View Full Version : Suggest a 14+ episode anime

2012-06-27, 02:44 AM
Anyone know of any good shonen or seinen anime with more then the standard 12-13 episodes?, a lot of animes within he last year or two have ended up ending with only a single(somewhat rushed near the end) season and I was hoping someone could think of an anime I might enjoy with 14 or more episodes(or at least one that ends at episode 12 or 13 without rushing the plot).
Long(ish) anime I've seen or am watching;
Beelzebub(it was a little disappointing to have it end at episode 60)
Toriko(at episode 7 currently if I remember correctly)
Bleach(I gave up watching around episode 130 I think, I may try watching it again sometime)
Naruto Shippuuden(at episode 20 if I remember correctly, though I did skip the first series)
Fairytale(at episode 40 I think)
Detective Conan(to about episode 100 if i remember correctly)
D. Grayman(at about episode 80)
Gintama(at about episode 40)
Keroro Gunso(at about episode 18)
Inuyasha(finished series one, but recently found the second series and have been planning to try it sometime)

Medium length anime(double season anime, or 14-30 episode anime, or anime that's only at episode 20-40 atm);
Buso Renkin(finished)
Kore Wa Zombie Desuka(finished both seasons)
Princess Resurection(at episode 20 if i remember correctly)
Phi Brain(only to episode 2 so far)
Sore no Otoshimono(finished both seasons)
To Aru no Magjusto Index(I think that's it's name, finished season 1, and about halfway through season two)
To love Ru(finished season 1, and the OVA, and only to episode two in season 2)
Tantei opera Milky Holmes(finished season one, and to episode 8 of season two)
Aarad senki(up to episode 11 i think)
Kuro****suji/Black Butler(at episode 18 of season 1[edit; forum censored the japanese title for it])
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles(finished season one, and about halfway through season 2)
xxHolic(about halfway through season 1)
Full Metal Alchemist(finsihed)
Full Metal Alchemist: brotherhood(at about episode 20 if i remember correctly)
Soul Eater(at about episode 30 if i remember correctly)
Negima[first series](finished[and aye, i do realise it was a bit different from the manga])
Negima[the spoof version](at episode 16)
Scrapped Princess(finished)
Darker then Black(finished season one, and have sene episode 1 of season two)
Kekeishi[i think that's it's name](at about episode 15 i think, it's been about two years since i watched it)

short anime I've enjoyed which i'm mentioning to help give an idea of the style of anime I enjoy;
Kampfur(up to episode 10)
Magipoka(up to episode 8)
King of Bandits: jing(at episode 5 I think)
Ichiban Ushiro Daimao(at episode 10)
Medeka box(at episode 10)
Haiyore Nylaruko-San(I think that it's name, at episode 8 atm)
2x2 Shinobuden(finished)
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan
Omamori Himari(at about episode 8)
Magikano(finished, though the end was a bit disapointing)it ended with the entire plot being a time loop
and a few more I cant remember atm, but will mention if I do end up remembering them.

For recommending anime, I generally prefer comedy and or action, and non subbed are fine, I'm also fine with anime with echi or yaoi components.

2012-06-27, 02:46 AM
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

2012-06-27, 02:48 AM
Fist of the North Star, plus it's spinoff OVAs are all available for free on Hulu. I suggest you check it out.

2012-06-27, 02:57 AM
Ty, I've been trying to remember that those anime(Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Fist of the North Star) were called, as I had been thinking of trying them for a while, but couldn't remember their names.
I've also added full metal alchemist and soul eater to the list of anime I have seen(as i mentioned, i couldn't quite remember the name of the ones I had been watching, and had ended up losing track of what episode I was at, for full metal alchemist I'm at about episode 20 i think, and about episode 30 for soul eater of I remember correctly)
edit; also sorry for the bad grammar in this last post, my internet crashed while I was running it through a spell-check.
Also, I have been meaning to go and rewatch some of the anime I ended up stopping part way through with, but kept forgetting their names, so thank you for reminding me about them.

Dirac Lotus
2012-06-27, 04:07 PM
I've noticed a lack of Code Geass on there, you should probably remedy that (~50 eps).
I'm also going to recommend Evangelion, because I recommend that to everyone (More mindscrew than action or comedy, but if you watch the remakes, be prepared for rainbows of blood).
Other than that, you should try checking out Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, Great Teacher Onizuka or Steins;Gate. All good comedies with a healthy number of episodes and, bar the latter, mild ecchi components.

2012-06-27, 05:37 PM
To Aru no Magjusto Index(I think that's it's name, finished season 1, and about halfway through season two)To Aru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index)? Don't forget to watch the spinoff, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaXAhhn37No) (A Certain Scientific Railgun).

Another Light Novel adaptation from the same producers, Shakugan no Shana (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0jhonzkSow), has had three 26-ep seasons.

Seconding TTGL and Code Geass/Code Geass R2 (shut up R2's not that bad :smalltongue:).

Anyone know of any good shonen or seinen anime with more then the standard 12-13 episodes?, a lot of animes within he last year or two have ended up ending with only a single(somewhat rushed near the end) season and I was hoping someone could think of an anime I might enjoy with 14 or more episodes(or at least one that ends at episode 12 or 13 without rushing the plot).This is usually because they're adaptations of a work that's either unpopular or hasn't finished yet, and had to make up an ending or do without one. Anime adaptations that make it all the way to the end of their source material are rare. Translations of the original manga and light novels usually aren't that hard to find (albeit light novel translations can sometimes be poor quality).

2012-06-27, 05:50 PM
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

all of these.

also, go back and watch the original naruto series (up until after the fight between naruto and sasuke at the waterfall, then it turns to filler. bad filler :smallannoyed:)
in addition to just being good. it adds so much more emotional weight to the events of shippudden.

i've never been a fan personally, but a lot of people swear by one piece.

2012-06-27, 05:55 PM
Full Metal Panic. (All three series)
Irresponsible Captain Tylor. (A classic which really ought to be seen.)
Azumanga Daioh. (Not really a shounen anime, but there's Osaka!)

Scowling Dragon
2012-06-27, 05:56 PM
Dam it. Paranoia agent misses by 1 episode.

2012-06-27, 06:08 PM
Tiger and Bunny is good (26 episodes IIRC).
It has comedic moments and action and is probably my favorite anime I've watched in the last few years.

Outlaw Star (26 episodes)
Old anime which came on Toonami, I've been rewatching it on Youtube. Reminds me of Firefly.

Most of the other anime I'd suggest is already on your list.

2012-06-27, 06:18 PM
can someone explain the appeal of mull metal panic to me?

oh, also. there's very little in the gundam franchise that isn't worth at least checking out.

2012-06-27, 06:18 PM
Reminds me of Firefly.

Same reason the first few Sword of Truth books remind you of Wheel of Time.

The difference here of course being instead of a mediocre book series inspiring a terrible series. It's a pretty good anime inspiring a great tv show.

can someone explain the appeal of mull metal panic to me?

It's a fairly standard manic pixie girlfriend romcom. The main hook is supposed to be how out of place the super professional, no social skills, mercenary is in it. Unfortunately because the animation isn't super expressive this requires you to rely the tonal inflections of the VAs which is hard to carry across languages, thus you need to rely on a good dub team. Whether or not FMP has one is up to personal preference.

I still find it pretty good, but it is also weighed down by how flooded the american market is with straight-laced man/manic emotional girlfriend romcoms.

2012-06-27, 06:20 PM
I don't see the following on your list:

Cowboy Bebop (26 episodes): Bounty hunting in space! Kickass jazzy soundtrack and a strong western feel to the setting with delicious, delicious noir themes spread on top of it all. Frequently voted the best anime ever. And it deserves it.

Samurai Champloo (26 episodes): By the same director as the above. Mix traditional japanese swordsman movies with modern hip hop culture and you get this. Some of the best action scenes you'll see along with drama, comedy and some all-round great storytelling.

Baccano! (16 episodes): Immortal prohibition-era gangsters, underage terrorists, more gangsters, thieves, a ****storm of coincidences and some exquisite non-linear storytelling make this into something very, very hard to describe. But it is awesome.

I cannot recommend these three enough. I'll also second Soul Eater, Gurren Lagann and Tiger & Bunny (it's a very interesting take on sentai/superheroes, don't let the name fool ya).

2012-06-27, 06:21 PM
Does Samurai Jack count? 'Cause that was AWESOME. I think that it should count...it meets all requirements except for the Japanese part. (which really...does it matter where it's from? Just as long as it's good...right?

2012-06-27, 06:23 PM
Samurai Champloo (26 episodes): By the same director as the above. Mix traditional japanese swordsman movies with modern hip hop culture and you get this. Some of the best action scenes you'll see along with drama, comedy and some all-round great storytelling.

+1 loved Samurai Champloo.

2012-06-27, 06:23 PM
Does Samurai Jack count? 'Cause that was AWESOME. I think that it should count...it meets all requirements except for the Japanese part. (which really...does it matter where it's from? Just as long as it's good...right?

If it does then Megas XLR should count, as it is the best giant robot show ever.

2012-06-27, 06:40 PM
Durarara! is a 24 episode anime made by the same guys who did Baccano! It focuses on a three way gang war in the Tokyo Borough of Ikebukuro. Amazing story and some fantastic characters. Also Code Geass, 50 episode anime.

2012-06-27, 06:49 PM
all of these.

also, go back and watch the original naruto series (up until after the fight between naruto and sasuke at the waterfall, then it turns to filler. bad filler :smallannoyed:)
in addition to just being good. it adds so much more emotional weight to the events of shippudden.

i've never been a fan personally, but a lot of people swear by one piece.

I'll probably try watching some of the first naruto series then, at least up the the point that you mention.

To Aru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index)? Don't forget to watch the spinoff, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaXAhhn37No) (A Certain Scientific Railgun).

Another Light Novel adaptation from the same producers, Shakugan no Shana (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0jhonzkSow), has had three 26-ep seasons.

Seconding TTGL and Code Geass/Code Geass R2 (shut up R2's not that bad :smalltongue:).

EDIT: This is usually because they're adaptations of a work that's either unpopular or hasn't finished yet, and had to make up an ending or do without one. Anime adaptations that make it all the way to the end of their source material are rare. Translations of the original manga and light novels usually aren't that hard to find (albeit light novel translations can sometimes be poor quality).

I've seen a few episodes of code geas(both first season and second season), but never the full series and not in order(just caught the dub when it was airing a few times), and from what I remember I did like it, so I may rewatch the episodes in order sometime.
Also, the main reason I was looking for an longish anime was due t having been mainly disappointed by how medeka box and kore wa zombie desuka(season 2) ended, medeka box seemed to be rushing to finish it's plot, after having aired mostly filler until the last few episodes, and the plot of season 2 of kore wa zombie desuka didn't actually finish at all(it's final episode was basically filler, good filler, but still filler, and the plot had been building to a showdown of some sort with the main villain of the season, and ended with a showdown with the main character's subconscious evil, for some reason)

Full Metal Panic. (All three series)
Irresponsible Captain Tylor. (A classic which really ought to be seen.)
Azumanga Daioh. (Not really a shounen anime, but there's Osaka!)
I'll try those sometime, I've seen the first episode of azumanga daioh, but have been meaning to go back and watch more of the series sometime, but hadn't heard of the other two before, so it will be fun to try and find them.

Tiger and Bunny is good (26 episodes IIRC).
It has comedic moments and action and is probably my favorite anime I've watched in the last few years.

Outlaw Star (26 episodes)
Old anime which came on Toonami, I've been rewatching it on Youtube. Reminds me of Firefly.

Most of the other anime I'd suggest is already on your list.

I'll probably look into those two as well.
Also, I have seen Great Teacher Onizuka, and it's one of my favorite anime, I just had forgotten to put it on the list, because I was a bit sleepy when I wrote the list.
I've also watched season one of full metal panic, and found it a little bit boring, I liked the spoof/spinoff though.

I don't see the following on your list:

Cowboy Bebop (26 episodes): Bounty hunting in space! Kickass jazzy soundtrack and a strong western feel to the setting with delicious, delicious noir themes spread on top of it all. Frequently voted the best anime ever. And it deserves it.

Samurai Champloo (26 episodes): By the same director as the above. Mix traditional japanese swordsman movies with modern hip hop culture and you get this. Some of the best action scenes you'll see along with drama, comedy and some all-round great storytelling.

Baccano! (16 episodes): Immortal prohibition-era gangsters, underage terrorists, more gangsters, thieves, a ****storm of coincidences and some exquisite non-linear storytelling make this into something very, very hard to describe. But it is awesome.

I cannot recommend these three enough. I'll also second Soul Eater, Gurren Lagann and Tiger & Bunny (it's a very interesting take on sentai/superheroes, don't let the name fool ya).

I've seen a few episodes of cowboy bebop and enjoyed them, and I'll probably go back and watch more the series, I'll also probably try Baccano and Samurai Champloo sometime as well.

Does Samurai Jack count? 'Cause that was AWESOME. I think that it should count...it meets all requirements except for the Japanese part. (which really...does it matter where it's from? Just as long as it's good...right?

I remember watching a few episodes and liked it, I may go back and watch it as well(and aye, it isn't anime, but it does fall into the category of non Japanese animations I enjoy), which does remind me; has anyone tried Wakfu?, it's a French anime styled animation that I've been pondering looking into(though I have had some trouble finding it anywhere)

Mercenary Pen
2012-06-27, 06:58 PM
Ghost in the shell: Stand Alone Complex maybe... It s at least part action, and the Tachikomas provide some comedy- but that all fits around something that is at heart a crime drama...

For an ongoing series that may suit (and has enough episodes) perhaps give Mouretsu Pirates a try. Action is mainly in the form of space battle (mostly by the pirates in the series title)...

2012-06-27, 07:03 PM
Much like with code geas i ended up only catching a few scattered episodes of the dub for ghost in the shell: stand alone complex so I'll probably give it a try sometime, i''ll also look into Mouretsu Pirates, I've only watched episode 1 and it looked like it could end up interesting.

2012-06-27, 08:39 PM
It's a fairly standard manic pixie girlfriend romcom. The main hook is supposed to be how out of place the super professional, no social skills, mercenary is in it. Unfortunately because the animation isn't super expressive this requires you to rely the tonal inflections of the VAs which is hard to carry across languages, thus you need to rely on a good dub team. Whether or not FMP has one is up to personal preference.

I still find it pretty good, but it is also weighed down by how flooded the american market is with straight-laced man/manic emotional girlfriend romcoms.

What. That is completely not what Full Metal Panic is about. It's like describing FLCL as a love comedy where a boy must choose between several girls.

FMP is a combination of straight mecha action with high school romantic comedy shenanigans. Sousuke is not your typical straight-laced man, and Kaname is certainly not a manic pixie dream girl - if anything it's the opposite, with Kaname being grounded in reality and Sousuke being completely out of his environment and creating comedy by acting like a soldier with no social skills in every situation.

Overall, the show is pretty damn good. It has two sequels, one of which focuses on the high school part and the other on the mecha part, and both of those are even better.

2012-06-27, 08:41 PM
It's a fairly standard manic pixie girlfriend romcom. The main hook is supposed to be how out of place the super professional, no social skills, mercenary is in it. Unfortunately because the animation isn't super expressive this requires you to rely the tonal inflections of the VAs which is hard to carry across languages, thus you need to rely on a good dub team. Whether or not FMP has one is up to personal preference.

I still find it pretty good, but it is also weighed down by how flooded the american market is with straight-laced man/manic emotional girlfriend romcoms.

Ummm, Kaname is the normal one and except for when Sousuke does something stupidly dangerous, accidentally leads her on or she's in an actual fight, she's not a particularly high energy character. During scenes of characters just hanging out her friends are way more energetic than she is. Also, it's Sousuke not her who is the crazy one. At least I'm pretty sure few people would call a man who thinks that a shotgun firing rubber bullets is a good solution to a karate match is straight laced and he gets up to far crazier things than that. The idea would be a lot more accurate if you inverted the gender really. Also, you're kinda ignoring the whole war/terrorism/mecha/PTSD thing the show has going on.

Oh, and Asheram, Azumanga Daioh is shounen. The manga ran in a shounen magazine and it pretty much pioneered the slice-of-life moe genre, even if it is radically different from most other entries in a number of ways.

As for recommendations, Read or Die has pretty damn awesome action as well as plot and characters to back it up...in the TV version, the ova is just pure, glorious pulp with cool action. Consists of a thee-episode ova followed by a twenty-six episode tv show.

Steins;Gate is a neat science fiction thriller with cool characters and some really good comedic moments, without them ruining the dramatic tension once it starts happening. The main character, Okabe, is glorious in his complete mania.

EDIT: And seeing Mouretsu Pirates mentioned...I love the show, but don't really think it's what you're looking for, op. It's got great character development and an obsessive attention to detail that makes everything feel grounded, but it's also kinda laidback and very much not an action show despite what the premise suggests. Instead it's a story about Marika's journey from ordinary schoolgirl to the greatest badass in space, one strategic decision and bit of commanding presence at a time.

2012-06-27, 09:11 PM
I'll echo with a"wut" to FMP having a Manic Pixie Dream girl.

On to suggestions though. To go more in the seinen direction, I'll suggest checking out Black Lagoon and Jormungand.

Black Lagoon is a mix between Tarantino-esqu action, the criminal underworld, and a fair bit of out of the nowhere philosophy.

Jormungand follows a similar style (though more episodic) as Black Lagoon, but is about the travels of an arms dealer and her mercenaries.

Soras Teva Gee
2012-06-27, 11:23 PM
Baccano! (16 episodes): Immortal prohibition-era gangsters, underage terrorists, more gangsters, thieves, a ****storm of coincidences and some exquisite non-linear storytelling make this into something very, very hard to describe. But it is awesome.

Its Pulp Fiction only bigger, weirder, even more non-linear, and set (mostly) in the 1930s.

2012-06-27, 11:29 PM
What. That is completely not what Full Metal Panic is about. It's like describing FLCL as a love comedy where a boy must choose between several girls.

FMP is a combination of straight mecha action with high school romantic comedy shenanigans. Sousuke is not your typical straight-laced man, and Kaname is certainly not a manic pixie dream girl - if anything it's the opposite, with Kaname being grounded in reality and Sousuke being completely out of his environment and creating comedy by acting like a soldier with no social skills in every situation.

Overall, the show is pretty damn good. It has two sequels, one of which focuses on the high school part and the other on the mecha part, and both of those are even better.

It's that her primary story function is to get him to move out of his current stuff emotion state and deal with past trauma. Then again we may not be coming as the closest direct thing I could think of for comparison would be the movie RED which I would also describe as either a romcom or buddy movie depending on what you think is more important. The action is there but is ultimately secondary in importance to development of interpersonal relations between the cast, specifically the two main leads.

2012-06-28, 06:46 AM
Its Pulp Fiction only bigger, weirder, even more non-linear, and set (mostly) in the 1930s.

That's a damn good description and I'm stealing it for future use.

Man on Fire
2012-06-28, 07:30 AM
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (27)
Star Driver (24)
Black Lagoon (29 divided into two seasons and one OVA)
Durarara (25)
Bakuman (50, third season in attum)
Revolutionary Gilr Utena (39)
Fate/Zero (25)
Godannar (26)
Higurashi (50)
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor (26)
Infinite Ryvious (26)
Noein (24)
Persona 4 The Animation (24)
S-CRY-Ed (26)
Steins;Gate (24)
The Big O (26)
Tiger & Bunny (24)
Brave King GaoGaiGar (49 + 7 OVA)
And of course Armored Trooper VOTOMS, 52 episodes long, the best anime I ever seen.

And Asura's Wrath.

2012-06-28, 08:05 AM
Nyarlathotep, what kind of action do you usually watch where the fighting isn't in the service of plot and character development? Pretty much all semi-decent or better action makes sure the actual action sequences serve a purpose and that there's more to the story than just fighting. That doesn't make it not be action.

Also it appears you don't actually know what a manic pixie dream girl is. While she does drag a male lead out of his shell, she does so by being wacky, quirky and eccentric, if not it's not a manic pixie dream girl. Ultimately it's a character type not just a narrative role and the character type focuses more on the quirkiness than on how others are affected by it. There's a reason why it can be argued that Sousuke is something of a gender inverted version, he has both the crazy and the typical effect on Kaname. Before meeting him she's rather bored with her life and the people around her, but his eccentricity and the bizarre situations it creates intrigue her.

Finally I'd say that you're underestimating Kaname as a character in her own right. She has her own character development and her own changing relationships and so on. She's basically a main character in her own right, not a side character who exists to serve a purpose for Sousuke.

Man on Fire
2012-06-28, 03:10 PM
Manic Pixie Dream Girl (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqJUxqkcnKA) - this is what it is. If kaname isn't like that, then she's not one. And if her potrayal in SRW J is true to the show's, then she's not.

2012-06-28, 11:49 PM
Gun X Sword. It gets off to a little bit of a slow start, but it's totally worth it. 26 episodes.

2012-06-29, 03:41 AM
Gun X Sword. It gets off to a little bit of a slow start, but it's totally worth it. 26 episodes.

I'll proably try that one as well, also, does anyone have an opinion how helsing is?, i just noticed it has two seasons and have pondering watching it.

Viera Champion
2012-06-29, 03:46 AM
You seem to need some help keeping track of your anime. Might I suggest MyAnimeList? It's site where you can track all the shows and manga you've watched, are watching, etcetera, what episode your on, how you rated it, when you started, and more.

2012-06-29, 04:18 AM
How old school and silly are you willing to go?

Urusei Yatsura is long since completed and has 195 normal episodes, several movies, and several OVAs. Do yourself a favor and watch the subtitled versions though. I gather that the English voice acting is HORRIBLE. If there are any serious parts, it appears very much accidental. It may be too over the top silly for some.

There's also Ranma 1/2 which is something like 145 or 165 episodes. Ranma does have serious parts. Both this and UY are creations of Rumiko Takahashi (she did Inuyasha, for comparison/generally what you can expect).

I know you said you wanted 14+ episode anime, but I can't help but plug Koko wa Greenwood/Here is Greenwood. It's about a boy who ends up going to live at a boarding school and has terrible luck with quite a lot of stuff. You may skip it, I don't recall the story ever wrapping up so much as not being produced anymore.

Tenchi Muyo just barely makes it past 14+ episodes if you watch the OVAs. I didn't much care for the TV series, but you might. It has lightsabers and space battles, but it's really a comedy love triangle/everyone wants to be with the boy type anime. It's set on Earth, in Japan modern(ish) day.

Kishin Core Corps also barely makes 14+ episodes and I believe is OVA. It's been well over 10 years since I saw it.

2012-06-29, 04:25 AM
I'll proably try that one as well, also, does anyone have an opinion how helsing is?, i just noticed it has two seasons and have pondering watching it.

the tv series is decent. the ultimate OVA series is infinitely better.

that said, if hearing the words "dracula fights nazis" doesn't fill you with some level of glee, you're probably not in the right frame of mind for it.

Morph Bark
2012-06-29, 05:18 AM
I have NO IDEA how long these are, but I am pretty sure it's 14+.

Judging from your list, Rosaria + Vampire sounds right up your alley. For something more humorous, watch Seto no Hanayome (My Bride is a Mermaid). Seriously, it's REALLY GOOD and the ending is one of the most epic ones I've ever seen. I got goosebumps all over from the epicness of the ending, which rarely has happened before other than with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Clannad is also one I can recommend. It can make manly men cry.

Otherwise you can always just go and watch Studio Ghibli films instead.

2012-06-29, 05:28 AM
clannad didn't do much for me.

Angel Beats, on the other hand.

Morph Bark
2012-06-29, 05:55 AM
That somehow reminds me: Durarara!. Sounds right up this alley too.

2012-06-29, 05:22 PM
I'll proably try that one as well, also, does anyone have an opinion how helsing is?, i just noticed it has two seasons and have pondering watching it.

Do it! 'Tis a wonderful show :smallwink:

2012-06-29, 05:34 PM
I'll proably try that one as well, also, does anyone have an opinion how helsing is?, i just noticed it has two seasons and have pondering watching it.

Personally I enjoyed the manga, but I've yet to see the anime beyond the first three episodes (dubbed). I enjoyed those.

2012-06-29, 05:55 PM
Gun X Sword. It gets off to a little bit of a slow start, but it's totally worth it. 26 episodes.

It is the logical conclusion to the power of SWORD!!!! of course he should watch it

2012-07-02, 01:00 AM
I'll make some suggestions:
Wolf's Rain: Great anime with a great soundtrack by Yoko Kanno and only 30 episodes.
Those Who Hunt Elves: It's about a disfunctional group that gets sent into a fantasy world by a spell cast by an elven sorceress. They must gather the fragments of the spell now tatooed in the skin of several elven girls. Lots of gratuitious nudity with lots of comedy about it. 24 episodes.
BECK: About music, mostly rock, and the struggles of a teenage boy forming a band.
Evangelion too.. but who haven't seen it?

2012-07-02, 02:58 AM
I would recommend the show Trigun. It's on the shorter end of things (24 episodes?) but it really is a great anime. It's about a man named Vash the Stampede who is wanted for destroying a town, and is feared as a heartless killing machine. However, Vash is really a very kind person who completely opposes killing. The anime has a good mix of humor and action to keep things interesting. The character development is very well done, and there are several instances of complex moral decisions that really make you think. Combine that with the excellent artwork and awesome music and you have one entertaining anime.

2012-07-02, 09:40 AM
Ghost in the shell: Stand Alone Complex maybe... It s at least part action, and the Tachikomas provide some comedy- but that all fits around something that is at heart a crime drama...

This series has a lot of different things more than this though. A fair part of the series goes into the changes technology (cybernetics and the internet) can effect and change society. There is a reason this series is listed under "The views are geniuses (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ViewersAreGeniuses)" in TV tropes. Also there is the Solid State Society movie.

2012-07-02, 11:31 AM
I'll proably try that one as well, also, does anyone have an opinion how helsing is?, i just noticed it has two seasons and have pondering watching it.

Not really two seasons, as far as I'm aware, but two different series. One shares a beginning with the Manga, then went off the rails, and hard, about three episodes in. The other one follows it much more faithfully, but is really more of a collection of movies.

2012-07-06, 05:11 PM
clannad didn't do much for me.

Angel Beats, on the other hand.
DANG YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I was reading through this entire thread, with Baccano! and Angel Beats! in mind, and I was just about convinced I'd be able to recommend it.

Anyhow, thoroughly seconding those two. I'll add that Angel Beats! is action/comedy that turns very, very meaningful and teary-eyed. Because...endings. In all the best ways. It was the first anime that I ever stuck apart as a #1 show. Still is my #1.

2012-07-29, 01:01 PM
I know someone's already said this, but it's so good it must be said again. CODE GEASS. Watch it. Now. Go. Code Geass- Lelouch of the Rebellion.

2012-07-29, 01:18 PM
That somehow reminds me: Durarara!. Sounds right up this alley too.

I would like to second Durarara! it's very fun stuff.

2012-07-29, 01:18 PM
Not much to suggest other than Death Note, which goes to crap towards the end aside from the ending.

I'm told Hunter X Hunter and Berserk are good, but this is just based off other anime reviewers.
Soul Eater is decent and about 40 episodes long.

2012-07-29, 01:35 PM
Final Fantasy Unlimited is... an interesting show. The plot's mediocre, and any connection to Final Fanatasy is minimal at best (mostly chocobos) but it has the Magun. (magun) Which is perhaps the cheesiest yet most awesome weapon ever.

2012-07-29, 06:29 PM
I have actually seen deathnote, the anime anyway, though i personally felt the ending was a bit....depressing, I hadn't expected Light to die at the end of the plot
I had been pondering trying berserk and hunter x hunter, though i couldn't decide which of the two hunter x hunter animes to try first, as they recently restarted the series as far as i can tell, and the second one is already to about 50 episodes i think.

2012-07-30, 07:51 PM
The Berserk anime only covers one arc, and leaves out some elements that are vital later in the plot, so you're probably better off reading the manga first even if you plan to do both.

2012-07-30, 08:08 PM
Seirei no Moribito - A 26 episode low fantasy story, based on books written by an anthropologist. The art is beautiful, the story is beautiful, and it is generally quality.

Spice and Wolf - 2 seasons, centered on economics. I personally found it mediocre, but you should be aware of it, and it is good in parts.

Noir - 20 odd episodes, it's well into thriller territory. It is relatively slow paced, has very good music, and is generally high quality.

2012-07-31, 05:53 AM
Spice & Wolf: I friggin' loved it. Maybe the econ theory is shoddy to economics majors, but as a biology major I found nothing wrong with it LOL. Also I felt the chemistry between the love interests very refreshing. They don't act like the typical Japanese anime couple.

Ouran High School Host Club: Nobody mentioned this lighthearted rom com series. You can read the synopsis for yourself on wiki, but my personal impression of it as I watched it was... it felt like I was watching The Sound of Music if instead of an Austrian household it took place in an elite private boarding school, and instead of a bunch of home-tutored children we had a bunch of Beverly Hills 90210 metrosexual guys.

2012-07-31, 06:07 AM
Spice and Wolf really is amazing. I'd also say that the economics makes sense for a historian who was stuck looking at medieval economics for a year in class. Holo and Lawrence are also one of the best couples in anime ever, their interactions are just that touching, amusing and seemingly natural.

2012-07-31, 06:09 AM
Spice and Wolf really is amazing. I'd also say that the economics makes sense for a historian who was stuck looking at medieval economics for a year in class. Holo and Lawrence are also one of the best couples in anime ever, their interactions are just that touching, amusing and seemingly natural.

There are a few points where the economics break down to absurd nonsense, to the point where I'd consider the actual economics presented the weakness of the show, as much as I love the use of economics as trappings.

2012-07-31, 06:11 AM
There are a few points where the economics break down to absurd nonsense, to the point where I'd consider the actual economics presented the weakness of the show, as much as I love the use of economics as trappings.

If I remember correctly, we discussed it before, but never reached an agreement on the topic. No need for taking round two of that, I think. Still, I maintain that the economics fit with what I learned about medieval economics, including how coinage worked in the period.

2012-07-31, 06:14 AM
If I remember correctly, we discussed it before, but never reached an agreement on the topic. No need for taking round two of that, I think. Still, I maintain that the economics fit with what I learned about medieval economics, including how coinage worked in the period.

Given that it was the specifics of coinage that my position centers on, we probably have it hashed out and don't need to go back to it.

2012-07-31, 09:30 AM
I vaguely remember reading the tail-end of this S&W econ debate. Was it in the anime thread, or in its own thread? I'd like to read it again now that I've seen the anime.

2012-07-31, 09:53 AM
I know very little about Economy, and even less about those of medieval European countries, but what was shown seemed to make sense to me.

2012-07-31, 10:29 AM
If you're willing to go really old school, Macross. 36 episodes. It was Americanized into the first "generation" of Robotech. The characters are somewhat different - some people prefer the original Japanese characterizations, some prefer the American. At any rate, the story is that an alien spaceship crashed on Earth, the humans rebuilt it, and eventually the ship's owners came looking for it. Fairly straightforward intergalactic war with romantic arcs among the characters.

If you decide to go with Robotech, I'd recommend skipping the second generation (episodes 37-61) entirely. Can never remember what anime it's based on. The third generation (based on Mospeada, episodes 62-85) is good, though.

If you like the Macross saga, skip Macross II and Macross 7. Plus is excellent but it's only 4 episodes, though admittedly the episodes are double-length. Frontier is also very good and clocks in at 25 episodes. Both Plus and Frontier feature music provided by the brilliant Yoko Kanno, which should be reason enough to watch both series.

2012-07-31, 02:14 PM
Mid section of RT is based on a series called "Super Dimensional Calvary Southern Cross". Putting "Super Dimensional" and the front to the shows names seemed popular back then. :smallconfused:

2012-07-31, 05:22 PM
Mid section of RT is based on a series called "Super Dimensional Calvary Southern Cross". Putting "Super Dimensional" and the front to the shows names seemed popular back then. :smallconfused:

Actually, putting Super Dimension at the beginning refers to three loosely thematically related shows released by the same people. The third one is Super Dimension Century Orguss. The similarities mostly seem to extend to the name, production staff and the fact that the mecha transformed, though.

2012-08-04, 03:25 PM
Bakemonogatari, Rosario + Vampire, High School DXD (in progress)