View Full Version : 2HF Psychic Warrior powers Selection.

Dusk Eclipse
2012-06-24, 02:36 PM
Is there much difference in the power selection between a Claw based Psychic warrior and a 2HF based Psychic warrior. The only thing that I am sure would be different is that a 2HFighter will have a worse time trying to abuse the weapon size increases in contrast to a Claw based fighter.

Keld Denar
2012-06-24, 09:59 PM
At low levels, claw based psywar will probably do more damage, especially if you have a decent Str simply based on the fact that you have 2 attacks/round rather than 1. On the other hand, not having to have a power spent on Claws of the Beast is a nice benefit. If you don't go with claws, consider Bite of the Wolf. Its a natural attack, but doesn't take a hand. You can combo it with a 2handed weapon nicely.

Otherwise, there are lots of really good psywar powers, especially at levels 1 and 2. 3 and 4, while having some gems, don't have the vast number of useful powers.

I'd still get Expansion, just because it is SOOO good. Maybe get Force Screen, since you won't have a shield and it's nice if you get a free round to buff. There are also lots of good utility powers like Sythsate (sp?).

Dusk Eclipse
2012-06-25, 11:08 AM
Expansion is a given, size increases are so much fun even if you are not abusing them. And frankly I've never give attention to Synesthete it is a cool power after all and it does have some nice utility.

Force screen is nice; but I wish it had an autoquicken augmentation, though linked power fixes it somewhat.