View Full Version : Good feats for a binder?

2012-06-24, 01:45 AM
So I'm playing a binder in an Eberron campaign (level 6 right now) and I'm trying to find a feat that will be fun for a binder. Anything that could boost save DCs for supernatural abilities (if there is such a feat) or anything that is just good for a binder to have

What I'm working with is
1:improved binding
bonus: rapid pact making (dont judge me for that)
3:expel vestige

If it matters im a changeling

2012-06-24, 01:54 AM
Ability Focus works on supernatural abilities, but only on one specific one. So if you want a specialty trick, one binder ability you do REALLY well, then you can use that.

Alternatively, two levels in Chameleon, and get a floating feat that you can change daily. With that, you can change your ability focus every day, if you want.

2012-06-24, 12:49 PM
Ability Focus works on supernatural abilities, but only on one specific one. So if you want a specialty trick, one binder ability you do REALLY well, then you can use that.

Alternatively, two levels in Chameleon, and get a floating feat that you can change daily. With that, you can change your ability focus every day, if you want.

Hmm, I like that about the chameleon, that will have to wait though because I really want to get to bind two vestiges at once ASAP.

2012-06-24, 12:52 PM
weapon focus :p

Knight of the sacred seal levels are nice.

2012-06-24, 10:17 PM
I really don't care for KotSS, mainly because I'm more of a debuffer for the group rather than damage dealer.

2012-06-24, 11:17 PM
I really don't care for KotSS, mainly because I'm more of a debuffer for the group rather than damage dealer.

But there's very little reason to stay with straight binder for much longer (depends on how long you expect the campaign to run), and Binder/KotSS is superior to Binder in most situations.

Weapon Focus.

2012-06-25, 12:10 AM
Pure Binder does get nice immunities I will say. And without WF, you do have an extra feat to play with.

As far as being a debuffer though, that implies a level of casting that Binders aren't really good at solo. Blasting yes, melee yes, battlefield control yes, but for debuffing you may have to theurge it up with Anima Mage or TA.

2012-06-28, 01:11 PM
I am currently creating a binder as well, and I have the exact same questions, regarding feats. I have gotten Expel Vestige so far, as well as the usual binder-related feats. That is, Improved binding and such. But I am really at a loss for what to do next.

People all say to take KoSS, but that is sort of hard when you have never gotten to use your binder, and have no idea what position is going to be filled. So if we put this on a versatile background, where he should aim to become, well; versatile. Focusing on one Vestige as the KoSS requires, leaves you with a slightly limited scope, as you will perhaps find that you should have chosen another spirit / you find yourself in situations where other abilities are needed and would have been far better.

So on a general basis, which feats could fit? So far, I have contemplated Power attack for a semi-reliable source of damage, Perhaps combat reflexes, and so on. It meshes well with Orthos' Air blast, while still not specializing him on combat or a specific fighting style all too much.

Are there any other non-combat feats that they might enjoy? Any examples at all, for a Binder without a goal or knowledge of where to take things?

2012-06-28, 02:43 PM
If you're into debuffing, you could get into stacking fear effects - that's almost always useful. Imperious Command, Dreadful Wrath, etc.

2012-06-29, 01:39 AM
Pure Binder does get nice immunities I will say. And without WF, you do have an extra feat to play with.

As far as being a debuffer though, that implies a level of casting that Binders aren't really good at solo. Blasting yes, melee yes, battlefield control yes, but for debuffing you may have to theurge it up with Anima Mage or TA.

The reason I do like the idea of sticking with binder is the immunities, being immune to energy drain is so enticing. You're probably right about debuffing being an ineffective way to play a binder, I mainly have been pimping focalor pretty hard, especially when we started the campaign his blinding breath came in handy quite a lot so I depended on it. I probably just need to branch out more with it. When you can only bind 4th level vestiges what is good for battlefield control I dont have ToM handy and wont for a few days.

also i find most of the handbooks for binder pretty much incomprehensible.

2012-06-29, 02:22 AM
If you became a dragonborn, Entangling Exhalation would be a good feat (with the Heart aspect). You'd get a short range entangle debuff, which would further augment your abilities to debuff.

If you went more levels in chameleon, it does grant arcane spells (based on int).

Even 1 level would give you Breath Flare, which dazzles if they fail the save vs a breath weapon.

3 levels would get you level 3 spells, as well as the ability to use some abilities of different classes, in a limited fashion (rage, evasion, smite, sneak attack, turn undead)

5 levels of chameleon would get you level 4 spells, which would grant blinding breath (those that fail saves vs breath weapon are permanently blinded) and rebuking breath (undead that fail saves cower for 1 round).

7 levels would get you stunning breath (level 5 spell, if they take damage from the breath, make a fort save, DC = breath weapon, or be stunned for a round).

Other benefits include: Stat boost at level 4 (+2 to any stat, changeable when you pick your class abilities, competence bonus).

Double various bonuses at level 5 (for arcane caster, it would be an increase from +2 to Know(arcana), spellcraft, and will saves... to +4. For warrior, it would increase from +2 to hit, damage, and fort saves... to +4. there are others, including divine caster, stealth, and wild)

Increased stat boost at level 7 (+4 to any stat instead)
Ability to have twice as many tricks active at once at level 7.

The class is really quite a good complement for binder, as it focuses on flexibility and options.

************************************************** ********
To answer your question on vestiges:

Agares gives you a stomp (usable 1/5 rounds) that knocks things prone.
Andras lets you make a creature attack one of their allies at random (1/5 rounds).
Andromalius gives you Tasha's Hideous Laughter. (1/5 rounds)
Dahlver-Nar lets you daze eerything within 30 feet of you (will negates, sonic, mind affecting) (1/5 rounds).
Dahlver-Nar also lets you designate a creature (will negates). As long as the creature is affected, you take half damage of any effect that would injure you, and that creature takes the rest.
Focalor gives any creature adjacent to you a -2 to attacks, saves, and skills.
Focalor also lets you blind 1 target for 1 round (fort negates) (1/5 rounds)
Haagenti lets you Confuse targets with a touch attack (duration 1/3 binder levels, will negates) (1/5 rounds).
Tenebrous gives you Deeper Darkness (unlimited duration).

Those are the high points.

2012-06-29, 06:16 AM
Notice how many of those have a massive cooldown though (twice per encounter at best.) And you need decent Charisma to make the saves work, when the Cha isn't really helping your combat ability.

For a debuffing Binder, I recommend theurging with Anima Mage/Priest/Psion and/or Tenebrous Apostate. Preferably with a Cha-based caster/gish like Favored Soul or Wilder.

2012-06-29, 06:26 AM
Notice how many of those have a massive cooldown though (twice per encounter at best.) And you need decent Charisma to make the saves work, when the Cha isn't really helping your combat ability.

For a debuffing Binder, I recommend theurging with Anima Mage/Priest/Psion and/or Tenebrous Apostate. Preferably with a Cha-based caster/gish like Favored Soul or Wilder.

Yes, they have a cooldown. Which is why I suggested pairing it with breath weapon entangling. Alternately, DFA levels would work well, since a few of those would give you weaken and slow every other round, to complement the binder abilities.

2012-06-29, 07:55 AM
Fey Heritage and Fey Power from Complete Mage are useful if your DM allows the DC of Cha based supernatural abilities to be increased by it. The other feats that grant spell like abilities can also be very useful for a buffer/support character. The 9th level feat grants SNA 5 which can get you a unicorn 1/day.

Although for a buffer you really just want to focus on Zcerryl and use the summons that have spell like abilities that can buff. At SM6 and higher you gain access to a lot, including a demon that can cast as a 5th level cleric. Once you get to SM9 there are multiple creatures that cast as 12th level wizards or clerics. Which means 5th level and lower spells from either list are available every 5 rounds. Which is amazing.

SM6 - Aartigith (Spelling?) - Ghostwalk, cleric 5
SM7 - Djinni (MM) - permanent plant based materials at CL20, that's a lot of alchemical items and it gets +12 to craft (any one) chosen by which one you summon
SM9 - multiple archon's (BoED), Lilland (MM), Fieere (BoED) that cast as 12 level casters of either wizard, cleric, or sorcerer. If you can make a Wisdom check of DC 22 without failure then the Warstilith from Fiend Folio grants you Symbol (any) as spell like abilities. Be careful with this one though as it can break free of the summon.

Spells cast by summons end when the summon does, but this does not apply to Spell Like abilities, per RAW. You'll want to verify with your DM though. With the Spells you'll want to choose things with short or instant duration. You also need to remember that Summons cannot use summoning, teleportation, or XP cost spell like abilities.

2012-06-29, 09:33 AM
Spells cast by summons end when the summon does, but this does not apply to Spell Like abilities, per RAW. You'll want to verify with your DM though. With the Spells you'll want to choose things with short or instant duration. You also need to remember that Summons cannot use summoning, teleportation, or XP cost spell like abilities.

Where are you getting the teleportation restriction from? The text for summoning subschool in SRD lists only:

When the spell that summoned a creature ends and the creature disappears, all the spells it has cast expire. A summoned creature cannot use any innate summoning abilities it may have, and it refuses to cast any spells that would cost it XP, or to use any spell-like abilities that would cost XP if they were spells.

SNA: Janni from Fey Legacy and Plane Shift was always my feylock's last resort escape button.

2012-06-29, 10:41 AM
A summoned monster cannot summon or otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use any teleportation or planar travel abilities.

It's part of the Summon Monster Spell itself. There are two places the restrictions come into play, the spell and the school.

2012-06-29, 10:50 AM
Got it. Time to figure out a new panic button.