View Full Version : Help me please, sooner the better

2012-06-20, 04:25 PM
Ok so im playing DND for the first time with some of my freinds, im a barbar that is a chaotic evil and my other two freinds are a chaotic evil cleric who warships erythnul and a chaotic good ranger, so we cleared out a spider den for an old man, he payed us 300 gold but he foolishly showed all of his money.

Me and the cleric decided to help him home, when we got there we kinda atack him, the cleric did death toch, and got 11 out of his 15 hp gone, then he bite my butt and we ran like little girls.

we know he has 15 hp and my barbar can do up to 18 dmg and a min of 7 so would you recommend supprise attacking it or what.

2012-06-20, 04:29 PM
He... bit you? For how much damage? Old men typically don't have a bite attack...

(I'm not sure mixing alignments on your first game of D&D is a great idea either, though at least there's no paladin around.)

2012-06-20, 04:40 PM
Charge! For more to hit bonus and damage. Also set his home on fire.

2012-06-20, 04:43 PM
Fly into a rage and flatten that sorry old bastard for biting you.

2012-06-20, 04:43 PM
I'd say go for it and attack him. The best thing to remember in D&D is dying isn't nearly as bad as it seems (especially at low level because you'll catch up quick). If you kill him which it sounds like you could great! If he kills you you just learned how to do it better next time :smalltongue:

2012-06-20, 04:46 PM
Don't attack him. Get a rabies shot instead.

And death touch doesn't deal damage, so whatever you're planning, your base assumptions are probably off.

2012-06-20, 04:50 PM
Wait, why did you run away? If the old man was at 4 hit points, and your barbarian does at least 7 damage on a hit, you could've finished him off easily.

2012-06-20, 05:39 PM
(...) the cleric did death toch, and got 11 out of his 15 hp gone (...)

That's not how Death Touch works, I'm afraid. If it doesn't do enough damage to kill, it doesn't do any damage at all.

My advice is to not attack him again; he has probably searched for help by now. I'd learn from this: either kill it, or leave it alone. No middle road for evil guys.