View Full Version : 3.5 Choke Hold

Joe Eskimo
2012-06-26, 06:55 AM
Did the 3.0 Oriental Adventures feat 'Choke Hold' get updated for 3.5? It's a good feat that'll force an opponent to make a fort save or fall unconscious for 3 rounds when you pin him for 1 round. So far the closest i've seen to this for 3.5 is the Reaping Mauler's Sleeper Lock which does exactly the same thing. So did they make it into a class feature instead of a feat?

2012-06-26, 07:07 AM
Stone Monkey (DR309 p68)allows you to disable the arms or legs of an opponent while grappling vs a Fortitude Save.

Stone Monkey [General]
(DR309 p68)

Wisdom 15
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist

When Grappling, you gain the new Grapple Option of partially disabling an opponent’s arm or leg. On a successful check, your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC is Wisdom-based) to avoid receiving a –2 penalties on all rolls & checks using the targeted limb for 1d6+1 rounds. If the limb is also used for movement (legs for walking, arms for climbing, etc.), the movement is reduced by 5’ (minimum 0’). Once partially disabled, targeting the same limb again has no additional effect.

That's really the only feat I can find that does something like that.

Your other option would be to use a poisoned weapon during a grapple that would force the enemy to fall asleep.

2012-06-26, 09:28 AM
OA is ok for use with 3.5. There is an update published in Dragon magazine that details the conversion.

2012-06-26, 12:42 PM
Dragon 318 has the Oriental Adventures update to 3.5. Choke Hold receives no official mention or update, so presumably it is still legitimate as-written.

Joe Eskimo
2012-06-28, 04:31 AM
Ok. Thank you all.