View Full Version : [PF] Psionics-friendly Character Sheet?

2012-06-18, 02:00 PM
Using Dreamscarred Press' psionics rules for Pathfinder, I've built up a handful of characters (both fleshed-out NPCs and proper PCs, for play and for experimentation). However, trying to adjust the normal Pathfinder character sheets for psionics has been... a bit of a cludge. I did some googling, and found a handful of broken links and random homebrew sheets (which may or may not be worthwhile - didn't have the patience to download all manner of files from random websites).

So, simple question - are there any decent character sheets for Pathfinder Psionics out in the wild, yet? Thanks for the assistance!

2012-06-18, 02:11 PM
My group used these (http://pdfcast.org/pdf/nytri-alahn-character-sheet) for a while (I'm really not sure about that website though). The spell casting page is cramped, but it works well enough for the basics.

Personally though, I'd opt for a little notebook. Copy down the spells you know in there and all the relevant information. Saves you from having to flip through the books if someone wants to see the spell you're casting (or in this case manifesting).

EDIT: I should mention, the sheet I linked is not psionic specific, but there's enough room that you can keep track of that stuff.

2012-06-18, 02:17 PM
sadie's PF character sheets (http://charactersheets.minotaur.cc/) are not only awesome, but the ones he did for psionics got DSP's seal of approval. He's here in the Playground too, so drop him a line if you like.

2012-06-18, 06:01 PM
@Psyren: those are fantastic, thanks!

2012-09-06, 09:34 PM
I use TOS+ www.theonlysheet.com and I love it. It is the most powerful character creator tool I have ever used.

Plus, when I want to do something a little homebrew, I can just make up what I want. If I just want to add some manual adjustments, very easy. If I want a more complex, formula based goodness then I just post to the forum and somebody puts it together for me.

I can't say enough good things about the program. I can build a 20th level vow of poverty-saint/half-dragon/half human in about 20 minutes if I don't have to research my feat min maxing. (not that I WOULD create one of those :) )

I hate figuring the math on my characters. I love sitting down to a game and saying, okay let me get a character ready, then in 5-10 minutes I have a 10th level whatever. Or in 2-5 minutes I have a 1st level whatever.

I don't have to do any calculations and when I want to use it in real time I just use the laptop function and it calculates my rounds, spell uses, damage, magic item charges, etc., etc., etc.

All with very minimal input from me.

When others put spell effects on my character or I am being attacked while prone, while nauseated and my enemy is invisible and on higher ground.... lol I don't have to know all those modifiers. i just add the condition on the sheet and voila!, it's all figured into my AC and Attacks.

It allows me to just enjoy the game and not worry about what numbers to add to what. I love it!