View Full Version : Dashing Rogue Build?

2012-06-24, 04:00 PM
So I had an idea for a character; he'd be a human-ish with charm spells as well as returning daggers and a rapier. In a way maybe a human version of Jarlaxle. Though he'd be so more the one to coup de grace people under his charm spells. I know you can't techincally do this but isn't there a feat that allows to coup de grace a flatfooted opponent? Suprise round=Flat Footed, correct?Anywho, I was thinking an appropriate build would be a Damarian, take Jontendbrud Feat so I can effectively use Large Daggers,(1d6 as opposed to 1d4), as well as a Large Rapier,(1d8 as opposed to 1d6). The daggers would be used to help him as a machine gun rogue. But the class would be Swashbuckler 3, Beguiler the rest of the way. Swashbuckler because of that weapon finese feat for free, as well as the int mod to dmg. The beguiler because of the int to casting and the rogue-likeness of it all. What do you guys think? And could you possibly tell me if the feat exists and what book I can find it in?

2012-06-24, 04:02 PM
I was also considering a few SP in Craft Alchemy for poisons and explosive substances? Would that work od do I need a different craft for explosives?