View Full Version : Enemies Unknown (Legend) [IC]

2012-06-22, 03:17 PM
Twilight City, central city for the military of the country of Endesco sprawls before you. Located at the base of a mountain rage in southern Endesco, the likes of which Mt. Everest would feel at home, you find that its name is in fact literal. For during the several hours you have waited for your mysterious contact to show themselves you have yet to see the city bathed in anything but dusky light, due to the mountains obstructing the sun. The city hugs the base of the mountains, looking as if it is keeping them attached to the ground. Several rail lines radiate out from the city, giving it the appearance of a mechanical spider, with the occasional train crawling up one of its legs. On the west side of town smoke stacks litter the skyline, protruding from the factories clumped together there. Where the mountain meets the city you see a number of cavernous openings, which must be the mines used to help provide the materials for the military. To the west you see what looks like a market, surrounded by nondescript houses, looking out of place compared to the more industrial look of the rest of the city. Nearest you, the city is comprised of barracks, and various other military buildings. While you’re waiting you notice several others in your general area who just seem to be standing around doing not much of anything as well.

2012-06-22, 10:28 PM
Sharper, plucky little gnome that he is, starts wandering about looking for anyone who knows about his letter. If he were taller, he would be pushing it in their faces, but fortune indeed smiles upon the passerby. Instead, they merely have to put up with his voice, which is far less of an immediate bother. "Hello, but would you happen to know anything about this letter. Enlil has directed me here, but I am at a loss as to what to do next. Could you point me towards the person or persons I am to meet? Please and thank you!"