View Full Version : Death In the Trenches [Shinigami IC]

2012-06-25, 02:41 PM
“OK, gentlemen. Here we are – the human world. Now, I understand this is each of your first real assignment away from soul society, so I’ve been assigned to make sure none of you mess up.” Said 3rd seat Setsuka Abendroth of the 4th division, stepping out of the seikmon gate, the four of you trailing behind her, “Please try not to embarrass me, or I’ll make your time here a living hell, are we clear?” the seated officer turned back to you, flashing a smile much sweeter than her words.
“Now, as for why you’ve finally been shipped out of the easy life and into actually doing your job, it’s simple; we’re short staffed down here, and the Living are in the middle of attempting to flood soul society with their conflicts. So, we’ll be staying here, mingling in with the mortals here whilst we work to keep the souls here safe from Hollow Predatation.”
“We’re also here to look into reports of souls vanishing in this area. I hope it’s just book keeping errors, but you rookies might be called upon to actually do work vital to Soul Society, god help us all.”
“Any Questions?”

2012-06-25, 04:48 PM
As he steps out of the Senkaimon, Kazuya looks around and takes an experimental sniff of the air around him.

"Burning cordite and chlorine gas. I'd say the humans are already ahead of you on the living hell front, Third Seat Abendroth. What is our first assignment, if I may ask?"

savior indra
2012-06-25, 04:58 PM
Tenkai's demeanor instantly changes the moment he steps out of the Senkaimon into the world of the living. He gives off the feeling of a cornered animal as he wearily glances around making sure that they weren't under any immediate threat. After a moment he relaxes but still gives off the aura of a beast at bay.
"Third Seat Abendroth, have we been granted permission to release our zanpakuto's in the event of a Hollow attack? And what duties are we to be assigned while here?"

EDIT clarification: Edited post b/c I had used sky blue font w/o realizing Drugged had already called it. whoops.

Drugged dwarf
2012-06-25, 05:40 PM
A small head poked from the inside of the gate first, looking around, slightly wide-eyed. dark black eyes followed that of a young child, possibly at the age of 13, sporting a small afro and a wonderful set of shinigami robes to suit. He stepped through, his 4th division badge glistening in the light from behind him. He stepped through, his height difference quite apprent to the two before him, and he spoke.

"Um.. Hello! Koni Tenjio, 5th.. I mean 4th division support, ready and able to work.. .um.. captain.. sir..."

2012-06-25, 07:30 PM
Damian strides into this new world confidently, a small smirk on his face as he gets mentally ready for his first real job, and not just another test.

"You don't have to worry too much about me, I was made for this."

2012-06-26, 11:35 AM
"The first thing we'll be doing is just a general survey of the area. find out where most people are dying, and how many souls we'll need to ferry per day to make sure we're not overwhelmed.
I also need someone to canvas the area and determine where and how Hollows are arriving; we can't let the fact we'll be busy let those monsters slip through or else our workload will double. Which brings me to your question, Tenkai, correct? yes, you can release your zanpakuto if you feel the need. If you die, it'll look bad on me."
and finally, we need to establish exactly how the spirits are disapering. I hope its not who I think it is, but we may also need to look into human actions. I'll split duties when we arrive and are integrated with the human camp, but until then..."
The deputy-luitenant stops talking for a moment, and you can see her gaze turn to the east night sky. Following her gaze, you can detect a slight touch of spiritual energy coming from that direction yourself "Arschloch! Never a dull moment. Looks like you'll be getting tested faster than I hoped. Come on"

Following the luitenant, the four of you find yourself crossing no-mans land to a nearby trench. Aove you you can see spotters and search-lights of the humans, and shifting to your spiritual vision you can see a mass of plus spirits moving arround the barracks amongst the living...
...and a throng of hollows moving in on them. There are eight of the monsters. The first is a quadruped, an odd mix of bird and dog. The second is much more serpentine, a long sinuous body with a flat cyclopean head and two scythed arms. The third and fourth are nigh identical beings, looking like misshaped, androdgonous humanoids. The 5th one takes the form of a small, misshaped bird with a long tentacle in place of its beak. No 6 looks like a small primate covered in porcupine spines, and no 7 looks like number 6 after a major growth spurt. Lastly, the eight one retains a humanoid, insectile apperance.
"Ok boys. We can't allow these monsters to start their feast, so keep them out of the trenches! The four of you should be able to deal with these stragglers, so I'm going to go ahead and make sure none got in whilst we we're coming. Move out!"

Your turn as we'll be running group initiaitve. the four of you can act and then the hollows will act.

Try and stop the Hollows from escaping. you'll get a better reward the less of them escape the battlefield.

have a map: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am1FdH22KnOQdENqdnZfU1lLN0tGVk1IaGR1ZUpIS 0E#gid=0

savior indra
2012-06-26, 12:36 PM
Tenkai sighed as he quickly (quickdraw) drew his katana and pointed it at the serpentine hollow. "Suranado, Shigure Benikage." Then Tenkai used Shigure Benikage's ability to make it seem like a crimson rain of acid was falling heavily from the sky from E7 and E17 to N7 and N17 and the image persists up into the sky 10 squares. (50ftx50ftx50ft)

SEP at turn start 35

-1 shikai activation

-2 Mirage + greater Mirage

SEP at turn end 33

Mirage Save DC (based on Wiki)
(DC 10+character level+wisdom modifier) +2 (for Greater Mirage)
10+3+3+2 = 18

Mirage Save DC (based on forums) (wasn't sure which saves to use, so i'll put both here)
DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + Reiatsu mod.
10+ 1.5 (round down to 1) +4 = 15

Damage from Deadly Mirage (if save not made)

Damage from Deadly Mirage (if save made = 10% of above roll, basically 1 dmg since damage dealt below 1 rounds up to 1)

EDIT: grammar

2012-06-26, 01:28 PM
Damian moves towards the hallows, sizing them up as he prepares to engage.His right arms covers itself with a chitinous bone for use in attack while he running forward.
Moving to square F22, then ready an action to attack the first hollow to come within my 10-foot reach.
The bone covering is just my fluff of the combat blade.

2012-06-26, 04:32 PM
"Scattered bones of the beast. Dome. Azure crystal. Silver road. If it rises, a cloud; if it falls, a storm. The lonely sound of a single spear fills the empty battlefield."

Kazuya takes a moment to point his index finger carefully at the quadruped hollow in front of him, and his voice is cool and cadenced, as if reciting a favorite poem.

"Hado #4: Byakurai."

Full-incantation Byakurai at Hollow #1
Reflex Save: 14
Damage: [roll0]
SEP Remaining: 36

Drugged dwarf
2012-06-26, 07:52 PM
There was no time.

It was not that the young shinigami was rather slow on the uptake - after all, he had just come to the physical world for the first time. He was bound to want to see a bit more of it before work got in the way.

He was certainly not expecting work to get in the way within a moment of arriving however. But, given the situation, he figured it was the best way to get used to the people he would be working with.

He surveyed the battlefield as best as his youthful eyes could... and came up with practically no plan of action at all. The way it looked, the hollows were going to get into the trenches and then things would take a turn for the worse.


They would attack them, being spirits of high spiritual energy.

He banked his chances against one of them to be fairly small, unless he armed himself.

His zanpaktuo, a wakasashi on his side came out, and he moved to the edge of the trench, raising his zanpaktuo in front of him in defense. Yet as he stood there, ever ready for one of the hollows to hit, his eyes glowed, and a small disc seems to appear infront of him, hovering around his shoulder.

Move action: Move to O23
Standard action: Incantless cast (Kido dedication) Bakudo 8 Seki
SEP spent: 2
Note: Will try to fight defensively if that's possible

2012-06-28, 02:40 PM
@ Saviour: I'd rather you use the forum version. it's more modern (that includes the SEP cost :smallwink:) though its only 1/2 character level... :smalltongue:

The false rain created by Tekai coats the enemy hollows, Hollows 1, 7 and 4 falling for it and you can see them getting sprectally wet, and slight wisps of smok rising from their hides. Hollow 2 just looks at you unimpressed.

Kazuya's lightning bolt flies towwards Hollow 1, but the featheted beast leaps aside from the bolt, the energy striing the ground behind it and sending wet mood flying everywhere.

Damien and Koni both set themselves for the fight, ready to react to whatever comes their way.

Hollow 1 takes a look ack at you, but then decides it would rather try and eat, making a break for the camp.

Hollow 2 slithers towards you at a surprisingly full speed, its sinuous form allowing it to cross the gap in seconds, before it rakes it's mantis-like claws across his chest (3 damage).

Hollow 3, much like Hollow 1, chooses to ignor your group and go and eat

Hollows 4, 5 and 6 advance slowly towards you

Hollow 7, with a thunderous roar, charges at Damien (use your attack), it's huge gorrila-like form hitting the modsoul with enough force to wind him (8 damage), as it tries to lift him from the ground (make an opposed grapple roll against a 23).

Hollow 8 merely watches.

2012-06-28, 05:14 PM
Mud splatters past Kazuya, whipping his pristine white lab coat in the wind and spattering it with dirt. He arches an eyebrow at the Hollow's quick reflexes.

"Fascinating. In this time of war, even weaker hollows like this have had been able to build up this kind of speed. I'll have to make a note of this in my report to Vice-Captain Kurotsuchi."

Taking a step forward, Kazuya reaches under his lab coat and pulls his multifaceted morningstar off its harness.

"Implode, Shukeiretsu."

With a scream of tortured metal, each face of the morningstar's head crushes inward, collapsing into a single point until all that remains is a metal cage containing a brilliant white sphere of light that illuminates the area. Kazuya holds the tiny star aloft to get a better view of the battlefield, and then aims it at the massive Hollow fighting his modsoul companion.

"Shukeiretsu: Rensei."

Three small spheres of light arc out from his shikai, darting towards the large Hollow.

5-foot step to G26
Move Action:
Release Shikai, 1 SEP (35 remaining)
Standard Action:
3 Dancing Lights (Rensei/Binary Star), 3 SEP (32 remaining)
All 3 lights move to G20
Every round Hollow occupies that square, 3d6 damage, 14 DC Reflex for half

Drugged dwarf
2012-06-28, 07:37 PM
Well.. that worked, Kobi thought, wincing from the pain in his chest. It had attacked him, instead of going for the camp, but only one had. the others just watched quietly, continuing their stroll towards their would be lunch.

Kobi was having none of that.

He took a step back, an incantation already forming on his lips.

"Oh hear ye, great lord of Strength and chains! Be bound to earths from now to beyond with your great glory! Power and metal belong to your captivated soul! Render me your Servant!

He places his hands out in front of him, palms turned inward and to the side, one out stretched further than the other. His eyes glow an eerie pale blue, then, with a cry, he brings both his hands together.

"Hado Number one. Sho!"

Free Action: 5 foot step to O25
Full round action: Hado 1, Sho. Attempted bull rush of 2 into Hollow 6, and Attempted bull rush pull of Hollow 6 into hollow 2
Beam strength score 17 (+3)
Sep spent: 1
[roll0] Against 2
Boosting with SEP to second step
Note: Seki is still up, +4 to AC, and if hit, has to pass Will save (dc 14 + 2 for kido lore rank) or be stunned for one round

Total SEP spent so far: 6

2012-06-28, 09:00 PM
As the Hollow approaches him, Damian lunges forward, driving his hardened hand into the hollow before himself getting struck in reprise.
Crit Confirm (in case):[roll1]

Damian struggles against the Hollow as he realized what it was trying to do.

If I lost, and am now grappled:
Damian isn't quite quick enough to avoid the hollow's grasp. Instead of trying to escape from the monster's grasp, he tries to strike from his current position, smashing him again with his bone-covered hand.
Crit Confirm:[roll5]

If I won, and am not grappled:
Damian eyes glow a dim black for a second as he uses his telekinetic powers to aid him in avoiding the creature's grasp. He lands a few feat away, and then re-launches his assault on the monstrous hollow.
Crit Confirm:[roll8]

savior indra
2012-07-03, 09:00 AM
Tenkai looks around at the situation before moving his rain to B7 to B17 X K7 to K17. He then prepares to fight defensively (-4 to attack +2 to AC).

"Kobi-san do you need assistance?" asked Tenkai as he glanced over at his companion, worried about the damage he had taken.

Illusionary Rain Damage


Mirage Save DC 10 + HD + Reiatsu Mod +2 for Greater Mirage = 10+1+4+2 =17

2012-07-06, 12:29 PM
Damien strikes the beast as it approaches, but his blade is deflected by its thick hide and he is swept in in its muscular arms, feeling the pressure mount

Kazuya's searing balls of light burn into hollow 7, even as Damien jams hs blade into the creatures hide. The beast looks to be discomforted, but it's grip does not waiver

Kobi's wave of froce manages to budge both the Hollows, but only a short distance before they stop their momentum in the mud, and turn their attentions back to the group.

The mystically-created rainfall sears away at hollows 1 and 4 onc more, Hollow 1 falling to the ground, dead from imagined wounds made all to real. Hollow 5 notices he rain fall is fake, passing its save


Hollow 2, recoiling from the wave of force, slihers closer to Kobi, dragging its claws across his torso once more, causing 5 points of damage. The Hollows calws making impact with Kobi's shield, however, render it dizzy and disorianted for a moment.

Hollow 3 draws closer to Kobi, before you see a stream of white light shoot towards you from a misshapen hand (7 energy damage, reflex save dc 13 for half).

Hollow 4 draws nearer to Kazuya, sensing he is the source of the burning balls of energy floating around. It too launches a stream of energy, this time directed at Kazuya (reflex save dc 13 for 6 damage).

Hollow 7 continues to try and crush the life out of Damien (grapple roll 23 to try and pin.) the creatures oversized limbs begin to tighten, and a cracking can be heard from within Damien (6 damage from constrict)

Hollow 5 nervously aproaches Damien, hoping to keep out of the reach of his blade (provokes an AoO if damien is not pinned). it lashes at the modsoul with its twisted tongue, but misses.

Hollow 6 lets loose a volly of spines towards Tenkai, but the shinigami is prepared, and only one finds its mark, doing a paltry 2 damage.

OOC: sorry, for some reason when I looked at this thread i hough only 3 of you had acted :smallredface:

2012-07-06, 05:05 PM
Damian continues to fight the hollow's grasp, trying to avoid getting crushed to death.

If Unsuccessful, thus pinned:Damian lets out a small grunt of pain as the hollow's arms crush him. He then proceeds to try and force the beast away, at least enough so he's not still getting crushed.
Grapple Check to un-pin self:[roll1]

If successful, thus not pinned:
Damian manages to hold himself far enough away to avoid a crushing "hug." He notices the other hollow moving towards him, and lashes out, his arm stretching to hit the approaching hollow
Crit Confirm:[1d20+6

He the continues to assault the one currently holding him, driving his fist against its skull. "Dammit, die already!"
Crit Confirm: [roll5]

2012-07-07, 10:44 AM
The white energy bolt whips past Kazuya, who just manages to twist his body and avoid the worst of it. It still lays a nasty burn along his side and leaves two matching holes smouldering in his lab coat.

My first injury in combat. I should ask the others about their reactions for later comparison.

Kazuya leaves his Rensei where they are, searing the massive Hollow with their radiation, and takes off sideways, his sandals throwing up splashes of mud that spatter his lab coat. A sharp field of light trails behind him, looking like the walls in a rat maze and following his every step. He slides into position above the trench and quickly judges his angles as best he can, before shouting again:

"Hado #4: Byakurai!"

Reflex save success, Kazuya takes 3 damage
Rensei stays on target, doing damage to Hollow #7, Reflex: 14
Kazuya moves to D23, leaving his Light Trail (G26-D26, D26-D23)
No-Incantation Byakurai diagonally at Hollows 5 and 7, Reflex Save: 14
SEP Cost: 1

Drugged dwarf
2012-07-08, 12:14 PM
Reflex save:

He reeled back, coughing slightly from the two hits, replying to Tekkai "Might be... a good idea... if you please..."

He takes a step back, touching his wounds, as his hands begin to glow

Five foot step to N26
Cure wounds
Sep 1 + 4 for boost

Total SEP spent - 8

savior indra
2012-07-11, 01:43 PM
Tenkai moves to put himself in between Kobi and the Hollow he was fighting (continue defensive fighting).

Moving the rain to E16 to E26 X N16 to N26.

Concentration check to maintain rain.

1d20 + 6 (concentration skill)


Rain damage is 2d6

savior indra
2012-07-11, 01:45 PM
double post ignore. sorry. my posting was being weird.

2012-07-13, 06:08 PM
Damien Struggles against the large hollow, and manages to free himself.

The Combined efforts of Kazuya's lightning blast and the floating orbs of light bring the giant hollow down with a heavy thud.

The Illussionay rain continues to fall - Hollow 5's mind convincin the creature it has fallen dead, as hollow 6 screams. Hollow 4 is still unimpressed.

@ Saviour: you only need to make a con check if you take damage. otherwise it holds - and its a free action to maintain :) so you still have more of a turn to do.

savior indra
2012-07-13, 06:42 PM
Tenkai glares at the Hollow in front of him, readying an attack in case the hollow in front of him attempts to circle around him to get to Kobi.

Readied Attack Roll

[roll0] + 2

Damage Roll (If attack is successful)

[roll1] + 2

2012-07-17, 02:48 PM
Damian, Finally free of the first hollow, merely turns to the one that approached him and states "You're next.", visibly angered by his wounds, before launching an attack against the long-tongued creature.

Crit Confirm:[roll1]

Drugged dwarf
2012-07-18, 12:04 PM
From her hiding point behind Tekkai, the energy wash from the cure spell had finished its duty. He felt himself straighten, his wounds now sealed.

"Good as new," he called out, with a grin "Sorry about that, I'm not very experienced in a fight. Happy to help now though!"

He looked over at the hollows from before, already noting its scream. It seemed vunerable.

With a whip of his wakashashi, it extends, becoming a rather intricite fan. He waves it over his lips, then folds it, pointing it at him.

Hado Number 4... Byakurai!

Hado spell *boosted*
Sep spent - 5
Attack pattern - hollow 6, then hollow 2
damage: [/roll]4d6[/roll]

Total SEP spent - 13

2012-07-28, 04:26 PM
Damien turns and punches the long tongues hollow, the beasts mask cracking as his fist makes contact

Hollow 6 manages to sidestep Kobi's lightning strike in its entierty. The bolt catches hollow 2 straight on however, burning the beast to death. (I rolled the dice for yuor damage for you :))

Tenkai sets himself, ready for any aproaching foe.


end of turn. everyone please take a will save from Tenkai's imaginary rain (DC 18) or take [roll0] damage (note: AoEs hit everyone in the area :smalltongue:)

Hollow 4 launches a lance of spiritual energy towards Damien before begining a full pelt rout. (9 damage. reflex save DC 15+)

Hollow 6 lunges towards tobi, but Tenkai moves to intercept. His blade causes the hollow to hiss in pain, but it otherwise survives. It claws at Kobi, but the shinigami manages to sidestap. As its swipe misses, the damage from the burning rain and Tenkai's blade combined brings the beast down

Hollow 3, seeing its freinds fall, makes the same move as hollow 4, running for its (after)life.

2012-07-29, 04:43 PM
Will Save:[roll0]
Reflex Save:[roll1]

If I fail either save (leaves me @ or below 0)
Damian's eyes suddenly pitch black as he goes berserk from his injuries. He uses his own psychic powers to launch himself out of the trench at the hollows, as he dashes at the closest one, cutting off its escape."WhErE Do yOu tHiNk yOu'Re gOiNg, lItTlE WhElP?"
Hollow Within activates, restoring me to 7 hp.
Move myself using Limited Telekineses 30 feet (thanks to improved carrying capacity from frenzy) to square g-17.[standard action]
Move to square directly north of Hollow 4, taking the long way around to avoid AoOs.

If I make both
Damian can see that the rain is an illusion, and manages to dodge the blast from the hollow, but he can still see he has sustained serious damage. He retreats out of the acidic illusion, muttering to nobody in particular "I'm sorry."

Double moving it south of here in a straight line to get out the rain [full-round action]