View Full Version : Demon & Devil Help

2012-06-22, 11:21 PM
I need some devil and demon ideas for my players to encounter...

2012-06-22, 11:41 PM
A banana orchard hires them to clean out some lemurs (http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/images/mammals/lemurs_ringgroup.jpg), only to find lemures (http://www.plasticrypt.com/bestiary/images/thumb/1/13/Lemure.jpg/360px-Lemure.jpg).

2012-06-22, 11:45 PM
WOW. any more vague please?

I would say 7 Balors, 12 Mariliths, and about 10 Succubuses. they all attack the party.
Then after a few rounds or so. 20 Bone Devils, 16 Ice Devils and about 5 Pit Fiends come trough a portal.
These are just the first waves that will bring the entire Blood War to the material plane in full force!
this will sure make for an interesting experience for your players.

if you want to something a little bit more use full you might want to give more info.
party level?
OP level?
size of party?
part composition?
What setting?
where are they?

2012-06-23, 12:25 AM
Lvl 1

Hell...and hell
4 players

2012-06-23, 12:34 AM
I like to make devils offer trades. Trade away valuable aspects of a character. Like skill points and proficiencies or even to a lesser degree eye color or hair color or skin tone or attractiveness. That is why in my hell, most the denizens are pale skinned ugly people that are bald with pure white eyes. They needed to use it for trade for various things and different points in time.

2012-06-23, 12:42 AM
Village elder/generic authority figure asks team to clear out a crazy old hermit who has been leaving dessicated animal corpses at the outskirts of the village. They find out he's actually a wizard who plans to invoke a plague to sacrifice the village to his demonic master. He finishes his ritual just as the party breaches his defenses. Wizard explodes into gibblets. All the corpses that have yet to be burned/otherwise disposed of instantly turns into a diseased rat or a zombie or something. WHen they have killed enough stuff, have an imp( the wizards familiar) appear and insinuate that he isn't dead. Cue fight.

The way this is set up, you can easily adjust the number of encounters on the fly incase your team finds it too easy/hard. Even 1 or 2 imps is tough for lvl 1 player because of DR5. They probably won't have good aligned weapons so unless you give them silver, even 1 or 2 imps will be tough.

Really, because of the DR alone, there is pretty much no way a lvl 1 party will fight even the lowest devils/demons without major difficulty. Get them up to lvl 3 before thinking about anymore outsiders.

Belril Duskwalk
2012-06-23, 12:47 AM
Hey Look! a list of Devils: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/devil.htm

A Lemure is a CR 1 Devil. An Imp is a CR 2 Devil. It's worth noting that even these, the least of devils, have DR/5 Good or Silver. All other devils range between 'much tougher than a band of first level characters' to 'a band of first level characters might die if they walk within 100 feet of one'.

Demons: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/demon.htm

Demons provide the CR 2 Dretch and the CR 2 Quasit. They have DR 5/ Good or Cold Iron, and once again, everything else on the list can kill the entire party on a whim.

Another option might be to use the Fiendish Creature Template found here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/fiendishCreature.htm Just slap it on to any basic creature that would be a reasonable encounter, the Fiendish explains it being in hell, and gives it all the reason you need for it to try to kill your players.

2012-06-23, 12:49 AM
Demons (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/demon.htm) & Devils (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/devil.htm). Pick the ones with level appropriate CRs and/or which you find interesting.
You're welcome.

2012-06-23, 12:53 AM
Thanks... could of used alittle less **** comments but thus has helped me! !!

2012-06-23, 01:00 AM
We tried to get on your level. You make **** request, we make **** comments.

2012-06-23, 09:16 AM
Lol, look at his join date. He's brand spanking new. He wouldn't know the proper req structures on the forum.

Ravager, whenever you are asking questions on this forum, it's usually a good idea to write down : all PCs(lvl, class and favored tactic), homebrew in effect, setting( if restricted to specific worlds like Faerun or Eberron), intent ( like, in this instant, do you wish your party to regularly encounter demons/ have a demonic boss/ get murdered horribly so they may start a campaign taking place in the hells).

Some people on the forums can be pretty harsh, but that's cos we gotta stamp trolls out before they cause flamewars.

ps. if you want them to face demons NOW, just plot drop them some silver/cold iron weapons and take it out of their WBL when they can afford it but before it gets negligible.

2012-06-23, 09:39 AM
Was thinking to give them that... wanted them to face Lush a succubus as their boss of the day.. also thank you now i know...

Mithril Leaf
2012-06-23, 09:44 AM
Here's a list of damn near every demon, devil, and assorted other motley fiend in the whole of official WotC D&D. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5573.0)
I may or may not have already had this open.

2012-06-23, 09:46 AM
Holy perfect ... pulse im giving them a cohort.. demonologist / translator

2012-06-23, 12:19 PM
Lol, look at his join date. He's brand spanking new. He wouldn't know the proper req structures on the forum.

Eh, it's a forum. Most people don't go on computer forums and post things like "my computer is slow, help me!" I think there's a general understanding that if you want help from people you need to give enough info for them to help you.

Keld Denar
2012-06-23, 12:39 PM
A little high CR, but something I created in conjunction with a PrC a friend of mine made.

Stankbeard! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11130575&postcount=4) Bearded Devil Beardfist Warrior! MOAR BEARD THAN YOUR CAMPAIGN HAS ROOM FOR!

2012-06-23, 10:07 PM
Lol, look at his join date. He's brand spanking new. He wouldn't know the proper req structures on the forum.
It's not like there aren't any successful threads that he could take an example from.

2012-06-23, 10:26 PM
Eh, it's a forum. Most people don't go on computer forums and post things like "my computer is slow, help me!" I think there's a general understanding that if you want help from people you need to give enough info for them to help you.
This. I mean, it's pretty obvious that the advice is going to vary dramatically on a couple of factors. I wouldn't expect them to necessarily remember to list books available, but "level" and "what I expect to get out of the encounter" are pretty obvious. Sarcasm might not be the best approach, but you have to admit that RavagerofFells really didn't give us nearly enough to work with.

2012-06-23, 10:45 PM
Was thinking to give them that... wanted them to face Lush a succubus as their boss of the day.. also thank you now i know...

A succubus (CR 7) at level 1? Why do you hate your players so much? :smallsigh:

Also, I don't recommend trying to mix demons and devils*, because they basically hate each other too much to (almost) ever cooperate. Devils live in the hells, while a succubus is a demon.

* Yeah, in D&D they're two quite different things, that's just how things go.

2012-06-23, 11:41 PM
Thanks... could of used alittle less **** comments but thus has helped me! !!

Bang space bang bang?

That may be the most confusing punctuation I've seen all week. (OK, fine, there was probably something worse in this (http://etsycallout.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/prettywithinkinvites/) monstrosity I read for some unfathomable reason, but I couldn't make myself look directly at a lot of it.) Seriously, though, that made me sit up and take notice. So, um, good job on that, I guess, even though I really can't fathom what thought process went into that. In all seriousness, could you explain that a bit? Why the space? Why right like that? Why one to start and two to finish? Three bangs wouldn't have even registered. Bang-space-bang-bang caught my attention. Or did I just answer my own question?

Anyway, regarding devils, I like the idea of all devils of a certain rank traveling in groups of a specific number. Three is a nice and easy one, but you can mix it up. Keep it consistent across the devils, though. Say, for instance, that imps ALWAYS come in threes. Lemures ALWAYS come in sevens. Bone devils ALWAYS come in pairs. And so on. I think it lends some flavor to it. You have to decide ahead of time what happens if the PCs split up the group (usually by killing one of them), though. Do they get nervous and panic? Do they fly into a blind rage? Do they shift their fighting styles at all? Perhaps they stay mostly calm, but obviously try to end the encounter as soon as possible (either by disposing of the PCs or by fleeing), with the implication that if anyone sees them with the wrong number, they'll be in deep trouble (and, of course, so will the PCs). Decide, keep it consistent, and go to town.

Of course, once you establish this pattern, you can also vary it a little bit. For example, say that the players eventually meet two imps. The smart ones will notice that something's off and will start looking for the third imp. Don't make this a fake-out . . . there IS a third imp hiding somewhere nearby. Of course, that third imp will be hiding in such a manner that looking for him leaves the PCs open to his two brothers . . . which is just how they planned it.

2012-06-24, 12:35 AM
Devils: Old school evil. They play by the Rules and try to infect you with their evil. Killing a good person is usually counterproductive to them since they lose the chance to pull them to the Dark side.

Demon: Evil for the lulz. Killing. Maiming. Mutilating. These are a few of their favorite things.

As you can see, demons and devils have inherently different goals, usually getting in each others way. You can use this. If a demon/devil you want to use is too strong for the party, set is against an equiv CR devil/demon. Have them promise the party a reward for aid against the other or something like that.

p.s. I like that your response to a list of all demons and devils is 'holy'

2012-06-24, 05:46 PM
Lvl 1

Hell...and hell
4 players

Are you saying that the PCs are currently in Hell? If that is the case, they are definitely going to die unless they find themselves under the wing of some more powerful patron. Even then, there wouldn't be too much in the way of creatures that would be level appropriate for them to fight.
Demons and Devils don't mix, they're like oil and water, only with more blood and screaming. If you are planning on using both, I would suggest that the party finds themselves between the plans of either side. If the players are savvy enough, they might be able to play them off against each other.
If the party is on the material plane, you have to ask how did the D&D (Demons and Devils) wind up there? Were they summoned there as part of some deal with a mortal? Are they entering through a portal?
Do you have an overall plan for the campaigns direction? Knowing some of your plot might give us more ideas to suggest for encounters.

A banana orchard hires them to clean out some lemurs, only to find lemures.
I hope you're writing this down.

2012-06-24, 07:36 PM
Bang space bang bang?

That may be the most confusing punctuation I've seen all week. (OK, fine, there was probably something worse in this (http://etsycallout.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/prettywithinkinvites/) monstrosity I read for some unfathomable reason, but I couldn't make myself look directly at a lot of it.) Seriously, though, that made me sit up and take notice. So, um, good job on that, I guess, even though I really can't fathom what thought process went into that. In all seriousness, could you explain that a bit? Why the space? Why right like that? Why one to start and two to finish? Three bangs wouldn't have even registered. Bang-space-bang-bang caught my attention. Or did I just answer my own question?

Anyway, regarding devils, I like the idea of all devils of a certain rank traveling in groups of a specific number. Three is a nice and easy one, but you can mix it up. Keep it consistent across the devils, though. Say, for instance, that imps ALWAYS come in threes. Lemures ALWAYS come in sevens. Bone devils ALWAYS come in pairs. And so on. I think it lends some flavor to it. You have to decide ahead of time what happens if the PCs split up the group (usually by killing one of them), though. Do they get nervous and panic? Do they fly into a blind rage? Do they shift their fighting styles at all? Perhaps they stay mostly calm, but obviously try to end the encounter as soon as possible (either by disposing of the PCs or by fleeing), with the implication that if anyone sees them with the wrong number, they'll be in deep trouble (and, of course, so will the PCs). Decide, keep it consistent, and go to town.

Of course, once you establish this pattern, you can also vary it a little bit. For example, say that the players eventually meet two imps. The smart ones will notice that something's off and will start looking for the third imp. Don't make this a fake-out . . . there IS a third imp hiding somewhere nearby. Of course, that third imp will be hiding in such a manner that looking for him leaves the PCs open to his two brothers . . . which is just how they planned it.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but really it wasn't that bad, relax a little bit. It's an internet forum not a term paper :smalltongue:

2012-06-24, 09:07 PM
A succubus (CR 7) at level 1? Why do you hate your players so much? :smallsigh:

Hey, at least some of them might die happy. :smallamused:

Actually, that was a random idea I had a while ago for a low-level (4-6 maybe?) D&D adventure - a succubus has taken over a small town, is acting as a barmaid, and is keeping herself amused using her magic and social-fu to slowly manipulate the locals to murder each other (and random travelers), become depraved baby-eating demon-worshipers, and other miscellaneous acts of evil.

The good news is that it's not part of any big evil plot - she was summoned here by some now-dead caster, and she's treating this as an extended vacation. AND she's a complete coward, so she'll teleport away if she gets injured, possibly with a parting threat about tracking them all down and murdering them in their sleep. (Fortunately, she might see something shiny and forget about them for a few levels. Yay, chaotic evil...)

If she's played smart, and the PCs don't have the right gear/spells, it could get mighty tough.

2012-06-24, 10:11 PM
i liked the blood wars (war betwen devls and demons) i allways liked to have my played be stuck in the midel each side gives them the same qest and at the end the pcs have to desid wich one to dubal cross. or the demens and devels give them aposing qests and the pcs and the pcs have to decid who to help. at the end the pcs all ways walk away with some one wonting them dead and most of the time every one wonts them dead

2012-06-24, 11:39 PM
On top of all the other abuse our summoners have heaped upon them, an incident in today's Pathfinder session involving an angry Hill Giant has convinced me that Dretches are d20's answer to Prinnies. It turns out they're just about the right size for a giant to conveniently throw them at us. :smallbiggrin:

At least it didn't explode.