View Full Version : Broken - a world of multitudes and playtesting [IC]

2012-06-19, 09:10 PM
The world is great place to live. It may contradict itself. One rule works normally here and it means nothing there. It is large. You may have your whole life travelling and you'll see no new places, ever. It contain multitudes, as in everything possible exists somewhere.

There are whole countries with godlike entities living their lives enslaving those who are weaker. There are places where magic dies. Somewhere the power of one's mind is capable of great deeds. You can find where to be a knight or an astronaut. You can enter the matrix and fight dinosaurs. Demons live next door. So do angels. And gods... And ponies...

You can see one sun and one moon. They cycle in days and nights on a blue sky. There are deserts and frozen wastes. There are huge mountains and deep caverns. There is sea abysses and flying continents.

In spoilers I'll put OoC information needed for fast access. Longer text OoC goes here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247100). Feel free to talk anything on the OoC Thread.

Dice rolls goes here. And, when you roll, please spoil them.

You will see me using a tag like these:

[Seigfried] and [Mirabel]

on IC text to make it easier for the players to know when that part of the description is happening around them.

When your character speaks, put some quotation marks ("") and add a personal color. Choose one and stick with it.

Please proceed to describe your characters' appearences and say a little who they are and what they have planned for the future and a little of how the world have been interacting with them up to this point.

2012-06-21, 07:43 AM

Once upon a time, there was a girl
Who loved flowers more than anything else
Every day she offered up prayers
To let the town be filled with flowers
To that end she left no weed alive
Uprooting every one and throwing them all away
Finally the girl's wish was granted
And the town was filled with flowers.
However, this town that was filled with all colors of flowers
Somehow it seemed to be a grey landscape

Sometimes things don't go as planned. And sometimes the hero isn't who you thought it was.

Siegfried looks every inch the noble prince. It exudes from every pore, infusing the very air around him. People he passes on the street, who know nothing about him, comment to eachother about how much he looks like one. His features are almost too delicate, to pure, to be entirely real. He moves from place to place slowly, seemingly aimlessly, as if only tangentially connected to the real world.

...which, of course, is the case. As the ageless host of The Raven, impatience is almost a null concept. Almost. Right now though, one of the Prince's heart shards has been detected in a remote community in the mountains. It's impossible to know what retrieving it might entail, as each one seems to follow its own logic and rules. All he knows is that it will likely have corrupted whoever was unfortunate enough to receive it, and that retrieving it will bring The Raven one step closer to freedom and domination over this entire world.

His step light despite his armor, and his eyes full of the certainty of inevitable victory, Siegfried follows the road that will take him to the town where his quest awaits.

2012-06-21, 03:14 PM
Mirabel no longer knew how long it had been since she left the world of men to take up the mantle of a guardian of nature, but it had been some considerable time. And so it was with some trepidation that she stood on the cliff overlooking the town below and some ways distant, a drop of several hundred feet. Not fear, never that, but an unease at once more entering the world of societal structure, where obvious need often took a back seat to customs older than time.

The wind gusted briefly, sending a spray of waist-length blonde hair across her vision. Instead of brushing the offending hair aside, the slender woman idly waved a hand - fair-skinned despite long exposure to the elements - and the breeze abruptly reversed direction, then swirled about around her head and shoulders, picking up and neatly depositing the hair at her back. Mirabel lowered her hand, and the breeze died away.

Something had pulled her to this place, though she did not yet know what it was she was supposed to find. The spirits of the land rarely spoke clearly, even to one who knew what to listen for, and their latest message had been even more cryptic than usual. Mirabel pressed the fingertips of one hand to one cheek, where one of the many swirling scarlet tattoos marked her flesh, a clear sign of her bond with the spirits. The tattoos appeared wrought from her own blood at first glance, glistening red as they were, though a closer examination would reveal the unbroken skin beneath. The majority of the tattoos were covered by the simple clothing Mirabel wore, ragged approximations of a blouse and skirt of heavy cloth, though woven from a fabric not of mortal weaves; in the right light, star-like pinpricks could be seen in the folds of the dark cloth, winking in and out as Mirabel shifted.

Still watching the town below, she took her hair in her hands and quickly began forming it into a simple braid. She was needed here, but why? Hers were the affairs of the world and nature's children, not of people and towns. Still, the need had been great, and so she had made all haste. There was no point waiting...

Mirabel released her braid, then leapt off the cliff. As her feet left the ground, she embraced the fire, feeling the familiar warmth fill her veins until her entire body seemed a glowing ember; flames burst from her fingertips, streaming out behind her in a great red-orange torrent as she fell. Her drop slowed, then stopped, leaving her floating in the air mere feet above the ground, the fire rushing from her fingers flowing up her back to form a cloak of liquid flame that shifted in the breeze. Strangely, the fire did not scorch her or the ground below, though it radiated a heat to match her own.

Mirabel willed herself to descend the remaining distance, then dismissed the cloak with a flick of her fingers, the fires vanishing in a flash of emerald light. Smoke still trailing from her fingertips, Mirabel began striding toward the town with a swift, determined pace.

Yikes, sorry about that wait. I completely missed the posting of the links. :smallredface:

2012-06-21, 03:40 PM

Siegfried always seems to feel like something is missing. He lives his life seeking, but not knowing exactly what he seeks, really.

He doesn't put much thought into it, though. Something prevents him from thinking seriously about it, really.

He founds a nice old lady who seems to be in distress. She asks him, being a known noble soul if he could do her a favour.

"You see, my only son has been to the city to deliver some goods we produce on our little poor farm. He is been away for far too long. I am woried for his life. He is such a good boy. I have nobody to try to find him, and if I don't have his help on my farm I will certainly... die... alone..."

she sobs


A whisper from the winds hint you that something unnatural has risen and is taking over the land subtly. The north howls with a dark echoing wind.

The corruption comes from that place. If it is left it will darken the lands and the nature even.

You suddenly feel nervous, north is the high kingdom of Dorah, the last court of the high men, a brave people who have heroic fame. This is the largest country around. With the biggest and most crowded cities. You certainly hope this investigation won't take you beyond the outskirts of the countryside.

2012-06-21, 10:27 PM

Siegfried bows in a flourish. "Of course, dear madam. Your son deserves all the help I can bestow. On my honor, if you tell me his name I will return him to you if it is within my power to do so." Despite his kind words, his lips curl in something that could almost be a smirk, and his tone is just short of mocking. But his amber eyes flash with sincerity as they look deep into hers...

Diplomacy [roll0], just for the heck of it.

2012-06-22, 07:37 AM

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" she says "His name is Harry Reioh, of the proudlands. He is a tall man with deep dark eyes"

She hands you a basket.

"These are fruit for him to travel back. Will you give him those?"

2012-06-22, 08:07 AM

"Of course. By your leave?" Taking the basket, he heads off in the indicated direction. What a pitiful specimen. But then, that goes for all such mortals. And he so loved feeding on their despair and hopelessness - but such things took time. Ground work. Few arrived plump on his doorstep, ripe for the feeding. First, hope must be built up, focused, refined. And doing that meant playing the hero.

Siegfried studiously avoided wondering if perhaps The Prince's nature was influencing him more than he thought in his choice of tactics. No, he was certainly not harboring any desires to actually save the old lady. Certainly not. Certainly he was merely setting her up to crush her later. Yes....

He carried on towards the city.

2012-06-22, 10:17 AM

The road to the city is rocky and leads to an ascending path to a mountain. You may try to go around the mountain, through a forest, but it would take days. Going up the mountain is tiresome but is considerably faster.

Legend says that there used to be tunnels dug by dwarves that lead to the city underground. This underground passage has been abandonned and no rumor has been heard of it since.


You notice an entrance half hidden behind some rocks. It might be the entrance to the dwarven tunnels you heard.

2012-06-22, 10:47 AM

Abandoned city. Hmm. The Prince's heart-shards tend to favour romantic locations like that. Maybe that was the vague pulling he'd felt? His eyes narrow.

One step at a time though. And plenty of time. Always time.

Siegfried marks the passageway in his mind, but continues down the forest path.

2012-06-22, 11:07 AM
Mirabel tilts her head, listening to the windborne message. North, toward the corruption. Nothing for it but to proceed as quickly as possible.

With a quick word, she calls a transparent, luminescent form from the air, a creature of thin mist and pale yellow light in the shape of a badger. She crouches before the badger and confers with it briefly, as much for her own benefit as passing her message along to the others of the spirit's kind.

"Duty calls us all to do that which we would rather not in time. We go to the realms of men and their cities; with luck, we may yet avoid entering the heart of their land, but we go even if this proves impossible. For the sake of all those who will come after, we go."

Nodding confidently, she stands and begins moving northward at a quick pace, the misty badger streaking along at her side.

I wasn't entirely sure if Mirabel was supposed to meet up with Siegfried immediately or not. If yes, just assume her path takes her in his general direction. She can move fairly speedily between her phoenix cloak and Longstrider + Divine Blessing.

2012-06-22, 02:22 PM

You walk and soon you find yourself in a deep green forest. Even if it is a nice summer's day, the place seems dark and damp.

You notice some miles ahead a small group of men bullying and probably stealing from a short skinny girl.

Neither her or the men notices something you see. A large furry beast approaches silently. It seems like it has dinner plans for the men and the girl.


You walk and soon you see the town walls. Before you approach it however you see some militia or town guard (a group of five well armed men) coming your way. They clang as they walk proudly. They might have noticed you, or might not.

2012-06-22, 02:47 PM

A quiver of vestigial instinct has him leaning towards saving the girl... but at that distance it's hardly worth thinking about, and the thought accordingly slips from his mind as if it hadn't been there in the first place. Well, perhaps the men and the beast will kill each other. Or one side or the other will be wounded in the exchange. Any number of things could happen.

Siegfried continued walking unhurriedly. Either there was something relevant there when he arrived, or there wouldn't be. He wasn't overly concerned either way.

2012-06-22, 03:17 PM

The sneaky monster uses such a force that he puts all men unconscious with a swing of his club.

He looks straight to the girl and growls.

2012-06-22, 04:16 PM

None of Siegfried's personalities were much for sneaking. Whatever this beast was, it's in his way and seems likely to remain that way at least a short while more. Better to dispose of it before it sees him. A bolt of midnight blackness extends from his hand towards the creature, as dark energy seeps from the raven on his shoulder to permeate the air around him

Raven: Unholy Aura. I seriously doubt this thing's Good-aligned or uses SLAs, but it's still +2 AC and you never know.

MOVE: advance to 60' away from the beast.
SWIFT: Torment, DC 23 Will.
STANDARD: Ray of Enfeeblement, Ranged Touch (vs flatfooted?) [roll0], for a [roll1] penalty to its Strength score.

Current AC: 36

2012-06-22, 04:20 PM

The big beast shrinks whining as he weakens.

"What the...? What do you think you are doing with this poor soul?" asks the angry lady "This man just save my life from those bandits and you reward him by flinging some magic ray... Really nice of you!"

She is pretty mad.

2012-06-22, 04:51 PM

".....". He grimaces in frustration. Being lectured to by some idiot who couldn't even take care of herself! Beak and claw and feather sprang from his form, and the very air around the two began to crack and crumble in the face of The Raven's onslaught. Horrible twisted talons reached through to grasp at them, and it seemed like all the world had suddenly been shrouded in night.

RAVEN: total defensive on my shoulder.

SWIFT: Ravenous Flock.
MOVE: fly 40' forward, 20' up
STANDARD: Nevermove, centered between them.

On the man, opposed grapple [roll0]. If successful, [roll1] damage, plus an extra 14 if it failed that Will save.

On the woman, opposed grapple [roll2]. If successful, [roll3] damage.

Both take an additional 14 points of magical piercing damage at the end of my turn, and I heal for 28 if I've somehow taken damage by then.

2012-06-22, 11:07 PM
You harm the beast and the lady fall motionless. The gruesome creature flyes into a powerful berserk fury. It growls and fights, but nothing he can do seem to harm you.

2012-06-22, 11:13 PM
Mirabel pauses where she is, watching the guardsmen but making no move to approach them or strike up a distant conversation. She holds herself warily, watchful for signs of hostility.

Wait to see what the guards do. Ready action to cast Flame Strike if they attack.

2012-06-22, 11:32 PM

With The Raven fully in control, there was nothing for it except the thrill of the combat, the revelling in pain and sorry and blood. And such exquisite pain!

AC is... uh, -2 for not moving, +2 for Unholy Aura, +4 natural from Ravenous Flock, -1 size from the same.... AC 37, unless I'm forgetting something? :smalltongue:

RAVEN: Aid another on attack; [roll0] <- if this is a nat1, subtract two from all my attack rolls.

Full attack.
Sword [roll1], damage [roll2]
Sword [roll3], damage [roll4]
Sword [roll5], damage [roll6]
Bite [roll7], damage [roll8]

2012-06-24, 10:20 AM
You hit twice with your sword and the beast find himself very hurt and bleeding. The sight of his own blood make him snap out of rage and he tries to flee.

He run really fast for a beast his size.

2012-06-25, 07:47 AM

With a raucous caw, the Corvuscular form that technically still was Siegfried dived after the fleeing beast.

Raven: Aid Another (attack). [roll0] <- if a 1, subtract 2 from the following attack roll.

SWIFT: Wraithstrike
FULL-ROUND: Battle Leader's Charge (no AoO on movement), Power Attack for 8

Touch Attack [roll1], damage [roll2].

An extra 14 damage to him at the end of my turn.

AC 39

2012-06-25, 09:09 AM
The beast falls dead.

Something strange happens, then... His large body shrinks and the fur falls and when the process is finished his body is of a normal human male. He has dark hair and fair skin. He turns to you surprised. What was certainly dead, lives now with a new form.

"You... You saved me from the curse? Am I not a beast anymore?"

2012-06-25, 09:33 AM

Siegfried's Ravenous Flock form disolves, returning him to human form. He stands poised as if mid-dance, his features momentarily serene as he dips to take the man's hand. But even as he raises him up, his eyes flash with burning intensity. "You are mine. Your heart belongs to me, never more to be tread upon by that world which does not understand you. Offer yourself up as a willing sacrifice, and you will never fear rejection and betrayal again...."

Diplomacy [roll0].

In the show this kind of made them empty and passive (ie totally ineffective as a minion) unless the title character was there to snap them out of it, and The Raven would derive sustainance from them. No special mechanics are necessary unless it amuses you. I don't really intend to bring him along in either case.

2012-06-25, 09:41 AM
"Yes, master... I owe you my existence! My human life!" he says

It would amuse me if he went with you, so... :smallamused:

2012-06-25, 09:54 AM

Placing a finger on the man's forhead, Siegfried draws some of the energy from the man's heart into himself... and into The Raven.

It feeds.

After a time, he turns back to the path. There is still some distance to go, and as yet no sign of The Prince's heart-shard.

2012-06-25, 12:46 PM

The path is uncertain sometimes. It fades and reappears a few miles ahead. And as you walk down your path to mind your business, the man - who up to some time ago was a beast - follows you silently.

The night approaches and you feel a little tired... Suddenly you notice a light nearby. Seems like fire, maybe.

2012-06-25, 07:02 PM

This body needs rest. Very well. Siegfried heads towards the fire, expecting to find a spot to camp for the night.

2012-06-25, 09:46 PM

But he finds a small cozy cottage and the fire is from a fireplace you see inside through a window.

It does not seem to be locked and it does not seem to be anyone in there at the moment (but the fire is lit, so we may guess they will be coming shortly).

2012-06-25, 10:53 PM

Turning to his odd companion: "Do you know this place?"

2012-06-26, 07:23 AM

"Ahh... No?" he looks confused

You notice, through the window, some beds good for rest. There is also food on the table.

2012-06-26, 09:58 AM

Bearfolk. And likely a golden-haired girl around some place. Potential. Definite potential, more firm than some vague pulling towards the city.

He sat down by the front gate and resolved to wait for an hour. Time, after all, was on his side...

2012-06-26, 10:01 AM

They approach with weapons at hand, but don't seem like they are going to attack without any notice.

"Hey, you!" shouts one of them, who seems like the leader "I'm talking to you, girl..."

His voice is aggressive.

"You know this is the King's road? It means you should give us money to use it. Or else!"


"Hunc, Hunc" a sound you hear from the door like a big creature sniffing "I can smell a trespasser here, Ma!"

"Hunc, Hunc" another time but a new voice, female but not more gentle "Indeed! Who is insane enough to enter our house, Pa?"

2012-06-26, 10:24 PM

"I have no money to give you, and would not even if I did. Stand aside or be removed from my path. Now."

Ready action to cast Bite of the Werebear if they attack.

2012-06-27, 07:14 AM

"Cute" says one of them "So you can't pass, girl..."

2012-06-27, 08:07 AM

That cloyingly sweet voice again. "No trespassers here, noble Bearfolk, just some humble adventurers hoping to be of service to our ursine neighbours."

2012-06-27, 02:24 PM

The three bear-folk that resided there caught your scent and your words.

"Interesting" said Ma "Little pink hairless ape has something unusual about him..."
"How would you help people like us, little one?" says the child-bear, that, even being a child, is bigger than you.
"I am curious as well, son" said Pa

2012-06-27, 02:27 PM

I have no quarrel with you, but the earth belongs to all who walk it, not those who name themselves king, and certainly not to the likes of you." She pauses, considering, then continues. "But if you insist..."

She conjures the cloak of flames, then flies up and over the heads of the men.

Phoenix Cloak gives me permanent perfect maneuverability flight, so meh. Let them have their silly road. :smalltongue:

2012-06-27, 07:03 PM

They look at you without believing...

"Cheater" says one of the soldiers

2012-06-27, 10:27 PM

What avenue of approach to take. Hmm. Information, first. "Have you had any trouble with other humans? Any strange events in the area? It would be an honor to be of service to you, and all we ask in return is to share your knowledge of these parts."

2012-06-28, 08:15 AM

"Believe what you wish," Mirabel says as she flies past. "Perhaps one day that belief will enable you to stop those you would waylay."

She continues on toward her destination.

2012-06-28, 09:13 AM

"Can he, Pa?" asks the "little" boy
"We'll see, son" he looks suspicious "Some time ago I was king... The mightiest and fiercest king in all land. I was worship and feared. But humans drove out of my throne and I was cursed never to be able to grow to power on my own accord again."
"You see? I was the fairest queen and a terrible witch would not let me have that" said Ma
"If one person of other kind would break the curse, I would rule again, you see?" said Pa "The queen had found this piece of dark blood magic and uses its power to do all kinds of wickedness..."

You hear this and understand... There one thing that could do this... A piece of a tainted heart.

"What do you say?" asks Pa "We know where the Witch dwell" he said with a big grin. "And we can reward you handsomely... You like it, don't you?"


You fly away ignoring the rants of those man. And soon you see the city and just outside the castle stands a tower with arcane marks. You immediately feel ill just by looking at it. Something unnatural is there. That is the place.

2012-06-28, 09:40 AM

"It is the duty of the noble-hearted to slay evil where they find it", Siegfried says totally straight-faced. "Very well. Where is this Witch and what can you say of her defences?"

2012-06-28, 10:10 AM

"Going through the road you see going round the mountain you'll reach the most beautiful city of all the land. There you'll find a tower and inside it you will find the witch and the focus of her curses." says Pa "I can say that the only way to enter the tower without the witch noticing is through a tunnel ancient as the foundation of the earth that goes beneath it."

"You see" says Ma "The castle was ours and so was the tower, there was an escape tunnel that connected the tower and the castle and a little house just outside the city's walls."

"Take this" said Pa while he handed you an ordinary feather amulet "It opens all doors of the tunnels, including the door of the little house Ma mentioned."

2012-06-28, 10:20 AM

"If it is as you say, I shall return to you shortly with glad tidings. I bid you good day, and well wishes for your kingdom once it is restored."

Heh. Odds are any dramatic change in management around here would be disastrous for the peasantry. Well, that's not his business.

Siegfried takes down their directions as best he can, and heads up to the exit of the escape tunnels.

2012-06-28, 02:53 PM

You travel through the forest and soon you see a large field extending green and beautiful. A good place to tend horses.

In some distance you see a city of beauty and marvels. With jeweled and colorful roofs and a castle of riches and wonders. And you feel fuzzy and warm inside when you look at a single tower that stands outside the castle, but inside the city limits.

That is the place you wanted to go.

2012-06-29, 09:55 AM

That is the place you wanted to go.

Uh.... *goes*? :smallwink:

2012-06-29, 10:10 AM
You arrive at the city doors, imponent and heavy. They open as you approach. It is a time of peace, and everyone is welcome.

When you get to the tower you see that there is no door. There are a couple of windows. You feel the magic over over the tower.

You notice a person flying towards the tower.

2012-06-29, 10:38 AM

Siegfried peers towards the flying figure, but only gives it a little attention before returning to the matter at hand - finding that "escape tunnel".

Spot: [roll0]

2012-06-29, 10:50 AM

As you have entered the city (by east) you saw nothing, the little house could be the other side of it (west), probably. The city walls prevent you to find it, though.

2012-06-29, 11:08 PM

You fly away ignoring the rants of those man. And soon you see the city and just outside the castle stands a tower with arcane marks. You immediately feel ill just by looking at it. Something unnatural is there. That is the place.

*continues flying*

2012-06-30, 01:48 AM

"Wait here", the silver-haired man said to his companion. "Find a job, find a house, and prepare for my return. Your loyalty will be remembered after my ascention, but you cannot follow me where I am going."

With that he moves off through the city, heading westward where the house could be.

2012-07-02, 07:32 AM

You reach the tower and it does not have doors. It have only a couple of windows you might fit. They feel like there is some spell bound in them. They don't look completely natural.

When you look through them you notice something is definitely wrong. There were six windows.

One seems to go to a beach. Sunny and deserted.

Other leads to a dark tunnel. You notice trolls in them.

The third goes to a ballroom, and people dance and sing but they look unhappy and tired.

The fourth leads to a place that looks like hell. There is fire, lava and fiends.

The fifth is filled with water. You see fishes swimming.

The last seems to match the tower with arcane runes on the walls and several vials of potions and alchemical laboratories.


You find the house and open its door. You find an entrance to a dark tunnel. You walk some time in there until you find an entrance. The symbol on the this door seems to match the appearance of your amulet. The door opens and you find yourself climbing a ladder until you reach a stone worked floor. You see yourself entering what seems to be the first floor of the tower from behind a statue that moved for you to pass.

This floor has a black and white decoration. There are two large statues of warriors near some stairs going up. There is a black wodden door with white arcane symbols leading west.

You hear some whispers from behind the door.

2012-07-02, 07:51 AM

Stepping only on black tiles, Siegfried advances toward the door in the perhaps optimistic hope of hearing more of the words.

2012-07-02, 08:42 AM
"...he said there is nobody left. He said you should do it" says a harsh male voice "There is no denying it. They all died..."

"Why? I don't want to do it!" says a woman, probably. Seems like a low voice of an elderly woman. "I have worked myself to exhaustion here to become only a serving pawn to some ignorant fool of a lord of something"

"Do not say it this loud. Someone could hear you..."

"He wants me to go there, where nobody ever came back to do his dirty business. Nice of him. Have they sensed it at least or they are just playing guessing games?"

"I'd bet on guessing, m'lady" he says "I've heard people talking of a flying person coming."

"Yes, I noticed. That thing will take care of whoever tries anything stupid"

"Okay... Good bye, mylady" he says and suddenly you hear some form of high-pitched noise and you sense some smoke coming from the inside.

The conversation stopped and silence took over.

2012-07-02, 08:48 AM

Hmm. A piece of the puzzle, certainly, but one that requires more context. Rather than interrupt whoever's there and risk the wards on the door, he headed towards the staircase - still carefully stepping on black tiles. You never know, in this sort of place.

2012-07-02, 09:20 AM
You reach the second floor where everything is red and blue. The shocking combination hurts the eye if you stare long enough. It is a hallway designed in a curve. At both ends of the hallway there are torches burning blue flames.

Here there are a couple of doors facing each other to the left (they are blue with red runes) and a window. To the right there are ascending stairs, but seem blocked by some rubble and a broken section.

The window does not seem to lead outside. Looking through it you see a mountain with a snowy peak. It seems like a desolate land with unfertile soil. No human seems able to live there. On that mountain there is something... something you cannot describe with words. Something that does not belong. Something you can't see or experience through the window, but it is there.

2012-07-02, 04:07 PM

Mirabel flies through the window that seems to match the rest of the tower, then glances around, looking for either an exit deeper into the tower, or the source of the corruption.

2012-07-02, 06:58 PM

Not exactly a stranger to "things that don't belong in this world", Siegfried turns from the window to try the nearest door.

Does the amulet work here too? He'll try it first; if nothing happens stow it and try the door normally.

2012-07-03, 07:29 AM

You fly through the window and some weird magic captures you and send you to a dark hall. You notice bars and a magical device in the middle of the room. A light comes from a door being opened. Then you notice the room is blue and red and a man is opening the door carefully.


The amulet does not seem to work on these doors, but luckily it is not locked. You open the door and see a small room with some type of elevated cage, similar to a bird's cage, but big enough to fit one person. And there is a woman there.

2012-07-03, 09:15 AM

"Pardon the intrusion, ma'am. Are you in need of assistance?"

2012-07-03, 09:22 PM

Mirabel looks around, then sighs and nods her head. "I have little doubt I could escape this imprisonment, but I would rather not use the abilities necessary in such... confined spaces. If you possess a key, please, by all means."

2012-07-03, 10:23 PM

Hmm. She doesn't seem particularly distressed. That usually makes trying to feed on them ineffective. "Well, there are keys and there are keys. Let us see..."

First he holds up the amulet, under the vague hope it'll do something. If not, he'll give the lock a tap with his adamantine sword. Ignoring hardness means he should be able to whittle his way in without a big (and dangerous) wind up and swing.

2012-07-04, 07:17 AM
[Siegfried and Mirabel]

The amulet seems not to do anything. But the sword breaks the lock easily.

A cold wind comes from the door, and you notice that the color of the floor decoration starts to change randomly. Eventually it stops on a gold color where it was blue and where it was red is now a polished mirror.

The strange effect makes you feel that you're being watched by infinite eyes.

2012-07-05, 06:57 AM

"Well. That was unusual. Shall we?" The silver-haired man inclines in a half bow, extending one hand towards the strange woman and indicating the door with the other.

2012-07-05, 09:57 AM


Mirabel hops down and strides toward the door.

2012-07-05, 10:59 AM
Out of thin air it appears a group of strange warriors outside of the cage room. They are armed with blades with awkward angles and they are wearing armor made of a material that looks like it can be easily torn. Three of them stand dumb there, confused by her escape.

2012-07-07, 06:59 AM

Siegfried looks at the men for a minute, and then back to the woman with him. "Are these gentlemen with you?"

2012-07-07, 08:43 AM


Mirabel takes up a defensive posture, readying flows of divine magic should the men prove as hostile as she fears.

Ready action to Flame Strike the group (not Siegfried) if they take hostile action.

2012-07-07, 06:12 PM
Initiative order:

Mirabel: 17
Siegfried: 13
Weird Guys: 5

Mirabel prepared her flame strike to torch them. What will Siegfried do?

2012-07-07, 08:51 PM

Circling warily, Siegfried readies a spell to help deal with whatever these scoundrels do.

Move 10' to activate Absolute Steel Stance, Readying Haste on himself and Mirabel.

2012-07-10, 09:11 AM
[Mirabel and Siegfried]

They advance wielding their weird blades in order to attack you. Two of them swings their weapons to slash Mirabel and the third uses a strange attack trying to weaken Siegfried. The curved blade of his weapon seems to have a dark energy as it slashes his skin, leaving his body stiff and his muscles hard to move.

The first two try regular attacks against Mirabel and they both miss.
The third uses Strength Draining Attack and hits Siegfried and he succeeds his fort for half.

Mirabel torches the enemies with fire and brilliant energies. They, however, emerge almost unharmed by the attack. Siegfried uses his spells to augment the speed of reaction of himself and Mirabel.

Second turn. Goes Mirabel, Siegfried and the three of them.