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2012-06-26, 09:05 PM
Two thousand years ago, the god Vecna began his rise to power. War and destruction ravaged the land. There seemed to be no hope left for the forces of good. Then a group of five people, whose names are lost in legends, came forth and fought back. Vecna was not vanquished, but his conquests of the Material Plane was put to a halt. In the final battle, the Paladin of the group, the only one who's name is remembered, Talneir Szilizard sacrificed himself to weaken Vecna. Vecna was forced to let go of his plans for conquering the multi-verse to lick his wounds and enjoy his deity-hood. After the battle, Paladins lost much of the power they once had (don't worry, Paladins still have all the same power as before, they were just more powerful before). The world has largely been at a relative peace since then, but things have been tense recently. Rumors of war have started to come to light recently, but with who, and more importantly, why?

For various reasons, each of you has either come to the city of Adrilanka, or lives there. It is a port city on the western portion of the continent. About 3 weeks by boat to the south, you will find the Great Desert. Everyone goes there by boat, as the Gyrthan Mountains is between there and Adrilanka. Adrilanka is a large city, bustling with lots of people. To the south, before you get to the mountains, is the Shervian Forest, an elven kingdom makes it's home there. To the north about 1 week's ride is a swamp, known as the Deadly Mire. Adrilanka is claimed by the Empire, a collection of mixed races. The Empire expands east, opening into an area of plains.

Nirrus and Ceruli meet at an Empire-constructed waystation 1 day's ride outside of the city.

Lacelam has recieved an invitation to a masquerade ball. Several things are odd about this however. She has never heard of the noble that has sent her the invitation (no ranks in Knowledge (nobility) makes it impossible to pass the check). The ball is scheduled to be held at the harbor at midnight of the day that Nirrus and Ceruli will arrive.

Vixsor Lumin's character has recieved a request for an audience with the high priestess of the Ehryan church of Adrilanka, scheduled 5 pm the day Nirrus and Ceruli would be getting to Adrilanka.

2012-06-27, 12:04 PM
What time do Nirrus and Ceruli arrive?

2012-06-27, 12:10 PM
Near sunset. Probably about 5 pm. After a long day of traveling.

2012-06-27, 12:23 PM
"Ceruli, when we arrive we should find an inn first, as I want to make sure they still have rooms available. There was one time I didn't do that before and I had to sleep in an alley."

2012-06-27, 01:27 PM
As Ceruli would have been traveling with a fellow catfolk of the name, Nirrus. Now Nirrus suggested a idea of staying at a inn.

If that's what you want then we should...

He would breath in deeply looking towards the direction of the town and would slowly start walking towards.

2012-06-27, 01:46 PM
The guard at the gate to the city leans in.

You'd be best off getting a room at one of the inns at the harbor. People would be a little less likely to be... prejudiced
He looks you up and down, shakes his head, and starts pointedly ignoring you.

2012-06-27, 02:19 PM
Nirrus:"Thanks for that advice"
Nirrus tosses him a silver piece

Overlord Rion
2012-06-27, 02:37 PM
(Don't mind me, just rolling for stoof)


2012-06-27, 02:48 PM
The guardsmen nods at you and gives a quick smile.
The Rusty Nail should be the one you look for. It's the least... poorly reputable

2012-06-27, 03:03 PM
I head to The Rusty Nail

Overlord Rion
2012-06-27, 03:08 PM

Yep, me doing things again.

2012-06-27, 03:15 PM
Internet screwed up.....

Ic ...

As i would follow nodding to the guard just being very tired as i would walk by him.

2012-06-27, 05:30 PM
The city is not very busy, and you make it to the harbor easily, although with a few raised eyebrows. The Rusty Nail is very easy to find there, a two-story building with a large prominent sign that depicts a nail covered in rust, with the words Rusty Nail written underneath.

Upon opening the tavern doors, you are ambushed by a large amount of noise. The place is moderately packed, with lots of sailors drinking and swearing, waitresses bustling to and fro with platters of food and drink. The works. The bar is being tended by a squat dwarf. He's definitely the guy in charge. He screams into the kitchen for something, then goes back to tending bar. The room is quite large, holding about a dozen tables that quite easily hold 6-8 people each, with enough room between the tables for two people to walk past. There is a stairwell on the left hand side of the bar that goes up onto the second level.

A waitress bustles up to you two
Can I help you?

2012-06-27, 06:04 PM
Are there any rooms available?

2012-06-27, 06:08 PM
I believe so, but I've been really busy with drinks tonight so I'm not entirely sure. Daern would know
She points to the dwarf.
Can I get you anything else?

2012-06-27, 06:11 PM
I glance inquiringly at Ceruli.
Not now, thank you.

I head to the Dwarf she pointed to.

2012-06-27, 06:11 PM
As before the last word would be sad the tired catfolk approach the dwarf.

Hello me and my friend would like a room

2012-06-27, 06:19 PM
Aye, there be only one room left. It's the last room on the right hand side. That'll be three silver for the night.
He looks up at you both to hand you the key, then stares at you, openly confused.
You're not from around here are ye?

2012-06-27, 06:33 PM
As the key was handed and question was brought up about him not being around.

Not excactly... we come from a traveling catfolk tribe... and i was outcasted and then i met my friend here....

As I would pay for the room.

2012-06-27, 06:48 PM
An elven woman sits at the corner table farthest from the door; with her back leaning against the wall, she takes a sip of her mug before pulling out a rather ornately decorated letter.
A masquerade ball? Why would anyone have the need to cover their faces at such a festive event? Damn, it's getting way too late.
She begins to pick herself up off the seat but as her eyes stray towards the letter again, she noticed a certain detail that had been overlooked.
Midnight today!?
Realizing that she was basically yelling, her face began to turn a shade of red.
Dammit, where the heck am I supposed to get this stuff from?
She immediately runs upstairs to her room, drawing open the dresser that held her day-to-day clothes, searching for anything that would suit the prospect at hand.
Great idea; let's show up at a noble's ball dressed as a peasant.
With a great sigh, she walks back down to the tavern, hoping to find someone who would actually help her with this, eh problem... She stops by the barmaid, who was currently talking to a couple of errr Catfolk?
Excuse me miss, by any chance would you know of any place that I could acquire a new dress? Hopefully something less gaudy and more, umm regal?

2012-06-27, 07:00 PM
Well... Ummm... Yes, how quickly do you need it?

2012-06-27, 07:05 PM
Laecelam lets out a nervous chuckle.
Heh, funny thing about that... I need one by midnight. Specifically this midnight. I'm sure those kind of shops have leftovers or things that customers didn't pick up, right?

2012-06-27, 07:14 PM
The womans eyes widen.
Well... you could try the tailors shops. I'd trust Gerald's tailoring most. If that doesn't work I have another idea, but try that first.

2012-06-27, 07:38 PM
Well, it's worth a try; but what was this other idea you had?

2012-06-27, 08:02 PM
You see, Daern's been a widower for a long time, and he's kept the dress all this time. I'm sure that if it's only for a while, we could make sure he didn't find out, but go try the tailor's first.

2012-06-27, 08:10 PM
After we pay, I go up to the room.

2012-06-27, 08:22 PM
Gripping the key Celruli walked behind his friend to his room.

2012-06-27, 08:44 PM
The upper level of the tavern is very simple. Wooden floors, nothing fancy. The key fits into the lock on the door and opens up into a simple room. There are 2 very simple beds in opposite corners, with a pair of wooden dressers in the other corners.

2012-06-27, 08:49 PM
The elf bustled toward the door, eager to get prepared for the night. She turns back as she nears the exit.
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Now, where did you say the tailor was at?

2012-06-27, 08:57 PM
The bardmaid gives you directions to the other side of town. You'll have to cross the bridge that goes across the river to get there.

2012-06-27, 09:02 PM
As I would rest my daggers on the bed, then soon head down stairs. To a table to get familiar with the locals.

2012-06-27, 09:38 PM
I follow Celruli down and search for rumors
Gather Information: [roll0]

2012-06-27, 10:12 PM
You overhear two conversations.
First, a group of four men are talking about a masquerade ball that is going on tonight at midnight, and how much of a pain it was to set up the security for the ball to be at the harbormaster's house.

Second, you overhear Laecelam's conversation with the barmaid.

Overlord Rion
2012-06-28, 12:15 AM

Hey look, a roll I can do?

2012-06-28, 12:18 AM

Hey look, a roll I can do?

Let's see

...apparently not even a little Roger...

2012-06-28, 07:38 AM
I tell Ceruli about the ball and then joke
A masquerade ball is the only place in the where a man with the face of cat could go unnoticed

2012-06-28, 11:07 AM
Maybe we sAs I Nirris would joke then tell me about a ball. As Ceruli loosened up and started tp be his true self.
maybe we should go not even in a costume..... We deserve some fun!

2012-06-28, 11:49 AM
We will go with "masks" that look like cats, eh? I like it!

2012-06-28, 12:19 PM
The guard on duty at the bridge is sleeping. Probably because the decent guardsmen have been sent to set up for the ball. The merchants district, where the barmaid sent you is extremely quiet, especially for the time of day. You count exactly one building that even has people in it. Its not Geralds tailor shop. In fact, the tailor ship has a distinct feeling of emptiness.

2012-06-28, 02:49 PM
As Ceruli would get up and start to walk out going towards a guards.

Gather Information about : Servants[roll0]

2012-06-28, 06:24 PM
Assuming I've walked to the Merchant's District:
Laecelam walks toward the taylor's shop, as directly and openly as possible; to avoid seeming like a thief. Her small hand reaches out of the folds of her dress, forming a fist as she lightly taps on the door.

2012-06-28, 07:09 PM
The guard on duty at the bridge was sleeping. Probably because the decent guardsmen have been sent to set up for the ball. The merchants district, where the barmaid sent you is extremely quiet, especially for the time of day. You count exactly one building that even has people in it. Its not Geralds tailor shop. In fact, the tailor ship has a distinct feeling of emptiness. There is no answer of any kind upon knocking on the door to the tailor's shop.

The guards at the table look up at you
The ball is none of your business kitty.
(perhaps a different social interacton skill will get more information out of them, or you could go looking for information somewhere else)

2012-06-28, 07:34 PM
As our current approach doesn't seem to be working, I head to the merchants district, and look for the elven lady whose conversation I had overheard earlier.

2012-06-28, 07:38 PM
Laecelam lets out a small sigh; she tries the door handle, testing to see if the door is locked.
If it is, she drops to a crouching position, hoping that the darkness and her low profile would protect her from wary eyes.
Hide Check: [roll0]
The elf takes out a small lockpick from her belt and inserts it into the lock.
Open Lock Check: [roll1]

2012-06-28, 07:43 PM
The door was not locked. In fact, the lock had been broken. The door swings open easily. There is no light in the room, but with low-light vision, you can see that everything in the room had been turned over, as if someone had came in with destructive intent, or there had been a fight.

The conversation with the guards didn't take all that long, so Nirris (and Ceruli should he come with) come around the corner at about the time that you open the door.

2012-06-28, 07:45 PM
I follow her in quietly
Move Silently check [roll0]

2012-06-28, 07:47 PM
Well that's just great...
Laecelam closes the door behind her as she enters the ruined store. The elf begins to lightly step around the mess within the shop, searching for anything out of the ordinary.
Spot Check: [roll0]
Search Check: [roll1]

OOC: this is meant to be posted before the catfolk turn the corner.

2012-06-28, 08:00 PM
After the rude remark from the guards Ceruli followed behind his parnter Nirris. Ut getting the door shut.

move silently [roll0]

2012-06-28, 08:17 PM
There are several dresses that are still wearable. A few of the dresses have tears, as if someone grabbed onto them to avoid being pulled away. There's a small patch of blood on the floor.

Also, as you survey the room, you see two catfolk in the doorway. The same catfolk that were at the inn.

2012-06-28, 08:24 PM
I quickly turn around, drawing my rapier from the hidden sheathe inside the folds of my dress. Adopting a defensive stance, I back up slowly, holding the rapier in between myself and the two catfolk.
Who are you people and why in the name of the Nine hells are you following me? She gives no hint of fear, though you can tell that she's rather nervous about the situation.

2012-06-28, 08:28 PM
The one with white fur awkwardly replies, Um, we weren't following you, we were just looking for, um, dresses!

he pauses for a second before continuing That is, the tailor! We call the tailor dresses! Because tailors make dresses! And we're friends! With the tailor.

2012-06-28, 08:37 PM
As Ceruli would lower his head and shaking.
Sorry about my friend..... Now lower your weapon please. We mean no harm. Were here for uhhh..
Ceruli said rubbing neck not saying a word after uh.

2012-06-28, 09:28 PM
Ok, well I got a pair of jokers...
Still holding the rapier, the elf stops moving.
Yeah? And my mother was a hamster. Now, tell me what you're really doing here.

2012-06-28, 09:38 PM
Really? You don't look like a hamsterfolk. No fur, pointy ears... (indistinct mumbling)

2012-06-28, 09:48 PM
As jokes would go round Ceruli started to talk...

Hamsterfolk so cute! But now seriously....

Stepping through the door.

We heard you know about the ball.. aye..... and we wanted to know if you could give us your inv... some help into there yes?

2012-06-28, 09:53 PM
At this point, I figure that it is best to leave things to Cerli (Ceruli(Celruli)), and look around the room.


2012-06-28, 09:58 PM
Nirris notices that the place is incredibly trashed, but not much else.

2012-06-28, 10:01 PM
Anything... edible?

Nirris is an alley-catfolk, what can I say?

2012-06-28, 10:02 PM
In the front room of a tailor's shop? No.

2012-06-28, 10:06 PM
I go farther into the shop.

2012-06-28, 10:10 PM
The door to the back room has been ripped off of it's hinges. The small room beyond the doorway shows more of the same. Sewing implements, cloth, and such are scattered all over the room. It looks like this room had a large fight in here.

2012-06-28, 10:19 PM
I search for clues.

2012-06-28, 10:21 PM
There is blood on the floor.

2012-06-28, 10:32 PM
Whoa now kitty, back up a few steps.
The elf gingerly pokes Nirris with the top of her rapier.
Now, answer my question, why are you following me? And this time please refrain from giving me snide remarks, or your guts will be all over the floors.

2012-06-28, 10:34 PM

2012-06-28, 10:48 PM
As Ceruli tabs the blunt side of the raiper.

Woah... Dont poke the kitty..... I have also already answered your question...... We need your help.

2012-06-28, 10:51 PM
We might not be the only ones.
I point to the blood in the next room.
Something has happened here. If anyone comes, the three of us will be the primary suspects.

2012-06-28, 10:52 PM
Laecelam deftly moves the rapier to point at Ceruli.
Yes, you confessed to wanting to steal my invitation. That should be enough reason for me to cut you down right now. But I'm giving you the option to leave...
She presses the rapier harder against the catfolk's chest.
Now, which would you prefer?

Turning to the other one, she gives a smug grin.
Yes, something has happened here, but unfortunately for you, I have an alibi. Whereas you two seemed to have been stalking me for the night. I should just report you to the guards...

2012-06-28, 11:00 PM
Who we were talking to less then a minute ago. But are you the kind of person who will let a mystery like this go to waste? The trail goes cold, and we may need one of the Bloodhounds if we don't hurry this up!

2012-06-28, 11:05 PM
Stalking.... ha! Ceruli thought to himself.

I confessed? Also stalking all we know you could of killed the tailor. Blood on the floor.

As the roguish catfolk stepped back and walked towards Nirris.

Overlord Rion
2012-06-28, 11:06 PM
Don't mind me.


2012-06-28, 11:07 PM
Before we make any outlandish guesses about which laws the other has been breaking, we should check if the blood is fresh. I am not going to argue while the criminal could be escaping.

2012-06-28, 11:43 PM
The blood is at least a day old

2012-06-29, 07:58 AM
Oh. Now we can argue.

Overlord Rion
2012-06-29, 08:58 AM
[roll0] Come on, something above a ten, something above a ten!

2012-06-29, 10:51 AM
NPC Inititiative

Overlord Rion
2012-06-29, 12:23 PM

Please be above a 15...


2012-06-29, 01:18 PM
More initiative:

2012-06-29, 01:30 PM
[roll0] sonic damage
To hit roll: [roll1]
If successful, damage: [roll2] subdual

Overlord Rion
2012-06-29, 02:03 PM

Oh lord, this sucks.

EDIT: Ho damn, nice.

Overlord Rion
2012-06-29, 09:52 PM
Doublepost, for glory!


And one just for me, no bearing on anything [roll1]

2012-06-29, 11:20 PM
Readied Attack
Critical Confirm: [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Bludgeoning

Grapple Attempt
Melee touch: [roll3]

Everyone Else

An elven man, of about middling height, walks into the shop. He is dressed quite regally, and looks at you all.
Well, this doesn't look to good. Laecelam, what's going on here?
He steps into the room, a pair of elven guards come in behind him. They are each wearing a breastplate, each also has a longsword in a scabbard, and a heavy shield on their backs.

2012-06-29, 11:22 PM
Forgot the grapple check

2012-06-30, 08:42 AM
It wasn't us, I say, gesturing to myself and Cerli, The blood's at least a day old, and we just got into town this afternoon. Which is surprising, as I expected to be arrested once we were found here. I appear to grow considerably happier and say, Not that the blood is really a good indicator of time, what with the magic and all. But who are you, anyway, and do you have a ticket to a ball tonight? Because something is going to happen there.

2012-06-30, 11:55 AM
Since when were you the one asking questions? Look, I could care less about what happened here; I came to grab myself a dress. Yes I have an invitation to the ball, but that's of no concern to you, nothing wrong could come of it.
I sheathe the rapier and I look through the debris of the shop, looking for a dress not too badly tattered or broken.
Search Check: [roll0]

2012-06-30, 12:29 PM
The elf looks at Nirris with wide eyes.
Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not accusing anyone of anything here. I just wanted to know what happened. What do you mean something's going to happen at my ball?


There are several dresses that are still wearable. A few of the dresses have tears, as if someone grabbed onto them to avoid being pulled away. There's a small patch of blood on the floor.

Your new search turns up nothing more than the last one. Several of the dresses you noticed earlier are the kind of thing that could in fact be worn to the ball. (I'll leave the details of what the dress you picks looks like to you.)

2012-06-30, 12:39 PM
You're kidding. You don't see any chance for trouble there? "Oh, lets invite rich people to gather somewhere where everyone is in disguise. Nothing could possibly go wrong when we can't tell who anyone is." Who knows how many people will sneak in to wreak havoc. And, everyone is gone too, so it is a good time to steal from the city. Even the guards will be busy standing around at your ball, so you should watch over here too. And you might want to put it on hold until we figure out what's up here anyway. he says very quickly, with no pauses.

2012-06-30, 01:11 PM
Now, young man, that is quite enough. I don't need you telling me how to run my own city. The ball is only going to be open to people who have invitations, and the guards will be quite resolute about that. I assure you, we will get to the bottom of what is going on here. I'm not going to cancel this event just because of a disappearance on the other side of town. There will be an investigation in due course. Why don't you come two come to the ball if you're so worried about it? Hm?

2012-06-30, 01:18 PM
After all this junk talk Ceruli was ignoring he finally heard two come to the ball. That's all we wanted... This town has some weird people..

As his tail waggled around vigorously

2012-06-30, 01:38 PM
Ah ha! I told you your security wasn't enough. You invite two total strangers to the ball, after meeting them at a crime scene? I will have to go myself, to find how many other disreputable groups you may have invited!

2012-06-30, 02:17 PM
You really think that I'm going to just let you roam free at the ball? Come on I wasnt born last century. Ararn and Vanyel will watch over you two for the duration of the ball. While we're on the way I'll stop by the constabulatory and have them dispatch people to come and investigate. Laecelam, do you need a dress?

2012-06-30, 03:46 PM
Laecelam visibly buries her face in her hand presumably in frustration. She lifts her head up to meet the gaze of the elf.
Ah, yes. Umm I was hoping on grabbing one, but unfortunately the shop keep seems to have been dragged off to gods know where.
It would be appreciated if you would extend your graciousness.
She gives a slight curtsy before shooting Nirris a rather venomous glare.

2012-06-30, 04:15 PM
I'd be quite willing to extend my graciousness, we'll see what my wife brings to the ball, I'm sure she'll bring more than a handful... Forgive me, I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Lord Aeyr. The ball tonight is to be held in my son's honor, who just got engaged. Now, Laecelam I know because she used to fence with a distant cousin of mine. You two-
He points at Nirris and Ceruli
I have not met before as you-
He points at Nirris
made sure to point out to me. Who are you, and what might you be doing in my fine city?

2012-06-30, 04:35 PM
To hit roll: [roll0]
Crit confirm [roll1]
damage [roll2]

Melee touch: [roll3]
Grapple check: [roll4]

2012-06-30, 04:43 PM
Your City! Oh, I am so sorry for for my previous rudeness. I was just so overcome with... disgust. I was just wondering to myself, "who would be so absolutely tasteless as to host a marriage so soon after discovering a possible murder?" But of course, if this is your "fine" city, far be it from me to say, "Someone has been attacked, and you plan on ignoring it and celebrating, that's just sick," after all, as leader, it is not like you should be doing anything about this. Not that I am telling you what to do. Far be it from this furry little insect in front of you to criticize the way you run things. And if you would be so gracious as to tell me, what are you doing here any way?

2012-06-30, 05:02 PM
Your City! Oh, I am so sorry for for my previous rudeness. I was just so overcome with... disgust. I was just wondering to myself, "who would be so absolutely tasteless as to host a marriage so soon after discovering a possible murder?" But of course, if this is your "fine" city, far be it from me to say, "Someone has been attacked, and you plan on ignoring it and celebrating, that's just sick," after all, as leader, it is not like you should be doing anything about this. Not that I am telling you what to do. Far be it from this furry little insect in front of you to criticize the way you run things. And if you would be so gracious as to tell me, what are you doing here any way?

Lord Aeyr's eyes narrow in anger.
I was passing through the merchant district, on my way to my own ball. I heard the three of you having a heated discussion and decided to find out what was going on. I have no intention of ignoring anything here. As I said previously, we will stop by the constabulary, where I will inform the guard that an investigation needs to be conducted on what exactly happened here. In the meantime, the masquerade ball that has been scheduled to take place for over a year, with ambassadors from all over the continent, is quite unable to canceled at the drop of a hat. One man disappearing does not mean that I am going to risk angering the entire continent. Now, I will ask you one more time before I arrest you for suspicion of an assault attempt on the tailor. Who are you, and why are you here?

2012-06-30, 05:42 PM
They call me Nirris, and I am here because I came here. Can you say the same? And by the way, you wouldn't anger the whole continent. Just the people.

2012-06-30, 05:57 PM
When you've seen some of the magic that I have, you would not make such distinguishments.

He turns to Ceruli
And you, what is your name, and why are you here?

Overlord Rion
2012-06-30, 11:45 PM

Please be what is needed to do things.

2012-07-01, 12:12 AM
My ñame is The Charmastic, Cèruli..... im here because i was outcasted from my tribe so i decicded to travel... i meet Nirris... now we were following this bird... now I'm talking to you, OH ALSO! I had a sword put to my chest cause i wanted a bird to help us Everytime the word bird was brought up my tail would vigorously waggle at the lady.

2012-07-01, 12:26 AM
Ceruli, you say? You do realize that you just openly admitted to stalking Laecelam...

He turns back to Nirris, as he is obviously the more well-spoken.

Why were you following Laecelam. I'm hoping your over-eager friend here is more socially inept than he seems, I really don't have time for a stalking case on top of everything else.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-01, 12:43 AM

Still going.

2012-07-01, 12:47 AM
Bu- he was right...... i just did.

I said a bird... now look at me when you talk about me.. We were not following this lady we were merely saving the justice of what you can't save. Now... two guards to secure two new catfolks, what god forsaken town is.

As he would shut up not getting us in any more crap.

2012-07-01, 01:22 PM
Following her into here, that is, I say off-hand, as if I no longer care about the town leader, we followed her in here because this place looked suspicious.

2012-07-01, 07:22 PM
Well then, I believe that's everything. Let us go to the constabulary and then be off to the ball. Unless you have anything else?
Lord Aeyr waits a minute, then turns to leave, and motions you and his guards to follow him.

2012-07-01, 08:06 PM
As Ceruli would follow behind his guards look back at nirris and then ahead again.

2012-07-02, 09:58 AM
Lord Aeyr leads the three of you across town. When he gets to the guards that were sleeping, they have woken up by now. They stand to attention when their lord comes across the bridge.
When the group gets to the constabulary, Lord Aeyr motions for y'all to stay outside. He goes inside by himself, leaving the three of you with his two guards. They watch the two catfolk closely.

2012-07-02, 05:13 PM
Lord Aeyr comes out with several guards. They are less finely equipped than Lord Aeyr's personal guard, but still well equipped. The guards nod to Lord Aeyr's personal guards, then head off for the merchant's district.

After the guard's leave, Lord Aeyr motions for y'all to come with him, and he leads along the docks to a large building. The two guards at the doorway stand at attention when they see their lord. Lord Aeyr opens the double doors and leads you into the building.

The room you enter is quite large, easily capable of hosting a gathering of 100 people. Servants are scurrying to and fro, getting things ready for the ball. Moving things here, getting instruments ready there.

Vanyel, Ararn, watch over these two kittens. Don't let them do anything rash.

Yes sir.

Laecelam, let's go find my wife, I'll leave the two of you to pick out a dress.
Lord Aeyr moves across the chamber. A Darfellan meets Lord Aeyr in the middle of the room.

2012-07-02, 05:24 PM
The tall, thin darfellen fellow who greets the group is dressed in black leather, as smooth and glossy as his black, hairless skin. Bright red eyes that seem locked in rage stare out at the three of them and says, "Greetings, strangers. What brings you here today?"

2012-07-02, 05:49 PM
As the so called lord left Ceruli and Nirris with his personal guards. Ceruli then quickly got mad looking at the guards and then said,

Draw a picture it will last longer....

As looked to his friend Nirris.

2012-07-02, 05:55 PM
Vanyel looks at Ceruli with a confused expression on his face.

"Picture? What is a picture."

2012-07-02, 05:56 PM
"Excuse me?" he said, surprise mixing with his growl of anger.

2012-07-02, 05:58 PM
I quite agree. Ceruli, you are here at my invitation. Should I need to send you out of here in chains, I will. Aikilu, I apologize.

2012-07-02, 06:02 PM
"I do not think they were speaking to me, I was just shocked for a guest of yours to so blatantly ignore me and be so very rude. Are these cats other ambassadors of yours?" he growled.

2012-07-02, 06:07 PM
I shoot Ceruli a glance, and stage whisper I don't think that they have ever seen a race as endowed with natural beauty as ours, and they may gawk a bit, but you shouldn't comment on it.

2012-07-02, 06:08 PM
Of a sort, they believed that my ability to keep this place secure for all was to be a touch lax. I brought them here to prove to them that this was not the case. Hopefully there will be no further rudeness from either of them.
Lord Aeyr pointedly looks at Ceruli for a moment, then turns back to Aikilu.
Have you been accomodated appropriately? I'm afraid that I have been a bit preoccupied and have been unable to check on my ambassadors as I had planned.

2012-07-02, 06:08 PM
"I see that they continue to ignore us. Why exactly did you invite them?"

2012-07-02, 06:14 PM
They seemed to believe that they could help with security. Perhaps they should go see to the security they were so keen to denounce.

2012-07-02, 06:22 PM
Laecelam finally woke from her stupor, she had been lost within the intricate architecture of the manor and the air of nobility of the place.
She shakes her head for a second to clear out the distractions before her eyes fall upon the Darfellan.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I'm a bit exacerbated from the night's events, I apologize for my lethargy. My name is Laecelam Irill, I was graciously invited to this proceeding by Lord Aeyr.
She gives the noble a curtsy as a sign of respect before returning to what she hoped to be a regal stance, her head held high and her hands clasped in front of her navel.
Your name is Aikilu, I presume? Your kind is unfamiliar to me, from what part of the world do you hail?

2012-07-02, 06:50 PM
"I hail from the coast nearby. My people are the Darfellan, Those Who Now Hunt. We are a scattered people, ranging far and wide on the edges, having survived the genocide inflicted upon our grandfathers by the sea-devil sahuagin. I come ashore to represent my people and seek aid from the people of the surface in redressing the wrongs done to my people. If you will be working security, then perhaps I should come with you and consult you so that you are aware of my personal security I will have at the event."

2012-07-02, 07:05 PM
Security detail?
She scratches her head a bit in confusion before catching herself and bring her hand back to its original location. She turns to the Elven noble.
Lord Aeyr, surely this was not the reason that you have invited me.

2012-07-02, 07:13 PM
Oh no Laecelam, I invited you because the cousin that I mentioned wished to speak to you again, and see if he could best you by now, as he has been working on his fencing.
He turns to the rest of the group.
Aikilu's suggestion sounds fine to me. Vanyel, Ararn, take these three and show them the security. Make sure Aikilu recieves the care he needs. Laecelam, come with me, my wife should be in the other room by now, trying on dresses for the next few hours. She'll be only too glad to help you find a dress.

Lord Aeyr goes off to the far right edge of the room. When him and Laecelam get near the door, you can hear a feminine voice screaming.
That'll be my lady, let's go see what predicament she is in now.

He opens the door to the next room over, and deftly dodges out of the way as a servant runs past, carrying a dress box. He strides down the hallway, and opens the first door to the left.
What is wrong my dear?

What is wrong?! The tailor has messed up my dresses! I can only wear this one, all the rest of them will have to go!

Just how many dresses did you get this time Ahnuit? Could Laecelam here perhaps borrow one?

I got as many as I thought would be neccassary for this ball. Don't worry about paying for them though, because I assure you, they will be sent back. (mumbled elven curses) Wait, did you just ask if I could allow someone to borrow one?

Ahnuit steps from behind the changing room, wearing a modest green gown. She is a short, thin elven woman, with long brown hair and dark eyes. She looks at Laecelam.
Oh, this will be difficult. Don't worry my lord, she'll have a dress before the ball, I promise. Come along Laecelam.
Alright then. I'll go see to the decorations.

The guards turn to the three who are left.
"So, what was it you would be interested in seeing?"

2012-07-02, 07:28 PM
Laecelam stares in amazement at the plethora of gowns and dresses before her, once again too caught up in fantasizing of living life as a noble. She almost missed the entire conversation, only falling back into reality when Ahnuit asked her to follow. She gracefully strode across the room to the other elf, whispering to no one in particular.
Wow, this must be what paradise is...
Deep in her thoughts, she once again lost most of her touch in reality and nearly knocked over Ahnuit.
Oh, my! I'm terribly sorry, it's just that the life of a noble must be incredibly fascinating... Oh, where are my manners, thank you so much for allowing me this privilege on such short notice my lady.

2012-07-02, 07:30 PM
As he slammed his paw against his face.
Our glory is shined differently... where ever you want to go sir!

He turned to the new guy nodding and then back to the guard.

2012-07-02, 07:38 PM
"I am just here to consult with them, so that my personal security may be integrated in with theirs. Though you might want to start by showing them the banquet room. I would think that the most likely place for someone to attack if they wish to make a public statement. Also likely to be the best place to sneak in without being seen."

2012-07-02, 08:29 PM
Why do you assume they do not want to be seen?

2012-07-02, 08:30 PM
"Of course, right this way."
The two guards lead the three of you to the far end of the room. They open the double doors to the next room.

There are three long banquet tables in the room, with the head of each table at the other end of the room. The middle table is slightly longer than the other two. Servants are busy setting place settings on the tables, there are two doorways other than the ones you just entered the room from.

A double door on the left hand side of the room. People are coming back and forth through these doors. Every time those doors open, you hear the clatter of kitchenware, smell exotic foods that none of you have ever tasted before, and can hear loud boisterous voices screaming in Halfling.

Speak Language Halfling:
The shouts are all kitchen orders, screams for more of this spice, or to check that roast. If you've ever been in an elegant restaurant style kitchen, that's the kind of thing you would hear.

The door on the right hand side is just a plain wooden doorway. It is closed, and none of the servants go over to that doorway.

"Is there something specific you wished to know about the security? There will be guards posted at both of the entrances to this building. The first of which you just entered, the second is in the kitchens."

Oh, my! I'm terribly sorry, it's just that the life of a noble must be incredibly fascinating... Oh, where are my manners, thank you so much for allowing me this privilege on such short notice my lady.

Ahnuit chuckles heartily.
(Elven) Ah me, the life of a noble is a lot less fascinating than you would think my dear Laecelam. Go to this ball, see off this ship, never a moment's peace I've had since getting married to my dear Aeyr. Don't you fret about it a bit, I had every intention of sending these dresses back to that pesky tailor. Besides, it'll be fun dressing you up. I'm sure I've got something back here that'll show off that figure of yours.
She takes you by the hand and leads you to the other end of the room.
Let's see if any of these fit you, and how well you look in them.

2012-07-02, 09:03 PM
Why do you assume they do not want to be seen?

"It is very difficult to perpetrate a crime if you get caught at the front door. Doubly so for violent crimes. Whether or not they want to be seen at the act itself matters more with whether they are fanatics pushing a cause or professionals on a job. And in case you were curious, I know of this business intimately, yes. Assassinations are not foreign to me." the growl never left his voice.

2012-07-02, 09:12 PM
When everyone wears a mask, the masked ones can walk unseen. It would be possible to kill in front of everyone here, without seeming out of place beforehand, and still have no one know who you are. I would work on being able to seal the exits after the crime occurs, and then hide until it does. Because you will not be able to stop someone who wants to kill here. Focus the guards on mobility and defense from the inside, as the worst ones may already be here. I grin widely, showing my sharp canines felines.

2012-07-02, 09:46 PM
A row of razor sharp teeth are displayed in turn. Ones that seem fully functional. "Exactly why I tell you that this is the most likely place for someone to come in and attempt trouble if trouble will be attempted. What part of what I said have you a problem with? If you must keep up this antagonistic attitude and remain hostile, I will become angry."

2012-07-02, 10:21 PM
Vanyel steps forward.
"We had planned to be in the ballroom, making sure that nothing happens. We can most definitely give the guards at the doors the order to seal the entrances should something happen, if you so wish."

2012-07-02, 10:29 PM
Woah.. If anyone knows about lock picking stealth hiding diguising and thieving in general is me.. Hmmm where would i enter... there!

He would point to where no servants go. Then looking to Nirris and nodding.

2012-07-02, 10:29 PM
"That would likely be wise, but it is not my call. I really just came here to give some advice. The same one you seem to be giving. Well, that and show my personal guard without scaring the more sensitive. Marq, come!"

A black snake over six feet long slithers out from the shadows.

"If you would like to incorporate him into your plans, I have no objection. He is very loyal to me. He will obey if I give him a command."

2012-07-03, 12:16 AM
"That would likely be wise, but it is not my call. I really just came here to give some advice. The same one you seem to be giving. Well, that and show my personal guard without scaring the more sensitive. Marq, come!"

A black snake over six feet long slithers out from the shadows.

"If you would like to incorporate him into your plans, I have no objection. He is very loyal to me. He will obey if I give him a command."

Vanyel and Ararn both look at the snake.
"Hm... some of the ambassadors have a less than welcoming attitude toward snakes. We would ask if you would keep him out of sight. If you wish for him to help with security, perhaps the kitchen doorway would be best."

Woah.. If anyone knows about lock picking stealth hiding diguising and thieving in general is me.. Hmmm where would i enter... there!

He would point to where no servants go. Then looking to Nirris and nodding.

"That doorway leads to the changing rooms. It would be quite impossible to get into the building through that doorway."

2012-07-03, 12:19 AM
Aikilu nods and says, "He can stay discrete."

The snake heads to the shadows and disappears.


2012-07-03, 12:21 AM
He grimaces and says, "Marq, stop showing off! Hide!"


Giving up, he says, "Very well, you stubborn future pair of boots. Be that way.", rather cross with his underperforming reptile.

2012-07-03, 09:55 PM
"I'll go let the other guards know the plan."
Ararn heads off to the kitchen doorway, leaving the three of you with Vanyel.

After several minutes of awkward silence, Ararn comes back through the ballroom door. About half an hour later, the other ambassadors start to arrive. Everyone gets seated for the banquet. Aikilu, Ceruli, Nirris, and Laecelam all get seated at the middle table, below the nobles, but you can tell that it is quite an unusual gesture.

The banquet is gruelingly long. There are speeches and toasts given in honor of Lord Aeyr's son by each of the approximately 50 ambassadors, including Aikilu. Then after the banquet finally comes to an end, everyone goes into the ballroom, dons their masks and the 'party' begins. Music foreign to your ears is being played, but no one seems in the mood to dance.

2012-07-03, 10:07 PM
"I come before you all as a simple man. I am no statesman, no politician. My people are a simple one, few and scattered far. We hold no lands, and have little power to ourselves. Our enemy is stronger and far more numerous than we are.

Yet I have found welcome here, in this great hall. I see before me many who do not despise me based on my appearance or the lack of power that I represent. Before me is an arrangement of those who champion justice. The many and varied peoples gathered here are a wonderful sight to behold.

I propose a toast to our host, and all that he has done. And to ourselves, that we may all learn from one another. To the future!"

Aikilu's speech begins, before going into a long ramble about the history of his people and the wrongs that have been done to them by the sahuagin, touching upon the prophecy of a time of vengeance, and entreating all present to look in their hearts and find the truth of his cause for themselves.

"Our cause is not strong, but justice is mighty. When the tide reverses, I thank you for your aid in ridding the seas of the menace that threatens us all."

Overlord Rion
2012-07-06, 02:38 PM
You know, posting guards at windows was always something Roger disliked."I hate big events like this, it always looks like people are just waving money I don't have in my face." Indeed, Roger's possessions were once vast and wide, then quickly shrunk to a set of leather armor and a quarterstaff once someone taught him the concept of ownership.

And now he didn't even have that anymore, thanks to those...he was getting his thoughts back on target, and the reason he was trying to get into the ball. Security was tight, but if Roger learned anything from his old friends at home, there was always a way in.

And for him, that was the front door.

How the hell else was he supposed to get in? Climb through a window with guards?

2012-07-06, 02:49 PM
Hm, my question exactly. How is Roger intending to get in? Also, the building has two sets of doors, and no windows. The front door, which is on the main road, is a set of closed double doors, with a pair of guards. They seem relatively bemused about the whole thing. You can hear music playing through the doors, and one of the guards is swaying in rhythm to the music. There is also an alleyway that, as you passed, you noted also has a doorway that is likewise closed. No guards on that door, but while you walked past you saw the door open and heard relatively loud kitchen sounds.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-09, 09:56 PM
Roger is going to head to the door with the kitchen sounds. If nothing else, maybe he can get some free scraps of food.

2012-07-10, 12:54 AM
As you approach the doorway the door closes. When you get to the door, it opens up again and the servant carrying a sack of garbage comes out and walks right into you, sending you both sprawling.

"Oh master, I'm so sorry master."
He gets up and begins to pick everything back up.
"Wait a minute, who are you?"

"Yes, and what are you doing here?"
A longsword pokes you in the chest. You look up to see one of the guards standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here, boy?"

Overlord Rion
2012-07-10, 04:59 PM
Oh no, this wasn't good. How was Roger going to get out of this one? Time to mix lies with the truth! "Isn't it obvious? I'm hungry and I heard kitchen sounds."

2012-07-10, 05:28 PM
The sword is lowered slightly.
"And of all the places in the docks you happened to be wandering around at the royals ball. At midnight."

You need a bluff check there for Roger.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-10, 05:29 PM
"What, a ball? Seriously?"


2012-07-10, 06:52 PM
Sense motive (should have done that last post.)

Yes, there is a ball tonight. You don't look like your that bad though come on in, we'll get you something to eat.
The two lead you in and get you some if the fancy food. The place is rather busy, with servants darting in and out with trays of wine and food. They ask have insect masks on, some of them are on a table nearby. The two guards offer to start a drinking game with you.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-10, 10:23 PM
"A drinking game?" He honestly thought about it. He knew he had to tell somebody important about the cult the tried to...well, whatever the hell they were going to do to him. But ah what the hey. What did he really have to lose.

"All right, what's the game?"

2012-07-10, 10:39 PM
"Ever played Wine Ball?" says the first guard.

"We set up tankards at opposite ends of this here table, then we get into teams, each of us throws this here ball into the tankards at the other end of the table."

"If you get it in the guy on the other team has to drink from the tankard. The last group capable of playing wins."

The game they describe is Beer Pong for reference.

"So, do you want to play?"

Overlord Rion
2012-07-14, 10:35 PM
"Sure, I'll play. So the ball is a costume party? Interesting. I've never been to one of those." He keeps making small talk such as he motions for them to set up the game.

2012-07-14, 10:45 PM
"Heck, if you want, with your fuzz it wouldn't be to difficult to sneak you in. Want to check out the ball while my friend sets up the game?"
The guard offers you one of the servants masks.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-15, 01:30 AM
"YEah, I could go for that. I get to see what a ball is like in the meantime, and then, gametime!"

Overlord Rion
2012-07-15, 10:28 AM
(Doublepost because my post wasn't showing up)

2012-07-15, 01:52 PM
The guard leads Roger into the ballroom, which is relatively dark, just light enough that you can see about 20 feet around yourself if your a normal being.

Upon reaching the ballroom everyone can hear a loud explosion. Everyone needs to make a Balance check DC 15 or fall to the ground.

Immediately following the explosion, everyone can hear loud screams of panic from outside the ballroom.

2012-07-15, 02:18 PM

Aikilu calls to Marq and says "Defend me!" This explosion has upset things. If someone freaks out over his snake now, let them. There are bigger concerns right now.

2012-07-15, 02:57 PM
Laecelam lets out a small yelp in response to the sudden destruction around her.

2012-07-18, 12:14 PM
I look for what it could be distracting people from. spot [roll0]

Overlord Rion
2012-07-18, 01:15 PM

Roger falls to the ground, and he falls hard. Maybe he should have trained a bit more at maintaining his balance.

2012-07-18, 03:14 PM
Balance [roll0]
Um, after I stand up.

2012-07-18, 03:38 PM
Nirris notices nothing that this could be a distraction from.

Lord Aeyr speaks up over the crowd.
"Everyone remain calm. We'll send a group of people to take care of this. I think every one else should remain here. Vanyel, Aran, you know what needs to be done."
The Lord approaches Nirris, Aikilu, and Laecelam. Roger is about thirty feet away from the others.
"Do any of you know what is going on? Did you orchestrate this Nirris? Is that why you were so keen to come here? To watch how we react?
He seems quite upset, though only a moment ago he had seemed so calm.

2012-07-19, 08:44 AM
Me? Orchestrate this? I am insulted. If I already knew what was going on that would be far less... entertaining.

2012-07-19, 12:18 PM

2012-07-19, 12:23 PM
Lord Aeyr's eyes narrow.
"Why don't you go clean this up Nirris. I'll send Vanyel with you to keep an eye on you."

2012-07-19, 12:24 PM
I grin, showing my fangs. Gladly.

2012-07-19, 01:28 PM
Nirris notices nothing that this could be a distraction from.

Lord Aeyr speaks up over the crowd.
"Everyone remain calm. We'll send a group of people to take care of this. I think every one else should remain here. Vanyel, Aran, you know what needs to be done."
The Lord approaches Nirris, Aikilu, and Laecelam. Roger is about thirty feet away from the others.
"Do any of you know what is going on? Did you orchestrate this Nirris? Is that why you were so keen to come here? To watch how we react?
He seems quite upset, though only a moment ago he had seemed so calm.

"This is most disruptive in my attempts to forge alliances. Would you object if I have Marq put the squeeze on whomever is responsible when we catch them? I want to know why."

2012-07-19, 01:42 PM
"Oh, by all means, do you think you can keep an eye on this catfolk for me? It would make things much easier on myself if I had all of my personal guards with me."

2012-07-19, 02:09 PM
"Of course. Marq, attack if he moves." Aikilu says, pointing to the cat.

The snake slithers up next to the cat and stares at it, coiled to strike.

2012-07-19, 03:16 PM
I would rather help investigate.

2012-07-19, 03:34 PM
Laecelam gathers herself from the shock and attempts to wrest control of the situation, dusting off her dress and placing her sword hand to rest on the hilt of the rapier hidden in the folds of her attire.
I hope you don't mind my lord, but I'd very much like to help to see what had just occured.
She turns toward the source of the explosion, drawing her rapier and proceeds forward and out of the ballroom. Through the dimness of the room, her elven eyes can see most that others would miss.

Spot Check:

Overlord Rion
2012-07-19, 07:39 PM
From the floor, Roger looked at the source of the disturbance. "Ah damn. That hurt." He looked around for somebody important. Chances were good that this was the work of the cultists.

Spot for people who look important: [roll0]

2012-07-19, 09:02 PM
Roger can see Lord Aeyr and the people he's talking to, then he sees one of them head for the door.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-22, 05:56 PM
Once Roger is sure nothing is broken or bruised, he heads straight to the Darfellan...fella and the rest of the group.

"Good evening! I'm going to assume none of that was part of the show, right?"

Smooth Roger. Like silk.

2012-07-22, 06:07 PM
"If it was, I want my money back." Aikilu growls.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-22, 07:11 PM
"Right, well, do I have an explanation for YOU. That was probably the work of a cult working right here in the city. They captured me and wanted to use me for something, I have no idea what. I'm willing to bet they need to be stopped though."

The thought occurs to Roger that he sounds an awful lot like a salesmen.

2012-07-22, 08:03 PM
I grin again.
Cult? What a tantalizing possibility. So, Fishman, whom do they worship?

2012-07-22, 08:23 PM
"If we can discover who it was that planned this attack, you can count on me to aid you in wreaking bloody vengeance against them."

2012-07-23, 09:07 PM
Everyone makes their way to the door, and when the door is opened, all four of you can see one of the ships in the docks is on fire. The ship immediately next to it, er wreck immediately next to it, is slowly sinking as it burns. You can here shouts and the clang of metal on metal, pierced with the occasional scream coming from that general direction.

2012-07-23, 10:12 PM
"I believe we have found the source of this evenings' distractions." Aikilu observes, heading towards the fire.

2012-07-25, 02:25 AM
As you approach the fire, you can see that there are no less than a dozen people involved in the swordfight. Eight of them look like common-folk, four are guards.
The guards are losing.

Everyone roll initiative. You are all 40 feet from the guards, who have begun to retreat back towards the main road. The eight common-folk (cultists maybe?) are about 10 feet beyond them. The cultists(?) can see you, but aren't paying you any special attention. The guards have their backs to you.


2012-07-25, 02:31 AM

Aikilu will, on his turn, step up behind the nearest guard and say, "Do you need assistance?" He'll command Marq to defend the guard that looks in the worst condition.

2012-07-25, 06:27 AM

On my turn, I try to talk to one of the common folk who isn't doing too much in the fight.

Overlord Rion
2012-07-25, 04:10 PM
Oh wonderful, and me without my weapons. Roger quickly looks around for something, anything to strike with.


2012-07-26, 11:33 PM
You attempt to speak to the commoners(?). They look at you like you are quite the fool, and continue with the cutting and such.

The Commoners(?):
All take 5 ft steps towards the guards, and make an attack at each of them. Two commoners to each of the 4 guards. The guard on the left looks to be quite injured, the rest of them are generally uninjured

You look around, and pick up a large hunk of wood that was probably fired off in the explosion of the nearby ship. (Treat it as a club)

The guards:
They are currently defensively fighting against the commoners, the one on the left (currently most injured) manages to down one of the commoners(?) with a lucky crit. The two in the middle both pull of normal attacks, while the one on the right misses.

Steps up behind the guards, says his bit, and then commands his snake to guard one of the guards (one on the left is most injured, but only has one opponent currently, you pick)

Seems to be too stunned by the situation to act. (Where is Ballista? Disappeared in my other game too.)

Nirris is up again.

2012-07-26, 11:34 PM
Marq guards the most injured guard.

2012-07-30, 12:53 PM
Nirris walks forward, attempting to talk the commoners(?) down. Failing that, he sends forth a Magic Missile spell at one of the cultists.

The commoners(?) each attack the guards. The mid-right guard looks to fall soon.

Roger is up.


Each square represents a 5 ft square. Laecelam and Roger are not on the wooden dock, but the 5 ft. square in front of them is.

Overlord Rion
2012-08-05, 03:22 PM
Roger is going to charge straight ahead at the commoner in front of him, brandishing his makeshift weapon.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-06, 02:34 AM
Roger drops the commoner(?) in front of him with his well placed blow. The guard on his left drops the one next to him, but his is the only attack that actually lands.

Aikilu, Laecelam, and Nirris are all up now.


2012-08-06, 02:41 AM
"Back down or be consumed by a snake." Aikilu threatens the commoner over the injured guard.

Marq readies to strike the commoner if it makes any sudden moves.

2012-08-07, 01:22 PM
Magic Missile

2012-08-08, 01:29 AM
I need to know who the Magic Missile targeted.

Laecalam takes a Double Move to D6.

The Commoners at B6-C7 all attack the guard within reach. The guard at C8 drops. :smalleek:

Roger is up.


2012-08-08, 11:57 AM
The one at b6.

Overlord Rion
2012-08-13, 10:19 PM
Sorry, though I had posted here already.

Roger quickly grabs the weapon the commoner was using, and steps the one to his right(B5)

2012-08-13, 10:44 PM
The leader of the guards calls for the commoners to surrender.
They look around for a second, and comply, one of the guards kneels down and stabilizes the guard that went down. (successful heal check) Another guard binds the prisoners. The last guard, who looks like he's in charge, turns to the party.

"Thank you for coming to our aid, it looked pretty grim there for a moment. Might I ask who to praise when I write my report?"

2012-08-13, 11:05 PM
"I am Aikilu, darfellan emissary to this city."

Overlord Rion
2012-08-13, 11:45 PM
"Ah, er....Roger. Yeah, we'll go with that. Roger.

2012-08-14, 07:22 AM
I ignore him and try to talk to the commoners

2012-08-16, 05:58 PM
The fallen guard has been brought back to his feet, though he walks with a limp.

"Aikilu and Roger. My thanks, now, if you'll excuse us, we'll take this rabble to the prison now. See what we can find out."

The commoners glare at Nirris when he tries to speak to them. "We're not scared of your prison. We won't be there long." One of them looks at Roger, and winks.

The guy who winks at you is Zack.

2012-08-16, 06:37 PM
"I take it their crimes are not worthy of execution? You surfacers have such... soft customs."

2012-08-16, 07:16 PM
"Oh, they'll likely be executed. First we need to find out a bit more about what's going on though. There's more than a few strange things going on at the moment. Disappearances in the merchant district, some sort of sickness in the warrens, and now this. Seems might strange if you ask me."

2012-08-16, 07:34 PM
"Ah, that makes much more sense.

You mention problems in the merchant district? Disappearances? Perhaps I could help."

2012-08-17, 07:17 AM
I am not threatening you, I just want you to tell me. Who knows? You might get a useful convert.

2012-08-17, 10:47 PM
The bound prisoner sneers at you. "Pretty words for one who just tried to kill us, kitten. I ain't telling you a thing." He spits on the ground.

The guard looks at him and tells the other guards to take them to the prison.
"I'd certainly love some help with these problems. We're overstretched as it is, and this certainly won't help matters. I'm not the one who's leading the investigation on the disappearances though. You'd have to ask Jacob about that. You can find him at the guards' barracks. Just tell them that Gerard sent you to talk to Jacob. I have to go talk to the harbormaster about this, see if he can tell me anything. Farewell." With that, Gerard turns and leaves.

2012-08-17, 11:55 PM
Aikilu turns to the fellow who went with him to investigate this. "Well, I cannot speak for you, but I think the party is over. I'm going to go investigate these disappearances to see if I can help. I would be honored if some of you came with me to help."

Overlord Rion
2012-08-21, 09:43 PM
Roger bristled for a moment at the one he recognized. He wanted to throttle the guy, but that would have to be saved for later. "All right, I'll help. I can find where they were keeping me for a little while. Like a damned animal."