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2012-06-21, 08:31 AM
It's the beginning of another typical day at Tamagawa High School, especially with for the Paranormal Activity club, who at this point in time is either still on their way to school, or are already at the clubhouse for the morning meeting.

2012-06-21, 09:42 AM
Keita is at the moment in the club room, brewing a cup of tea as he awaits the other members arival... most of all, he's awaiting Kobayashi senpai to arrive.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-21, 02:07 PM
Crap, it's been so long I forgot my character's name.... uh....

A girl walks through the slowly more occupied corridors of the school. A very odd girl. Her vermillion hair is oddly perhaps teh last thing you would notice, as she quit esuspiciously wears a scarf that wraps all around her head - as in, ALL around her head, showing only her dark eyes and some of her hair. Following suit, she wears thick gloves and kneesocks, and a shirt that reaches her ankles in what one can only assume is some sort of uniform violation. In short, every inch of her shin was covered, and you wouldn't even know it was pale, her suspiciosu appearance earning her a few titters from passing early students.

Okay, newly enrolled in this earthling school. You can do this, you were trained every day to infiltrate. Despite such training, she doesn't seem to mind speaking out loud; the silent voice of reason calls out from the multiverse that she may just be what teh Paranormal Activity club needed. They said she was here... She swings the door open, entering and bowing deeply, not even looking at the club contents at first - it could be a janitor's closet for all she knew with the lack of peripheral vision her scarf-headgear-thing left her with. Excuse me, I would like to join this club.

2012-06-21, 02:46 PM
"Splendid!" sang the perky blonde from besides the newcomer. "Please, please come in" she added merrily as she gestured towards the club. Smiling widely as reached out to place her hand on the girls back and usher her inside.

Upon spotting Orita, Amaya beamed. "Good morning dearest Keita! I am ever so glad to see you." she greeted as she noticed Keita brewing tea, " Keita, please serve our honorable guest something to drink," she politely requested as she turned to their guest.

"Please, take a seat," she offered with a slight bow.

2012-06-21, 03:53 PM
''Ah, um... yes, right away s-s-senpai'' Keita, flustered by Amaya's rather affectionate greeting looks through the box of teabags, picking at random, hoping it's something the newcomer likes.

Luck roll to pick the right tea.

with the finished tea, he heads over to the overly dressed, girl? oh so she's a girl, huh, anyways, he hands her the tea and tells her ''Blow on it a bit first, it's a little hot'' he adds with a quick sweet smile, he then returns to his chair and his own cup of tea.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-21, 04:07 PM
Knox takes a seat courteously as the tea is handed to her. She goes to grab it at first, but then becomes suddenly aware that her mouth is veiled. I suppose it is a bit dimmer in this room, at least.... With that odd comment, she grabs her scarf, fidgeting with it for a moment as she loosens and removes it from the lower part of her face, revealing an always pursed mouth and skin as pale and white as the driven snow. She sips the tea out of courtesy, not entirely sure if it is supposed to be good or not. With a bit more certainty, she pulls up her scarf, revealing more of her face, it now covering just her eyebrows and up. I am Knox. It seems I just enrolled. This is the Paranormal Activity Club, isn't it? To confirm, who is the club president? she asks in odd anticipation.

2012-06-21, 04:21 PM
A bustle akin to an incoming train roars through the hall adjacent to the club. Suddenly, the door opens and Yuri Nakatomi, the club president, appears. She seems rather excited, her indigo hair quivering, her green eyes sparkling. She opens her handbag and takes a magazine, looks for an article and shows it to all in the room to see.

"Isn't this awesome!? I've got proof real proof that there were real vampires responsible for the kidnappings in Kobe! See, that's my sister in the picture, she's in in the paranormal world so, I'm sure this was for real!"

In truth, the picture is not only beset by dark shadows, but blurry as well. You can't even be certain there's a person in it. Puzzled, Yuri takes a second look at the photo.

"What? I could've sworn it was clearer this morning.... that's odd." Her spirits flattened, she moves on to the tea Keita's prepared and helps herself, putting a generous amount of sugar in it. Now that she's had some tea, she fully acknowledges everyone else in the room.

Approaching Knox, she leans towards her so she can make eye contact. "Oh, you must be new here, I'm Nakatomi Yuri, club president. Welcome to the Great Paranormal Activity Investigation Club!"

2012-06-21, 05:26 PM
"Thank you Keita, she says graciously before sipping the tea, pausing upon hearing the incoming freight train and smiling. "My how fortuitous, here she comes now," she says before turning to face the door.

"What? I could've sworn it was clearer this morning.... that's odd."

"Our condolences Taichou. We would have loved to have encountered these beings. Perhaps thou could beseech thyne sibling, and see if she perchance provide thee with the original or a copy," she suggests gesturing for her to take a seat.

"Oh how rude of me." she begins abashed before turning to Knox. "Pardon our rudeness; we are known as Kobayashi Amaya. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances," he added courtly before turning to Yuri smiling. "Mrs. Knox desires to become one of our number." she comments with a smile.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-21, 05:28 PM
Knox fumbles with the scarf, retying it around her face just as her white skin gives way to red with the approach of this boisterous Yuri. With the greeeting, she bows her head in response. "I'm, ah... Knox." She shakes herself; worst infiltrator ever. "Pleased to meet you," she greets, shifting gears. "I, ah, took an interest in joining this club. So it's pretty much what it says on the tin then, I'll take it?"

Princess Tracy
2012-06-21, 05:31 PM
Know looks at Amaya in momentary confusion, her piercing eyes quite visible even through her faux mask. "You talk funny," she remarks. "Sorry, that was rude of me..." she says, snapping back at herself.

2012-06-21, 05:47 PM
Amaya shakes her head and smiles, "Do not fret, we do not mind. Thou art amongst comrades here after all, and are free to speak from thyne heart here. We do not judge," she explained, allowing their leader to explain things to Knox.

2012-06-21, 05:53 PM
"Pleased to meet you," she greets, shifting gears. "I, ah, took an interest in joining this club. So it's pretty much what it says on the tin then, I'll take it?"

"You bet! If there's any trace of paranormal activity, we'll investigate it, if there's any witnesses, we'll interrogate them, if there's any aliens, vampires, demons, witches or what not, WE'LL FIND THEM!" By the point she was shouting she had her feet on a nearby chair and her index finger pointing at somewhere in the far distant horizon. "Now, just sit tight, we're just waiting for the rest of the club so we can get this meeting started.". Coming down from her buzz, she leans towards the club's table, crosses her legs and starts paging through the occult magazine she brought with herself.

She interrupts her reading for a moment to address Amaya in a lower voice: "Well done, Kobayashi-san! We don't want any recruits scared off before their first meeting, right?"

2012-06-21, 06:04 PM
First now realizing that he forgot to introduce himself, he litterally jumps out of his chair and hurriedly stammer a hello.
''Greetings, m-m-my n-name is K-Keita Ar-rima. I'm t-the Junior c-c-clubmember here.'' He follows his stream of words with a lightning fast and deep bow.... a too deep bow, which causes Keita to smack his forehead right down on the table infront of him.

''OUCHIE!... owowowow...'' He yells out as he lands on his behind, gently rubbing his sore forehead.

2012-06-21, 06:13 PM
Amaya simply nodded and smiled at Yuri as she took another sip of her tea before turning to Knox. "If we may, have thou perchance ever had an encounter with anything strange or beyond the norm, or perhaps experienced something others might not readily accept or believe?"

"Keita dear, are thou well?" she inquiered, worry clear on her face. "Let us examine thee closely," she said standing from her chance to inspect Keita's forehead.

2012-06-21, 06:16 PM
With a small yawn, a voice coming from the open window in the club spoke "Morning, Taichou. Smacked into any more glass door again, Magpie-chan?"

Since his arrival at the school, Danny had taken the habit of sunning himself in the window. Today was no different, having arrived silently through the window. his crimson eyes were closed as he listened to the conversation.

" Well, Fresh meat, are you interested in joining?" said Daniel to the possible new member.

"By the way, the name's Daniel."

2012-06-21, 06:22 PM
With tear-filled eyes and cheeks burning with shame, keita just answers his senpai with a nod.

''Yes... I'm alright...'' He's too ashamed to look at Amaya.

2012-06-21, 06:39 PM
Amaya smiled as she placed a hand on Keita's shoulder; resisting the urge to lick her lips, "Cheer up Keita; join us at the..." she began tenderly before being interrupted by Daniel's entrance.

She turned and narrowed her eyes at him, "We must inquiere; why dost thou insist upon entering in such a manner each day? Surely thou could have utilized the door, and please try to be polite with our guest,"

Princess Tracy
2012-06-21, 06:54 PM
"I'm hardly offended," Knox says in reassurance. "Is there anything I have to do to join? Some kind of ritual of inauguration?"

2012-06-21, 06:59 PM
With a small yawn, a voice coming from the open window in the club spoke "Morning, Taichou. Smacked into any more glass door again, Magpie-chan?"

Since his arrival at the school, Danny had taken the habit of sunning himself in the window. Today was no different, having arrived silently through the window. his crimson eyes were closed as he listened to the conversation.

"Hey, Silver" Since Yuri found the pronunciation of Danny's name frustrating 'kanasumizu?' she had taken to call him 'silver' for the color of his hair.

" Well, Fresh meat, are you interested in joining?" said Daniel to the possible new member.

"By the way, the name's Daniel."

"I'm hardly offended," Knox says in reassurance. "Is there anything I have to do to join? Some kind of ritual of inauguration?"

"Nope, you just attend the meetings and do your research, that's about it. Although there's a rule Silver-kun here should know... " Yuri rolls her magazine and baps Danny on the head with it. "No flirting with club members!"
There wasn't really a rule against flirting, but that was just the way Nakatomi-san was. She'd make up rules on a whim.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-21, 07:20 PM
Knox nods in agreement with the conditions

OOC: Bed now. An official OOC thread would serve us well.

Knox sits quietly returning to her tea as she observes everyone, particularly Yuri, trying to get a handle on things.

2012-06-21, 07:53 PM
((If everyone could bold their character names at the top of their post, it would go a long way towards tracking who is who, haha. I'm so lost. I'll be using aisaku's title for Remi, since I thought it was cute.))

Remi Sugiura, star-crossed lover

"Relax, Keita. No one here is going to hurt you more than yourself." Remi's serene voice would enter the room from the doorway with a touch of sarcasm. She entered, giving everyone a smile as she did so. "Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. And Yuri-chan, of course there's a ritual that the new girl has to go through." She grinned, reaching into her school bag to pull out a deck of cards. "I'll divine your fortune, Knox-chan." Always overly familiar with others, especially girls, it was no surprise that she went straight to -chan with a girl that she had just met.

Taking a seat at the table, she showed everyone who cared to look the cards. "It's just a deck of regular playing cards, with the jokers removed. I've done this for a few of you before, of course." Remi's fortunes could be surprisingly accurate if she really wanted them to be, but... it was usually more amusing to just BS them. Shuffling the deck with her nimble fingers, she spread the entire deck out for Knox to draw from. "Pick five cards in any order you want and put them face up on the table."

Princess Tracy
2012-06-22, 04:09 AM
1 - Spades
2 - Clubs
3 - Diamonds
4 - Hearts

Knox picks 5 without looking, remarking "Aw, there's only 4 'Ah's."

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]
[roll8] [roll9]

2 of spades
7 of hearts
4 of hearts
4 of spades
2 of clubs

"Did I do good?"

2012-06-22, 01:30 PM
"Bah! Taichou, you of all people should now that i don't flirt. Tease sure, but not flirt. If it sounded like that, then chalk it up to cultural differences."

2012-06-22, 03:18 PM
Remi Sugiura, star-crossed lover

Taking the cards and laying them out on the table in front of her, Remi would look them over, silent for a moment. Finally she'd grin. "Well, if we were playing poker, you'd have two pair. Not bad for a starting hand."

Thinking for a moment, she'd continue, her voice a bit more serious. "This is a very balanced draw, which represents the steadiness of your future. You can look forward to things working out much as you expect them to over the next few days. However, the odd card out in your draw-" And she pushed forward the Seven of Hearts slightly, "Is a lucky seven, and not any seven, but that of the heart. The hearts represent empathy, human connection, and to be lucky in such a thing, well... perhaps you'll meet your one true love soon." She grinned. "Finally, we have what may be the unknown factor, something you might never see coming." And she closed her eyes, drawing the top card from the deck.

A Joker. Those who could sense magic would feel a slight tingle as she laid the card down on the table, face up, slightly beneath the others. Her eyes opened again. "Aah, how strange. I removed those from this deck. The Joker is the odd one out, the wild card, the thing that no one expects." Remi would peer at Knox for a moment, an amused half-smile on her lips. "It represents the most unexpected of events. If I were to guess, given that I'm reading this fortune for you in our clubroom, I would suspect that in the near future, you may have an encounter with the supernatural. If you aren't already." And she scooped the cards up, returning them to the deck just like that.

And she grinned. "But don't take it too seriously, Knox-chan. It's all just for fun. Even if some of it is true."

2012-06-22, 04:09 PM
Nakatomi Yuri, class president

"Bah! Taichou, you of all people should now that i don't flirt. Tease sure, but not flirt. If it sounded like that, then chalk it up to cultural differences."

"That's your excuse for everything, Silver!" Yuri says in mock derision.

And Yuri-chan, of course there's a ritual that the new girl has to go through."[/color]

Yuri shied away from tall girl and resumed her reading. No matter for how long had he known her, there was something about Sugiura's forward, a bit too honeyed demeanor that made her aware of her own shyness when it didn't concern the occult. Remi was the one who spoke up and went her own way so it really surprised Yuri that when she took a stand and ran for president of the occult club, her childhood friend joined right away. Still, she knew she was a valuable club member. She made it a lot easier to get into places they weren't supposed to be in. Which was kinda telling, even if Yuri didn't quite see it.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-22, 04:11 PM
Knox McDonald

Knox nods obligingly, like a child having the sky explained to them the first time, though doesn't seem QUITE as lost at the interpretation of the cards. "These cards have the power of precognition!" she whispers harshly as the reading comes to an end, seeing herself in the odd mechanism. "To think, something so simple had..." And then with that last disclaimer of it all being for fun, she is left oddly confused, and falls silent for a moment.

"...So. I'm in then, at least?"

2012-06-22, 05:26 PM
Kobayashi Amaya, Timeless Yokai

Amaya placed a hand over mouth and grinned softly at the prediction; she could at least be sure that the last one was most certainly true. Once the ritual was done she approached Knox and nodded slightly,"Let us be the first to formally welcome thee Mrs.Knox," she said with a pleasant smile. "May our fellowship be a grand one,"

2012-06-22, 05:27 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president.

Looking up from her magazine, Yuri gives Knox a wide grin "Of course you're in! Remi-san and Kobayashi-san vouch for you, and I'm sure the rest won't mind. Speaking of which, where are they? It's about time we got this meeting started..."

I guess we should leave some grace time for the other players to join and if they don't just move along, taking in consideration they're otherwise detained?

I remember Soapy saying something about creating a vice-president character so I don't know if we should wait for that too.

Anyway as a preventive measure, I'm posting the characters from the recruitment thread.

Yuri Nakatomi, club president, unwitting heiress of monster hunters, living among them


Name: Yuri Nakatomi
Age: 17

Prefered Student Type: Hero/Heroine

Stress Explosion

Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 1
Cunning: 1
Luck: 1
Will: 2

Spirit 20

Special Qualities
Otaku - The Paranormal
Sibling Inferiority Complex

Green Eyes
Indigo Hair


The Nakatomi clan possesses a reputation amongst the oldest families in the world as one of the longest standing genealogy of monster hunters. Nowadays they spend less time tracking the unheard horrors of beyond and more trying to broker a peaceful coexistence between mortals and the less hostile denizens of the deep. Circles of magi, vampire covens, werewolf clans alike have come to rely on the services of the former monster hunting families. That is the reason why, instead of being trained to hunt by the time she was six, the younger sibling Yumi was left out completely from the family tradition.

Still the Nakatomi blood flows within her, and her senses are as keen as any member of her clan. She is aware there is something out there, even if she can't exactly say what it is. She suspects there's something suspicious about her older sister declining to enter the prestigious college she worked so hard to get into. About Yumi getting hired by a foreign company she never heard of to travel around the world on 'business'. It nearly confirmed her suspicions when her older sister objected when she started collecting occult magazines and paraphernalia. And still, try as she might looking into her family history there was nothing of note save a number of odd legends which could or could not be traced back to her family. Imponderable, just like her older sister's refined, steely gaze.

Yuri Nakatomi appears to be an ordinary school girl. She is a bit of an underachiever, often caught daydreaming, sometimes in the most inconvenient times. Nevertheless she is not without passion. Whenever the occult is brought into the conversation she suffers a visible transformation: Her vibrant green eyes gleam, her waist length indigo hair flows freely as she raves on and on about her favorite subject.This doesn't happen often, as those interested in the Occult from her previous schools are few and that she has little patience for 'amateurs'. Amateurs, those who research the occult as a curiosity, rather than a tangible reality. Everything else, like her looks, and personal relationships are eclipsed by her one driving passion.

When she introduced herself at the beginning of this school year, she said something like: "My name is Nakatomi Yuri, 17 years old. I like the occult. I read about it every day. I want to be an occult investigator when I grow up. I believe in my heart that it's all real, even if proof is near impossible to find. I plan on running for president of the schools paranormal activity investigation group, I hope we have a better turnout this year. Thank you, that is all."

Keita Arima, angelic love-struck underclassman by Hemmon

I'm still around, but i'd like to request that i may import a kohai i made for another game which never happened, would that be do-able?

Character Sheet

Student Papers

Club status: Kohai - underclassman clubmember (Apprentice maid).

Name: Keita Arima (Western order)
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Senpai: Kobayashi Amaya (Japanese order)
Feelings for Senpai: Puppy love

Athletics: 1
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 2

Student Type: Pure (affection +1, Cunning -1)

Favor: 4

Spirit: 20
Stress: 0

Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Sky Blue
Uniform Color: Black and Sky Blue

Special Quality 1: Easygoing - Takes everything at his own pace.

Special Quality 2: Quiet - Has a cool and subtle demeanor.

Physical Complex: Sickly - Suffers from asthma and is getting very tired of other peoples concern about it.

Mental Complex: Slow Eater - Keita is a slow eater, so everyone else always finish their own lunches long before him.

Weapon: Exotic Weapon - Hidden mechanized-brassknuckles (works like the assassin's creed hidden blade. it springs forward, covering the knuckles when attempting to hit someone).

Student Roots: Sent By God - A power from on high told Keita to join the club.

Stress Explosion: Crying - Starts to cry and might start to hyperventilate (which is dangerous because of his asthmatic condition).

Picture (yes, it's a guy... a kinda feminine guy)



Keita have always been a sweet and gentle boy, who takes things at his own pace. He's suffering from a mild-severe version of asthma, but it's not lifethreatning nor does it hamper him much in his daily life. even though he's been blackmailed into joining the Club by the student council, Keita mostly forgets to report anything to them, and he quite likes it in the club.

My Senpai get's to choose how i feel about him/her (would prefer a girl :smallredface::smallsmile:)

btw, who WANTS to be my senpai? :3

Kobayashi Amaya, gentle timeless yokai by Regalus

Her name is Kobayashi Amaya appears as a normal 16 years old girl; if a bit exuberant at times. She seems like a gentle, fun loving soul and a bit quirky; like her tendency of using old fashioned terms and words, or her love for antiques, museums and old fashioned things. She loves being near where the action is, and loves being around people; always seeming to be exactly where she needs to be or just up an vanishing while no one is looking. Amaya's a bit accident prone, but things always seemed to mysteriously her way; and every once in a while has been known to play pranks on others when stressed. Her silver eyes the only obvious hint most people get to her true nature.

In truth Amaya is actually a centuries old Raven yokai who feeds off the life force of the living. Her great magical powers has allowed her to gather many followers over the years. Though once a she-devil that threatened the land she was eventually reigned in through the actions of a young monk, and has since been in the service of the Monks family. During her many years in their service she managed to refine her magic through her arts, and their training has served to curve some of her more...dangerous tendencies. Though after a particularly dangerous battle against a band of Oni which threatened to open a gate into the demon world, she was forced to go into a deep sleep to heal.

Nearly a millenia later, she was awakened before her sleep could be completed by one of the monks descendant who was being attack by a rogue Oni. After the rest of the family found out about her, and her still diminished power, she was taken in and eventually sent to school to learn about what she's missed over the centuries and a climate to the world once more. As a Lady of the Night she's not too fond of being out and about during the day, especially given the effects it has on her powers, but is willing to tolerate it for the time being.

She is currently living under the guise of one of the teacher's niece from the country, and is staying at the family home; the renovated temple in which layed the shrine where she had been resting. Currently Mr. Kobayashi works as the schools English teacher, and is keeping an eye on Amaya. She might seem sweet now, but his family was told the legends; and while they might not be as skilled at demon hunting as they used to be, the family knows enough to handle Amaya in her weakened state should it be needed.

She has joined the Occult club as its one of her few interests which is still relevant in the modern day world; and it fills her with a sense of comfort in this strange world she lives in.

Athletics: 2, Affection: 3, Skill: 1, Cunning: 3, Luck: 3, Will: 2
Spirit: 20 Favor: 6
Special Abilities: Chi Drain, Ritual Magic, Holy Weapon Combat, Raven/Monster Raven to Human Transformation, and Teleportation.

Knox, tomboyish vampire from outer space by TraceyHyde

Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 1
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 3

Favor: 6

Stress Explosion: Complaining
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Maid types: Heroine, Boyish (accounted for)

Maid Hair Color: Vermillion
Maid Eye Color: Navy

Special Qualities:
Albino: pale complexion and sun vulnerable
Vampiric: bloodsucker!
Absurd (ALIEN): From outer space
Perversion (exhibitionism): likes to get nekkid

Maid Roots: Sent by God/Unrequited Love (accidentally rolled twice, couldn't decide which to take)
Maid Weapon: Scythe

Maid Powers: World for Two


Named after what the alien armada perceived as the dominant affiliation of the earthlings, perceiving their grand, golden arches as a fairly religious symbol, the MacDonald unit was dispatched as an ambassador unit to planet Earth some 10-odd years ago, in varying time and places for individual members. One particular alien ambassador sent out was a young 'girl' (sexual and aging traits of aliens not specifically known at this time) alien ended up crashing her pod slap dab in the middle of Tokyo. She sustained too many damages to return and had to make to wandering around until an ally noticed her absence and investigated, which could take weeks. As such, she ended up banging heads, as she wandered the city and was dazzled by the bright lights, with our club leader, one Yuri, and introduced herself on the spot as Knox. A little thing you shoudl know about the aliens and the MacDonald unit; they blended in fairly well with society by adapting their bodies to human biology - to this end abducting people and cloning much of their traits. Unfortunately, Knox was pumped full of the blood fo a vampire in one of the weirder twists of fate when the med ship she was spawned in flew over Romania. Because of all that, she was left with vampiric traits, including a vulnerability to sunlight - not enough to kill her by any means, but certainly to cause nausea. As such, no sooner had the words 'my name is Knox' has left her mouth than the glare of sunlight caused her to collapse into the other girl's arms.

After being given a place to stay, Knox found herself becoming awfully fond of young Yuri and her quirks, the two becoming a sort of pair of friends rather quickly - Yuri finding her often awkward intonation yet almost dutiful dedication to peace and conversation to be a sort of curiousity, and Knox feeling oddly completed by the other's overriding pep and *amazing* knowledge of the workings of electric payphones and pens. It was something to be admired, and she felt she would have a good report to return to the fleet with. However, when her allies found her, she at first reluctant to leave due to the suddenness. Allowed one last favour, she pecked Yuri on the cheeck before blushing and running halfway to the mothership. Of course, that's when the memory ray kicked in and wiped memory of Knox from everyone's minds. Quite distressing reallly, their freidnship having grown to something of an Unrequited Love already in Knox's eyes, but perhaps it is not to be was all she thought as she returned to the fleet. Her report got her demoted, being mostly just several finger paintings and an occassional subtitle explaining why wiping the memories of people they are trying to make peace with seems counter-productive and how Yuri is her bestest friend ever.

Unfortunately, the bad Romanian blood ended up being used on several other Macdonald units, many of whom were not so nice as Knox, leading to the entire ship being overun by intergalactic vampires inexplicably hellbent on dominating the earth and eating the inhabitants. Of course, most of this is unbeknownst to Knox who, after growing up in many ways has been on earth for sometime, travelling from place to place as field work and blending in fairly well using a mixture of minor shapeshifting and extremely padded clothes that protect her pale as the driven snow skin from the sun. After being just aboit everywhere in the last decade, she has finally returned to Japan, having just learned how to read a map and where one called Yuri would be likely to live. She tricked a few officials into thinking she was always enrolled in the school, slipping into the student body, just waiting to introduce herself once more to her first love.

note: due to her constant wandering, her failure to find intimacy and wearing of constrictive clothing are linked in her mind, leading to sexual-tinged excitement the less she wears.

THERE - I explained all my weird-ass traits, read'em and weep.

Mira Rone, gynoid infiltrator-assasin by Syless

Alright, finally got around to rolling up the new character. And I got Yuki, basically- though I haven't actually watched/read any Haruhi, so I won't be copying anything, this is just an amusing coincidence.

Name: Mira Rone

Athletics: 3
Affection: 3
Skill: 2
Cunning: 1
Luck: 0
Will: 1

Favor: 6
Spirit: 10

Uniform Color: green
Hair Color: yellow
Eye Color: red
Maid Types: Boyish & Cool
Special Qualities: Yin-Yang, Glasses, Android/Gynoid
Favored Attribute: Athletics
Maid Power: Super Evasion
Maid Roots: Infiltrator
Maid Weapon: Ray Gun
Stress Explosion: Sleep

Generated Fluff-
Your name is Mira. You are 16 years old. You have red eyes and yellow hair, and wear a green maid uniform. You are boyish and cool; others describe you as energetic, a tomboy and expressionless.

Your maid outfit prominently features a yin-yang symbol. You wear glasses; you can't use contact lenses, but at least they compliment your maid uniform. You are not human, but rather a human-looking robot, with a number of overtly artificial features.

You are a member of an organization that opposes the master, and you have been sent to spy on or even possibly assassinate him. In combat, you pack a working ray gun that looks like a prop out of a 50s sci-fi B movie. When you are extremely upset, you spend all day sleeping. Due to your notable Athletics, you have the ability Super Evasion. In exchange for 1d6 Stress, you can completely avoid a single attack.

Nongenerated Fluff-
Mira was created by... well, a skeptic isn't the right word to use. Rather than not believing in the supernatural, he just would rather make sure it stays hidden. Mira's purpose was to try and keep the supernatural concealed, and to that end she was dispatched to a high school that had a penchant for strange happenings and infiltrated it as a student.

If anyone were to look closely enough, they would notice that Mira's pupils, rather than being purely black, are instead small yin-yang symbols. To try and keep people from noticing she wears thick-framed glasses to conceal her eyes. This isn't helped by the fact that her pupils are surrounded by a ring of red that seems to glow in the dark.

Remi Sugiura, star-crossed lover, child of angel and demon by Nyna

Hmm, Haruhi-esque president? And I'm supposed to be an angel succubus princess that's her childhood friend? Well, let's see what I can do here... (Gonna have a doozy of a backstory for this...) :smallsigh: :smallbiggrin:

First, just moving my sheet here for reference...

Character Sheet:Name: Remi Sugiura
Age: 16? 17? (Whatever age the president is)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue (they turn purple whenever she's using magic or is in non-human form)
Gender: Female

Maid Types: Sexy / Boyish
Special Qualities: Monster - Succubus, Angel/Devil (choosing Angel), Tragic Love - Lover Died, Symbol - Cross, Princess
Roots: Childhood Friend (Glad this one is still an option for the school game, heh)
Stress Explosion!: Prayer
Maid Power: Windows of the Soul
Maid Weapon: Halberd/Polearm (Naginata)

Favor: 8
Spirit: 10
Stress: 0

Athletics: 4
Affection: 4
Skill: 2
Cunning: 4
Luck: 2
Will: 1

Background: Hundreds of years ago, the ancient legends and myths of current day humanity were truth. Angels fought devils at the command of their god, monsters roamed the earth, and magic was as commonplace as the mundane. The wars would ebb and flow like the tides; at times there was peace for many long years, but at others the wars of the supernatural beings would devastate human civilization, sometimes setting progress back centuries.

The greatest, and last, of these wars was between the self-styled forces of 'good', the angels and their god, and the creatures of 'evil', the demons, devils, and monsters of the night. This war lasted decades, with hundreds of thousands of dead on each side, until finally the two sides attempted a final gambit against one another to end things once and for all. The clash of their great spells crippled the force of magic in the world, a scar that would take hundreds of years to recover, and left both forces unable to fight, their leaders slain. Forced to finally make peace, the two sides swore to never bring about such a calamity again, and as part of these terms, both sides agreed to withdraw from the world and to allow humanity to progress on their own. And to help solidify this agreement and to give it weight, the eldest son of the angel's god wed the eldest daughter of the demon's emperor.

And so, time passed as it always does, and humans soon forgot that such a war even happened, and the creatures that caused it soon became the stuff of stories. But the two factions kept their agreement, and eventually, a child of joined blood was born to the two rulers. With the blood of both angel and succubus in her veins, Remi's birth was a symbol that peace would forever remain between the angels and demons of the world.

Remi's childhood was not a simple one. Many angels were secretly surprised that her wings turned out to be of the purest white like theirs, despite her 'tainted' blood. Despite the long peace, the prejudices had certainly remained. Seeking an escape, the princess would often peer down into the world of humanity from the heavens above, simply watching. And it was during these long periods of watching that she became entranced with a certain girl.

And so, on impulse, the teenage Remi left home, descending to Earth disguised as a simple human. She managed to slip into the girl's life, joining her school and gaining her friendship. And it was a happy two years, happier than anything Remi had experienced up above. But it was not to last, of course.

Remi's fascination with the girl turned to love, to little surprise to those demons watching through mystical means. The princess was a succubus, of course, so such a thing was simply to be expected, and it made her seem like one of them as well as one of the angels. But such a thing was not acceptable to the angels. To them, their princess was something to be honored and respected, and for a mere human to be the source of her affections could not be allowed. And so Remi's father intervened, descending to the Earth to bring Remi back home. Like any rebellious teenager, Remi refused.

God is not used to being refused, especially by the daughter who had once been so obedient to his wishes. He had known of her descent to Earth, of course, and had said nothing, as it had not worried him. But this girl had corrupted his daughter. And since Remi would not listen, he would simply remove the girl. With a mighty spell, the girl was smote by Remi's father, and the princess was beside herself in tears. It was not something that He would understand, as the girl was just a human, but she was far more than that to Remi.

The princess would return home after that, and years passed without any further incident. But Remi wouldn't let things end just like that. She learned a few choice spells from her mother, and with her aid, she tracked her love's soul. And when the girl was reincarnated once more, Remi disappeared from the heavens once and for all. Her mother used her magic to allow Remi to be 'born' once again, this time to a human couple. Remi, of course, was still herself, and not a human girl, but she would appear as such to anyone who didn't know better. It was the ideal situation for her, as she could grow up with the one she loved, and be at her side, without anyone up above interfering again. Her mother's only condition was for Remi to return once she finished living out her 'human' lifetime, which Remi agreed to.

And so the princess spent the next decade and a half like any other human girl. She went to school and grew up, and spent much of her time with her best friend. And with her best friend as a president of a club in high school, and with the two of them reaching an age where love wasn't just a game, well... maybe it was time for her to finally make her move.

Appearance: The easiest thing to say about Remi is that she certainly stands out in a crowd. While fairly average in height for an American girl, she's fairly tall for a girl in Japan, and thanks to her succubus blood, her proportions are rather un-Japanese as well. Long black hair falls to just past the middle of her back, and can often be found in various kinds of braids. Her bright blue eyes certainly aren't normal in a Japanese school either, but then, they aren't normally blue. Whenever Remi uses her magic or reverts to her angelic form, they change back to their normal purple color. Finally, around her neck, Remi wears a silver cross, which she proudly keeps worn outside of her uniform. She is quite faithful, unsurprisingly, and an old inscription on the back of the cross is quite worn, barely legible from the frequent handling of the small trinket.

Annnd I'm done. Trying to weave all of those little qualities into something coherent took a lot of work, haha. I got a bit lazy with the appearance, but I'm not normally too wordy with that sort of thing anyways, so *shrugs*.

I assumed that the president is a girl, since she's a Haruhi and all that, but if I'm horribly wrong, I can change it easily enough. Succubi don't discriminate based on gender. :smallbiggrin:

Also, you know how weird it is to write a background and refer to your character's main love interest without even knowing their name? :smallmad:

Daniel Connors Smith feline android assasin by Assuruau

Hey guys. Sorry for the disappearing act from the pony maid game. Personal issues got in the way. Still This is me throwing my hat in for the high school game.

Name: Daniel Connors Smith
Age: 16


Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 4
Cunning: 2
Luck: 2
Will: 3

Favor: 4
Spirit: 30

Uniform Color: navy
Hair Color: metallic
Eye Color: red
Maid Types: Cool & Heroine
Special Qualities: Tiger/Lion, Android, Political Organization
Favored Attribute: Skill
Maid Power: 4-D Uniform
Maid Roots: Infiltrator
Maid Weapon: Internal Weapons
Stress Explosion: Violence

Generated Fluff:

Your name is Daniel Connors Smith. You are 16 years old. You have red eyes and metallic hair, and wear a navy maid uniform. You are cool and heroic; others describe you as maidenly, vigorous and energetic.

You are actually a large predatory cat, and can display or hide the ears, tail, claws and teeth at will. You are not human, but rather a human-looking robot, with a number of overtly artificial features.

You are a member of an organization that opposes the master, and you have been sent to spy on or even possibly assassinate him. In combat, you have some kind of weapons installed in your body which you use to attack. When you are extremely upset, you unleash violence on the other maids and the master. Due to your notable Skill, you have the ability 4-D Dress. You can produce anything in the mansion from within your maid uniform.

Nongenerated Fluff:

Daniel Connors Smith was a normal house cat belonging to one Professor James Connors Smith. Professor Connors was an expert on ooparts under the employ of International Bureau of Paranormal Affairs (IBPA). While analyzing a device from the Amadam culture, its crystal core activated and latched on to Danny. In a panic, he fled wildly as IBPA agents chased the cat in order to remove the device. He ended up in the Vault, where other ooparts resonated with the amadam core. Tendrils of energy launched from the core, connecting with the ooparts and pulling them in. Each one smashed into each other until the only thing left in the Vault was a large metallic blue ball. Immediately the IBPA studied and scanned the ball, trying to piece together what had happened to Danny and the Vault. After a several days, they still had no real understanding of what had happened. Then the orb cracked open to reveal a panther-like beast made out of a composite material.

Initially the beast was treated as a hostile as it leaped forward in search of something. It became evident what had been the fate of the contents of the vault as the beast used many of their effect in its hunt. Eventually it was discovered that the beast was Danny as it displayed many of the habits the cat had possessed, the most damning being its near possessive attachment to professor Connors. With Connors's assistance, Danny was put through a intensive battery of tests, which would reveal that recovering the ooparts or restoring Danny to normal was impossible. The way the Amadam core altered both cat and ooparts rendered them indistinguishable. Additionally, the core was still active, making changes, adapting and evolving the new entity.

After awhile the first of the changes became apparent as Danny developed the ability to speak and above average human intelligence. Then came the discovery of his ability to coax his body into human and small feline forms. As time went on, Danny became more and more bored until he applied for agent status. After much negotiating and Danny's participation in defense of the IBPA HQ, Agent status was granted.

After 8 years of active duty, Daniel has been considered a valued asset to the IBPA. However due to the amount of stress accrued in recent missions, He asked to be transfer to a new assignment and team. The reason given for this request was the bad combat compatibility between him and Agents Stewart and Flint, citing that in several occasions he has received more damage from friendly fire than from hostile forces. After some consideration, Daniel was asigned with the duty of investigating the large paranormal activity in a school and report his findings, though he will be allowed to act based on his own discretion.

Leah Valderri, aka Akira Takeda, a girl marked by her arcane gift by Nagato 434

Name of character: Leah Valderri (however, goes by the name "Akira Takeda" while in Japan)

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (looks twelve, with basic, ill-defined sex characteristics)


-Hair: Navy-blue
-Eyes: Green
-Height: 4'9" (the same height she was when she was twelve)
-Other notes: Leah is blind has burn scars that cover most of her body and about a quarter of her face.

History: Leah was born in a very Catholic family residing in Venice, Italy. She spent twelve years trying to be a normal girl, despite knowing she was 'different' from the people she was raised with; then her (consciously-suppressed) magical ability manifested itself in a catastrophic explosion, leaving her blind and covered in horrific burn scars.

After that accident, she discovered that the abilities she suppressed throughout her childhood had grown far stronger, and uncontrollable, than she wanted them to. Eventually, she found a mentor (by the name of Cedric) who trained her in the ways of witchcraft so that she could control the powers she didn't want to have in the first place.

The incident caused her body to stop growing. Secondary sex characteristics (like breasts and ovaries) developed, but were also limited by her diminutive size; this causes her to look, at best, like a more-developed version of the twelve-year-old girl she was when the accident changed her life. She spent three years going in and out of hospitals, first getting treatment for her burns (and plastic surgeries to lessen the impact of them), then to numerous endocrinologists (who could find nothing hormonally wrong with her). After that, she spent six months in a boarding school specifically intended for disabled kids, which allowed her to develop her skills.

Her witchcraft was first discovered by her brother while she was home for Christmas, who told his parents. They immediately pulled her out of school and kept her secluded in their house, apparently thinking to 'save' her by eliminating her (admittedly tenuous) contact with the outside world. This was when she realized that Cedric was actually the god Cernunnos, who had chosen to guard her knowing that she was destined to become a powerful mage. He reveals that he is not actually a God during this conversation, though also does not deign to reveal the nature of his ability to her at the time.

Cernunnos eventually sees that the seclusion she is undergoing has no foreseeable end so long as she remains a witch; so he tells her to go to Japan and enter the school the RP is set at (a/n: it's 5 AM here, so I'll figure out the school's name later). He somehow manages to get her to Japan with her body and sanity intact, and then helps her find a job at a restaurant that has an apartment above it (after she spends all her savings on a hotel during the interim). She has little to no contact with Cernunnos after this, who feels that extended contact with him will only serve to further isolate her from her peers.

Leah adopts the name Akira Takeda (which is coincidentally the name on the fake passport Cernunnos manages to procure for her) and enrolls in the school. Afterwards, she joins the Occult Club, feeling that Cernunnos probably picked the school so she could find someone to relate to.


Akira Takeda (Leah Valderri)

Athletics- 3-2 = 1
Affection- 2
Skill- 3
Cunning- 4
Luck- 2+2= 4
Will- 4

Type Lolita, Lolita (Luck +2 Athletics -2)

Hair Color- Green
Eye Color- Navy

Special Qualities- Injury: Blind (No particular penalties for this: See the classic Zatoichi movies for reference), Injury :Burns, Magic :Western Magician

Stress Explosion- Praying

Roots- Sent by a God (Cernunnos)

Weapon- Throwing weapons (Kunai, throwing knifes)

Power- (1d6)[6] Cunning, Luck and Will are tied for highest attribute so it's either:

Cunning: Mockery: When someone is taking Stress points, you can mock them and cause them to gain 2 adittional stress points (this has to be roleplayed).

Luck: Chance Meeting: By taking 2 points of Stress, you can have an NPC that's just showing up for the first time to be an acquaintance from some time before. (?)

Will: Absolute Maid: You are the epitome of a maid, and you take no penalties when not in full uniform. (?)

Spirit:40 Starting Favor:4

2012-06-22, 09:22 PM
Mira Rone

Mira slams open the clubhouse's door, then winces at the noise before stumbling in, looking somewhat disheveled. "Sorry, I overslept. Stayed up too late watching the- um, news." She glances over at the newcomer, pushing her almost comically oversized glasses up her bridge. "A new recruit? Hello." Mira closes the door behind her, much more quietly this time, then takes a seat and props her head up with her arm.

2012-06-23, 02:22 PM
I've decided to not make a vice president character. If you need me, just give me a PM


Also, OOC thread ^

Princess Tracy
2012-06-23, 07:14 PM
Knox, ET-vamp

knox nods her head in recognition of the newcomer as she continues to mull over her prophecy. "Um, so, Miss President... tell me about yourself, won't you?"

2012-06-23, 10:16 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president

"Oh... Me?" Yuri looks at Knox with a raised eyebrow. Being asked about her wasn't something that happened often. People were often happy enough with labeling her as 'that odd occult girl' and move on. She was used to that, she didn't really care. Taking a deep breath, Yuri says:"Well I'm 17 years old. I like the occult. I read about it every day. I want to be an occult investigator when I grow up, my sister says that no job for a Nakatomi but still... That's what I want. I just can feel it... I believe it in my heart." her green eyes gleam slightly as she says that last bit. "Oh, and by the way..." Suddenly, Yuri's expression changes, giving Knox a stern look, looking straight into her concealed eyes. " "I really hope you're not one of those 'amateurs' who join a club like ours just to waste time and don't really believe in the supernatural. Tell me Knox-kun, do you truly believe in your heart there's something out there?" Yuri holds Knox's hands in hers, her eyes shining.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-24, 11:53 AM
Knox recoils upon physical contact, though doesn't dare break it as Yuri holds her hands. "Um, I...." her eyes dart around in evasion as Yuri's gaze seems to drill through her. While the slightest section of her nose was barely visible through her makeshift balaclava, that pale skin seemed to flush all too clearly. Don't disappoint... She gives a deep breath, then frees one of her hands, finally yanks her entire scarf off, discarding it. Looking ponderously at the floor for a moment, her face seems all the paler in this light - corpse-like even, with only that exaggerated blush to add colour to her features. Another deep breath and she meets Yuri's gaze, trying her best to seem serious and sincere. "I think there's lots of things out there... You just need to never stop looking..." She seems oddly entranced by Yuri, her dark eyes not blinking yet seemed half-asleep as if daydreaming, her hands seeming to unconsciously dance at the straps of skirt. She opens her lips, perhaps to say something as she tips slightly closer to Yuri, when you suddenly hear a sizzling sound. Knox's eyes widen and she throws herself away from Yuri, jumping under a table and she fumbles for her scarf to cover her face once more. A small, pink mark like a bruise is on the side of her face as she clutches her cheek in shock from her shady cover. "Ah, ah! That was dumb... Sorry. I suffer albinism. It's why my eyes tend to twitch when I don't wear these contacts and my skin burns real easy... sorry, but I'm just going to be down here for a while..."

2012-06-24, 12:11 PM
At Knox's assurances Yuri beams in joy "Exactly! You must have an unending passion, a burning heart!" Yuri looks down, closing her eyes and shaking her right fist, imitating some anime hero, no doubt. Oblivious to Knox's predicament, she just grins, happy as happy can be, returning to her reading.

OOC: I feel it's not my place to inquire about Knox right now... but to the rest of the club. I've got to keep the Haruhi Blinders, at least for the time being XD.

2012-06-24, 04:02 PM
Kobayashi Amaya

Amaya smiled as she watched the exchange; reminded of one of the many reasons for which she joined this club. SHe was truly blessed to have stumbled upon a font of such rich pathos; then again, it also made her day a greater ordeal still. She trully hated her restraint some times.

Amaya sighed before walking towards the windows, shielding her own eyes from the annoying glare as she did so, "Thou should have spoken of thyne bane sooner," she began as she pulled the curtains close; blocking the sun's light from entering the room. "Is this more to thyne satisfaction?" she inquired smiling, as she lowered herself slightly to try and meet Knox's gaze.

2012-06-24, 04:28 PM
Leah poked her head into the club room, trying to gain enough courage to walk in.

It hadn't been easy, coming all the way there; she almost felt like she wasn't, like someone else had taken over her body and willed her there. That may have been true, knowing her luck. She shook her head and tried to catch her breath. Three, no four, other students had already arrived, and were talking amongst one another in a way that seemed almost absurdly normal. Her uniform fit loosely around her abnormally-small frame, making her feel more like a mutant than she already did.

She wondered, briefly, how they'd react to her scars... then decided that their reactions didn't matter to her. She pulled her uniform collar over her face and walked into the club room.

"Is this the occult club?" she asked quietly. She clutched her ID and walked into the room, bumping into a few desks and tables as she did.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-24, 04:44 PM
Knox McDonald (http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/363fcc240209cb85c134f648945e3d29/http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a211/Vendi_girl/Anime/Chicks/AlbinoGirl.jpg)

Knox nods, and drones weakly "Thank you, Miss Amaya..." She gathers her strength and regains footing, venturing from the confines of the dreaded land of 'under the table' to retrieve her scarf. She didn't completely wrap it around herself like usual, instead wearing it more like her hat, her hands fidgeting with it as she reteated to the far corner of teh room adjacent to the window to better shade herself in case teh curtains are one again opened. "I hate to be a bother, so go ahead and open them now that I've found a cove for myself here. So, um, how did you end up joining, Miss Amaya? Hmm, I think there was an honorific they use in this country, what was it? '-San', '-kun', '-chan'...?"

Knox waves at Leah. "Hello, newcomer. Paranormal Activity Club, actually. Are you hear to join today too?"

2012-06-24, 05:07 PM
Seeing that a new possible member have arrived, Keita started to boil some more water for tea.

''Hi there... um, wellcome to the Paranormal investigation club... My name is Keita, junior member. Would you like some tea, and what flavor do you prefer?
Keita shyly and quietly asked Leah, as he looked towards her.

2012-06-24, 07:46 PM
She smiled, hoping it looked natural enough; then she thought about it, realized that she probably looked a little strange, and relaxed her face. "I do plan on joining today. It's nice to meet you," she replied, addressing Knox. Then she turned in Keita's presumed direction and resumed smiling, hoping she wasn't smiling at a wall. "What types of tea do you have, Keita-san? I'm fond of Darjeeling, but I'll take anything."

2012-06-24, 08:02 PM
Kobayashi Amaya, Timeless Yokai

"Worry not Knox, 'tis no burden for us. The curtains shall remain closed for the time being," she explained cordially with a smile; she had finally found an excuse to keep the curtains closed at the clubroom and would do her best to keep them like that for as long as possible.

"It was not that long ago that we too newly arrived to this place," she began as she sat in her chair once more. "We were some-what out of place, and had difficulty adapting. It was then that we encountered Lady Yuri; she accepted us with open arms, and with her burning passion only a fool would not see her fit to lead." she explained exchaning a pleasant smile with Yuri before sipping her tea. "Once we discovered that both of us cheered a common passion, the choice to join her was obvious," she added sipping more of her tea, she mused about revealing herself to Yuri. Repaying her good deeds by revealing her life's goal achieved, but with Mr. Kobayashi's ever vigilant eye; she knew it was all too likely she'd have her feathers plucked before she'd be able to enjoy her new confidant.

Amaya sighed, taking solace in the absence of sun light for the moment before turning to face the newcomer; her eyes widening upon seeing her for a moment. Some might have thought that perhaps she was stared at her scars, or perhaps it was her ill-fitting uniform; but they'd be wrong. Even in her weakened state, Amaya could still pick up the magical aura coming off the girl. In truth, it gave her goosebumps to be near someone this spiritually sensitive; the feeling reminding her of a time best left forgotten. Instinctively she further concealed her already weakened and diminish aura, as she swiftly regained her pleasant demeanor.

"H-How may we be of service?"

2012-06-24, 08:23 PM
Keita took his usual slow time brewing a pot of Darjeeling tea, humming what sounded like a lullaby and it didn't even sound half-bad either.

After filling a cup of the freshly brewed drink, he heads over to the newly arrived girl. It's first now that he realizes her burn-scarring which stops him short a few feet from her for 2 or 3 seconds. After the initial shock, he just shook his head and continued forward.

''Here you go, would you mind if i asked your name, miss?'' He said and handed the cup forward, not yet realizing that Leah was blind.

2012-06-25, 01:54 PM
"My name..." She paused for a minute, then sat down at the nearest desk she could find. Her knee banged against the side of a chair. "My name is Akira Takeda. Do you mind putting the teacup on my desk? I need to readjust my uniform."

She then turned to Kobayashi-san, whose aura she felt from the moment she walked in the room. How odd, she thought, wrinkling her nose. Her aura... it's very different from mine, but also rather similar. It's hard to explain, but... I don't know if I should let my guard down around her. She isn't like most people.

She shuddered and shoved her arms into her jacket. "Is something wrong, Kobayashi-san? You seem distressed."

2012-06-25, 03:03 PM
Kobayashi Amaya, Timeless Yokai

"Not at all Takeda-san; merely contemplating past events," she explained politely with a smile as she put down her tea on the table. Amaya eyed the newcomer carefully, for a moment, watching her as she moved about. She couldn't help, but notice her eyes didn't quite always match the movements of her body; reminding her of an old fool she had almost forgotten. Deciding to test her theory she raises her left hand a, her index finger straight up for a moment; watching to see whether or not the girls eyes drifted for a moment towards it, as most people would.

"What made thou decide to join our fellowship?Dost thou bare some interest in the hidden mysteries and forces of the world?" she inquired politely, swiftly lowering her hand back to the table and tapping it, as she watch for any other reactions.

2012-06-25, 03:38 PM
I will hereby refer to leah as Akira, since that's her cover name

''It's very nice to meet you, Akira-san'' Keita said with a smile, as he placed the teacup on the table.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-25, 03:40 PM

Knox nods at the newcomer again before realising she seems to have even worse sight than she herself has. "Well, hello and such... why don't you get your fortune done? I was told that's how you're supposed to join. At least, that's how I joined just now."

2012-06-26, 04:51 AM
Leah closed her eyes and sighed, not reacting to any of the external stimuli around her. "I decided to join this club because it seemed interesting. Thought it'd help me make friends."

Good enough reasoning, I guess, she thought with a slight shrug. She slid her hand over to the cup Keita put on her desk and took a sip of tea. "Where should I go to get my fortune told?"

2012-06-26, 11:08 PM
Almost as though prodded to get the story moving along, there's a soft knocking at the door, which opens to reveal a very shy looking girl.

"Um..is this the paranormal activity club?" she asks.

2012-06-26, 11:21 PM
Yuki peers from her magazine to the newcomer and approaches her, boasting:

"Of course it is! This is the Paranomal Activity Investigation Club and I'm the club president, Nakatomi Yuri. How can we help you?"

2012-06-26, 11:22 PM
After having her test trumped by Akira's sudden decision to close her eyes and focus, Amaya turned to face the timid girl at their door step. "How fortuitous, another guest. This is indeed the place which you seek. How may we be of service? Thou would not perchance be interested in joining our fellowship as well would thee?" she asked curiously. It was a powerful enough omen to have had both Knox and Akira join them within minutes of one another; were a third to join their number now as well it would point to something truly ominous in there near future.

2012-06-26, 11:36 PM
Danny had been lost in thought when Rumi had done the reading for Knox. It had reminded him of his reading a year ago. While most of the reading had been standard fare, Danny's sensory artifacts had gone off during the drawing of the last card, the jack of hearts. Rumi had surprised him with her insight during her readings, but mentioning that he had cheated death many times had astounded him. She may well possess a talent for divination, but Danny hadn't broached the subject; in order to avoid her discovering more about him.

It was in this remembrance that he heard the footsteps approaching the door. After waiting for the student to open the door," So what can we do for you, miss...?" said Danny, hoping that their new guest would introduce herself.

2012-06-26, 11:42 PM
The girl enters the room and bows nervously.

"Um.. my name is Yoru Sakura, and I have... A problem."

The girl looks very frightened about something.

2012-06-26, 11:52 PM
"And this problem has to do in some way with the... Occult?" Yuri took a closer look at the girl. She seemed sincere, but it wasn't the first time someone from the other clubs had tried to make fun of them. She decided it was best to hear what the girl had to say, and then decide if it was worth the club's time.

"I think it's best you tell us everything, Yoru-san" she says, grabbing a chair for the girl to sit and sitting opposite from her on the table, as if it were on a detective drama. "Start from the beginning.Spare no details however small or unimportant they may seem."

2012-06-27, 12:03 AM
"Well...I hope you can." The girl says, looking at her feet. "I was in one of the storage rooms last night, getting some books for the literature club, when I felt... a presence."

2012-06-27, 01:21 AM
"A presence you say? Any other signs? Flashes of light? Changes in temperature? Sounds? Any objects moving, or shaking? Please, try to remember as much as you can."

Yuri makes a gesture to the club members so she can speak to them without the girl hearing them: "I'm not sure if she's for real or just a plant from the other clubs. If you have any questions you'd like to ask her, do it. I won't let the club be made fun of again!"

2012-06-27, 01:38 AM
At the mention of a presence in the storeroom, Danny's mind shifted from a student's mindset to that of a paranormal investigator. Still he acknowledged Yuri's cautiousness towards Miss Yoru, given both his personal experiences in the field of paranormal affairs with the IBPA as well as his time in the club.

"Well miss Yoru, in addition to Taichou's questions, i would like to add my own. How long has it been going on? Have others felt the presence? Which storeroom has it been detected? At what hour was the presence detected? Also could you give us means to contact you in the event further questions arise at a later time."

"Anything else you want to add, guys?"

Princess Tracy
2012-06-27, 07:40 AM
Knox watches them go to work on the girl quietly at first. Yuri seems worried about this. I wonder how I can help... She sticks to her corner as she rebinds her scarf, leaving her eyes a little more free as she approaches this Yoru girl. She didn't really have anything to add after Danny, but stood beside Yuri all the same, trying to think of a way to offer some support.

"How did you feel when you felt the presence? Pained, scared, sleepy. aroused?" she suddenly thinks to ask. "If it's a spirit, it would likely affect your emotional state..."

2012-06-27, 01:37 PM
Remi Sugiura, star-crossed lover

Remi would remain silent for awhile, simply watching the proceedings around her, though she began shuffling her cards as another fortune reading was mentioned. Before she got a chance to say anything, though, this Yoru Sakura would show up, distracting everyone. With a shrug, she put the cards away, turning her chair to face the girl.

"Yoru Sakura, is it...?" She would close her eyes, trying to recall if she knew who that was. She made it her business to know things about most people in the school. It made life a lot easier in case they tried to do something dumb.

Cunning Roll to see if Remi knows anything about this Sakura girl. [roll0] * 4 = 4.

+1 added to roll for 2 Favor, roll is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13464955&postcount=2).

2 * 4 = 8. 2 Favor spent, 6 remaining.

2012-06-29, 03:13 PM
"Ar..aroused?" Yoru says, looking confused at Knox, "I didn't feel anything like that, but I felt a strange presence. It got very cold, and when books and other things started falling off the shelves, I left as quickly as I could!"

2012-06-29, 04:23 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president.

"Really!? A decline in temperature... Spontaneous telekinesis? That sounds like...a ghost" Yuri can't hide her enthusiasm, balling her hands into fists and making happy faces to he club members. After Yuri comes down from her giddy high she gets a resolute look on her face and banging her hands on the table she says "Alright Club, get your equipment ready. We've got a GHOST to find!"

2012-06-29, 06:12 PM
"How fortuitous for thee; it appears that ye both shall witness first hand what awaits thee in this club...hopefully at least," Amaya comments to Knox and Akira, seemingly unfazed by Yuri's trembling. Turning just in time to face her outburst, and taking all the pathos in; she truly did enjoy being around her. "Excuse us," she said courtly as she stood from the table, as she began to gather her gear in her bag from one of the nearby cabinets she couldn't help but be bothered by the timing of it all; though her heart of hearts still hopped that an encounter might just occur.

2012-06-29, 06:33 PM
''Um... Yuri-san, what would you like me to do? s-should i help carrying anything for you or amaya-senpai?'' Keita asked sheepishly, with a cute frown while gently nibbling at his lower lip.

''oh darn... Have any of you seen my inhalator? I placed it on the desk as i arrived earlier...'' He realized, while routinely checking his pockets for it, this time they all turned out empty.

Princess Tracy
2012-06-30, 11:22 AM
"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, Yuri-chan..."

Knox gives her scarf a last tug to tighten it around her head. "All the equipment I have is this, so I am ready when you are." She stands at attention, saluting to the noble madam president. She notices Keita struggling. "Maybe I knocked your thing over when I jumped under the table?" She crouches, looking.

Hmm... Cunning roll? I think so...


"Is this it, Keita?" she asks, holding up teh first thing she finds with little comprehension of what it is.

2012-06-30, 12:01 PM
Amaya sighs as she closes her bag, and begins to search for Keita' s inhaler.

Luck roll:[roll0]

2012-07-01, 02:08 PM
Luckily, Amaya finds the inhaler.

The girl is still looking worried. Remi doesn't recall ever seeing this girl at the school, and it's odd to see her still frightened.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-01, 02:27 PM
Knox stands, seeing the girl looking distraught. "What still troubles you? Is there more? And it may also be helpful if you gave us directions..." An unseen, devilish smile flashes on Knox's face, though one might detect it from the pursing of her eyelids. She sneaks up to the girl, removing her glove for a split second as she presses and deathly cold hand against her neck. "Also did the ghost feel anything like that?" she asks, hoping for a shiver as she goes to replace her glove.

2012-07-01, 10:23 PM
"It didn't feel anything like that. the girl says, "I can't really explain how it felt, it just felt... scary."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-02, 03:34 AM
Hmph. Maybe I've been warming up in the sun too long. That's usually funny.

"Fine, show us to the ghost then."

2012-07-02, 05:19 AM
Seeing that Amaya-senpai suddenly standing there with his inhalator, shocked Keita a bit, but he went over to her anyways.

''oh, you f-found it. T-Thank you A-A-Amaya-senpai'' He stammered forth with rosy cheeks, his eyes not meeting hers, and a hand outstretched to recieve the inhalator.

2012-07-02, 05:51 PM
"Eureka!" exclaimed Amaya, spotting the inhaler almost immediately. Amaya shook her head slowly as she carefully placed the inhaler unto Keita's hand; her fingers brushing him before retrieving her hand. "Thou art welcome Keita-kun. Ye should be far more careful with thyne inhaler; we would not wish thee to lack it during a moment of great need," she said before turning to the rest of the group.

"Now then, Yoru Sakura; lead the way," she proclaimed as she brandished her satchel.

2012-07-02, 06:27 PM
After a long while looking through a storage locker on a corner of the club, Yuri emerges with a analog camera, and a device with several dials and buttons. It seems mostly banged up but still serviceable.

"Alright! Here's the EMF analyzer I got secondhand. It doesn't look like much but I'm sure it'll tell us if there's anything that disturbs the electro magnetic field in the area. (besides it was a bargain)".

Oblivious to the search for Keita's inhaler, Yuri follows Amaya's remark with her own."Like Kobayashi-san said! Time's wasting. Let's go!"

2012-07-02, 09:25 PM
Mira, having been resting for the last few minutes, sighs and gets up, shaking her head as she gets ready to go along on the hunt. "Don't worry, we'll solve this. I don't think Yuri will let us leave until we do, honestly."

2012-07-04, 10:01 AM
"Um, Okay." The girl says. "It was the old storage room, in the library."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-04, 10:38 AM
"Lead the way, madam-president."

2012-07-05, 08:50 AM
The girl leads the club through the school to the library, then to the storage room near the back. Inside, the storage room looks to be very dark, and dusty. There are a few books laying on the ground, most likely from the previous night's events.

2012-07-05, 07:27 PM
As Keita entered the storage room, the dusty air inside it immidiately caused him to gasp out of shortness of breath. After coughing a few times and a few inhalations from his asthma-medicine, he was able to breathe without too much difficulty.

''um, Yuri-chan, what do we do once we find this here ghost? it's not like we can actually just kick it out of here. ghosts are ethereal if i remember correctly... so.. um, do we have some kind of trap for it?'' Keita asked in his usual quiet voice.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-09, 05:22 AM
Knox seems to care little for her surroundings, just seeming happy to see Yuri excitedly work.

2012-07-09, 06:20 PM
Leah followed the group as well as she could.

The latest newcomer seemed more than a bit suspicious, though Leah wasn't sure how; her aura-sensing abilities tended to dull when she was around a large number of people, and there was definitely more than one "sensitive" in the general vicinity. This place seemed to attract more than its fair share of supernatural beings, and Leah wasn't sure she wanted to know why, or why Cedric ("Cernunnos," she muttered to herself) wanted her to come here... but...

This club had the potential to expose her.

She'd have to react to her surroundings as they changed, but she'd done that before; the only reason she got caught the first time was a little bit of carelessness on her part. But the others... She wasn't sure she could manipulate them as well as she did her own family, and she wasn't sure she was there to do that to start with.

She was so absorbed in thought that she fell over a stray stack of books lying on the floor, then rammed headfirst into a bookcase. I have GOT to quit disengaging my sensory-spell when I get stressed, she thought silently to herself.

2012-07-12, 09:38 AM
"Well.. this is where it happened." The girl says. While the room is dark dusty and stale, it doesn't seem to be haunted.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-12, 02:31 PM
"Ghost, come on out!" Knox cheerfully beckons.

2012-07-12, 06:04 PM
"Oh... Kei-chan, so cute. If find ghosts we call an exorcist, naturally! Come think of it we could use an exorcist. I wonder if there are any miko-in training at the school. That would be a good research subject for the club, you know? But yeah, when we find ghosts, then we'll see what to do about it ok?"

Yuri returns her attention to her curious looking device, ready to notice any subtle alterations in the EMF levels. The device makes the odd beep and buzz from time to time as she walks through the whole area. She is startled by Leah bumping on the bookcase and comes to help her.

"You're one of our new members, right? I think I didn't get your name... Hey, has anyone seen Remi?"

She is interrupted by Knox's taunt, to which she responds

"Ohh... bold, Knox-kun! Let's hope ghosts hear you now!"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-12, 06:56 PM
Yuri thinks Kei is cute. I'll just have to DESTROY him, but how... You know I rarely just go for he jugular. Never, actually. Wonder if it would work. I could try. No, Knox, be diplomatic. Just win her heart the old fashioned way!

Knox does her best to produce a giggle, though blushes through her scarf as she does so. "Well, you make me feel pretty bold, Yuri. Just being around you... It's enough for my heart to..." She leans in, not quite sure where she's going with this, before becoming apparently suddenly aware of the others watching. Oh, what's wrong with me? Calm down, fool, you've restrained and waited all this time, you can wait at least another few minutes. Or hours. Or days! Probably not years though - I feel like I'll die before then, just the thought of never knowing her tou- FOCUS. "Um, Yuri, I think that looks like a good place for a ghost to hide - in the library proper, there. How about everyone splits up to look around and you and I can go... be alone together. You know, while we look." She nudges towards the door, hoping to leave, if only for a few minutes alone. How much could one really miss anyway?

Two birds with one stone; if there's anything supernatural that happens, Yuri can maintain ignorance by not being around for it, and Knox gets her alone time with her beloved.

2012-07-12, 06:57 PM
"My name is Akira Takeda," she replied with a relieved sigh, dusting off her uniform, "and yes, I'm one of the new members."

She backed away from the bookcase and turned in the group's general direction. "Yoru-san... something bothers me about this entire situation. Could you tell us more about your personal life so we can figure out why a ghost would want to go to the trouble of haunting you? It might help us figure out what to do."

2012-07-12, 07:38 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president

"I make Knox-kun feel bold? Bold enough to go whenever ghosts may hide, right?!" As always Yuri is unable to read between the lines.

As Knox focuses, Yuri feels her brain turning into mush, completely pliable to Knox's suggestion. "Sure, I've already done a sweep through the room and didn't find anything anyway. Club, do a double-extra check for me, alright!?"

"Let's go, Knox-kun." Yuri takes the vampire girl's hand and moves with her to the adjacent library.

OOC: Ok, Yuri is out of sight. Let the paranormal shenanigans begin!

TraceHyde: I think it's more fun if Knox's hand is revealed to the other club members. Thus why she was suggested.Of course, her powers would still have its limits. What she just suggested Yuri to do is within what she would normally do, so it works. Being suggested to do something Yuri wouldn't do would not work. If you're ok with this, let me know and I will leave it as is, if not Knox just talked Yuri into going to the library.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-12, 07:58 PM
OOC: I hadn't planned on there being anything supernatural about what Knox just did, but if that's what floats your boat. I was actually going to have her eyes be used for any vampire weirdness, but thinking about it physical contact does seem to fit better, so we'll go with that. It'll add an extra meaning to her constantly concealed appearance - she doesn't want to accidentally use her powers on people. When I touched the girl from earlier, the idea was taht she's supposed to be stone-cold freezing due to vampirism and it was supposed to make her shiver, but I guess she just had thick skin.

Her heart fluttering as she holds Yuri's hand in her own, Knox considers removing her glove as they find a nice, sunless spot in the library. She stops, standing still, fidgeting with her scarf, tugging it from her head, and with it her glove. "Yuri..." We're alone, at last. There's so much I feel I should say, but no words seem to fit. Just... don't screw it up. "How, ah... how good would you say your memory is? Do you ever find yourself... forgetting anything?" Quite unconsciously, as her skin reddens, her hand plays continuously at the bindings of her uniform. Her hand reaches out to touch Yuri, but pulls back at the last second, ever-hesitantly, turning the display into nothing more than an odd hand gesture. No, I have to make sure... she's pure and should be kept that way...

2012-07-12, 08:18 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president, currently away in the library

"Forgetting something? Oh, yeah I always forget what I've studied right after the exams hehe. My sister always admonishes me for that" Yuri puts her left hand on the back of her neck, grinning. She gives Knox an innocent smile, a smile just like she one she remembers so many years ago, and returns to fiddle with her EMF, measuring the levels around the room.

Trace: I interpreted it as Knox being impatient and using her voice to suggest me. It's something she has to will for it to happen. That's the way classic vampires work. If I get things correctly you'd have to touch, then willingly suggest the person right? That works. What would be your goal right now, see that Yuri remembers Knox? I think she could remember now, but she'd only regard you as a girl she once met. She's clueless like that.

Nyna, the rest: Let's hope that Soapy has something happen in the room now that I'm out. If not, you could still help your witless club leader with the vampire that has her in her grasp. XD

Princess Tracy
2012-07-12, 08:40 PM
I figured as a way to instigate plot, if her mind wanders while making contact with someone there's a chance of her using her manipulation accidentally. Other than that, yeah.

Speaking of plot convenient abilities, using my gaze to cause memory loss of supernatural events on Yuri may occasionally be useful

Knox, extraterrestrial vampire - kicking it in the library with her unrequited love

I wonder how deeply buried I am in that head of yours. Can I bring it out? And, perhaps even more importantly, would I have to in order to make her... love me? Once again, he hand goes to dart for the president's flesh, but stops. Listen to yourself - 'making' her love you. You're like a starving dog being thrown meat. Though I do feel pretty starved. I just... want her, is that so bad. Knox gulps, feeling dirty already, but hardly able to stop herself - there's a grim curiosity there that she can't shake. She seem susceptible, so maybe... She steps forward, boldly, rapping her arms around Yuri, breathing heavily on the girl's neck. Her blood always did smell so sweet - she must still be a virgin. But Knox would never allow herself even to conceive of sinking her fangs into that soft, inviting, sexy neck-flesh. No sir, not even a moment's thought. Placing her ungloved hand upon Yuri's, her voice quirvering as she speaks, she remarks "Try remembering if you ever..." she voices 'loved', but dares not say it. Perhaps thy had covered up teh supernatural, but surely they wouldn't rob 2 girls of their companionship. "Did you ever know a girl by the name of Knox before today?" She squezes tight, as if afraid Yuri might run away or fall.

I'd settle for a faint recollection - not remembering much in the way of intimacy would give Knox reason to keep trying. Her objective is as it always was, to try and get Yuri to love her back in any way she can. She's spent a long time looking for her unrequited beloved, after all. She's not that cunning though, so plans aren't really her thing - she's mostly playing it by ear.

Coming up for 3am here.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-13, 02:13 PM
Ah, stupid dentist. My head is pounding even now - it's been like 4 hours, too.

After a few breathless moments, Knox loses hope, releasing Yuri from her grip, a whimper in her voice. "No, I guess you wouldn't..."

2012-07-13, 06:38 PM
Amaya smiles lightly, wondering if she should tell them that they did technically have an exorcist present, but decided to keep her peace; content to watch the scene play out until Akira slammed into a book case. "Art thou well Takeda-san?" inquired Amaya as she approached the befuddled girl, her attention drifting for a moment as she sensed the slightest spark of magic. She was sure it had stemmed from Yuri and Knox's area, but was unsure of it had been exactly.

"If the specter still lurks within these walls it may be wiser to remain together; lest we fall prey to it," argued, only to have Yuri leave with Knox. Amaya sighed, "Very well Taichou," replied Amaya in defeat before turning to her bag, pulling out a small set of bells, before closing it once more. Each one of the set was a pair of jinglebells tied together with a pair of white and red string, forming a loop at the end from where they could be easily hunged or held.

"Before commencing we request that all those partaking in this search take a bell," she said politely offering the bells in her open hand.

2012-07-13, 08:42 PM
''A bell? what for? shall we jingle it to death... oh wait, that won't work...'' Keita seemed to, truely, not being able to understand the use for a tiny bell. Though he still took one of them, since it's Amaya who handed them out.

''Um... Amaya-Senpai, uh... would it, um, be okay i-if I, um... you know... uh, w-walk w-with y-y-you'' and then the shy keita tried to ask, and apparently not doing a good job, if he could join Amaya in walking around the library.

2012-07-13, 09:01 PM
"I'm fine, I just don't pay attention to the things around me. And thanks for the bells," she replied, taking the bells with as much grace as she could muster.

She hoped to God she wouldn't have to do an exorcism here.

It wasn't that she didn't know how to do them, in theory - she'd studied Catholic exorcisms before - but most of the ghosts she encountered didn't even require them, and those that did were taken care of by Cernunnos. Would she have the power to do it, if necessary? She guessed the answer was yes, though the ceremonies behind it were probably beyond her at that point in time. She guessed she'd have to study them later, when she was safe enough to do so.

"Do you know anything about exorcisms, Amaya-san?" She tried to keep her voice level, though she wasn't sure how effective that was. "I only ask because I don't know anything about it. Seems kind of dangerous walking around a potentially-haunted library with no protection whatsoever. I hope Knox-san and Yuri-san get back here soon."

2012-07-13, 09:02 PM
She hoped Keita-san and Amaya-san weren't leaving her alone with a bunch of strangers she'd never spoken to in her life. She didn't want to be stuck protecting a bunch of people she didn't know, especially not in her current state of blindness. "I think it might be better if we stayed together. Safety in numbers, and all that; we have no idea what this ghost is capable of."

2012-07-13, 10:14 PM
Once Knox lets her off her grasp, Yuri looks at her with a glassy look, and without saying anything, hugs her close. She lingers for a while. Once she lets go, her eyes look a little shiny as if moist with held back tears. She's come back to her senses, and looks shocked.

"Oh, sorry! I don't know what came over me! I don't just hug people at random...I'm so sorry!" Her hands knit together in her lap, she bows, her cheeks flushing.

2012-07-13, 10:18 PM
Amaya smiled, "In a sense we do Takeda-san; we've witnessed our fair share of exorcisms, and participated in a few. 'Tis to be expected if one dwells amongst shrine maiden's and priests," she replied merrily as if it were the most casual thing in the world.

"As for the bells, we've had these in waiting for quite sometime; in the event another attempted to trick our group through a similar jest. Should a specter truly lurk within these walls, these small bells shall ring out in warning if you come near it; though if they begin to chime wildly, it may be best to take flight at most haste. Such a response would mark the presence of a great many phantoms or one of great power...or so we've been told," explained Amaya with a slightly embarrassed smile at the end.

"Moreover they should provide some protection to thyne person should it come to that, from the specters direct attempts; at the very least from possession, assuming the specter isn't a truly potent one at least. Though if it commence launching objects at thee, ye would do well to flee," she ended with a cheerful smile.

"And as we said, it is best for us all to travel together, though we would not worry much for Taichou; she is a quite fortunate person, we are sure that she shall be fine by morning's end," she added reassuringly.

2012-07-13, 11:01 PM
"Experiences," she repeated. It sounded strange to hear someone else say it like that. "You make it sound like they're the most common in the world."

She sighed and massaged the side of her temple. She hoped - prayed - that Amaya had some idea of how things worked in Asia. Ghosts probably weren't that different in Japan, but rituals mostly served to calm the respective energies of everyone involved, in her experience. She had no idea how to calm a Japanese ghost because she had only a basic idea of Japanese culture - as much as she could have gained within the time frame she was given, certainly, but not enough to feel comfortable in her situation. She immediately knew that the bells Amaya gave her would probably provide some protection - a fact that proved more disconcerting than anything else - but it wouldn't provide protection against anything more powerful than the one who enchanted it.

Few ghosts had the power to make their presence known in the way that this one apparently had. Any ghost who stayed in the realm of the living had the potential to become a poltergeist, and Leah wasn't so sure it was wise to be there, particularly since her abilities might enrage the ghost should it decide it wanted to be enraged.

Then she remembered something Amaya said.

"What do you mean, 'dwelled among shrine maidens and priests'?" Her face burned with embarrassment. "What's going on here?

2012-07-14, 06:01 AM
Amaya turned to Akira, clearly confused by her reaction. "Uhm...Exactly that?" she said in mild confusion unsure of why Leah had reacted as she did, "We belong to a family responsible for a local shrine, as well as possess several kinsmen who serve to maintain other such locations. As such over time we've participated in several restoration projects, along with certain other rituals, such as blessings and the like, whenever a family member or an acquaintance required an extra hand or two; and as such have become well acquainted with many of them. Granted, most such activities aren't nearly as exciting as one would think, and tend to be rather drawn out affairs. Though to be honest, we did not take an active interest in such things until after meeting Yuri-san-taichou," she elaborated in the most simple, honest and earnest fashion she could.

"Why does our family offend thee religiously or in some other way?" Amaya inquired innocently with a raised brow and a confused look, still unsure about Akira's reaction; though quite sure she hadn't said anything that odd for this day and age.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-14, 06:02 AM
Knox regloves her hand as she begins wondering if there's anything to be done, only to just about jump out of her skin from shock as she feels someone else make willing contact with her - Yuri hugged her! Sh-she's rubbed up against me, squeezing me... did she remember? She struggles to look back, seeing her eyes water. A smile plays at her face in hope as Knox likewise begins welling up. As she lets go and apologises though, she doesn't know what to make of it. "I... No, it's fine." Maybe there's still some understanding locked away in there somewhere? But then, how do I unlock it? Does she really like me deep down? She must, right? Or did I just mess with her somehow... Tears begin pooling more and more as Knox seems on the verge of outright sobs. "Y-Yuri, if it's you... you can do whatever you want with me. If I can remain at your side, I'd even be burned - an embrace is your great kindness."

She fidgets with the leg warmers and bindings and god knows what that have so long shielded her skin, thankful for the shade, as soon as she mentions the word 'burned'. As she concludes her little sincere monologue, she finishes untangling and unknotting it all, and with one swift yank, it all falls away to leave her only with her uniform and her pale, pure skin, broken by the faintest burn on her cheek from earlier. "You've become so pretty, Yuri. And you're so kind and energetic, like always and... So even if you don't remember me, I would never get mad at you, never. But if you really want to apologise, can you stay here a while and..." Knox begins undoing her shirt, her face ever reddening. And yet a sincere smile finally blossoms on her face, her tears dying down as she looks deep into Yuri's eyes. "L-look, Yuri. Is my skin, m-my b-b-body nice enough for you?" She said all those years ago she wished her skin was as nice as mine, but she's much prettier than me - she always was, really. She said once that I looked like an angel of snow. But, did she ever like me in that way? Ah, my heart feels like it's about to explode, showing so much of my skin in a place like this, her eyes locked onto me. And yet it feels like I'll die if she looks away.

I'd been wanting to use that exhibitionism fetish for a while, so I did.

2012-07-14, 07:52 AM
Crap. Crap, crap, crap! "Ah... no, your family doesn't offend me at all," she offered. They had shrines in Japan? That people LIVED IN? She prayed to God she hadn't blown her cover, then remembered the irony of praying to God about anything and merely began to hope she hadn't. "S-sorry. I thought you were making fun of me, is all. I never... ahem, I never knew you were being serious."

Well, that certainly didn't sound contrived, she thought angrily to herself. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

2012-07-14, 08:33 AM
Amaya merely looked on in curiosity as she drank in all that sweet, sweet, pathos Akira was radiating; though she'd be damned before she understood why. She could only marvel at what truly odd beings humans were, causing her pleasant smile to form on her face once more. "Thou inquired if we possessed knowledge or skills which would be of use to the group after expressing thyne own concerns and fears; it would have been in quite poor taste for us to elect to make such a jest. In any case, the misunderstanding has been cleared; so all is well now correct?" she inquired pleasantly.

Though a pensive look made it too her face upon catching a whiff a most peculiar scent. It seemed that love was in the air, and for once, Keita appeared to not have been the only source. She was not surprised by the presence of Eros, after all the human's in the school were around that age. However she was not expecting such a strong concentration of Agape; this, the rarest of loves, was not something she had thought to encounter in all of the sudden while in a haunted library. She resisted the urge to track down the source for the time being; she had an important task ahead of her after all. With that final thought Amaya returned to her typically pleasant visage.

2012-07-14, 09:47 AM
The club members would notice that it seems the only activity in the storage room is their own. There doesn't seem to be even a single hint of paranormal activity. (Well, at least no more then usual.)

"I don't understand, something should have happened by now! The girl seems to be very confused.

2012-07-14, 01:54 PM
The club members would notice that it seems the only activity in the storage room is their own. There doesn't seem to be even a single hint of paranormal activity. (Well, at least no more then usual.)

"I don't understand, something should have happened by now! The girl seems to be very confused.

''Maybe god finally listened to one of my prayers and put whatever spirit was here, to rest?? Hey god! if you did something here, then show us a sign... please?'' Keita half-jokingly, and hopefully, shouted out into the library with his low-pitched voice(aka. not very loud at all, a few decibels higher than his regular gentle and shy speech.)


Luck roll to see if god had a finger in this.


2012-07-14, 02:15 PM
A book suddenly falls off of the shelf, but the event is unnoticed as the bell suddenly rings, signaling that students have to get to class soon.

2012-07-16, 04:41 AM
"Oh, sorry! I don't know what came over me! I don't just hug people at random...I'm so sorry!" Her hands knit together in her lap, she bows, her cheeks flushing.

"I... No, it's fine." Maybe there's still some understanding locked away in there somewhere? But then, how do I unlock it? Does she really like me deep down? She must, right? Or did I just mess with her somehow... Tears begin pooling more and more as Knox seems on the verge of outright sobs. "Y-Yuri, if it's you... you can do whatever you want with me. If I can remain at your side, I'd even be burned - an embrace is your great kindness."

"What's wrong Knox... why are you so sad all of a sudden?" Yuri looks at the redhaired girl with sympathy, if not understanding.

She fidgets with the leg warmers and bindings and god knows what that have so long shielded her skin, thankful for the shade, as soon as she mentions the word 'burned'. As she concludes her little sincere monologue, she finishes untangling and unknotting it all, and with one swift yank, it all falls away to leave her only with her uniform and her pale, pure skin, broken by the faintest burn on her cheek from earlier. "You've become so pretty, Yuri. And you're so kind and energetic, like always and... So even if you don't remember me, I would never get mad at you, never. But if you really want to apologise, can you stay here a while and..."

Yuri flushes at Knox's compliments, her cheeks becoming like twin apricots. She tries to really dive into her memories, to brighten Knox's melancholic plea but there's nothing there. A hollow? She can't really put a finger on it. "R-remember you? Have we met before? I'm sorry, when was this, where was this? I'm sure I'd remember you...".

Knox begins undoing her shirt, her face ever reddening. And yet a sincere smile finally blossoms on her face, her tears dying down as she looks deep into Yuri's eyes. "L-look, Yuri. Is my skin, m-my b-b-body nice enough for you?" She said all those years ago she wished her skin was as nice as mine, but she's much prettier than me - she always was, really. She said once that I looked like an angel of snow. But, did she ever like me in that way? Ah, my heart feels like it's about to explode, showing so much of my skin in a place like this, her eyes locked onto me. And yet it feels like I'll die if she looks away.

I'd been wanting to use that exhibitionism fetish for a while, so I did.

"Knox-kun!! You..." The girl is shaken, but she does not look away from Knox's exposed body. When Yuri turns to look into Knox's eyes, her pupils are quivering. She holds Knox by her waist and pushes her to a secluded corner between the bookcases. "You shouldn't expose yourself like that!" She tries to button her shirt again, but she missed one an has to start over. Knox can see that even if she won't turn to look at her now, her cheeks are beet red she could almost swear she felt Yuri's heart race moments now when she hugged her.

That's when the girls hear the bell.

"That's... the bell. Time for class." Yuri's tone is a bit uneven, still regaining her footing, the feelings from moments now still lingering in her. "Well, even if I don't remember, I believe you Knox-kun." Yuri puts her hand on Knox's shoulder smiling. "Tell you what, maybe you could come over to my house after class. We could ask my big sister, Yumi. She's got a great memory. I'm sure she'd remember if we met!"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-16, 05:34 AM
"Knox-kun!! You..." The girl is shaken, but she does not look away from Knox's exposed body. When Yuri turns to look into Knox's eyes, her pupils are quivering. She holds Knox by her waist and pushes her to a secluded corner between the bookcases. "You shouldn't expose yourself like that!" She tries to button her shirt again, but she missed one an has to start over. Knox can see that even if she won't turn to look at her now, her cheeks are beet red she could almost swear she felt Yuri's heart race moments now when she hugged her.

Knox's eyes seem o lose a fraction of consciousness as she once again finds herself in the other girl's arms and she realises that she's starting to get used to it, the feeling of Yuri's body against her own. She never takes her eyes from Yuri though. "I... I can't help but expose myself, Yuri. These clothes are so itchy, so restrictive, and I have to wear them all the time just to not burn. Just... just once I wanted someone else to look at me. And... I feel so safe when it's just the two of us, and yet on edge... I-I'm not making any sense, am I? What I mean to say is, I lo-"

That's when the girls hear the bell.

Knox budges awkwardly, her thoughts broken by the ringing as she ponders its meaning. That's the class bell, right? Oh no, how could I not have thought this far ahead - I snuck into the school itself well enough, but I'm not really enrolled in any classes. Maybe Yuri will know what to do.

"That's... the bell. Time for class." Yuri's tone is a bit uneven, still regaining her footing, the feelings from moments now still lingering in her. "Well, even if I don't remember, I believe you Knox-kun." Yuri puts her hand on Knox's shoulder smiling. "Tell you what, maybe you could come over to my house after class. We could ask my big sister, Yumi. She's got a great memory. I'm sure she'd remember if we met!"

"Yumi!?" Knox finally seems to cheer up again, though her mouth gapes in shock rather than outright smiles at first. She thinks for a moment, looking at her feet. "I wouldn't mind seeing her again. You were both so kind, all those years ago..." Her skin flushes all the more though as she takes Yuri's hand in her own, looking deep into her eyes, her uneven posture putting her as shorter than the other girl. "H-here's the deal then. I'll do whatever you think is best if... if you look at me..." Even she gulps from embarrassment, though is clearly excited, here eyes darting around wildly, though upon issuing her request they have rouble meeting those of her beloved.

2012-07-16, 06:01 AM
"Yumi!?" Knox finally seems to cheer up again, though her mouth gapes in shock rather than outright smiles at first. She thinks for a moment, looking at her feet. "I wouldn't mind seeing her again. You were both so kind, all those years ago..." Her skin flushes all the more though as she takes Yuri's hand in her own, looking deep into her eyes, her uneven posture putting her as shorter than the other girl. "H-here's the deal then. I'll do whatever you think is best if... if you look at me..." Even she gulps from embarrassment, though is clearly excited, here eyes darting around wildly, though upon issuing her request they have rouble meeting those of her beloved.

As they walk out of the library, Yuri seems to be much like her usual self. "Of course I'll look at you, I'm your club president aren't I?" Yuri pumps her free fist, still holding Knox's hand. "Knox-kun, which homeroom are you on? You're a first year student like me, right? "

OOC: Just trying to take care of any lingering plot threads. I imagine Knox can get herself accepted as a 'transfer student' or Yuri will surely speak on her behalf. Of course it's just a matter of missing paperwork, nothing more, right? :smallwink:

Princess Tracy
2012-07-16, 06:26 AM
Knox wonders just how much can go over her beloved's head. One day, maybe one day, she'll look at me like a lover...

Yuri's boundless enthusiasm seems to knock Knox from her stupor as the wander out of the library. "Um, aha-ha. It seems I really shouldn't have exposed myself, Yuri. Hang on, I'm sorry if I make you late." She runs back to where they were, doing her best to rebind her coverings that she had so foolishly discarded. She does a hack job of it, rushing the process as she hurries to join Yuri's side again, hugging her arm like a young couple. "Since you don't remember me yet, could I ask you to indulge my habits," she asks more cheerfully than Yuri had hear her before, trying to normalise her clingy behaviour. I believe it was only a small portion of earth's females that appreciated that sort of company from other females. I can only hope Yuri is one of them, because my heart is thumping so hard around her, you'd think I had real blood! She aimlessly follows Yuri's place, obviously not having any such thing as a 'home room'.

Well, all it took was a little skin on skin suggestion to get the teachers to treat me like a regular student. How hard could it be to get into one of the specific classes? But then, won't Yuri notice something odd? What if she thinks I'm a freak? Well, I am a freak even among my own kind, but... She shakes herself. " I think I was, uh, in your 'home room', yeah. Where is it, by the way?"

2012-07-16, 07:07 AM
Knox wonders just how much can go over her beloved's head. One day, maybe one day, she'll look at me like a lover..

Yuri's boundless enthusiasm seems to knock Knox from her stupor as the wander out of the library. "Um, aha-ha. It seems I really shouldn't have exposed myself, Yuri. Hang on, I'm sorry if I make you late." She runs back to where they were, doing her best to rebind her coverings that she had so foolishly discarded. She does a hack job of it, rushing the process as she hurries to join Yuri's side again, hugging her arm like a young couple. "Since you don't remember me yet, could I ask you to indulge my habits,"

"It's okay!" Apparently, a lot could go over Yuri's head.

Well, all it took was a little skin on skin suggestion to get the teachers to treat me like a regular student. How hard could it be to get into one of the specific classes? But then, won't Yuri notice something odd? What if she thinks I'm a freak? Well, I am a freak even among my own kind, but... She shakes herself. " I think I was, uh, in your 'home room', yeah. Where is it, by the way?"

"We're here... but did you say you're in the same class as me? Oh! You're a transfer student then?" Yuri's tone changes to a playful, melodramatic one "Ooohh the mysterious transfer student! What secrets do you hide under your wraps?" Yuri is about to pull Knox's scarf when she comes to her senses. "Oh, right your skin is super sensitive to light, sorry... I get carried away sometimes. And even if it doesn't look like I'm listening, I'm definitely listening. Well... most of the time. So, today must be your first day, right? Don't worry you just have to talk to the teacher, you introduce yourself to the class and you're set."

OOC: Ok now this tangent's all wrapped up.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-16, 07:18 AM
Knox's flustered attitude returns as Yuri reaches for her bindings. "I-it's okay. You can play with my clothes all you want. Like I said, even if I get burned, if it's for you I'll be okay. But if you want to know my secrets, I think asking me may serve better than toying with my skin, although..." She giggles as she tries to regain her composure. "Yeah, I'm a pretty hardcore transfer student, you could say. I've been all over the place, really. I, uh, I don't suppose you could help me with an into, could you? I'm not very good with earthlings... Uh, I mean...!"

2012-07-17, 06:22 PM
Amaya emitted a disappointing sigh as she stored the bells back in her bag. The girls seemed earnest enough in her surprise, and hoped it was sincere; though if it was then it meant they had a roaming specter which was admittedly worse. Amaya eventually turned around upon sensing Yuri and Knox's return. "We hope thyne search was more fruitful than ours; we've been thus far unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the specter,"

2012-07-17, 06:33 PM
Hearing the bell, Keita looked at the tiny bell in his ánd, unable to decide wether or not to take it with him.

After a few seconds of deliberation, he finally decided to put it in his pocket.

''Well, I will be heading to my class room... I'll meet you guys in the club room once school's out for the day.'' He said to them all, accompanied with a wave.

he then began to walk down the corridors, in a relaxed tempo, missing the deadline of class-entry by half a minute.

2012-07-17, 06:54 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president, minutes before.

"Nothing to report in the library... The EMF seems within normal parameters.. still I think there's something around here, we've just been unlucky. After class, let's ask around if anyone else has noticed any similar events in the school, so we can zero around the ghost's point of entry. Now..." And at this moment Amaya notices an odd quivering in the president's voice, something she hadn't noticed before, just as she lightly squeezes the pale girl's hand. "...we should get to class. Knox-kun and I'll go on ahead."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-17, 07:02 PM
Just changing around teh order of events a bit

With a deep breath in preparation, Knox heads into the classroom, strides right up to the teacher, removes her glove, and shakes her hand, working her subtle suggestive skin to the fullest. "Hello, I'm a new student in this class. Surely you were informed. My presence here is perfectly normal. I will now perform my introduction, as that is acceptable." She turns to teh class, bowing deeply as her various rags almost slip off, and without missing a beat blurts out her little 'introduction' - in such a rushed tone that, forget punctuation, it may as wlel have all been one word. "Hello my name is Knox MacDonald I am now your classmate at this school whatever it is called I hope we get along my favourite food is classified and my hobbies include Yuri-chan and not getting hit by the sun by the way I'm an albino did I mention that so I burn up real easy so I wear these thick clothes so now you know and please don't provoke my skin as there will be dire consequences nor should you let me near firearms as my aim is terrible due to my lack of depth perception with the whole albinism thing and did I mention I can't stop talking when I'm stressed - YURI, HELP ME!" she finally shouts, panting; she goes weak at the knees, shaking as if she's about to faint as her nervous eyes twitch towards Yuri.

2012-07-17, 07:11 PM
Yuri Nakatomi, club president, now.

Yuri blinks at Knox's hurried introduction, but tries to follow it as closely as she can. She blushes when Knox says she's her hobby but tries to explain it to herself thinking it's just the stress talking. When she asks for her help she stands from her seat and comes to her side holding her hands and saying "It's ok Knox... You'll be ok. Teacher, can she sit next to me? She's new here and really shy."

2012-07-17, 07:34 PM
Amaya stared at Knox like a deer in head lights, flustered by the sheer audacity of what she'd just said; having thought that she'd escaped such impropriety after her sleep, it seemed like humanity was still much the same as how she'd left it. The elder yokai hoped that that had been in fact just a slip of the tongue due to stress, though give how she had ended; she was most likely just anxious. Then again, that would certainly explain the Eros and Agape she'd sensed in the library.

"We believe we speak on behalf of the class when we say, 'Welcome Knox'" she began before smiling, "Let's all get along well," she added, hoping to diffuse any possible situations before the arose.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-17, 07:44 PM
Knox stumbles over to sit in the nearest empty seat to Yuri, planting her head shamefully upon teh desk as she waves absently to Amaya. "God, I look like a fool..."

2012-07-19, 09:15 PM
As Danny sat in his seat, he was puzzled with the lack of reaction from Amaya's bell earlier. While a bit weird, Danny had come to respect Amaya's ability with her instruments. Since the bells didn't pick up anything, things were turning more complicated. On the one side, it could be that there was no ghost, and the incident is a setup by someone. On the other, it could mean something more sinister or troublesome, like the entity being capable of conceal itself or someone controlling it. His experience told him that it was too early to tell. He would have to go to back and do a through scan, though he hoped it was just a prank.

As his mind raced, he was snapped out of his trance by Knox's introduction. Having caught a glimpse of what had happened between her and Yuri, he was aware of the attraction that Knox felt. Still you had to commend her courage and condemn her common sense.

As Knox sat down, planted her head on her desk and mumbled, Danny responded with a whisper to her statement.

"There's a little bit of a fool in all of us, so don't sweat it. Though you might want tone down your enthusiasm."

2012-07-20, 08:01 AM
Leah watched (well, listened) with polite disinterest.

Of course she had no idea how Knox felt about Yuri; she wasn't in the business of knowing, and she knew better than to try to figure it out. She couldn't see facial expressions or social cues; the closest she could come to it was sensing body temperature, and that was more than a little socially unacceptable.

She poked her head into the doorway. "Excuse me... is it okay if I introduce myself? I've been waiting for an opportunity to do so for a while." She almost wanted to back away and forget this entire thing. Had she come to the wrong classroom? Would they laugh at her and tell her she wasn't even in that class?

Princess Tracy
2012-07-20, 08:04 AM
"Enthusiasm is the only thing I have going for me though," Knox explains to Danny, flinching a little from the sun's glare even under her scarf as she raises her head to speak. "I kind of snapped, you know. I'm not used to being around these many earthli- uh, I mean blood- UH, I MEAN... people." Smooth Seeing Leah in the doorway she makes to change the topic. "You might as well come in, girl. Whatever you could possibly do will be overshadowed by my little... whatever just happened there."

2012-07-20, 08:28 AM
"Okay then Yuri, Knox-kun can sit by you" The teacher, Shimazu-Sensai, and older gentleman with thinning hair says. "I've misplaced my list, are there any others who need to be introduced?"

2012-07-20, 11:11 PM
Leah nodded and entered the classroom.

"Shimazu-sensei, I think you forgot me," she replied. "My name is Akira Takeda. I recently transferred from Okinawa."

2012-07-21, 09:31 AM
"Oh, of course, I apologize Akira-Chan, why don't you come up and introduce yourself to the class?"

2012-07-22, 01:06 AM
She walked to the front of the class and cleared her throat.

"Hello. My name is Akira Takeda." Why in the world was she nervous at a time like this? She shook it off and continued her speech. "My hobbies include cooking, reading, science and knitting. I originally come from Okinawa, but commuting to my old school would have taken too long for me to gain anything from it, so I decided to move here."

What else should she mention? Was it proper protocol to mention obvious flaws, like a skin condition? She supposed it was probably better to expose the elephant in the room, so to speak, though she hadn't thought of a good excuse for it yet. "I had an accident with some chemistry equipment at my old school. I'm better, for the most part, but I realize I have some pretty severe scarring; feel free to stare if you wish, I won't be offended."

That went pretty well, she thought to herself. She bowed her head and began to walk back to her desk, feeling triumphant...

...until she realized her skirt was caught on someone else's desk. She careened to the ground with a loud curse, smacking her face against some indiscernible thing for the second time that day. Blood dribbled down her face.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-22, 05:44 AM
At the sight of Takeda falling, Knox's hand tightens into a fist, her nails digging into her calm in frustration as she sees the perfectly good, tasty blood being wasted like that. She hadn't drank anything for days, and it was all she could do to not jump the poor girl then and there. Her mouth drooling, she tears her eyes from the sight, staring hard at Yuri. You can't she's here, she'd see you, she'd be so disappointed... but I'm so hungry... maybe just a little - NO! She squirms, silently fighting herself as she feels herself edging off of her chair. I'll just go help her - no, you idiot, you know what will happen, just stay away... but if I maybe just drank the blood that's been spilled - don't you dare, you know you won't stop, not when you've got her taste. Sh-she, Yuri isn't looking we could just... She suddenly reaches out, grabbing Yuri's hand in her own, pulling some of her scarf away, yelping as her skin slightly burns in the window's sunlight. "Please..." she begs. "Please, watch me... to make sure I don't do something stupid..." No matter how oblivious she is, even Yuri should not fail to notice the addiction-like desperation in Knox's eyes, the desperate, pathetic pleading in her voice as her freed mouth drools to the point of nearly frothing. "Please..."

Not intended as a supernatural suggestion, just a plea

Princess Tracy
2012-07-22, 06:07 AM
OOC, Nagato:

Hey, we could do a bit if you're game. If you bring Leah any closer to Knox while she's bleeding, she'll probably lose control of herself and lick the wound, and if not stopped by the club members or her own inner strength that only comes out around Yuri, bite you. Either way, if she has even a drop of your blood, she'll become incredibly fascinated by you and behave around the prospect of drinking more of your blood like the Trix rabbit does around the cereal of the same name - i.e. going to ludicrous extents to somehow trick the blood right out from you. Either way, I would recommend not letting her drain your blood directly - even Knox isn't sure what will happen, given the species barrier, though you probably won't turn into a vampire on the spot. But if you're game for some intensive character interaction, go ahead and give Knox an excuse to drink even a drop of your blood - you'll have her as an odd friend of sorts if nothing else.

2012-07-22, 08:02 AM
Sure, that's fine. I wasn't intending for it to go there, but yeah.

Leah stumbled to her feet, then fell down again, grabbing hold of the nearest desk she could find. Her ankle throbbed with every move she made. "Agh, I can't get to my feet. Can someone help me up and walk me to the nurse?"

2012-07-22, 01:44 PM
"Knox-kun? Are you ok?" She pats Knox's shoulder trying to calm her... But after it's patently evident Akira can't stand up on her own, Yuri decides to take matters into her own hands.

Yuri stands from her seat and says loudly "I will take you to the infirmary, Akira-chan!" Reaching out for the blind girl, she gives her her hand, thinking that she may just be hurt and would need someone to hold on to. "..after all a club president should take care of her club members!"

The girls exit the classroom, unaware of the fate they just averted. "So, Akira-chan... what happened back there? Have you lost your glasses? Or is your eyesight really that bad?"

OOC: Sorry, this game isn't turning into Shiki. Not on my watch. OOC2: Oh, failed to read Knox's post before... my apologies... editing my post once more.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-22, 04:45 PM
As Yuri leaves, Knox finds herself aching for that sweet, red... She can't help herself - as the door closes behind them, she pounces into a sneaking position, exploiting the momentary confusion to stealth her way across teh classroom to teh small pool of blood taht remained. It's there, it's still wet, still warm. It would be a waste to just leave it... Her inhibitions of not disappointing Yuri gone, her tongue rolling, she makes a final pounce for the blood, intending to lap it up before anyone in the class knows any better...

2012-07-22, 07:17 PM
As Knox crouched, her goal just a single hairs breath away, she felt a single hand gently place itself on and grab hold of her shoulder; with it an almost suffocating pressure laying upon Knox's body, as if someone had just strapped weights to her body. "Knox-san," sang a voice from behind, the ominous melody would seem cheerful to all others but Knox; causing the hairs on the back of a normal person's neck to stand.

Were Knox to turn she would be welcomed by Amaya's smiling visage. "I am worried for Takeda-san as well,but Yuri-chan is already seeing to her. So, it would be best to return thyne seats and allow sensei to commence todays lesson; with haste preferably," suggested Amaya courtly with a smile. To all others it would seem like just a normal conversation between acquiantences, but to Knox it would seem slightly different; Amaya's presence far more imposing as the room seemed to darken and chill around her, sounds fading away except for her melodious voice as a ominous as funeral bells in the night , and her cheerful visage taking on a far more sinister edge.

Silence hanging for a moment before jerking her head slightly to the side and smiling, the doom and gloom vanishing like fairy snuff, the room returning to normal. "We can check on them after class alright?" she offered with cheerfully with a smile, as if nothing odd had transpired between the two just then.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-22, 07:44 PM
Knox recoils from Amaya's touch, struggling weakly for just a drop of that precious blood, even despite of any possible witnesses her delay may have brought. In fact, as she is restrained from that sweet red, a ferocious instinct crosses her mind in that momentary bloodlust to turn around and bite whatever sort of fool kept her from the meal she craved for, ached for - an all encompasing hunger no mortal could understand. Looking up at Amaya though, such thoughts leave her; that presence puts her off balance, her hunger seeming to melt as she meets that supernatural gaze and that hollow smile. She nods to what is said absently, her mind a bit of a jumbled mess as it tries to realign itself from her breach of 'humanity'. "Who are you?" she asks in not quite a whisper, her first coherent thought being one of suspicion. Her upper fangs seem a little sharper, pointing clearly from her mouth for a moment before she remembers to purse her lips again. Is she... like me? "I was just..." ...hungry. Upon being released, she finds her hunger utterly gone and, shaking herself physically to in some way knock her thoughts free, is aware of the eyes on her again. She hurries back to her desk, making a note to keep an eye on her. She asked to see me after class, right? That's what she meant, right? I don't think I have a choice. She's a lot stronger than me, I can tell. She reties her scarf, utterly concealing her face and trying to keep her eyes forward.

2012-07-22, 08:32 PM
"Your sempai," she replied cheerfully as she stared at Knox, watching her fumble her words before seeing the poor girl rush off to her seat. Amaya then followed suit, casually taking her seat without a another word.

2012-07-22, 10:06 PM
"Sorry. My glasses broke about a month ago, and I have to wait until I can afford a new pair." Leah guessed that excuse was good enough. "And sometimes I forget to watch where I'm going. This actually isn't at all unusual."

The worst thing about it was knowing how sufficient that excuse would have been had her magic not failed within minutes of walking into that school; she had spells to help her overcome every obstacle of being blind, from reading spells to object-sensing spells. She'd have to tell the truth if she kept falling over herself all the time, particularly if Yuri noticed it.

What was causing this?

OOC to Amaya:
Leah's magic is somewhat like a radio wave - it reacts to the energies of those around her, often causing the equivalent of static and interference. It's pretty safe to assume that the supernatural nature of all the club members is causing it, but Amaya is the only one Leah's noticed. Is there a way that Leah and Amaya could have a conversation about this?

2012-07-24, 08:51 AM
"Sorry. My glasses broke about a month ago, and I have to wait until I can afford a new pair." Leah guessed that excuse was good enough. "And sometimes I forget to watch where I'm going. This actually isn't at all unusual."

"Understood. Still, Akira-chan, if I or any of the club members can help you, please don't keep it to yourself, just ask ok?. My big sister Yumi always says that asking for help is not always a sign of weakness but never asking for help always is... Or something like that, I don't remember the exact quote hehe. What I'm trying to say is we're not just a club, we can be friends too, right? Oh, we're at the infirmary already!"

The blue haired girl knocks on the door and helps Leah into the nurse's office. She was odd. Not only because of her tendency to ramble on or her sudden bursts of emotion but that unlike the rest of the club members, Leah did not sense anything special about her. Save for a minuscule spike when she mentioned her older sister there wasn't anything supernaturally remarkable about her.

In that case why was she the the club president at all?

2012-07-24, 11:54 AM
At the nurse's office, Yuri and Akira found Keita there as well, breathing through an oxygen mask in a slow and steady rhythm.

Keita Gave them both a timid wave and a roll with the eyes.

2012-07-24, 04:48 PM
She stumbled over to the infirmary bed, glad that her magic was starting to work now that she was out of the classroom.

"It's... nice to hear that, Yuri-san." She hadn't heard that in a while. Her social life pretty much ended after the accident. She withdrew from others, partially of her own volition and partially because she didn't trust anyone enough to risk it. "I appreciate that."

She thought she felt a flicker of something coming from the classroom - energy muffled by something else, something she couldn't distinguish. What was happening in that classroom, anyway? And for that matter, why WAS Yuri the club president? Leah was too exhausted to come to any conclusions on the matter, so she thought she'd ask the person herself. "Yuri-san, if you don't mind me asking... why are you the president of the Occult Club?"

2012-07-24, 05:34 PM
That was a surprising question, a question Yuri certainly wasn't prepared for "Well, last year I tried to form the club but there just weren't enough people to keep it open. This year we got many more new people, like Keita and Kobayashi-san. There was a vote, and they picked me..." Her voice had gone down a few ticks down from her usual hyper self, revealing just a hint of her former shyness. But then her eyes lit up and she smiled again. "I got picked up between all of our great club members to be their leader. That's why I've got to give the Paranormal Activity Investigation Club my 200%!"

When Yuri notices Keita she tries to humorously encourage her underclassman and club member, giving him a friendly thumbs up. "Hang in there, Kei-tan!"

That was what Yuri sees IC about why she's the president. OOC reasons may include: Being a magnet for the occult, the whole unawakened offspring monster hunter clan, or something else entirely. There hasn't been much evidence of either.

Given the option I like the 'Unawakened monster hunter' one. Basically if she realizes there are true paranormal things in the world, she *may* become a ruthless monster killer, screwing up with the current peace between hunters and the rest.

2012-07-24, 06:34 PM
Keita just gave Yuri a thumps-up and kept breathing in and out, letting the filtered oxygen fill his lungs and exit his lungs in slow and only a hint of exaustion.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-24, 07:55 PM
Later that day...

Knox bulls her way through the first period, whatever one wishes to call it, trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible despite her appearance and newness. Quivering silently and lost in thought, she ponders, waiting out until her beloved returns. Eventually, finally, a bell rings and class gives out. She dashes straight for the doorway, there to seek out Yuri, feeling completely lost and for good reason; she has no idea what to do here. Technically speaking, her education is less than most grade school students - at least in the ways of the 'local' education system. I'm just glad to not feel as hungry - DAMN, why'd I have to think of it, now I'm hungry again... And the thought of feeding reminds her of Amaya. She turns in the doorway, stopping to look back for her. I wonder if she wanted something from me, she wonders, a little suspicious and a little intimidated. Something about her, for some reason, was just putting her on edge all of a sudden.

2012-07-24, 08:08 PM
Later after class (and the nurse visit).

Right after the lunch bell rang keita 'hurried' to the club room to eat his homemade lunch, just like he always did.

Inside the club room, Keita was sitting beside an open window, Dreamy eyes on the trees and flowers outside, slowly eating his food.

I wonder if Amaya-senpai will come. At that thought, his cheeks turned slightly pink and he quickly shook the thought away and returned his attention to the gentle breeze through the open window and the nice scenery outside.

2012-07-24, 09:33 PM
(After Class)

Leah knew her circumstances weren't going to change unless she did something about them.

Amaya was the one who was probably interfering with her radar; she didn't know how or why, and she wasn't sure it was worth exposing herself for the sake of finding out.

But then again, what would happen if she did?

At worst she'd sound crazy, maybe even a little unhinged; but she was sure Amaya knew what was going on, and she had no intention of letting that continue. She wasn't going to be left in the dark again - not when her freedom depended on her knowing when and where to react.

2012-07-24, 09:54 PM
Amaya absent-mindedly worked through the class; her mind meditating upon recent events. This surely was one of the most lively days she'd had in quite sometime.

Once class was over, she happily picked up her things before waving at Knox by the door; the lass' hurried escape attempt not having passed her notice. The ancient ayakashi merrily made her towards the other girl, a pleasant smile on her face. "Most excellent, thank thee for awaiting us Knox-san. When we saw thee start, we had begun to fear that thou had forgotten us in thyne haste," she joyfully explained casually as she finished her approach, "Now then, as promised, we shall accompany thee now," she started as she awaited Knox's reactions. "Oh, and may we lead the way? We know of a path that shall allow both of us to by pass the lunch rush, and arrive in time to meet the others for lunch," innocently requested Amaya as the rest of the class began making its way out.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-25, 04:26 AM
Knox silently sizes Amaya up before nodding. I can't think of any better thing to do. When she touched me, she seemed pretty powerful - it would be best to just go along with what she says... She follows whatever path Amaya makes

2012-07-26, 10:04 PM
Amaya smiles in turn, before stepping out of the class room and comencing her trek; attempting to strike something akin to small talk as the pair made their way through the droves of hungry students, making their ways through staircases and smaller hall ways. As time passed Amaya seemed to quiet down even as the fewer and fewer students crossed their path, until in time it seemed as if they were the only pair walking down the hall way; the sounds of their foot steps echoing down the corridor of empty rooms now that student and teacher alike had gone to lunch. The poor Knox no doubt having little idea where the pair where exactly given her inexperience with the school.

After what may have seen like a small eternity Amaya finally spoke, her sixth sense ensuring her that there were no unwanted listeners nearby. "Knox-san? " she began in her usual pleasant tone. " How long has it been since thou sated thyne Hunger?" she ask casually without turning around, as if she had just ask about the weather or some such thing.

2012-07-27, 02:52 AM
Leah crouched down behind the nearest wall when she saw Amaya stop.

To be quite honest she probably didn't need to be following Amaya around anyway. Doing so was probably illegal in most areas, and rightfully so; but her sudden blindness (hah-hah) was more disconcerting than it had any right to be. She needed to get closer to Amaya to figure out whether she was the cause or not.

And she needed to wait until Amaya stopped talking to Knox.

She knew who it was immediately. Knox's aura felt strange and bitter, cold where other peoples' auras were warm; it felt, to be quite blunt, like the aura of a freshly-dead corpse, still active but without any of the energy or heat of a living aura.

Leah shook herself out of her reverie and continued to listen. She wasn't there to solve any mysteries.

"Knox-san?" Amaya's voice sounded as sweet as it usually did. Leah found it a little creepy. "How long has it been since thou sated thyne Hunger?"

The way Amaya phrased that sentence felt odd to her, somehow; she didn't ask how long it had been since Knox had eaten. Did Knox eat human food, or was she feeding on something else? Better yet, why did Knox wear so many layers of clothing when it was probably against the dress code to do so? What about her aura? None of it added up to the explanations she wanted to believe in.

Was Knox a vampire?

Vampirism? Really? That's all you got?

I'd like to see you do better, she snapped back. It occurred to her that having an argument with herself was probably the first sign of insanity. Though the fact that this was my first rational explanation speaks volumes about our life, doesn't it?

Be more creative! She could be a lich, or a golem. Maybe some kind of sentient zombie warrior coming to destroy the world!

I'm over here freaking out about being attacked by some rogue vampire... and you're telling me I have to worry about sentient zombies? Really? She almost groaned. Please, just shut up. You're being stupid.

Well, I think it's a bit unfair that you're automatically blaming Amaya for our vision problems. It could very well be that little one over there. Could be a psychic vampire, right?

Voice had a point. What could she say? Well, what am I supposed to do?

Go over there!

She struggled to her feet and walked over to where the two of them were standing, too late to go back and figure out something to say. She decided to go with the most obvious sentence she could think of and hope for the best. "I think we need to talk."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 05:22 AM
Knox fidgets as they draw to a close, not sure what to make of her situation. Then her question comes. Yeah, she knows alright, how could she not. Stupid, stupid girl, you're a disgrace to the MacDonald name - you can't even fool one person of your nature. But there is something odd about Amaya, maybe fooling her would have been impossible. "I don't know," she finds herself saying at last. "Perhaps a... week? I've been walking nonstop for months, time is hard to keep track of, and I spent the last few days trying to infiltrate the school, so I've been paying little mind to my food. I... I didn't realise how bad it had gotten until she..." As Leah steps from the shadows, declaring a need to talk, Knox's eyes drill into the floor in shame. I may not have her taste, but i have her scent - so sweet. I have to do something about this thirst, and quick, or else... "I'm sorry for back there," Knox remarks, careless of any secrecy. "If it wasn't for Amaya, you would already be..."

2012-07-27, 06:30 AM
That confirmed it. Leah shook her head and sighed.

"We can't control our natures, Knox-san. Believe me, I've tried." Her blindness definitely wasn't Knox's doing - Leah couldn't sense Knox's location any more than she could sense the wall beside her. "I'm not going to tell anyone, so you don't have to worry."

She turned in Amaya's direction, her mouth twisted into an angry grimace. "Whatever you're doing, Amaya-san, I don't find it amusing. Do you think this is some sort of game?" Her voice came out more sharply than she wanted it to. "I may be blind, but I'm not weak, and I'm most certainly not about to just sit here and take it while you debilitate me with whatever you're doing. Knock it off."

2012-07-27, 06:40 AM
Sparks emanated from Leah's body at that moment, surrounding her with some kind of crude protective barrier. She squeaked and backed away from the two of them.

"Wh-what's going on?" The sparks hissed at Amaya with a kind of threatening ferocity that Leah didn't know her magic had. She gathered what little will she had that wasn't colored with fear and directed it towards the sparks emanating from her body. "I command you to stop!"

The magic didn't respond at first, merely crackled; then it faded, until the last of them had completely disappeared. She collapsed onto the floor, both relieved and exhausted. "That wasn't - I wasn't trying to... it hasn't happened in so long..."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 07:10 AM
Knox backs up, her eyes widening at the sparks, her eyes going to cover her eyes from the brightness. "Wh-what?" She had not witnessed magic in any form before. When it was over and Leah fell, she stood stunned for a moment. "Some kind of electrical activity, perhaps? ...I guess I'm not the only strange one here after all." She looks so weak right now, so vulnerable... ah, no, bad thoughts. You'll find something to eat soon enough, but not her, not a member of Yuri's club no matter how sweet they smell....

2012-07-27, 07:33 AM
"Knox-san, I don't know you that well, but it's obviously been a while since you've fed, and I don't want to risk you going into a blood-rage the next time someone skins their knee in front of you." Did she sound pretentious? She probably did, but it was far too late to care. "I'm willing to feed you, on three conditions."

She approached Knox and smiled at her, hoping to God it didn't look contrived. "One, you will resist biting anyone, including me. I do not want to become a vampire, and I would prefer it if no one else did, either. Understand?" She paused, hoping that last bit would sink in. "I will have to stop feeding you if you feed on someone else, and I won't be able to feed you if I'm dead or have turned into a vampire.

"Two," she continued, "I want you to find some equipment that isn't going to give me tetanus. Obvious reasons, of course, so I shouldn't have to say why. And three..."

She grabbed Knox's wrist. "Three, I want you to keep my secrets and help me stay safe when the time comes. Understand?"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 07:53 AM
Knox is taken aback by the offer, not sure what to make of it. Only drinking her blood. Ah, but it was so sweet, why would she need another's... If she gives it willingly, my cover should be easier to maintain. She nods at the first prospect. The final condition however, as her hand is grabbed, as she squirms, uncomfortable in the grip of anyone but her beloved, her eyes dart around in thought. "I know not of your secrets," she says simply. "So keeping them is a simple prospect of ignorance, however... I am not much of a fighter. My prowess is in deception, not in fighting. If whatever I am to keep you from is more capable than the average school student, then I won't be much use to you." It's at this point, up close, that Knox realises the girl seems to be quite blind. Her eyes don't move as they should, simply put. Oh, she can't even see me, would she even know I was coming before I sunk into her soft, sweet ne- NO, she made you an offer, stick to it and be patient. Ugh, I'm starving. She gulps. "As it is, I can barely protect you from myself..."

2012-07-27, 08:16 AM
"Don't worry, I can protect myself from physical threats well enough. I just need someone who's willing to cover for me. And as for my secrets... well, you know enough to be a threat to me." She heard the desperation in Knox's voice and smiled. "Stay here while I talk to Amaya-san; then we can get some equipment and have lunch."

She turned to Amaya. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

2012-07-27, 10:13 AM
Amaya shook her head a bit as she observed the two with mild amusement; their lack of manners not withstanding. "We find thyne ignorance and recklessness endearing; though thyne manners could use some work," she began after a short giggle, "If thou believed we wished thee ill, thou should have approuched as under thyne own terms; especially if thou believed we were targeting thyne magic. Moreover, one should not give make a pact if one lacks proper understanding of what they are offering. There are countless creatures which feed on blood and are scourged by the light amongst the hordes of the yokai, fae, daemons and devils; some of which would doom you with that first bite, cause you to become their thrall, or cause them to become overwhelmed with a burning desire for more of your blood," she explained politely

"Though we must commend thee for deciding on a medium other than Knox's natural preference; be thankful for the fact that Knox is not truly damned, otherwise even that may not have sufficed" she commented approvingly.

"As for thyne magic We are, and we are not responsible, though thyne nature is also at fault," she explained in a more upbeat tone, "We must confess, it has been quite some time since we encountered someone as sensitive as thee; we'd almost forgotten the lengths we had to go to restrain ourselves around such people. Sadly it would seem our initial encounter was enough for us to effect thee." she continued as if reminiscing on something for a moment. "Though my use of Osore during my intervention with Knox must have aggravated the issue further," she mused merrily for a moment before smiling at Akira.

"Simply put, thou fear us; and while Ye may ignore it, thyne spirit has chosen to shield thee from us," she explained, seemingly enjoying herself as she did so. "Worry not dearest Akira, thyne reaction is perfectly normal and is fleeting; Ye need only adapt to our presence, knowing that we mean thee no harm and all should be well. Though we may be able to provide thee with a charm to aid in thee if thou wishes," she offered politely.

Osore means fear, horror, anxiety, concern, uneasiness, dread or awe.

I decided to keep it in Japanese because it fit the sentence better than the translations, though given that we're all talking Japanese, it should be understood.

2012-07-27, 11:26 AM
"I'm... sorry for being rude. This is all very new to me." She probably shouldn't have been so aggressive to Amaya. "As for what I offered Knox-san... she kept her self-control even though I was bleeding less than five feet away from her. She would have attacked me if she was some kind of uncontrollable monster."

Leah shrugged and continued to ramble. "She's nearing her breaking point if her hunger's become such a problem that you have to confront her about it; neither of us can risk having a starving vampire on the loose, regardless of whether she has the capacity to control herself or not. If she didn't have the capacity to control herself, I'd probably have to try and kill her." She turned to Knox. "Nothing personal, Knox-san."

She turned back to Amaya. [COLOR="purple"]"Feeding her is the only peaceful resolution to the problem, and it also happens to be one that isn't going to change the end result if it fails. Vampires tend to target the sensitive first, so I'd probably die anyway; and even if I didn't, my life means little in the face of the lives of everyone else. If I fail, I would have failed anyway, and if I succeed, no one dies. It's definitely a gamble, but I don't think I have much of a choice, here, do I?"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 11:27 AM
Magic...? What kind of school are we in where even I don't know what's going on anymore? Are all the students insane like this? Was I lured here somehow? Is Yuri also magical? No, poppycock. There's no magic to be found in this world. Superscience, certainly, but not magic. Knox's mind is aflutter with these odd revelations as she eyes the two. "Amaya, if you don't mind my asking then... it's obvious you're no normal either. Just who are you? Or, indeed, what are you? I would say a vampire, but I don't know if vampires walking around in the sun like it's nothing is standard fare."


Knox looks at the floor, all the more ashamed as Akira comments on her not being a beast for attacking her. "I... I wouldn't say that. I've taken blood by force before. I haven't killed, but... if Yuri wasn't there to watch me I don't know what would have happened back there. She's the only reason I bother trying to fit in - her looking at me might be the only thing that saved you from being attacked. I'm... I'm sorry."

2012-07-27, 11:35 AM
"Magic is definitely real, Knox-san," she replied. Oh, how real it was. "Though your second question does have some validity. What are you, Amaya-san, if you don't mind me asking?" Was she making some kind of Faustian agreement by befriending them? She thought she aught to know, even if it was far too late to change things. "You're definitely not normal, and you definitely know more about this than you're letting on. I'm not going to lie to either of you, so it might be better if show me the same courtesy."

She turned to Knox-san and smiled. "Knox-san... I'm not angry at you for being what you are, and you shouldn't be angry at yourself over that either. Most vampires can't even control themselves around their parents, much less around a friend; the fact that you can speaks volumes about the depth of your feelings for Yuri, and about the kind of person you are." She smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. "Plus, you aren't the first to go after my blood, and I can assure you of the fact that you won't be the last. Magicians have to fight for their right to survive; those who can't control their powers well enough to fight don't deserve to live on long enough to risk exposing themselves to bigger dangers, like demons or vampires. It's that simple."

Rather Machiavellian of her, she supposed, but it didn't make the statement any less true; many magicians were corrupted by demons and used by them to interact with the human world, often with extremely negative consequences. The strong were better able to protect themselves against those forces, much like a house with a strong foundation was better-able to withstand a hurricane than a trailer; the process of elimination served to cull out the biggest threats, and Leah would have become one if she didn't have the capacity to defeat a starving vampire.

...but even so, the sheer brutality of it made Leah sad. They may have been facts of life, but they were still terrible ones.

2012-07-27, 01:08 PM
Amaya smiled earnestly, she hadn't expected that sort; she had to be careful, she was growing fond of these two. She turned to Knox sympathetically, "What thou has accomplished is commendable, but do not forget, thyne kin can also feed off animals, even if it isn't as...tantalizing as human blood. Therefore red meats are thyne friend in this world of obfuscation," she suggested happily before facing the two.

"Oh, but we have. We have never uttered a single falsehood since the moment we met thee. Though thou are correct we are not a normal human no, and we are quite well versed in mystical matters; and we must say that, while the world does have its dangers, it is not as dark as it may seem. Please do not confuse pesimism with the true shape of the world," she replied cheerfully with a raised finger."As for thyne query, we of the yokai; though we hope thou understands if we do not identify ourselves beyond that. It was to our Jaki that your spirit was responding to," she clarified, happily observing how the pair reacted.

2012-07-27, 01:45 PM
"Yokai?" A demon, then. Leah knew this wasn't going to have pleasant consequences, but she was becoming... fond of Amaya, for lack of a better word. "Alright. And I'm sorry for assuming dishonesty; it's only natural to assume other people you're interacting with are following the same rules you are, I suppose."

Yes, it was true - she'd lived most of her life with deceit, whether she was deceiving herself or deceiving everyone around her. Japan apparently had a better attitude about magic and superstition than America did, which was a relief, to say the least.

"I should probably point out the elephant in the room, then, since we're being honest - though admittedly my situation requires a small bit of secrecy." She felt like passing out right then and there. How long had it been since she last ate? "I confronted you, Amaya-san, because I rely on magic to perform basic tasks, like navigation and reading. I was rendered physically blind by the same accident that caused my burn scars; your magic spiritually blinded me, to the point that I literally couldn't walk around without falling or running into things. It was rather irritating, so I channeled my frustration into confronting you about it."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 01:54 PM
Yokai? As in, Japanese demons? Seeing with magic? What HAVE I gotten myself into here? Knox shakes her head calmly, backing up against the darkest wall as she chuckles oddly. She tugs at her wraps, pulling them away from her gut, discarding them and teh scarf around her head, leaving her face and her midriff (her upper uniform apparently being a few sizes too small) exposed as she sits in the corner. Digging around her costume, she finds what looks like a wallet and, flashing it at the two, showed its contents to solely be what looked like a police badge - a silver badge with the symbol of the mothership engraved. Pulling up her shirt, she also flashes an area just below her left breast (blushing a bit in what you hope is embarassment), showing another series of symbols, what one can only conclude is a phrase or sentence in a language you've never seen before - perhaps that doesn't exist. It is alien sigils. "Well, while we're being honest. I'm a humble servant of the Mothership, Knox of the MacDonald unity. I'm a semi-synthesised alien organism designed for infiltrating humanity to investigate it as part of my kind's - not vampire's - motions to integrate humanity into the larger galactic platform of species, along with martian single cells and badgers. The Mothership is a bit... disbanded nowadays. As in, I think I'm the last one. Either way, my first mission here saw me getting close to a certain earth girl, and I have travelled the earth seeking her out. That about covers it," she remarks, an odd look in her eyes as she tries to force a laugh. "But, her memory of me is gone and I don't know what to do anymore..."

She reaches up to her face, fidgeting with her eyes as she seems to pull out her contacts, leaving red, cat-like eyes. She makes sure not to look either of you in the eye. "As for the vampiirism... During my creation as a false human, my samples were tainted with vampiric blood. I'm essentially a daywalker, though the sun still hurts. But my vampiric traits are all over the place - bound to happen when one is composed of about 3 species' worth of genetic information. I would need to drain an entire cow to gain the same amount of sustenance as I would from a few drops of human blood. Preying on virgins for a quick bite in every other city I passed through is, oddly enough, a more low profile approach I found in my travels. Though, now that I've found her, I guess I have to find some sort of sustainable plan here..."

She carefully replaces her contacts before looking up at the supposed yokai. "If you are outside the bounds of nature as I believe a magical being must be, then tell me. How might I earn her love? She seems so distant, and yet I've come so far, been through so much just to get near her, but her spirit seems a whole universe away from mine... She forgot even my friendship, and it's clear this body doesn't interest her, this skin she called beautiful, the skin I saved for her, but..." Knox smiles oddly, forced. "I... I shouldn't be talking about all that though. You don't want to hear of it, I'm sure. I just... never have anyone I can talk to, you know? Yet there are 2 other people here just as odd as myself. Are there others 'like us' in this club? Is it all some sort of prank on my love - I mean, Yuri?"

2012-07-27, 02:20 PM
"I don't know about Amaya-san, but as for me... well, Yuri-san's been nothing but nice to me since I got here. I have no reason to try and pull some kind of prank on her." She didn't even know why she was there. "I don't know whether the others are similar to us; I haven't been able to sense them, for obvious reasons. I'll be sure to tell you what I find out when I get a good feel for them." That wasn't part of their agreement, but how would it hurt? "And I don't mind listening to you talk... but I think we might aught to get out of the hallway. Amaya-san, do you know when club starts again?"

She didn't react to Knox's alien nature. It didn't surprise her, and she supposed it didn't matter; what did matter was the fact that she'd made a couple of friends (for lack of a better word) in the two most unlikely people she'd ever met in her life. She hoped it'd last.

2012-07-27, 04:32 PM
"Please remember, that Yokai are closer to the fae than devils. Some are malicious, some are benevelant, some are tricksters and others are just beasts; after all the sacred tengu, the manipulative nine-tailed foxes, and the vicious imo are all yokai, but that is where there similarities end," hastily explained Amaya upon noticing their all too familiar reaction.

"Our apologize, we shall do our best to keep our Jaki in check until thou has adapted. We had a comrade like thee before, therefore we should be able to prevent this from occurring once more," she replied as her aura dampened to a faint glimmer.

Amaya did her best to conceal her surprise at Knox's revelation; the thought of extra-terrestrial life never having seriously crossed her mind before then, though it certainly explained a few things about Knox. However her question had catched her completely off-guard, her face expressiong hardening for the briefest moment before relaxing again. "Knox before thou attempts to win her heart make sure she is still the person thou loves, learn how she has changed and grown, learn her trueself, and whether or not thyne feelings still hold true as she is now. If they do then we shall discuss how best to proceed, and know that we welcome thee whenever you need us," she replied in a strangely serious tone, her previous smile and joyful expression no longer present.

Amaya sighed as she brushed a hand through her hair, adjusting her hair pin,"In any case, it would be best to keep thyne natures from Yuri-san for the time being. We can not explain everything now, just know that this is for the best, and be careful around the Mr.Kobayashi." she explained carefully before straightening herself." Now then, we have dawdled enough as it is, the others are waiting for us to arrive. So let us be on our way," she concluded, begining to move as if to turn around before coming to an awkward pause mid-step.

"It truly is a pleasure to meet thee," she said with an almost timid smile before turning around and continuing her trek to the club room, expecting the other two to follow her as before.

2012-07-27, 04:34 PM
After leaving the infirmary, Yuri decided doing a bit of detective work. Maybe if the club sneaked into the school late at night they would have a better chance at finding the ghost. They wouldn't really do anything wrong, they'll just go into the storeroom and that's it. She did find where the keys where held, in a safe box in the Faculty Office. It wasn't going to be easy, much less on her own. She'd have to talk about this with the rest of the club.

When she got to the classroom she realized it was already time for lunch. Oh well... As they always did, she got her bag and went to the club room for lunch.

"Tadaimaaa!" She says, humorously, acting as if she was entering her own home.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 06:37 PM
"...The thought that she's changed that much scares me," Knox remarks in response to Amaya's advice. "In all my life, she's the only one to have shown me such kindness as she did when she found me abandoned, crash landed in broad daylight - powerless to help myself. I relied on her at first, and then we came to be the deepest of friends. And, distance has only made my heart grow fonder, my imagination indulging any number of fantasies of love... And yet, could you even imagine it? The horror one feels, to look into the eyes of the one you love and who you felt at least harbour some love, even if not romantic, for you - and for them to looks you dead in the eyes and... nothing. No recognition, no feeling. In some ways, the girl I loved and imagined may no longer be." She stifles a tear as she swiftly pulls the scarf over her head, covering her head once more - not even pulling her hair from the bindings as she covers her face utterly. "It feels like I might have nothing left, and it's all I can do to try not to think about it..."

An odd change comes over Knox as she fights back anxiety on the way to the club with the others. She may be right though. Maybe... maybe I should see just who Yuri has become . Maybe the new Yuri will have the same merits as before. I'll just have to work harder. Yeah, I'll show her! I'll be the kindest, sexiest, whatever-she-wants of me girl ever, and I'll know her more than I ever did before, and I'll show her how much I love her and make her love me in return! As she tries her hardest to hype herself up, she beats her fist victoriously into the air, and you can tell even below her scarf that her face is in an oddly stoic expression, the cheeks puffed out as if cartoonishloy holding her breath.

"Amaya, quick! Tell me, you'll know Yuri the best. What... what does she like? What are her hobbies? Her interests, her goals, what sort of person does she like that way?!" Knox demands answers breathlessly.


Knox sneaks up behind Yuri just as the girl enters the likely empty room, hoping to surprise her as she glomp-hugs her from behind, running her fingers along her waist a little inappropriately as an odd sort of trial - mentally cataloguing and analysing her beloved's reaction to her probing. "Hello."

2012-07-27, 07:19 PM
Yuri instinctively turns around and hand forward tries to push away the 'attacker' The nature of a Nakatomi clan hunter cannot be completely extinguished in her. There's something serious and heavy in her expression as she does this, wordlessly. Her palm pressing on Knox's stomach she comes to her senses, and takes off her hand as she recognizes her classmate. Yuri's expression softens and gives Knox a wide smile as she rubs the hand that just touched Knox's body on the back of her head..

"Knox-kun! Don't scare me like that!"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 07:27 PM
Knox staggers back, winded. "What the hell, Yuri...?" she asks, spluttering, more from surprise than anything. "Okay, definitely not doing that again, *cough*..." ...next time I scare her, I'll do it from afar. She doesn't like surprises like that though, that's for sure - noted.

2012-07-27, 07:34 PM
the sudden 'tadaimaaa' from Yuri, caused Keita to utter a shocked yelp and fall to the floor, from his sitting place next to the open window.

''Oh my god!....'' he uttered breathlessly but loud enough to carry through the room and all the way to the door.

once again, not being able to calm his breath on his own, he fumbled for his inhalator.

2012-07-27, 07:51 PM
Realizing that she had used too much strength and had actually hurt Knox Yuri blanches and looks crestfallen.

"I'm so sorry Knox! It's just something I do, a reflex. Are you ok... Did I hurt you?"

Yuri felt terrible. Unlike unknown students who tried to get a rise of her Knox hadnt been anything but nice to her. To have hurt her felt... Wrong.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-27, 08:28 PM
And now she'd gotten Yuri upset. Is violence in her nature now? No, probably not - she seems sorry enough. Knox stops herself from pursuing Amaya's advice too far in terms of evaluating just what kind of person Yuri had grown to be. "I'll be *cough* fine, you just caught me off guard. The bandages ab-*cough*-sorbed most of the hit, at least." Mostly she was just taken aback to be strucken by her of all people - that alone was eating away at her reason. She slinks into a nearby chair. "Why... why don't you go help the asthmatic, Keita was it?" she says, looking at the floor. She still spluttered occasionally, and for the first time all day, she didn't want Yuri to look at her, not like this. As soon as Yuri turns around, she buries her face in her skirt, her eyes watering a little. Don't let it get to you so much. She said she's sorry...

2012-07-27, 08:48 PM
Amaya's eyes widened slightly as she saw Yuri assault Knox, her mind reeling even as it told her body to act; thankfully Yuri had managed to stop herself before things had gotten too far. Sadly her worry soon turned to panic as she heard Keita's cry, ""Keita!!! she exclaimed as she leapt into action even as she cursed herself for stopping by the water fountain on the way to the club.

After helping Keita with his inhalor, Amaya waited for him to finish; taking the chance to regain her lost composure. "Dearest Keita, art thou well?" she asked concern and worry clear on her face, her hand at the boy's back.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-28, 05:28 AM
After a moment to collect herself, Knox forces a laugh, actually feeling a little better for it as she undoes her scarf around her mouth. "I'm okay now..." she remarks. Her revealed lips curl into a smile as Yuri looks at her. "I'm sure you'll think of some way to make it up to me." Another giggle, this one not nearly as forced.

More surprised than hurt, Knox splutters as she collapses into a chair, thankful to already be bandaged. "I'll... I'll be fine. Go help Keita," Knox reassures Yuri as she wheezes. "I'm just working on an empty stomach so I'm weak around there, and I shouldn't have snuck up on you, it's my fault..." It finally sets in that Yuri actually hit her. Knox buries her face between her legs, curling up, looking a little eerie as she ponders, silent save for the now light coughing. She looked so different just now. What did I miss in all this time? It was like she was... I don't even know what. "Go... go help Keita. Don't worry about me. Don't look at me like this, it's embarrassing..." She looks away entirely as she catches her eyes watering a little, though quite sure it's just from the hit. Ah, I'm so weak right now... That was the last thing I was expecting though. I'll have to be less like... that in the future then.

2012-07-28, 05:31 PM
'''huff-puff'... yeah... I-I'm okay, Yuri-san just scared the breath out of me...'' First now realizing that Amaya was touching him and a light pink blush colored his cheeks. He also just stared down at the floor, a little embarressed that he actually fell to the floor.

2012-07-29, 01:32 PM
"So what's the plan....? What hapened here?"said Danny as he walked into the clubroom and was welcomed to the sight of a blushing Keita on the floor, Knox depressed on the table, an apologetic Yuri and an overly concerned Amaya.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-29, 01:50 PM
"Nothing," Knox mutters. "I may need some air though..." Knox stands, making to leave the clubroom for a bit, still staggering a little. She hits like a train, what the hell... And now I'm just feeling more hungry. Need to find some stuff for her so she can give me her blood. As she passes by Danny on the way out a thought occurs, is he also out of the ordinary? She grabs him by he arm, more as a suggestion than forceful coercion, making no skin contact as she makes to pull him aside, out of the club's earshot. "Come on, a second..." she requests, her hit making hit making her voice sound a little husky. When she's content no one hears them, she asks "So... what sort of shady dealings are you involved in? How much do you know about Amaya?" She gives a courtesy giggle as a preemptive 'this is all a joke' get out clause, but it rings itterly hollow.

2012-07-29, 02:48 PM
As Knox dragged Danny away from the club, he began to wonder what could she want. Knox's question about Amaya meant that Amaya's cover had been compromised, but he was a bit appalled at the fact Knox now seemed to suspect him of shady dealings.

Well, let's see how much she actually knows.

"Why are you asking me about Amaya? And did you just accuse me of being involved in something illegal?"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-29, 04:54 PM
"Illegal? I don't even know what the local laws are. Like, is selling concubines still legal here or not? Because I know a guy back on Mars who - look, not the point." She puts her hands to her hips, trying and frankly failing to look imposing - more like a creepy doll in her bandaged getup than anything else. "Anyway, Amaya said she's a bit... unique. Something that seems alarmingly frequent, so I thought I'd see if EVERYONE in the club had something unique to them." She winks, though not in a carefree way. She never did learn subtlety

2012-07-29, 05:21 PM
Did she just blow her own cover again? This hemophage seriously is the dumbest I've ever met,or she's an orphan? As Danny pondered, he looked a the being in front of him. She had given herself away on several occasions now, and given her body language, she lacked skill at deception and subtlety. Her obsessive desire for Yuri would be her weakness and downfall.
"Has anyone told you have the grace and subtlety of a hand grenade?" Danny's posture and body language change, giving the impression of something far older, wiser and dangerous.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-29, 05:48 PM
"I lack the general punch of one though. What's your point?" Knox retorts a little feebly. "I didn't know how smart you are so I threw you a bone," she rationalises. "So what's your angle on all this?"

2012-07-29, 06:08 PM
"Secrets exist because there are things people aren't meant to know, like the fact your both an alien and a hemophage. If either of those two facts got out to the wrong people, you would endanger everyone around you. Since you don't have even a clue about sublety, it's safe to assume that you don't have a sire. Also starving yourself is a lousy idea since it cloud your judgement and it will bring out the worst of your kind. "

Princess Tracy
2012-07-29, 06:26 PM
"What's a sire? What do you think, I deliberately starved myself? I just kind of... forgot. I got excited, okay? It's been a busy fortnight, some things just slip by you - you just don't think about the food until it's sweet..." her voice trails off her eyes glazing over and mouth watering, her skin blushing even through her scarf, "...sweet, tempting, sexy, blood, all over my touch, gushing inside muy mouth, oh god, just the scent of it, mm, though thought of her neck between my teeth... Wait, what?" She snaps from her creepily off-beat fantasy about sexy blood. "Well, uh, I guess it's safe to say you know everything. So what do you do from here? I should warn you, I TOTALLY know how to handle myself." She strikes an off-balance pose. "By which I mean, if you touch me I'll tell on you to someone. Probably Amaya, she seemed scary. I'm scary too, I'm like a scary crazy vampire - why aren't you afraid, like, at all? I could probably mind control you into letting me take your blood if I tried, I'd be terrified."

2012-07-29, 06:32 PM
"You really are very easily shaken Kei-chan! We should go hiking sometime. Hiking builds strength, and character! Have you had lunch already?"
Since Amaya has Keita well cared for, Yuri decided to do something nice for him and everyone. She started making tea for everyone. While she does this, Yuri can't help give a sidelong glance at Danny and Knox talking. Even if she couldn't make out what they were saying, she decided she didn't like that. She had told 'Silver' that he couldn't flirt with other club members just this morning hadn't she?

(By the time the conversation between Knox and Danny ends)

"Knox-kun, Silver! I've made some tea, would you like some?"

2012-07-29, 08:08 PM
Chuckling at the idea that someone as inexperienced as Knox was trying to threaten him.

"Knox, if you forget to feed yourself, it is evident that you can't take care of yourself. That makes you a threat to the regular folk."

An oppressive gloom begins to creep around the area as Danny continues his talk.

"You claim to be a scary vampire, you are not. You are nowhere near what a real vampire is. Even if you were, you couldn't handle Amaya, let alone handle me. So I'll be very clear, if I ever find out that you have abused your powers , I will end you. If you bring any harm to Yuri, I will personally erase you. Finally, if you ever attack someone and it wasn't self-defense, I will ensure that your most precious thing remains forever outside of your reach. So I suggest you behave, and get yourself a willing donor. If you haven't found one by tomorrow afternoon, talk to me and I'll arrange something."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-29, 08:26 PM
I really prefer Amaya

Knox glares back, seeming suddenly quite different from usual, a defiant air to her as she throws down her scarf, all the better to highlight her eyes. "How dare you even suggest I would bring harm to Yuri!? And how ar eyou threaten to keep me from her!? And yeah, I'm a weak vampire, what of it? I may not be tough, but I'm not afraid of you. The galaxy is much bigger than one, ordinary man, and I've walked too far to be afraid of such a man." She sticks her tongue out. "So you can shove it with your threats, because I'm done being a pushover. I've 'abused' my powers plenty before, today even, so at what point did it become your business? This is of no concern to you. if you want to help, help, but don't scold me over matters you don't begin to understand."

2012-07-29, 08:31 PM
"You really are very easily shaken Kei-chan! We should go hiking sometime. Hiking builds strength, and character! Have you had lunch already?"

''Is that a joke, Yuri-san? me, hiking?! I can't keep a regular running pace without hyperventilating, let alone hiking. And i don't really think that mountain climbing is a good idea either, what with the thinner air and what not.'' He replied with a raised eyebrow and a sarcastic expression.

he got to his feet and returned to his elevated sitting position at the open window, his nearly untouched lunch still sitting where it was before he fell down.

''and no, I've only just begun on my lunch.'' he said as his eyes once again returned to stare outside the open window, the calm breeze and the smell of nature gave him a peaceful and serene expression, a smile edging at the corners of his mouth.

His lunchbox apparantly wasn't at the top of his mind, at the moment.

2012-07-29, 09:06 PM
"Of course I was joking! I was just trying to cheer you up...I still think cleaner air, like the air in the country could be good for you, Kei-chan."

Yuri sits next to the club table and opens her bento. It's very neatly done, with salmon and roe arranged in the shape of flowers. Taking a notebook from her bag she starts making notes on tonight's operation, while she waits for the water to boil.

2012-07-29, 09:16 PM
"Good. You have fire in you. Knox, I talk to you like this because you're not the first vampire I have dealt with. I can feel you genuinely care for Yuri, but I've seen many of your kind die or loose their loved ones because they were stupid or did something they should have. You don't have a sire, so someone had to teach you how things are. I would rather that be me than have you fall apart because you don't know what you actually are."

2012-07-29, 11:13 PM
Amaya sighed as the atmosphere in the room changed; between the incident with Yuri, the chat Knox was having with Dani, and Keita's sudden pessimistic out burst, it had become stiffling. Oh sure, there was plenty pathos in the room for her; but this could not be good for the others. She was tempted to say something, anything, to nip this in the bud; but it seemed her intervention would be unnecesary, the winds of change still seemed to be blowing.

It was faint, but she could feel the mood shifting and relaxing once more. Amaya couldn't resist the smile that formed on her face as she watched Keita stare out into the wide open world; watching the young boy she couldn't help but feel that the winds would soon blow in their favor. The elder yokai took a moment to bask in the young boy's presence as she breathed in the mood.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-30, 09:41 AM
"I'm an extraterrestrial vampire, it's not that hard to figure out, you know," Knox comments. "I did around the time I first showed up on this planet and the sun deep-friend my skin. Also when my instincts lead me to killing Yuri's cat and draining it for blood - don't tell her that obviously, I never admitted to it even back in the day when she knew what I was. Either way, I have to occasionally drink blood to not starve, I sunburn easy, I can cause hypnotic trances with a touch, and I can't aim, like, at all. I wasn't lying when I said I was an albino after all - having vampire blood mix in with my batch of biomatter made my creation process something of a failure when it comes to normalcy. Either way, I'd say I've got things together well enough - I wrap my skin up tight, and I've already made arrangements to get a willing supplier of blood, just as soon as we get blood transfusion equipment going. I'm not allowed to bite her apparently. In any case, even if you've met vampires before, I'd say I'm rather an oddball by vampire standards, so yeah. And I won't lose Yuri, not again."

Knox starts heading into the clubroom, bowing her head to everyone as she flinches from the sudden blast of sunlight - recoiling behinds a chair as she fixes her scarf. Ow, ow, stupid dramatic me, that's another mark that won't be vanishing all week. Wrapped up again, she crawls along the couch, taking up a seating position as she shuffles along her backside to Yuri. She goes to hug her again, but stops herself, remembering what happened last time as her hand flinches fearfully away from Yuri. Maybe she just doesn't like surprises? Sulking a little, she tries to make conversation. "So, um... what's on your mind?" She fidgets awkwardly, not really sure on what to ask before just blurting out the first thing that pops into her head - immediately regretting it, "What sort of person do you like?" Stupid, stupid... Of all the things to try and gauge how she's grown... "And by like, I mean physical and emotional attraction on a romantic level, also known as fancying, a desire for a potential loving relationship." Just stop talking, Mouth, you can't DIG your way out of a hole. I mean, what if she answers with...

Change subject, change subject. "Um, what are we doing now? In my travels I heard of a thing called truth or dare, they said it was fun, would you care to try, I don't really know the rules, but apparently it's normal, like me, totally." Why am I so nervous all of a sudden, did he get to me or something? "Also, what's his deal?" she asks, pointing in Dan's general direction.

2012-07-30, 11:36 AM
a slow and barely audioable breathing came from keita, His eyes now closed, his mouth slightly open and his head resting up against the window frame.

He'd fallen asleep, that was certain.

Slowly, his head and upper body began to slid backwardsm until his head, with a soft 'thud' hit the wood under it. So now he was lying down and sleeping, seemingly without a care in the world. The peaceful expression from when he had been staring out the window was still there, but now a gentle smile was definatively visible.

2012-07-30, 12:51 PM
Knox starts heading into the clubroom, bowing her head to everyone as she flinches from the sudden blast of sunlight - recoiling behinds a chair as she fixes her scarf. Ow, ow, stupid dramatic me, that's another mark that won't be vanishing all week. Wrapped up again, she crawls along the couch, taking up a seating position as she shuffles along her backside to Yuri. She goes to hug her again, but stops herself, remembering what happened last time as her hand flinches fearfully away from Yuri.

Yuri turns towards Knox the moment she walks in, words trip over themselves to come out of her mouth."Knox-kun! (some words said softly and quickly, hard to understand) Um... I made some tea... would you like some?"

Yuri turns to go get the tea, which is boiling right now. And notices Keita just lying on the floor. "Oh Kei-chan... Is he really that tired? And even after he spent the whole class in the infirmary... Kobayashi-san, could you help him get comfortable?"

Yuri prepares the tea, pouring a cup for Knox and herself.

Maybe she just doesn't like surprises? Sulking a little, she tries to make conversation. "So, um... what's on your mind?" She fidgets awkwardly, not really sure on what to ask before just blurting out the first thing that pops into her head - immediately regretting it, "What sort of person do you like?" Stupid, stupid... Of all the things to try and gauge how she's grown... "And by like, I mean physical and emotional attraction on a romantic level, also known as fancying, a desire for a potential loving relationship." Just stop talking, Mouth, you can't DIG your way out of a hole. I mean, what if she answers with...

"Oh... what kind of person do I like...? Well... I like someone who's strong, smart, good looking, but those aren't as important, above all, I like someone will stand behind me at all times!" Yuri turns her head towards Knox as she says this, smiling. Is she looking at her specifically? Or is she just trying to emphasize? "Unfortunately takers so far have been a sore disappointment in that last department" Which is not hard to believe, considering Yuri's interests.

Change subject, change subject. "Um, what are we doing now? In my travels I heard of a thing called truth or dare, they said it was fun, would you care to try, I don't really know the rules, but apparently it's normal, like me, totally." Why am I so nervous all of a sudden, did he get to me or something? "Also, what's his deal?" she asks, pointing in Dan's general direction.

"Travels? Where have you been travelling Knox-kun? Do your parents travel a lot?" Yuri takes a teacup in each hand, offering one to Knox.

"Oh, don't worry about Silver here... he's just a guy, he didn't it on you or anything did he? I told him not to..."

Princess Tracy
2012-07-30, 01:08 PM
"Hit on me? No, I'm quite fine, he seems non-violent enough, I'm quite unscathed, save for..." Knox clear her throat, rubbing her stomach a bit. "So, ah, my travels... well, I'm an orphan I guess, so no." Oh, good, now I have to think of a lie! Unless... "I'm kind of a drifter though. I rarely seem to belong anywhere, so I just keep walking until i find what I'm looking for. Although..." She averts her gaze awkwardly as she takes the tea. "You're nice enough to make me feel like I might belong here, Yuri. Maybe what I'm looking for has changed, I guess, but it feels like I'm onto something here. With you." To stop herself from saying anything else stupid that feels oddly true, she sips down the tea, staining her scarf a little as she pulls it more away from her mouth.

"Oh no, now I have to clean that somehow... Where does one even go for such things around here?" she mutters as she feels the tea dampen her precious scarf. She takes another sip, burning herself a little. "Ow, this isn't like tomato juice at all. It's all hot. But nice."

"So, um, have you ever known love, Yuri?" Why are all my questions so stupid!? "Er, I mean, what do you do for fun besides this club?"

2012-07-30, 02:15 PM
"Hit on me? No, I'm quite fine, he seems non-violent enough, I'm quite unscathed, save for..." Knox clear her throat, rubbing her stomach a bit. "So, ah, my travels... well, I'm an orphan I guess, so no." Oh, good, now I have to think of a lie! Unless... "I'm kind of a drifter though. I rarely seem to belong anywhere, so I just keep walking until i find what I'm looking for.
Although..." She averts her gaze awkwardly as she takes the tea. "You're nice enough to make me feel like I might belong here, Yuri. Maybe what I'm looking for has changed, I guess, but it feels like I'm onto something here. With you." To stop herself from saying anything else stupid that feels oddly true, she sips down the tea, staining her scarf a little as she pulls it more away from her mouth.

Yuri does her best to keep track of Knox's conversation but she barely manages to get a word in. She sits next to the girl, taking her notebook and teacup with her.

"So, you are a mysterious transfer student! Travelling alone sounds very exciting, but a bit scary. You must be very strong, the strongest high school girl, ever, just like Murakami-sensei's Kafka.*" She smiles, taking a sip.

"Oh no, now I have to clean that somehow... Where does one even go for such things around here?" she mutters as she feels the tea dampen her precious scarf. She takes another sip, burning herself a little. "Ow, this isn't like tomato juice at all. It's all hot. But nice."

"You should take off your scarf, Knox-kun... we'l hang it to..."

"So, um, have you ever known love, Yuri?" Why are all my questions so stupid!? "Er, I mean, what do you do for fun besides this club?"

At being asked about love, Yuri stops mid sentence, her pupils dilate, her cheeks flush and her body goes limp for a second, her cup falling off her grasp and pouring its contents on her chest, as well as the open notebook underneath.

"Hot hot hot!!" Yuri looks down on herself embarrassed. She regains her composure quickly enough, going into club leader mode. Yuri stands up and gives Danny her damp notebook. "Gin, take my notebook with the plans for tonight's operation and find a way to dry them... OUTSIDE"

Once Danny's left (or chased out more like it) , Yuri takes off her top without any consideration for who else may be looking, her milky white torso only covered by a white bra with blue lace, just like her hair. She pats what little tea managed to get through the fabric off her chest with the cuff of her uniform and turns towards the club's locker and finds a gym jacket, zipping it up.

"Okay club, once Gin returns with the plans we'll start discussing the operation tonight. This may be one of the toughest we've done yet! Um Kobayashi-san, do you know where Akira-chan is? I thought she was with you..."

* Kafka from Kafka on the shore, a novel by Haruki Murakami. Love the book, and didn't think it was too ooc to add it.

Have we ever established what the school uniform looks like? I wonder...

Princess Tracy
2012-07-30, 02:41 PM
As Yuri suggested removing the scarf, Knox had been fidgeting with it hesitantly, wondering if it was worth it. The dropping of tea staggered Knox almost as much as it did poor Yuri. Was that my fault somehow? Now she's hurt, what to do... why did she chase him out? I- AH!? As Yuri strips her top half, Knox furiously attempts to pull the scarf over her eyes. Ah, my precious lover if showing her beautiful body to everyone - I shouldn't see it like this... she 'modestly' thought, flushing. She could help herself though from looking up and getting an eyeful. That's what she looks like now... so curvy... so, ah... The odd series of tugs leads to the knot of her scarf coming completely undone, the fabric falling to the floor, leaving her face clearly visible - utterly flushed red, but not even attempting to hide her mesmerised expression as she lewdly drinks in every precious second of Yuri's slightest exposure.

Only when she dons a jacket does Knox stir from her stupor. "Ow, ow, sun!" she remarks, flinching as she fumbles for her scarf - her flustered self falling to the floor - bumping her head against a table in a chaotic flurry for activity that leaves her facedown on the floor by the time Yuri starts giving her little speech. Ow. I think I'll stay down here for a bit, I feel a bit sleepy now. Ugh... Her skirt is quite flipped but it hardly seems to bother her much - she's not wearing any pantis, but more bandages to cover her personal place. No, she's saying something important, get up. All things Yuri says being important to her, Knox struggles into her seat, listening intently as she lazily draped her scarf over the side of her face in the direction of the sun. I never did get an answer to my question, the thought occurs to her.

2012-07-30, 05:04 PM
Amaya sighed as she stood up and grabbed a hold of Keita; gently moving Keita the younger boy unto a nearby couch. "What are we to do with thee?" she muttered quietly to herself as she gazed at Keita's peaceful form, before having her attention drawn by Yuri. "Takeda-san was with us, she must've stopped at restroom on the way here," reasoned Amaya as she tore herself from Keita's side.

"Speaking of the specter; we thought it might be a good idea to ask the librarian if she knew of any incidents which may have occurred there before. It may aid us in certifying the possibility of an aparition lurking within. We may wish to contact the girl from this morning as well. Merely, to ensure that the aparition was not specificly targetting her; rather than her encounter with it being pure coincidence," she suggested politely before taking another deep breathe.

Princess Tracy
2012-07-30, 05:21 PM
Knox struggles to be subtle as she conveys her discovery. How could she miss it? The way Amaya looks at him - she's so in love! She smiles widely, winking to get her attention. Nudging her head oddly from Amaya to Keita, making a little love-heart sign with her fingers just outside of Yuri's sight, her meaning is blatantly clear. To rub in her thoughts, she responds to Amaya's plan. "It's nice to know the refined Amaya shares my feelings on... such matters," she says, barely subtly at all as she nods to Yuri and Keita. She was hoping to embarrass her, an odd desire to punish her for being serious.

2012-07-30, 08:01 PM
Amaya watched Knox carefully as she jerked her head at Amaya and Keita before making some manner of handsign at her as well, agree with her plan, and then jerk her head towards Yuri and Keita in a most gleeful manner. The whole display puzzled the elder yokai, clearly Knox was attempting to convey something to her and she had a distinct feeling that handsign was central to it; but the meaning of the exchange was lost on her. Though from the lack of gravitas she figured it wasn't that important; figuring that it was most likely some sort of joke, and/or media reference she had yet to become acquainted with since her reawakening.

"Well... We're pleased to know thou shares our sentiments in this matter. After all if we make a mistake in this most delicate of tasks we may never be able to amends, and all we have strived for may be lost forever. We must do our best to ensure that we reach the end of this path without regrets regardless of the outcome. In truth, it is most fortunate we can count on one another for aid in the coming trials," she replied, hesitant at first, before composing herself and giving Knox a reassuring smile.

2012-07-31, 03:23 AM
Leah was surprised to find herself asleep under a table for the third time that week.

Being blind certainly had its benefits; she was pretty much able to sleep anywhere, and that was probably a good thing considering the state of affairs. Sleep was precious and often futile, so she had to take what she could get; but even so...

...she couldn't keep falling asleep in places where people couldn't find her, and she probably shouldn't have fallen asleep right after she ate most of the refreshments. That was probably more than a bit rude.

She grabbed her shoes, which had somehow been flung in opposing directions during her nap, and climbed to her feet. "Sorry, Yuri-san - I didn't realize people were looking for me. Is it time to go check out the library?"

Princess Tracy
2012-07-31, 12:54 PM
"I can't decide whether you're just this formal, or if you have a talent for subtlety," Knox remarks, smiling wistfully, not fully understanding Amaya at all. "Well, it's good to now we think alike, you know."

2012-07-31, 01:21 PM
On the couch, keita continued to bubble away in his sleep. Unconciously, his hand had grabbed a hold of Amaya's skirt, gently tugging at it with his clenched fist.

''(Unrecognizable mumbling)... Amaya-senpai, I (more unrecognizable mumbling)'' He mumbled in his sleep, a smile on his lips and a lonely tear trickling down his cheek.

2012-07-31, 04:52 PM
"It's okay Akira-chan" Yuri smiles to the short girl, leaning forward with her hands on her back. "Were you tired too? It's still lunchtime, but we need to plan for tonight's operation!"

Yuri looks outside the club, looking for Danny. "That Gin... he's never there when we need him... Oh well..."

"Since the majority of the club is present, let me run you guys through the plan for operation: Ghost catcher!"

Yuri paces around the room, making gestures. "Our ultimate goal is to find the source of the the paranormal events witnessed in the storeroom adjacent to our school's library, by one Yoru Sakura. To this end, I propose the following steps:

Phase 1: Further research and preparation. This will start after school.

1.a We will go to the library and talk to those who are usually in the library, namely our school librarian, about any apparitions.

1.b As per Kobayashi-san's suggestion, we should make a followup interview with Yoru-san to ensure the apparition wasn't specifically targeting her. The literature club meets at the library, so it's on the way. Talking to Yoru-san's literature club mates, for corroboration would be good too.

1.c Making the necessary arrangements for Phase 2. Don't worry about that, I've got that covered.

Interim: We go to my place and wait for night to come. It's a station away from school so it's the ideal place to wait.

Phase 2: An hour before midnight, with all our equipment ready, we sneak out of my house, go to the school enter the library storage room, and make another sweep. It's a full moon tonight, the ideal time to go ghost hunting, we can't miss this opportunity!

So, any ideas? Suggestions? And above all, are you in?" She finishes her speech by holding up her fist in the usual 'guts pose'

Princess Tracy
2012-07-31, 05:10 PM
Knox mimics Yuri's victorious seeming pose, pumping her fist in the air. "I have no idea about any of this, but OKAY! What's a full moon by the way?" You're beginning to suspect she might have brain damage. "So let's get started then, what are we waiting for? Let's go see this librarian then head over to see Yumi!" Clearly she'd never heard of teh education concept known to earthlings as 'the rest of the school day'

2012-07-31, 08:32 PM
"Sorry for the delay, Yuri. Here's your notebook. Also Knox, our conversation wasn't over. We will pick up where we left off at a later time.", said Danny as he entered through the window again. Yuri's notebook looked as if no tea had been spilt on it.

As he poured some tea for himself and sat down, he added"Also the sneaking in portion of your plan won't be required. Turns out it's Mr. Narumi's shift tonight. He owes me favor for the errand I ran for him two weeks ago, so getting into the school should be a non-issue unless you had something else planned. "

Princess Tracy
2012-08-01, 11:16 AM
"Well, you're handy, aren't you?" Knox observes of Danny. "Don't know what else you'd want to bring up, but... I guess you're coming with me to Yuri's house, huh. Well I guess at least there won't be any funny business with Mr. Weirdo here in your house, right Yuri?"

2012-08-01, 11:31 AM
"That's the spirit Knox!" Obviously Yuri doesn't think Knox's being serious... the less details she knows the further away she is from finding out the truth about Knox, and this is all for the better, right?

"Oh! Thank you!" Yuri goes over the notebook, hmming and nodding, thinking nothing of Danny's unusual method of entry.

When Gin mentions he can cash a favor from the school's employees Yuri nods, approving of this. "Good job Gin! Now that you found another way in, I'll text Remi-san she doesn't need to take the keys from the Teacher's Lounge." Yuri texts somebody but the name Remi doesn't ring any bells. Maybe somebody else she knows at school?

The bell signaling the end of lunchtime rings, and Yuri looks back at her untouched bento. "Darn! Hate when that happens!"

NEXT SCENE: The club investigates at the school library!

Princess Tracy
2012-08-01, 11:58 AM
"Aw, is that school thing starting again already? Yuri, how about we just stay here what could possibly be that important in class that it's more important than feeding and being with friends?"

2012-08-01, 12:07 PM
Amaya rolled her eyes, as Danny came in; too tired to bother reprimanding him on his entrance habits yet again. Though it did distract her from more pressing matters, such as her much needed dialogue with Daniel and friends about this recent turn of events.

"Dost thou have a plan to convince thyne sister not only to allow us all to rest within thyne home on short notice, but to allow us to venture forth into the night at midnight?" she inquired with concern, hardly noticing Keita's grip until her skirt went tense. Amaya smiled before reaching to Keita's hand; slowly releasing it's grip before placing it on the young boys chest, and returning to her seat.

2012-08-02, 09:04 AM
"Dost thou have a plan to convince thyne sister not only to allow us all to rest within thyne home on short notice, but to allow us to venture forth into the night at midnight?" she inquired with concern, hardly noticing Keita's grip until her skirt went tense. Amaya smiled before reaching to Keita's hand; slowly releasing it's grip before placing it on the young boys chest, and returning to her seat.

"Indeed I do Kobayashi-San! For starters, I'm sure my sister won't mind if I have company over, although we may have to do something about the boys... Now for our late night excursion we may have to be very sneaky... That's why we're using an old tunnel. I'll tell you all about it when we go there."


((Ooc: anything your characters want to do after school but before going into the library? Last call.))

Princess Tracy
2012-08-03, 08:39 AM
Knox sticks to Yuri's side as school gives out, having no idea what she's doing as the at least extant structure of a school day falls away around her, leaving her at the mercy of an odd world full of humans who are not Yuri.

"So, where are we going now?" she asks, trying to sound casual, before a spark of remembrance occurs to her. "Can I see Yumi now? You said I could - remember, back in the library, when we were all close and my clothes were coming undone and i was..."

Yuri may wish to interrupt Knox's anecdote before the other's hear of her odd habit with clothes, or the lack thereof.

2012-08-03, 03:09 PM
"We're going back to the library to investigate, Knox-kun. That's right, we'll see my sister when we go to my house later today... oh yes.. that was embarrassing wasn't it?" Without explaining the specifics Yuri blushes a little, but it doesn't really faze her. In her mind what Knox did was her way of dealing with the stress of the first day, nothing more. It's not like she did like to see Knox's pale skin exposed, or anything... Or so she tells herself.

Yuri clears her throat, moving on to the matter at hand.

"Ok club here's the school library. The plan is to talk to the librarian, Tamura-sensei, as well as the literature club members about the ghost. After that we'll all go to to my place, understood? Break ranks!"

After the club "Breaks ranks" you can see the library is a bit more populated than before. Some students are quietly studying in the tables, while behind the desk by the entrance an elderly teacher, Tamura-sensei is wordlessly gesturing Yuri to be quiet. In fact he was doing this as Yuri started, but she ignored him throughout her speech.

On a corner of the library, 5 students are taking surrounded by tall towers of books. Sakura-san is with them, so one may think this is the literature club.

2012-08-04, 03:18 PM
As Yuri meantions something about going to her place afterwards, a Girl's place, keita get's visibly a little bashful and a fade pink colors his cheeks at the sheer thought of going to a girls place, or rather, his thoughts took the unfortunate turn of fantasizing about going to Amaya's place instead. So there he stood, pink cheeks and fidgeting hands, trying to calm himself from the sudden rush of exitement. Keita was also very glad that Amaya couldn't read thoughts (As far as he knows anyway).

Princess Tracy
2012-08-04, 05:56 PM
Knox gives a deep breath, clearing her head as she approaches the table Sakura is sitting at. Uncoiling the bandages around her arms a bit to expose the key amount of skin, she amages to make contact with the 4 students surrounding her at the table, quickly grabbing ahold of their minds. "Hey, the Paranormal club may need a word with Sakura here, so clear off for, like, 60 seconds, okay? Hello, Sakura. I'm bad with human faces, but you're the one who hired us, right? Yuri may want a word with you - or Amaya. You ever notice how low a body temperature you have?"

2012-08-08, 03:28 PM
"Oh... is that so? I can't say I've noticed..." Sakura's honey colored eyes shine for a second, before Yuri steps in and gets on the girl's face.

"Yoru san, we need some answers!"

The girl looks at Yuri wide eyed, blushing "Um... yes, what I can help you with?""

"Well for starters, have you had any other similar things happen to you since what happened in the storage room? Or have any of your clubmates seen anything similar?"

"Um... no, I think not... I've been too embarrased to ask the others, but I guess they would've told me, right? After all I am in charge of the literature club..."

"Hmm... do you or your family have any connection to the school or the grounds it's set in?"

"No, not that I know of... I guess I could ask my parents, maybe they would know"

"Hmm yes, you do that... can you give me your phone? I'll give you mine so we can exchange info in case we find anything..."


The conversation seems to go amicably enough, even if the girl is visibly intimidated by Yuri's forwardness. Much unlike the look she gave Knox...

2012-08-09, 01:34 AM
Leah waited for them to go to the school. Not much she could do as she was, after all.

2012-08-09, 01:05 PM
Leah, wherever she was, knew instinctively that she had to stay behind for a reason. And then... she felt the hair in the back of her neck stand on end, and she knew what it was. 'Cedric' walking towards her, dressed in a business suit. He went past her, quietly putting a piece of paper in Leah's hands. Leaning towards her ears, he whispered: "You will meet a woman by the name of Yumi Nakatomi today. When you see her, give her this piece of parchment. That should keep her out of your business tonight, as well as afford you some influence over her. I had to give this to you directly, this is the only way this information cannot be scryed or hacked by others. I may have to drop out of sight for a while, but you can still contact me by the phone I gave you."

Cedric lingers for a moment, perhaps it's giving Leah some time to ask some questions of her own?

Thank you Nagato, for giving me an idea to move this ahead... People have backstories! I should use them!

Also, everyone, you should be in the library, why don't you take your time with Sakura san? or the Librarian?

Princess Tracy
2012-08-09, 07:15 PM
Well, that was astounding. What else were we to do? I think if we wrap this up, we get to see Yumi, so I'll tend to it right away! The Librarian is in need of questioning, I believe... Something about that girl stands out to me, but I can't put my finger on it. Ah well, Yuri had her under her thumb, what difference could I make in her stead? The rest of the club seemed vulnerable enough to suggestion, I'll get them on my way out if need be

Knox immediately seeks out teh librarian, shaking their hand with her bare palm. "Hello, person. Could you be so kind as to tell me anything in the way of special events lately - last nights disturbances in the store room, any recent odd activites including the school and moreover this particular library and it's immediate area and primary users, or any revelations regarding local folklore, and other factoids worthy of note that may be relevant to a haunting? Please, omit nothing on account of ridiculousness, we're the Paranormal club."

2012-08-09, 08:36 PM
The librarian, Tamura-sensei, adjusted his thick glasses while looking at Knox. What a peculiar girl, he thought. Still, I don't get much of today's children so I wouldn't know.

"Special events? I that some sort of Party you kids have?"

Nevertheless old man's face brightens up at the mention of folklore. "Now folklore, that is something I can help you with..." The librarian produces a book of ghosts, their types and what not. "If you are thinking the school may be haunted I think it's most unlikely, since your elders are very careful in that sort of thing. There are rituals carried out before the first stone is laid. What could happen, hypothetically is that someone brought this recently, whether it may be an object or a person. I wouldn't know what, while I think the Yoru-san from literature club seems like a good student, but weak willed. It may just be a case of girl's nerves"

The information in the book can be summarized into what is in this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C5%ABrei

Princess Tracy
2012-08-12, 07:43 PM
"Thank you for your time," Knox says to librarian with a bow, chuffed at how little of her influence she had to toss around to ge her way this time. She quickly returns to Yuri's side, telling her all the info she's gathered so far. "Do you think that is sufficient for this stage of the investigation, madam president?"

2012-08-17, 05:35 PM
Yuri examines the results of Knox's inquiry. "Yes this should do... I guess we've done all we can to ensure the success of tonight's operation. Onward we go, then!"


The Nakatomi household covers a whole block about 5 minutes away from the school. It is a traditional styled house, with a garden, a koi pond and a bamboo water clock. The main building consists of several rooms separated by sliding doors, while the back is more western style.

"I'm hoome! I brought some friends!" Yuri says as she removes her shoes.

"Welcome home Yuri-chan" An elderly woman dressed in a purple kimono and a full body white apron walks out from a room at the end of the hall, bowing slightly.

"Thank you, Suki. Is my sister home yet? I'd like to ask her something..."

"Yumi-chan is in the study working. But she asked me to prepare tea in the day room... if you and your friends would like some refreshments you and your friends could go there, Yumi-chan should join you later."

Yuri takes you to a spacious living room with a tv set, a low table surrounded by cushions and a folding screen. She sits on a cushion not unlike how one may sit on a bean bag and turns on the tv. Minutes later, the sliding door opens. A tall young woman carrying a tray walks in.

"Good afternoon. I'm Yumi Nakatomi, Yuri's older sister. Welcome to our home." She smiles and bows her head slightly. Yumi's smile irradiates warmth, her light blue eyes shine brightly and her waist long blue hair has the same hue as Yuri's but it definitely looks glossier and better cared for. Yumi stands about 178 cm, about 5 inches taller than Yuri. She looks in her early twenties and has the body of a grown woman, with proportions Yuri has yet to reach. As soon as Yumi walked into the room Yuri's eyes turned towards her her sister, her admiration visible.

Princess Tracy
2012-08-18, 08:07 PM
"YUMI!" Knox says with uncharacteristic ethusiasm as the older girl enters the room. Swim or sink time, come on, fate - give me one little lead-in. "Hey, Yumi, Yuri here doesn't seem to remember me, like, AT ALL. Do you recognise me? Maybe? Knox MacDonald. I suffer albinism, I shared a few meals and a bed with Yuri once, you'd think I'd have made an impression." I wonder if she's knowledgeable about all this supernatural crap? Either way, no point being subtle - I'm trying to jog her memory, after all. And I DID share a bed with Yuri once but only because it was when they first found me so they drew the conclusion I was dying from the cold owing to my corpse-like body heat, so Yuri spend the night snuggled up to me to try and keep me from dying. I think I gave her a cold - she was so cute sneezing, but her flesh burned a little to be pressed against for so long. Hey that reminds me, that girl in the literary club... no, focus on Yumi's reaction, maybe she resisted the mindwipe somehow. Please? She giggles. "I mean, I know I gained a little height since then, but there's only so much one's appearance can change," she remarks, removing her head scarf, leaving her pale, pale skin and a smile. A slight jagged overbite may be seen, her unquenched yet largely at this point weakened thirst making her fangs jut out a little unconsciously.

2012-08-19, 05:06 AM
Keita remained in the background, but he did introduce himself.

''Hello miss Yumi, My name is Keita Arima. Thank you for letting us come.'' He said in his soft, shy voice and with a traditional bow he ended that introduction.

2012-08-20, 12:21 AM
"I'm glad you've made so many wonderful friends Yuri... Nice meeting you Arima-kun, such polite boy. Would you like some tea? I can get you some soda or juice if you'd prefer that."

"It's great to see you, Knox-chan, of course I remember you" Yumi smiles warmly, setting the tray on the short table. The tray contains several teacups, a pot, biscuits and sweets.

"Really oneesama?! Wow! I don't remember at all! Tell me more!" Yuri looks excited, her eyes going from Yuri to Knox, back and forth.

As she starts pouring the tea and offering it to those who want it, Yumi gives a sidelong glance to her younger sister. "You were the one who insisted we took Knox in, Yuri-chan and I acceded. I thought Knox-chan was a runaway so when she didn't come back I figured she had gone back to her family. You two were very little so I guess that's why you don't remember, Yuri-chan."

"So Knox-chan, how are you these days? I guess you've reconciled with your family, since you're attending high school." Yumi bends forward towards Knox, smiling.

Princess Tracy
2012-08-20, 05:52 AM
Holy crap, she remembers me at least a little. Awesome! Does she remember everything? I hope not, I bit her arm once and it turned green for teh better part of a week- she'll have all sorts of dirt on my weird biology.

"Family, huh..." Knox looks contemplatory for a moment, trying to not seem too crafty. "I guess you could say that, at least I found my way back to them. Except they're not really... around anymore. So I've been kind of wandering the world, looking for where I belong. It feels like I'm getting pretty close." Knox beams at Yumi and Yuri, glad to have her face free for once. "It's great seeing you two again," she says, taking her tea. She falls silent for a bit, blushing as she looks into the ground; from her quivering, one can tell she's welling up to cry. "It's been too long since I've seen a friendly face." A single tear disturbs the surface of her tea. I'm crying far too much today... What if they think I'm weak or something?

She sits up, drying her eyes, her honest smile never fading. "See, Yuri? And you thought I was crazy." Suddenly, her stomach growls in hunger. "Ah, oh no..." Where is Akira? I need to feed NOW, before something bad happens. The excitement of finding Yumi and Yuri was distracting me from it, but now.. oh god, I'm so hungry it HURTS... I simply can't wait until morning She budges uncomfortably as she feels around for Akira's hand.

2012-08-22, 01:57 AM
Leah feels Knox's fingers wrap around her wrist, but decides to ignore it for the time being. "My name is Akira Takeda. It's nice to meet you, Yumi-san; thank you for letting us stay here for the night."

She could feel Knox's desperation growing by the minute; how much longer could Knox go without being fed? "Knox, could you help me find the restroom? I don't know my way around here at all, and I... um, I lost my contacts. I wouldn't want to break anything."

Princess Tracy
2012-08-22, 06:04 AM
One can see the air Knox exhales, like in the depths of winter, as she looks wildly at Akira, her mouth agape. Upon her cover of a request, she nods, trying to maintain some control until Yuri was out of sight. What on earth caused this frenzy now? But then she hadn't gone this long without feeding oin a long time, she didn't know what might happen. Getting up, she quickly drags Akira off, excusing herself raggedly "I barely recognise this place, but I'm sure we'll find it... together."

Knox barely gets halfway down her first secluded hallway when she pushes Akira up against the wall. "Come on, let's do it, right here, right now, you know you want to." Her bindings come loose as she grips Akira, her bare skin rubbing against her as you receive a sudden need to just do whatever she says. You realise her power of suggestion would have already broken a lesser mind and rally yourself against it, quite sure you can withstand it if you're aware of it. "It feels really good in your position, I'm told - a little blood, a little pain, then we're en route for all sorts of sinful pleasure." She smiles widely, demonically, even as she snuggles close to the 'blind' girl, not quite herself as she bares her fangs, yet makes no effort to actually bite yet. Her eyes are blurred and only seem to gain focus when they sway to a major blood vessel. "I like your skin, it's the opposite of mine. It gives me a nice texture to just grab on to." At the last statement, she gives Akira a squeeze in a few odd places; one wonders if the innuendo of her every action even occurs to her as she pulls Akira to optimally position her fangs

Her arms wrapped tightly at Akira's waist, her leg between her's, and her her teeth making long, drawn out strokes but never bites of the other girl's neck-flesh, one could easily mistake them for steamy lovers. "Come on... let me put it in you." You wonder if the slightest remnant of her senses is what makes her so keen to obtain permission; for all her teasing, on some level she respects your wishes enough to at least care about twisting them. Sure enough being aware of her hypnotic touch does counteract it some, but you still feel her lust pouring into you, though that could perhaps be a natural process. "You're so soft here, in your precious area, I wouldn't ever bite and ruin it... unless you told me to."

2012-08-23, 05:39 AM
Leah shook her head.

"I can't, Knox. Not here. We need to be safe about this." She coughed and hid her face behind the collar of her shirt. "What about the others? They might catch us."

2012-08-23, 10:04 AM
Before Knox and Akira-Leah leave:

"Nice meeting you too, Takeda-chan. It's no problem"

"Sorry for the short notice, Oneesama."

"Don't worry Yuri-chan. Your friends will always be welcome in our home"

Yumi's expression flickers for a moment as Knox and Akira leave, but she continues to entertain their guests.

In the hallway:

The girls hear a sliding door close. Who was it... ? Wait, there wasn't a sliding door in the other side of the hallway, was there?

Princess Tracy
2012-08-23, 03:53 PM
A devilish smile hardly becoming fo the once-seemingly introverted girl plays on Knox's face; the thin veil of her humanity is easily tossed aside in the throes of her hunger. She is a monster after all, contained only by her love for Yuri. "Safe? Come on, such toys would just get in the way. A plastic bag of fluid, what could be more passionless? No, such things must be administered more... directly." Knox licks Leah's neck, causing a supernatural shiver through her nerves. "You said you wanted it, you wanted me to take you above anyone else and that's what I'm doing. Are you scared to take the plunge. Don't worry... nothing will happen. I know when to stop before conception..."

The sudden sound of an interloper causes Knox to shiver; her teeth's slip a little as she makes to turn around and she slips into Leah's neck, piercing it in one of the lesser blood vessels. She suddenly stops trying to pulls away; for a moment she suckles at Leah's blood. It hurts for only a moment, but the rest is pure, sight-blurring bliss. It only lasts a moment though; in the moment of noisily slurping away in a manner one might mistake for a hicky at sight and a pig eating at sound. After but a few seocnds though, she gets enough of a fill to come to her senses a little; struggling, she gains enough caution of the noise to stop altogether. All told she probably drank no more blood than Leah lost on banging her nose. If her victim feels her neck, she finds the skin as it was, the wounds instantly closed up and only a slight reddening of the skin and pleasurable tingle when touched left to indicate she was ever bitten.

Knox blushes, dusting herself off as she turns from leah, looking around for the source of the noise. She whispers to Leah, her slightly more withdrawn personality making a return. "S-sorry. I got caried away. That wasn't a contagious bite though; just an extraction. You won't become like me unless I willed it when I bit, and few vampires would. That would be like proposing during a one-night stand with a complete stranger." While a little flustered, she seems fairly indifferent to Akira and whatever sinful pleasure she was given in that one moment as Knox's food. "But just think, that one little second was enough to replenish all my hunger," she says with a smile. "Come on, let's go back inside."

If nothing else happens in hallway

After a few minutes, Knox returns, smiling and looking quite contented - her brow hardly furrowed in the way one usually sees of her. Before taking her seat next to Yuri, one might hear her whisper to Leah, "Then i guess I'd say you were the best I ever had."

She sits down snuggly next to Yuri, like nothing happened as she sips her tea and snuggles up to her like a cat, like the good old days, oblivious to Leah now that she was with her beloved again. She at least felt full.

2012-08-23, 06:14 PM
Something happens on the way back...


As Knox and Akira walk through a sliding door, Akira in point, the door slides back, letting Akira pass and keeping Knox in. Instinctively, Knox would slide back open only to find the door leads to an identical, square space. with a sliding door in every direction. If you slide any door, you'll find an identical room, ad infinitum.

A couple minutes later, a door slides and Yumi walks in. Her hair toussled, her eyes fierce and serious. She's wearing the same clothes as before, but she's holding a sheathed katana.

"It's no use running away... you've been mazed. Until the spell is broken you won't be able to escape. Knox of the clan McDonald... you are a very unique girl.. or should I say... bloodsucker?" (That's the literal translation of the kanji for vampire)

Yumi points the sword towards Knox, still sheathed. "Tell me, what are your intentions towards my sister?". Yumi stands still until she gets an answer, an honest answer.

2012-08-23, 07:12 PM
Amaya held her duffle bag tightly to her side as she carefully maneuvered towards the front entrance of the Nakatomi house hold, careful of the ward's surrounding the old home; she'd visited the house enough times in the past to know not to get caught by them. The elder yokai checked her phone once more, before knocking on the door and awaiting Suki to open it.

She could already sense the others inside; she hoped she hadn't kept the others waiting too long, and that Akira and Knox hadn't done anything foolish in her absence. Tsukuyomi only knew what would happen if Yumi got the wrong idea about them.

Princess Tracy
2012-08-23, 07:37 PM
Knox flicks through a good few doorways in frustration, though she doesn't panic. Bent physics... I didn't think this planet had that sort of tehcnology yet. Let's see, what was the trick to this? I don't have the right gizmos to cancel the effect, but canceling the loop is a simply matter of turning the vectors against on another. Infinite is a precise balancing act after all. Then again, such destabilising would bring a serious risk of killing me from saturating with energy beyond the limits of any organism to live through. And if I could remove myself form the equation, I wouldn't be in this stupid situation in the first place. I'm pretty sure I read the solution to this brain tickler somewhere, but nothing's coming to me...

"What's a thing like this doing around here anyway? Well, if space is infinite, perhaps time lapse is too - it's quite possible that no one will ever come or that every moment here is a year back on earth. Perhaps puzzling out why this is here would provide extra clues but desperate times... Why DO japanese doors slide, anyway?" Suddenly, she just punches through one of the doors, ripping through the sliding fabric, likely to no effect.

After some struggling, by the time Yumi comes in, she finds Knox on the floor, sitting and pouting in concentration and embarrassment that the place may well have beaten her. She notices the change quickly, but it takes her until Yumi starts talking for her to actually concentrate on the other girl enough to recognise her (rather than analysing around her as a particularly involving logic puzzle).

As she sees the katana, she recognises it's function, her eyes widening as she backs up into a corner, blubbering a little. "Y-yumi? Y-you wouldn't, not you... I've been attacked by a lot of people, but not you..." She doesn't even seem to hear the particulars of what was said as she mutters her pleas of nonviolence. After a second, it all sets in. She remembers MacDonald? And she just called her.. 'bloodsucker', a word with so much hate poured in it. that hate alone made her feel as if already stabbed. "Y-y-yumi hates me now...? W-waah!" She cries in genuine sorrow as she buries her head between her knees, bawling like a newborn.

The last demand seems to give Knox pause for thought though. hesitantly, she peers out over her legs at Yumi, her eyes quite red from tears already as they painfully dart to meet Yumi's gaze. Slowly, she staggers to her feet, a little closer to Yumi, but not so much to be within her explicit range. "My intention," she repeats. Her eyes don't flicker at all, neither in recollection nor imagination. "You were there when i left, when I said I would come back one day and marry Yuri, you were the only one who i think heard me in fact. Perhaps that's why you're confused. It was a little romantic, a little ambitious." She edges ever closer, not taking any offensive or defensive stance, seeming to ignore the sword entirely as she speaks ever so matter-of-factly. "Now, however. Now I would settle for her to look at me. Just to look might be enough. For her to look at me the way I look at her, though..." Her eyes drift back to the sword. "Would be even better."

Suddenly, she reaches for her top, unbinding it a little, but not in her usual, flustered, seductive way; but to give a clear target. Her 'birthmark' can be plainly seen for a moment as she flicks through her garments. "If you came to kill me, best do it quick before I do something that embarasses both of us, like try to talk you out of it. if what you feel for me is hatred, then what i travelled so long for is already out of my grasp, a peaceful life among those I loved - and I have nowhere else to go. This maze is entirely peripheral to that." Despite her calm voice, tears start streaking down her otherwise unmoving face. "Will Yuri even care if I'm gone forever?." She finaly breaks down, sniffing and crying, but not shifting from her death-accepting stance.

"Oh, Yumi, of all the people, why you..." She sniff, trying to calm down. "You treated me like you're daughter, I think, and yet... Just know, just as I love Yuri, you will always be my nakama. Oh, and tell madam-president the girl who hired us was the ghost the whole time." She smiles, but her arms remain in that docile, by the side positiom tha calls out to be hugged. "I figured it out while I was in here. I had hoped to see the look on her face when i told her."

2012-08-23, 08:00 PM
Yumi keeps her eyes trained on Knox for a few seconds, then she lets go of the katana, letting it bend back in a twirl and with a gesture, the weapon fades into the ether.

"Knox... I've seen into your soul. I do not remember you... if I know your name and all the memories you remember is because they've been passed on to me by another, a traveler." Yumi takes a few steps towards Knox, the fire in her eyes returning to the calm blue from before.

"Even if your body is that of a yokai, and your mind wanders, your soul is pure. I will not harm an innocent. As long as you remain in this state of grace, you are welcome in our home" Yumi wraps her arms around Knox lovingly. Patting her head, Yumi does her earnest to soothe the child inside Knox. As long as it takes.

"I cannot speak for my sister's heart, but I know she needs you. There is a coming trial she must go through and you will be a key element in helping see her through. The traveler told me you are without a home of your own. Please, accept our generosity once more and stay with us."

Princess Tracy
2012-08-23, 08:37 PM
Traveller? Trials? Such words are lost on Knox in that instance, that moment where the death she accepted clearly wasn't coming. That alone overwhelms her as she melts in Yumi's arms exhausted. Her fangs are safely tucked away, her hunger sated by her earlier meal, as she snuggles into Yumi's chest, stil streaming tears and weeping, though of an odd joy. "Y-yumi doesn't hate me, I'm so glad..." She enjoys the embrace for quite some time, several minutes before she calms down. "Momma..." she calls Yumi when finally soothed.

Remembering mention of trials, Knox backs up to try and seem more competent as she gives he most determined look. "I'll do whatever I can to help Yuri, Yumi-momma." She doesn't even blush when she realises how little clothes she's properly wearing. Yumi kind of taught her how to wear clothes, she could bear to see her body a little and she found no exhibitionist thrill in it in her case; Yumi was too calming an element in her mind. While Yuri set a fire in her heart, Yumi was like the base upon which they rested and were supported by. At least that's how it was in the old days - Knox had not gotten the hang of evaluating the present. The thought of this new, violent Yumi sent terrified shivers through her, but looking into the eyes of the calmed Yumi, she puts such concerns from her mind as best she can.

To the suggestion of staying with her once more, Knox gets halfway through mumbling a refusal before resorting to "Please, I would be honoured to stay as long as you would have me." She bows deeply, cartoonishly in a crude mimic of japanese sensibilities. "I was probably going to have to trick a motel into giving me a room otherwise, or finding a cave. I haven't any money. Pus maybe this way I can maybe find someway to repay my debt to yoir family for taking me in before!"

"So who's this traveller? How much do you remember about me? What trials? How do we get out of here?" Knox starts asking excitedly before calming herself and homing in on a more pertinent question. "Yumi-momma... I don't think Yurr likes me the way I like her. Does she already love someone? Or is there something wrong with me? I did my best to make myself beautiful, to keep pure this skin she complimented, yet it's almost like it doesn't matter at all... "

2012-08-23, 09:29 PM
Traveller? Trials? Such words are lost on Knox in that instance, that moment where the death she accepted clearly wasn't coming. That alone overwhelms her as she melts in Yumi's arms exhausted. Her fangs are safely tucked away, her hunger sated by her earlier meal, as she snuggles into Yumi's chest, stil streaming tears and weeping, though of an odd joy. "Y-yumi doesn't hate me, I'm so glad..." She enjoys the embrace for quite some time, several minutes before she calms down. "Momma..." she calls Yumi when finally soothed.

Deeply moved Yumi cries too, cradling Knox in her arms close to her.

Remembering mention of trials, Knox backs up to try and seem more competent as she gives he most determined look. "I'll do whatever I can to help Yuri, Yumi-momma." She doesn't even blush when she realises how little clothes she's properly wearing. Yumi kind of taught her how to wear clothes, she could bear to see her body a little and she found no exhibitionist thrill in it in her case; Yumi was too calming an element in her mind. While Yuri set a fire in her heart, Yumi was like the base upon which they rested and were supported by. At least that's how it was in the old days - Knox had not gotten the hang of evaluating the present. The thought of this new, violent Yumi sent terrified shivers through her, but looking into the eyes of the calmed Yumi, she puts such concerns from her mind as best she can.

"Very good, Knox-chan. I'm counting on you." Yumi takes a handkerchief to wipe her tears and hands it to Knox.

To the suggestion of staying with her once more, Knox gets halfway through mumbling a refusal before resorting to "Please, I would be honoured to stay as long as you would have me." She bows deeply, cartoonishly in a crude mimic of japanese sensibilities. "I was probably going to have to trick a motel into giving me a room otherwise, or finding a cave. I haven't any money. Pus maybe this way I can maybe find someway to repay my debt to yoir family for taking me in before!"

"You don't have to worry about that now, Knox-chan. You're staying with us now. But please be very careful around Yuri. She doesn't know you're a yokai, and it's best she doesn't find out, okay?"

"So who's this traveller? How much do you remember about me? What trials? How do we get out of here?" Knox starts asking excitedly before calming herself and homing in on a more pertinent question.

"The traveler doesn't want us to know who she was, but she was very persuasive. Yuri is in danger Knox, from dangers even I cannot protect her on my own." From nowhere, Yumi takes a scarf... a scarf just like Knox's... exactly like! Just... drenched in dried blood. It takes Knox less than a second to tell who the blood belongs to... Yuri. Before it can have any other effects on Knox Yumi returns the scarf to the ether. "That scarf came from the future. A future I mean to avert... with your help."

"But I do have something I want you to keep. The traveler said our memories were wiped... They may as well have been. But... whoever did this forgot something. This photo. I always wondered who was the girl in the photo, now I know."

Yumi gives Knox a faded photo of two little girls, in dresses and bows, sitting among the flower beds in the garden. They look so happy and innocent together. Knox and Yuri among the lilies.

"Yumi-momma... I don't think Yurr likes me the way I like her. Does she already love someone? Or is there something wrong with me? I did my best to make myself beautiful, to keep pure this skin she complimented, yet it's almost like it doesn't matter at all... "

"Don't worry Knox-chan... I think my little sister hasn't quite figured love yet. She's never been serious with anyone I know of, boys or girls. Don't lose heart." She smiles and gives Knox a wink, before taking her hand and saying "Are you ready to return to the sleepover?"

2012-08-24, 05:09 AM
Leah completely ignored her surroundings, as she usually did when she felt particularly antisocial.

She expected discomfort, maybe even a little bit of pain... but not pleasure. Was drinking blood the same as having sex to a vampire? Better yet, had she just lost her virginity to a woman?

Well, this was unexpected. She smiled a little and continued to sip. Damn that felt good. I might be able to get used to this. Now just to deal with Yuri... are they attached? I don't want to attract any drama. Maybe I should ask her.

"Yuri-san?" A blunt approach was probably better than not when it came to Yuri. "How long have you known Knox-san? What are your feelings for her?"

Princess Tracy
2012-08-24, 06:18 AM
Knox takes the handkerchief, wiping her own tears away thankfully. She is knocked from her joyous stupor at the sight of her own, bloody scarf, looking at it with nothing less than sheer terror. She didn't need to be told that was Yuri's blood, she could smell it a mile away. So much blood... did I do something? If it's from the future... 4-dimensional thinking, can I avert such a thing? Why would she - oh no, no... Not Yuri, she should never have such a thing happen to her. If it's on my scarf... does that mean I'm responsible? Or I was there but couldn't save her from...? If I had drank her blood for some reason, I would drink every last drop that left her body, not let it drip like this, so whatever did this might well have...k-killed her.

As the scarf vanishes, Knox's eyes just turn to Yumi. She nods absently as the other girl talks but is clearly too afraid, too pondeirng to really take even her duty in. However, at her reassurances of love and production of the photograph, Knox stares into the image, her heart put at ease at that moment. The picture itself says more that Yumi does to give her that peace of mind, as it reminds her, tells her it wasn't all just some fever dream, that in more innocent times she was with Yuri in this place. Knox hesitates to take the photograph, as comforting as it is, but eventually can't help herself as she takes it lightly, graciously, holding it tight and peering into he frame. She didn't cast a reflection, she was surprised, but ever so thankful to have been caught in in a photograph - she'd never tried it before, she realised, to have the memory of her immortalised in such a way. Hearing Yumi had forgotten her after all was actually fairly comforting in a way. "You know, when you threatened me I thought... I thought you had remembered everything and yet decided you hated me anyway, Yumi-momma. I was so scared and so sad, I thought I'd lost everything just there... That all the love I had for Yuri and Yumi-momma was..."

Stifling herself with the handkerchief before she can descend into outright tears again, she merely sniffs and continues, trying to stand her full height as she clasps Yumi-s hand in both her own. "I'll stick it out until Yuri sees how much I love her, as long as it takes. And I'll be by her side for whatever she has to face. I would die to keep her safe," a feat she had already proven tonight when she offered to let Yumi kill her rather than oppose her. "I don't know much of Youkai or anything. I was always told I was just a biological accident. But it has been an odd sort of day. You'll have to tell me about them sometime, so I know what to do to protect Yuri. And in exchange," Knox holds up the photograph cheekily. "I'll try and jog so much of your memory you don't forget me again, okay?"

After a half-hearted attempt to button and rebind her shirt and make herself look presentable, she sighs. "I think I would like to leave now, yes. I'd rather not be from Yuri's side a moment longer. Can I show her this photo? Although it's not much of a sleepover - we'll all be cutting out early to hunt a ghost. Yuri thinks it will be fun and I'm powerless to oppose her. Ah, the burden of a lovestruck maiden..." She gets n one more serious jab before they go though; "If... the scarf is my fault. Feel free to gut me, for if I don't love Yuri enough to protect her, I'm no longer me and no longer worthy of living." She switches from holding her hand to hugging Yumi close again. "Oh, Yumi-momma... I promise to do my best, momma."

2012-08-24, 08:39 PM
Akira Takeda /Leah:

Don't forget: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13697720&postcount=210

After Yumi took off, Yuri had taken her role seeing to the guests. She was holding the kettle pouring another cup of tea for Keita when Akira asks her.


"Yes, Akira-chan? Do you want more tea too?" Yuri smiles.

"How long have you known Knox-san?"

"Um well... I think we met when we were little, but I don't remember it. Yumi-oneesama does remember, though. And today we just met again after years apart, isn't it an awesome coincidence? Hehee"

"What are your feelings for her?"


Yuri blushes, her pupils enlarging, her hands becoming limp... the porcelain teapot, filled with scalding hot water on plummeting to the wooden floor... As if in a trance, Yuri kneels. The girl's arms are blur as she picks up the teapot a little over a foot above the ground, keeping the burning liquid safely contained.

"Um... Er... I think I should go help in the kitchen... or something. I won't be long." Still blushing, Yuri leaves the room in a hurry.

Amaya Kobayashi:

"Konbanwa, Amaya-sama." The old woman bows and lets Amaya in, leading her into the house. "Is master Isamu well? Miss Yuri seems to have made a lot of new friends now." In her usual criptic way, the old woman lets know Amaya of just what's going on, subtly. "Miss Yumi is occupied at the moment, but miss Yuri and her friends are gathered in the day room."

"Oh, Kobayashi-san! You came!" A flustered Yuri looks at Amaya, still in uneasy footing.


Yumi takes Knox's hands, smiling warmly. "It's alright Knox-chan. I believe in you." Taking a pause to think, she says. "About your yokai nature... I'll make some research, ask around... and we'll figure something out."

Yumi's long blue hair leans in the side of her face as she looks at the photograph, running her fingers along the back of Knox's hair. She tells the girl she can certainly show the photo to Yuri, as it is a perfectly good explanation why you were away. At the mention of the ghost hunt, Yumi asks for more details, which Knox provides in full. Yumi just nods, giving her tacit approval.

When Knox hugs her Yumi says. "I trust you will take good care of Yuri, Knox dear." She gives her forehead a quick kiss and lets go, taking her hand as she slides the door open, now to the house proper. "You go on ahead. I'll go see everything's ready for the sleepover."

Princess Tracy
2012-08-24, 09:41 PM
Once back with the group, Knox immediately rushes back to Yuri's side, squealing with joy as she snuggles next to her. "Oh, Yuri! Look what I got from Yumi-momma!" She holds up teh photograph proudly as she hugs her much like a cat, rubbing her face into the other girl's shoulder as if not having seen her in years. "Since I don't have anywhere to live, yumi-momma said I could stay here for the time being. Isn't it great?" Don't worry, Yumi-momma. I'll take good care of her, forever...

2012-08-26, 09:34 PM
"Konbawa Suki-san," she greeted with a smile as she returned the gesture. "Isamu-kun is well; That she has, the newcomers appear to be promising, if lacking discipline," commented Amaya before being informed as what she had missed.

She shook her head slightly and sighed slightly in frustration; truly Knox was the least subtle infiltrator she had ever had the fortune to meet. Amaya hoped Knox didn't shoot herself further in the foot with her mouth; it would be a shame for her to be lost so soon.

She smiled once more at Yuri's approach, "Greetings and salutations Yuri-san; pardon our tardiness. It took far longer than expected to settle our affairs; we hope we have not kept thee waiting," she aays apologetically before taking notice of Yuri's state. "Are you alright Yuri-san? Thyne visage speaks of great unease, has something worrying occurred in my absence?" inquired Amaya, as she followed her flustered leader.

Upon reuniting with the group, she was surprised by Knox suddenly huggling Yuri. Though the sight of the still living Knox comforted her, her suffix shocked her. Amaya turned to Yumi with a raised brow once Knox had finished her speech, "Greetings Yumi-san..erhm, Yumi-momma?" trying to sound as respectful as she could, while conveying her surprise.

Princess Tracy
2012-08-27, 08:21 PM
"Uh huh, Yumi-momma!" Knox remarks like a pleased toddler as she hugs Yuri a little tighter. "She acted like a mother - mature and nice, back then and now. So, Yumi-momma." She giggles in an unprecedented way at Amiya. "Why else would I be gone so long if not making arrangements?" she says with a wink, telling Amiya she'll fill her in later. "Oh hey, Aki-chan," she addresses Leah. "Looks like you found your way back from the bathroom okay. Sorry for that back there - I ended up being a burden then running off."

2012-08-28, 02:22 AM
GM: It seems we've run to a temporal mishap here XD I'll do my best to fix the timeline...

Amaya smiled once more at Yuri's approach, "Greetings and salutations Yuri-san; pardon our tardiness. It took far longer than expected to settle our affairs; we hope we have not kept thee waiting," she says apologetically before taking notice of Yuri's state. "Are you alright Yuri-san? Thyne visage speaks of great unease, has something worrying occurred in my absence?" inquired Amaya, as she followed her flustered leader.

Amaya can feel the inkiling of what is going through Yuri's head. She really likes Knox, but Akira had implied that she more than just liked her. And well, she wasn't so sure... maybe she really liked liked her? And what did that mean? She decides to set those questions aside for the time being. "Oh, it's nothing Kobayashi-san. Welcome, please come on in, we're just relaxing in the living room... We have tea, and sweets.."

Once back with the group, Knox immediately rushes back to Yuri's side, squealing with joy as she snuggles next to her. "Oh, Yuri! Look what I got from Yumi-momma!" She holds up teh photograph proudly as she hugs her much like a cat, rubbing her face into the other girl's shoulder as if not having seen her in years. "Since I don't have anywhere to live, yumi-momma said I could stay here for the time being. Isn't it great?" Don't worry, Yumi-momma. I'll take good care of her, forever...

Yuri can settle down in the room Knox snuggles to her, taking her by surprise. She blushes beet red so when Knox shows her the photograph she focuses her eyes solely on it. "Wow... that's me... and that... that's you... Knox" Yuri stares intensely at the photograph, blushing further. Yuri can't help smile a little at Knox's attentions. She wished she remembered her, if only to know why Knox was so nice to her. And there was this feeling that it wasn't just nice... that it felt good. And that kept her blushing.

Amaya was surprised by Knox suddenly huggling Yuri. Though the sight of the still living Knox comforted her, her suffix shocked her. Amaya turned to Yumi with a raised brow once Knox had finished her speech, "Greetings Yumi-san..erhm, Yumi-momma?" trying to sound as respectful as she could, while conveying her surprise.

"Uh huh, Yumi-momma!" Knox remarks like a pleased toddler as she hugs Yuri a little tighter. "She acted like a mother - mature and nice, back then and now. So, Yumi-momma." She giggles in an unprecedented way at Amaya. "Why else would I be gone so long if not making arrangements?" she says with a wink, telling Amiya she'll fill her in later. "Oh hey, Aki-chan," she addresses Leah. "Looks like you found your way back from the bathroom okay. Sorry for that back there - I ended up being a burden then running off."

While this goes on, Yuri is deep in thought. Oooh! So that's why Knox call Yumi-oneesama Yumi-momma. I guess she's like a mom to me too. I should do something more... club leader-y stuff. Hmm just a while longer...

Princess Tracy
2012-08-28, 10:42 AM
Sighing contentedly, Knox lets herself go limp, setting herself down onto Yuri's lap like it was a pillow, facing up at her with her eyes closed, her long red hair cascading across Yuri's legs. "Ah, Yuri and Yumi-momma. I was worried I wouldn't find you again for so long. My faith seems rewarded, now. I'm so glad." Just as all supernatural-aware parties start to wonder if vampires are even capable of sleep, one can hear the change in her breath as Knox descends into a well earned nap. What a day. She didn't want to think about the bloody scarf right now - just once, just this once she wanted to enjoy the moment alone with her beloved. As her arm slouches down unconsciously, Knox shivers lightly, suddenly tossing, puting her head towards Yuri and likely burying her face in her midriff as she snores lightly. One can hear her dreams echo through her stupor as she mumbles "Oh, Yuri, your skin is so soft, mmm...." One wonders what odd dreams she experiences as she vaguely giggles and moans in odd ways every now and then, apparently restless even now. After a minute or two, she plants a single kiss on whatever her face is making contact with, likely Yuri.

2012-08-29, 07:33 PM
Keita is peacefully drinking his tea when his vision clouds... and he finds himself somewhere else... everything seems so luminous and clear. In the distance, he sees two animals resting side by side. A sheep and a lion. Something about this image seems familiar and soothing. Suddenly the lion growls and starts chasing him!

Startled, Keita wakes from his daydream and leans forward, as if he still were running away from the lion. This lands him just between Knox and Yuri! Knox is sitting up from lying in Yuri's lap her lips already forming a kiss. What will Keita do now?

2012-08-30, 02:32 PM
keita was surprised by the sudden closeness to Knox's lips that he tried to scramble away from her, but in doing so, he fell forwards; Right into Knox's lips with his own pair. It wasn't a kiss persay, but still, It was another pair of lips.

The shock from it all was too much and Keita passed out, his teacup luckily hit against the couch and rolled along the floor with Keita himself slumped forwards against knox.

Princess Tracy
2012-08-30, 03:24 PM
As she feels Keita's lips on her own, Knox moans as she partially stirs, wrapping her arms lazily around him as she kisses back. "Mmm, Yuri, you're so naughty." Planting another kiss or two before he passes out, slouching on her, Knox gasps as she is triggered awake - well, if by awake you mean still half-dreaming. Following her instincts and not really discerning her surroundings, her vampiric strength surges as she flips him on to his back, setting on the poor boy's stomach and kissing him a little more - "Oh, Yuri, yessss...." As she gets a good taste of him, her vampiric senses tell her enough. Her eyes springing suddenly wide open as she reflexively gives him another lick to be sure, she sits up a little, looking around the room as it swims into vision. There's a long awkward moment as she rests her eyes on Yuri, all the way her eyes wide as saucers and unblinking. Finding her tongue still lazily handing our and her whole body perched midair over Keita, her perfectly white skin flushes redder than ever as she closes her mouth in a gulp. "B-but if Yuri is over there, then who k-k-kissed...."

Knox turns down to Keita, her face looking like that of a madwoman as she grabs at it initially in shock. "Y-you, Keita..." Her expression gradually changing, her normally meagre eyebrows flaring in fury, she clenches her fist around his shirt. "YOU!" Dragging him up, she begins shaking him violently, trying to make him awake so he can face her wrath. "You stole the kiss from my very lips, these lips not meant for any old girl and certainly not a boy! How - HOW dare you! Stop pretending to sleep you jerk, and face the consequences! You... you pervert!" She looks close to crying from sheer embarrassment. "You stole my second kiss, you heartless pervert! AH! She shakes him a little faster as she makes a fist with her other hand, where it hovers uselessly, Yuri seeming to not even know what to do with such a thing as a punch. Releting the thought, she switches to slapping him repeatedly - too quickly and closely to bear enough force to really hurt but at least enough to wake up most non-comatose unconscious people. "P-pervert, stealing Yuri's kiss!"

Rule number one of comedy harems: violence is okay and funny if it's girls against guys. I know this ain't a harem, but it seems to apply to all anime.

2012-08-31, 07:04 PM
Amaya was utterly dumbstruck by what she was watching; her Keita was being...defiled by Knox. If it weren't for the shock, she would've jumped her right there and banished to the furthest corner of the spirit world. Worse still the vile heathen had the audacity to strike Keita and call him a pervert and strike his innocent flesh. The outrage made her blood boil, and stirred her youki; it was through discipline alone that she did not make her displeasure known, reminding herself that such acts were no longer acceptable in this modern world. She could not risk using her power this near Keita and Yuri.

She began taking slow steady steps towards Knox, her steely gaze locked on Knox; desperately holding back as much of her Osore as she could. The room seeming to still for a moment as she raised her hand high into the air before Knox; and then began slapping her face repeatedly in the same fashion she had been slapping Keita.

Princess Tracy
2012-08-31, 07:52 PM
Knox had already stopped by the time Amaya starts to act, her wrist aching after not even a dozen slaps spread on both cheeks. As she feels Amaya's presence surge again, she turns lightly to her, still shaking Keita albiet not so vigorously, and takes a defensive sort of tone. "Oh, come off it, Amaya. I KNOW I felt someone else start the kiss to wake me up. I mean, how would you like it if Keita suddenly kissed YOU? He made me look so stupid in front of -"

After the first slap, Knox blinks, looking up at Amaya. "...I needed that. Sorry." After the second, both of her cheeks are sore and red. "...Yeah, okay, I guess that's the 'interest' payment. We even now?" After the third, and the fourth, and however many, she gets out a broken message as she swings back and forth, not at all versed in rolling with the punches and lacking the depth perception necessary to dodge much of anything, just ragdolling with each blow. "Ow, okay, I - OW - get the - OW! - point! I'm sorr- OW! Come on, you're hitting way harder than I ever did - OW OW OW!" True enough, only newborn infantas are capable of the olympic feat of hitting more softly than the vampire maiden. "Stop stop, you're ruining my skin - OW!" At that realisation, she takes drastic measures. Feeling around the floor, she grabs her scarf, trips the older youkai, and while she's down, grabs a water-filled flower pot and dumps it on her, in the hopes of cooling her off (and it seeming the only non-boiling-tea liquid in reach), not really thinking through how much plant mater or soil might also be dumped on the enraged Amaya's head until after it's halfway through being poured. Covering her eyes a little form the result, she shakily asks "T-truce?"

2012-09-01, 06:40 PM
Yuri's kiss... my kiss? Yuri flushes, her mind fixating on that last bit. She puts her hands to her cheeks, feeling their warmth. For a moment, her mind spaces out, thinking on how it would feel to kiss Knox.

The ruckus eventually knocks Yuri off from her cloud, standing up and standing between Knox and Amaya.

"Girls! What's going on here? Why is Knox-chan's face all red? Oh... and Kei-kun... what happened to him?"

Princess Tracy
2012-09-01, 07:21 PM
Knox sputters as she tries to explain. "Keita... kissed... I was like 80% sure he was faking passing out. Then Amaya... Owwww...." She veers off as she feels her cheeks, now a fair bit more red and swollen from Amaya's force on her sensitive skin. "Ow, ow... I wanted to keep my skin all pristine for you.... ow, I hope that doesn't leave a mark." One can see her skin flake a little on one of her cheeks - it was a little burned by sunlight earlier when she first entered the club room all those hours ago, making the skin sort of brittle. She struggles to her feet, her eyes watering a little from the throbbing pain, not quite meeting Yuri's gaze as she remembers how much Yuri saw of Knox's display. "I am... sorry," she says truthfully. Knox prods Keita with her foot, hard. "Hey, come on, get up so you can explain yourself and I can apologise." She keeps poking at his ribcage with her toe, occassionally kicking a little bit. "Is there an on-switch for him?" Pervert boy, stealing a kiss from my lips. E-even if I went a little all out in turn.... he started it.

Becoming suddenly aware again of Amaya, Knox positions Yuri between herself and the Youkai. "Please don't hit me again. I'm a pretty weak fighter."

2012-09-01, 07:41 PM
Amaya surprised herself; she had half a mind to defenestrate Knox right then and there; yet stayed her hand, though was unable to withhold the sudden Shriek that erupted from her lips upon being doused. The girl glared daggers at Knox, "We were merely halting a great injustice perpatuated by Knox. Keita tripped and fell unto Knox who; Ofcourse, we aren't surprised by thyne ignorance given that thou were awake. In her indiscretion, she then tossed him unto the floor and began to do most unbecoming things to Keita in his sleep; only to then assault him for her own indiscretion," she said with a steely indignat edge to her voice. "So long as thou ceases to bring harm to our Kohai, we shall not harm thee. He is our ward and it is our duty to see to his well being, you would do well to remember this," she quickly added as Knox fled, before knneling to check on Keita.

Princess Tracy
2012-09-01, 07:53 PM
"W-was i that rough?" Knox asks, looking at her own hands, before pointing it towards Keita. "H-he started it. I was woken up to the feeling of being tumbled around and the feeling of hot lips on my own. So he definitely started it." Of course, by hot, she means anything above her own body temperature - i.e. anything alive. "I... I was kind of in the middle of a dream and the whole thing got me a bit too excited, physically... but I only kissed him, like, tops 3 times. A-and he's a boy, he should be able to take a few slaps, right? Males on this planet are supposed to be physically dominant according to my data..."

She cowers behind Yuri a little more, clearly a fair bit afraid Amaya will flip out again. "I'm sorry that it seemed that I started it. I wouldn't want to kiss him on purpose, ever, so... so I wasn't trying to steal him away from you or anything. Please, don't be so angry, Amaya, you're scaring me..." Having made a fool of her own sexuality and sated her bloodlust, she does seem fairly demure now. "It's not my fault he pounced me and not you."

2012-09-01, 08:33 PM
"If thou wishes to make amend then cease passing the blame unto others for thyne own actions, and dost thou even know what gushes forth from thyne lips?!" she said in shock, she had never met some one so eager to blow their own cover or anger a yokai before. Then she recalled who she was dealing with.

Amaya sighed venting her anger with her breath before it got the chance to fester into something far worse, "We do apologize for coming to blows, but in thyne crazed state we knew not if our words would reach thee, or if you'd only be further madden by them further." she said, suddenly returning to her usual pleasant demeanor and her smile returning to its rightful place.

"We assure thee, Keita is a model gentlemen; we have never known him to act in such an unsightly fashion. He would do no such thing by his own free will; this only came to pass by unfortunate happenstance," she confidently explained as she gently examined her ward, "Worry not Knox, thou art a comrade; thou have no need to fear of us, and we do not fear thee. Even if we may fear for thee,"

Princess Tracy
2012-09-01, 09:24 PM
Rubbing her sore cheeks and looking frustrated as Amaya explains she was afraid words wouldn't be sufficient, Knox comments "Words wouldn't be necessary. You're bowel-emptyingly scary, Amaya. The first slap was more than sufficient." Knox didn't understand how she might have blown her cover, though nothing she said couldn't be taken as simple sarcasm by the obliviously innocent mind of Yuri

As she seems to want to make amends, Knox cautiously steps out from behind Yuri, to extend a hand for a shake in truce. "Well if it's just happenstance... I guess I would say the same of my kissing back. I only have eyes for one person after all." Whether or not Amaya accepts teh handshake, Knox suddenly throws herself at Yuri, mewling comically. "I'm sorry, my lips have been sullied by some boy... I'll have to clean them thoroughly before kissing again."

2012-09-01, 09:44 PM
"We are?" questioned Amaya, jerking her head slightly to the side adorably, before assuring herself of Keita's well being and moving him to the sofa.

2012-09-02, 08:47 AM
Leah sighed and returned to her tea, keeping her eyes lowered so as not to provoke anyone's anger.

Interesting. Amaya was angered-enough to assault Knox over Keita? Over a kiss? Knox reacted the same way she would have, though she supposed her blindness kind of added to that; what was so wrong about a weak vampire smacking someone who kissed her while she was unconscious? Was Amaya... jealous?

"This is weird," she muttered to herself.