View Full Version : Brainstorming Challenges for a One-Shot

2012-06-19, 10:59 PM
Warning to players: If you've ever played in a game featuring a kobold statue with a portal gun, stay the hell out!

Anyway, I'm going to be running a goofy one-shot this weekend. After some deliberation, I decided that having a bunch of characters with no backstories running around a quirky dungeon for an ill-defined purpose can really only lend itself to one theme:

"Greetings, test subject. The Enrichment Center hopes that you enjoyed your sleep cycle and are feeling refreshed for the next test."

So yeah. I'm going to have a handful of random level 7 adventurers running around Aperture Labs. Naturally, it'll be a very D&D-icized version, with things to fight and so on, especially since they won't have portal guns. But the theme and the idea will be there. (Turrets make excellent minions, by the way.)

So, any thoughts for what I can put in there? I think I've got turrets planned out, though I'm debating whether them opening fire when someone steps in their field of view should be an immediate action or an opportunity action. Aerial Faith Plates, Thermal Discouragement Beams, and orange gel are all pretty straightforward to D&D-icize. (Blue gel will be a little bit trickier, and white gel will be irrelevant, since the PCs won't have actual portal guns.) What else can I throw in? Any ideas for monsters, given that there's gotta be combat? There will be portals, but the PCs won't be in control of them. I'm thinking that some of the challenges will be able to be bypassed without destroying the enemies, but some of them will require things the enemies are holding and guarding, with the intent being to mix up whether killing everything that moves is necessarily the optimal strategy (while still recognizing that the heart of D&D is killing things and taking their stuff, like it or not). Thoughts, comments, suggestions? I've got a fair bit of stuff to work with, I think, but you never know what the Playground can come up with.

2012-06-19, 11:38 PM
Why not a couple rounds of Fourthcore TDM?

But if you're stuck on a Portal game, I'd probably make most monsters trap synergetic and difficult/impossible to kill or respawn after some delay when destroyed. Essentially make most encounters a skill challenge/puzzle under pressure.

Arena style encounters could be fun too, but again, feature lots of traps and terrain elements to be used and abused by allies and enemies alike, perhaps making them even pivotal to winning a combat (or at least completing it without heavy resource losses) they must fight.

2012-06-20, 07:14 PM
You should also make it mandatory to say things like "I need to hack through this window...could you...turn your back for a second? Thanks. [CRASH!] Hacked." when making thievery checks, or "Fatty. Adopted fatty. Fatty fatty no parents" for vicious mockery. Just see how many bad Portal [1/2] references you can come up with.

You could also add in some sort of random teleporting terrain, and fluff it as a rotating portal gun or such. A PC getting it allows you to affect the terrain once before the portal gun moves back.

Please post turret stats once you have some, I'd love to use some of these!

2012-06-20, 08:36 PM
Offer them cake...

Then don't give them any...