View Full Version : Into Sanctuary (IC thieves world 3.5)

2012-06-24, 06:39 PM
The walls of Sanctuary sprawl up above the land, They are a beacon of safety, and hope. Below these massive towers, The beacons of filth, poverty, and the groveling lay outside the gate in a refugee camp, waiting, silently willing the gates to open, and allow them safe passage without an extensive toll. You have come, each of you with your own reasons to come to Sanctuary, And you must find a way inside before Tempest Thales comes to clean out the rabble at his door-step.

2012-06-25, 06:21 AM
Kharnon, standing six feel tall, first looked down at Yazmeen momentarily, then staggered his peering eyes towards the gates of the Sanctuary. His platemail was adding to his height, his structure, his broadness, and bore seemingly unnecessary spikes for Kharnon never liked being unarmed; not even when his greatsword away would he be defenseless. He did not, likewise, enjoy talking much and wore a stern mask of facial features that hid all his excitement. During his gaze at the Sanctuary, he took a moment to drift his eyes to something that was beyond the great city while not there, something only he noticed, and brought his bare left hand to his cheek, scratching his stubbled face for a moment and revealing his halfly removed ringfinger.

Slowly turning his head to Yazmeen, his expresionless face seemed demanding a word. While his face did not bear smile, sorrow, or confusion, his eyes questioned as what to do in the enemy lands. His left hand dropped to his belt, being placed over at the spiked gauntlets which were removed and tied to his belt for comfort, and clang against his studded leather outfit.

2012-06-25, 08:45 AM
Kharnon sees a throng of men, women, and children all camped outside the gates, in front of them almost 25 armed guards stand at the read, watching the crowd and trying to keep them peaceful. On the other hand, you see a ring of children hunched over something further away from the gates. You also see a merchant caravan some distance back, they haven't moved at all in the last few minutes.

2012-06-25, 10:43 AM
Mathos silently approaches the gates. His journey home from the jungles of Gri-Gadosh had been a long one, but his goal was now in sight. He had soared high above the Sparkling Sea, passing near Ilsig and Carrone along the coast before turning inland and passing over the World Spine Mountains; towards Sanctuary. It had been almost six years since he'd seen the city last, and when he came within a mile of the gates he decided to finish his voyage on foot. He landed a while behind a group of travellers and followed them in closer. The sight at the gates didn't shock him. Sanctuary never really had been particularly peaceful, that's why Henkel had needed a bodyguard.

Henkel... He thought, suddenly wondering if his old master was still around. Only time would tell, he decided. Mathos quickly looked around the scene, although not for anything in particular.

2012-06-25, 01:31 PM
Mathos sees a similar scene, You had pasted a broken down merchant caravan a while back, but didn't think much of it. You realize it's going to be hard getting in.

2012-06-26, 09:58 PM
Eric was not happy. It'd been more than a week since he left the city to meetup with his last crew because they'd heard of a great target coming into the city. The one time he was late to a meet, and it worked in his favor. Of course, Typhus was late too, as always, and the two of them escaped the trap. That traitor Nerak had lied about the target and sold them out. It took four days, Typhus, and a fake death to get those hunters off his tail (persistant buggers), and they still didn't stop searching for him for a day. Good thing they never saw his face. Then it was another three days just to get back.

To top it all off, it looks like there was going to be trouble getting in. Great.

2012-06-27, 04:16 PM
Kaden has been riding back to sanctuary for several days now. Not everything can come in by ship anymore, it seems. He'll be glad to be back home, but approaching the walls he notices it may not be easy to get in.
About 2 minutes from the crowd he halts, and searches his belongings for his papers.

2012-07-01, 07:33 AM
Kaden realizes that as a local trader, he has a good chance of being let in without any trouble. At the same time, though, these guards and the rabble both look willing to 'confiscate' his wares. He decides to alter his inventory papers to a much lower value. With some luck, they won't check.

After making the necessary alterations, Kaden steers his cart in the direction of the nearest gate.

Forgery: [roll0]

2012-07-01, 07:54 AM
Mathos slowly continues to walk towards the group of guardsmen and the entrance to the city. He momentarily considers simply flying over the wall, but decides it may draw unnecessary attention if someone were to notice him. He just hoped there wasn't a reason all these people around weren't allowed into the city. A quarantine? No vacancy? Any number of other catastrophes? Once again, we'll just have to find out.

Assuming Mathos successfully reaches the guardsmen, he attempts to walk right on by until they stop him- seemingly unaware of the entrance fee.

2012-07-17, 02:15 PM
Eric decides to take the indirect route, and approaches the merchants. Excuse me, but is there some kind of problem at the gate? he says, or aproximates, in the trade tongue.

2012-07-17, 04:56 PM
Kaden realizes that as a local trader, he has a good chance of being let in without any trouble. At the same time, though, these guards and the rabble both look willing to 'confiscate' his wares. He decides to alter his inventory papers to a much lower value. With some luck, they won't check.

After making the necessary alterations, Kaden steers his cart in the direction of the nearest gate.

Forgery: [roll0]

As your cart passes by the mass of people you see many of them turn and look at you. Spot and listen checks please.

2012-07-17, 04:59 PM
Mathos slowly continues to walk towards the group of guardsmen and the entrance to the city. He momentarily considers simply flying over the wall, but decides it may draw unnecessary attention if someone were to notice him. He just hoped there wasn't a reason all these people around weren't allowed into the city. A quarantine? No vacancy? Any number of other catastrophes? Once again, we'll just have to find out.

Assuming Mathos successfully reaches the guardsmen, he attempts to walk right on by until they stop him- seemingly unaware of the entrance fee.

A burly man in a guard uniform pokes him in the chest, hard, before speaking up:
"And where do you think you are going?"

Spot and listen for you as well

2012-07-17, 05:31 PM
"Home." Mathos grunts, staring the man dead in the eye.

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]
Intimidate - [roll2]

2012-07-17, 05:34 PM
Eric decides to take the indirect route, and approaches the merchants. Excuse me, but is there some kind of problem at the gate? he says, or aproximates, in the trade tongue.

The merchants shake their heads:

"Tempest Thales, thats the problem. He wants an insane toll to just enter the city."

2012-07-18, 11:47 AM
"Home." Mathos grunts, staring the man dead in the eye.

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]
Intimidate - [roll2]

The guard laughed:

"Do you have the money for the toll? If not you can scurry off."

You hear the sound of arguements going on, and you can see a few ragged men looking at you.

2012-07-18, 12:04 PM
Ok, two questions, are you sure this is on Tempest Thales's orders, and how ridiculous of a toll? the wheels in Eric's head began turning immediately. Fear could be useful, but without more assurance, it would be very risky. Of course, a good enough distraction could give him a chance to sneak through, or relieve the guards of their tolls so far. All the options seemed dangerous, but one of them was bound to work... if he could only figure out the right one first try.

2012-07-23, 08:22 AM
The merchants slip closer to him:

"I don't think these are tempest's orders, the guards seem to be doing their own form of highway banditry."

Another merchant nods in agreement:
" And we can't fight them on it because they will call tempest and he will actually get involved."

2012-07-26, 05:19 PM
Tempest Thales does what he wants, and he's pretty likely to see his guards as more useful than us. However, if they think they're on the wrong side of Thales's favor... Does anyone have some paper I can use? I think I can get us all in. While awaiting a reply, Eric scans the people arrayed outside the gate, I could use an accomplice though, he adds to himself, it would help sell the story.

2012-07-26, 10:04 PM
One of the merchants hops to it and gives you a piece of paper. " What's the plan?"

2012-07-26, 10:39 PM
Eric lowers his voice, I'm going to forge some documents that say I was summoned by Thales himself, and that some of the merchants here are smuggling important tools of my trade. Of course, I'll claim that I don't want my contacts revealed, and so I'm going to need them to let in everyone, or I get Thales to do me a little favor and punish them.

Making sure that he is shielded from the guards' sight, Eric begins the work on the forgery.

Taking 20 on the forgery check for a result of 27.

2012-08-05, 01:06 PM
Mathos shakes his head as he walks away from the guards. Paying the tax would surely be an easy way to get my pockets picked. I think I'll hold off on that for now. The assassin then looks around, noticing the apparent disturbance among the merchants he heads over to see what they're talking about.

2012-08-05, 06:06 PM
You all hear a strange noise coming from the gate, as you all draw near, you hear voices arguing, finally the gates start to moan and groan as they swing open, The rabble around you cheer and leap to their feet. Rushing in tides to get inside the city.

Each of you realize that it would be better to wait a while, and let the rabble clear out before you decide to enter the city. Some time passes and as you center the city, you head for a tavern, passing by the first few because you realize they will be flooded with new comers. You instead find the least populated tavern in the poor district, where you see a few distinct individuals.

2012-08-06, 10:05 AM
With each heavy step; Kharnon's gauntlets buckled to his belt clank against his leathery and studded leggings, his greaves hit harsh the stone below, and the hilt of his sword that was too long to be worn around the waist, and was thus sheathed at his back, hit the plated shoulderpads of his armor. His bare hands were held at his sides and he seemed to, every now and then, stretch the fingers of his left hand - all four fingers of it. He was missing his ringfinger's top two knuckles, and he seemed disturbed to see it each time he stretched his hand and gazed at it. Anxiously, he'd brush his hand against the side of his plated breastplate shortly after.

The man who wore a banded armor made up mostly by metal, but also adjusted with leather pads, armor, and buckled bands seemed to stay right behind Yazmeen and looked at the rest, who were not Northons like him as he would have guessed, with disdain and hidden worry. He said not a word, and followed closely behind the group - the only sound being the ones that his armor would make to his march.

2012-08-06, 02:37 PM
Eric moves gracefully, his face calm, though a hint of satisfaction shows through. He volunteers little about himself, instead choosing to ask questions of the others, encouraging them to share, and paying rapt attention. When he moves, there is a soft metallic rustle, but it's muffled by his drab clothes. When they arrive at the tavern, he courteously offers to purchase the first round of drinks.

2012-08-06, 06:56 PM
Mathos trudges slowly and quietly towards the tavern, keeping an eye peeled for anyone he knew from before. When they get there he accepts Eric's offer of a drink, clearly tired and thirsty from his travels.

"Anything with water in it'll do nicely."

The man smiles weakly.

2012-08-06, 08:45 PM
Valence joins with the rest of the group and smiles her thanks for the offer of drinks and thinking to herself This seems like a useful bunch of people, maybe I should stick with them... before saying 'Thanks for the offer...?' to Eric, trying to get prod him into giving his name.

2012-08-06, 10:20 PM
Eric, he says immediately, and you are?

2012-08-06, 10:38 PM
Velence grins, makes a small flourish with her right hand, and says"Valence. Nice to meet you my good sir."

2012-08-06, 10:53 PM
And you to are? Eric directs at Mathos and Kharnon.

I'm assuming we four are everyone, for now at least.

2012-08-07, 07:41 AM
Kharnon quickly began approaching the counter at the promise of free beverage. As he did not trust this group of people, he attempted at assuring that he was still standing close enough to Yazmeen. Regardless, without even a giving of thanks, he began chugging down the free drink. After his process of chugging was complete, which hardly consumed all of liquid, he placed the mug to the counter.

He lifted his left hand and pressed his fingers through his long black hair that had a light curl to it, waving it back, as if he was showing that he missed a ring finger on his left hand. He held his hand infront of his own face, turning it slightly, inspecting it from different angles. And as he was questioned by Eric, he did not bother giving a reaction than a simple answer: "Kharnon."

2012-08-07, 11:46 AM
"I'm Mathos. Used to be a local 'round here. Been gone for a long while."

The ebony skinned man grunts as he tugs out one of the many feathers on his cloak and eyes the drink in front of him, as if preparing to pounce at it.

2012-08-07, 03:13 PM
Well, now that we know each others' names, I think the next step, if we are going to be working together, Eric pauses a moment to examine the others' faces, where exactly do your talents lie?

2012-08-07, 03:51 PM
The bar keeper realize you are all fresh from outside the gate and says that there aren't any easy ways to make money in sanctuary, but he mentions that if you are up for some dirty work, he might have some jobs for you.

He turns and walks into a backroom behind the bar, coming back out with a map of Sanctuary, He points to several houses in the wealthy district, saying that there are rare objects that would sell for a pretty penny if you could get inside and steal them, some will be harder then others. He also points out that there are a few people on the street that might have some jobs for you involving muscle.

2012-08-07, 07:44 PM
Kharnon chugged down his ale at once and then set his gaze upon Eric. "Killing." he said. "Killing is all that I am good for."

2012-08-07, 08:11 PM
Descriptive, Eric jokes, though with the man's appearance it still told him plenty. A useful skill in this city, though I'd imagine not a very versatile one for you. It didn't show on his features, but nonetheless, Eric found Kharnon to be a mite unsettling. Still, such an obviously dangerous man helped keep attention off of Eric, which could be useful.

2012-08-07, 08:50 PM
"I'm good at a number of things." Mathos nods slowly, shifting his gaze between the three he was with, but clearly still keeping the mug in his sights. "But actions speak louder than words- or so they say. Why don't we take a job, hmm? Perhaps that would give us a fair measure of eachother's skills."

Almost as soon as he finishes speaking, Mathos calmly but firmly grasps his mug and takes a long sip.

2012-08-07, 09:04 PM
Eric shakes his head, A safe job would be a good test, but I don't do anything until I learn as much as I can. There is yet more to learn. He gives the bartender a hard stare, What do you expect to get out of this, and what makes you so sure you can trust us?

2012-08-07, 09:07 PM
The left side of Kharnon's mouth slowly curled into a slight smile. "Depends on what you mean with versatility." he said, twirling his hand slowly infront of his face - still gazing at the mutilation. However, then Mathos would have interupted - making a comment to which he would shortly respond. "Your proposal is as sound as any." he told Mathos.

2012-08-07, 10:10 PM
Valence leans against the bar with a blank expression, "Well, I can do quite a few things actually, but not much in the realm of slaughter, if that is what you meant by that question. My specialty lies more in the realm of... vice and information."

She grabs her drink and downs it quickly, adding "So, unless you need some finessed social interaction, or someone to read something for you, I probably won't be much good." with a small smile.

2012-08-08, 09:09 PM
Kharnon's left hand reached for his forehead - his fingernails lightly scratching the top of it - as his cold gaze slowly shifted towards the woman who just spoke. Regardless, his words addressed Eric rather than her.

"And what good are you?" he asked Eric and then turned his gaze onto him. Keeping eye contact.

2012-08-08, 10:15 PM
Well, for starters, I'm probably the smartest person in this room. Other than that though, my talents lie mostly in acquiring and selling goods. A light smile comes to Eric's lips, I'm also trained as a healer, and that knowledge has far more applications than most people realize.

2012-08-09, 10:55 AM
Slowly, Kharnon's hand rose. It moved through Kharnon's and Eric's gazes, two of his fingers reaching for the hilt of the long sword that hung over his back. The fingers softly touched the top part of the hilt betwixt them. The sword was in a scabbard, but it surely had keen edges.

"Your mind." he said. "Is it sharper than this? If a mundane object can have keener edges than your mind, then I am sorry to tell you that you are not particularly smart at anything." he added, keeping his gaze on Eric. He slowly drew his left hand back towards the counter after speaking.

2012-08-09, 01:57 PM
Eric's smile grows only bigger and friendlier, With the proper tools my mind can pierce the strongest security, sever a phalanx in march, or crush the strongest will. Eric's grin looks downright gleefully evil with that last comment, but the darkness vanishes quickly, Your sword is merely a tool, a well crafted and useful tool I'm sure, but a tool nonetheless. Besides, you wouldn't want me to be making you useless, now would you?

2012-08-10, 12:59 AM
Valence watches the conversation between Kharnon and Eric with growing amusement thinking to herself I certainly found an interesting group to tag along with before turning to look at the map to see if she recognizes any of the locations indicated while quietly chatting with the bartender to see if she can get some more information.
Knowledge Local [roll0]
Diplomacy if needed [roll1] (+2 or 4 depending on whether or not my background bonuses apply)

2012-08-10, 07:03 AM
Kharnon said not a thing at first, instead gave Eric a cold and scrutinizing gaze. After a few couple of seconds, he slowly added several words to the conversation. "You trying to intimidate me proves enough that you are not as smart as you think." he said. A disturbing sort of pseudosmile was formed on his face with the left side of his mouth coming to a curl, yet it was short lived.

2012-08-10, 11:50 AM
Eric blinks for a moment, surprised, then bursts into laughter, Intimidate? Oh not at all! Just making it clear what I mean, since you seemed to misunderstand my intentions.

Eric and Kharnon are going to have a bit rocky of a relationship, aren't they?

2012-08-10, 02:07 PM
"Shut up already. You talk too much for someone who supposedly is the brain of the group." said Kharnon rather coldly. No expression was cast over his face.

2012-08-10, 06:06 PM
If you examine that statement, you will find it may have made more sense in your head than out loud. His face once again blank, Eric turns to Yazmeen, That just leaves you then.

2012-08-10, 06:38 PM
Kharnon simply gazed at the board of the counter, shaking his head meanwhile. He was clearly frustrated of argueing with someone, for he did not fancy talking. "She's with me." he told Eric. "And that's all you need to know." he added as his left hand began to scratch his stubbled face.

2012-08-18, 01:09 PM
"Well, I don't know much, that way if things go sour I can't get pinned for it, y'know? If you are interested, you will want to meet Marquis in the Marketplace at dawn tomorrow. He can tell you what you need to know."

2012-08-30, 01:47 PM
We doing this then? I could use some more money.

2012-08-31, 09:34 PM
"Meh, why not. At least this will get us in the door."

2012-09-03, 08:06 PM
You all move locations to the marketplace, where you meet a shadowy figure that pulls you aside to a private location. He speaks softly, " I can get you what you need....for a price." He smiles devilishly.