View Full Version : Tornado Throw move bonus + flying down, and other minor clarifications

2012-06-18, 08:29 PM
Part of the Setting Sun maneuver Tornado Throw (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/tornado-throw) description is that the initiator can move up to double his speed as part of the maneuver.

Given that an initiator has a fly speed of 60ft(perfect) via race/spells/etc, he could then move up to 120ft(perfect) when initiating Tornado Throw. But a perfect maneuverability would mean that downward movements cost half the movement cost.

Would this then imply that a 120ft(perfect) movement could cover a 240ft downward movement/displacement? If so, that would be a sick +96 bonus to the trip check, potentially throwing the opponent around ~90ft away.

As a minor clarification, can the initiator opt to throw his opponent in a vertical (up in the air, or down to a pit trap or some such) direction?

2012-06-18, 08:43 PM
Part of the Setting Sun maneuver Tornado Throw (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/tornado-throw) description is that the initiator can move up to double his speed as part of the maneuver.

Given that an initiator has a fly speed of 60ft(perfect) via race/spells/etc, he could then move up to 120ft(perfect) when initiating Tornado Throw. But a perfect maneuverability would mean that downward movements cost half the movement cost.

I believe tornado throw means that if you are moving up, you may double your speed which is incompatible with gaining flying bonuses for moving down.

Seriously, I think you can get massive bonuses that way. Throwing your opponents in non-horizontal directions bothers me in the same way using agitate matter to boil a person's eyes bother me. Yes it makes sense, sure I'd like to let you, but I don't know what would happen in a "balanced" world.

Fouredged Sword
2012-06-18, 09:03 PM
There are lots of ways to boost your movement for tornado throw. Travel devotion, wild shape abilities, ect. A player can fly at a 60ft speed, and move his speed (travel devotion) going double movement, and then use tornado throw to move another double movement. Slap on haste and other movement enhancers and you can chalk up silly amounts of damage to multiple targets all while closing from a distance way past where they can make spot checks.

2012-06-18, 11:31 PM
That's what I thought too with regards too flight downward, just trying to get other people's take on things. I was just trying to find yet another way to bump up my speed without resorting to Chuck E. Cheese levels. *cough*Footsteps of the Divine*cough*

With regards too the vertical throw, maybe I could just tell the DM (in case I use it) that it's a fluff thing, as long as the opponent ends up in the ground (so no falling damage). Because hitting/throwing your enemies multiple times in the air then piledrive-throwing him to the ground as a finale makes for an awesome visual. :smallamused:

2012-06-18, 11:39 PM
It's a level 9 maneuver. Even if you somehow managed to add falling damage to every throw within that maneuver, it would be mediocre in comparison to what a lot of other classes can pull at that level.

And I think vertical throws are valid anyway. The wording is "empty space", and there is no exclusion of anything vertical.