View Full Version : Please help me with some Plot ideas (Tippyverse, 3.p)

2012-06-22, 02:34 AM
So, the story so far is this;
A Chaotic Evil sorceror, king of a "Bottle-City" has decided he wants to expand his influence. The problems being that 1: He's a Sorceror against what ammounts to a number of high-level wizards who act like High-Level wizards should (Free divinations and all) and...actually that's his only problem.

So here's his plan:
The Sorceror plans to expand and conquer, but he knows that a number of wizards and clerics out there are going to check if anyone is plotting against them "Today", "This Week", "This Month". So he's trying very hard not to plot against anyone, in particular. Instead, he's gathering up a number of low-level PCs (Finding which ones would make acceptable pawns VIA an arena tournement) and sending them out on quests. Long-term quests with unknown completion dates.
He wants them to help him build the Emerald Legion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101587).

Once he has this going, he's actually going to use the PCs to target one of the cities, not targetting them himself, and (Hopefully) while the PCs don't have any foreknowledge of the defenders.
It's not perfect, but it would bypass a number of "Standard" divinations, and given how long-term it is, and that HE doesn't know who he'll be targetting, it's unlikely anyone else could figure it out.

Basically what I'm trying for here, is a Chaotic Evil Sorceror, who is playing Chaotic, but being Smart about it.

His innate spels are mostly conjuration, with some Abjuration thrown in. Think "Conan" style sorceror. Of course, he also has a buttload of Knowstones and other magic items, so if any spells are absolutely required to be a player on the Tippyverse stage, he'll have them (And please list them so I can add them to his stash legitimately)

So! Any glaring flaws in this plan? Any problems or plot hooks that should arise, given this information?
The PCs, by the way are going through the "Arena" tutorial from 1-3, and then will be sent out into the wilds looking for an air-troll.

2012-06-22, 05:20 AM
If divinations are a concern, why doesn't he shield himself from them with mind blank? Or an item that provides similiar effect?

Also on an incidental note, is psionics in effect, or are illithids sorcerers?

2012-06-22, 05:39 AM
He is mind blanked. While the Sorceror himself has mind blank, any large force would be extremely difficult to keep mind blanked. Magical traps could do it, but every person in the army is a chance for a slip, and it only takes one.
Further, there's some means of gathering general information that don't directly ping the Sorceror, but would tip his hand to anyone able to connect the dots. Like a 48 INT Wizard could.

For instance, if you were to ask "Will there be a threat to my person today", you're not pinging the Sorceror, you're pinging yourself. You'd get a "Yes", and then when trying to narrow down that threat, you'd get *Spell failed*, which would point to a caster with Mind Blank.
There's lots of casters, sure, and many ways they could attack you, but getting that kind of early warning would let a wizard bust out his best defensive tricks. The Sorceror needs an army that can stand up to those tricks, or at least the more common ones.

The Illithids are Psionic.

2012-06-25, 08:41 AM
Psionic Illithids = PP Abuse is possible. Basically, infinite PP combined with the ability to manifest powers on a Legionnaire regardless of range means they can spam Mindblank on the entire legion.

The other important point: Illithids are an irreplaceable part of the legion construction. How does the Sorcerer plan to get a bunch of absolutely loyal ones? Simulacrum? Ice Assassin? True Mindswitch with an Illithid?