View Full Version : The Beasts, the Thieves, and the Wardrobe

2012-06-23, 10:54 AM
OOC thread, for reference:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246973

Google docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHHKT0NDu7hdEdnWkZseEV4TF9zdlVGR1VtWWpQW Wc

Your party is traveling through a thin forest, the last town miles behind. The forest seems to abruptly end, and you emerge on a plain, no city in sight. The only building around is a small hut, which seems to be made of logs, and a thatched roof.

The ground you are on feels different, softer. There is little vegetation, other than a little bit of grass, and a few bushes.

The sun is setting, despite warnings that you would not make it to the next town by nightfall, your group decided to prove them wrong (nice job not making it, by the way).

As light begins to fade, you all realize just how hungry and tired you are, and to make matters worse, you hear two howling creatures.

What do you do?

2012-06-23, 09:11 PM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi

Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric came to a halt, his staff planted in the soft ground before him. He took off his large, floppy hat and wiped his sweaty brow with an equally sweaty rag that had been used for the same purpose all day. He checked the angle of the setting sun, and peered at the trees around them as he waved ineffectually at the cloud of tiny insects that surrounded his face. "I say. Pr'aps we should have heeded the folk in that last village. Although I misliked the way they were eyeing my hat. Keeps the sun off, and it shouldn't matter how it looks. Only small minds mock a sensible man."

He stopped to listen to the howls, his face set in lines of interest and concentration rather than concern. "Could be wolves of course, and the spotted ibex is known to make such a haunting sound. I'll have to hear more to be certain." He gestured to the log hut by waving his floppy hat in its general direction. "Best we don't give them a reason to attack. I suggest we shelter inside there tonight, if the owners be amenable." With a tired sigh, he plucked his staff from the ground and resumed his long, mile eating stride, heading for the opening of the hut.

"Hullo the house!" His voice rang out, confident and loud.

[roll0] Knowledge Nature check to identify what sort of creature is howling.
[roll1] Knowledge Geography check to determine if I know where we are.
Can you provide more information about the hut? Is it well maintained? Is there any sort of garden, or obvious food/supply storage? Are there signs of occupation? Smoke, footprints, curtains in the window?

2012-06-23, 10:06 PM
OOC: If you guys need any more information about something, please feel free to ask. In my descriptions I'll give an overall description and anything that looks out of place. But if you want to know specifics (for instance, about the house) ask about it.

The hut seems to be sturdy, but the woodwork is... lacking, to put it nicely. Although it keeps the animals out, it is not well polished, merely enough to get the job done of being a house. In addition, the outside has no decorations of any sort, aside from a welcome mat, which only says the word welcome, in common. From where you stand, you can see golden colored curtains in the windows, opened to see inside. (you'll need to go closer to look in)

It is small, 30 or 35 feet wide at best, with a single door, and two windows allowing light into the house.

There is no sign of anyone outside, and any footprints in the soft soil cannot be recent, judging by their faintness.

And, your yelling elicits no response.


Knowledge (Nature): You recall that it is the sound of some sort of lupine magical beast, not the common animals that live in many forests. However, there should be no magical beasts in this area, as the forest is not as thick as many creatures prefer, and in preparation for your journey, you made sure to look up any special creatures in this area.

Knowledge (Geography): You're in a forest. derp :smalltongue: I can tell you that it is not any large forest or anything, nothing major in the sense of the country. You're in a temperate location, during the summer. Sorry, but you nat 1'd.

2012-06-25, 06:11 AM
Devlin Loretower

As the sun begins to set, the odd sigils orbiting Devlin's bald head begin to seem brighter. He bends his head slightly to better illuminate the map in his hands. He studies it with a series of strange hand gestures--measuring with a fingerbreadth. "Hindsight certainly does provide clarity," he mumbles. "I thought for certain that I had calculated the distance accurately, but perhaps it was the topography that caused our average speed to decrease. If only I could remember the formula to.."

The man's words trail off, as he is clearly lost in thought. It wasn't often that Devlin was wrong about anything, but since he had begun traveling with the immensely intelligent Cedric, these instances had increased exponentially. Next to him, Devlin felt like little more than an ignorant boy who had been expelled from the bardic college. "Ugh," he says as he looks up at the house. "Lacking stain or even primer...whatever carpenter they hired wanted the job done quick. Still, it's structurally sound, and what more can you really ask for in a house?" He folds up the map and stows it in his pack, moving closer to the house than any of the others. He wraps gently on the door, hoping to rouse anyone within.

[roll0] to determine where we are along the way
[roll1] to determine if the house truly is structurally sound

2012-06-25, 07:21 AM
Portia Octavia (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=391571)

"No decoration, yet golden curtains. Suspicious", snaps the fetishistic Cleric. "I've a mind to peek through the windows, but that would be an act unbecoming my perfect self. Also, no woodpile. Also strange.

If there's no answer to the rap, Devlin, I might be amenably to hunting some wolf. Else they'll keep us up the night long with their foolish howling and posturing. If I am to be kept up all night, I want it to be by something that bathes. And leaves in the morning. Don't you think I'd look good on wolfskin? I mean, under wolfskin. I mean, in wolfskin. Is it starting to snow?"

While she prattles, she moves slowly around the house, staying in sight of the party, but trying to more fully scope out its surroundings. And if she should accidentally catch a glimpse through a window, so much the better.


2012-06-25, 08:01 AM
OOC: Also, while I'm thinking of it, if you put your checks in a spoiler, I'll spoiler them back for you, in case for whatever reason you dont want the others to see it. If you don't spoiler, I won't, assuming you would tell everyone.

When Devilin knocks on the door, you hear no answer, and no one comes to the door.


Knowledge (Geography) : You are still about a half day away from the nearest town, your planned destination, and a day's walk away from the town you came from. There don't seem to be any settlements around here, but you know that travellers may sometimes stay along your path, if they plan to visit one of the towns for a few days, so it is usually safe to stay outside. Then again, the howls don't seem safe.

Knowledge (Architecture) : That house won't fall, no matter how much huffing and puffing there is to knock it down. What I mean is, a strong storm could damage the house, but aside from natural disaster, the house will be safe.

As Portia looks around, she doesn't see the animals that are howling, and in fact, sees no woodland creatures like you saw closer to the town you left earlier today. You also notice that two of the bushes near you have berries on them, but other than that, the area doesn't seem to have any nourishment.

Also, as the sky grows darker, you see a faint light coming from inside the cabin.

2012-06-25, 08:11 AM
"Now. That's even more suspect. And rude. If someone's home but doesn't want to see us, they could at least say so. And if they're frightened of us and hiding, why the light? Such foolishness. It's enough to drive you to necromancy."

Instead, she walks back around to the door, giving Bernard the mule a secret little smile and a rub on the head as she does so. She squares her shoulders before the door, smiles in a disturbing fashion, and suddenly shouts very loudly."If you don't open up, or even acknowledge us, I am going to stand here and recite my latest Lolth/Weejas BDSM Femmeslash Opus! All night! Very loudly!"

2012-06-25, 09:47 AM
Although you may get questioning looks from your party, there is no response.

2012-06-25, 09:49 AM
The rather large goatman had remained silent up to this point, allowing the smaller men and woman to go about their inclinations. The cleric was prattling about something to do with "lots of weeds," the woods sprung alive with howling and the guttural voices of the animals within and the bard had been talking about wood. Finally Chaoros began to get impatient with whoever it was behind the door, the Ibixian gave out a long and loud roar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUt_7oHIAbI).
We know you folks in there, we need to have some shelter. Open up or I kick door down!

OOC: Does this entail an Intimidation check?

2012-06-25, 10:06 AM

Yes it would. Do you remember if I allowed you to use your strength modifier instead of charisma for it?


No response.

2012-06-25, 10:11 AM
"Lolth, her pupils dilated to the point of event horizons, gasped in estacy as the whip stroked across her abdomen in vicious, measured, precise strikes. Her arms strained against the spiked bonds, digging into her flesh and increasing her rapture. "Oh YES, Stern Lady" she gasped. "I'm so bad. I'm so very bad. Punish me!"

The other moved in front of her with precise clicks of her bootheels, a look of cold indifference across her face. Then she struck the Spider-goddess savagely across the face with the whip-handle, provoking a slight scream. "Don't I know it, you little fool"

2012-06-25, 10:21 AM
Yes, Portia's speech gives a boost to Intimidate.

No, there is no answer.

Although, your intimidate worked on me. Please not much more of that.

2012-06-25, 10:46 AM
"With a curled lip, the Ruby Sorceress raised the whip-- no, no. This is foolish. Foolish". She strode over to Bernard, produced her writing materials, and wrote in a firm hand; "Wee Jas should have a scourge".

She put her things away, then walked to the door and gave it a sharp, hard push with the butt of her longspear.

Strength check:[roll0]

2012-06-25, 11:13 AM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi

Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric's face darkened at the ascetic woman's antics. "No more of that madam, if you please. You make me hope these lupines come for us. I seem to recall that they are magical in some regard, although I can not quite place the specific breed. In any case, I would sooner try to negotiate with Dire Wolves than listen to more of your nonsense. Try to remember decorum."

He placed his floppy hat back on his head, and gazed at the hut. "It may be that this is a traveler's rest, a safe place for those like us who are foolish enough to be caught outside at nightfall. Typically they are built a days journey along well defined routes. Still, it pays to be careful. Mister Loretower, while we still have a few moments of peace, would you be so kind as to examine the lock and see if any malignant devices have been placed to prevent entrance? In a civilized region I would rather sleep outside than violate the sanctity of someone's home, but here I judge that safety is a greater concern than trespass. Meanwhile, I shall examine the aura of the place. It could be that the light and lack of firewood are magical convenience for the weary traveler."

With those words, he took a few steps back, whispered a short prayer to Boccob, and swiped a hand across his own eyes. Then he examined the forest hut closely.

When I spoiler something, I expect everyone to read it, I'm just separating it from my in game narrative. I don't hide any ooc stuff, even if it is working against your characters, because I figure we can all keep that stuff separate. Should I use private tags or whatever the equivalent is here?

Marlowe: Cedric may be annoyed, but I am fascinated and horrified. Nice job!

DM: I'm casting Detect Magic, and examining the hut for auras. It lasts for up to three minutes so after I'm done examining the house I'll take a look around me at the forest and my companions.
Also: I realized I forgot to detail my 0 level spells on the character sheet, so Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, and Purify Food & Drink are my choices, if that's alright. I figure as an experienced traveler, he'd want his light, food and water ensured as much as possible.

2012-06-25, 12:28 PM
As Portia hits the door with her spear, the door swings open easily, with no resistance. You see no one from where you are, and the light from inside seems very faint, but standing directly in front of the doorway, you do not see what it is from.

Cedric doesn't notice any magic near the hut, or on anything the members of your party have. The forest is as unexciting as the hut, with no sort of magic.

2012-06-25, 12:34 PM
Portia draws a Javelin, and runs it around the doorway and the inside of the doorframe, including above it.

"Gentlemen", she says. "I venture to suggest that the first one in should not be the beautiful woman carrying a Longspear. On the plus side, we can now check the lock for traps with the benefit of a roof"

2012-06-25, 01:08 PM
Bah, traps do not hurt so much as they are annoying...
Without spending more than a fraction of a second spent on thought, Chaoros unsheathed his mighty greataxe, gripping the handle in his huge hands. He begins to slowly shuffle into the house, wary of any dangers, specifically enemies... as well as looking out for any form of food.
Ugg, too much trail food, I need me a gallon o' mead and a few lamb shanks...

Spot Check!

2012-06-25, 03:04 PM
as Chaoros enters the house, he sees no meat, either in the form of residents or food. Inside, the house is plain, but well kept. It is only one room, with storage cabinet for food, however, it is empty. There are half a dozen floor cushions to sit on, a large, circular rug, and a bookshelf. The colors of these cushions are all either green, brown, or a deep, golden yellow. There is a wooden table, with two chairs next to it. On top of the table is a barely burning candle, now burnt down to almost nothing, but giving off a light nonethless. The floor is made of smooth stone, and lies a bit lower than the ground outside, more or less by a foot. The stone seems to be natural.

2012-06-25, 03:51 PM
Devlin Loretower

The jack-of-all-trades scratches the back of his head, searching for a response to Portia's recitation. Luckily, the others cut in and express their disdain at the violent erotica before Devlin can even think of the words to say.

"Well, sure, even all chivalry aside," he says, "I'd prefer to take the first look; I tend to be pretty good with traps." He looks to the others, wanting to make sure that they don't take offense to his words, and sheepishly adds, "Not that you aren't or anything..."

He listens intently to Cedric's description of a traveler's rest and nods his assent. "Sounds about right--my most recent estimations place us about a half-day from the nearest town. I'd be happy to check the dwelling, but I can't help but feel bad...are you sure we're not just invading the home of some unfortunate introvert?"

The illumian makes his way into the home, but he is almost barrelled over by the goatman. "It all depends on the trap, friend," he chides. "A ten-foot pit trap may only be enough to sprain your hoof, but fall into one alone and you'll realize something: being unable to climb out for days and starving to death? That can smart a bit. Just imagine running out of lamb shanks..." Devlin pauses for a moment to ponder why a goatman enjoys lambshanks so much, but decides to focus on his search of the hut instead of his questions surrounding the borderline cannibalism.

[roll1] (boosted by Cunning Knowledge) if any traps are found

2012-06-25, 03:55 PM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric followed the Illuman in, with a respectful pause to let whatever awful thing that was going to happen, happen. When he got a look at the hut's contents, he frowned.

Unlocked door. Candle, burned almost to nothing. Occupants gone only a short time. Candle length indicates between 6 and 12 hours ago. Two chairs; two howling creatures; magical lupines. What do I know about lycanthropes?

He bent and examined the books on the bookshelf, interested in the titles and subjects, then lifted the circular rug to peer underneath it.

I'm guessing a lycanthrope would be a knowledge arcane roll? [roll0]
Anything under the rug? Anything nice on the bookshelf?

2012-06-25, 05:28 PM
You wouldn't be able to figure that much out from the sound.

Upon investigation, the books on the shelf seem to be mostly about stonecraft and mining. One of the books is written in a language that Cedric doesn't recognize.

The rug is pulled back to reveal... the stone floor. There seems to be nothing of interest under it.

As Devlin enters the house and begins to search, he feels a thud on the back of his head - the massive arm of Chaoros accidentally hitting him, as he turns to Devlin upon hearing the words "lamb shanks".

Devlin, very dizzy now, tries to look around the house, albeit with bad sight. By the bookcase, however, Devlin feels something. A slight break in the stone floor, almost imperceptible unless you were on the ground, reeling from the blow of a goat man. With the help of a flat metal tool, conveniently placed against the bookshelf, someone could easily (no check needed) pry up the piece of floor, which is a square large enough to comfortably fit a medium creature.

2012-06-25, 07:16 PM
Devlin Loretower

"Anything good in those books?" Devlin asks Cedric. Since leaving the bardic college, he had come to realize what he missed most wasn't the classes or his fellow students, but the library. Pulling odd jobs in the "real world" rarely left one with a few free hours to peruse stacks of books.

"Hey, would you watch--" is all Devlin can muster before Chaoros clunks him with a massive shank of his own. The illumian stumbles toward the bookshelf and trips over his own two feet--or so it seems. Looking down, he notices a seam in the floor. A flash of bright light blinds him for a split second, and Devlin realizes it as the flash from the glasses that Whizbang (his former employer) had tested on him. As the flash subsides, a tool by the bookshelf radiates faint light, and Devlin sees a rough sketch in his head of a secret compartment. He picks up the tool from the shelf and looks to his companions. "This is made to pry open the secret opening at my feet...just big enough to conceal one creature. Shall we press our luck and open it?"

If the other characters don't try to stop him, Devlin will use the flat metal tool to open the compartment in the floor.

2012-06-25, 08:09 PM
Hearing Devlin's little reproach about falling in pits, Chaoros let out a hearty chuckle.
Little man, you have yet to ride the mighty Taho Ruknhaak Kuhan bareback off a sheer cliff face. Little holes can do little to stop me. Though I am getting a bit peckish... it's a shame that these people did'int leave any food...
Chaoros haphazardly knocks Devlin over as he enters the house, noticing his compatriot falls over; Chaoros extend a hand to help him up. But stops himself as the illumian shouts out about finding some passage.
You have good eye, my friend!

2012-06-25, 08:29 PM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
"Duvall's Treatise on Natural Rock Formations of the Ironband Mountains, Delving Deep for Initiates, Duelf Stronghammer's Suggested Tunnel Bracing... and more of the same. Except for this.", he held up a single volume, "Can anyone read this, or identify the language?"

Cedrick watched the Illuman at his efforts, and waited patiently to see the results of uncovering the passage or compartment.

2012-06-25, 09:57 PM
Seeing the others blunder about inside, Portia stands in the doorway, facing outwards, keeping an eye out for anything that might rush in from the night, and keeping an eye on Bernard. Don't want to risk fouling the Longspear with one of the fools in that tight sqeeze. It might get damaged.


2012-06-25, 10:05 PM
Chaoros hears the Archivist asking about a book...
Hmm? Don't expect me to read that, I'm not the kind of man to look at those flimsy things. As far as I'm concerned, that's just fancy tinder...
Noticing Portia still standing in the doorway, the Ibixian finds his way towards the woman.
It's getting cold out there, we got into this place to warm up, no? Why don't you relax for a bit... There's nuthin out there 'cept for cravens and beasts

2012-06-26, 12:33 AM
"A craven, or a beast, could still do us a mischief while we're distracted stumbling around in here" she says in a low voice. "And I'm not letting Bernard get snapped up either."

2012-06-26, 04:41 AM
Emilio scratches his balding head and continues to watch the others. He should probably try to help somehow, but he's not really sure what to do. Trying to at least look ready he swings his greatsword from his back and stands near Devlin waiting to see what's under the trapdoor.

2012-06-26, 07:52 AM
Looking outside, Portia sees nothing more than the sky growing darker, and Bernard munching on some grass.

Devlin, jamming the rod into one of the edges, easily opens the hatch. As it swings back on its hinge, you see a rope dangling from it, long enough that someone inside could pull the trapdoor shut again.

"Inside" seems to be a long, vertical passageway, with a ladder extending as far as you can see. There is a light coming from somewhere, but you can't tell how far down it is.

2012-06-26, 08:46 AM
Portia, of course, cannot see down the shaft, but she can read the faces of her companions, and the way they move their heads to peer down.

Because that spot roll has got to be good for something.

"That looks suspiciously like a call to adventure. Adventure, thy will be done". She walks out the door and rubs Bernard's head. "Bernard, you may not follow me where I go now. And I may not stable you in another's house, no matter how much I would like. Remain here and rest. If you are attacked, run. If you cannot, fight. And please try to return to me as I will try to return to you." She walks into the hut fully for the first time, and takes her turn peering down the hole.

"How quaint. Now, firstly I'd like to ask how hungry and tired is everyone, precisely? Secondly, I suggest that even though there is light and even though we all fight with two hands, we should bring one of the Everburning torches anyway. If we need to fight we simply drop the torch. It will not go out. Whoever bears it should not be a caster though."

2012-06-26, 09:25 AM
The world is tired, but I may go on...
Chaoros seems to take Portia's question as an insult, as you see his eyes flash a shade of red before calming back to the light yellow it normal remains.

Pah! I shall be your torch bearer...
The mighty goatman sheathe's his greataxe, slipping it into the leather straps that hold the large weapon on his back. From a rather oversized quiver. Chaoros draws forth a javelin in his right hand, and a still flaming torch from the sack hung over his shoulder.

Do we go down now?

2012-06-26, 10:02 AM
"Lead the way, if you will. Though I had rather it be Devlin." She slings her longspear across her back, freeing her hands for the climb, and makes to follow the Goatman down. "Well, now, gentlemen, let's all do something foolish."

2012-06-26, 10:31 AM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric called down after the barbarian, "Look around down there if you must, but come back in a short while. Have you forgotten we have already traveled a full day? You may not, but I need some hours of sleep or my judgement will be clouded. Out here, that can be fatal. We need to secure this place against the elements, and be sure that nothing can come from under us while we sleep. Tomorrow we can all see where this leads." He hoped that the lure of the unknown, a siren song he well understood, didn't overwhelm their good sense. Exploration must be carried out according to the rules and methods that granted the greatest chance of success, and discoveries must be appreciated by the light of reason, not the desperation of survival.

He had a sudden and horrifying image of the goat man blundering around amidst rare and delicate religious artifacts, and almost leapt down the hole himself. "And don't touch anything!"

Meanwhile he inspected the door, meaning to set a bar, or close a latch, or whatever it had to fasten it against the night.

2012-06-26, 11:28 AM
Devlin Loretower

"Duvall's Treatise on Natural Rock Formations of the Ironband Mountains, Delving Deep for Initiates, Duelf Stronghammer's Suggested Tunnel Bracing... and more of the same. Except for this.", he held up a single volume, "Can anyone read this, or identify the language?"

"Let's have a look, then," Devlin said to Cedric. He dropped the tool quietly on the ground and allowed himself to be distracted from the hatch long enough to contemplate the mysterious text. He didn't know whether his curiosity was piqued more by a new book or the opportunity to share something with Cedric that the archivist didn't already know, but still Devlin jumped at the chance. "I've dabbled in a few different languages, let's see if any of them click..."

Devlin speaks Common, Illumian, Dwarven, Elven, and Gnome.

* * *

"Lead the way, if you will. Though I had rather it be Devlin." She slings her longspear across her back, freeing her hands for the climb, and makes to follow the Goatman down. "Well, now, gentlemen, let's all do something foolish."

Without a word, Devlin shakes his head at Portia's insistence that this was the time for foolishness. He looks around the others and raises a finger slowly to his lips, despite the questions that are buzzing in his head: Did Portia believe her mule to be fluent in Common? Was he secretly some kind of magical beast who could actually understand her? What was the "Taho Ruknhaak Kuhan" that Chaoros spoke of? Devlin actually allowed his mind to wander for a moment on that one, hoping for another flash of insight.

[roll0] for info about the "Taho Ruknhaak Kuhan"...Probably best for Ballista to answer this one :smallyuk:

When he finally does speak, it is in a whisper. "I'd rather it be me as well," he hisses. "We'll proceed not foolishly, but slow and steady...not to mention quietly. No use spooking anything that lays in wait. I agree with Cedric; we should descend once we've fully rested." As quietly as he opened it, Devlin closes the hatch in the floor. He was ready for a rest--though he tried to put on his bravest face, he was far more adept at resting than traveling. "Now, to discuss this evening's meal--I saw some berries outside, I could check to see if they're edible. Aside from that, it looks like we'd be fending for ourselves as this pantry is quite sparse. I've got some trail rations, but I'd rather not eat them unless I have to."

Just saw Cedric's post...the exploring can wait until tomorrow.


2012-06-26, 12:12 PM
"I am game if the Goat is. I mean, to go down with the Goat. I mean, to explore the shaft. I mean, the vertically-oriented tunnel." Portia says. "If we are waiting until morning, then could we find something large, heavy and insensitive to put over the trap? I don't want things creeping up on me in the middle of the night. Without asking first."

2012-06-26, 01:01 PM
Where the party is
Currently, I have Chaoros with an everburning torch and Portia who want to go down. Devlin going outside to see about the berries. Cedric is staying up top for now, with Emilio.

When Devlin looks at the book, he immediately recognizes it as written in Dwarven, and after a few pages, sees that it is mostly about Moradin's life, and beliefs.

What was the "Taho Ruknhaak Kuhan" that Chaoros spoke of?[/I] Devlin actually allowed his mind to wander for a moment on that one, hoping for another flash of insight.

[roll0] for info about the "Taho Ruknhaak Kuhan"...Probably best for Ballista to answer this one :smallyuk:

Cedric looks around the room, but finds it as sparse as before. The bookshelf, storage cabinet, and table are the only items to be seen, and inside them is nothing of use. The trapdoor is also smooth, allowing for no sort of lock. There is nothing built in to secure the door.

2012-06-26, 01:23 PM
Portia gives the Archivist a long stare as he looks around in indecision. "Can we move the furniture? The bookcase? The cabinet? I've heard of men moving furniture before. Read it in a book once."

2012-06-26, 01:43 PM
Devlin Loretower

Devlin is on his way out the door of the hut when he hears Portia's request. "Oh sure," he says nonchalantly. "I can probably nudge the bookcase over the door." He hands the mysterious tome back to Cedric and says: "It's your basic Dwarven text on the church of Moradin. Nothing so esoteric as to be of interest. 'Drink this, forge that, beards beards, beards'...the usual. Easy language to pick up; I could teach you the basics sometime if you want."

Devlin continues the conversation as he pushes the bookcase singlehandedly, almost without a thought. "Aside from the alphabet, it's very similar to Common. Just add in a few more harsh consonants and glottal stops. Speaking from the back of the throat will help it sound less accented and more natural. Let me know if you want to learn more."

[roll0] (modified by Brains Over Brawn).

With the bookcase now in place over the hatch, Desmond ventures out to the bushes to examine the berries that dotted their branches. He had spent many hungry nights in the forest, and had come to learn the hard way that some fruits were not made for eating. Hallucinations and vomiting, sure, but not eating.

[roll1] to identify the berries and see if they are edible.
[roll2] if more appropriate

2012-06-26, 01:58 PM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric shrugged at the question posed by the unusual cleric. He either disregarded the sarcasm, or had no sense of humor to recognize it. "Do as you will, so long as we we return the furnishings to where we found them before we leave. My thought was simply to have the Ibixian sleep over the flagstone that covers the tunnel. I doubt we would have much to fear from anything that woke him in the night by trying to push him out of the way. Anything that would fit down the hole, and uses a ladder anyway."

With that, he briefly inspected a cushion, and then sat on it, slid his backpack off and rummaged through it. He produced a leather pouch that rattled and clanked as he opened it, and upended it in front of the door. A large number of spiked iron caltrops scattered and danced, and he retrieved the few that bounced too far away, pushing them back in place. Further rummaging produced a half eaten loaf of waybread, which he munched on while setting out his bedroll.

2012-06-26, 01:59 PM
Portia sighs. She's avoided thinking about the berries, and truth to tell she was happy with travel rations. Yes, they were dry, tasteless, and bitter, what was not to like about them?

She goes outside and fetches some rations, her writing equipment, and her waterskin from Bernard, then goes over to see what she can tell about the berries.


2012-06-26, 02:30 PM
Let's hope daybreak comes earlier eh?
Chaoros lumbers over to a corner of the cabin, dragging a chair from the table with him. He props the chair against the wall, this position would give him a fairly wide view of the interior.
The Ibixian jams the javelin into the floor and tosses the torch onto the table. He reaches into his sack and produces a whet stone as well as some strips of some unidentifiable dry meat. Then, with one hand, he grabs the handle of the greataxe and swings it in front of him, narrowly missing the heads of those who were close to the warrior. Blind to his clumsiness, he sets the axes grip on the floor and begins to meticulously sharpen his weapon, taking chunks off of the meat as he went about his work.

2012-06-26, 03:47 PM
Heading outside, Devin and Portia head outside to collect the berries, a dozen purple berries (which look like raspberries) and a dozen round, red berries, the size of a golf ball.

You both remember that both are rare: the purple berries may be small, but are filling enough to count for a full meal. The red ones... well, if you want to sleep well, you wouldn't want to eat them.

2012-06-26, 04:49 PM
Devlin Loretower

Another flash. The images of two very different berries emblazone themselves against Devlin's eyelids, and he hears the lilt of a children's nursery rhyme playing faintly in the distance. As the searing light fades, he finds himself joining in the refrain: "Purple and small, swallow them all. Fat and red, you'll wish you were dead..." He looks to Portia with a wry smirk and adds, "let's leave the red ones. I don't think even Chaoros is that hungry." With that, he begins to forage the edible berries off the bush and returns to the hut.

2012-06-26, 08:18 PM
Portia eats and drinks her fill, favouring her own travel rations over the berries. Then unwraps her parchments and works on her hobby.

"Wee Jas, lean muscles rippling on her bare arms, swung-"

No. No. Foolish. Bare arms? Is she wearing a Qipao? Is it Oriental Adventures Week in Acheron? Maybe I should revisit another pairing.

"Heironymous, face distorted with rage, forced the others face down into the dirt while grappling at his belt with the left. "Say my name, brother!" He roared. "Say my na-"

She abruptly stopped writing and stared at what she'd written.

Will Save: [roll0]

She shuddered, crumpled the parchment into a tight wad, and flung it as far away from her as she could. She then slightly unsteadily restoppered her ink, and curled up around her longspear and javelin sheath, shivering a little.

2012-06-27, 09:36 AM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 11, Flat-footed 13, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric listened to Loretower's translation of the unknown title, and nodded in understanding. "Dwarves then. I suppose we might have guessed, given the hidden flagstone in the floor. Still, what are Dwarves doing out in this forest, building a hut out of logs, with wild beasts roaming around outside?"

When the illuminated man asked him about learning Dwarvish, Cedric shared a little of his philosophy of learning. "I will learn Dwarvish, but a man who focuses too much on one branch of knowledge is only slightly less useless as a man who is ignorant of them all. I most recently learned the barking language of the plains Goblin. My knowledge of the healing arts is but rudimentary, and I have relied on my prayers too long. After that I would learn the mapmaker's art, and complete my study on the furred creatures of the frozen steppes of Tern, and then a Guard Captain I know has promised to teach me the art of positively identifying a man by the shape of his skull and the length of his forearm.

I am on this journey because a man must put into practice what he has learned, or why bother learning it? But there are many other areas that require my attention before I return to the language arts. You shall have to be our expert in that regard Mister Loretower."

Given half a chance, Cedric could lecture all day on the topic, the proper acquisition and application of knowledge, but experience demanded a decent sleep before entering into the tunnel they'd discovered. He lay down on his bedroll and closed the book he was perusing.

"I require eight hours, and then a few minutes to study my prayers. Would you be so kind as to divide the watch between you?"

With that he closed his eyes.

2012-06-27, 12:40 PM
Devlin Loretower

Devlin listened with rapt attention as Cedric shared his personal curriculum, fascinated by the idea that the man had planned what he was going to learn. For Devlin, it had always been more in the way of on-the-job training, which was usually just a euphemism for "baptism by fire." Devlin was glad that Cedric was interested in learning from him; he often felt that he had nothing to teach the man.

I am on this journey because a man must put into practice what he has learned, or why bother learning it?

"I couldn't have put it better myself," Devlin said with a shrug. He couldn't help but feel like he was stating the obvious--the archivist's eloquence was unmatched amongst their group...except perhaps in Portia's perverse prose. Maybe Devlin could try his hand at writing some of his own during the night; it seemed an odd pasttime, but perhaps it would serve some use in the future.

I require eight hours, and then a few minutes to study my prayers. Would you be so kind as to divide the watch between you?

"Sure, no problem," Devlin agreed. "I'm more of a 'get up and go' type, so I can take any watch." He yawned a slight bit before adding, "though I'd prefer first watch." He pulled out a quill and parchment from his pack, determined to give this strange "Sexual Theater of the Gods" style of writing a chance. He uncorked a vial of ink, dipped the pen in, and began to write:

With his skeletal right hand, Vecna swept a lock of hair away from Ehlonna's brow as her eyes filled with tears. One trickled listlessly down her blushing cheek as the Lord of Secrets took his bony left stump and...
Devlin shook his head and crossed out what he had written--he felt unsettled just starting the paragraph. Some things were best left to the professionals.

2012-06-28, 10:44 AM
So, we're just sleeping here? Well, if the others think it's ok it probably is..

Emilio makes himself comfortable on a cushion.

"Hey Devlin. If you want I can take the next one, just wake me up, ok?"

2012-06-28, 06:07 PM
And I shall take the next watch.
Chaoros happily thumps his chest before slumping backwards against the wall, closing his eyelids as the same dreams come rushing into his mind.
A high mountain comes into view, snow whipping at his face as the Ibixian stands naked before a menacing stone fortress. Something is wrong though.
The air reeks of fire and brimstone.
Smoke pillars rise from the center of the castle, pain-laden cries fill the air as Chaoros approaches the oaken gates...

2012-06-28, 09:56 PM
As you all begin to sleep (or in Portia's case, curled into a ball).

A couple hours into the night, and a few halfhearted attempts at creating... literature... Devlin jumps up, at the sound of none other than Bernard, hee-hawing at something outside. Devlin runs to the window, and sees Bernard with claw marks down his right flank, and a horrible creature, wolflike, but with blue colored fur, licking its lips. The creature looks at the window of the house, baring its teeth.

Devlin turns to see Portia, storming out of the door, a fury in her eyes like no other. Cedrick, woken up and joining him at the window, looks to Devlin.
"Is that what I think...?"

Devlin nods. "A barghest. Wolflike, nasty claws and teeth. Some magic to boot."

Emilio and Chaoros remain asleep.


Devlin and Cedrick each get a move action before combat starts, I used Portia's to get her out the door (if you don't think she would do that, feel free to change it). Your move would get you out the door, or anywhere in the house.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHHKT0NDu7hdEdnWkZseEV4TF9zdlVGR1VtWWpQW Wc

I rolled initiative (sorry if ya'll wanted to do that yourselves, but it would take a while), will use google docs for battles. the area around is fairly barren anyway. The solid lines are walls, otherwise it is open or a door. Tell me what you want to do in thread, and move your character on the sheet (you can edit). And obviously roll here, I will too (the barghest rolled a 1 on his first damage roll, btw).

Emilio and Chaoros will be added to the end of the list, when/if they wake up (entitled to a listen check after each round, if there's lots of fighting, you'll get a bonus).

EDIT: also, so you know, Chaoros got a 9 on his listen, Emilio crit failed + 1.

2012-06-29, 12:28 PM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
(Not worn at the moment, usually AC: 3, Penalty -1) Studded Leather (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None

Barghests. There was something about- no time for that now. Cedric knew that knowledge was power, but sometimes not so much as angry barbarians. The priority here was to get as many people outside and into the fray as possible so that they might support each other and overwhelm the monsters attacking them. Coordination and informed action. That was the advantage of civilization. He hurried away from the window, his normally calm and contemplative air cast off like a cloak for the demands of the moment, and stopped between the snoring goat man and the young warrior. He gave each of them a healthy prod with his foot, searching for areas of tender flesh that would get instant attention. "Up!" he cried, "There are Barghests outside attacking Bernard!" Only then did he take a moment to remember what he knew about Barghests.

I'm not sure if you'll allow me to aid their waking up like this, but nothing else seems like it makes sense for a move action for Cedric. I could roll Dark Knowledge, but two of our best fighters are asleep and would miss it. My statblock reflects his having taken off his armor to sleep.
[roll0] Knowledge Arcana to see what I recall about Barghests

2012-06-29, 08:57 PM
((I'm in China, dude. I can't view Google.docs :smallfrown:))

Perdita turns the corner of the hut and activates her Mage armour (actually, probably the reverse order), training her spear on the thing. "Here, boy. she says, deep and flat. "Come try me, puppy. I like a good game of dog-and-stick"

2012-06-29, 09:09 PM
Portia's AoO should the thing charge her:
[roll0](-2 AC for charging enemy) damage [roll1] crit confirm if necessary: [roll2]

2012-06-29, 09:21 PM
Well, I'll roll now and if our goat-friend wakes up, then he'll start breaking heads the next round.
Listen: [roll0]

2012-06-29, 10:50 PM

Sorry Marlow, I'll explain the action and location here then, it's literally a 7 square diameter circle for the house, and everything outside is just blank. I made you run right outside the door, and the barghest and Bernard are 10 feet North of you. Cedric and Devlin have a little bit of move in them before combat starts.

Initiative was:


Cedrick goes for the most logical option, waking up the guys who can hit stuff. Yelling to them, he hopes that this time, they will wake, and sure enough, both men are aroused from their slumber.

Cedrick racks his brain for info. Even from just looks, he remembers that is a creature with features of both a goblin and a wolf, and can magically transform into either, or stay in its own form. It is hostile and bloodthirsty, preferring its natural weapons of claws and teeth. Very often Lawful Evil. Despite being an adept physical fighter, it likes to use its spells to throw combatants off. It will use its blink and misdirection abilities to protect itself, while raging against its enemies to take them down easily.

Emilio Listen: [roll0]
Chaoros Initiative: [roll0]
Emilio Initiative:[roll1]

Portia, meanwhile, taunts the barghest, his hungry look not deterring her. The barghest glares at her. New target. New meat. (I'll remember your AoO if/when it happens).

And of course, poor Bernard, still making a racket, seems ready to run.

Emilio still has a turn, then combat actually starts.

2012-07-01, 02:18 PM
-removed, wasn't Emilio's turn-

2012-07-01, 09:36 PM
Really sorry, meant Devlin, not Emilio. I'll start the combat now though, and just remember that Devlin should have had a chance to move.

The beast turns his attention from the poor startled donkey, and to his owner. The beast growls as he hurdles toward the cleric, but she stands firm. The two collide, spear against bite. Portia thrusts her long spear at the beast, ready to pierce the soft body. However, the spear does nothing to halt the charging beast, and it attempts to bite her.

attack roll: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

Portia feels a bite near her neck, an unpleasant one at that, leaving a gash on her shoulder, dangerously close to her throat. The barghest stands in front of the cleric now, ready for more action from his feisty partner in combat.

2012-07-02, 01:07 AM
((Blast. I was hoping it would waste a turn using its Rage SLA))

Portia tumbles 15 ft south and away from the door, hoping to give the men a chance to deploy and flank the beast. It was better to risk an attack of opportunity than to trade full attacks with the thing.

Tumble check:
DC 15: [roll0][SPOILER]

She stands in her new ground and casts Magic Weapon on her longspear. "Let's move over here.Where the ground is flat and hard. You want me spread here, don't you boy?" She bares her teeth."Don't you think I'd look good in ribbons?"

New AoO:

2012-07-02, 01:09 AM
((Oh, so I got AoOed but I hit it myself if it charges again. rerolling damage))


2012-07-02, 07:50 AM
The beast does not attack Portia as she rolls away, but for now just glares at her.

Bernard sprints north, away from all of the fighting.

Now, there is a 15 ft distance from Portia to the Barghest, 45 from the barghest to Bernard, and the barghest is right next to the space where characters leaving the house will be.

Cedrick's turn, and Devlin has a move, in addition to his turn after Cedrick.

2012-07-03, 05:00 AM
Wonderful, thinks Portia. Not only am I a tall, red-headed, inexplicably Asian woman in a naughty-schoolgirl-Celtic-spearwife ensemble, but I am now soaked in my own blood. It seems I am forever destined to appeal to the nastiest sort of fetishists. Well, I have to get the thing away from the door.

"Come on, boy. What's wrong with you?" She smiles, technically. "Not so brave now I've got a little spunk in my shaft? You're pathetic. You need to kill me soon, or the odds turn against you and it'll be puppy for pudding. You want to see what's in my little bag? I can show you. It'll be like walking away with a burning sensation, only no walking away."

2012-07-03, 09:57 AM
http://i34.tinypic.com/14uvq0m.jpg (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
iCedric Hardyi
Cedric Hardy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=413036)
Male LN Human Archivist, Level 3, Init +5, HP 13/13, Speed 30
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Light Crossbow (40) 2 (1d6, 19-20x2)
Quarterstaff 1 (1d6, x2)
(Not worn at the moment, usually AC: 3, Penalty -1) Studded Leather (+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 8
Condition None
Cedric knelt amongst the blankets and pillows and put his hand, fingers spread, on the ground. With the other, he held his quarterstaff aloft over his head. It specifies a weapon, he thought, and this qualifies, although I'm certain that the priests meant a sword or axe. He cried aloud in a mighty voice, calling for St. Cuthbert's blessing for his allies in their struggle against evil.

A brilliant flash lit the hut for a brief moment, illuminating everything as a lighting bolt does. The explosion of radiance wasn't halted by the log walls and passed beyond them to light the forest where Barnard and Portia faced the Barghest alone. Just as suddenly the light was gone, but it left behind a new sense of confidence, and a feeling that weapons were lighter in the fist.

Casting Bless. PHB Pg205. All allies (range 50') and the caster gain +1 to save against fear effects, and +1 to hit. Lasts 3 min.

Then, not yet done, he called upon some of the terrible secrets he'd learned from his master, and the travels they'd made to libraries, dark shrines, and other ancient places. He shouted to his allies about the weaknesses of Barghests, and what to expect from them.

Using Dark Knowledge (move action). HoH pg83. Knowledge Arcane check DC:15 [roll0]. Success: allies gain +1 to hit the creature type checked for (barghests) and an additional +1 to hit for each 10 over the DC. Lasts 1 min.

tl;dr: Everyone gains +2 to hit the barghest, and +1 to any fear saves.

2012-07-03, 06:28 PM
Devlin Loretower

Hearing the commotion outside, Devlin moves to the door and unsheathes hit greatsword as he moves. Stepping out of the hut, he looks first to Portia and then to the barghest. Everything goes white as his mind is flooded with anatomical diagrams of the wolflike creature. He blinks, and everything is crystal-clear again. Not only has no time passed, but it seems to slow for a brief moment. "Step back, Portia," Devlin says as he wraps both hands around the hilt of his sword. He brings the blade over his head and, with the form of a warrior twice his size, brings it to bear on the creature.

[roll0] boosted by Collector of Stories
[roll1] boosted by Inspiration 1/6
[roll2] boosted by Inspiration 2/6

That Knowledge Devotion result translates to a +3 insight bonus to hit and damage, for a total of 26 vs AC for 16 damage.

2012-07-03, 08:43 PM
The barghest recoils from the damage, wincing in pain. His cuts show, and he still bleeds, but stands ready for more.

OOC: Emilio's turn. Also, don't worry about posting too quickly, I understand tomorrow is 4th of July, I probably won't be on much myself.

2012-07-06, 07:14 AM
Emilio is woken up by Cedric's shouting, and after a few moments he manages soak in the general idea of the situation. With no time for putting on his chainshirt he simply picks up his greatsword and springs to his feet.

2012-07-06, 07:40 AM
If you'd like to move outside, you'd probably have time for that too. Otherwise, Chaoros' turn.

2012-07-06, 10:47 AM
OOC: If there's time I'd rather move :smallsmile:

Since it seems that the fight is happening outside he runs towards the exit of the house and past Devlin.

Tumble check to squeeze past Devlin:

2012-07-08, 10:16 PM
Emilio rushes into the fray, making an effort not to run into Devlin as he exits the house. While he doesn't disrupt his friend, the barghest claws at the newcomer as he tries to roll by.

Attack of Opportunity : [roll0]
Damage (if needed) : [roll1]

Emilio feels himself barely get hit by the barghest's claw, taking some damage from it, but not nearly enough to put him out of the fight.

OOC: Chaoros' turn, you can get up, and have a move action.

2012-07-09, 01:16 AM
"Step back? I'm already way over here," Portia waves.

2012-07-09, 08:52 AM
Chaoros slumbers for a few more seconds before his eyes lazily flutter open. He begins to grumble to himself:
Huh...? keep down the noise...
His eyes turn to the window and the Barghest standing just outside the cabin comes into view. Chaoros jumps up from his chair, sending it crashing to the floor. He grabs his axe and runs towards the door, taking steps to ensure the beast's claws come no where near himself.

2012-07-09, 08:37 PM
As Chaoros makes his way outside, everyone turns to the Barghest, and Devlin braces for an attack and blinks...

When he opens his eyes he rubs them, and everyone looks to where the Barghest is or was standing. The Barghest seems to fade in and out from sight, and then steps closer to the house, ready to fight.

Used Blink, giving attacks against it a 50% chance of missing. When attacking, roll a d2. A 2 hits, a 1 misses.

Also, he took a five foot step, not provoking any attacks of opportunity.

Portia's turn.

2012-07-10, 05:09 AM
"That's right boy. Run away, like the rest of them. It's just making this take longer."

((Blink also effects its own attacks, right?))

Portia moves a little to the right to put the monster squarely between her and Devlin. Then charges with her spear."Puppy! Come fetch!"

+1 BAB, +2 flank, +2 charging, +2 Bless+dark knowledge, +1 magic weapon.
To hit:[roll0], damage [roll1], miss chance [roll2]


2012-07-10, 07:43 AM
Devlin Loretower

The illumian grew even more concerned at Portia's heedless attack on the wolf. He knew she could take care of herself from what he had seen of her, but he had come to view her as a friend (even if she didn't return the courtesy) and hated the thought of something happening to her--a thought that occupied his worried mind almost as much as his blinding flashes of insight.

As his mind surged again, he saw various formulae floating in the air, calculating from the details of his previous attack and illuminating the path for his blade to take for a similar effect. He traced the brilliant arc with the tip of his blade, taking advantage of the fact that the blinking barghest was briefy baffled by the beauty's banter.

[roll0] boosted by inspiration 3/6
[roll1] boosted by inspiration 4/6
Possible Critical Confirmation Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13529150&postcount=49)

So that is either a critical hit of 25 vs AC for 32 damage, or an automatic hit if the critical doesn't confirm for 16 damage.

2012-07-10, 01:07 PM
Portia's spear is about to impale the beast, but he blinks away, and Portia finds herself face to teeth with the barghest, unharmed. Devlin rushes forward, slashing at the beast, and in one great swing, the beast was lifted off the ground by the swing, and as it falls onto the ground, no longer Blinking or breathing.

OOC: Marlowe, it would have given him a 20% miss chance, but it doesn't really matter anymore. Combat is over, feel free to do whatever you'd like.

2012-07-10, 01:25 PM
Chaoros smashes his greataxe into the dirt as he sees the beast's limp body falls to the floor. His eyes flutter a bit, taking in the sight of the dead Barghest.
Great, next time wake me up a bit earlier eh? Bit odd for these guys to be up and about eh?
The goat-man gives the corpse a good kick with his hoof, ensuring the thing to be actually dead.
Well, it looks like we got ourselves a pretty good meal on our hands... Anyone hungry for some stew?

2012-07-10, 01:51 PM
Devlin Loretower

Dumbfounded, the thin illumian man stares down at his hands. The words of those around him are little more than tinny echoes in his ears as he hears the pulsing of his own blood, adrenaline sending it spiraling through his veins at breakneck speed. As his nerves calm themselves and his perception returns, he stares at the carcass on the ground before him. He speaks, lowly and timidly, without breaking his gaze. "I've...I've never killed anything before," he muses to nobody in particular. His voice quavers the slightest bit; he is equal parts proud and ashamed.

2012-07-10, 11:12 PM
Portia leans on her spear, and places a hand to staunch her shoulder wound. "We heard two beasts. There is another out there. Help me get Bernard inside. We have gone beyond the point where our politeness as guests his worth more than our safety." Her eyes look out around the dark horizon. "At dawn I may commune with my master, and then we can find this thing's lair. Assuming we are not already camping within it. These mongrels are greedy creatures, and are well worth despoiling."

Heal check:[roll0]

2012-07-11, 09:16 AM
Although Bernard doesn't seem to feel any better, the bleeding has stopped, and he should be fine, with some rest.

2012-07-11, 11:20 AM
Devlin Loretower

As the others scurry to get back inside, Devlin remains transfixed. He stares at the corpse of the barghest he has slain with a wide-eyed, emotionless face.

2012-07-11, 11:54 AM
Chaoros walks slowly up behind Devlin and lays a large hand on the man's shoulder.
Look here buddy, it's a dangerous world out there. You did the right thing, If you guys didn't kill it first, then it would have ripped our throats out and eaten our guts. And I prefer my gut inside my body. Now come inside, you'll freeze your ass off out here.
The Ibixian gives Devlin a good thump on the shoulder and walks back inside the cottage, proceeding to sit down on his chair and begins to sharpen his axe again.

2012-07-11, 10:33 PM
Portia enters the hut, eying the clean blade of her spear disgustedly."Goat, how are you at flensing and curing hides? I think that Devlin has earned himself a new cloak."

((It comes under survival skill))

2012-07-11, 10:57 PM
Chaoros looks up from his task, putting down his whetstone and slams his axe into the ground with a loud thunk.
If you got yourself a dagger or somethin' girl, I'd be more than glad to skin the beast for you.
He bares his teeth in what would pass as a smile, his yellow canines seem to be shaped like knives rather than what someone would expect of a giant goat.
It'd take a while though, sun's not out and we don't got ourselves a proper fire in this dirt shack. If you want yourself a proper cloak, then you'd be better of taking the hide to some merchant in some hoity toity town.

2012-07-11, 11:15 PM
Portia laughs. "Of course it's just to be expected that we'd all forget to pack a simple dagger. We are such fools. Well, the skin can wait. If somebody would be good enough to lend me a helmet, or better, if we could find a basin, I would like to wash." She gestures to the blood soaking through her clothes.

2012-07-11, 11:32 PM
Just go find yourself a stream or something... I doubt any of these kids would be that daring as to try anything. As for myself...
Chaoros pauses for a moment and finally takes in a good look at Portia's physique before giving a loud snort and spitting out a globule of phlegm at the woman's feet.
You're just a bit too thin for my taste. Plus a little blood splattered around won't hurt anyone if you were to reject...

2012-07-11, 11:39 PM
Portia gives the goat a long, unblinking stare. Then she abruptly turns the bookcase on its back, throwing the contents over her shoulder. She takes some soap from Bernard's packsaddle and creates water in the bookcase (it will leak, but it will work well enough for now). She strips off her top, revealing a mass of old scars on her torso, and begins to wash the blood from the wound and from her clothes.

2012-07-11, 11:51 PM
Chaoros leans back in his chair. With his arms behind his head, he props his hooves on the nearby table and reclines even further. His eyes fall upon the cuts and bruises of the nude figure before him and he lets out a grunt of approval before closing his eyes. He finds sleep rather difficult to reach these days and often suffers through waking nights.
With his eyes still closed, Chaoros speaks in a dreary and worn voice.
So girl... how'd you get them scars? I didn't expect 'un like you to be goin' around looking fer trouble.

2012-07-12, 01:06 AM
Portia wrings, again and again, her bloodied garment, trying to get the water to stop running pink.

"Does it matter to you? You just got through telling Devlin what a dangerous world it is. Were you under the impression I had just arrived from a safer one?"

She dumps the top back into the improvised washtub, and works it throughly. "When I was young, and after my parents--were gone," she says, apparently feeling the question deserved an actual answer, "I was put into the care of some people who you might fairly call Not Really Very Nice. All dead now."

She pulls her top out of the tub and resumes wringing it like a neck.

2012-07-12, 06:06 AM
Devlin Loretower

Devlin is aghast as Portia upheaves the bookshelf; he works feverishly to snatch up the books she has strewn across the room and sets them in nice, neat piles. As the cleric disrobes, he looks away as quickly as possible and raises an arm to cover his eyes as a reflex. "Just let me know when you're done," Devlin offers as he moves to the opposite corner of the room with one of the books he has snatched from the stacks.

He feels the gentle press of his kukri against his ankle, concealed nicely within his boot. However, he has no desire to wear a constant reminder of his first kill, so he stays mute as the barbarian asks for a small blade.

2012-07-12, 07:16 AM
Portia aims a glare at Devlin over her shoulder. "And you. A fine strike, sir. Two, in fact. But "Stand back?". Do you think this spear is for cleaning my nails? Do you think that if I don't fight, the monsters will not touch me? I will fight sir, I will get hurt. I will assist the fools I call my friends. I will do what I can until I can not. Those that do not live by the sword can still die by it."

Out of consideration for her company, she restrings her bustier higher up her chest and draws her cloak around her. "I can't rinse the suds out of this until morning," she growls. "Best leave it to soak. Blood takes a lot of work to shift. I would wear red, but that's just tempting fate."

2012-07-12, 07:27 AM
Devlin Loretower

The awkward young man struggles with the right way to voice his opinions. "I just wanted you to be safe," he says. "Barghests can be quite vicious, even alone, and..." he flounders before adding sheepishly, "you seemed to be missing quite often. I just had a statistically better chance of victory."

2012-07-12, 07:47 AM
((Ouch. That hurts. Going by actual rolls made, she missed by one once, and made two successful hit rolls. One negated by Blink and the other an AoO that never got to happen. That's much better than normal for a BAB +1 character vs an AC 18 opponent.))

Portia turns on him."And more than one of us fighting together stand a better chance again. Do you think fighting monsters is a sporting contest? Do you think if somebody else joins in, you'll somehow be disqualified? It's natural to want to be rid of sparks raining down on us."

She subsides, and sits down, her head resting on Bernard's flank. "Get Emilio in here. He took a hit. I can help with that. And maybe you should all consider finding some armour you can actually sleep in. The thing about the creatures of the night is that they seldom attack when you're up and dressed. Else, get someone to wake me a few hours before dawn. I'll keep the last watch, meditate, and finish this little chore. Maybe you can find some clue in those books as to who actually lives here."

((Just to clarify, she'll use her remaining orisons as Cure Minors to bring her back up to 18hp. Resting should heal the rest. She'll patch up Emilio using the Cause Fear as a Cure Light if he needs it.))

2012-07-18, 04:08 AM
Emilio lets Portia cure the wound the Batghest left him.

"Yes, well.. I took it off 'cause it's not really comfortable.. I guess I'll keep it on in the future.."

2012-07-18, 06:29 AM
Devlin Loretower

Portia turns on him."And more than one of us fighting together stand a better chance again. Do you think fighting monsters is a sporting contest? Do you think if somebody else joins in, you'll somehow be disqualified? It's natural to want to be rid of sparks raining down on us."

She subsides, and sits down, her head resting on Bernard's flank. "Get Emilio in here. He took a hit. I can help with that. And maybe you should all consider finding some armour you can actually sleep in. The thing about the creatures of the night is that they seldom attack when you're up and dressed. Else, get someone to wake me a few hours before dawn. I'll keep the last watch, meditate, and finish this little chore. Maybe you can find some clue in those books as to who actually lives here."

"Well...no...but...er..." Devlin tries to form a response to the cleric's words, but is stymied. Seeing her change topic, he decides to go with her. "I can take first watch," he offers as an amends. "And I can use the time to glance through these books and get an idea who owns the place."

[roll0] for anything in the books identifying their owner (names engraved on the covers, notes in the inside covers, etc)

2012-07-20, 02:15 PM
As everyone drifts back to sleep, Devlin skims the books, carefully looking for a name.

On the inside cover of many books, there is something scribbled over, but you are able to piece together the words (in Dwarven): Property of Davenkirk Public Library. On the inside cover of one book, you see what you assume to be a name, written in Dwarven: Rodek.

The rest of the night passes without any trouble, and you all get up to birds chirping, and the sun already risen.

2012-07-20, 10:55 PM
"Idiots! I said wake me!" Portia's voice splits the morning. She meditates as best she can.
Orisons:2x Create water, 2x detect magic. Level 1: Mage armour, 2x magic weapon, 1xObscuring mist.

She rinses off her top in fresh water (from the orison) and wrings it out as best she can. Then dresses, letting go a tiny shudder as the cold, wet cloth touches her flesh.

"Well, that'll stop me having naughty thoughts for the next few minutes. Does somebody want to check to see if we still have a dead dog at the door? Or did something unco happen while we were dreaming of sugar-plums? There's another of those things around or I'm a little girl selling cookies. And we still need to find the lair."

2012-07-22, 02:56 PM
Chaoros stretches from his slumber, his bestial eyes flutter open and close as slowly stands up in response to Portia's comments.
When sleeps comes easily, one wouldn't willingly slip away from the realm of dreams. As for the beast, it can wait; this trap hole still bothers me...

2012-07-28, 10:05 AM
Devlin Loretower

The nerdy Illumian shares what he discovered in the books as the others wake. When Chaoros mentions the hole in the shack, Devlin nods vigorously. "Aye, I'm keen to explore what's down below as well."

2012-07-28, 10:18 PM
OOC: I'm waiting on someone to either leave or open the trapdoor, otherwise, nothing new is really going on.

2012-07-28, 10:27 PM
"We check the trapdoor, fine. Do I at least get to open the door first to see if we still have a giant dead puppy on our threshold? And are we just going to leave it lying around as a gift to wandering necromancers?"

She heads to the door, and puts her left on the handle, bracing herself to jump back as she throws it open and bring her spear to bear.

2012-07-28, 10:30 PM
Devlin Loretower

"Probably best to check that there's nothing lurking outside waiting for us to corner ourselves below. But perhaps I'm just being paranoid..." he says with a nervous chuckle. "...Right?"

2012-07-28, 10:33 PM
As Portia opens the door, she sees the still dead barghest right where it was killed. It doesn't seem to have moved, and nothing else around the house has been obviously disturbed.

2012-07-28, 10:35 PM
"Right." Portia's voice is flat and detached. She pulls the door open and swiftly steps back, bringing her spear up to cover the portal.

((Obviously, that was meant to go before the one above))

2012-07-29, 05:24 AM
"Another disgustingly peaceful morning with a depressingly low scenery-to-lucrative-opportunities-for-violence-ratio" she growled. "I'll take a brief look around. You men get roped up, oiled up, stripped down or whatever it is you do before taking the shaft. And feel free to throw my laundry water over Cedric and Emilio if they don't get moving soon."

She slowly paces around the hut, keeping an eye on the distant horizons.

Move silently:[roll0]

If nothing jumps out at her, she'll return to the hut and try to get the door jammed shut from inside before we essay the ladder.

2012-07-29, 08:58 PM
You make your way around the hut, and don't seem to find anything of any interest outside. All that you see is a forest of trees in every direction, and the hut itself. No animals to work a farm. No storage for food, other than the cabinet inside. Not even logs for a fire.

You wonder what the deal is with whoever lives (or lived) here. did they live under a rock their entire lives or something?

2012-07-30, 11:45 AM
((I've wondered about those features before. Also, she should have said "High" rather than "low" in the previous post, but I'm going to let that slide as a slip of the tongue from one that tries to be clever, isn't always up to it.))

Portia returns to the cabin with the others, carefully manuevering her longspear through the portal. "These people are and were freaks," she sums up. "No logpile, no supplies. No supporting infrastructure. If not for the books, I'd conclude on the spot that the residents here were the Barghests. With the books, I conclude from what evidence we have that they are Barghests with a strange fixation on dwarves. Bottom line; we heard two creatures last night. We killed one. The other is out there and we just killed it's lover. It will not be happy. We should find and kill it while we have daylight.

"Or just go down the bloody trapdoor in any order takes your fancy and take our chances with whatever decides to rip our heads off on the way up. It's all the same to me. We all die, in the end.

"If we go down, it should be Devlin first, then Emilio to support him. Then Cedric as he's the squishiest and the most versatile. Then the goat, and myself taking the rear. Because I'm far too beautiful to be in the front line." She bares her teeth at that last one. "And because if something attacks us from behind, I might be the best person to escape and warn"

2012-07-30, 07:55 PM
Devlin Loretower

"Sounds fine to me," the illumian acquiesces easily. "I'll be able to spot anything down there quite easily. If everyone would take up in a single-file line behind me and fire up a torch, we can get on with it." As Devlin lowers down into the shaft, he wonders about the owner of the books he found: perhaps it was a normal dwarf and not the horrible beast that Portia supposes. He wonders what this "Rodek" must have looked like, reading about advanced tunneling techniques and feathering his pipe...or perhaps he didn't smoke? The young illumian shakes his head and focuses on the task at hand. He works slowly, intentionally to be sure that no mistakes are made in his rope ladder and that no traps are triggered on the way down.

Taking 20 on Use Rope for a total result of 24.
Taking 20 on Search for a total result of 30.
[roll0] if any traps are found.

2012-07-30, 08:04 PM
Portia slings her longspear across her back next to the javelins, and, on impulse, take the everburning torch from Bernard's packsaddle, holds it indecisively for a second, then experimentally grips it between her teeth.

Then removes it. "Well, that's less perverse and more comfortable than the alternative. But I still feel silly".

She goes and finds some heavy things to block up the front door.

2012-07-30, 09:14 PM
OOC: First of all, sorry, but I'm going on vacation this week, so I won't be able to post until Saturday or Sunday. Moving stuff in front of the door takes a little bit of time, but not that long. The bookcase can fit well there.

Also, there does not seem to be any traps on the door at all. There was a ladder already leading down, but if you'd like to make a rope ladder also, that's fine.

Finally, once school starts up in a couple weeks, I'll be able to post more.

2012-07-30, 11:03 PM
((The bookcase is still filled with cold, sudsy water))

Portia dumps the contents of her basin over the unmoving forms of Cedric and Emilio.

((Now it isn't))

2012-08-04, 09:08 PM
OOC: Back. so, downward?

2012-08-04, 10:24 PM
"After you, gentlemen. Unless some of you have no plans other than getting wet and slippery together."

2012-08-14, 07:40 AM
"HELLO! Useless men, will you get moving?"

2012-08-14, 10:25 PM
OOC: so sorry I haven't been paying attention to this the last few days, I've been incredibly busy. I'll send out pm's tomorrow to see who is still around, and we can either look for replacements, and carry on with whoever is left.

2012-08-15, 06:21 AM
"How about I just go down there by myself! How about it! Chivalry!"

2012-08-15, 06:22 AM
Devlin Loretower

Devlin blinks and looks quizzically at Portia from his place on the ladder. "I don't see what all the fuss is about; I made it quite clear that I was ready to head down. In fact, it feels as though I started down this ladder more than a fortnight ago. What is taking everyone else so long? If you'd like, just the two of us could get down..." He pauses for a long moment; the geeky Illumian has learned much in the past few weeks about double entendre and the way Portia's mind works. "...no, no," he corrects before she can crack a joke, "I didn't mean it like that. I meant we could give it a go together."

Another second, another realization. "No, drat!" What I meant to say was..." Devlin fumbles for words that cannot be taken multiple ways and fails to find any. Cursing the art of interpretation, he begins to lower himself down the ladder once more.

2012-08-15, 06:26 AM
"Just so you know, my underwear is quite robust, so don't bother looking up." She puts the everburning torch between her teeth, and swings onto the ladder after Devlin.

So much for bloody carefully considered party order, she fumes.

2012-08-15, 09:33 PM
((And curiously, I don't think she'd react to Devlin's freudian slips at all. She gets flustered by her own, because he's conscious of giving something away, but when other people do the same she'd just put it down to an honest slip. If that sounds strange, well she's an strange character.:smallredface:))

2012-08-15, 09:33 PM
Chaoros' head snaps up as the sounds of Devlin an Portia climbing through the pit reaches his sleeping mind.
Arghh... I've got to catch more shut eye...
He grabs his bag off the table and rushes towards the ladder, jumping through the hole and free falling for a good yard or two before grasping the rungs of the ladder.

2012-08-15, 09:36 PM
The three of you climb down the ladder, to find yourselves in a circular room, with four paths leading into different directions. In the center of the room is a lamp post, topped by a torch. More torches are lit, leading down the other pathways.

EDIT: The ladder creaks, but does not break when Chaoros grabs it.

The pathways themselves are mostly stone, with earth filling in some areas where the stone seems to dip.

One pathway is sloped downward, and curves sharply just a short distance down the path.

The path directly across from this seems to be well lit, and there is a slightly rancid smell coming from it.

Another path is very dimly lit, and you can't tell what is on the other end.

Directly across from this path is a short one, you see a bookcase against a wall, and a table with a few books on it in the center of the room.

2012-08-15, 09:40 PM
Portia draws her longspear and switches the torch to her left hand. "Mage Armour. Ok, good to see your face, goat--and I'd never thought I'd say that. Let's check the pantry" she indicates the smelly, well lit passage, "Before we go stumbling around in the dark."


2012-08-16, 06:16 AM
"Aye, I'll go through ahead. My eyes are used to the dark and we'll have a better chance to remain hidden without having that light there."
Chaoros moves slowly towards the dark corridor, holding the handle of his greataxe in his hands.

Listen Check: [roll0]
Spot Check: [roll1]
Move Silently Check: [roll2]
Hide Check: [roll3]

2012-08-16, 06:23 AM
"Good to see some enthusiam. Lead on." She stuffs the torch through her belt and tucks her cloak over it, hiding its light.

Holding her spear two handed, she moves in behind Chaoros.


"Bloody loose stones..."

2012-08-16, 06:29 AM
Chaoros whispers rather harshly, turning his head for a split second to stare at Portia. "Girl, if you're going to fumble about, perhaps it would be best for you to stay a few feet back."

2012-08-16, 06:33 AM
"I am a few bloody feet back. Does this thing I'm holding look like a dagger to you? Does it make you feel inadequate? Am I hurting your feelings when I rub my hands down its shaft? And keep your eyes front. You can look at me anytime."

2012-08-16, 06:42 AM
Devlin Loretower

The illumian begins to interject, but thinks better of it. Portia had indicated that they'd be traveling the well-lit passageway, and Devlin thought it would be best to travel the short corridor where they knew what lurked ahead. Chaoros, in his signature "charge forward now and ask questions later" style, had plunged himself into the dimly lit corridor instead, facing the most mystery and possible danger of all of the options presented to them.

[roll0] boosted via Cunning Knowledge

Devlin tries to move quietly, but his efforts are thwarted by the squabbling of his teammates. Rather than join the fray, he simply steps quietly in front of them and stares at both until he has their attention. Once he does, a simple finger to the lips is all he offers. When moving silently, he always thought it was best to remain...well, silent. He retakes his place at the front of the line; while this corridor was dimly lit, it was not fully dark. Devlin could still take the front, which would allow him to detect and disable any nasty surprises.

Devlin takes 20 on Search for a result of 30, and he will take 10 on any Disable Device check that is not of Wicked difficulty. Should he encounter one of those, please let me know and he will roll (perhaps boosting the check with Cunning Knowledge, depending on the nature of the trap).

2012-08-16, 06:48 AM
Portia suddenly has a thought. And mentally kicked herself. What's the point of buying 100 feet of good rope if I leave it back on the mule "Goat, you have some rope on you? We can tie it to the torch and throw the light ahead of us as we go."

Assuming no answer, she'll scamper up damn quick to fetch her own rope from Bernard while Devlin is checking for traps. Interestingly, we don't appear to have any way to cut it to length.

2012-08-16, 11:15 PM
OOC: you go down the well lit, smelly passage. Yellow on the map.

Chaoros, Devlin, and Portia enter the pantry, to find only scraps of food left, most of which is currently going bad. You find nothing to indicate who was here last, but the way food is tossed on the floor, you don't assume anyone who cared about keeping a neat house. The bite marks of the food are large, and you don't seem to find any silverware outside of its cupboard. Ruffians.

While Devlin looks for any signs of who was here in the room, and Chaoros undoubtedly eats anything not spoiled, Portia goes upstairs, and prepares to make her torch fishing line.

There is no other path out of the room.

2012-08-17, 05:55 AM
Devlin Loretower

Still in the lead, Devlin circles back to the main room. He climbs quickly up the shaft and quietly says to Portia, "I'm going to take a peek at the room with the books while you're up here." Lowering himself back down, he follows the North passage to the room with the bookcase. Once there, he picks up the books (assuming he deems them safe) and looks for identifying marks.

Devlin takes 20 on Search for a result of 30, and he will take 10 on any Disable Device check that is not of Wicked difficulty. Should he encounter one of those, please let me know and he will roll (perhaps boosting the check with Cunning Knowledge, depending on the nature of the trap).


Green lines indicate traveled paths, just in case this place gets bigger and we need to track where we've been.

2012-08-17, 06:40 AM
Portia fetches her rope and binds it tightly around the torch, looking dubiously at the wet, soapy, unmoving forms of Emilio and Cedric. What's wrong with them? I poured water over them and cast aspersions on their sexuality. Isn't that enough? "Get moving you two, or neither of you will ever have carnal knowledge of me ever again!"

The wind blows.

"Men!" She returns down the ladder, sees Chaoros optaining victuals and Devlin looking at books, and puts her back to the wall of the NE corner of the central chamber, trying to cover both the unexplored corridors (W and S) at once with her spear and her eyes.


((And no, they haven't. They really haven't. She's just trying to get a reaction by any means and there's no time for her Nerul/Olidammara yaoi))

2012-08-17, 10:55 PM
Devlin doesn't find any traps in the room, and upon inspecting the books, finds that most are written in Dwarven. Among the titles you notice 501 Elven Nights, a collection of children's stories, and most importantly, you see what appears to be a construction log (in Dwarven) on the table. Also, you notice that this room, unlike the pantry, seems to be well kept.

According to it, the room directly across from the room you're in (the library) is being made into a garden, for various kinds of vegetables. Also on this floor is the library and pantry.

In addition, it talks about 4 floors underground. You are currently on B1.

B2 is the next floor down, the rooms off of the junction are a shrine and a freezer, in addition to paths leading up and down.

B3 has paths up and down, a bedroom, and another hallway, with no purpose yet.

B4 is not a junction like the other three, but opens to a common area, with many rooms off of it. Right now, the paths seem to be mostly for storage, but the owner of the journal writes that he or she plans on expanding and exploring.

Portia doesn't notice anyone or anything coming through either passage.

OOC: I'm sure you have more questions about the journal, and if there's more I should tell you about it tomorrow, when I post again. If you look for anything specific in the journal, feel free to ask about it/have devlin look for it.

2012-08-17, 10:59 PM
Portia experimentally throw the torch-rope ensemble into the dimmest passage, seeing what it reveals. Yes, she keeps hold of the end.

2012-08-18, 09:23 PM
You throw the torch down the purple hallway, and see mounds of dirt and soil where the room begins, but you cannot see far into the room. There are plants in pots along the hallway.

2012-08-18, 09:39 PM
Chaoros walks out of the pantry, his arms full of unspoiled rations and his mouth stuffed with an assortments of meat. He tries to talk, but the food hampers his voice.

"MMM, dis shtuff ish preddy gud. You shure you dunt want sum girl?"

He holds out a piece of dried meat in his right arm, oblivious to the fact that Portia is trying to concentrate on searching the dimly lit room. Shrugging, the Ibixian shuffles over to where Devlin stands, stuffing as much food into his pack as possible on the way. With his hands free, he pats the man on the shoulder before trying to talk again, globules of food fly out of his mouth with every syllable.

"Hav you fund anytin in dem buks, librarian?"

2012-08-18, 10:40 PM
Since the men appear to be fully occupied setting themselves up for a nasty surprise, Portia spends a minute making carefully sure nothing's moving in the area she can see. Then she draws the torch in slowly, taking not of whatever it reveals on the way, and casts it down the other unexplored hallway.

2012-08-20, 11:55 AM
OOC: Sweet, I've moved into college, should have more time on here now. Also, there really isn't anything else i can think of to tell about the journal, but you notice there is no name.

Portia sees nothing as she pulls back her torch, When Portia throws the torch down the other hallway, she sees that it is well crafted, but there is nothing new to see.

2012-08-28, 11:59 PM
A little frustrated by the apparent absorbtion of the men, Portia leaves her torch where it is, takes her spear in both hands, and moves cautiously towards it.

Mv Silently:[roll3]

2012-08-29, 11:01 PM
Portia follows the hallway, sloping downward, and eventually comes to another intersection, like the one on the floor above. There is the hallway you just came from, leading up; a hallway leading down; a small alcove on one wall, which looks to be a shrine, and a large stone door, left open, with cold air blowing out of it.

2012-08-30, 12:01 AM
Portia really wants a look at the Shrine, but for the moment she scoops up the torch, gathers up the rope, and lobs the light through the large door left-handed.