View Full Version : The Movie Discussion Thread

2012-06-21, 09:57 AM
Discuss movies you've seen, recommend them, like them, hate them.

I saw the Matrix Trilogy last week and I have to say, now I understand why Reloaded and Revolutions are hated so much. The original is great, a good idea, some mystery and the whole 'The world as you know it isn't real'... Just lovely. The last one, well... It concludes the story, that's good. But the rest is just... Fighting. Lots of it. And don't get me started on Reloaded. I just didn't like them.

Yesterday: Inception. Another good movie, a little creepy with that woman, but beautiful special effects, a good story, a nice excuse to do some crazy stuff without it getting ridiculously incredible. I'd have liked more character development of others, because now it focused mainly on DiCaprio's character what's-his-name. But well, maybe a sequel? I think there's still a lot of potential in the concept, it just needs to be done right, or it will horribly fail, like so many sequels of so many movies...

Your turn, TPBM!

2012-06-21, 07:50 PM
My only problem with inception was the third layer should have had a lot more time than it did. And they never explained why that wasn't true.

2012-06-22, 12:31 PM
I gave Inception an honest shot, but when it came to meeting Ellen Page's character i just about burst a blood vessel. "You kidnapped me, drugged me and are now jamming hallucinations directly into my brain, making me question reality and my own sanity. Yeah, I'm Ok with that."

My epithets were loud and ear-shatteringly vulgar. I stopped the film and took it back to the library.

As for the Matrix ... [shrug] I think people expected too much. I enjoy the latter films more because they don't smack of pretention.

2012-06-22, 12:48 PM
I thought Inception was an exceptionally well done movie that, while plotholes could be found all over the place, I loved sitting through.

I can't wait for the third movie in the trilogy, though.

2012-06-22, 12:57 PM
I thought Inception was an exceptionally well done movie that, while plotholes could be found all over the place, I loved sitting through.

I can't wait for the third movie in the trilogy, though.

I really enjoyed the first. Fascinating look into the culture of early "modern" magicians.

2012-06-22, 01:05 PM
This looks like the right place for it, so:
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

The buzz is that it doesn't walk the silly/grimdark line close enough, but it's a unique enough premise to warrant a break from super hero/cliche comedies to be excited about it. Anyone hear anything about it else?

An Enemy Spy
2012-06-22, 03:16 PM
I gave Inception an honest shot, but when it came to meeting Ellen Page's character i just about burst a blood vessel. "You kidnapped me, drugged me and are now jamming hallucinations directly into my brain, making me question reality and my own sanity. Yeah, I'm Ok with that."

My epithets were loud and ear-shatteringly vulgar. I stopped the film and took it back to the library.

As for the Matrix ... [shrug] I think people expected too much. I enjoy the latter films more because they don't smack of pretention.

What the hell are you talking about? They didn't kidnap her, she volunteered already knowing what they were doing. Maybe you should actually try watching the movie rather than making stuff up as it goes.
In fact, I don't think you got a single detail right. Drugs? The only drug was the sedative that they all took willingly. When does she ever question her sanity? Only Cobb had that problem.
It really pisses me off when people try to criticize something and can't get even the most basic information right.

2012-06-22, 03:28 PM
What the hell are you talking about? They didn't kidnap her, she volunteered already knowing what they were doing. Maybe you should actually try watching the movie rather than making stuff up as it goes.

A little harsh perhaps. I think he's referring to where they tell the girl she's in a dream. I guess it can be a bit confusing because in the beginning she doesn't realize she's in the dream. I'm pretty sure they then go and explain it away saying it takes awhile to get used to since dreams don't have definitive beginnings so you don't remember yourself being hooked up into the dream unless you try.

Honestly setting the scene up like that only served to have a cheap surprise that they were currently in a dream while the dream state was explained to both young girl and the audience. So maybe Gorgon just got confused.

2012-06-22, 07:17 PM
What Dienekes said.

Mellow out, man. And whether it was just poorly laid out or played for a cheap surprise, the scene completely broke it for me.

2012-06-22, 07:32 PM
A little harsh perhaps. I think he's referring to where they tell the girl she's in a dream. I guess it can be a bit confusing because in the beginning she doesn't realize she's in the dream. I'm pretty sure they then go and explain it away saying it takes awhile to get used to since dreams don't have definitive beginnings so you don't remember yourself being hooked up into the dream unless you try.

Honestly setting the scene up like that only served to have a cheap surprise that they were currently in a dream while the dream state was explained to both young girl and the audience. So maybe Gorgon just got confused.

I don't know that made perfect sense to me. Dreams don't really have acknowledgeable beginnings. And it was important for later in the plot when they tried to trick the guy into protecting them by alerting him he was in a dream.

2012-06-22, 07:44 PM
Oh that part does make sense Xondoure, however that whole sequence could have been explained while they were hooking her up, to escape the whole "They kidnapped me" reaction (Though to be honest, I don't know anyone whose first reaction to that sequence was kidnapping). It would not have had the impact of the "This conversation was all a dream! Think! How did we get here?" moment. Which is technically a cheap shock, it works though.

Now if I may make a suggestion, Gorgon, your reason for disliking the film is pretty much debunked, and would have been debunked for you if you had finished watching that scene, instead of stopping it right away as you said.

Honestly, there are a multitude of movies in which character reactions only make sense if you finish watching the film. So if you're going to make the huge claim how something doesn't make sense, or ruins it for you, please actually finish the thing.

2012-06-22, 07:51 PM
What Dienekes said.

Mellow out, man. And whether it was just poorly laid out or played for a cheap surprise, the scene completely broke it for me.

Well, people making completely spurious claims tends to get peoples blood up. Especially when they say this ruined the experience.

When someone is killed in a movie, do you automatically storm out? After all, it could just be an innocent bystander! Or it could be the good guys. Assuming, of course, that we hold to your opinion that a movie attempting to temporarily mislead the audience, or not giving the audience all the information at all times is a horrible thing.

Also, how did you leap to the conclusion that there was a kidnapping? They show the characters being introduced, and a job is offered(one that seems to be accepted). That's a leap of logic worthy of Miko.

2012-06-22, 10:48 PM
Ok, Ok. I give up. I didn't finish it.

But I'm just one guy and I went with my gut.

When someone is killed in a movie, do you automatically storm out?

Tavar, while I certainly did not storm out, when watching LA Confidential in the theater I did in fact shriek, "Ahh! He killed Vincennes!" in absolute horror.

I know I lost all sorts of man poins for admitting that, but it was funny looking back.

Dumbledore lives
2012-06-22, 11:06 PM
Well I watched the first two Scream movies not too long ago and was pleasantly surprised, they were both fairly well put together movies with named actors and a very 90's feel. I should probably watch the 4th one as well since I've heard it's decent.

Also I didn't like Inception but that's more of a personal taste thing than anything else.

2012-06-23, 12:34 AM
But I'm just one guy and I went with my gut.
Well, that and ignoring the other information given. Like, the entire previous scene(you know, where they recruited her), plus the stuff that happened in the dream.

Tavar, while I certainly did not storm out, when watching LA Confidential in the theater I did in fact shriek, "Ahh! He killed Vincennes!" in absolute horror.
So, you only leap to conclusions with regards to Inception. Odd.

2012-06-23, 02:16 AM
John Carter of Mars: Just watched it. Pretty good. My dad watched it with me, and read all the books, so I'm just gonna trust him when he said he liked it. Neither of us can understand why so many people hated this movie. It seemed like every critic ever had money down on this movie bombing...and it wasn't bad.

2012-06-23, 02:25 AM
That movie boggled me. They're on mars yet every one is walking around like it's ninety degrees out. And the sky was so clear!

2012-06-23, 02:39 AM
That movie boggled me. They're on mars yet every one is walking around like it's ninety degrees out. And the sky was so clear!

*grins* That's old sci-fi for you. You're lucky it wasn't set on a rainforested Venus. (Very wet, always cloudy, but not poisonous/acidic/hot enough to melt lead like the real Venus is.)

2012-06-23, 04:35 AM
That movie boggled me. They're on mars yet every one is walking around like it's ninety degrees out. And the sky was so clear!

It could be terraforming. Or, like the Snark said, the way people thought it was on Mars before the Mars Rovers.

Yesterday I saw a classic: Blade Runner. I love old sci-fi.
I have to say, it was very 80ies for 2019. The clothes, the computers. :smallbiggrin: And you can't have a sci-fi movie without flying cars, apparently.
I loved the plot, I loved the characters, but what's with all the Chinese people in LA?
And I still don't know what I have to think of Roy. On one hand he was very likeable, but on the other hand he kept trying to kill people. It wasn't really psycho, more misunderstood, probably.

2012-06-23, 10:51 AM
That movie boggled me. They're on mars yet every one is walking around like it's ninety degrees out. And the sky was so clear!
So, the space magic, superpowers, and the like weren't odd?

2012-06-23, 11:00 AM
That movie boggled me. They're on mars yet every one is walking around like it's ninety degrees out. And the sky was so clear!
Mars visibly has no cloud cover. Why wouldn't the sky be clear?

(Of course, a little something should be given that they weren't aware of Mars's lack of atmosphere and low thermal radiation, although most of it is probably just Hollywood's desire to see guys walking around without their shirts on.)

2012-06-23, 11:59 AM
Mars visibly has no cloud cover. Why wouldn't the sky be clear?

(Of course, a little something should be given that they weren't aware of Mars's lack of atmosphere and low thermal radiation, although most of it is probably just Hollywood's desire to see guys walking around without their shirts on.)

Well,they were also being at least somewhat true to the source material. I fact,some have critisized it for too much covering up. apparently there were even less clohing in the books.

2012-06-23, 02:27 PM
So, the space magic, superpowers, and the like weren't odd?

Why would those be odd? :smallconfused:

Oh and yes, I suppose I should have said the sky is so blue.

2012-06-23, 07:13 PM
Why would those be odd? :smallconfused:
Because a Human on Mars wouldn't gain those abilities, nor would he have access to space magic. But he does. It just seems a very selective complaint.

2012-06-23, 07:40 PM
Because a Human on Mars wouldn't gain those abilities, nor would he have access to space magic. But he does. It just seems a very selective complaint.

Yeah but it's an old school soft sci fi adventure, it'd be weird if it didn't have space magic. :smalltongue:

2012-06-23, 10:19 PM
Yeah but it's an old school soft sci fi adventure, it'd be weird if it didn't have space magic. :smalltongue:

It's an old school sci fi adventure. It'd be weird if it didn't have perfectly livable foreign planets.

2012-06-24, 01:26 PM
It's an old school sci fi adventure. It'd be weird if it didn't have perfectly livable foreign planets.

I'd just like to point out that the John Carter Mars is only slightly more silly than the 'giant ice cube in the core for air' mars from Total Recall.

2012-06-25, 09:53 AM
The Amazing Spider-Man - do you think it will be a good reboot, or terrible?

Personally, I'm looking forward to it.

2012-06-25, 11:53 AM
I don't know... I liked the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man Trilogy. The poster looks good... Marc Webb is directing it? Did I accidentally transport to the Puniverse? Andrew Garfield in the role of Spider-Man. He looks... different. I would probably see it, but I can't say if I'm going to like it.

And is it just me or is every superhero movie being rebooted? Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, now Spider-Man... And a lot of superhero movies in general, Captain America, The Avengers, Green Lantern, the cinemas are flooded with this stuff. I'm not complaining though.:smallbiggrin:

While wandering around Wikipedia I stumbled on this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_of_Pi_%28film%29). Life of Pi. I read the book not too long ago and I quite liked it. I don't know if it's going to work as a film though... It was a little surrealistic and I don't think a film is good with that.

2012-06-25, 01:57 PM
And is it just me or is every superhero movie being rebooted? Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, now Spider-Man... And a lot of superhero movies in general, Captain America, The Avengers, Green Lantern, the cinemas are flooded with this stuff. I'm not complaining though.:smallbiggrin:

With the Avengers movie closing in on $1.5 Billion at the box office worldwide, I think we are going to see quite a huge bloat of superhero movies over the next few years. There are even rumors of niche things like Guardians of the Galaxy (http://screenrant.com/marvel-guardians-galaxy-movie-trademarks-kofi-182156/) going into development. Wacky.

2012-06-25, 02:23 PM
The Amazing Spider-Man - do you think it will be a good reboot, or terrible?

Personally, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm a bit pessimistic. I hate high school angst (which seems to be the only thing shown in high school settings other than sex comedies, which I'm fairly sure will not be involved in this film), I don't think the darker tone they've shown in the trailers really works that well for Spidey. On the same vein I thought making the Parkers secret agents was dumb in the comic books and following that unnecessary path in movies does not leave me hopeful (or whatever they're doing with Pete's parents, it might not be the secret agent thing).

Also the Lizard looked dumb.

But hey, I've had to eat my words before, so hopefully I'll have to again.

2012-06-25, 02:55 PM
Two things: They have Gwen Stacy, and this incarnation seems to actually be good at wisecracking. These combined make me very excited for this film, and positively gleeful for the inevitable green goblin film.

2012-06-25, 03:09 PM
I suspect they are using Ultimate Spider-Man more than Amazing Spider-Man for the template for this movie, only swapping out the Ultimate version of Mary Jane for the Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy. I think this is why they are pulling in the mysterious background for his parents, and starting off with the Lizard, and tying everything back to events before Peter was even born.

It seems that in every super hero film ever, the origin of the hero has to be directly related to the origin of the villian (so annoying), from Jack Nicholson's Joker (killed the Waynes) right up to the Red Skull (failed super soldier) in Captain America (ideal super soldier). No one is ever a crook who just happens to run up against the hero - it's always personal and rooted in history, especially in the first movie in a series. This film seems to be going all the way with that theme, just like Ultimate Spider-Man did, which tied together Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Venom, et al, directly to Spider-Man's origin and/or back story.

Still, I'm guardedly optimisitic about this film. I like the darker tone... when I rewatch Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, I find it a little goofy, especially that terrible Green Goblin costume. From my POV, Spidey's always been a somewhat dark and creepy character... he just uses humor to balance out how seriously messed up his life usually is at any given moment.

Also, in regards to the high school angst angle, Spider-Man is the original poster boy for angsty high school character... maybe the first one ever in the superhero world, really. As far as I can tell, before him, teen heroes were pretty happy go lucky, like the original Teen Titans and even Johnny Storm.

And at the end of the day, I believe Emma Stone is a much better actress than Kirsten Dunst, and although Tobey Maguire was a good fit for Peter Parker, I believe Andrew Garfield will make for a better Spider-Man.

2012-06-25, 03:49 PM
I suspect they are using Ultimate Spider-Man more than Amazing Spider-Man for the template for this movie, only swapping out the Ultimate version of Mary Jane for the Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy. I think this is why they are pulling in the mysterious background for his parents, and starting off with the Lizard, and tying everything back to events before Peter was even born.

Don't read Ultimates so can't comment on it much there.

Still, I'm guardedly optimisitic about this film. I like the darker tone... when I rewatch Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, I find it a little goofy, especially that terrible Green Goblin costume. From my POV, Spidey's always been a somewhat dark and creepy character... he just uses humor to balance out how seriously messed up his life usually is at any given moment.

There's a difference between dark themes and dark tone. Spidey has always had dark themes, death is what made him Spidey. Death, and insanity pretty much surround him. But despite that he's always had the right bit of goofy and campy in his comics to balance out the tone. Spidey is fun. He goes through terrible things, but still has an optimism and humor about him.

Also, in regards to the high school angst angle, Spider-Man is the original poster boy for angsty high school character... maybe the first one ever in the superhero world, really. As far as I can tell, before him, teen heroes were pretty happy go lucky, like the original Teen Titans and even Johnny Storm.

Yep, him going through his angsty teenage phase is iconic. It also happened waaay before I got interested in the character. And good thing too, I don't think I could handle him being an angsty kid complaining about how it's hard to pick between two gorgeous independent girls. Must be rough, buddy. Anyway I got into him when he was a happily married man, and that will pretty much always be his definitive status in my mind. No matter what you do, Quesada.

And at the end of the day, I believe Emma Stone is a much better actress than Kirsten Dunst, and although Tobey Maguire was a good fit for Peter Parker, I believe Andrew Garfield will make for a better Spider-Man.

We'll see on Garfield, never seen him act before. Stone, is a good pick, admittedly.

2012-06-25, 05:14 PM
We'll see on Garfield, never seen him act before. Stone, is a good pick, admittedly.

Check out Boy A (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/boy-a/) if you want to see how good Garfield is as an actor... Kid's the real deal.

2012-06-26, 03:02 AM
Also, in regards to the high school angst angle, Spider-Man is the original poster boy for angsty high school character... maybe the first one ever in the superhero world, really. As far as I can tell, before him, teen heroes were pretty happy go lucky, like the original Teen Titans and even Johnny Storm.

But he gets better. That's the point. Peter Parker gets on with his life and marries his dream girl. Well, up until he made that little DEAL WITH THE DEVIL. I can't wait for that sequel.

2012-06-26, 11:15 AM
But he gets better. That's the point. Peter Parker gets on with his life and marries his dream girl. Well, up until he made that little DEAL WITH THE DEVIL. I can't wait for that sequel.

He doesn't get better over night. :smallsmile: First, you know, his girlfriend's father dies, and he gets blamed for the murder. Then, even better, his girlfriend gets murdered by his best friend's father, and if that's not bad enough, Spidey gets blamed for that murder too! (Or, atleast, is a prime suspect in both murders and wanted for questioning in both and essentially a fugitive from the law).

Seriously, Spidey is a pretty angsty character from 1962 up until 1987 or so.

And even after he "gets better", as you say, and marries his "dream girl" (or, you know, back up plan after Gwen) in 1987 he kills a woman with his bare hands (see Spider-Man vs Wolverine TPB, also 1987) and beats a man so badly that he nearly cripples him (see "Return of the Sin-Eater", also 1987).

Not long after that, after Spidey's "better" and his stories are no longer full of angst, he gets shot point blank and buried alive for a couple of weeks by Kraven, who then wears his costume, visciously attacks and tortures people, and then blows his own head off. Oh, and the entire time Spidey is buried alive, Mary Jane is loosing her mind with worry, especially as they are newlyweds... but you know, that isn't angsty or horrific or terrifying in the least, and Spidey isn't full of rage over the entire thing. Because, you know, he got "better".

Yeah, Spidey has never been dark or violent or full of angst, worry and misery, especially not since the marriage. :smallbiggrin:

I'm not saying that all Spidey stories are dark and violent and full of angst, but the character is known for his overwhelming sense of guilt... it's part and parcel of his characterization, and it never really changes. Spidey feeling bad for himself because of "Parker Luck" and guilty for falling short in one way or another is the status quo.

2012-06-27, 02:16 AM
Two other pretty iconic movies are being remade as well.

I'm not sure about Total Recall. These kinds of remakes are rarely good. But it does have some nice named actors attached. Seems like Bryan Cranston is in absolutely everything these days.

And Robocop. Same thing. It will probably turn out to be "Conan the Barbarian remake" levels of suck. I probably wouldn't watch it, but Hugh Laurie is set to play the bad guy, and I'd watch it just for that.

2012-06-27, 02:42 AM
Robocop... I know the story, but only saw parts of the original. I would definitely want to see the remake.

2012-07-10, 03:19 PM
Robocop... I know the story, but only saw parts of the original. I would definitely want to see the remake.

The original Robocop was a cool concept (especially for the time) but not that great a movie... pretty run of the mill 80s shoot em up.

I think a remake could be awesome or awful... really could go either way.

I cannot believe that they are making a new Judge Dredd though. Saw the preview, and it looks terrible.


2012-07-10, 09:49 PM
The new Judge Dredd can do little to be worse than Stallone's version.

2012-07-11, 08:07 PM
He doesn't get better over night. :smallsmile: First, you know, his girlfriend's father dies, and he gets blamed for the murder. Then, even better, his girlfriend gets murdered by his best friend's father, and if that's not bad enough, Spidey gets blamed for that murder too! (Or, atleast, is a prime suspect in both murders and wanted for questioning in both and essentially a fugitive from the law).

Seriously, Spidey is a pretty angsty character from 1962 up until 1987 or so.

And even after he "gets better", as you say, and marries his "dream girl" (or, you know, back up plan after Gwen) in 1987 he kills a woman with his bare hands (see Spider-Man vs Wolverine TPB, also 1987) and beats a man so badly that he nearly cripples him (see "Return of the Sin-Eater", also 1987).

Not long after that, after Spidey's "better" and his stories are no longer full of angst, he gets shot point blank and buried alive for a couple of weeks by Kraven, who then wears his costume, visciously attacks and tortures people, and then blows his own head off. Oh, and the entire time Spidey is buried alive, Mary Jane is loosing her mind with worry, especially as they are newlyweds... but you know, that isn't angsty or horrific or terrifying in the least, and Spidey isn't full of rage over the entire thing. Because, you know, he got "better".

Yeah, Spidey has never been dark or violent or full of angst, worry and misery, especially not since the marriage. :smallbiggrin:

I'm not saying that all Spidey stories are dark and violent and full of angst, but the character is known for his overwhelming sense of guilt... it's part and parcel of his characterization, and it never really changes. Spidey feeling bad for himself because of "Parker Luck" and guilty for falling short in one way or another is the status quo.

All that typing devoted to detailing Peter Parker's angst and guilt, and yet you still skipped the obvious bit about Uncle Ben getting murdered and how Peter could have prevented it. Shame, shame, shame.

2012-07-11, 08:11 PM
All that typing devoted to detailing Peter Parker's angst and guilt, and yet you still skipped the obvious bit about Uncle Ben getting murdered and how Peter could have prevented it. Shame, shame, shame.

Thank you. Now I will go to bed full of bitter regret.

2012-07-11, 11:53 PM
The original Robocop was a cool concept (especially for the time) but not that great a movie... pretty run of the mill 80s shoot em up.

I think a remake could be awesome or awful... really could go either way.

I cannot believe that they are making a new Judge Dredd though. Saw the preview, and it looks terrible.


The thing is, if they're going to be remaking movies or rebooting franchises, properties like Judge Dredd seem to me a good place to start. Don't remake good movies, because someone has already done a good job with the concept. Remake the bad movies that had a good concept, but were poorly done, and get it right this time. Of course, that leaves the question of whether or not you'll get it right. :smallbiggrin:

(Though in this case, I personally don't consider the Stallone version of Judge Dredd to be that bad of a movie. Yeah, the villian was too over-the-top, and the comic relief was annoying and unnecessary, but overall I thought it was OK--certainly not great, and maybe not evey good, exactly, but not bad. But the critical and public reaction to it was overwhealmingly negative. Perhaps I would be more negative toward it as well if I was familiar with the comic on which it's based.)

2012-07-12, 01:31 AM
While wandering around Wikipedia I stumbled on this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_of_Pi_%28film%29). Life of Pi. I read the book not too long ago and I quite liked it. I don't know if it's going to work as a film though... It was a little surrealistic and I don't think a film is good with that.

Yeah, I heard about that. Life of Pi is one of my favorite books, but it just doesn't make sense as a movie. The whole point of the ending is that the reader doesn't know what is real and what is not, because we only hear it from Pi's perspective. I don't think they're going to represent that well in the movie.

Also, I feel like the movie will focus too much on the second part of the book (the stranded-at-sea part) and not enough on the first or third. And, to be honest, the first part was my favorite by far, but there's no way they could do justice to it in the movie.

2012-07-13, 10:33 AM
The thing is, if they're going to be remaking movies or rebooting franchises, properties like Judge Dredd seem to me a good place to start. Don't remake good movies, because someone has already done a good job with the concept. Remake the bad movies that had a good concept, but were poorly done, and get it right this time. Of course, that leaves the question of whether or not you'll get it right. :smallbiggrin:

Good point... my conjecture is that the new Dredd movie will not get it right, however.

I often find it perplexing how movies often fail to make movies that are good with the simplest of characters, like the Punisher for example. How hard is to to make a compelling movie about a psycho-murderer getting revenge for his dead family? Evidently, although inexplicable, it's exceedingly difficult.

2012-07-19, 01:49 AM
I recently saw another film based on Comics, 'Mirror Mirror'. It tells the same story of that Evil Queen and Snow White, but in a comedic way. It stars two brilliant actresses Julia Roberts and Lilly Collins. I enjoyed this film a lot and I will definitely give this film a 7/10 rating and will recommend for all of them who want themselves to be lighten a little bit and who have a soft corner for fairy world.

2012-07-23, 02:45 AM
I recently saw another film based on Comics, 'Mirror Mirror'. It tells the same story of that Evil Queen and Snow White, but in a comedic way.

Do you mean the movie is based on a comic that is based on the tale of Snow White? 'Cause Snow White is a classic fairy tale.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere made a Snow White comic.

2012-07-23, 11:24 AM
Do you mean the movie is based on a comic that is based on the tale of Snow White? 'Cause Snow White is a classic fairy tale.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere made a Snow White comic.

I think SFactor means that it's based on a comic comic retelling of Snow White

Bulldog Psion
2012-07-23, 07:19 PM
The new Judge Dredd can do little to be worse than Stallone's version.

Agreed. Stallone's version was rock bottom.

2012-08-17, 11:48 AM
A few years back I saw a DVD with a blonde woman on a unicorn (or maybe it was just a white horse) on the cover and I think the title had something to do with fairy dust. It could be Stardust (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stardust_%282007_film%29), but I can't find the cover with the horse/unicorn. Somebody?
Edit: Nevermind, it's Stardust. The unicorn makes a small appearance in the movie. Still can't find the cover with the unicorn though. But it's definitely Stardust. Great movie, by the way. A little cheesy in the end, but well, I could see that coming from the start.

2012-08-20, 05:32 PM
For movies, would the gurren lagann movie count? They say its even more awesom than the anime.