View Full Version : How to make it permanently winter?

2012-06-19, 06:59 PM
The winter domain granted power grants you a +2 sacred bonus to wisdom based checks, but only during the winter season. Mere winter weather is not sufficient. Thoughts?

2012-06-19, 07:16 PM
I believe Frostburn has an Epic Spell for that, but that might not be useful to you.

2012-06-19, 07:19 PM
I don't think a "season" is a well-defined game term, and therefore, unlikely to be affected.

Even stuff like Dire Winter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/direWinter.htm) and Fimbulwinter (Frostburn) don't actually change the season, just the weather.

You may be able to create an "always winter" demiplane via Genesis.

Depending on the setting's cosmology and your DM's fondness for catgirls, you may be able to stop the rotation of your home planet.

Or just migrate with the birds.

2012-06-19, 07:21 PM
Or just migrate with the birds.

Wouldn't he need to migrate against the birds?

2012-06-19, 08:02 PM
Cold birds. Like Articuno.

2012-06-19, 08:17 PM
. . .and nevah Christmas?
You fiend!:smalleek:

2012-06-19, 08:20 PM
Is it really worth destroying the world's ecosystems for a measly +2 sacred bonus?!

2012-06-19, 08:22 PM
People work with what they have in hand, be it liquid joy or an ecosystem...

2012-06-19, 08:24 PM
Is it really worth destroying the world's ecosystems for a measly +2 sacred bonus?!

Yes. However, destroying the world for a +1 bonus to Wisdom is only worth it if it brings your score to an even number.

2012-06-19, 08:25 PM
Is it really worth destroying the world's ecosystems for a measly +2 sacred bonus?!

You're not thinking like a spell caster.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Forstburn has a spell 'Ice Age,' which lowers the entire world's temperature by 20 degrees. That should be sufficient for most DMs.

2012-06-19, 08:51 PM
Is it really worth destroying the world's ecosystems for a measly +2 sacred bonus?!

Let me give you the brief answer: Yes, to hell with the ecosystem.

EDIT: To make an entire planet winter year round, you have to set the specific hemisphere you desire in the winter position of the crystal spheres sun. This doesn't work on Oerth since Oerth is a geocentric sphere.

Spells that bring upon winter like effects will not permanently make it winter, just because it is snowing all day errday doesn't mean its winter... I mean just ask Alaska :smallamused:

Agent 451
2012-06-19, 09:15 PM
There's the Major Iceheart in Frostburn as well. It casts Fimbulwinter automatically every 24 hours.

2012-06-19, 09:21 PM
I find this entire line of discussion / optimization wholly reprehensible.

That being said, since you don't care about morals, you could easily locate and awaken Father Llymic, the Elder Evil. His sign is called 'Dead Sun', and it blots out the Sun, plunging the world into eternal winter. Specifically, it causes the temperature to fall by 1 degree every day, forever. If that's not winter, then nothing is.

Ice Age doesn't drop the temperature by 20 degrees --it drops it by 100 degrees, and also brings with it a blizzard that lasts until the spell ends.

The above poster's Major Iceheart is the best and "easiest" solution, as far as I can tell. Check this out:

A major iceheart’s most awesome power is the ability to create a fimbulwinter once per day. A major iceheart casts this spell automatically each day at sunset, unless it has already been used that day to create a fi mbulwinter. Thus, the mere presence of a major iceheart generates a 15-mile-radius zone of eternal winter; the majority of frostfell regions that appear in temperate or tropical climates are the result of the introduction
of a major iceheart into the region.

2012-06-19, 09:51 PM
I believe Hall and Oats win this thread:

Oh, I need a change of season
Oh, I want a little springtime in the fall
Oh, I could use a change of season
Can't stop thinkin' about it baby
And I'm sick about it yeah

Oh, I've been trying to fight this feeling
I know just one little brick
Can break the wall
Oh I might find a change of season
Will bring a freeze in the summer, baby

Seasons change, people change
But you can't hold back the clock
Cause time won't stop for you and me
And the world keeps spinning 'round

Feels like time for a change of season
It's a crime that I should feel this way at all
I can't even find a reason
What do you think about it baby
What you think about it, yeah

Seasons change, people change
You can't turn back the clock
No, time won't stop for you and me
The world keeps spinning 'round

2012-06-19, 10:00 PM
Is it really worth destroying the world's ecosystems for a measly +2 sacred bonus?!

Not destroy, alter. Besides, creatures are expendable, they're a renewable resource after all.

2012-06-19, 10:05 PM
It should also be noted that seasons arent only marked by the weather. If you cast a spell to make it perpetually cold in Florida, it will still have 4 seasons just with different temperature patterns. I'd say to truely make it always be winter you'd have to stop the planet from rotating and even then only 1 part will technically be in winter.

2012-06-19, 10:07 PM
Or make it rotate with me. I'd just need to make sure to never teleport too far or move too quickly. :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-19, 10:12 PM
Or make it rotate with me. I'd just need to make sure to never teleport too far or move too quickly. :smallbiggrin:

That would work even better but lets be honest, if you're a powerful enough caster to make an entire planet rotate via your location, you're not worried about a +2 to wisdom based checks anymore :smallbiggrin:

2012-06-19, 10:18 PM
Optimize your base land speed and take the travel devotion feat. Then, every round walk against the earth as a swift action. The day will never change, let alone the season.

2012-06-19, 10:18 PM
if you're a powerful enough caster to make an entire planet rotate via your location, you're not worried about a +2 to wisdom based checks anymore :smallbiggrin:

...you're not thinking as the typical char op caster...

2012-06-19, 10:31 PM
It all depends how you define winter.
Is it a coldest time of the year? then you will have a hard time, since there will always be a time that is warmer.
Is it a simple date that is set in stone? that will be hard. (or easy, if you find that stone;)
Is it the time with the shortest amount of sun light? not sure how to fix that for you, but i bet there is an epic spell somewhere.
Is it simply the time when is is very very cold, snow is falling, and water freezes? Easy! move north, far north. or cast Fimbulwinter every few months.
Is there an elemental demi-plane of winter? there should be, there is an elemental demi-plane of everything, seriously. If not, the demi-plane of ice or snow should qualify.
May be it is similar as it is on earth, that the southern hemisphere is cold in the summer, and warm in the winter? go on adventures in the south during 'summer' and back north in winter.

Why not just take some down time 3/4 of the year? lots of time crafting items, scribing scrolls, brewing potions, reading books of stat increase, enjoy the local taverns, raising undead if you are into that sort of thing; you know, 'down-time-stuff'.

2012-06-19, 10:34 PM
Just kill a unicorn.:smallwink:

If you get that reference, I applaud your knowledge of cheesy 80s fantasy films.

2012-06-19, 10:39 PM
I have a question related to Dire Winter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/spells/direWinter.htm)...

The epic feat Permanent Emanation states you get to "designate any one of your spells whose area is an emanation from you, such as detect magic. This spell is permanent". It does not have a level restriction, it simply states the spell must be an emanation. It does not even state you use any spell components or burn experience to cast the now permanent spell. With the two, you could in effect have your own personal winter, though it would likely not qualify for the purposes of the bonus.

I suspect the feat is supposed to grant a level 1 - 9 emanation spell, but as written there do not appear to be restrictions. It's a bit of a stretch and I do not know that a DM would be thrilled with you permanently dealing 2d6 cold damage to everything within 1,000 feet, but it isn't half as cheesey as half of the things you can find on these boards (not that I don't approve, mind you).

2012-06-19, 10:40 PM
. . .and nevah Christmas?
You fiend!:smalleek:

Then four young human adventurers, two male, two female arrive to ruin everything.

2012-06-19, 11:03 PM
Then four young human adventurers, two male, two female arrive to ruin everything.
Just kill the little squirts the first chance you get.

2012-06-19, 11:37 PM
Just kill the little squirts the first chance you get.

They use the lion totem.

2012-06-19, 11:43 PM
Eh, personally I'm currently using the Killing Frost magical event in DMG2 in a Epic game. Only real drawback is making sure you make some of the saves and having the down time for 80 hours of ice carving per sculpture, but its a fun experiment while my forces work up the Fimblewinter+Dweomerkeeper plan along with others. :smalltongue:

2012-06-19, 11:55 PM
Just kill a unicorn.:smallwink:

If you get that reference, I applaud your knowledge of cheesy 80s fantasy films.

I just watched that again here not too long ago lol. Still need to try the eject a demon into space thing in a campaign...

On Topic: Move to the tundra or artic regions, kidnap your enemies, then hunt them ala The Most Dangerous Game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Most_Dangerous_Game)?

Aotrs Commander
2012-06-20, 07:05 AM
To expand on whay Wookie-Ranger and Arcanist said, it entirely depends on what the DM classifies as winter. (The word "winter" does not, by itself, dictate ice and snow (e.g. weather), but a time of year where the average tempertaure is lower.)

If he's like me, and is running on an actual planet in space (as opposed to that Spelljammer nonsense I always completely disregard1), he's likely to be using astromonical winter; thus making it winter (which is independant of weather) would require changing the orbit of the planet. That would, incidently, like as not, cause a catastrophic mass extinction event that would likely mean that unless your wizard can be completely dependant on created food, you starve to death (along with everyone else).

(Personally, if someone wanted to try that in a campaign of mine, I'd let them; and when they cast the spell, explain how their character has one moment of terrible comprehension as to how big the world actually is, and the magnitude of the forces involved, and that orders of magnitude are not, in fact, like bigger integers and linear power numbers dervived from D&D do not, in fact, scale exponentially, before the reactionary forces of trying to move a planet come right back at the caster as the spell collapses, reducing them to a fine mist composed of their component atoms.)

On the other hand, the DM may rule that an area of permanently cold weather (which is not quite but sorta close to meteological winter) is sufficient, though even that is unlikely to be doable without access to top-end magic, though you might again get away with moving to an arctic clime in that case.

1Nothing and no-one (no, not even the illustrious Tempest Stormwind could) is ever going to convince me that Spelljammer, was not an incredibly stupid and contrived idea, doubly so because sailing-ships-in-space is one of my biggest gripes at the very best of times even in actual space.

2012-06-20, 10:42 AM
They use the lion totem.
Eh, one always turns traitor, and just off that one.
Now it's no longer 2 Sons of Adam and 2 Daughters of Eve.
Prophesy . . . Averted!
@Aotrs Commander
That assumes you are dealing with a heliocentric solar system.

2012-06-20, 10:58 AM
Pfft, just Iron Heart Surge every non-winter season.

2012-06-20, 11:20 AM
Acorn of far travel and just have the tree somewhere it is winter, viola!

2012-06-20, 11:26 AM
Is it really worth destroying the world's ecosystems for a measly +2 sacred bonus?!

Of course it is :smalltongue:

2012-06-20, 12:59 PM
Winter is a season.

Definitions of season have already been put forth, but the one not yet mentioned is...a calendar-based convention as put forth by local authority.

Charm Person on the king, have him rewrite the calendar to declare all four seasons to be winter...under pain of lots of pain.

2012-06-20, 05:13 PM
Charm Person on the king, have him rewrite the calendar to declare all four seasons to be winter...under pain of lots of pain.

... :smalleek: Really? God forbid he is a sorcerer-king and he passes his Will-save :smallamused: but honestly? I like this idea... Also while your at it have him hand over the entire kingdom to you...

Keld Denar
2012-06-21, 01:23 AM
Just kill a unicorn.:smallwink:

If you get that reference, I applaud your knowledge of cheesy 80s fantasy films.

I got it! Tim Curry's portrayal of Darkness is gonna be my next year's Halloween costume. Already started working on it. My girlfriend will be going as Dark Lilly. Epic!

Aotrs Commander
2012-06-21, 03:59 AM
@Aotrs Commander
That assumes you are dealing with a heliocentric solar system.

Which is why you need to get the DM to define what he classifies as "winter", as specified by the particular game world's mythos and whatnot. (My worlds, for example - even the ones I'm borrowing from D&D continuity to run modules in, and damn what canon is supposed to be - always are heliocentric.)