left here.

2012-06-22, 11:27 AM
Grath can't read, but if there is a picture on the cover that he can see he picks it up without thinking through the situation.

2012-06-22, 11:31 AM
It is rather graphic. The "Half-dressed" part of the title was technically accurate.

2012-06-22, 11:35 AM
If anyone wants to examine it, either physically or magically, they are welcome to. Otherwise, Grath is very embarrassed at seeing the graphic imagery, snaps it closed, and puts it away in his pack for later review. He mutters, "I always wondered what the fuss was about. I'm starting to get an idea."

2012-06-22, 11:39 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor wants to first check possible observation points that ambushers might leave on the ridge, then follow the trail. I guess Delphi will do most of stealth mode, with Gregor riding any recommended distance behind and like 20 feet to the side. He will not ride directly on the trail as long as the trail is obvious to others.

2012-06-22, 11:53 AM
((are you sure? Has anyone checked the actual site?))

2012-06-22, 12:00 PM
((Not sure. But guessing from his own experience of robbing and ambushing, Gregor thinks nothing of value should be left on the site. If anyone wants to check, Gregor will first check all probable observation spots and then let them.))

2012-06-22, 12:08 PM
"Mind if I see whats there," Horbin questions as he gestures to the 'site'.

2012-06-22, 12:42 PM
If anyone is going down to the site, Dardiana goes with them. If nobody is, Dardiana sighs and says, "I'm going to check what's down there." She then proceeds to do exactly as she said.

2012-06-22, 12:48 PM
Horbin follows.

2012-06-22, 01:06 PM
The "site" on the shore of the lake. And sorry for the list format.

-One mule-dead. No packsaddle

-One human female-dead. Arrow and slashing wounds. Dark skin. Looks a little like Ingva's by-blow daughter. Tattoos up both arms. No weapons, but a shortspear quiver on her back.
-One Half-Orc male-dead. COD same as above. Blond, oddly enough. Old scar over left eye. Battleaxe in hand.
--BOTH the above are wearing mail shirts and a bronze gorget bearing the words "REICH CAVARANIENSTAFFL"

-One older male-dead. Full beard. Richly dressed. Fingers show signs of having rings pulled from them. Dagger in hand.

-Two human males-dead, leather armour, red cloak. Shortswords near them. Shields by their sides. One has a cut splitting his head apart, plus multiple bite marks as from small animals. The other looks like he got an Eldritch blast critical to the face. After getting chewed on by small animals.

-One half-elf female-dead, leather armour, red cloak. This one's lying a bit apart from the others, like she was sniping from the rim. Leather armour and no shield. Shortbow, but quiver is empty. Shortspear stuck in the gut.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Ravens. I should just stop mentioning them. There'll be a lot.

2012-06-22, 01:17 PM
i'll approach cautiously keeping an eye on the surrounding and begin searching the area for any missed loot or clues.

Spot: [roll0]

Search: [roll1]

2012-06-22, 01:21 PM
Dardiana goes to each corpse in turn and looks them over. When she was done with that, she spoke up, "There was a battle here. Redcloaks versus the merchant and his guards, most likely. The older male would most likely be the trader." She looks around, trying to find tracks of more men having moved around this place.

Search: [roll0]

2012-06-22, 01:30 PM
On a general note; you notice an odd pattern to things. Some things of value have been looted and others (like the mail shirts of the guards) not.

You do find an amulet behind a rock. It takes the form of twelve snakes curving counter-clockwise outward from a central hub, which itself takes the form of a vertically-pupiled eye. The whole has the look of copper, but the iris of the eye is set with some kind of greenish stone. It is bound by a fine chain of steel links.

And everyone, even in the thin soil of the Fall, can spot the bloodstains, drag-marks, hoof-prints, and footprints leading to the north-east, past Gregor's position.

2012-06-22, 03:25 PM
Grath, who stayed above the "crater," follows the blood stains, I guess towards the woods? Away from the crater, at least. He doesn't go too far, maybe 50-100' or to the edge of the woods, whatever comes first. He is trying to move slowly and silently, but is ready to shout for help if he's attacked and still has his bow ready and nocked.

Spot - don't fail me now: [roll0]
listen [roll1]
move silent (don't complain if he rolls a nat 1, but I better not) [roll2]

2012-06-22, 03:25 PM
Dardiana goes back to the corpses and checks the valuable items that were left behind... particularly, what the general weight of the valuable items left behind are.

2012-06-22, 04:51 PM

The woods are dark and silent. Shadowy enemies spectaculally fail to ambush you from all directions, in defiance of every convention of drama.

The trail leaving the ambush scene is fairly obvious, and includes drag marks, but you don't have the knowledge to put it all together.

Merchant's clothes might be worth a bit. His dagger is masterwork, as is the Half-Orc guards battleaxe. Guards Mail Shirts are Mail shirts. There's some shortspears lying around.

Heavy stuff was left. Light stuff was taken. the Ambushers didn't collect the weapons of their own fallen.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-22, 05:27 PM
Korgoth keeps a weary eye with a weapon drawn, his instincts were screaming at him to leave this place but he was torn because he believed the dead deserved a proper send off. With stern resolution he speaks to the crowd "We should not leave these bodies to the ravens, we should build a pyre so they may go to Valhalla with all of their possessions!"

2012-06-22, 06:07 PM
Grath returns from his short expedition. "Let the dead bury the dead. Dead need nothing, possessions are for the living. Grath see nothing near, but let all follow trail and kill enemies."

2012-06-22, 06:24 PM
Dardiana takes the merchant's dagger. "Exactly as you said. He won't need this. And we'll bury or burn them after the guilty have fallen. That is, unless, we want to announce our presence."

2012-06-22, 06:46 PM
Animals need to eat to, we have no right to deny them their feast... leave them

2012-06-23, 12:57 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Keeping his watch on the rim and watching both directions, Gregor notices there quite an amount of heavy trophies left and that generally these redcloacks f*cked up heavily, losing three of their own. Good for us.

"Grath is right. I guess we better pack the stuff on our mules before it gets taken by some other band of passers-by, because the chase could take some time, but we better not waste our time dealing with the bodies. Maybe on our way back. Check the lake, just in case, search the bodies real good, pack, and let's go."

2012-06-23, 01:48 AM
Gregor and Delphi(the woodsy types)
There's some patches of sand next to the lake where you find the trail left by the caravan as it entered the Fall from the north. At this point it consisted of four mules and five humanoids.

The much more messy trail leaving the scene to the north east has markings of two mules much more heavily loaded, two dragged bodies or objects, and six humanoids. It appears to be aiming for the end of the first mountain spur to the east.

Morbis Meh
2012-06-23, 12:32 PM
Korgoth fowns and is saddened by the lack of respect for the dead "I told you to LEAVE their possessions... if any of you steal there weapons or armor you will deal with ME. Take the perishables and money but leave their equipment." narrowing his eyes Korgoth looks angrily the halfling.

2012-06-23, 12:49 PM
Dardiana glared at Korgoth as she took the sheath from the merchant and put it at her own waist. "Feel free to follow your own ideals, but the ideals of others should be up to them. Just like I won't push you until you take something, you shouldn't push us until we don't."

2012-06-23, 12:53 PM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

The halfling looks at Korgoth (down?) from the ridge.

"I suggest you openly state you are not joining Ashdown or any other of this world's military. Also, I suggest you not attempt to hurt anyone, or we, indeed, might deal with you. In that case, I'll try to make sure you'll live."

2012-06-23, 01:37 PM
Korgoth glares around, looking for a moment like he's tensed to attack. Then turns, shoulders his hammer, and walks off without a word. Heading for the north, and Ethandun.

Because I may wish to use him as a plot element later. If the sheet gets taken down he should be fairly quick to reconstruct.

As you watch him disappear through the breach in the Fallrim, some of you think you can hear the sound of hurried horse's hooves echoing down from Starlight's Razor.

Hopefully we do. Ashes isn't online yet.

2012-06-23, 03:33 PM
"so whats the next move?... if there was to be an ambush i'm sure we'd have heard something by now..."

2012-06-23, 03:57 PM
Delphi comes back to the group, losing patience with her shadowy stalking. She watches one of their number leave, and she snorts quietly. "One down, before the raiders even show up? Well, maybe they'll see that as a sign of weakness and finally pounce." She shrugs, and then requests the saddlepack they had found with the mule, intent on searching it more carefully. Assuming she receives it, she spends a full minute looking it over, careful to not miss a thing.

She take 20 on her Search for a 26.

2012-06-23, 04:01 PM
"Grath did not see ambush either. Perhaps no ambush? Perhaps ambush ambushers? Ambushers not expect ambush! Also, write on paper and tell Ingva trader not coming and why!"

2012-06-23, 10:59 PM
You didn't say anything about picking up the amulet, so I'm letting Delphi find it. Sorry.

It seems the backpack story was confusion over the packsaddle on the accompanying mule, what has been tagging along behind you like a stray dog. A search there confirms Mart Ortul's story about bolts of dyed cloth.

Looking around, You do find an amulet behind a rock. It takes the form of twelve snakes curving counter-clockwise outward from a central hub, which itself takes the form of a vertically-pupiled eye. The whole has the look of copper, but the iris of the eye is set with some kind of greenish stone. It is bound by a fine chain of steel links

Grath: Good idea, anyone bring paper, ink and a Raven?
I suppose we could always use blood and the Half-Orc porn mag.

2012-06-24, 12:58 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"I'm afraid the paper Ingva gave me is one-way only, we cannot write on it for her to know. In case I get it wrong though..."

Gregor took a small splinter, tipped it in one of redcloaks' blood and put a small mark on the map.

"I am done checking the rim and it all seems to be deserted. Whoever did it, did not left here any rearguard so they are probably marching to some site distant site."
Survival: [roll0] - any actual results checking the rim, like abandoned positions, how long ago this whole ambush was set up etc?

Gregor starts searching (or helping Delphi/Dardiana search) all the bodies for hidden pockets and such, evaluating everything that might be valuable.

Search: 20+2 = 22
Appraise: [roll1] vs DC 12 for common items
He then rinses and packs mail shirts (if no one intends to put any of them on) battleaxe, shortspears etc. and other valuables NOT including merchants pants and shirt, but possibly boots, belt etc. if of sufficient value. He then drags all the bodies next to each other and away from the road, covers them with red cloaks then suddenly stops, looking at the large spot of red on white he has just assembled.

"I wonder if these red cloaks shold mean something. They are extremely non-practical for any sort of forest warfare."

2012-06-24, 01:04 AM
Delphi moves over to a rock, and she very carefully picks up a strange amulet. It takes the form of twelve snakes curving counter-clockwise outward from a central hub, which itself takes the form of a vertically-pupiled eye. The whole has the look of copper, but the iris of the eye is set with some kind of greenish stone. It is bound by a fine chain of steel links, and it is from those that she lifts it, careful not to touch the actual face of the thing. "This looks really expensive, or important. Or, you know, cursed. What do you all make of it? I don't, uh, have much education to speak of." She blushes a bit at her last statement, clearly embarrassed. It's adorable, though you have the feeling that she wouldn't like to hear that.

2012-06-24, 01:07 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"Snakey, hmm... either it's magical or it's a symbol... or both. No idea what it could mean."

2012-06-24, 10:26 AM
"I already used my detect magic spell for the day but I'll see what I can tell from it, if you don't mind"

I'll hold out my hand for the amulet.

2012-06-24, 11:56 AM
Delphi offers it gladly, clearly not trusting the amulet. "It's odd, and it seems strange that the bandits or raiders or what have you would just leave it. I suppose they may not have noticed it, but it seemed to leap out at my eyes." She looks at the taller folk around her, and she smiles. "Then again, perspective accounts for a lot."

2012-06-24, 03:11 PM
I'll start to examine the amulet seeing if any of my knowledge helps me

Arcana: [roll0]
The Planes: [roll1]
Geography: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

2012-06-24, 05:15 PM
Based on general spore, discarded trail ration wrappers, and the remains of a campfire a little further into the forest to the north-east, it appears that the ambushes were at least ten in number, and were in position at least from the previous night.

There is also a faint set of humanoid footprints that comes around from the north side of the Fall and follows the departing trail. It looks like somebody with a good dexterity trying to be cautious but with no woodscraft whatsoever. The tracks are light and quick, but whoever it is keeps stepping in all the wrong places. It appears to be somebody shadowing the departing ambush party rather than joining them.

The amulet is definitely magical. It is not made of any natural element you've seen before. It has the weight and colour of copper, but none of the softness, as a sharp rap with a rock will atest. The greenish, irridescent iris appears to have been achieved using polished mollusc shell, cut to precision. The chain is finely-tooled steel of masterwork quality.

2012-06-24, 06:19 PM
"Have got what is needed from here? Grath will carry whatever the mule cannot. Follow trail, or not? More stuff if find end of trail."

2012-06-24, 06:25 PM
"Do you mind if I hold on to this for awhile? I'd like to run some more tests later?

And thinking on it, I'm going to pull out the leather book and open it again and cast Read Magic to see if anything becomes clear since you mentioned that I detected magic before

2012-06-24, 06:32 PM
Whatever magic you detect appears to be incidental to the book. It may be reading magical only by association.

However, the scythe and lightning-bolt clasp appears to be the same alloy as the amulet.

2012-06-24, 10:42 PM
Oh, and you get:

-masterwork battleaxe(mentioned, actually, make that a Greataxe. I tend to use the words interchangably)
-one masterwork dagger (Dardiana has it)
-6 shortspears
-2 shortswords
-1 shortbow (no arrows)
-2 mail shirts
-3 sets leather armour
-2 heavy wooden shields
-1 buckler.
-One snaky amulet
And the caravan guards have 17gp between them. Redcloaks have 3 silver, 6 copper and a piece of string.

2012-06-25, 06:38 AM
Grath will take the masterwork greataxe, assuming no one else wants it, and helps to load the mule with the rest of the salvaged equipment.

I'll also check out the half-orc, to see if he is a by-blow cousin or something.
knowledge-local [roll0]

deleted previous post, as rolls didn't show up when I added the knowledge check, and don't want to spam thead.

2012-06-25, 07:17 AM
Horbin will silently take the bits of string. "Well, looks like we best not be standing here when someone arrives, especially if they are lawmen," Horbin will say plainly as he makes a path to the wooded area.

2012-06-25, 08:38 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Of all the loot Gregor takes the coins as soon as he discovers them. Reports them in full, though. He takes nothing else.

"I am not afraid of any lawmen... so far. But indeed, nothing to do here unless we want to waste some time. Speaking of which, I propose we hustle for an hour to catch up with cloaks' lead. This could be dangerous, but I guess they are farther away."

2012-06-25, 10:31 AM
It's a half-Orc. And he's dead.

With Gregor and Delphi leading the way, you move at double speed through the forest along the trail of the ambushers, the lighter members of the party hitching rides at times on the back of the mules.

Delphi's pet, though not in the best of health still, seems quite keen to come with you. In spite of its really bad day, it is still a strong animal, obviously well kept.

It's obvious the two mules the raiders are driving are overloaded, and not helping their pace. After a short distance the two sets of drag marks vanish, but the mule prints become still deeper and more laboured. The lighter trail of the shadower winds along, almost invisible at times, but remaining around the raiders main trail.

To appear to be heading for the end of the nearest of the jagged spurs reaching north from the Godspine, and near the end of your hustle you step around some rock and find moving yourself between the towering knife-edge of the spurs end and a deep, broad, swift river running from east to west. The redcloak's trail, having moved around the end of the spur, now turns south-east.

More importantly, there's a body against a tree. Red cloak. No weapons. Covered in small animal bites. Clutching at a bloody wound to its stomach. But somewhat more fatally, missing half of his head.

2012-06-25, 10:42 AM
"Looks like someone got angry," Horbin says as he looks at the man.

2012-06-25, 10:54 AM
At that point, from some bushes to your right, in the shadow of the rocky spur, you ALL hear the sound of somebody rolling a 1 on a move silently check.


2012-06-25, 11:02 AM
Delphi is moving before she consciously thinks to do so, darting around the sound at a full sprint to get into a flanking position, and to see if she can spot the clumsy bigfolk before they have a chance to hide again.

She's going to run to try to get around the cover between them and the person. I'll give you a Spot check if she gets close enough to earn one.

2012-06-25, 11:09 AM
You don't need a spot check you notice the female human rising, with a disgusted expression, from the pitfall that a poorly chosen foothold has dumped her in. Her black-leather-with-brazen-studs armour, while it might be quite the thing for a very exclusive sort of party, is not well chosen for concealment around a lot of green and brown. Although at least she found a green cloak from somewhere.

Her skin tone reminds you a little of Dardiana.

2012-06-25, 11:18 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor guides his big dog forward and right, attempting to cut "silent"-mover from a route to escape, dropping his lance and drawind a javelin. Smaller dogs move straight right, loosely follow Delphi and bark at first loud and active, soon just to make sure anyone's aware that they bark.

Gregor: drop lance, draw javelin, ready to throw pending friend-or-foe identification
Abyss: double move
Barry, Cherry: move, "fight" defensively, bark

2012-06-25, 11:27 AM
You see her about the same time as Delphi, she wasn't far at all.

She is rising stiffly and slowly to her feet, facing Delphi. She is side-on to you. Her eyes are downcast and she has a noticeble jaw, currently set very firmly.

2012-06-25, 11:32 AM
Grath nocks and draws an arrow, getting ready to loose at a sign of danger. He growls, "Shut up, dogs! Too loud!" He peers around intently elsewhere looking for a threat, confident the group can handle one woman for the time being.

spot: [roll0] (I think we're still in daylight, and forgot to apply the 1- earlier. Sorry)
listen: [roll1] (Can't hear anything over the dogs)

2012-06-25, 11:50 AM
((well, the foresters have reacted, which is all I needed))

The woman rises to her full height, still moving slowly, and raises her head to Delphi. She has large, heavily-lidded, very cold eyes. Her hands slowly move to hang by either side.

"You throw anything at me, pretty little she-hobbit, and I will do things to you that you may not be old enough to have heard done." She takes a step back and to the side, gives Gregor a sidelong look, and crosses her arms over her chest gunbuster-style.

"Well then, ladies and gentlemen". Her voice is low and deep. "What happens next?"

2012-06-25, 12:00 PM
Delphi frowns at the vague insult, but she holds her tongue and her sling until after the woman stops speaking. The little scout moves a bit more, to put herself in a good position to give chase should the woman take off, before replying. "You could tell us who you are and what you're doing. We've just come across several bodies, and we're awfully interested in finding the people responsible."

2012-06-25, 12:09 PM
The woman closes her eyes to slits, her head back."Bethlen Gabriel. Textiles merchant. Journeyman." She shifts her position to, as if to keep both Gregor and Delphi in her field of vision."I was heading up to Whitewater Rip to sell some silk and linen, and study Your People's dressmaking styles. Then circumstances altered. Now" her eyes open a little. "I am looking at making more bodies. And rescuing Tharholt's thieving little whore of a daughter."

2012-06-25, 12:59 PM
"So, what? You want to kill us? You think you, alone, a trader, can take out a group?" She takes a look around where the girl is, to see just how surrounded she is. "I think you might want to think again. You're surrounded and don't know what each of us is capable of." She walks back a bit, to a tree, and begins to climb it while keeping her eyes on the girl. She leans back and practically sits down on the tree's side. "So, who's this... Tharholt, hmm? And what was that about rescuing his daughter?"

2012-06-25, 01:12 PM
"Ladies, is this really necissary? I think we have similar interests, though she seems more skillful than her profession would give. Besides, this must be yours," Horbin will try to resolve the scuffle diplomatically as he gestures to the new beast of burden.

2012-06-25, 01:30 PM
"I said nothing of fighting you" she says, giving the word pecular emphasis."Although I suppose if you give me no option you could enfore my consent". The arms uncross, and return to her sides. "Tharholt was a merchant. Nice man. Fought well. Should have worn armour. Currently feeding ravens on the fall. His daughter was accompanying him to learn his trade, although I fear she has acquired some rather different professional skills-" she breaks off when she sees the animal. "Spike!" she says, much breathier than her tone up until now.

The mule wanders up and licks her across the face.

2012-06-25, 01:38 PM
"So, how far behind them are we now," Horbin asks.

2012-06-25, 01:50 PM
She gives the mule a rub on the head. "Not long. I only waited until they were just out of earshot before finishing their friend, whom they had decided was slowing them down. Then I heard you coming, and waited to see what you were."

2012-06-25, 02:01 PM
Grath asks, "How far out of earshot, will hear thrice damned barking? Find secure spot to talk."

2012-06-26, 12:45 AM
"I doubt they are looking for another fight.", says "Bethlen". "But I did hear them talking about "meeting up with the Trammelburgh look-out party", if you find that cause to feel any urgency."

2012-06-26, 03:38 AM
Something nears behind you.

You all hear the sounds of hooves before you see him: Atop a light horse, a heavily armored man comes riding. His face is rugged, and besides the armor, he wears a large shield on his back and a heavy morningstar by his belt.
After quickly taking in the scene, he slides off the horse unelegantly and sends it on its way with a hard slap over its back.

"You must be Ingva's adventurers." He talks matter-of-factly, with an unexpected warmth in his voice that contrasts his hard appearance. "This is good. I'm here to join you. And I'm sorry if I'm late to the party, but I had business to take care of first."
He looks around with a big smile on his face. "And what a party you've had. Hahah! So... who are we hunting?"

2012-06-26, 05:58 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

"Six bandits or some such. Follow me... cancel, follow HER."

Gregor pointed his javelin at Delphi, turned away from insolent woman, took javelin away, rode back to his lance to pick it up and called the dogs, who immediately ceased barking and followed him along the trails.

Those with good hearing can hear strange muted barkings from his direction for some short time.

Barking, in dogs' tongue (Spiritual Connection ACF): "Silent. Sniff. Stalk. Do as I do."

Since the bandits are apparently still moving, the idea is to get closer, judging distance by age of trail, then establish contact (preferably visual and one-sided, but any one dog pointing at anything would suffice).

Not sure how to roll that. Gregor has spot/listen at +7/+3 (hide/silent at +9/+5, but this probably does not apply). Dogs have both senses at +5; hide/silent is at +2/+2 for big dog (possibly at a penalty) and at +7/+3 for smaller dogs. Closer to target smaller dogs lead.

2012-06-26, 02:37 PM
Grath looks at the approaching stranger. "Who this guy? How know Ingva? Grath not remember stranger. First Korgoth resurrect mule, then mule follow to dead guys, then Korgoth leave because could not raise dead any more, and mad no funeral pyre started. Hunting bandits. Maybe stranger bandit?"

2012-06-26, 02:56 PM
"No, she would have attacked if he was," Horbin replies to Grath as he gestures toward the merchant.

2012-06-26, 07:41 PM
"I never saw a bandit who was so quick to give up a good horse." says the merchant, studying the newcomer without emotion. "Still, they are getting further away. And so is your impetuous friend and his My-Little-Wolfpack starter set. Shall we go? If you are not going to detain me, I am going anyway" She moves off down the trail.

2012-06-26, 08:00 PM
Dardiana slides off the trunk of the tree and follows after the similarly-colored girl. It was the bandit's freedom to kill, but it was anyone else's freedom to hunt them down for the deed.

2012-06-26, 10:13 PM
Delphi continued scouting just ahead of the group, taking her direction from the others but relying on her own stealth and skill to remain unharmed. She takes careful watch of the new woman; though she seemed innocent enough, looks could be extremely deceiving. And if the woman tried anything, she would find out exactly how deceiving Delphi's appearance truly was.

2012-06-26, 11:25 PM
The trail drops downhill through forest and bush. Relieved of the need to let the others keep up, you make swift and silent movement. The redcloak's trail is a little less laboured now, but they are still plainly stumbling about in the forest.

After less than half an hour, you hear, a couple of hundred yards ahead, the sound of voices being raised in greetings. And then just raised.

Everyone else:
Delphi takes the lead, advancing quick but cautiously. Somehwhat to Delphi's annoyance "Bethlen" keeps pace with her, plainly determined on this. She is nimble for a bigfolk and has some stealth skills, but no actual forestry. Dardiana as well, is close behind the leader. The others, burdened by armour or more cautious, follow behind amongst the mules.

2012-06-27, 12:17 AM
Gregor McAlister (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=35629)

Gregor curses silently, places one javelin on the ground pointing in the direction of the sound, then takes to the left to get around the bandits while they are still hollering and assume a stationary position hidden lying down in visual distance from their projected path.

2012-06-27, 03:57 AM
"Bandit, you say?" Thorwald looks at curiously, then looks around him as if searching for one. "No bandit here, alive anyway." He strokes his beard quizzically, then points into forest. "Perhaps if we follow them, we can find the bandits and ask if they know any of us, hmm?
With that, Thorwald follows the others after the bandits' trail.

2012-06-27, 07:20 AM
Grath searches the body to see if Bethlen left anything of value on the corpse of the redcloak before following the group. As he moves along the trail, he puts his bow away and pulls out his new axe. As he walks, he quietly plays with the holy symbol hanging from his neck while scanning the area for any threats.

Take 10 to search the body: 10+1 = 11

2012-06-27, 07:28 AM

Inching to the left around the voices brings you to the edge of the bush, and the rocky bed of a not inconsiderable stream. Looking to the right you can see a scattering of ten red-cloaked figures (four of them slightly darker-cloaked than the others) variously standing, sitting, and gesticulating on a rocky spit of land formed by a bend in the stream, and dominated by a large standing stone. You also can spot two mules and some kind of bundle on the ground in their midst.

Voices are being raised in anger, but you can't make out the words. The main dispute, going by body language, seems to be between a large human in a redcloak and an elf-sized person in maroon. The three other maroons are standing with their backs to you, backing up their fellow fashion victim. The other five redcloaks are just sitting around goofing off.

You estimate the others are maybe five to fifteen minutes behind you, depending on how long they stood around chatting.

Everyone else:

Make it 4-7 minutes..

Grath: Seems like they took everything of value, but you do recognise the "animal bites" on him as coming from the claws and beaks of birds, some of which would have been extremely painful if they'd hit soft bits.

2012-06-28, 02:24 AM
((I am currently on a very very very slow Chinese Hotel pc and will be standing on a train for 17hrs tomorrow. Amuse yourselves!))

2012-06-30, 01:05 AM

It looks as though the rest of the party will run straight into them soon enough. The open stream-bed area where they're standing isn't more than 50 feet across between stream and trees. You can try to work your way SE along the treeline towards them, charge out into the open, fall back on the rest of the party, or do something else.

Everyone else but especially Delphi and Dardiana:

You're still descending downhill and are conscious of the stream below and to either side of you. You hear the raised voices not too far ahead.

"Bethlen Gabriel", who's moved a little ahead thanks to her long human legs, stops, lifts her head, and starts to curl her lips back from her teeth. Which are perfectly normal, by the way.

2012-06-30, 04:27 AM
Grath says, "Grath wonder if other survivors than Bethlen and merchant daughter. On bright side, all foes dressed alike."

Grath gets his arms limbered up as he moves towards the voices, still trying to move quietly and remain unseen in the trees until he sees the enemy:
Hide: [roll0]
Move silent: [roll1]

2012-06-30, 07:29 AM
Gregor will try to sneak a bit closer along the edge of the forest to within 120 feet from nearest bandit first and to 60 feet from him after he's sure no one is specifically looking around. After taking position Gregor will wave his dogs to also sneak closer with Abyss right next to him.

2012-07-01, 05:57 AM
Actually, Grath pulls his bow back out. If we are going to fight, and we are close enough, he will drop the bow and charge straight in, whirling and wailing away at the foes, but if they are too far away, he'll shoot first then move closer and charge.

He moves near the front of the group, attempting to see the enemy so he can gauge the tactics he needs to use.
spot: [roll0]

2012-07-01, 10:42 AM
I will move forward quietlike sticking to the back of the group as normal to try and get a look

MS: [roll0]

2012-07-02, 01:55 AM
a=redcloak archers
r=redcloak swordsmen
b=big redcloak
*=a brown, unidentified bundle on the ground
~=stream. Looks swift and fairly serious.
X-big standing stone
G,A,B,C=Gregor and his dogs.
The rest of the party is about to make an entrance around rows 10,11,12 with Delphi, Bethlen, and Dardiana leading the pack. The rest may take an extra turn to enter.

The boss redcloak and one of the maroons(who are armed with shortbows and shortspears) are arguing furiously.

Marn, you trip and fall on your face, but you're still to far away for anyone in the enemy group to pat much attention.

2012-07-02, 06:54 AM
Horbin will continue to follow the group.

2012-07-02, 07:54 AM
Grath picks his way carefully, intending to enter the map at A-11.

Do the trees provide enough obstruction to movement to prevent a charge action? Charge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#charge) requires a clear path and line of sight, among other things.

2012-07-02, 08:52 AM
Dardiana moves forward.

(Intending to enter the area at A12.)

2012-07-02, 09:21 AM
When Gregor sees his teammates approach (likely around the time Grath enters A11, but this may vary) he will step back, lead big dog to L2, mount, move to M3. If still unnoticed, he will attempt to cause some real surprise charging at R8 (from Q7); otherwise he'll use the tree for cover and throw a javelin. Once things start moving, smaller dogs will advance to like O7, N8, M6, L7 or some such, still trying to keep a low profile until in attack range.

2012-07-02, 11:12 AM
I'll enter around A12 when its free and move towards G or H 15, waiting for the battle to start

2012-07-02, 05:06 PM
Thorwald moves forward a little behind Grath and to the side, morningstar and shield in hand (intending to enter at A10).
He listens intently for signs of the argument escalating. No reason for risking death, if they are about to do themselves in.
Listen [roll0]

2012-07-03, 05:18 AM
Dardiana, Bethlen, and Delphi are in the lead. Putting these guys at G10, H11, and I11 respectively unless they have other opinions. (Bethlen's sure to complain, I know)

Gregor: Are you really sure? Attacking ten guys by yourself before your own team is in position?:smalleek:

Anyone listening to the argument between the maroon (at s9) and the redcloak leader hears most of the following. The maroon appears to have launched into a tirade.

"...he told you do what? Ajneguhs told you to do WHAT? "Scout around and get to know the neighbourings", not "knock over a caravan on the Fall". These people are not SHEEP. That flippitijibbit Vierzehn's got a company at Trammelburgh, and even if he is a fop I wouldn't want to face him on the flat or in the rough. Then there's that nightmare whore at Whitewater Rip. She could get a hundred striders down here tomorrow and YOU'D never see her coming. She's got enough witchery to get past Ajneguhs' little games as well, assuming they're actually his.

And to top it off, you went and grabbed a girl. Very smart. How long do you think she's going to last? If we'd come along a half-hour later you scum would have had her bleeding out already. People remember, in these parts, when girls go missing. And who took them. And what to do with the latter. At least tell me you didn't leave any other survivors!"

There's a bit of a mumble.

"Oh, all Gods facepalm in our general direction...."

2012-07-04, 06:31 AM
Places people!

Pending confirmation from u-b, and of whether you are all near where you wanted to be, this is how it starts:
[email protected].........~~~~
PCs bolded for easier visibility. Except Marn. The code is there, but apparently there's a glitch.

You all get one full move, including attacks if you want, but this is about as close as we're getting without somebody hearing something. After you make your surprise move, roll initiative and we'll go from there. Gregor and his dogs get a free extra move action, to make up for missing his OOC posting about confirming the...frontal charge on a numerous enemy well equipped with missile weapons. None of them will need to waste a turn drawing, BTW. They'll be drawing during their move actions or instead of.

Trees do block movement and count as concealment if there's one in line of sight to a foe.

Enemies will be unawares for this first full round, then will act on initiative as follows:
Redcloak Boss::[roll1]
Redcloak Archers:[roll2]
Redcloak Swordsmen:[roll3]

2012-07-04, 06:42 AM
And it begins:

Bethen, slipping past Delphi with a fell look, moves to N12. She makes an odd gesture with her hand, and says, as loudly as you've heard her speak yet, something that sounds like "Frenzied Murder"

A sudden squall of black feathered wings, stabbing beaks, and hooked claws assails the redcloaks at Q11, Q12, and the boss at S10.

Boss:Damage[roll0]Fort save[roll1]
Q11:Damage[roll2]Fort save[roll3]
Q12:Damage[roll4]Fort save[roll5]

Redcloak Boss is Bleeding and Nauseated!
Q11 Swordsman is Bleeding!
Q12 Archer is Bleeding!

2012-07-04, 06:47 AM
Oh, and Bethlen's initiative:[roll0]

2012-07-04, 12:30 PM
"There's a time to reap and there's a time to sow." Thorwald whispers under his breath, a big vicious smile on his handsome face.
He runs forward, ready to blast the maroons as soon as he's able. (Thorwald ($) moves to P8)
I am right in thinking that he can't reach anyone this round, right? Cause otherwise he'd of course try that. I'm just not very used to this grid thing, sorry.

2012-07-04, 12:38 PM
Delphi moves her sling to her offhand, taking out one of her javelins with a fluid motion as she darts through the trees (to M9), quietly and quickly, staying low and unassuming. She hurls the weapon at the nearest redcloak near her, hoping to strike swift and true and to remove some of the weaker threats from the fight swiftly.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide (mostly negated by attacking): [roll1]

Ranged Attack: [roll2] He should be flatfooted.
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4]

2012-07-04, 03:25 PM
Grath moves to L13 (6 squares, his full movement). It is unclear (to me) if this is the surprise round or a free turn of action before surprise round. If it is the surprise round and Grath gets a partial action he stops at L13.

If he gets a full round of actions he shoots his bow at the maroon in square R-8.

to hit: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

If necessary, to confirm critical: [roll2]
critical damage[roll3]

If not he prepares to charge, dropping his shortbow on the ground and drawing the greataxe as he moves.

Initiative: [roll4]

2012-07-04, 04:56 PM
Delphi's Initiative: [roll0]

2012-07-04, 10:45 PM
((It is a full surprise turn followed by regular moves in initiative order. The regular "surprise round" rules (standard actions only) seem more appropriate to a dungon setting.))

The Redcloak struck by Delphi's javelin staggers under the shrieking roil of raven's wings. He isn't down, yet.

Grath's arrow flies wide. The maroons look around with mild interest.

((Well, there was a chance we wouldn't have had to fight them.))

2012-07-04, 10:56 PM
(Screw non-fighting, throw spears!)

Dardiana follows Delphi through the trees and goes in the other direction as her as they reach the edge (M11). She takes a moment to understand what's going on before lobbing an eldritch blast at the same target as Delphi.

Attack: [roll0] | Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] | Crit: [roll3]
Initiative: [roll4]

(Flat-footed touch attacks. I like them.)

2012-07-04, 11:00 PM
Q11 redcloak swordsman is blasted to the ground by Dardiana's hit, and lies still. The Ravens still are shrieking.

((The bleeding damage would have sorted him anyway, but this saves on paperwork. Also, Dardiana, you're now in a tree. Spiderclimb?))

Provisionally, Gregor's Javelin thunks into the Half-Orc female maroon at R8, provoking a grunted curse.

2012-07-04, 11:42 PM
All right time to join the fight, I'll use my surprise round to cast Extended Summon Monster I (metamagic school focus feat lessens spell level cost for MM feats by 1 so extended are cast at same level as spell used) and summon a celestial badger in K15(I think thats the closest spot to the enemies that my spell can reach) and for his action I'll have him rage and I think eh can charge that redcloak in S14 if he cant charge he'll take a move action to get to O15 and charge next round.

Badger rolls if he can charge: Attack: 1d20+10
Damage: [roll1]

Then my initiative: [roll2]

And finally on my actually next turn I will move to... J14(I think thats the farthest I can move with having to dodge trees)

2012-07-04, 11:43 PM
ug... you screw up one thing and gotta make a new post to fix the roll...

Badger Attack: [roll0]

2012-07-04, 11:47 PM
((Oh good. She was annoying me. That ones a sullen-faced human women missing half her lips, by the way))

The redcloak lets out a startled yelp as the badger's attack sinks into her thigh.

2012-07-05, 04:14 AM
Provisionally, Gregor's Javelin thunks into the Half-Orc female maroon at R8, provoking a grunted curse.
Exactly. That one. From M2 and mounted.

Before any of numerous opponents could meaningfully react to his first javelin, Gregor throws another one at the same gal, staying behind the tree, just in case.

Javelin [roll0] for [roll1]
AC 24, 22 (Gregor, dog; behind the tree)
Smaller dogs advance to N7, M8 or some such, still trying to kee a low profile

2012-07-05, 05:21 AM
After the surprise round, Thorwald utters an incantation and fires searing flames from his hands, trying to catch as many of the maroons as possible.

(firing burning hands from P8 trying to hit maroons at R8, T8, U8 and S9)

Init: [roll0]
15' cone, reflex half
Damage: [roll1]

Concentration, if relevant: [roll2]

2012-07-05, 06:46 AM
Horbin will take a more readied grip on his blade and rush past trees in a double move, (i can do that in the surprise round right?) moving first to H6, then to J6 and finally ending in L8, trying to avoid the trees and underbrush.

2012-07-05, 07:00 AM
[email protected].........~~~~
s=Marn's badger
Note that Dardiana is spiderclimbing a tree and Gregor is mounted on Abyss.

2012-07-05, 07:08 AM
First thing that happens is that the redcloak boss takes one point of damage (total 6), and, setting a fine figure as a leader, runs to W12. He draws two shortswords as he does so.

Gregor's second javelin thuds into the maroon at R8. She does down.

Q12 redcloak archer takes 1hp damage (total 4) runs to u18, takes a dc 10 heal check.

EDIT:still bleeding

U13 redcloak archer moves to r16, fires at Bethlen
To hit:[roll1] damage [roll2]

T11 redcloak archer moves to U9. also fires at Bethlen
To hit:[roll3]damage [roll4]

No joy. Bethlen's got a Black Lagoon smile.

Think it's Marn and his badger next, then the redcloak swords.
My mistake: Order now is
Redcloak swordman
Everyone else (cause it doesn't really matter)

Also, Horbin needs to roll init.

2012-07-05, 07:16 AM
Reposting map with new positions
[email protected].........~~~~

2012-07-05, 10:43 AM
Dardiana climbs a bit higher in the tree, to make sure she's out of their (melee) range. She partially turns around and fires a blast at one of the archers, the closer one.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-07-05, 10:16 PM
Dardiana's hit lightly singes the archer at U9, distracting him from passing on some possible useful info to the maroons.

Swordswomen at S14 takes a swing at the badger.
To hit[roll0]damage[roll1]

Now the Maroons are at a slight disadvantage because they don't know what Bethlen can do. The redcloaks know, having met her on the Fall earlier today, but they haven't been eager to report that she chased them off in some confusion. So the Maroons focus their attention upon the large man on fire running at them.
S9 maroon 5-foots to T10
U8 maroon 5-foots to V8
T8 maroon 5-foots to U7
T10 Maroon says "All right men, chap on fire. Five rounds rapid."
3 arrows at Thorwalt:
To hit:[roll2]damage[roll3]
To hit:[roll4]damage[roll5]
To hit:[roll6]damage[roll7]

2012-07-05, 10:22 PM
Thorwalt take a hit, but continues to T8 and uses burning hands on V8, U7, and archer at U9. (Ashes already rolled damage)
reflex saves:DC 14
V8 takes 2 damage!
U7 takes 1 damage!
U9 takes 1 damage! (total 3)

2012-07-05, 10:31 PM
((And I hope nobody minds that I'm running all the low-initiative scorers together to save time))

Bethlen moves to T12, where the bundle on the ground is now pretty obviously a human wrapped in an empty packsaddle, just starting to struggle frantically. She makes that odd middle-fingers-together gesture again, but doesn't bother with words.

The swarm of corvids descend on all three remaining maroons, plus the U9 archer.
U9:Damage:[roll0]Fort save:[roll1]-bleeding, nauseated, 5 total damage
V8:Damage:[roll2]Fort save:[roll3]-bleeding, nauseated, 7 total damage
U7:Damage:[roll4]Fort save:[roll5]-bleeding, 4 total damage
T10:Damage:[roll6]Fort save:[roll7]-bleeding, 1 total damage

Waiting on Grath, Horbin, Marn (mostly for his badger), and Delphi.

2012-07-05, 10:51 PM
Delphi darts around the edge of the battle, attempting to keep up a barrage of unpleasantly spiky ordinance without putting herself into the line of fire. She weaves through the trees with practiced ease, and she just pokes out of the treeline to make a rapid attack against one of the outline bandits. The javelin whips out, her aim true and clean, and strikes the man firmly.

Move to O6.
Attack T8 (Unless he's already unconscious or something) with a javelin: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2012-07-05, 10:55 PM
Hit by Delphi's javelin, T8/U7 is down and on -3. And can't stabilise on his own because of the raven bleeding damage.

2012-07-06, 05:54 AM
Grath enters into his whirling frenzy rage, screams out, "KORRRRRD!" and charges to U8.

Attacks foes in V8 and U9 with his greataxe once each.

V8: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

U9: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

EDIT: can't change the die rolls, but forgot to factor in the +2 for charging on both. Might help U9, V8 is probably hit already

2012-07-06, 06:20 AM
Uh....they're dead. Dead dead deadski. They are so dead it's not funny. The ravens think it's overkill. There are microscopic pieces of baterial life on doomed planetoids circling the drain round the event horizon of a supermassive black hole currently turning to each other and saying "well, we're dead. But at least we're not as dead as THOSE two.".

2012-07-06, 08:58 AM
Grath roars in his bloodlust. "KOOORRRRRD!!! I have sent two gifts to your halls!!! Now, who is next?"

2012-07-06, 11:07 AM
All right I had said where I was moving before I forgot which square but you said the badger so I'll just make his rolls. I'll edit this post with Marn's action once I go back and reread what I did last time and look at the map

Full Attack:
Claw 1:[roll0]
Claw 2:[roll2]

Confirm 1:[roll6]
Confirm 2:[roll7]
Confirm 3: [roll8]

2012-07-07, 12:49 AM
Redcloak swordswoman is down. Looking quite foxed and exceedingly badgered.

2012-07-09, 01:22 AM
((And that's quite enough time waiting for Horbin))

The fighter charges the only unbloodied foe, the Elven redcloak archer at R16.

Attack:[roll0] Damage [roll1]

..and actually MISSES. Currently standing at R15.

2012-07-09, 01:24 AM
New round:

Redcloak boss takes 1hp damage (total 7) and takes a dc 10 heal check


Fails and is still bleeding.

And Gregor's turn.

2012-07-09, 03:33 AM
Gregor rides his dog to Q6 (smaller dogs probably loosely follow) and throws a javelin at T10.

Javelin: [roll0] for [roll1] (point-blank range)

2012-07-10, 12:56 AM
The Marron leader is looking at Grath, and the red ruins of those around him. "Percy!", he shouts in a cracked voice. Then, "You killed my son, you blue bas-". Then Gregor's javelin hit him in the side. He staggers but remains erect, bringing up his bow.((No action, just colour))

Redcloak archers:

U18 takes 1 hp damage (total 5) takes a dc10 heal check to stop bleeding:

R16 takes a 5-foot step south, to R17, and fires PAST Horbin at Bethlen.
To hit:[roll1]damage[roll2]
Bethlen takes the shot in the arm, but there's not nearly as much damage as there should be.

Horbin (now I've found his initiative roll) and Dardiana are up.

2012-07-10, 04:40 AM
Updated map as requested
[email protected]....~~~~
No more bolding because my internet access is not great and it doubles the amount of time this takes. I am presuming the Marn's badger has left the building.

2012-07-10, 10:37 AM
Horbin will move to U14 and attack the M in U13.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

EDIT: Sorry, got mixed up. make that W13 is where I move and attack b in W12. Thank you U-b for pointing that out.

2012-07-10, 11:26 AM
Dardiana jumps down from the tree, letting go of it at last, and makes her way to O14 by going through the trees, where she charges up an eldritch blast and throws it at the archer.

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-07-10, 11:21 PM
The redcloak boss, still frantically trying to staunch his wounds, looks up at Horbin and remarks; "I surrendaaaaaarrgh." He doesn't elaborate. For some reason.

The Elven archer is hit by the blast, and calls Dardiana something very rude.

The Maroon leader says;"-tard! Die!", and lets off a shot at Grath.

to hit:[roll0] damage [roll1]

Hampered by the javelin in his side, and by the bleeding wounds from the ravens, his shot goes wide.

Bethlen produces a sickle from somewhere and slashes open the bundle, then pulls a ginger-haired Human girl out of it in a shameless piece of pieta plagiarism.

((Everybody else now))

2012-07-10, 11:40 PM
double move to Q15, about all i can do

2012-07-11, 05:31 AM
Grath turns to the man who just attempted to shoot him and shouts, "Another offering for Kord!!"

Grath takes a 5-foot step to T9 and uses his now not-so-new-and-shiny axe to deadly effect on the man dressed in maroon.

Attack 1: [roll0]
confirm crit: [roll1] (if needed)
damage 1: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
confirm crit: [roll4] (if needed)
damage 2: [roll5]

2012-07-11, 05:41 AM

You have now reunited the family. In a manner of speaking.

Also, you've been feeling an odd pressure on the haft of the axe since you entered combat. Just thought I'd mention it.

2012-07-11, 10:39 PM
Forgot I was doing Thorwald.

The Lokian cleric, cumbered by his heavy armour, can still charge to S16 and attack the archer at R17.

To hit:[roll0] damage [roll1]

The elf is smashed to the ground.

2012-07-12, 07:59 AM
Think that' just Delphi we're waiting on. Only remaining opposition is the bleeding archer at U18.

2012-07-12, 09:12 AM
Delphi advances towards the archer quickly, calmly, and she whips her final javelin through the air, the bolt traveling with alarming speed and silence.

Move action, 20 feet 'down'.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2012-07-13, 06:30 AM
The javelin thunks into the archer's throat with a terminal sound. He collapses.

The sun is descending to the west, filling the sky with redness that should, but in defiance of poetry doesn't quite, match the blood splattered on the white rocks.

Bethlen's black-winged summonings, invocations, sendings, conjurings or whatever they are flutter past her in a shrieking squall, ascending into the sky and scattering. She roughly heaves the ginger-haired girl upright, embraces her, and, with a certain mercurial flash, slaps her across the face. "Where is it?" she growls.

Grath feels the pressure on the haft of his axe recede. And for a moment hears a voice speaking Orcish in his head. "Thank you, friend. You have avenged me with my own steel."

Spike the mule comes wandering out of the trees, looking like he regrets being left behind.

It's been an exciting day.

((And I think we've done enough for a mellow puff:
Gregor:400+100 bonus
Delphi:400+100 bonus
Dardiana:400+125 bonus
Grath:400+150 bonus
Marn Ortul: 400+100 bonus (you're collecting clues. Might need to make some connections)
Horbin: 400+75 bonus (sorry, needs to talk more)
Thorwalt: 400+50 bonus (sorry again, this is your sleeping-in penalty

So, search checks? Heal checks if you're feeling insanely nice?

If anyone cares, the redcloaks were standard array warriors with Toughness, except the leader who was Elite array. The Maroons were Elite array Experts with same))

2012-07-13, 06:47 AM
Not sure if the team is in the mood to take prisoners, Gregor immediately began applying his mediocre medical skills to fallen opponents, attempting a time-critical task of keeping some alive, starting with whoever looks more promising in this regard. After all, it's easier to kill a guy after you decide he is of no use than do it other way around.
First aid: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] etc.

2012-07-13, 06:57 AM
Delphi glides forward to the bodies, her mouth set in a thin line and her hands moving swiftly, going over and through the belongings of each man on the ground. She is respectful but thorough, and she takes special care to recollect her javelins, cleaning the blood and other fluids off of them by wiping them on the cloaks of the man they struck. She tucks them away on her belt, returning to her slow and steady search of each man. "I'm going to take my time with this, guys," she mutters as she inspects for hidden pockets on a redcloak, "because it would be foolish to rush searching them only to miss something important. Feel free to help if you wish; I can still make mistakes."

She's taking 20 on each man for a 26; might as well do this right the first time.

2012-07-13, 07:02 AM
"Oh, allright. Then I'll scout around. By the way, did you pick up my javelin?"

After trying to keep would-be prisoners alive long enough not to rush a final decision about their fate, Gregor will ride around and check if this site is/was frequented, by whom, etc.

Survival [roll0]

@RaggedAngel: I mean the javelin Gregor left on the trail to warn others about enemy being near.

2012-07-13, 08:06 AM
Horbin looks around. "Feel free to search," he says as he looks around. After each body is searched he will move the dead men into a pile.

2012-07-13, 09:34 AM
I to am going to search the bodies from my end of the battlefield and I too will Take a 20 for a total of 24 for mine.

"We will need to make our camp soon, my spell reserve is almost exhausted for the day."

2012-07-13, 09:49 AM
Delphi nods and takes a mismatched javelin from her belt, about to toss it to him underhanded. She pauses for a moment, first, and with a raised eyebrow she takes out one of her own throwing darts, holding the two next to each other, comparing their lengths. She looks at Gregor, grinning, and then tosses his weapon to him lightly before deliberately winking. She then returns to her work, as if nothing had happened.

2012-07-13, 12:11 PM
After the last foe is slain or down, Grath kneels, clasps his holy symbol with both hands, and mutters in orcish, "Thank you, Kord, for a battle safe from harm for me and mine. Escort my brother, who fell earlier, into the halls of glory, wherever they lie for him." He then cleans his new axe, showing it the most respect possible for its assistance in the victory. He assists with the manual labor of dragging the dead into a pile. He then gathers wood for a campfire or pyre (or both), (but does not assist helping search the dead, heal the wounded, or anything where he would be a hindrance).

After all the labors of the day are done, if the group makes camp there, he pulls out his panpipes and plays (or attempts to play) Dirge of the Unmourned on his pipes.

Performance: [roll0]

2012-07-13, 04:47 PM
After listening to the haunting hymn, Delphi applauds very quietly and politely, the sound almost lost amidst the crickets and cicadas. She smiles at the large man, her eyes distant and wistful. "That was really beautiful, Grath. I had no idea you could play so well." She paused for a moment, working up her nerve, before continuing. "Do you think you could tell me about your god? I've never found one that truly suited me, but I want to know why you follow yours. I suspect knowing that will help me know you."

2012-07-13, 04:47 PM
Dardiana goes around to some of the down enemies, trying to get them back up. The dead don't, usually, talk, after all.

9 heal checks because anyone at negative would die by the time these are all through.
Heal Checks: [roll0]
Heal Checks: [roll1]
Heal Checks: [roll2]
Heal Checks: [roll3]
Heal Checks: [roll4]
Heal Checks: [roll5]
Heal Checks: [roll6]
Heal Checks: [roll7]
Heal Checks: [roll8]


During the performance (which is after she finishes healing them), she watches Grath play and silently congratulates him, mentally.

2012-07-13, 11:22 PM
Those hit by Grath or by Horbin are beyond any help in this world. This includes both the redcloak and maroon leaders. Those wounded by Bethlen's Ravens (which is all but the Elf archer and the human swordswoman) require two heal checks to stabilise, since the clawing damage doesn't go anway after they lose consciousness.

Most are quickly (within a minute) past saving. You do manage to stabilise two. The Elf redcloak archer and the Half-Orc maroon. The Elf has a smashed jaw and won't be talking such.

Searching the bodies reveals:
Redcloak boss:
a money pouch with 153gp
1 note and an attached crude sketch-map
Mail shirt
2 masterwork shortswords
1 set of gloves of dex +2
2 empty potion flasks marked "cure light"

3 shortbows
2 swordswords
5 sets studded leather
2 heavy wooden shields
47 arrows divided among 3 quivers
2 clubs and a dagger
4 empty healing potion flasks
1 copy "Half-Elves Half-dressed"
1 gold, 17 silver, 5 copper, 1 old pie crust

1 composite shortbow +2 str
2 same +1 str
1 masterwork composite shortbow +1 str
4 shortspears, 1 alchemical silver
4 set leather armour
77 arrows, 4 quivers
27 gold, 3 silver.

Lifting the purse of gold from the redclok boss provokes a reaction from Bethlen. Her conversation with the girl had been going as follows:
"Where in the name of Blessed Silence is it you brainless, cotton-fingered little trull?
"I-I dropped it on the Fall.When they attacked, and Hagen was hit. I-"
"I bloody well know you dropped it. If these idiots" she gestures around at the fallen redcloaks." had had it, and tried it on something very interesting would have happened. Why did you have to bloody well get captured? You've made me waste half the day getting you back instead of looking for the thing. What part of "don't you dare touch this" was hard for you to under-", she notices Delphi lifting the purse. "Kresta, that looks like your fathers. Yours now, I suppose, unless these fine ladies and gentlemen have other opinions."

The area is devoid of the traces of regular camping. The large standing stone is flat on one side, and the words "LINGER HERE" are inscribed near the broken top. The missing piece appears to be lying next to the stone on its front.

The note on the Redcloak boss reads:
"Grumio, I'm sick and tired of you and that pack of idiots you call a band skulking around the place messing everything up. I'm told you a dozen times now, those little tarts and cakes are spell components, not for midnight snacks.

Get out and scout around. Get to know Redside. Don't take on anything you can't handle. Around here, that's pretty much everything. Don't attract attention. Avoid the Fall and Trammelburgh. Vesplin's little brood will keep an eye on the Ashdowners at that place for you. Don't worry about my defence. I have my two champions, and our mutual friend has lent me some help to make some other arrangements.

Don't, for the love of not suffering an eternity of torment, let this fall into the wrong hands.

(signed) Ajneguhs"

The map shows a location about two days travel from here, at the headwaters of the stream you're standing besides. It lies a little to the south and a longer distance east at the head of a narrow mountain valley. The Fall and Trammelburgh (which appears to be in the middle of the Stahlmund) are marked in red letters. Trammelburgh looks only a few hours to the north-east.

2012-07-14, 07:32 AM
After scouting around, Gregor returns to the site.

"Nobody around. And it's not like they meet here often, which means this funny stone might be relatively fresh..."

Gregor examined the stone, trying to guess what natural, unnatural, physical or magical cause might make it into its present state.

Examining the loot found by Delphi and Marn, Greor took the strongest shortbow and some arrows. Then he took time to examine the map and the letter, reading that three times over.

"So, some hapless guys thinking too much of themselves? I'd say we would be happy to have their whole organisation consisting of those... Not a chance. Have to report to Ingva. Maybe it's worth checking Trammelburgh, but I would not like to repeath these guys' fate of grabbing too large a bear..."

"Oh, and did you search the mules?"

Knowledge (any) regarding the cause of the top of the stone breaking off [roll0] (most at +0 max 10, but arcana and nature at +1)
Survival to guesstimate if it is going to be a bright night or a darker one [roll1]

2012-07-14, 09:51 AM
I'll collect the apparent porn book that apparently everyone in this era loves to carry around as there seems to be a bit of a pattern to all this, and then I will go lift up the stone on its face to see what the rest of the message might be.

(I'm assuming we will split the loot later, I can't use most of it but I do love gold)