View Full Version : D:tD IC: "Rocket launchers will take you to the mountain"

2012-06-24, 04:32 PM
The Calamity Trigger drifted through the shifting warp. Ahead, a faint point of glimmering metal could be seen: Draesa.

Draesa to unidentified vessel. Please state your vessel branding and cargo, over.

2012-06-24, 04:58 PM
The door to the bridge opens, and Mr. Sand shuffles in, flanked by two of his guards.

"Jane, my dear, I trust everything is in order? I'm keen to be at our destination, and getting no younger. And do we have any more tea on board?"

(I hope nobody minds me picking brown.)

2012-06-24, 05:01 PM
A map of the ship for those who need.

In the eyes of anyone present in the cockpit, Jane was fixed on the piloting seat. A cable came out of the chair and connected to a port on the back of her neck. There was a metallic visor hiding her eyes. Although she didn't move, the ship was definitely acting under some command.

The perception that she was commanding the ship was an.. incomplete one. Right now, she was the ship. Through the connection, she was able to see what the ship saw, and command it as if it were her own body. From her point of view, she was standing in the empty space, willing herself to her destination.

Fortunately for any passenger anxious on what was happening, the instruments were still indicating even though she didn't need them. The holographic terminal at the centre of the cockpit showed a map of where they were.

She spoke to answer the message, with a monotone, almost mechanical sounding voice:
"Draesa control, this is Calamity Trigger. Matriculate Fox Echo Fox Lima Uniform. Class VF-70b light spelljamming transport. Cargo is X passengers plus assorted possessions and supplies. Requesting permission to dock. Over."

note that X indicates the group plus any followers they have.

She noticed the wizened Kobold who had just entered the cockpit. It was thanks to his talents that she had been able to get here. He knew how to navigate through the warp. They had had a deal, he and his followers traveled for entirely free in exchange for acting as navigator. She slightly turned her hear back and answered, this time in a far more human and expressive sounding voice.

"Not a problem at all. We are within hailing distance, so the trip should be short from now on. Depending on permissions, we'll be docked in between 10 and 20 minutes. Regarding the tea, it should be in the third cupboard on the kitchen side... unless it all got drunk..."

2012-06-24, 05:24 PM
The door to the bridge opens again and in strides a beautiful, young and scantily-clad human female, to whom all eyes are instantly drawn.

"Well met, gentlemen. Would anyone care for tea?"

2012-06-24, 05:58 PM
Mr. Sand turned and smiled at the young vision. She had approached him in a state of agitation at the spaceport; these days he felt himself to be well past such pleasures, but he had agreed to pay for her passage in exchange for her servicing his men during the trip. Soldiers are rarely hard to entertain.

"Why thank you. Tea would be lovely."

He hobbled over to an open section of floor; his men quickly produced chairs and a table, and he beckoned for the woman to sit. He turned his head towards the eerily still figure plugged into the ship.

"Don't mind us, dear. It's a long trip for these little old legs back to my cabin."

2012-06-24, 07:20 PM
A pause. For a few minutes, no response comes from Draesa. Then, an older, more experienced voice comes through the communications.

Calamity Trigger, this is Draesa. Dock C, deck four is your assigned birth. We can spare no men to aid in docking, or to conduct a customs search on your vessel. When you dock, report to the Command Deck, deck one.
I don't know who you are, Calamity Trigger, but you sure came at a good time.

The line goes dead.

2012-06-25, 01:13 AM
A good time to come, now there was an ominous remark.

"Message acknowledged. Initiating approach vector. Over."

The exchange over, the cables connecting her to the ship's command retracted, freeing her. The visor also retracted, to some unseen space inside her head. There was a bit of time before needing to do landing procedures and she decided to join that tea session. She turned the chair to face everyone.

"Well the good news is they are happy to see us. The bad news, they seem very happy to see us."

2012-06-25, 04:02 AM
"I get that a lot...
How long until boarding, captain?"

2012-06-25, 05:06 AM
"ETA 12.32 minutes. I would be advised for passagenrs to put seat belts on for the landing proceedure. I find that eagerness a little concerning. It appears the ship is suffering some possible trouble."

2012-06-25, 05:30 AM
"Indeed, it sounds like the party's already started. Is everyone ready to dance?"

2012-06-25, 06:47 AM
Mr. Sand calmly pours a cup of tea for Jane, and speaks to one of his guards without looking up.

"Deez, have Zarak wait in the cabin with young Matheus, but ask him to send Tool to join us on the bridge. You and Kreez will remain with me."

Deez & Kreez: Kobold guards, twin brothers.
Zarak: chief bodyguard, Kobold.
Matheus: Human, Tzeentch cultist & chief aide.
Tool: Gnome Heretek.

2012-06-26, 12:17 PM
(Since there doesn't seem much else to discuss, I'll post the landing procedure)

"Countdown five minutes to landing. All passengers are required to find a sit and belt up." Came the announcement for the ship's PA system. Sure she wasn't expecting any turbulence similar to entering an atmosphere but there was always that slight.. bump that came with entering a capital ship's gravity field.

She turned back her chair to the front window while a cable once again extended to plug in to the back of her neck.

Initializing Connection
Password: xxxxxxx
Login details correct
Connecting to command interface
Interface loaded

Once again, she was floating in space. The ship's senses became her very own. She could see Draesa in the distance and a holographic series of rings appeared on her interface to show the optimal landing trajectory towards dock 3.

"Calamity Trigger to Draesa control. Initiating final approach."

2012-06-26, 12:50 PM
No response from Draesa. Not even static. Silence.
The docking goes without incident, the blast doors closing and a green light alerting you that the compartment has been pressurized and filled with breathable air.
The hanger is empty, and silent, as the boarding ramp lowers.

2012-06-26, 01:11 PM
"Interesting..." came her comment as she disconnected from the ship's controls. "No answer from control anymore. That is rather concerning."

She pressed a button causing the window's armoured covers to close down. She then walked towards her room and came out a few seconds later. She now had pair of large pistols at her belt.

"I would advise a small scouting party to go first and make sure the station is safe."

2012-06-26, 02:16 PM
With a long, slow sip, Mr. Sand finishes his tea.

I must insist on accompanying the scouting party. Deez, have Tool fetch me a wheelchair. Tell him to bring it down to the docking ramp, I'll meet him there.

One of his guards helps him from his chair, and he shuffles toward the door.

"I assume you will both also be with the scouting party, ladies...?"

2012-06-26, 02:37 PM
"If you feel so inclined sir.You do not require my permission after all." Jane answered nicely if clumsily. "I will be of course part of that party."

2012-06-26, 06:05 PM
"I get the ominous impression we'll be glad to have your firepower."

Mr Sand and his bodyguards prepare to leave the ship. The bodyguards have their las-rifles at the ready, and Tool is ready with a wheelchair for Mr Sand. Mr. Sand sits and pulls a blanket over his knees, then waits with his eyes closed and his hands steepled in his lap.

2012-06-26, 08:33 PM
"Agreed. I'll join the party too. I'd hate to miss the action" Sephandra replies with a smile. She casually stands up and gestures to the door. "Shall we?"

2012-06-27, 03:53 PM

The ship's passenger ramp lowered, giving the team access to the hangar. Once again, the visor deployed on Jane's face.

"Initiating search protocol."

As she advanced in the hangar she scanned the place with attention, looking for any movement.

2012-06-27, 04:33 PM
The hanger, while filled with crates of various sizes, contains no life forms. The only exit appears to be an elevator on the other side of the room.

2012-06-27, 04:41 PM
Jane slowly but cautiously made her way to the elevator still cautious about the possibility of an ambush.

2012-06-27, 05:52 PM
Mr. Sand remains seated in his wheelchair at the top of the ramp. His eyes are open now, but he stays silent and motionless. As Jane nears the bottom of the ramp, he motions a finger, and his guards move to positions supporting her, weapons at the ready, helmet visors down.

2012-06-28, 03:51 AM
Dressed as if ready for a party, parasol in hand, Sephandra follows the guards out of the ship, passing Mr Sand at the top of the ramp. "Colonel, watch my back" she tells him with a wink and a smile as she passes. She proceeds to follow the group at the rear, down the ramp and towards the elevator, watchful and primed for danger.

"It's quiet. A surprise party perhaps?" She whispers, to no one in particular.

2012-06-28, 02:56 PM
"The radio operator did mention that no one would be at reception. We're apparently meant to make our way to the command deck."

Once everyone was in the lift, she pressed the button to deck 1.

2012-06-28, 03:04 PM
Mr. Sand remained still and silent, but as his heretek wheeled him across the hangar floor his eyes darted constantly from shadow to shadow. When they reached the lift, he once again closed his eyes and bent his head as if sleeping or in deep meditation. His guards kept defensive positions until he was in the lift, guns sweeping the hangar, then backed in after him.

2012-06-28, 03:24 PM
The ride in the lift is long and suspenseful. Occasionally, the lift grinds to a halt, then starts up again.
Finally, you reach Deck One. You wish you could say that it looked like a command center. It looked more like the bridge of an abandoned ship that was only good for salvage. Men and women, wearing the green and black uniforms of the soldiers that serve on Draesa, rush around between command consoles.
An older man stands near the lifts, his rank distinguished by the beret perched on his head. When he speaks, you recognize him as the second voice on the radio.
"Thank the gods you've arrived. That battleship is nearly here. But how did you know to come here? The long-range jammer hit us before we could broadcast a distress signal."
He stops for a minute, running his eyes over each of you.
"Who ARE you? You're not Alliance Soldiers..."

2012-06-28, 04:05 PM
The withered old Kobold in the wheelchair still has his eyes closed, and one could easily suppose he was asleep. His guards flanked him, still and alert, silently radiating disciple.

Spending 1 mote to activate his Night Caste ability, preventing observers from being able to identify the caster of his next spell: Detect Thoughts. He targets the old soldier who spoke, and attempts to gain insight into why they might need Alliance Soldiers.

He casts unfettered; Intelligence 4, Divination 1, 5k4.


2012-06-28, 04:09 PM
Used the Die Roller wrong. The total is 22.

2012-06-28, 04:29 PM
Right, this was unexpected. It seemed they had inadvertently stumbled into some dangerous situation.

"Um, we never got any distress signal. This is just a private transport who was hoping to dock into your ship. We weren't aware of any conflict."

2012-06-28, 04:50 PM
Used the Die Roller wrong. The total is 22.

Apparently, a warship of some kind has appeared near Draesa, jamming most of the blockade's systems and refusing to respond to hailing attempts. This man, one Commander Nathan Venardo, attempted to send a distress signal to nearby Alliance Military, but the signal was blocked before it could reach them. Draesa is not undermanned, but the warship that is headed for them is almost definitely going to be able to ram through the blockade without much trouble.

Right, this was unexpected. It seemed they had inadvertently stumbled into some dangerous situation.

"Um, we never got any distress signal. This is just a private transport who was hoping to dock into your ship. We weren't aware of any conflict."

The commander blinks.
"No one ever just COMES to Draesa. Who ARE you people?!"

2012-06-28, 05:40 PM
The ancient Kobold spoke, his eyes staring directly into those of the commander. All of a sudden it was hard to imagine that he could ever have been asleep.

"We just happen to be the people who can solve your problem, Commander. Our dear friend the ship's captain may not have been aware of your situation here, but I assure you, I am. What is the E.T.A. of the incoming warship?"

2012-06-28, 05:41 PM
Sorry for multipost

2012-06-28, 05:43 PM
Sorry for multipost

2012-06-28, 07:37 PM
The commander's eyes widen.
"How did you...? An hour, two at most."

2012-06-29, 09:31 AM
Soir8's browser isn't working so he's asked me to post this on his behalf. :smallwink:
Mr. Sand nodded slowly. "Then we have plenty of time. I have a plan to prevent the warship from breaking through, if you're willing to hear it."

2012-06-30, 07:47 PM
The old Kobold spoke softly and steadily in a voice of comfort and reassurance. His eyes sparkled, squinting up at the commander in a genteel smile. His hands were politely folded over the walking stick rested on his knees.

I make a charm test, to charm him into trusting me.
Charisma 4, Charm 3, and if I get to use my Genteel charisma speciality for this, I roll 8k5


2012-07-01, 07:05 PM
The Commander nods, "By all means."

2012-07-02, 07:51 AM
Mr. Sand nods. "Then here's our strategy, commander. We'll need two lines of defence, formed up in rings around the incoming craft's trajectory so as to concentrate as much firepower on it as possible. The first ring will simply focus on raw power; we need to make the ship want to accelerate through our defences as fast as it can.
Meanwhile, the second ring shall move into position to bombard the accelerated ship with monopole torpedoes. With compromised maneuverability, they'll have no choice but to keep moving in a straight line at full speed.
This is where our failsafe comes in. Assuming, as you have, that we will lack the raw firepower to stop the warship from breaking through our lines, we will position one of your largest ships behind the lines, out of range of enemy sensors. Preferably, the ship should be fitted with a ramming prow. Once disabled by our second line of defence, the ramming ship, with only a skeleton crew, will accelerate on a head-on collision course in line with the enemy's trajectory, as calculated based on readings from the second line. I understand if you are perhaps hesitant to waste a warship in such a way; be assured, I will personally reimburse you for the damage.
The crash should be enough to disable the ship; if not, it should be slowed, and the shields should be down. Just before the point of impact, a small strike team will launch a shuttle from the ramming ship, in order to board what remains of the enemy vessel and take control. I humbly suggest that my esteemed associates lead the strike team, as they are eminently capable. I will remain here, to oversee the mission; in my frail old age, I fear such heroics are well past me."

2012-07-02, 08:06 AM
The commander listens patiently.
"Your plan would be sound, except for one thing. We don't have that many ships to throw at it. We have two fighters, one dropship, and your cruiser."

2012-07-02, 08:39 AM
For a moment, Mr Sand is alarmed. He had not thought the defenses would be so thin. Clearly, the situation was even worse than he had expected.

"Then we must find a different way to make this work."

He closed his eyes, his head bent forward over his hands, which he had again steepled in concentration.

"We can use the same principle, only now we must work with greater care and precision. The dropship shall be our ramming vessel; if you can, have it fitted with a ramming prow within the next hour. The two fighters will be loaded with monopole torpedoes, and shall act as our sole static line of defense."

He opened his eyes, and turned his head to face Jane.

"Would you feel confident in bringing the Calamity Trigger deeper past our lines, to flank the warship as it approaches and panic them into accelerating before the fighters launch their monopole torpedoes?"

Then to Sephandra;

"And would you be willing to lead the strike team hidden aboard the dropship? I will send two of my elite guard to accompany you. You already know them well."

Leaning towards the commander, he speaks in a lowered voice;
"The two of us must speak when this situation has been dealt with. What's happening here is too important, and you're too under-equipped. I intend to help remedy that."

2012-07-02, 12:33 PM
Jane analyzed the situation and the kobold's plans. There were some ideas but she could think of problems, depending on the nature of the enemy force.

"I may have some alterations to suggest to the course of action. What size enemy ship are we talking of here ? And how about the nature of the crew ?"

2012-07-02, 12:35 PM
"The ship is only slightly smaller than Draesa itself, a massive warship. We don't know who is manning it."

2012-07-02, 01:51 PM


- Enemy ship superior current abilities to Draesa.
- High probability of optimum crew number.
- Function of ship: combat and raiding, high probability of combat proficient crew and assorted marine contingent

Recommended course of action: retreat.
Course undesirable as lack of necessary supplies for return trip. Low probability current navigator favorable to plan. Incompatible with current personal plans.

- Complete destruction of cruiser unrealistic
- Neutralization of mobility better course of action.
Possible targets: > destruction of command bridge
> Destruction of generator
> Destruction of engines
Possible secondary targets:
> Source of ship's ECM abilities
> Commanding Officer
> Survival systems

"I have another plan to suggest. Destroying the approaching ship isn't necessary. Only their mobility and jamming ability are the priority targets. If both these objectives are accomplished, we will be able to summon reinforcements to finish it before it can move again. The calamity trigger can force its way into the dock if assisted by the fighters and deliver a strike team equipped with explosives to neutralize these two capacities. The generator is the optimal target but the command bridge and engines are possibilities too. Speed is essential as numbers would make a drawn out engagement to our disfavor. Two strike teams would be the optimum. How many combat personnel do we have available ?"

ooc: I wanted to use this post to show how Jane, who is a machine after all, actually thinks. I feel it helps flesh (probably not the best term under the circumstances) her out.

2012-07-02, 02:10 PM
Mr. Sand remained outwardly composed, but his mind was reeling. He had never imagined the enemy ship could possibly be so huge, on top of their own forces being so limited. Thank goodness the robot girl displayed such a keen mind for battle herself. Her plan was daring; the only other approach he could think of was to let the ship pass and follow it to it's destination, but that was even riskier and smacked of cowardice to boot. Mr. Sand was shrewd, but he had never been a coward.

"Your stratagem is an admirable one, young lady. But we will still need to penetrate the ship's shields in order to dock. The fighter and the dropship should be fitted with orgone weapons, if possible. The Calamity Trigger should only be brought into the fight when the shields have taken some damage; the dropship's ramming attack may still need to be used if we are to break through to the docking bay. Our only hope is to break through their shields and board before they can destroy us."

2012-07-04, 02:04 PM
"At this time, we have about 70 active soldiers on board."

2012-07-04, 02:58 PM
"Then we have the beginning of a plan. I shall require at least three five man teams, double if you can spare the men. That way we will be able to split and strike two targets at the same time. The third team would guard the boarding ship. We shall need to make it inside the ship before knowing the location of our objectives. We shall also require explosives in addition to the men. I can have the ship ready again for liftoff in half an hour at most."

2012-07-04, 10:09 PM
The Commander nods.
"My ship, and my men, are in your hands. But, you never did answer me... who are you?"

2012-07-05, 07:40 AM
I really wish I had the answer.

"I am Jane Doe, just a pilot and professional bounty hunter."

2012-07-05, 08:39 AM
"And my name is Sephandra. I suppose you could call me an adventurer of sorts. Pleased to make your acquaintance, commander."

2012-07-07, 06:16 AM
"Oh yes forgot to add, lady Sephandra and mister Sand along with his followers are my passengers. We have a small arrangement."

2012-07-09, 11:17 AM
Mr. Sand smiles up at the commander wearily.

"I'm just an old retired businessman, commander. But I'll help you in any way I can, and offer the services of my retinue."

2012-07-10, 10:08 AM
This done, Jane left the command room to prepare her ship once more for take off.

2012-07-12, 08:48 AM
"Deez, Kreez, accompany Ms Doe. Obey any orders she gives you."

He smiled at Jane as she left.

"Good luck, Jane dear!"

He turned to Sephandra;

"And which of your many remarkable talents might you intend to make use of in this adventure?"

2012-07-13, 10:36 PM
I'll go and assist Jane and your boys once she's readied the ship for take-off. What about you, old man? she adds with a wry, playful smile which belies their excellent rapport. "You intend to hide away here and miss all the fun?"

2012-07-14, 05:11 AM
"That is precisely my intention. At my age, fun becomes rather hazardous."

He turned his head towards the commander.

"May I have access to one of your communications consoles? There is some business to which I wish to attend."

2012-07-14, 08:06 AM
"That is precisely my intention. At my age, fun becomes rather hazardous."

He turned his head towards the commander.

"May I have access to one of your communications consoles? There is some business to which I wish to attend."

The commander shrugs.
"Like I said, our communications on Draesa are being blocked, but your ship should still be able to broadcast a signal."

2012-07-14, 08:36 AM
The little old Kobold harumphed, and struck the arm of his wheelchair feebly with his fist.

"Drat. Of course. Then it seems I must put myself at risk of fun after all. Zarak, Tool; back to the Calamity Trigger! I have to make a call."

Using the Calamity Trigger's communications, Mr. Sand puts out a call to aany mercenary forces within 2 hours of our co-ordinates to join the battle against the approaching warship. Rolling Wealth;


2012-07-14, 10:12 AM
I roll for wealth strain if the TN is over 25 and I succeed.


I add 2 to the result if the test TN is 35, giving me a 10, which causes me to permanently lose 1 point of wealth. Since I like being super-rich, I spend a hero point to add a raise to the result of the wealth test, reducing the wealth strain penalty so that instead I treat my next acquisition test as though my wealth is 2 lower.

2012-07-14, 10:56 AM
Refulling was now complete. Jane was making a checklist in her cockpit, making sure the ship would be ready for take off. She could hear Mister Sand trying to scramble some mercenary reinforcements although she had doubts there were any close enough to arrive here on time.

She took extra care in her shileds and armaments checks as those would be highly required for the upcomming operation. The Calamity Trigger was equiped to provide some light ground support for HLZs and to handle dogfights. Anything beyond that she would have to rely on the fighters coming with them. She certainly had no weapon able to pose any real threat to a capital ship, hence why a hit and run boarding attack was the only realistic solution.

2012-07-14, 06:31 PM
I roll for wealth strain if the TN is over 25 and I succeed.


I add 2 to the result if the test TN is 35, giving me a 10, which causes me to permanently lose 1 point of wealth. Since I like being super-rich, I spend a hero point to add a raise to the result of the wealth test, reducing the wealth strain penalty so that instead I treat my next acquisition test as though my wealth is 2 lower.

You get a response. One, a lone ship, likely manned by less than a dozen men.
Nevertheless, a quick response from a man's voice says: "We're on our way, Draesa. We'll meet you on the attack run."

2012-07-15, 04:33 AM
"We'll see you there. And you'd best be worth what you're charging, sonny."

The transaction done with, Mr. Sand retired to his cabin for an hour's meditation to resolve the paradox created by his subtle use of mystic energies. Whilst meditating, he had his guards go through warm-up drills in preparation for combat. Weapons were cleaned and checked, and Tool was given some fresh oil.

2012-07-16, 12:42 AM
The commander comes over the radio inside the hangar.
"The other fighters are ready to go. Godspeed, Calamity Trigger."

2012-07-16, 01:24 PM
Closing Ramp.

"All passengers are advised to sit and put on your seatbelts. There may be turbulances."

Jane proceeded through the checklist. She wanted to be sure the ship was ready for war.

Generator... Check.
LADAR... Check.
Shields... Check.
Lascannons... Check.
Missiles... Check.

Beginning take-off proceedure.
The engines of the Calamity turned to life as the ship was slowly exiting the Draesa. Once out it space, it gained speed and advanced to the plan rendez vous point with the mercenaries.

2012-07-16, 04:20 PM
As you arrive at the meeting point, a small cruiser coasts in as well. It identifies itself as the Harrowing Dawn, a mercenary vessel out of Sigil.
With the forces from Draesa in tow, you are ready to begin your attack run.

2012-07-17, 01:57 PM
Jane inititated contact with the mercenary ship and spoke:

"Our objective is as follows. We will create a breach in one of the upcoming's ship's docking bays. From there, we will conduct a riad on the ship's reactors, engines or command bridge depending on configuration and opportunity. As we do not know the pattern of the upcoming ship so we'll have to improvise once we get near it."

2012-07-17, 09:07 PM
"I copy you, Calamity Trigger. Let's take 'em out."

You soon come upon the attacking ship. It's huge, greatly larger than the space heap of Draesa that you just left. As you approach, no fighters scramble and no laz-cannons fire. In fact, the battleship doesn't even respond to your presence. It continues chugging on towards Draesa, it's hangar bays wide open.

2012-07-18, 01:01 PM
This was not what she expected. No countermeasures, no attacks, nothing. Was anyoby home ? She had to check.

"All units, do not initiate hostilities for the moment. I'm going for a closer look."

The Calamity Trigger flew closer to the mysterious ship, a couple of searchlights coming on and examining it. She searched for any window to look through for signs of life or activity.

2012-07-18, 02:57 PM
Inside, the ship is dark. The hangars are brightly lit, but empty, with no crew or ships filling them.

2012-07-18, 03:46 PM
That was more and more suspicious... could it be ?

"Calamity Trigger to Draesa. We need to revaluate our mission parametres. The ship appears deserted from the outside. We may have a... a space hulk."

2012-07-18, 06:01 PM
That was more and more suspicious... could it be ?

"Calamity Trigger to Draesa. We need to revaluate our mission parametres. The ship appears deserted from the outside. We may have a... a space hulk."

"That's a negative, Calamity Trigger. Abandoned or not, that thing is headed straight for us. Without disabling it's engines, it will drive straight through us. We don't have the capability to get out of the way."

2012-07-19, 06:28 AM
"Then we proceed with the plan; disabling the engines is our first priority. Perhaps we should split up; one team to the engines, another to the bridge to work out what's happened here."

2012-07-19, 12:52 PM
"Indeed... preparing for landing. Message to fighters, please remain out of theoritical range of ship weapons shoudl it suddenly go active."

The Calamity Trigger enterred the hanger. Jane couldn't quite figure why but she couldn't help but feel like she was stepping in the jaw of a large predator.

Once landed, she deployed the blast doors over the cockpit's windows and went to rendez vous with the team next to the ramp.

"I suggest we leave a fireteam to guard the ship. In the meanwhile, we'll have to teams explore the ship. One will attempt to head to the control bridge and see if the ship's course can be altered or stopped. The other will search for the engines and prepare them for demolition. I highly recommend we be on guard at all time. We do not know what could be hiding inside that ship."

2012-07-19, 04:48 PM
Tool hissed into motion in a sorrowfully ugly clanking symphony, pushing the wheelchair with it's withered reptile passenger towards the ship's exit. Mr. Sand's feeble arm rose, the palm of his hand flat in a halting gesture. Tool stopped immediately.

"The young lady is absolutely right. Kreez, go take a gander at what use you can make of our new mercenary friends. Pick out a couple of them to help you guard the ships. Keep an eye on Matheus, if you can. You never know, he may turn out to have some use. And call in with Deez immediately if trouble finds you. Deez, you're coming with me. We'll make our way towards the bridge. Zarak, you look after our dear Ms. Jane... Speaking of whom, let us join her in welcoming the new help."

2012-07-19, 09:19 PM
As you exit the ship, the mercenary vessel, covered in grime and sears, skids to a stop nearby. The hatch opens and three humans exit. Two are wearing full-body combat gear, while the third wears a bulletproof vest and torn jeans. The third walks over to your group.
"Name's Smith. Those two are Oswald and Jenkins. We're at your service, so long as the credits flow. What kind of opposition are we expecting, captain? Doesn't look like much has been in this place for a long while, some of the lights up top are burnt out,"
Smith points up with an assault rifle, gesturing to the handful of darkened lights.

2012-07-20, 01:47 PM
"Nature and level of threats are unknown. For all practical purposes, we appear to be in a space hulk. I will lead the team to the bridge. I can from there interface with the systems and see what can be done.Miss Sephandra, would you mind leading the team going for the engines ? We should ensure to try and remain in contact through the whole operation when possible."

2012-07-20, 02:29 PM
It would be my pleasure, Jane. Who will be joining my party? Will a technical specialist be required in order to take out the engines or will good old-fashioned force suffice?

2012-07-20, 04:31 PM
"I was going to recomend using remote explosives on strategic places to go for maximum damage."

2012-07-20, 08:54 PM
Smith jumps in.
"Oswald served seven years in the Alliance Forces Assault Teams, he's about as good as we got for demo. Jenkins is our pilot and tech guy, he might be able to help out on the bridge."

2012-07-21, 04:32 AM
"That would work. In this case, we can begin our exploration. Good luck."

Planning now over, Jane unholstered her bolt pitols.
"Initiating hunt protocol."

She then begins walking towards the bays exit, her eyes scanning every possible ambush point along the way. She does not limit her searching to her lvel and often checks the floor and ceiling for any anomaly.

2012-07-22, 04:40 AM
Mr. Sand and his retinue begin following Jane. Mr Sand looks back at Kreez guarding the ship, then at Deez and Zarak walking in front of and to either side of him, weapons at the ready and eyes constantly roving over every detail of their surroundings. Then he looks at Jane's formidable-looking pistols, and glances back at Sephandra, barely armoured, barely armed, and left by herself to lead a ragtag party of dubious mercenaries he had enlisted at the last minute. Her company had been pleasant on the long journey here, and she was brave, intelligent and full of spunk. She had recognised him, as he had her after a quick scan of her thoughts, but had kept quiet about his true identity. And if not for him agreeing to bring her along, she would not be in this perilous situation.

"On second thought, Zarak, I think Jane and I are quite adequately protected. You aid the lovely Sephandra in her demolition mission."

2012-07-22, 09:27 AM
Oswald and Smith return to their ship for a moment, then return with a sealed crate. They go with the demo team.
Jenkins sighs, and goes with the team towards the bridge.
"Based on the class of the vessel, we should be fairly close to a lift that can take us right to the bridge. The red one, down there."
Jenkins points down the hallway to a trio of elevators, two black and one red.

Mean while, on the way to the Engine Room...
Oswald and Smith spend the walk through the darkened hallways silent, their rifles at the ready with one hand while carrying the crate with the other.
"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Smith mutters

2012-07-22, 09:51 AM
"On second thought, Zarak, I think Jane and I are quite adequately protected. You aid the lovely Sephandra in her demolition mission."

"Thank you, kind sir. Zarak's battle prowess will be most welcome should we encounter any trouble." Sephandra replies, smiling earnestly at Mr Sand then at Zarak in turn. "Okay, let's do this. After you, gentlemen..."

Oswald and Smith nod and begin walking, crate in tow. Zarak darts forward to join them and Sephandra follows at the rear, looking alert yet completely calm and collected. Without the need for any communication the group form a natural diamond formation around the crate and proceed with caution towards the engine room, ever wary, ever watchful.

2012-07-22, 12:28 PM
Jane acknowledged Jenkin's expertise and made her way, still cautiously, to the red lift. Once there, she waits for the rest of her group and locates the controls to bring it up to their destination.

2012-07-23, 10:54 AM
Mr. Sand was wheeled into the elevator, followed by Deez, who backed in with lasgun poised. He closed his eyes, trusting that his men would stay alert for him. He looked like a tired old man beginning to doze. Time to find out if these mercenaries were trustworthy. As the lift doors closed, his mind focused.

He uses Detect Thoughts on Jenkins, casting unfettered and spending 1 mote to make the casting undetectable, to check for treacherous intent. My roll is Intelligence + Divination (5k4).


2012-07-23, 01:29 PM
The specific question I want the answer to (since I rolled 25), is "do the mercenaries plan treachery?"

2012-07-23, 05:33 PM
The specific question I want the answer to (since I rolled 25), is "do the mercenaries plan treachery?"

One thing is for sure, and that is that Jenkins surely isn't, and doesn't know of any. As for Smith and Oswald, that remains to be seen.

2012-07-24, 05:15 AM
As the elevator rises, Mr. Sand sits, eyes closed, motionless, and hums a simple, light-hearted tune. As if bored, he sighs, scratches his knee, then scratches his ankle with the tip of his cane. Then, as though the thought had just occurred to him, he asks;

"So, Jenkins dear boy. How long have you been with that motley rag-tag band of scallywags, ey?"

2012-07-24, 10:04 AM
As the elevator rises, Mr. Sand sits, eyes closed, motionless, and hums a simple, light-hearted tune. As if bored, he sighs, scratches his knee, then scratches his ankle with the tip of his cane. Then, as though the thought had just occurred to him, he asks;

"So, Jenkins dear boy. How long have you been with that motley rag-tag band of scallywags, ey?"

Jenkins looks over at Sand.
"About three years. Me and my brother signed up with Smith after he and a few others saved the merchant vessel we were serving on."

2012-07-24, 07:20 PM
"Well doesn't he sound a spiffing chap. I'm sure a man of souch courage and nobility of spirit will prove my money well spent. Wouldn't you say, Deez?"

From beneath his helmet visor, the diminutive soldier barked a brief "Sir."

Sand nodded. The small mercenary crew had a few years together. If they were crooks, they'd all be crooks. Chances were he might actually be dealing with honest men here.

A merchant vessel. So you're not exactly a combat veteran.

2012-07-24, 11:50 PM
"Well doesn't he sound a spiffing chap. I'm sure a man of souch courage and nobility of spirit will prove my money well spent. Wouldn't you say, Deez?"

From beneath his helmet visor, the diminutive soldier barked a brief "Sir."

Sand nodded. The small mercenary crew had a few years together. If they were crooks, they'd all be crooks. Chances were he might actually be dealing with honest men here.

A merchant vessel. So you're not exactly a combat veteran.

Jenkins shakes his head as the lift ascends.
"Negative. Before our service as merchant guards, we both were in active duty of the Alliance Military."
As Jenkins finishes, the lift arrives at the bridge.
The bridge is empty, as pristine as the rest of the battleship. As you walk in, lights turn on and terminals boot up.

2012-07-25, 01:11 PM
Well that was most ominous. The place was intact and functioning. no traces of battle, no destruction, no falling appart. What happened to the crew ?

She slowly moved forward, scanning the bridge for any ambush. Once satisfied, she looks for the command console and switches it on.

2012-07-25, 07:38 PM
The command console turns on.
The screen starts flashing words.

Logging In...

Welcome to the Alliance Ultimatum, Alliance Battle-Cruiser!
How may we assist you, captain?

A blinking cursor hovers below the prompt.

2012-07-26, 01:52 PM
"Alliance cruiser... this is unexpected. Is anyone here familiar with the name ?"

She typed in the system for some sort of log to consult. Perhaps that could shed some light on the situation.

2012-07-26, 06:58 PM
Jenkins shrugs.
"No vessel I ever heard of."

The computer brings up another set of text:

Showing "Logs"
-Captain's Log
-Engineering Log
-Ship Log

2012-07-27, 05:44 AM
Jane opened up the captain's log first. Time to hear what he had to say.

2012-07-27, 06:25 AM
"Alliance Ultimatum... hmmm..."

Mr. Sand muttered under his breath, eyes focused intently on the screen of the command console.

I roll Common Lore to see if I recognise the name. 7k4.


"...nope. Doesn't ring any bells. My bells must be getting rusty."

2012-07-27, 08:47 AM
"Alliance Ultimatum... hmmm..."

Mr. Sand muttered under his breath, eyes focused intently on the screen of the command console.

I roll Common Lore to see if I recognise the name. 7k4.


The name is unfamiliar to you.

Jane opened up the captain's log first. Time to hear what he had to say.

A man's voice comes through the console's speakers:
"Captain's log, Draesa. The Ultimatum is passing Draesa on it's classified mission for the Alliance Military. We were sent to investigate the threat of another demon attack from the Abyss.
To any who have found these logs, abandon and destroy the Ultimatum as soon as possible. I don't know what we're going up against, but it sure not to be good. Signing off, Captain Daniel C. Smith."
The audio log pauses.

2012-07-27, 12:42 PM
Well, at least this space hulk was being honest about being a harbinger of doom. Others were ambiguous but this one was upront about it.

"Nice of him to warn us.... Better make it fast."

She cliked for the next part of the log.

2012-07-27, 08:29 PM
"The Ultimatum is now within the Abyss, coming near the shattered planet of Praetoria. Our mission to recover the package has been uninterrupted so far, but I expect that as soon as we leave Praetoria, we will attract more attention. Our sister ship, The Alliance Fartreader, has lost communication with us. We can still see it off the starboard side, but we have received no communications. In addition, we're now out of reach of Draesa's communications. Food sup-"
In the background of the audio recording, there is a crash, an explosion, and yells of panic. The audiolog pauses again.

2012-07-28, 04:26 AM
"A package... I dread to thing what was important enough for them to send not one ship but two to the abyss."

But the log mentioned how they were out of reach of Draesa's communications. Did that mean the captain back there knew more that he was letting on. Some investigation would need to be done once this mission was over. Too many loose ends.

She pressed to see if anything followed. If not, the ship log would follow.

2012-07-28, 06:56 PM
The man's voice comes through the speakers again.
"Something has found it's way onto the ship. As I speak, the remainder of my crew is boarding all away ships and heading back to Draesa. It was pointless to tell them that none of the fighters carries enough fuel to get back that far. Once they leave, I plan on crashing the Ultimatum on Praetoria, where hopefully it will be destroyed, leaving no traces.
On the topic of our attacker, I have no information. It is utterly ruthless, but possesses a degree of stealth that we have never encountered from demons.
If you are listening to these logs, than I am most likely dead. If you are listening to them on the Ultimatum, then you'll most likely be joining me soon. Run, and destroy the ship at all costs."
The log ends, and as it does, a beep comes from a console. Jenkins rushes over, then looks to Jane and Sand, confused.
"Hate to interrupt, but we're being hailed.

--Meanwhile, in Engineering--

The second team arrives near the engines without incident.
"Alright, let's get these bombs strapped!" Oswald calls out as he pops open the case.
"What the?!"
Inside the case, there are no explosives. Instead, there is a simple hologram projector and a blue button labelled: "Accept Call".

2012-07-29, 02:50 AM
"That's not good..."

A stealth ennemy on board this ship. Could be anywhere. She pulled out her pistols and scanned the bridge once again.

"Warn the others right now. We may have a stealthy and very dangerous foe on board. Have the boarding crafts on lockdown too ! If I were this thing, I'd try and sneak onboard our craft."

Once being told they were being hailed, she also walks ti the console and switches the comm on:

"Hum.... hello ?"

2012-07-29, 10:09 AM
Mr. Sand spoke to his bodyguard Deez.

"Call in with Zarak and Kreez. Tell them there is something on board with powerful stealth capabilities, and I want an update on our situation on all fronts. Warn Kreez to be extra vigilant in guarding the ship; in fact, have him and Matheus check all the ship's systems for sabotage."

He then turned his head towards Jane;

"We should return to the Calamity Trigger at once, Ms. Doe. I fear there is nothing more we can do here but put ourselves at risk."

2012-07-29, 10:30 AM
"We still need to stop this ship I'm afraid Mr Sand. We either need to stop the engines from here or let Ms Sephandra's team put the bombs on the engines."

2012-07-29, 08:34 PM
A new voice comes over the speakers, blaring in your ears.
"Hello there, Calamity Trigger. Let's see, who do we have on the bridge. What an odd group. Raegur Meep, fast-food mogul. Such a shame, your estrangement from the Magician's Guild. But you followed it up with such success! I must say, I wish I could say that I didn't expect YOU of all people to end up here, but I honestly did.
And "Jane Doe". What a sham. What has it been, six years? No, five? Yes, that's about right.
Mercenaries? Ah, Oswald and Jenkins Thaddeus, the hitmen with hearts of gold! And... ooh, a hidden identity. Oh, I don't think I'll tell you his name. Mr. Smith is a good enough pseudonym for now.
And a certain sorceress. What a shame about Lord Orron, really, I hear they were very close."
The voice pauses.
"I'm rambling on, aren't I? So, you've found the Ultimatum. How are you going to stop it? Oh, and you're one man short now. Jenkins should have listened more carefully to the captain's log."
The voice chuckles.

2012-07-30, 03:55 AM
And now they had a problem. Their enemy had declared themselves and seemed remarkably well informed about her and her companions. A part of her mind did notice that its information about her didn't know any more about her past than she did. This suggested either a mind reader or someone who's information gathering had been relatively recent. Either way, not as omnipotent as it would have them believe.

Changing mission parameters:
- Objective 1: Survive
- Objective 2: Neutralise Ultimatum's Mobility
- Objective 3: Evacuate

Secondary objectives:
- Attempt to identify entity
- Attempt to gather information it might have.

Her analysis was cut short when it made its final declaration. No sooner had it said the name of Jenkins that she turned his way, weapons pointed at him.

2012-07-30, 01:14 PM
Thinking back to the words of the Captain's log, wondering what relevance it might have to Jenkins, one name lit up in Mr. Sand's mind; Smith.

"Jenkins means us no harm, Jane; this I will attest to. But I think he himself may have been deceived."

He then turned his head to Deez.

"Call Zarak. Tell him to shoot Smith immediately."

2012-07-30, 02:01 PM
Jenkins, who was standing near the command console, has disappeared.
Deez pipes up.
"Communications are being jammed, sir. We can't contact the rest of our team from here."

2012-07-30, 03:48 PM
Calculating current situation.

Unknown entity threat level.... A+, possibly S level foe. Direct confrontation undesirable.

She needed more information to proceed.

She went once again in the captain's command console and looked at what she could control from here. Maybe she could still stop the ship, if only to gain time.

2012-07-31, 07:13 PM
The command console's command screen pops open, promising all sorts of system control at your fingertips.
Instead, all that the ship yields to you is a pixelated smiley face, and a single word, "SABBAT".

"Nice try, Jane, darling. But it appears the Ultimatum requires more direct methods.

2012-08-01, 04:12 AM
"A virus... how expected."

Not the least bit concerned about this development she decided to take a more direct route, albeit not the one people were expecting. Her right arm opens up and several prehensile cables plug themselves in different ports.

To those observing it becomes clearer just how mechanical Jane is. Under the supposed skin of her arm can be seen bones made of a shining golden metal. Around those, servos and artificial muscles enable the movements of said arm. Many of you now believe that Jane may simply be a complete machine rather than simply a cyberneticaly augmented person.

Initiating connexion to terminal.
Internal firewalls active.
Enabling Icebreaker protocol.

ooc: using Jane's MIU to try and hack the command console. assuming the roll is int + tech I roll 7k3 dice (3 for int, 3 for tech use and 1 for the MIU).
roll: Roll(7d10)+0:2,9,6,7,6,1,3,+0 keeping the 9 6 and 7 for a 22.

2012-08-01, 01:39 PM
With a click, the access menu opens up.

-Fire Control
-Life Support
-Self Destruct Sequence

2012-08-01, 02:17 PM
Accessing Engineering Subsytems.
Activating breaker runtime systems.
Reinforcing Firewalls 5, 13 and 57.
Warning: Countermeasures detected in ports 82 and 97. Initiating worms.
Launching Probes in ports 25, 42, 78 and 108.
Accessing mainframe
Key Required
Initiating keygen
Key algorithms being analysed
Key Generated
Key successful
Systems Now accessible

Well things had just gotten a lot simpler. The being in presumed control of the ship definitely wasn't as almighty as it wanted them to believe. Probably a stealth and electronics expert. Threat level revaluated to B, possibly C.

She went into the engineering control section. she need to warn the rest of the party before initiating the self destruct system. She tried to take control of the security cameras and intercomms. Those wouldn't be jammed.

2012-08-01, 02:35 PM
In Engineering, Jane can see the events unfolding: Oswald and Smith standing on either side of an open case that lacks explosives, and is rather equipped with an inactive hologram projector.

2012-08-01, 03:32 PM
No explosives in the box... what were Smith and Osswald playing at ? Of no relevance right now. She switched on the intercomm and spoke through it:

"To the boarding party in the Engineering, the is Jane. I have temporary control of the vessel and will initiate self destruct sequence. Please evacuate to the boarding vessels right now. Be warned that hostile presence has been confirmed in ship. It utilises stealth and is apparently able to strike with near impunity, proceed with extreme caution."

An idea formed in her mind as she spoke. She seized control of the fire control system and activated the sprinklers. That should make tracking their foe easier.

2012-08-02, 12:07 AM
As Jane's message finished ringing through the intercom, and water began to soak the Engine room, Sephandra, for the first time in a long time, began to look concerned. This hostile presence sounded extremely dangerous and could be anywhere on the ship. For all she knew it could even be a member of her party; after all, she had only just met Oswald and Smith and knew very little about them.

To avoid getting completely drenched she opened up her parasol which, as well as acting as a focus for her magic and looking rather elegant, conveniently doubled up as an umbrella in situations such as this.

"Well, men, I don't know what happened to the explosives, but fortunately it seems Jane has found another means of halting the ship. Let's get to the boarding vessels as quickly as possible. This hostile presence, whatever it is, doesn't sound like someone we want to meet.

Then, in her softest, meekest voice she added,"...You won't let it hurt me, will you?" A lifetime of manipulation had taught her that this, along with a flutter of the eyelashes or a flash of cleavage, was enough to charm any man and bend him to her whims.

Roll charm attempt on Oswald and Smith, attempting to motivate them to protect her to the best of their ability and/or not harm her (Speciality: Seductive). Roll 9k4: 9 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 9 - 5 - 9. Keep 9, 9, 5, 9. Total 32.
Let's adopt a diamond formation with me at the rear, and for goodness' sake, stay alert."

2012-08-02, 12:10 PM
Satisfied with the warning of the boarding party, she now prepared to initiate the self destruct process. She made sure to calculate the optimum timing for the countdown. She needed enough time for everyone to leave the ship, allowing for unforeseen complications but needed to make sure that the ship was destroyed before it reached dangerous proximity to the Draesa. Not only the ship but any potential debris for it's explosion had to be accounted for too.

2012-08-02, 11:43 PM
As Jane's message finished ringing through the intercom, and water began to soak the Engine room, Sephandra, for the first time in a long time, began to look concerned. This hostile presence sounded extremely dangerous and could be anywhere on the ship. For all she knew it could even be a member of her party; after all, she had only just met Oswald and Smith and knew very little about them.

To avoid getting completely drenched she opened up her parasol which, as well as acting as a focus for her magic and looking rather elegant, conveniently doubled up as an umbrella in situations such as this.

"Well, men, I don't know what happened to the explosives, but fortunately it seems Jane has found another means of halting the ship. Let's get to the boarding vessels as quickly as possible. This hostile presence, whatever it is, doesn't sound like someone we want to meet.

Then, in her softest, meekest voice she added,"...You won't let it hurt me, will you?" A lifetime of manipulation had taught her that this, along with a flutter of the eyelashes or a flash of cleavage, was enough to charm any man and bend him to her whims.

Roll charm attempt on Oswald and Smith, attempting to motivate them to protect her to the best of their ability and/or not harm her (Speciality: Seductive). Roll 9k4: 9 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 9 - 5 - 9. Keep 9, 9, 5, 9. Total 32.
Let's adopt a diamond formation with me at the rear, and for goodness' sake, stay alert."

Smith puffs up and holds his rifle protectively.
"Let's go, nothing's going to get by us! Right Os?"

Oswald doesn't seem as enthusiastic, but nods and starts to lead the group back to the boarding ships at a rapid pace.

Meanwhile, Jane has discovered that she has just enough time to get off the Ultimatum at a run if she turns on the self-destruct now, and it should deflect most of the debris around Draesa to boot.

2012-08-03, 05:10 AM
Before imputing the command, she gave a warning to her present allies:

"I hope you're all ready to run, sadly the fuse on this option isn't really long... I'd advise someone to carry mister Sand, my apologies we really need to run."

Once everybody was ready for the imminent mad rush, she engaged the self destruct sequence.

"Everyone, run !"

2012-08-03, 01:05 PM
Mr Sand had far too much dignity to be carried; instead, he gripped tightly to the arms of his wheelchair and commanded both Deez and Tool to do his running for him. On reflection, he should have stayed on the Calamity Trigger in the first place. Damn his own curiosity.

2012-08-03, 09:23 PM
Both parties, sans Jenkins, run into the hangar bay.
"Jenkins? Where is he?" Oswald shouts over the sirens as the crews rush towards the ships.
Smith scowls as wipes some water out of his eyes, and then pulls up short.
"There!" he shouts
Standing between the two ships, his arms folded, is whom you assume to be Jenkins, still covered in body armor.
"Leaving so SOON?" a voice booms from Jenkins' helmet. It seems oddly mixed, half the voice of Jenkins and half the voice of the being over the intercom.

2012-08-04, 05:28 AM
"Deez! Zarak! Get in front of me!"

The two elite Kobold warriors rush to protect their master, placing themselves between him and the ominous figure, weapons primed and ready.

Detect Thoughts, to find out if Jenkins is still in there, casting unfettered. 5k4.


I choose not to keep the exploding die, since a glimpse of surface thoughts is all I need. So, 17.

2012-08-04, 06:07 AM
Priority target detected.

- Appears to be possessing Jenkin's body. Possible body stealing ability or mind control.
- Neutralizing Jenkins of little use. Entity likely to posses other individual.

- Keep entity occupied while ships power up. Entity will perish when ships self destructs. Unlikely to have large range in ability.

"Get the ships started. We don't have much time."

She doesn't signal any more of her plan, not wanting to alert the entity to her projects. She points her weapons at Jenkins, taking aim at him.

Initiating Virtual Assisted Targeting System.

Taking an aim action while waiting to see what "Jenkins" will do next.

2012-08-04, 08:14 AM
As a general statement, Jenkins is now dead. You read no thoughts from him, and without the entity possessing him he would most likely be of slightly less use than a pile of dirt.

"Jenkins" reaches towards the ceiling.
"This place is going to blow, gentlemen. I'd better hurry up." he turns on his heel, and starts walking up the boarding ramp of the ship the mercenaries arrived on.

2012-08-04, 09:06 AM
That thing couldn't be let to escape this place:

"Initiating Termination Protocol."

With those words, both bolt pistols fired at the same time, aimed squarely at "Jenkin"'s back.

Attack roll 1: 4 (ballistics) + 1 (pistols) + 1 (prof bolt) + 1 (aim) - 2 (multiple attacks + ambidextrous): Roll(5d10)+0: 5,6,9,6,2,+0 Total:28
Attack roll 2: 4 (ballistics) + 1 (pistols) + 1 (prof bolt) + 1 (aim) - 2 (multiple attacks + ambidextrous): Roll(5d10)+0: 8,3,1,9,6,+0 Total:27

2012-08-04, 10:06 AM
At the same time, having reached the same conclusion as Jane, Sephandra forcefully yells the word "FREEZE!" at the entity.

Sephandra casts Command spell unfettered. Roll 6k5: 8 - 3 - 8 - 2 - 3 - 8. Total 30.

2012-08-05, 09:07 PM
Jenkins turns at the words, and is then momentarily frozen in place, then both rounds thump into his chest, knocking him over and onto his back.
Then he sits up.
"I think we can agree that we both want the same thing here, ladies. That is, to escape the ship that will be self-destructing in mere moments. If you wish to fight me and die, I will be more than happy to oblige you, however if we dilly-dally with squabbles like this it doesn't matter who's stronger, a self-destruct sequence tends to be an equalizer."

2012-08-06, 11:52 AM
"You've stolen the body of one of my employees, creature. And you have caused me great inconvenience."

Mr. Sand sat hunched forward in his wheelchair, his eyes narrowed in anger. Zarak and Deez open fire.

Both firing Full Auto Burst; 8k4 to hit, using lasguns (60m range, S/3, 3k2 E damage, Pen 0)

I'm using my own dice, if you don't mind, since the forum dice roller isn't really ideal for this game.

Zarak: 42
Deez: 46

2012-08-06, 08:58 PM
"You've stolen the body of one of my employees, creature. And you have caused me great inconvenience."

Mr. Sand sat hunched forward in his wheelchair, his eyes narrowed in anger. Zarak and Deez open fire.

Both firing Full Auto Burst; 8k4 to hit, using lasguns (60m range, S/3, 3k2 E damage, Pen 0)

I'm using my own dice, if you don't mind, since the forum dice roller isn't really ideal for this game.

Zarak: 42
Deez: 46

I'd appreciate it if you'd use the forum roller anyways, even if it takes multiple posts.

"Jenkins" is once again knocked flat, the bullets riddling his body. Once again, "Jenkins" sits back up.
"Do you really wish to die this way, fools? Flying through space, incinerated? Is one life lost really worth all of your own deaths?

2012-08-07, 06:56 AM
Analysis: destruction of entity before self destruct unikely.

Tactical options:
retreat and let entity leave
retreat and destroy transport ship with Calamity Trigger

After calculating options in her head, she spoke with her mecanical voice, walking towards the Calamity Trigger's ramp, weapons still pointed at "Jenkins":
"Probability of destroying entity before self destruct over low. Retreat is advised. Calamity Trigger lift off imminent. Please board now."

She doesn't stay to wait for others opinion on the matter, considering the calculation obvious. Once inside the ship, she runs to the cockpit and plugs herself in, preparing for a hot lift off. At the same time, weapon systems power up. She doubted the entity was an accomplished pilot, or at least enough to dodge homing missiles.

2012-08-12, 05:49 AM
Mr. Sand's mouth twitched as he fought to maintain his composure. The entity seemed to think fear of death would shake him, and cause him to forget the creature's transgressions. But Mr. Sand had never been one to forget or forgive easily.

He would not allow the creature to make it onto the mercenary ship.

"Fall back to the Calamity Trigger, men. But keep a bead on 'Jenkins'. Punish every move that thing makes."

I spend a mote to use my Night Caste ability when casting Detect Thoughts; I wish to find out what the entity's greatest fear looks like. I push the spell, adding +3 to my magic school rating, for a roll of 8k4.

Results: 2,3,5,5,7,8,9,18.

I choose to keep the 4 highest, for a total of 42. Because I kept a 9, I must immediately unravel 1 point of paradox.

I roll for Psychic Phenomena to unravel the paradox (rolling twice, since I'm an Atlantean); 99 and 5. I choose to keep the effect of 5 (warp echoes: for a few seconds, all noise causes echoes, regardless of the surroundings).

I also roll Psychic Phenomena, with a +15 modifier, for pushing the spell; 47 and 87. I keep the 47 (Bloody Tears; blood weeps from stone and wood within 24 metres of Mr. Sand).

2012-08-13, 09:26 PM
You get a single image, a sphere or darkness. You sense a dark power within the sphere, hidden from your view. The mere knowledge of it fills you with a growing sense of dread.

'Jenkins' grabs his head and screams.
The entity jumps to it's feet.
"Alright, old man. I'm done toying with you fools. Time to blow this popsicle stand.
He runs for the door of the ship.

2012-08-14, 10:31 AM
As his men escort him to the Calamity Trigger, Mr. Sand looks back at "Jenkins". The creature was almost at the ship. Time to put his new knowledge to use.

Mr. Sand casts Image, creating an illusion of the terrible sphere of darkness he glimpsed in the entity's mind between the creature and the ship it is fleeing towards. Once again, he uses his Night Caste ability to make the casting undetectable, and pushes the spell to the full extent of his ability.

Focus Power Test: 8k4: 9,9,9,13: total 40.

Psychic Phenomena for pushing the spell: 22, Spoilage - food & drink within 26 metres go bad.

Psychic Phenomena for the 9s rolled on the Focus Power test forcing Sand to immediately unravel a paradox: 23, Spoilage again, only now within 50 metres.

2012-08-14, 01:11 PM
Ok, things were getting real weird here. All sounds were distorted. She made a diag check to her sound systems but could find no internal anomaly. The phenomena appeared external. Possibly something the entity was responsible for.

As the last passengers embarked, the reactors of the ship came on and it began hovering, preparing to leave the hangar.

Initiating Space Combat Mode

ooc: By the way, thanks for spoiling all the food reserves in the Calamity Trigger. Jane is not going to pay for that.

2012-08-14, 03:04 PM
oocSorry, it was either that or short out all nearby electronics, which I think would have been far more disastrous. At least this gives me an excuse to use my penalized wealth test to just buy a meal :)

Hopefully a celebratory victory meal.

2012-08-22, 07:51 PM
"Jenkins" dives into the sphere, and you can't tell if he emerges on the other side.

the Computer says, echoing throughout the hangar.
The two remaining mercenaries run for the Calamity Trigger,
"I'm not going with that thing," Smith says, "We're coming with you!"

2012-08-23, 05:42 AM
The second the two remaining mercs boarded the Calamity Trigger, its engined roared as she blasted them to full power. The ship zipped out of the hangar and flew away from the hulk as fast as possible.

"All passengers are highly advised to put on seatbelts as we expect heavy turbulances soon."

Jane also powered up the shields, expecting the shockwave to come.