View Full Version : Where is that place in Faerun that lets you ignore some item creation requirements?

2012-06-22, 07:53 PM
There is a place you can hail from in Faerun, which some book mentions that if you come from there, you can ignore certain item creation requirements.

What is that place?

What requirements do you get to ignore?

What are the restrictions?

What book does that come from?


2012-06-22, 07:56 PM
I don't know where that is but I feel the need to place a Mythallar there and use an Acorn of Far Travel... :smallconfused:

2012-06-22, 08:02 PM
I think it's one of the major named colleges, somewhere up north??

2012-06-22, 10:00 PM
Found it, Silver Marches book.

2012-06-24, 04:00 PM
Interesting, though it is 3.0. Could a 'non-caster' make use of such benefits as well? Provided can provide the necessary spells, etc. beforehand. I.E. Rogue creating a bracers of armor +1.

2012-06-25, 04:04 AM
You still have to be a member of the Lady's College of Silverymoond and thus, be an arcane caster.

You still craft stuff normally, such as an arcanew caster would do.
You still must meet the requirements (casting spells for items, material components).
The only thing you don't need are the item creation feats themself.

So, you could create a staff, a rod, a ring or a woundrous item without the need for the corresponding feat.
Another priviliege is a reduced cost for acquiring scrolls to copy them to your spellbook (half the market price).

This is a membership priviliege which comes with a cost: 500 + (500x character level) gold per year, maximum 4,000 gold at level 7.

In other words: the lady's college is a nice way to play out the fluff of a wizard of an arcane guild, but it should not get a optimizer's tool.