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2012-06-22, 02:40 PM
First let me state that this isn't meant to be an overly munchkiny build- I've designed it around a roleplaying concept and have rationalized everything therein according to the character's motives and reasoning. I've been playing him from level 1 and have reached level 9 so far.

Current levels: rogue 5 / assassin 3 / fighter 1

true neutral 20 years old male human (DM authorized backstory overriding the assassin alignment restriction).

Attributes: str14 dex18 con12 int20 wis8 cha10 (put 2 points into int during lvl up)

maxed out hide, move silently, disable device, open lock, search, spot, escape artist, tumble, intimidate and (almost) preform (dance). Put ranks into balance, jump, bluff, gather information, swim, disguise, sleight of hand and climb.

Feats include TWF, weapon finesse, dodge, mobility, weapon focus (scimitars) and weapon expertise.

Also took the escape attack and quick escape skill tricks (our troll of a DM suspiciously stopped fielding grapplers after he heard that...).

My gear at the momemt includes a +1 rapier (to be replaced with a +2 cold iron scimitar at the next meeting during post level-up downtime), mudblade (a +2 shortsword with a bunch of misc abilities), shortbow +1, bloodfeather (+3 weightless mithril chainmail that grants +2 vampiric regeneration to the wearer), gloves of dexterity +4, boots of speed and boots of striding +2 (to be combined at the next meeting during downtime post level-up), ring of protection +2, cloak of resistance +3, periapht of wound closure, ring of skills +5, a bag of holding I and a ring of invisibility (planning on upgrading my cloak to a cloak of fortification to free a ring slot once I can afford it).

Got a bunch of mundane stuff as well, but that's hardly interesting.

Planning on taking a level of dervish when I reach level 10, followed by 5 levels of assassin, 4 more levels of dervish and a level of tempest.

Feats would be improved critical, imp TWF and ... Something... Can't remember atm.

Also planning on taking the acrobatic backstab and nimble stand skill tricks.

I really like this character and his gear and abilities are really starting to get into sync. Next level he finally gets his dervish dance at which point his combat effectiveness is really going to shoot up in a big way.

Thoughts? Feedback? Suggestions?

2012-06-23, 05:28 AM
I'd go with Rogue 3 / Fighter 2 / Assassin 3. Overall you lose 1d6 SA, 6 skill points and gain a bonus feat and one point of BAB. A fair trade in my book. This also gives you the second iterative attack with your main hand. See if your DM allows retraining (PHB2).
I'd also aim for Dervish 7 / Assassin 8 with no tempest level. Elaborate parry is very nice if your AC still does matter (-1 hit / +5 AC) and HipS is too good to pass up.

I'd switch around Dex and Int (you are a primary melee character after all). I'd also put the 14 in Con (NEVER dump Con). See if your DM would allow that.

The feat choice is poor, but sadly it's required for the Dervish PRC.
I'd considder fitting Extend spell somewhere in your build after getting 3rd level assassin spells. This would let you use your 3rd level slots for extended wraithstrikes (and yes, that spell is good enough to justify taking a feat for the sole reason of casting it more times).

2012-06-23, 07:39 AM
I'd go with Rogue 3 / Fighter 2 / Assassin 3. Overall you lose 1d6 SA, 6 skill points and gain a bonus feat and one point of BAB. A fair trade in my book. This also gives you the second iterative attack with your main hand. See if your DM allows retraining (PHB2).
I'd also aim for Dervish 7 / Assassin 8 with no tempest level. Elaborate parry is very nice if your AC still does matter (-1 hit / +5 AC) and HipS is too good to pass up.

I'd switch around Dex and Int (you are a primary melee character after all). I'd also put the 14 in Con (NEVER dump Con). See if your DM would allow that.

Too stretched for skill points as it is, I can't afford to lose that many of them. Hopefully boots of striding, a high AC, vampiric regeneration, dervish dance skirmishing tactics and a large helping of stealth will offset my low HP.

The feat choice is poor, but sadly it's required for the Dervish PRC.
I'd considder fitting Extend spell somewhere in your build after getting 3rd level assassin spells. This would let you use your 3rd level slots for extended wraithstrikes (and yes, that spell is good enough to justify taking a feat for the sole reason of casting it more times).

Haven't considered that... Man, that's an awesome use for those borderline useless 3rd level spell slots!

Damn... now which feat should I drop...