View Full Version : Twin Peaks: Does it Get Better?

2012-06-20, 08:47 AM
After searching top TV show lists for a new (to me) show to watch I kept coming across Twin Peaks, so I watched the pilot last night. It left me wondering, does it get any better? It was incredibly cheesy, every other line of dialogue was peppered with cliches and there were odd moments that seemed more like they belonged in a comedy (for example a student hammer sliding off screen in the high school hallway). I'm going to keep watching, it did get a lot of critical acclaim, cheesy quirky shows aren't the worst thing, and I don't give shows final judgements until 5 or so episodes in.
I just wanted to know if the pilot was indicative of the whole show, they often aren't.

Tiki Snakes
2012-06-20, 08:55 AM
If you didn't enjoy the pilot, you might as well save time and find something else to watch. If it doesn't leave you wanting more, you'll only end up getting frustrated as you go further.

It is indicative of the show, there's no sudden break in style or anything like that coming with the next episode.

2012-06-20, 09:21 AM
My title probably exaggerated my dislike, I enjoyed it, quirky cheesiness can be good, it was just different than what I expected going into it. I was mostly looking for whether or not that was standard for the show.

2012-06-20, 12:56 PM
I actually think it does shift slightly after the pilot. Maybe it's just that all the characters aren't quite in place until after the pilot; they did film the rest of the series a little later.

It's always got that weird quirkiness to it, though, and tends to have a sense of humor mixed in with the dark, creepy, tragic stuff; though it also makes good use of scene transitions so that the humor doesn't usually step on the more dramatic things. And yes, it is a bit soapy at times.

The middle third of the second season is...not so great. I think it was during this time that Lynch and Frost weren't so connected with the show, and ABC was doing a lot of meddling. A certain character leaves town and has an adventure elsewhere that's just frankly got no business being in the show.

Still, one of my favorite shows. :smallwink: (But it's not for everyone.)

"I'm a WHOLE DAMN TOWN!!" :biggrin:
I'd give it a couple more episodes until Albert Rosenfeld shows up. If you don't like Albert (as a character, if not as a person), then...maybe TP isn't for you. Maybe. I dunno. I should watch it again.

2012-06-20, 01:01 PM
Citizen Kane is boring and full of cliches too, best avoid :)

The pilot is probably representative, but do stick around for the autopsy and funeral. It does get weird for weird's sake later on.

2012-06-20, 02:48 PM
I actually think it does shift slightly after the pilot. Maybe it's just that all the characters aren't quite in place until after the pilot; they did film the rest of the series a little later.

It's always got that weird quirkiness to it, though, and tends to have a sense of humor mixed in with the dark, creepy, tragic stuff; though it also makes good use of scene transitions so that the humor doesn't usually step on the more dramatic things. And yes, it is a bit soapy at times.

The middle third of the second season is...not so great. I think it was during this time that Lynch and Frost weren't so connected with the show, and ABC was doing a lot of meddling. A certain character leaves town and has an adventure elsewhere that's just frankly got no business being in the show.

Still, one of my favorite shows. :smallwink: (But it's not for everyone.)

"I'm a WHOLE DAMN TOWN!!" :biggrin:
I'd give it a couple more episodes until Albert Rosenfeld shows up. If you don't like Albert (as a character, if not as a person), then...maybe TP isn't for you. Maybe. I dunno. I should watch it again.

That's actually one of what I was hoping, the characters seemed to fit better as the pilot went along if it was all as bad acting as how the parents reacted to learning that (or more accurately jumping to the conclusion that) their daughter was dead, I'd have given up.

Citizen Kane is boring and full of cliches too, best avoid :)

The pilot is probably representative, but do stick around for the autopsy and funeral. It does get weird for weird's sake later on.

Except unlike Citizen Kane, Twin Peaks wasn't made in a formative period making it the source of cliche, but instead is drawing the cliche from other sources. Which is again not bad, I just sorta expected more originality from such critically acclaimed (and popular) a show.

2012-06-20, 04:49 PM
Twin Peaks actually did lay some ground in terms of serial plots over episodic, which, I think, was part of its great appeal in its day. With only a couple of exceptions, each episode takes place over the course of a single day.

I get what you mean with regards to Laura's parents. Good GOD that woman can scream... I still think Ray Wise (Laura's dad) is entertaining, though. :smallsmile:

Of course now you have to promise to tell us more of your impressions/theories as you continue to watch--assuming you do continue. Don't let anyone spoil you on the plot!

2012-06-20, 10:08 PM
I think the question's been answered satisfactorily, so here's a thing:

Darkness and Cherry Pie: David Lynch’s Map of Twin Peaks. (http://bigthink.com/strange-maps/507-darkness-and-cherry-pie-david-lynchs-map-of-twin-peaks)

And a bigger version of the map itself. (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2248/2229372901_69ee4a9e55_o.jpg)

Mauve Shirt
2012-06-24, 01:20 PM
Twin Peaks is awesome, the first season and the first 2 episodes of the second season. The rest are crummy. And the finale is just, AGH.