View Full Version : Warforged Bodyguard Help

2012-06-26, 01:53 PM
Hows it going playground. I have a player that is interested in this concept and was just wondering what some other peoples thought were on it.

Right now weve been leaning towards building off Crusader and Devoted Defender from Sword and Fist. Hes pretty set on using sword and board. All material open, including Iron Kingdoms.

Thanks in advance for any help.

2012-06-26, 03:04 PM
Warforged crusader 20 gets it done pretty well. Maybe dip warblade for some bonus manuevers of higher level around 6 or so.

2012-06-26, 03:24 PM
Warforged knight/crusader?

2012-06-26, 09:45 PM
There are some pretty good shield use/shield bash feats in Complete Warrior. If he finds a way to increase to Large size, whether with the Tauric Belt or a permanenced Enlarge spell, takes Monkey Grip, and outfits himself with a Huge-sized heavy steel shield, spikes it, then throws Bashing on top of it, you're officially extrapolating shield bash damage because the damage tables don't go that high. And Improved Shield Bash will let you keep your shield bonus to AC while you bash. Fun stuff!

2012-06-27, 12:29 AM
You'd need Combat Reflexes + Stand Still + Thicket of Blades at some point, probably.