View Full Version : Becoming an Earth Elemental Creature

2012-06-24, 06:31 PM
I would like help in making an earth-based character who I would like to have either elemental archon or elemental savant PrC since I want her to become an earth element creature. Which of those two PrC would be the better? I was think she might have the Mineral Warrior Template starting our or be an Earth genasi. Her attributes are Str 15; Dex 13; Con 15; Int 18; Wis 18; Cha 16. How should I do her class(s), feats and other things?

2012-06-24, 06:42 PM
Where is Elemental Archon from?

2012-06-24, 06:58 PM
It is a 10 levels PrC from Faiths and Pantheons.

Elemental savant is 5 levels long, isn't it? Both are not mutually exclusive.

Edit : Ok, I just looked at the Complete Arcana... Both are 10 levels long. I would suggest the second, because you can still be resurrected normally wathever the level. The elemental archon can't when he reach level 10. Also, you are immune to your energy when the elemental archon just has a resistance of 30, and the caster level bonus is higher when you reach level 3.

Sure, the other has a a higher BAB and fortitude save, but you can always take a level in fighter if you need it, and your caster level will remain equal if not higher.

2012-06-24, 07:14 PM
The elemental archon gets to have up to three Mephits that can be of the Earth and/or Salt type. The elemental archon gets D8 while the elemental savant gets D4 (IIRC).

Is the following true about the element savant? No longer can you play your enemies elemental vulnerabilities against them.

What should I take as my race and should I also take the Mineral Warrior template? The Mineral Warrior has the following: Change from the base creature as follows: +2 Strength, +4 Con, -2 Int (minimum 1), -2 Wis, -2 Cha.

2012-06-25, 02:03 AM
Is the following true about the element savant? No longer can you play your enemies elemental vulnerabilities against them.
Correct. Creatures with Acid Immunity will be a challenge. That's why you should ask your DM if you can take an Acid version of the Searing Spell feat (from Sandstorm).

Thrice Dead Cat
2012-06-25, 04:01 AM
Correct. Creatures with Acid Immunity will be a challenge. That's why you should ask your DM if you can take an Acid version of the Searing Spell feat (from Sandstorm).

I know Frostburn has a similar feat to Searing Spell, but you're still the wrong energy type.:smalltongue:

You could always ask your DM to remove the clause on Elemental Savant that forever forces you to use your element. While thematic for a fire-wizard to always have [fire] spells, it becomes an issue when he can longer stop a forest fire. As an aside, I've always felt it made more sense to "give up" the opposite damage. So, a fire wizard could still cast a Cone of Cold, but it'd be Cone of Fire instead.

2012-06-25, 09:29 AM
Why did you arrange your abilities before you had decided which class you were going to go for?

How do you want this character to fight? Do you want to focus on melee combat? Spellcasting? Are you going for a gish, or just a caster with lots of immunities? Do you even need to be a caster? There are lots of earth-themed PrCs that don't give spellcasting.

2012-06-25, 10:05 AM
Elemental Scion (of Zilargo) is another neat option for this. You turn your Elemental Grafts into an actual Elemental Creature, which you then ride around inside like a mecha robot suit or something. Magic of Eberron pg. 68.

2012-06-25, 10:37 AM
Elemental savant is actually 10 levels long and it does interfere with archon because one is an arcane spellcasting class and the other is a divine spellcasting class.

Another, non-spellcasting option is the Giant's Elemental Infiltrator (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9623257&postcount=8) class, but that one is aimed at rogues and the like.

2012-06-25, 11:11 AM
There was a half-elemental template in the old 3.0 module "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil".

For earth you got:

+3 Nat AC,
Immunity to disease and 'effects from their own elements'*
Str. +4, Dex. -2, Con. +4, Mental. +0
Spell like abilities, all usable 1/day, at the following levels:
1-2. Magic Stone
3-4. Soften Earth and Stone
5-6. Stone Shape
7-8. Spike Stones
9-10. Wall of Stone
11-12. Stoneskin
13-14. Iron Body
15-16. Earthquake
17-18. Elemental Swarm (earth only)
19+. Planeshift

There was no LA given, though advancement was flagged as by character class. It could probably do with a 3.5 touch up, much as the half celestial template was...there are definitely similarities between them.
Probably not quite what you're looking for, but maybe worth a thought, as there's nothing to say you can't still take a PrC on-top.

*whatever this means...

2012-06-25, 12:24 PM
There was a half-elemental template in the old 3.0 module "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil".

For earth you got:

+3 Nat AC,
Immunity to disease and 'effects from their own elements'*
Str. +4, Dex. -2, Con. +4, Mental. +0
Spell like abilities, all usable 1/day, at the following levels:
1-2. Magic Stone
3-4. Soften Earth and Stone
5-6. Stone Shape
7-8. Spike Stones
9-10. Wall of Stone
11-12. Stoneskin
13-14. Iron Body
15-16. Earthquake
17-18. Elemental Swarm (earth only)
19+. Planeshift

There was no LA given, though advancement was flagged as by character class. It could probably do with a 3.5 touch up, much as the half celestial template was...there are definitely similarities between them.
Probably not quite what you're looking for, but maybe worth a thought, as there's nothing to say you can't still take a PrC on-top.

*whatever this means...That comes from the Manual of the Planes. A character who is a Half-Elemental becomes an Outsider. The problem with taking that template is my character's Dex is 13.

The attribute I listed that my character has are totally unmodified. I want the character to become an elemental. I would to be able to fight well and if I can get it I would like to cast spells.

What are earth-themed PrCs that don't give spellcasting?

The reason I listed the the Mineral Warrior template was my character gets to become living stone starting. As a Mineral Warrior I get the following bonuses to attribute: +2 Strength, +4 Con, -2 Int (minimum 1), -2 Wis, -2 Cha.

I have been think that the character might be a dwarf. I like dwarves and have wanted to play on for some time. I have also thought about being an Earth genasi.

Is the following true about the Earth Genasi? Feet on the Ground (Su) Earth genasi are are magically linked to the earth under their feet and are even clumsier of it. Earth genasi cannot swim and take a -6 to all rolls as well as to the DCs of all their abilities when they aren't standing on solid soil, stone or metal.

2012-06-25, 01:17 PM
Another option is the Elemental Warrior from the Planar Handbook.

No spellcasting, medium BAB, but D10 HD and an assortment of element-of-choice focused abilities (natural armor, burrowing, acid resistance, acid damage multiple times/day for Earth)

2012-06-25, 01:20 PM
Elemental warrior doesn't actually turn you into an elemental, however.

Actually, it is barely better than a common magic weapon, not at all better than the more expanded magic weapons in MIC and everything else it gives that is interesting is objectively worse than what magic items offer.

2012-06-25, 01:57 PM
That comes from the Manual of the Planes. A character who is a Half-Elemental becomes an Outsider. The problem with taking that template is my character's Dex is 13.

The attribute I listed that my character has are totally unmodified. I want the character to become an elemental. I would to be able to fight well and if I can get it I would like to cast spells.

What are earth-themed PrCs that don't give spellcasting?

The reason I listed the the Mineral Warrior template was my character gets to become living stone starting. As a Mineral Warrior I get the following bonuses to attribute: +2 Strength, +4 Con, -2 Int (minimum 1), -2 Wis, -2 Cha.

I have been think that the character might be a dwarf. I like dwarves and have wanted to play on for some time. I have also thought about being an Earth genasi.

Is the following true about the Earth Genasi? Feet on the Ground (Su) Earth genasi are are magically linked to the earth under their feet and are even clumsier of it. Earth genasi cannot swim and take a -6 to all rolls as well as to the DCs of all their abilities when they aren't standing on solid soil, stone or metal.

Did you roll for your ability scores, or did you use point-buy? Either way, you can at least change the order depending on what sort of character you decide to play.

Earth Genasi have no such ability. Racial traits aren't hidden in other books: if it isn't in the race's description, it isn't a trait they have.

Some ideas: Deepstone Sentinel, from Tome of Battle, is a PrC for dwarves that gives a lot of earth-themed abilities and focuses on being a melee tank. It doesn't mesh well with spellcasting, though.

Earth Dreamer, from Races of Stone, is an interesting option for a caster, giving some interesting earth-themed abilities including the ability to tunnel through solid rock. It's not good for a melee-focused character though.

Classes that turn you into an elemental include the ones you mentioned (Elemental Archon and Elemental Savant), plus Bonded Summoner from Miniatures Handbook. None of them are especially powerful, but you could probably make do with any. Out of them, Elemental Archon is the only one that would make a decent melee character. I would enter it as a Cleric, with no other multiclassing. Later in the build you can take levels of Earth Dreamer when melee becomes less effective.

2012-06-25, 02:50 PM
I rolled from my attributes.

I do not like the Elemental Warrior that much. Should I get EARTH MASTER and EARTH ADEPT feats?

2012-06-25, 02:56 PM
Should I get EARTH MASTER and EARTH ADEPT feats?

No. Neither gives you new options in combat, and both only involve +1 bonuses at best. There is nothing to recommend them.

2012-06-26, 03:41 PM
My character will be a dwarf.

2012-06-26, 04:14 PM
Probably not what you're looking for, but Magic of Eberron has the Elemental Scion class. It doesn't turn you into an elemental, but it lets you summon elementals and merge with them.