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2012-06-27, 12:26 PM
36 Hours Earlier...

For better or worse the spell had been cast. You had all been warned of the risks, even the usually reliable greater teleport became somewhat imprecise when dealing with such vast distances.

And so the wizards had walked in and formed a circle around you. Mostly students from the university, Petra noted, some of which she knew by name. Presiding over the circle was the dean of Mechanus Univerty himself, his eyes glowing with fire; A side effect from using the solar orb's own energy, you suspect.

A spell had been cast, one of frightening power by the current magic standards. Black went the world, oh so black, for such a long time... Had something gone wrong? Finally, light, so much light.

You take a second to let your vision stop screaming before you realize you are standing in a desert. The ground around you is black, scorched by the furry of the spell. The sand has been turned into still smoking glass, however you seem to be intact. The first thing you notice is how much bigger the solar orb is here. As you start seeing further, you see in the horizon an impossibly large ziggurat. Somewhere in the other direction you see smoke coming from what must be multiple camp fires.

74 Hours Earlier...

The guards stops, forcing you to stop along with them. A man, a well dressed man, probably of some importance, no matter, they die all the same, stand before you. He rises from his chair, and walks over to you, he appears to be holding something in his hands, hmmm, what could it be, no matter, won't save him. "I have a proposal for you, and the reason it might interest you is it will provide you some freedom... more then this at least. We need a... man? of your, erm, talents. It involves you leaving this planet, which quite frankly makes us very happy, and returning magic to the lands. There's a catch however. We don't trust you. And because we don't trust you, we have these rings. You wear one, someone in charge of you wears the other, and as long as you wear that ring, you are forced to obey their commands. Or rot in a cell ad vitam eternam. Those are your choices."

72 Hours Earlier...

Ixin, Petra
The general pulls you aside "We have a bit of a situation. One of the people accompanying you is a criminal... a mass murderer at that. It has been deemed that he should go because he is good at what he does, and that's not up for debate. However, that doesn't mean we trust him, so we put him on a leash." He shows a red and black ring, made of torns wrapped around his finger. "So long as you wear this ring, he has to obey your commands or suffer excruciating pain... Figure out which one of you is wearing it."

Damn this heat... You feel the sand shift under your feet as you run up the dune, almost tripping as it constantly gives away. You look over your shoulder... Damn those halflings. Now you're sure of it, they're catching up on those blasted beasts they ride. If only you could slow them down somehow... But if they're catching up, the whole tribe can't be that far behind. And your foot gives away again making you fall flat on your stomach. Damn this sand, damn this constant heat and damn this whole thing. Gotta get up, gotta keep running.

Make an endurance check

2012-06-27, 01:16 PM
72 Hours previously:
"General Daedalus," said Petra, "What are the qualities of this ring? How is it used? Once a command is given to this ... criminal ... how long must he obey it? I feel hesitent to accept responsibility for a mass murderer without knowing more."

36 Hours previously:
Petra said a prayer to the long-departed gods as the spell was cast. Blinking her eyes in the bright light, she said, "Well, we're here, wherever here actually is."

Constitution check:[roll0] (to keep running?) If it is a fortitude saving throw to avoid taking nonlethal damage for exposure to a hot environment, add 1 to the roll.

2012-06-27, 01:33 PM
Ixin, Petra
72 Hours Earlier...
"Honestly, we're not entirely sure. This is something that was found a long time ago. The wizards in the lab tell me it's some kind of mixture between Suggestion and Geas. Even if the subject is able to resist the Suggestion, the Geas takes over, providing excruciating pain until the subject complies, or dies. As for accepting responsibility, I hate to put you in a corner like this, but drastic times require drastic measures. One of you WILL be wearing the ring, as you're the only two we truly trust in this group. The alternative is sending him without the rings... nobody wants that, trust me."

2012-06-27, 01:55 PM
72 hours ago: Petra will attempt to identify it and its qualities as best she can:

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]
Knowledge (History) [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll2]
Knowledge (The Planes) [roll3]
Spellcraft [roll4]

"What, exactly, has he done, General?"

2012-06-27, 02:15 PM
72 hours earlier
Ixin frowns uncomfortably. I don't like the idea of working with a mass murderer, but if you're going to such lengths to include him, he must be absolutely necessary. I only hope whatever gives me power doesn't punish me for associating with him.
36 hours earlier
Ixin groans from the heat. Ugh...I never realized the benefits of a dimming solar orb until today. He gestures with his sword towards the ziggurat and campfires. Well, those are our two possible destinations. Neither looks like an obvious location for a spaceship, but I don't see anything else.
If it's a Con check,[roll0]. If it's a fort save, add 5.

2012-06-27, 03:08 PM
You've seen this ring before in the museum owned by the University. It was found in an archeological dig roughly 200 years ago. It is believed that it was a device meant to control slaves of some sort. The fact that they brought it out of the museum just for this, tells you how desperate they are. From what you've heard it possess strong enchantements. The design of the ring certainly seems to support those findings. A power etched inside the master ring has to be spoken before every command for them to work. But once the commands have been said, as far as you know, the only way to stop it is to give a counter command, or remove the ring. The slave ring will physically latch to the wearer's finger, hence the torn shape. The master ring can be removed at any time.

Petra, Ixin
The general hands Ixin the ring "sounds like you just volunteered yourself. We've already given him some command, which should be fine. You're mostly wearing it because someone needs to be wearing it, and in case he thinks of something we didn't.

The commands we've given him are, You will not attempt to remove the ring in any way. You will not harm the wearer of the master ring. You will not fail to act to prevent harm to the wearer of the master ring. You will complete the mission to the best of your ability. You will obey the wearer of the master ring to the best of your abilities."

He looks pensive for a second "Now, if you want tips on how to handle him, he hates losing his freedom above all, so I recommend you give him as wide a berth as possible so long as he stays within parameters."

The general turns to Petra to answer her question "That would be classified. Do yourself a favour, don't ask, it'll be easier that way."

2012-06-27, 07:41 PM
36 Hours Ago:

Rick cracked his back and moved his muscles. "Damn teleportation. I'm cut out to get to each place myself, not be transported there all of a sudden..." He looked up at the orb and had to take several steps back, his left arm moving up to block out the light. "I see what you mean. And... I don't know, temple or camp? If we can meet friendly folk around here, we might be able to get some help. So shall we head to the camp?"


Rick ran up the hill, his feet slipping into the sand every few steps. Damn it, how the hell did I end up like this. I rarely got caught before.

Constitution Check: [roll0]

2012-06-28, 12:27 PM
74 hours ago...

I remember him... he made me smile, such arrogance in such a small man. But still, there is promise here. "Fine." I was curious what his reaction would be. "Just take the manacles off"

36 hours ago
It was hot. I don't like the heat, but I disliked the magic more... I watched my new "guards" with interest, curious which one of them held my chains. As I watched, I saw the smoke... but still, I was only a dog, and dog's do not lead.

"This! This is what I live for!" Verak pounds through the sand, his hands meeting his feet as he runs on all fours.

2012-06-28, 01:38 PM
74 Hours Earlier...
The well dressed man who thinks he's important smiles a satisfied smile. He then puts on a ring on his middle finger. One of the guard quickly grabs your arm and presents your hand to the well dressed man who thinks he's important. And with that stupid satisfied smile he puts a black and red thorny ring on your finger.

The second it's on you, you feel somethings is wrong, oh so very wrong. Your instincts are screaming at you to take it off, but because the guard is holding your arm, you are a split second too late to remove it. The pain so very much pain... you feel the thorns digging in your skin, in your bones... so very much pain.

The well dressed man who thinks he's important with his satisfied smile speaks a word you cannot understand... quickly followed by instructions

"You will not attempt to remove the ring in any way." Sick. You feel you're about to throw up, this sensation you've never felt before, like meat hooks digging into your soul.

"You will not harm the wearer of the master ring." Violated. You feel like such a violation is beyond any of the evils you have ever performed, how can something violate your essence, your very being, so thoroughly.

"You will not fail to act to prevent harm to the wearer of the master ring.
You will complete the mission to the best of your ability.
You will obey the wearer of the master ring to the best of your abilities... unless it conflicts with your mission." The onslaught just keeps coming over and over, as if your soul is being shredded. But even through the fog of the pain you notice that small little glimmer of hope... unless it conflicts with your mission. So much can be accomplished in the name of a mission, what were they thinking....

The well dressed man who thinks he's important with that stupid satisfied smile pauses, giving you hope that it's finally over, before saying "Release him, he's no longer a danger" To which the guards obey.

2012-06-28, 01:59 PM
72 Hours ago:
"Ixin, I don't know you well at all. But I know you are of the highest moral caliber. I would feel safer knowing you were wearing the ring, trusting your moral compass to control our new 'companion'. But if you cannot bear the burden of commanding this... vile man, even for the best of causes, I will accept it. Should you wear the ring, I strongly urge you to re-issue the commands already given. I have some small knowledge of this ring and its provenance, but I do not know if the transfer of the ring frees our charge of the commands previously given."

2012-06-28, 02:07 PM
Petra, Ixin
72 Hours Earlier...
The general nods. "The boys back at the lab say that the way they were formulated, they should stay, however it might be prudent. However, just so you're prepared, I hear the process can be quite painful."

2012-06-28, 02:21 PM
74 hours ago
It hurt... more pain than I thought possible, but it was releasing, reminded me I was alive...I think these people need reminding.
"Of course, I'll do everything I can for the mission" I dropped to my knees, allowing the pain to wrack my body for a moment more, but it was ok, it brought my prey closer. They came so close, their hands almost touched me, I could smell their flesh, hear their blood.
I moved as fast ever have, bludgeoning the one closest to me...
1d20+6 [roll0] (Flurry if I can)
Damage: [roll1] [roll2]

2012-06-28, 03:18 PM
72 hours ago:
Don't worry, Petra. I have experience dealing with scum such as this. Of course, most of that "dealing" involved killing them with my sword unless they repented, but still. I shall take your suggestion and regive all the orders, as well as some of my own. Even though the orders carry over, I know his type to be endlessly inventive, and he'll certainly try to find some sort of loophole in the commands.
Ixin turns to the general.
Daedalus, I accept. Whatever pain this process might bring, I assure you I have been through worse.

36 hours ago:
Ixin nods at Rick's suggestion. I agree, although we should be prepared for the camp's inhabitants to be... less than friendly. We shall go to the camp, then, unless anyone has any objections.

Rasping breaths of exertion permeate the desert air as Ixin struggles to keep up in his heavy plate armor.I still think (gasp)that we should have (gasp) stayed and fought honorably (gasp)instead of running (gasp) like frightened schoolchildren.

2012-06-28, 03:24 PM
Caught by surprise, the guard who just finishes removing your manacle doesn't react quick enough and he blacks out instantly. The other guards however are quick to react and draw their swords. But before any of them can swing at you, the well dressed man yells "STOP! You will stop your fighting immediately and follow me, I don't have time for such foolishness. Else I will put you back in your cell and leave you to rot there."

2012-06-28, 03:56 PM
36 hours ago:

Petra nods at both Rick and Ixin. "I have no objections to the camp. We certainly have no facts about the situation, I think getting some information from the locals on the current environment and possible leads might be beneficial in this instance. In my investigations, I have always consulted the local population to hear their legends and myths, which often contain a kernel of truth. However, there are two others who may wish to provide input."

Petra looks at the others. "I am Petra, a researcher and part-time explorer. Unfortunately, the clues we received from our patrons are somewhat... lacking in clarity. Any input at all at this juncture would be beneficial to our mission and situation."

72 hours ago:
"General Daedalus, do you have any additional information at all that you want to share with us regarding the location of this ship or our mission? I know that this is a desperate attempt to save our planet, but can you tell us nothing?"

2012-06-28, 04:23 PM
Petra, Ixin
72 Hours Earlier...
Daedalus shakes his head "I wish I could, I truly do. I've been told that if the wiz heads do their jobs correctly, you should be pretty much on top of it. Fact of the matter is, we're even lucky to know where a space ship has been stored. We have no clue why it has been stored there or even who it belonged to. That's why we need the best... we fear anything short of the best is doomed to failure..."

2012-06-28, 05:49 PM
74 Hours Ago
I stood, allowing the dog's around me to draw their blades, the other one was already bleeding... But of course, the self-important one believed he held all the power. They always do, it would be simple to kill him, but this...intrigues me. "But mi'lord, surely you would not allow me to work for you without, proving myself" So I placed my foot on the dogs neck, I could feel the blood rushing through him...but this was to easy, no challenge, not even worth feeding upon. "Regardless, I am done with manacles..."

36 Hours ago
Petra? Not much to him... Old meat, coarse and tough, well aged I wonder? Him, him I'll be watching....
No need to speak yet, they have not even decided where to go, makes me wonder who's really in charge here.

2012-06-28, 05:59 PM
Rick nods in the direction of Petra. "I'm Rick, master thief and friend to the common plebians. Knowing everyone's names would be helpful, so do you all mind?" He looks to each who he doesn't know yet in turn.

2012-06-28, 11:02 PM
36 hours ago
Ixin smiles.
Not at all, Rick. I am Ixin Oakenheel, protector of the weak and punisher of evil. You may have heard some tales of my deeds, but I assure you, they are horribly exaggerated. I did not fight off a hundred assassins with nothing but a rotting wooden plank, nor did I give my entire week's rations to starving orphans, thus risking starvation.

2012-06-29, 02:52 AM
36 hours ago
None of them were humble to say the least, an old fool, a common thief who no doubt believe's himself un-catchable and finally, a paladin... a typical self righteous, foolish, holier than thou Paladin. It was amusing to watch them quote their own achievements, assuming that any of us knew, or even cared who they were. But one of them held my chains, my guess would have been the paladin, who probably would have relished the idea of holding me down.
SO I decided, let's play their little game of who am I? the reactions alone may cause someone to reveal the ring...
I stood, shaking slightly, hands twitching, smiling as I always do, cocking my head to one side as I spoke.
"Verak" I said "Demonspawn of the changelings, murderer of the Westfold, Betrayer, corpse eater, defiler, destroyer..." my eyes turned to the Paladin... "But those are just the names I have heard others use."

2012-06-29, 11:47 AM
74 Hours Earlier...
As you put your foot on the guard's neck, you feel the hooks into your soul, a reminder of the pain. Their presence seem to waver as you make up your mind and disappears as you decide not to kill him. The self important man turns to you "you've done plenty of proving already. Now, lets go." he then turns his back to you, fully trusting in the power of the ring.

2012-06-29, 03:25 PM
36 Hours Ago:

Petra says, "Umm, yes, quite. Thank you for sharing, Verak. Shall we move on towards the camps, then? We simply must get some information on the current situation here, and the best way to do so would be to speak with some living beings."

And with that she starts walking in the direction indicated.

2012-06-29, 06:29 PM
36 Hours Earlier...
You walk through the desert for what seems to be hours. Above your head, the giant solar orb bombards you with it's heat, always present, unmoving. Unmoving, completely immobile, like the face of a fiery god, sucking the moisture out of you.

Some distance away you show some silhouettes starting to stand out against the horizon. Clearly your entrance attracted some kind of attention. as they grow ever closer you notice a dozen or so halflings riding some kind of four legged beast with long quills. The halflings appear to be wearing thick but loose clothing. Some of them carry bows, some carry spears. They appear tense and stop quite some distance away as the archers take aim.

One of the halflings riding a beast slightly bigger then the rest yells out "Ehi ayo whuirt yh wyi?"

Knowledge Arcane & Knowledge Planes for the beast.

2012-06-29, 08:12 PM
Knowledge - Arcana[roll0]
Knowledge - The Planes[roll1]

Also, Petra speaks Common, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Abyssal, and Infernal. Please let me know if any of those apply, I will translate for the group if so.

If not, I will attempt to be as nonthreatening as possible. I'll let you know if and when I cast comprehend languages, I won't until I exhaust all other possibilities.

2012-06-29, 10:43 PM
Rick steps forward, puffs out his chest, and shouts back, "I don't understand you, there's a possibility you don't understand me. Do you know this tongue?"

Rick knows Infernal, Abyssal, and Celestial, plus Common. If they spoke in any of those tongues, nevermind what I posted.

2012-06-30, 04:48 AM
Petra quietly states, "Gentlemen, even with my extensive studies," (TheDon, see spoiler to doublecheck if you didn't already) "it does not appear I know their language. I do have one spell of comprehend languages prepared, but it will last less than an hour. I will use it today, but prefer to save it for meeting their leader. Unfortunately, I won't be able to speak their language, merely understand it."

If Petra doesn't understand the halflings:
Sense motive: [roll0]
Diplomacy (trying to communicate verbally and nonverbally our peaceful intentions) [roll1]

2012-06-30, 12:48 PM
You don't seem to know what the beast is, but you can tell the smaller ones are a crossbreed of that beast and probably a worg. The large one is clearly the other specie. In all of them however, you can see that they seem more intelligent then just animals.

As for the halflings, you don't seem to understand their intentions, however they seem to understand your gestures of good will.

The halfling on the larger beast turns to one of the other halflings and says "Zned dni nisg ehi dnia meaurk? Yn zicc, dnia MIIL biesiwoc, cidm phurk dnil pesg dy dni fucceki." With that the bow man put away their arrows and the whole group turns arround, slowly walking back to the village. They appear to be walking at a pace which you could follow, if you hurried a little. Two of them throw waterskins on the ground about halfway between you and them.

2012-06-30, 12:55 PM
Rick begins to follow them but he ignores the waterskin. Drinking and eating is something he does when he's bored, not because he needs it.

2012-07-01, 02:26 AM
Finally breaking out of his silence, Leif drops out of whatever cloud he was in, asking

"Look, I know now may not be the best time, but what are we hoping to accomplish here? I mean now, by talking to the natives. Can any of us even speak with them? Will they even want to speak with us?

2012-07-01, 05:09 AM
Petra picks up a waterskin from the ground and sips some of the liquid. While possibly harmful, the best way to find out is just to have someone try. Also, due to the unexpected nature of their arrival, she figured they had little chance to spike the liquid with something.

She turns to Leif as they walk, "It does not appear we can speak with them, but I do have a spell prepared to enable me to understand them. If, at the camp, we find no language in common with anyone, I will cast it to understand their leader, hopefully they will have a shaman or someone similar who can do the same.

"As for why, I hope to gather some information to enable us to find the ship. General Daedalus said it would be very close to us, but we have no way of knowing how accurate that information is. Not speaking their language makes it more difficult to gather clues, but languages can be learned, or taught."

2012-07-01, 10:01 AM
Ixin picks up the other waterskin and drinks deeply, heedless of any danger. He has had a strange immunity to disease ever since the mysterious presence began giving him power, and, for the same reasons as Petra, is confident that there is no poison.
That's assuming we can even get the message across of what we're looking for. I mean, judging by their technological levels, they'll likely have no idea what a spaceship even is. And we don't exactly have a clear idea of what it looks like, either. The ability to comprehend their language should help, though.
He wipes sweat off his brow.
We should also prepare for the eventuality that they are leading us into some sort of trap. I'll be able to sense any evil intentions they may have, but they could simply wish to use us for food.

2012-07-01, 02:41 PM
"Please Paladin" I said, stepping past the man, knocking into him and watching the waterskin fall to the ground. "I wouldn't even eat you..."

2012-07-01, 03:13 PM
While following the halflings, Petra sees if she can get close to one and try to befriend them through hand-talk and gestures and plain friendliness. She also tries out small phrases in her various languages (save Abyssal and Infernal, those languages carry too much baggage and she wishes to avoid all perception of evil) looking at the halflings and creatures for a spark of recognition of her tongue.

She offers the waterskin to any of the other members of the party if they wish to drink.

"Verak, thank you for that ... sagacious comment. I'm sure we all appreciate it."

2012-07-01, 07:42 PM
74 hours earlier
I took my foot from his neck, watching him struggle to breathe was amusing. But I knew that my path to freedom was close, so I followed the other man, quickly...

2012-07-01, 10:43 PM
Leif nods briefly, as if listening to someone else before responding

"While I agree that we have o better option, I merely intend to point out the risks. Since we cannot communicate with them at the moment, we do not know their intentions. At all. Call me paranoid if you want, but it seems to me that in this situation, given the enormity of the task we have been given, it would behove us to be more cautious then is necessary."

Glancing briefly at Verak "You forthrightness does you credit, but I have always found it more useful to allow that uncertainty to those around you..."

2012-07-02, 01:03 AM
Ixin drinks deeply and he finds refreshing water running down his throat. The desert seem unending and you realize that while the smoke from the campfires made them seem close, the great visibility in the desert is playing tricks on you.

As Petra tries to make small talk with the halflings, she realizes that while they appear to be friendly, the language barrier will not be so easily overcame. They sometimes chuckle at one of the words you say and keep repeating it, as if it sounds funny to them.

As you get closer, you realize that the camp fire is actually dozens of campfires, there seems to be a good size village there. You even see traces of vegetation in the distance, tall trees with large green leafs.

You finally enter the village, a cool breeze welcoming you. You can see a dip in the middle of the village where a beautiful lake sit, a waterfall coming from a rock formation inside the sand seems to be feeding it. Healthy green grass brushes your feet, quite the contrast from mere minutes ago. You can hear the bustling of the villagers, the noise of animals all about.

The beast riding halfling do not seem to stop and instead seem to be guiding you toward a large house. Next to the house appears to be a massive stone monolith covered in inscriptions you cannot understand. It seems weathered by time and you imagine the sandstorms, however, to your astonishment, there appears to be a pictogram of what you would describe as a space ship still visible.

The halfling riding the larger beast dismounts and knock on the door. After what seems like minutes an old man opens the door. He is wearing long flowing robes, and his back is hunched. You imagine the giant key he wears around his neck has something to do with it. Through his small clean beard he speaks "Khiidurkm nyzcih hutih, zned yzim li dni bciemohi yw ayoh fumud?"

The halfling riding does a small courteous bow before answering "Khiidurkm ictih. Zi nefi wyort dnil ur dni timihd, dnia miil dy nefi syli dnhyokn dni kuerd wuhipecc dned seli whyl dni mga. Dnia ty ryd ebbieh dy mbieg yoh cerkoeki nyzifih... U el ormohi yw zned dnia zerd."

The old man scratches his beard, looking at you from head to toe, looking pensive "Hmm, um dned my? Ty ayo ortihmdert li mdherkih? Uw my, zned ser zi ty wyh ayo?"

This question appears to be addressed at you...

2012-07-02, 07:41 PM
Petra steps forward and attempts to communicate the good intentions of the group to the elder, while getting a read on him. While greeting him, I present gemstones worth 50 gp to him.

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Sense motive: [roll1]

If it looks as if I can approach him safely, then I cast comprehend languages and attempt to touch him by kissing him on the cheek. I keep my hands in plain sight at all times, not reaching for any weapon or object other than the gemstones, which I present slowly.

If I am able to cast comprehend languages without being interrupted, I freely translate to the group.

2012-07-03, 09:07 AM
Petra makes her peaceful intentions clear, however she still cannot understand what they're saying through their body language.

"The travellers of fire certainly have strange customs. Hopefully Therlyassa won't give me too much of a hard time."

The old man seems fascinated by the stone you are giving him, which greatly increases his shock when you lean in for a kiss on the cheek. He smiles at you and rubs his cheek before turning to the other halflings, saying "Dni dheficcihm yw wuhi sihdeurca nefi mdherki somdylm. Nybiwocca Therlyassa zyr'd kufi li dyy losn yw e neht duli." To which the other halfling burst into laughter.

2012-07-03, 09:38 AM
To the group Petra translates what he said freely,

"The travellers of fire certainly have strange customs. Hopefully Therlyassa won't give me too much of a hard time."

Petra bows to them and say to the group, "Well, now we can hear them, but how will they know what we are asking?"

2012-07-03, 11:13 AM
Rick thinks for a bit before looking around at his companions. "Any of you have paper and ink?"

2012-07-03, 11:33 AM
Petra says, "I happen to have some in my pack." She digs into her pack, pulls out a sheet of parchment, a pen, and some ink, and hands the writing material to Rick.

2012-07-03, 11:47 AM
Rick takes the paper and puts it against a nearby hard surface. He quickly sketches a picture:

First a ball with lines coming out of it. The ball is decent size and the lines are longish. He shows this to the halflings and points to them and then up to their sun.

Second, a smaller one, much smaller, with shorter lines. He points to himself, waves to signal his group, and then points up at their sun. He puts the paper down and puts his fingers to the others to simulate a ball and then shrinks it, to show something getting smaller. When the ball couldn't get any smaller, he moved his hands away, to show it was gone.

He went back to the paper and drew the standard UFO, a saucer. He drew it by its side. He put stars around it, to act as space, and showed it to the halflings. He waved to his group then pointed to the ship. He moved his hand to grab at the air and then brought the hand to his chest, to show they wanted a ship.

At the end, he spoke to his group, "I might've looked crazy, but images and movements don't change between worlds like languages do. Hopefully this gets across what I wanted to say."

2012-07-03, 12:48 PM
Everyone seems very interested in Rick's paper, trying to figure out his drawing and even turning it into a game with the halflings shouting answers and Petra nodding or shaking her head to help keep them going in the right direction. And then Rick points at the monolith and alludes to the space ship. The effect is instantaneous and what was a second ago a playful atmosphere is now a very tense one with the halflings glaring at you. Clearly you've touched a sore spot.

The older halfling glares at you and speaks
"U'l myhha ayo'fi zemdit ayoh duli dheficurk dnum weh wyh dni fimmic yw dni snymir, nyzifih ud nem piir irdhomdit dy om wyh mewi giiburk ert yrca ed dni syllert yw dni Kytm zucc ud pi hiciemit. Kevtiln nihi... "

and here he points at the Halfling who was riding the larger beast

"zucc kouti ayo dy dni urr, himd dnihi, himobbca, U zerd ayo kyri pa 10 picc hurkm."

"I'm sorry you've wasted your time traveling this far for the vessel of the chosen, however it has been entrusted to us for safe keeping and only at the command of the Gods will it be released. Kevtiln here... will guide you to the inn, rest there, resupply, I want you gone by 10 bell rings."

2012-07-03, 01:04 PM
(Pretty sure Petra is translating it instantly.)

After Petra translated, Rick put his hand up to signal stop. He drew on the paper again, this time the spaceship and a bag with arrows pointing to each other. He's attempting to alude to a trade.

2012-07-03, 04:01 PM
The older halfling looks absolutely offended that you are proposing to trade for the object they have been entrusted to protect for countless generations and he points away toward the village "Ky ryz, U'cc ryd mea ud dhusi. Dir picc hurkm, ry lyhi."

"Go now, I'll not say it trice. Ten bell rings, no more."

2012-07-03, 04:18 PM
Rick raised his hand again. He realized his mistake and looked to his group. "Anyone have an idea of how to make an image of proving we're worthy of it? I'm drawing a blank here and he doesn't seem too pleased."

(I really should have read the thing twice. Completely disregarded how they had been granted it by their gods and whatnot.)

2012-07-03, 05:52 PM
Petra says, "We've spoken to their elder, not necessarily their shaman or priest. We don't know enough about their customs to know if the role is identical."

Petra steps forward, and makes obeisance to the elder, attempting to apologize for their mis-steps. She attempts to make known that her gods, and the gods of their planet, no longer respond to them, and that their mission is to bring the gods back. She asks if it won't offend, after their gods.

Not sure what roll applies, but my diplomacy has been good.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-07-03, 07:15 PM
It stank of meat in there, Halfling meat... oddly tender. And as per usual, the little ones tried to stand against their better's, pathetic. If my only chance of freedom lies within that damnable ship, then I will tear the information from someones bloody corpse....
So I moved back from the group, allowing my eyes to trail across the half bites, hunting for the most likely target. Fool tribes like this always fear their pitful gods, so a shaman will be here somewhere.... well, for now....

2012-07-03, 07:46 PM
Leif unshades his eyes, and, briefly bowing to the elder, begins: "While I can briefly (and only possibly) create some added weight to our arguments, I suspect some simple questioning may be in order first. Petra, would you mind translating this for me? Or at least trying to? Ask what test their gods laid out for the Chosen. If they are possible, we could potentially complete them, and thus gain the tribes favor. If they are not, then some added investigation may be necessary. Perhaps we could just steal the ship once we find it.

2012-07-04, 09:48 AM
Ixin nods.
I agree with Leif. Since the halflings seem to believe that this is the ship of the "chosen", our best bet would be to somehow prove to them that we are the chosen. I'll take any sort of trial by combat, Rick can take trials of speed or agility, and Petra can use her divine magic to imitate some sort of miracle from their gods. I don't know if they're familiar with arcane magic, but if they aren't, Leif can impress them with that.

2012-07-04, 10:45 AM
Petra says, "I agree we should attempt to prove ourselves worthy in some way. We will attempt to communicate this to them, although Rick is better at communicating with the halflings. I can merely understand what they are saying. However, two points. First, I do not wish to deceive them. I do not wish to "imitate" a miracle, either the residual divine power which I am able to utilize grants the requested miracle or it does not. I either do or do not, there is no "imitate."

"Second," and with this she nods at Ixin, "Your list of feats which we might accomplish to prove our worthiness neglected Verak. While his past history indicates quite a lot, he was sent here for the same reason we were, and there are surely some feats he can perform better than the rest of us. He must be included and eligible to prove our worth, regardless of his past."

With that she approaches Verak and quietly says to him:
"I do not know why you were included, and I have no love for your past, what little I know of it. I consider this entire mission a second chance for you, and I would ask your consent to assist us as best you can, after your own fashion, in order to earn a redemption for your soul."

Note that at this point, Petra freely translates what she hears from the halflings to the group (to the best of her abilities and for the duration of the spell). Petra also activates her pearl of power to recover the comprehend languages spell she already cast.

2012-07-04, 12:53 PM
Petra manages to calm down the halflings long enough to continue the discussion. It takes a while to get the message across but once you manage to, the elder sighs, and through Petra translation he tells you "I am truly sorry you have come this far for nothing, however, ours is not task to judge, we are simply guides and safe keepers. The Gods tell us who the chosen ones are, and we guide them, so it is foretold. I can appreciate what you probably have gone through to come here, and for that, I am truly sorry."

It slowly sinks in that the gods fully intended to be here for this and that whatever happened to cause the rupture, it happened quickly and suddenly enough that there was no time to set anything in motion. For all their careful planning, the gods were caught completely unprepared and the chain of communication completely broke down. How many civilisations died waiting for gods that would would never speak again?

You don't spot anything that would resemble a shaman or a religious leader anywhere around.

The Elder then motions again for you to follow Kevtiln

2012-07-04, 01:52 PM
Nothing... No-one, fine, it just made the hunt more interesting. As I watched, the old crone approched me, came close, whispered into my ear, normally I would have snapped her neck for such a foolish display of vunrability, but that bloody ring... even as the thought crossed my mind, it burned into my flesh.... so I waited, moving closer so she could feel my breath on her skin.
"A second chance? Don't be a fool, I took you as being smarter than this. I don't give a **** about a second chance, I chose my path and I live by it... Do not insult me by offering me petty forgiveness. Forgiveness, is for the weak. But don't worry, I'll help... I'll get what I was sent here for, not for you, not for our world, but for me. Don't waste your breath on ordering me."
I went silent for a moment, eyeing their chief
"They won't tell us where it is, you know that, they won't give it to us, their to ignorant, to set in their ways. We'll have to take it, either by blood or shadow.... but I am just a dog, I cannot tell my master's how to proceed, you have to pick.... but I'll give you some advice. I'm a dog that chews it's lead... and if arn't careful, I might break it... then who knows what I might do."

2012-07-04, 02:51 PM
To Verak:

"I do not offer forgiveness, closure, nor repentance. You have not yet offended me, so they are not mine to give. You will note I did not offer such on behalf of others. I will state for the record that I do not condone your past actions or behaviors. But you were sent for a reason. Therefore I must conclude that you will be useful to the group. I offer you a chance to pull your weight, nothing more, nothing less - do not put words in my mouth, or I will put my boot in your mouth, young man." She pauses.

"If you recall, I asked that you 'assist us as best you can, after your own fashion.' You might recall that I can call upon the residual magic of the gods. Some of the powers that are granted to me are a boon to all of my allies, and some benefit only those of a certain nature. I offer a trade, I will summon no power that directly injures or opposes your nature, if you will help us after your own fashion. I admit that this will be difficult for me to do, but my loyalty to my nation and planet and the departed gods demands cooperation with you."

After speaking to Verak, she turns and follows Kevtiln.

2012-07-04, 05:21 PM
Ixin gives Verak a cursory, disapproving glance, then turns to Petra, following close behind. A hint of sarcasm enters his voice.
Ah, yes. That...thing. I'm sure his talents will be extremely useful. I mean, he can do so many things we can't. Let's see...murdering innocents? Committing acts of utter depravity? I'm sure those will be very handy in diplomatically convincing the halflings to part with their spaceship!
He sighs ruefully.
Sorry for losing my temper like that. But honestly, I view him less as an actual, functioning member of the group than as a dangerous weapon that could easily backfire and that should only be used as a last resort. Seriously, his evil aura is enormous. I'm sure that, if he had a choice, he'd go on a bloody rampage through us and the halflings and take the ship for himself. I, personally, am reluctant to use this psychopath for anything other than combat to the death.

2012-07-05, 10:34 AM
Kevtiln, along with some of the other riders, leads you to the local inn. It is less of an inn and more someone sharing their homes with you. Clearly they must not get many visitors. Eventually Petra's spell runs out, however it is somewhat moot as no one appears to be interested in talking to you, people are mostly staring silently.

And so you sit on the floor in a very modest living room where none of the chairs are tall or big enough, eating a nice warm meal. The owner of the house took one look at your size and decided you must eat a terrible amount of food to grow that big so the portions are massive.

2012-07-05, 12:58 PM
Rick tested the soup and after finding it to his tastes, ate a small part of it. With his ring, he wasn't hungry at all, so he had no real appetite to eat. He looked around and asked, "So what now? Do we try to steal it... or wait for something they can't handle to come along and help them to see if that changes their mind?"

2012-07-06, 12:58 AM
Leif slap himself across the face, yells "Gods cursed IDIOT!, and looks at the rest of the group, totally oblivious of the growing bruise on his cheek

"I apologize for my abruptness, but we might have missed something obvious. Consider: Petra, that man you talked to did not look like a shaman. To few bones for one thing. Yes, far to few. Anyway, we were wrong, all wrong, and though I may still be wrong, I think the answer lies withing this path of thought. They might not have realized the extent of the apocalypse we are engulfed in. Call me a fool if you want, but to be perfectly blunt, if they have now true mages here, they might not have the scholastic comprehension to really understand the cause of, well of the strangeness. They may be unaware that the gods CANNOT speak with them, at least not as fa as we know, and no offence, but our limited Divine power is good evidence to that effect. "

Leif starts scrabbling through his pack, and grasping a stick of chalk smiler triumphantly. "It is also possible that their Shaman (if they even have one) will hide the truth of his power loss in order to maintain his position. I have seen similar things in my journeys. So, if that is the case, I may be the only person here who can actually contact true extra-planar beings. Call me an idiot if you want, but we must be able to use that somehow."

2012-07-06, 05:20 PM
As you discuss your options you notice through the window that the street seem to be emptying. It appears people are heading home as if for the night, however the solar orb in the sky is still as present and unmoving as it was when you first arrived. By your estimate, at least 9 hours have past. All of a sudden you a bell ring 7 times. You suspect that this is the bell the elder was talking about when he said 10 bell rings.

2012-07-07, 09:29 AM
Ixin swallows an enormous spoonful of the soup.
Hmm... I don't know how long it is between these bell-ringing periods, but time is certainly running out. Whatever plan we are going to utilize, we need to put it into effect soon. I personally agree with Leif. They seem to lack arcane magic, and I haven't seen a shaman. We need to impress them with something they don't understand.

2012-07-08, 04:32 PM
I grew bored with all the talking. All of these people, slaves to their gods and morals, always so tied to rules and plans, why none of them simply acted was beyond me. The little one's needed to be scared of us, we came from no-where after all, speaking tongues they could not understand and looking like things they had never seen.... If my freedom depended on finding this ship. I would find it, even if I had to kill everyone here.
"All this talk is wasting my time." I hissed, rising from the darkened corner I lurked in,
"If you won't act, then I will."
with that I stood, moving towards the door, allowing my axe to swing free, I heard the blade sing to me, but it would have to wait a while longer.

2012-07-10, 09:17 AM
Ixin moves in between Verak and the door and draws his sword in a warning gesture.
No. You shall not kill them unless there is no other option.
He backs away slightly and addresses the rest of the group while making sure to keep an eye on Verak.
OK, here is the plan. We attempt to impress the halflings with our abilities, magical or otherwise, in order to prove that we are their chosen and thus worthy of possessing the ship. If, for whatever reason, negotiations break down and they attack us, we shall have no choice but to take the ship by force. Even then, try for as little killing as possible. These halflings have no malicious intent, and I'm loathe to repay their hospitality with bloodshed, even if it is for the greater good of the mission.

2012-07-10, 03:12 PM
Ixin, the only problem with that is that none of us have any idea where the ship actually is. Unless the halflings are willing to tell us, we can only wander while looking for it. We can certainly attempt to impress them with our abilities, which may or may not be successful. If we are unsuccessful, I propose we move our search to that ziggurat.

2012-07-10, 05:16 PM
A halfling woman enters the room carrying large blankets, at least by halfling standards. They look like they would cover you, but just barely. With a look of regret she addresses you in the incomprehensible language, fully expecting you to understand her. She hands the blanket to the closest of you before going to the window, shutting thick curtains that block out most of the ever unmoving sun. She then walks out the living room with a short few words and closes the doors behind her. You get the distinct impression she wished you good night.

Everyone let me know what you do for the next 8 hours

2012-07-10, 06:17 PM
Idiot. The paladin's are always like this, believing they know the actions of others... what gave him any right to order me, and more so, what blasted foolery made him think drawing a blade was a smart idea, if he wanted to waste time on a fight I would have given him one. So I grabbed the blade, not pulling it from his grip but drawing it closer to my chest, allowing a small amount of my blood to run down his blade.
"Do not point a blade at me unless you intend to use it you god fearing wretch" I hissed, pushing my hand past the leather strap that my axe swang from, so I held it ready to bleed the arse.
"I recommend you move out of my way before I rend your head from your body, if I intended to kill the rabbits I would have done so when they took me into their burrow" My face mutated to form the oversized lipless smile that is bore on my natural form, my tongue forking between my long fanged teeth.
"These are a god fearing people, I have dealt with them before, and I will deal with them now, I don't intend on killing any of them, there would be no sport in hunting them. My white, pupilless eyes locked with the Paladins.
"You may either help me or stay out of my way, your choice, or..." I pulled the blade, pushing the tip into my flesh.
"You could run me through and explain to the mages why you killed me."

2012-07-10, 09:21 PM
Ixin forcefully pulls his blade free of Verak's grip, drawing a little more blood, and sheathes it. Drawn blades are not always used for killing, you know. Tempting though your offer might be, I must decline. Despite what you may think, I am no fool. I was told that you would be useful, and I should not dispose of a useful tool in such a wanton manner. Whatever this... plan of yours might be, I shall not assist, but rather watch closely in order to ensure you don't step too far out of line in its execution. Also, he turns to Petra, you're absolutely right. I falsely assumed that the halflings had the ship with them due to their protectiveness of it. My apologies.
Next 8 Hours
Edit: From what Verak said, I can be pretty sure he's going to start "dealing" with the halflings immediately. Ixin follows and watches Verak. When Verak is finished, Ixin takes a blanket, enters a bedroom and performs his standard anti-intruder ritual of hanging pieces of his armor on the locked doors and windows in such a way that they make a loud clanking noise if anyone tries to break in. He then sleeps/trances (not sure what half-elves do) lightly for a few hours, and spends the rest of the time sparring with Rick and thinking about the spaceship's location.

2012-07-10, 11:21 PM
Rick stays out of this conversation, not willing to get in the way of the bloodthirsty maniac. He had lived this long by staying out of the path of danger.

Next 8 hours: First, Rick goes to sleep somewhere nearby, in a room away from others if possible. Just for two hours, due to the ring of sustenance, he slept. After those two hours, he sharpened his weapons and made sure everything was fine with the rest of his equipment. After the elves begin to wake up, he talks with them and, if they need a sparring partner, volunteers. If not, he sits down and waits for time to pass.

2012-07-11, 07:32 AM
Next 8 hours: Petra is going to rest, and then attempt to pray for her spells. I don't have time at this moment to decide my spell load-out, but I'll update it soon. Going to broadway today to see a show

2012-07-11, 05:26 PM
Leif opens his pack of provisions, and eats a filling (if bland) meal from his repleneshing stores. He finds a room, removes and stores his armor, and in preparation for the morning, scrawls a series of summoning circles, before locking (and blocking) the door, and wedge's himself into a corner, wrapped in his bed roll.

Specifically Haagenti, Naberious, Amon, Leraje, Dhalver-Nar, Malphas, and Ronove

2012-07-13, 05:56 AM
Heh, I liked the look on the Paladin, self-superiority is amusing, even I don't believe myself to be better than any-other dog I cross, this one however, he does.
"Then I'll advice you to move watchdog, and don't follow me, not if you simply plan to stand and gawp at me like I were your favorite chew toy." I ran my tongue over the open wound on my hand, before looking over to the Crone who was watching us.
"If my plan is to even start to work I need you to make me speak their language, and how long will I be able to?" It was an unfamiliar experience asking for help, but they saw me as a tool, so I reciprocated. The Axe, still quivering in my grip, hungry, was placed aside on the table, it would have to wait.
"I don't intent to kill the rabbit's tonight, there's no sport in it."

2012-07-13, 12:19 PM
"Verak," Petra explains, "Unfortunately I cannot yet grant comprehension of their language directly to you. I can only use that magic to personally understand their foreign tongue. If you wish to ask some questions, I will come with you and translate. I am only able to use that magic once more before morning, or what I hope will seem to be morning. At any rate, I meditate and pray once a day for the magic, and my body clock tells me that time is nearing. But I digress.

"I will come with you, Verak, but if you run afoul of decent behaviour I will do my best to stop you. I, unlike others, believe you have a purpose here, and will endeavour to assist you within my powers, so long as you adhere to some semblance of decency."

2012-07-13, 02:24 PM
I shrugged, at least one paid attention.
"As I said, I don't plan on killing anyone, just fooling them." I allowed my form to shift, my body taking on a golden tint, my irises becoming pure blue and my form becoming eerily perfect, beautiful.
"If they refuse to hand this...thing to us, maybe they will to something more than them." I removed my clothing, appearing genderless and otherworldly.
"People see what they want to belive, I'm going to show them this was a test of faith, and that as a servent of the silent... gods they will be rewarded when they hand me the vessel." I gritted my teeth.
"But I can't do it alone."

2012-07-14, 01:07 AM
Leif pokes his head around the door, and apparetly hopig up and down on the other side exclaims "Ooooh, I have just the thing to add some punch. Gimme five, no lets be impressive ten minutes, and a large, public, flat surface. Also, make sure they won't burn me or something for what I am about to do. I don't like getting burned for doing this stuff."

Then his face falls, and he looks around at the rest of those gathered. " Wait, you won't burn me for what I'm about to do, right? Last believer I did this in front of tried to exorcism me. And holy water gives me a rash, so lets just get this question out of the way hmmm?"

2012-07-14, 06:32 AM
"That depends, Leif, on what, exactly, it is that you are about to do. If it is summoning an infernal or abyssal being, unless that creature has specific knowledge of the ship, I would be strongly averse to it." Petra frowns.

"On the other hand, if this is an attempt to shock and awe the locals into believing we are qualified to receive the ship, and involves no evil outsiders, I am probably willing to assist. I'll even cast a spell to make you temporarily immune to normal fire, if you really fear burning at the stake. Although I didn't see any woods nearby, they probably burn manure to cook their food and any unwanted visitors. I hope you enjoyed your food flavored with howler dung, I found it added a smokey piquant. I digress again.

"But I would want some more details on the plan before I offer my assistance. Let me say I'll offer qualified assistance at this point, subject to the final plan."

2012-07-14, 07:00 AM
For the first time, Leif appears somewhat embarrassed. He moves around the door, scratching his head in thought, and seems to be attempting to remember something.

"Well you see, therein lies the problem. I am not altogether certain what it is.Or rather, what they are. I was sent on this trip because I can establish contact with a little known subset of extraplanar creatures, that much I am sure you know, and by, well for now, lets just say coming to an agreement with them, I can gain a variety of powers. Are they infernal? I honestly don't know. Some of them may be. Most of them are not very nice at the least. Some were definitely once mortals. But exactly where they come from, who they were, what their current powers are, I really cannot say, aside from a few. I do know that the one I intend to summon is more associated with madness and selfishness then actual evil, but let me know if you have ny calms. My normal arcana can still be of some assistance."

Shrugging, Leif's posture indicates that regardless of your approval, he will likely continue with the summoning.

2012-07-14, 07:08 AM
I lent on the door frame, their endless chatter bored me, I thought we were sent here to act, not to discuss acting.
"Whatever you're doing hurry up, I grow weary of this irrelevant bloody chatter, and I'd rather not be stuck here longer than I must." There is far better game to hunt than that of this worlds local wildlife...

2012-07-14, 07:33 AM
"For now, I will assist, though I can offer little more than translation services and the aforementioned fire resistance, plus any incidental assistance I may think of as our little 'plot' develops. Please continue."

Petra watches with interest, and perhaps a little apprehension. She attempts to learn more about the mechanics of the acts Leif enters into.

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]
Knowledge (Religion) [roll1]
Knowledge (The Planes) [roll2]

2012-07-16, 12:53 PM
Leif frown breifly muttering "Thanks for the ote of confidence Petra..." and, hunching over his work, begins teh laborious process of drawing the convoluted twistings and turnings of some eldritch diagram.

This takes one minute

Straightening, Leif pauses and looks a Petra saying "This is really your last chance to object, because, full disclosure, if I am not convincing enough, I doubt I will be listening for more then about... six seconds, yeah, something like that"

With a slightly manic grin Leif then chants in a string of garbled language, with only "Byyrhts rhgis Dahlver-Nar, Byyrhts rhgisen a Tortured One, ytsa M gjha coasu asjh" being really distinguishable. After nearly a minute of chanting, Leif pauses, his summoning and binding complete, and waits.

Binding check


Any one that speaks Elven and Infernal (this last is purely for cosmetic purposes), can understand Leifs invocations as meaning roughly "Come forth Dhalver-Nar, come forth o Tortured One, that I may gain of your strength and usurp your might"

2012-07-16, 12:59 PM
Rick understands what she says, as one of his few tongues is Infernal. "Now, that's a tongue I don't hear very often. You better be capable of doing as you said there."

2012-07-16, 05:57 PM
Your knowledge arcana tells you that this is a basic summoning circle, they pretty much have became useless since the rupture.

Your Plane knowledge tells you there something off about the summoning circle, it doesn't lead where it's supposed to, but you can't quite put your finger on it.

You're knowledge of religion yields the most information. The symbol drawn into the summoning circle is that of Dahlver-Nar, a demi-god, the son of Obad-Hai, one of the major nature gods. It was a bastard son that wasn't really part of the pantheon, half animal, half human and usually gave in to his animal side more often then not, hunting animals and humans down alike; His favoured method of killing was leaping on his enemies and bitting the jugular. He was always depicted as a very fierce animal with human anatomy. He is also believed to be the father of all lycanthropes.

Like anything to do with the Gods, he was immortal and the other half-gods kept in him check. However, much like with the other half-gods, he vanished with the rapture, never be heard from again.

A great gust of wind comes from the binding circle as Leif finishes chanting. At first nothing happens, just long enough to make Leif start to doubt, until everyone starts to notice that, over the binding circle, the wall seems more... pink. Slowly but surely the form of a pink man takes forms over the circle. The man is covered in teeth across his body and hangs limply over the binding circle, looking defeated. He looks at Leif and lets out a tortured moan, blood dripping from toothless jaws.

You instinctively know, he's asking for your terms of the contract. He seems pretty desperate to share your body.

2012-07-16, 05:59 PM
It was impressive, binding a creature like that would be an impressive feat, so I watched hanging back as always, quietly watching.

2012-07-16, 10:36 PM
Leif grins briefly, recognizing his success, and turns to the summoned figure.

"Now that you have arrived, I think we can skip the theatrics. I request that you grant me your power for a few short hours now. So long as you do not attempt any outwards control, you have my word that you will be given an equal amount of time with some measure of power over my actions at a latter time. While I know this is an unusual term, I admit that your history intrigues me, and a greatly desire to learn more of your past. So, oh Tortured One, do you accept my terms, or must I simply force this agreement as you know I am capable of?"

Turning of Rick briefly, Leif smiles reassuringly, if slightly oddly, and says "I speak Infernal and Elven because these languages have barely changed in thousands of years. Many of these beings are older, and more temperamental then your gods... I mean then the gods, and all are a good deal more starved for company. These languages are a comfort to many such beings because they are recognizable. Anyway, I believe that my summons has controlled him for now. And, Petra, if you would. When I next summon him, could you record my behavior while under his influence? I am attempting to catalog as much as I can of these beings.". Leif then turns back to his captive guest, and waits for a response.

2012-07-16, 11:31 PM
Rick laughs, before replying to him in Infernal, "At least you've got a reason. I speak this language, Celestial, and Abyssal because I felt like learning them. And because a person who never eats and speaks Infernal or Abyssal is plenty more interesting than just one who never eats. Scared the nobles some, at least."

2012-07-17, 12:57 AM
Dahlver-Nar lets out a half moan, half howl, blood splattering the floor, dripping from his mouth as he quickly enters Leif's body.

You feel a new animal strength coursing through your vains. You feel a small instant of pain as your teeth become more jagged and new teeth grow on the top of your head, forming a jagged crown under your hair.

2012-07-17, 10:05 AM
"Well that was all certainly very flashy... now how do you think you can help."

2012-07-17, 01:22 PM
Leif stretches briefly, and responds. "Well Verak, with my borrowed strength, I should be able to force our subjects into a brief fit of cowering, be more resistant to any possible violence, and the main reason I choose Dahlver-Nar, share some of the injuries dealt to me with others. In general, this should allow me to give the "divine" weight of your mission more credence."

Of course, I can also add my more conventional magic to our arguments. Hopefully that will not be required. I will admit, I am not heavy on peaceful solutions, although I have some very nice other ones...

2012-07-17, 03:35 PM
Petra says in Infernal:
"I, of course, have studied numerous languages in my time. I find a particular aptitude for them. Infernal was particularly useful for that tome I found in that library we uncovered back on Mechanus under the city of Nafaran."

She continues in Elven:
"Many ancient writings, of course, can be found in different languages."

"In addition to being the language of my maternal ancestors, Celestial is useful for researching the holy scripts of the ancient priests of the good gods."

"And, for similar reasons, this language is useful for the manuscripts of evil priests."

"Mystic scrolls. Of course, I have difficulty with the tonal aspects of some of the words that require a deep pitch."

"OK, now I am just showing off."

"Leif, for research purposes I would be very interested in recording the results of your next ... union."

"I'd prefer if we shock and awe the locals first, rather than assault them. They have done us no harm, and I would prefer that we not accost them unnecessarily."

2012-07-18, 05:16 AM
I moved to the door, eager to leave, eager to feel the wind on my skin.
"Then let's go, before I grow bored."

2012-07-18, 07:50 AM
"Sure," says Petra. "I do better improvising anyway. We (hopefully) have a few hours to kill (but not halflings to kill, if you catch my drift), before the bell where we need to leave."

With that she opens the door and walks out.

2012-07-18, 08:37 AM
The streets are deserted, regardless of the scorching sun. You can see most of the windows have thick blinds made of hide to block out the sun. You slowly make your way back to the old man's house, losing your way once or twice but soon enough you stand before the huge stone monolith.

2012-07-18, 03:38 PM
Quick survival check to see if the sun has apparently moved at all.


2012-07-18, 03:53 PM
Not one bit.

2012-07-18, 04:53 PM
"Hey you guys. If you hadn't noticed, sun doesn't move. Not sure how that works with orbital mechanics and all, that was one of my weak points in school (and honestly, I don't even know what knowledge check would apply)."

2012-07-18, 05:08 PM
OOC: As basic astral physics goes, all the scientist are in agreement and papers dating from the space age seems to confirm this. The solar orbs are giant orbs of fire magic that orbits the planets. The Gods created them when they created the planets as a mechanic to help plant growth and help the food chain. As a general rule, the solar orbs are roughly 1/50th the size the planet they're orbiting. Your homeworld's was probably 1/60th by guestimation, this one looks to be the proper size. This is a bit of common knowledge for everyone.

2012-07-18, 05:44 PM
I was there, it was time to make an entrance... So I shifted my form back into that of my normal figure, moving quickly to the door of the older rabbit, my blood boiled with exitment as I burst through the door, eyes like fire scanning the room for the old one.

2012-07-18, 06:20 PM
The door, meant more for privacy then security, gives in easily. The inside of the house is much darker then the outside, taking your eyes a few seconds to adjust. While the house is bigger then the one you were staying in, the inside is just as modest.

To your right seems to be a large living room, made to accomodate meeting of some relevance to the village. To the left, there is a hallway with a door, and from what you can see, it turns deeper into there house where you cannot see.

You do however hear the clicks of something walking and around that corner, peaks a head covered in large quills. With intelligent eyes, the beast seems to stare at Verak. Perhaps, recognizing another beast in Verak, it does not seem hostile, merely curious.

You do hear more commotion deeper in the house. Clearly, the entrance has woken up other occupants of the house.

2012-07-18, 09:37 PM
Leif stands still for a moment, as if trying to remember something important, then shrugs. "Remind me Petra, why did we bring this one along? Not just now, I mean on the trip. He brings discord. He enjoys death. He speaks of freedom, but he has no respect for it.". Shaking his head sadly, Leif clasps his hands behind his back, and steps through the door.

2012-07-19, 03:39 AM
I met the creatures eyes, there was a beastial intelligence to it, so I approached, stepping closer inside the building.

2012-07-19, 02:56 PM
The beast does not seem to react, however, by now you hear stomping down the hall. Kevtiln, dressed in a simple loin cloth and a spear at hand comes storming out of the hallway, shouting angrily at you. From the sound of the foot steps, the old man can't be far behind.

2012-07-19, 03:37 PM
I stopped, and turned my eyes from the creature before me, to gaze upon the spear wielding rabbit instead. He looked angry, good. Anger is easy to play with, always.
So I simply looked at him and raised one hand, open palm towards him, then the other, before allowing my form to slowly begin to change back to that of one of their false angels, allowing my skin to become golden and flawless. But slowly, so the change seemed to spread over me.

2012-07-19, 04:09 PM
Kevtiln seems taken aback by this turn of event, turning toward the, just now arriving, old man. He point at the angelical visage and talks excitedly to the old man who turns to Verak, talking to him... he appears to be asking a question.

2012-07-19, 04:18 PM
Leif groans to himself, and casts his gaze around the room.
In Draconic
"Petra, I normally would not advocate this course of action, but Verak has likely ruined our chances, since he can't speak Nosenseofhumorhalfling. We need to deal with him, one way or the other, very soon. I for one, suggest doing so... quickly. Otherwise, one way or another, someones is going to end up dead. Probably one of us. Or, y'know... him. Just food for thought. After all, I was not brought on to be endangered or killed by a psychotically vicious changeling with a penchant for murdering people."

2012-07-19, 04:41 PM
Petra attempts to approach either of the halflings, if they will allow her to touch them, and cast comprehend languages again. She makes gestures to ask them to repeat the question.

Sense motive check: [roll0]

In Draconic:
"Leif, Ixin has a ring that will control him. I don't know what commands he has given to Verak, other than the ones we were told were already given to him.

"I'd prefer not to directly restrain Verak at this point, he has made an impression of some kind, good or bad I cannot yet say."

Petra also casts bless. She's hoping the encounter doesn't end badly, but wants to be prepared for the worst.

2012-07-19, 04:41 PM
The beast seems to notice Leif when he speaks, he wanders closer, sniffing around.

2012-07-19, 04:45 PM
The old man lets Petra do her thing and then at the motion he repeats "What is the meaning of this? Are you a God?" and after a moment as things process in his mind, he adds, turning to Verak "and what manner of God are you that you cannot understand us?"

2012-07-19, 04:48 PM
While translating, Petra adds, "Remember, shock and awe. Feats of strength. Yes, you are a god. Don't say it, Ixin, just be quiet for now unless he gets out of line. I can only translate another 40 minutes before next time to pray, which is a few hours away, at least, based on my body clock."

2012-07-19, 05:48 PM
Still in draconic
Petra, are you absolutely certain that these halflings cannot understand us? that they have no similar magics cast?

Turning to Verak, "Alright, give me some indicatio before we go into full on shock and awe mode here, I can give your "divine"" (Leif almost spits the word out)"identity more credence by stealing the elders ability to respond to your actions for a few seconds. A decent fake for awe at any rate. Since the method involves me producing noise, I need to to be... loud at the exact right moment. This should just add to the theatrics of whatever you intend"

Leif focuses his borrowed power, preparing a maddening howl to steal the elders reason.

Leif prepares an action to use Maddening Howl, targeted on the elder, when Verak's out burst begins.

2012-07-19, 06:11 PM
"I can guarantee nothing. I am aware of spells that allow someone to understand or speak any language. If they had that capability, I would have thought they would have utilized it during our initial visit. They might have cast such a spell outside of our vision, but I would recognize any casting within our area and probably be able to determine what it was.

"The fact that none of them have deliberately approached us and touched us to cast this spell, as I have, indicates to me, at least, they cannot."

2012-07-19, 11:13 PM
I spoke normally to the crone.
"If the Rabbit ask's, I do not speak it's tongue as it is to.... simple, too lowly for a God to speak, but if they want proof of my divine gift's I will speak in my true tongue to them, yet it may destroy their minds."

Hinting towards maddening howl

2012-07-21, 06:41 PM
(While we're waiting for the bluff check, Petra translates, or attempts to communicate, the following)

"The holy one does not speak your tongue as it is too simple and low for him to speak, and has not granted that ability to its servants. If you want proof of his divine gifts he will speak in my true tongue to you, yet it may destroy your minds."

Not sure what check applies. But Rick and Petra were successful (somewhat) earlier in communicating. I assume they are now.

2012-07-21, 11:57 PM
Leif is deep in concentration, attempting to modulate his pent up cry in such a way as to change its apparent source.
rolling for bluff [roll0]

2012-07-22, 02:56 AM
While Petra does her best to try and make Kevtiln and the old man understand, the message seems to be completely lost on them. However, Leif's message seems to be clearly heard. As Verak opens his mouth and howl fills the room, Kevtiln drops to his knees, certain to have heard the voice of the Gods. The old man appears dazed for a second, but something is not right, his eyes aren't on Verak, they are on Leif.

As soon as he clears his mind, his hand move to the key around his neck, as if protecting it. "No!" he shouts, "Gods need not trickery from their servents! I do not understand how such things are possible, however you are not Gods, simply tricksters of the flame!"

A rumbling growl fills the room. Yours eyes look down to the beast, his quills have straightened and he looks more impressive then ever. Large teeth are bare, ready to strike. And strike they do, quickly finding the jugular and just as suddenly as it started, it has ended. With a last breath he is no more... his eyes roll in his lifeless skull, the old man lies dead at your feet, a large pool of blood starting to form.

Kevtiln looks absolutely shocked, unable to move as the beast rips the key from the old man's neck, the small chain holding it there quickly giving away to the beast's deadly jaw. The large key now rests at Verak's feet as the beast slowly walk to Leif, almost purring in self satisfaction, rubbing his blood soaked quill over his legs, seeking gratification.

Kevtiln finally gets up and runs deeper inside the house.

2012-07-22, 06:40 AM
It wasn't as I planned, but it worked none the less, now, I just needed to find where the ship lay. So I lent down and picked up the key, it was slippery, yet warm.
"And so now, I hunt." I smiled, pacing after the fleeing rabbit.

2012-07-22, 09:27 AM
Ixin stands for a while in shocked silence at the old halfling's brutal death before speaking.
Verak, if you must "hunt", as you put it, try to focus those instincts on hunting for the spaceship rather than hunting for poor Kevtiln. I realize he is fleeing, and perhaps from your warped perspective, it is more "sporting" to hunt down fleeing creatures, but he has done nothing to us but give us hospitality and flee in terror from this... monstrosity. He points toward the quilled creature with his sword.
That thing just turned upon the old man with practically no provocation whatsoever. It may not be evil, per se, but it is a danger to us all and must be put down before it kills further.

2012-07-22, 09:41 AM
Rick is in the background, just watching the scene. When they say to put the creature down, he considers that they could keep it. From what he sees, it's taken a liking to Leif. He doesn't speak up, though.

2012-07-22, 03:58 PM
Leif rubs his head and grimaces. "My apologizes Petra, ti would appear that Nar did not wish for your deception to be complete. It would seem however, that his animalistic aspect has gained us a friend, and it would be remiss of us as the "chosen" to deny his favor."

Glancing down at the beast, Leif smiles, and rubs its head playfully
"Awww, who's a good blood soaked quill-dog? You are, you are... And Ixin, I would prefer you did not refer to our newest companion as a "monstrosity". Or at least be consistent. I have teeth replacing some of my hair. Have the basic dignity to insult us both for our oddities."

2012-07-22, 04:52 PM
Talking, always talking. The prey was escaping and I needed it, it knew where to go next. I glanced down at the rabbit's body, old and lifeless, blood oozing from the fresh wounds, had I not been eager for the hunt, I would have fed well.
But instead my instincts took over; my eye's shot after the fleeing rabbit, his foot steps still audible even over the time wasting speech of my allies. My blood pumped through my veins and I moved, resisting my more baser instincts to hunt on all fours, I ran instead.
"Run rabbit run rabbit, run, run, run..." I muttered "Verak's gunna gut you just for fun, fun, fun."

2012-07-22, 07:07 PM
Ixin looks at Leif. This is not just some trifling matter of physical appearance, Leif. Even the most ordinary-looking creature can be a monster if it kills without provocation, as this thing has done. I, for one, feel a little bit wary about a creature that simply rips out the throat of a master that was not attempting to hurt it in any way.
And speaking of killing, he says, turning to run after Verak, I had better stop that madman before he murders Kevtiln.

2012-07-23, 12:24 AM
Leif's easy going manner vanishes at Ixin's rebuke. Bristling more then a little, he snaps "Oh is that what it comes down to? A matter of loyalty? Get back to me on how Verak is doing will you?"

Somewhat more calmly "Listen, I do not trust anyone implicitly, least of all our possible new companion, but at the moment, we need more help then we could possibly get. I am sorry I snapped, but once things get a little calmer, I think we need to talk some more about our Mission"

2012-07-23, 02:43 AM
Kevtiln barely has time to make it through the back door of the house before slamming the door in front of Verak, who makes short work of it. But the delay gave the halfling some distance, distance which Verak closes in no time at all, running at more then twice the speed of the little man.

Ixin tries to follow them, however, weighed down by his armour, he is rapidly left behind, giving Verak a few precious seconds alone with his little rabbit.

OOC: Verak has 2 round before Ixin catches up. He is however within shouting distance.

2012-07-23, 06:05 PM
He was mine, trapped, ripe for the picking... any other day I would have torn him apart, but that day I needed him. But that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun with him.
I looked into the rabbit's eye's, enjoying the fear, drinking it in whilst allowing my body to change, distorting into that of his old, dead, ally... my face settled into a warm smile, as I held the key up allowing it to sway in my grip. I walked closer, gesturing to the rabbit and then the key, cocking my head in curiosity and waiting to see if I could full approach him, after all. He might of known where to go next.
I hoped he didn't.

2012-07-24, 06:04 AM
Petra follows Verak and Kevtiln, in order to translate what the halfling revealed. Once she catches up to them, she'll translate what the Kevtiln or any other natives say. She'll also mutter to herself, Verak, and anyone else around, "Well, that went spendidly, didn't it? How are we supposed to know that their pet was ready to kill the elder? At least Verak isn't a murderer, again, yet."

2012-07-24, 09:10 AM
Kevtiln looks absolutely horrified to see the dead elder's face on your body and doesn't seem to know what to do as you caught up with him so easily and babbles in a language you do not understand.

Petra quickly arrives by Verak, able to translate his babbling to "I don't understand, you have the key, what more could I possibly give you?"

Ixin is still trailing slightly behind, but catching up

OOC: Ixin is 1 round behind Verak.

2012-07-24, 09:13 AM
Leif slips out of the house and follows the commotion, pulling focusing himself in case standard spell casting is needed in the escape.

When within range of Kevtiln, cast's Charm Person.

2012-07-24, 10:38 AM
"Where is the vessel, what does this unlock!" I hiised through the old mans face, watching the Rabbit's horror with glee.

2012-07-24, 11:07 AM
The halfling looks to be in absolute terror, his mind racing as he tries to understand Verak but not coming up with in anything.

2012-07-24, 11:11 AM
I glanced at the crone, waiting for her to translate/

2012-07-24, 11:36 AM
Petra says to Verak, "Unfortunately, I cannot translate into their language, I can merely understand what they say. Such are the limitations of the incantations I know."

Petra does, however, attempt to replay the conversation they had earlier in the day with the elder, referring to solar orbs and ships, hoping that it would refresh his memory. She'll encourage if he is on the right track, and so forth (playing hot/cold)

2012-07-24, 12:27 PM
By the time Ixin reaches you, a glimmer of comprehension seems to light in the eyes of the halfling. "The ship? You want the ship yes? That way, in the home of the Gods" he says, point in a direction in the desert. You can quite make out what's in that direction as a building is blocking your sight.

2012-07-24, 01:46 PM
And so the little Rabbit broke, we knew where we were going. And best of all, we had a guide, willing or not.
I smiled at the creature, and wrapped my hand around his neck, gesturing in the same direction and making a walking sign with my free hand, befroe pointing at him and then switching back to the walking sign. I grew bored of these semantic's and my temper was wearing thin.
Before he even responded I allowed my true form to once again materialize, if nothing else it would make him listen.

2012-07-24, 03:33 PM
As Leif comes up behind the group, he taps Ixin on the sholder. "I know that know is not the best time, but I suspect that as a group, we must establish a standard operating procedure. While we have the same goal, I suspect that the differences of temperment within the group will make life needlessly difficult without at least some compromise. I will not ask you to go against your beliefs but eventually, sme agreement must be reached for the good of us all."

"If I may make a suggestion? While I was studying back on Mechanus, I found that in situations such as these a simple solution is sometime sthe best. We should leave this town as fast as possible. Oh, and until we are out of earshot, gag Kevtiln. For his own safety of course. Also so the guards don't hear him screaming for help."

2012-07-24, 04:00 PM
Ixin nods.
I agree, however, I do not know how to reach such a procedure. Our differences are so great that I cannot easily think of a way in which we could all quickly reach a consensus. Perhaps there is a way, but it is outside my ability to find it. He turns to Verak.
Do not kill Kevtiln. We still do not know the ship's exact location, so we should take him with us to guide us to it, gagged as Leif suggests. From the signs you are making, I assume you are already trying to convey this to him. Hopefully the halflings won't discover us taking Kevtiln gagged out of the village, but if they do, I'm pretty sure they won't be too pleased.

2012-07-24, 04:22 PM
For once I wish they'd shut up, talking, they were always talking! There was no drive to any of them, no will to live in the moment. With perhaps the exception of the quiet one, Rick, I would have killed them all for the sheer pleasure of ripping their tongues out.
No, I would defiantly let the quiet one live, at least he didn't waste so much time with words.
And now of course the self-righteous one is lecturing me on something I had already planned... "Do not kill him" what does he think I am? A fool? A dog that only knows how to bite? If he kept pushing, he would have seen why so many dogs kill their masters.
"I don't care what the Rabbit's think, if they want to die I welcome the feast." I said, never breaking eye contact with the rabbit in my grip, before placing a single finger over my lipless grin, ripping off a portion my own clothing and forcing it into his mouth.
Once again placing my finger in front of my mouth, then running it down and across my own throat, tightening my grip to cement the message.

2012-07-24, 04:27 PM
Rick truly was quiet, just following along and keeping his distance from Verak. Now that they were already going to be hated by this populace, he had drawn his rapier, holding the blade with one hand at the moment. He had nothing to say that hadn't been said, some things multiple times, so he just kept his silence.

2012-07-24, 05:00 PM
And the message was very clear, Kevtiln nodding furiously to try and appease the face stealing monster. As you start to move away, you notice curtains shifting here and there. You get the feeling that between the door smashing and the hunt, you have attracted some form of attention. However if you did, no one seems inclined to do anything about it.

As it turns out, the way Kevtiln had been pointing was the ziggurat. You head for the desert once again. No sooner have you left the village that you hear the bell ring with some form of urgency. You suspect that between the commotion and the kidnaping of Kevtiln, you're going to be held responsible for the murder of the elder.

While the structure seems to grow larger as you walk, it does at a barely perceptible pace. After Kevtiln's attempt at running away, some of the less moral members of the group have now tied him and put him on the back of his old steed, which is still prone to following Leif. Looking back, you notice shadows in the distance who seem to be slowly closing in.

Damn this heat... You feel the sand shift under your feet as you run up the dune, almost tripping as it constantly gives away. You look over your shoulder... Damn those halflings. Now you're sure of it, they're catching up on those blasted beasts they ride. If only you could slow them down somehow... But if they're catching up, the whole tribe can't be that far behind. And your foot gives away again making you fall flat on your stomach. Damn this sand, damn this constant heat and damn this whole thing. Gotta get up, gotta keep running.

More to come when I get Leif's endurance check

2012-07-24, 06:59 PM
Leif quickly grasps his morningstar, giving it a few swings to warm up his arm. He also moves so Ixin and Verak are between him and the path the villagers will likely take.

2012-07-24, 07:14 PM
You manage to regain your footing, gasping for air for a second... only to see Ixin being dragged down by his heavy armour to the bottom of the dune. He quickly gets back up and runs up a less steep area of the dune, but the maneuver has cost you time and the halflings have gained a little more ground... If only you could slow them down, somehow...

Everyone gets back to running, with no illusions, at this current pace, you'll never make it to the structure without the riders catching up to you.

2012-07-24, 07:19 PM
I could not help but laugh, the whole situtation was funny, here I was, being hunted by my own prey. Alongside a pack of dogs, the sand in my fingers and my whole body moving as one as I plowed through the sand on all fours, my axe swinging merrily from my side as it too knew that combat was inevitable.
"Where is your nobility now Paladin?!" I shouted mockingly, looking over my shoulder at him
"You're running like the rest of us, with a hostage no less!" I laughed maniacally, waiting on the dune for him to catch up.

2012-07-24, 09:38 PM
Ixin grimaces as he ascends the dune as quickly as he can, sweating profusely.
I have never had "nobility", Verak. Such terms are merely expressions of class status, and I was born about as far from nobility as one can be. What you are aiming for is more along the lines of virtue, and it is safe to say you aren't exactly the best judge of that. He turns to Leif and Petra.
Alright, we aren't going to be able to outrun them all the way to the monolith, and I confess I'm not exactly helping the cause. So, either we turn around and face them here and now, or one of our casters uses some sort of spell to assist us. So, do either of you have any spells that might help?

2012-07-24, 10:30 PM
"If you are willing to to let them close within roughly 130 feet, I can possibly rob them of their sight for a time. It woould only give us a few seconds, but if combat is a certainty, then it will gain us the advantage. Failing that, most of my spells are long range single target attacks. They may even kill some of them, but it will not really change the situation."

Leif pauses and check the consistency of sand. "I could also impair their sight through a gust of wind directed at the sand. I was not anticipating conflict of this variety when I was preparing my spells, so I am not really prepared."

2012-07-25, 07:10 AM
Petra states, "I'm afraid I don't have any spells prepared that would help you move faster either. If we turn to face them, though, I fear the consequences for us, them, and our mission. If we must fight, let us find a position to do so, and soon. I insist we attempt to do no lasting harm to them."

Petra looks around the desert for some kind of dune nearby with room on the top for all of them, preferably with some rocks on top.

spot: [roll0]

2012-07-25, 08:27 AM
While you can't see any rocks anywhere near, you easily find a dune with enough space for all of you at the top nearby.

2012-07-25, 08:44 AM
"Look, there is a defensible dune nearby. I recommend we head to the top and make preparations there for the inevitible. While we had nothing to do with the death of the Elder, it is obvious they blame us. And with the, umm, absconding away of Kevtiln, I can't say I blame them."

2012-07-25, 09:13 AM
Leif similarly scans the landscape

"Does anyone know exactly how many of them are following us? I would prefer that none of us died on some backwater world, in some back water desert, near some backwater town, before we even find the bloody ship."

2012-07-25, 03:29 PM
You can't quite make out how many there are as they are still too far away, probably half an hour away still.

Any preparations you want to make?

2012-07-25, 03:54 PM
Rick flips one of his golden coins into the air and catches it as it falls by his side. "I'll support with arrows and rapier if need be. Are we planning on taking prisoners or not? If we're voting, I say for no." If they were, then he'd be using his sap too. If not, then there would be no need. With his parts done, he keeps moving towards the top of the dune and takes a look at what the coin showed. At least fortune is by my side this time.

Coin: [roll0] (1 is heads)

Thought having him believe in luck would be an interesting thing, so he does. :smalltongue: Flips a coin before any encounter, from stealth to battle.

2012-07-25, 04:59 PM
I moved onto the dune and looked at the dog's around me, already to bite at their hunters. I was impressed, but there was a problem, a very simple one.
"Well? Kill or simply maim?"

2012-07-25, 09:16 PM
Leif looks back at the distant ziggurat trying to gauge its distance. "Well that all depends. If you think you can reach the structure, then combat my not even be necessary, although it might be fun. However, if we cannot, then it would be better to kill. It will drive them off faster, and will give them less reason to return."

2012-07-26, 03:44 AM
"Even I couldn't out run them. I say we stay here and paint the desert red with their blood." I whipped my tongue out to taste the airid desert air, taking my axe into hand and focusing on their slowly gaining shadows, my body filled with adrenaline, I quivered with excitement.

2012-07-26, 08:34 AM
Ixin sighs and draws his sword.
Loathe as I am to kill those without evil in their hearts, I am not above killing in self-defense. Besides, this weapon isn't exactly the best for inflicting nonlethal harm.
He turns to the rapidly approaching halflings and pulls his shield off his back.
Outrunning them is out of the question. If they wish to kill us, then we shall have to kill them in return.

2012-07-26, 10:42 AM
Rick pocketed the coin and drew his shortbow. "Seems we finally found something we can agree on, even if it's for different reasons."

2012-07-26, 11:24 AM
Alright, this is the map, the light part represents higher part, the darkish is lower ground, the darker is the shadow from the ridge. The longer the shadow, the steeper it is. They are concidered difficult terrain for the purpose of movement.

you still have a few minutes to move around if you wish, include your initiative along with any movement you make.

2012-07-26, 02:41 PM
Leif concentrates briefly, mentally preparing a nasty surprise for the pursuing halflings, and moves towards the narrower ridge of the dune.

"I suggest we try to use that ridge to bottleneck our pursuers. While it will put more pressure on those holding the line, it should prevent the halflings from swarming us to severely."

moves to m-12

2012-07-26, 02:44 PM
(Which side will the halflings come in from?)

2012-07-26, 03:05 PM
They're coming from the right side

2012-07-26, 03:07 PM
Rick moves to the area that Leif suggested, but positions himself at P10. "Put yourself on the top, I'd say. Fight them when they're below you."

2012-07-26, 05:26 PM
It would do I thought, the idiot rabbit's would charge the hill, probably after attacking from afar with spears or bows. When they reached the hill, I would tear them from their mounts and rend them apart, bathing myself in their blood. Glorious.
Or so I thought. Every time I even thought of killing one of them... the pain returned. All because that Paladin ordered me not to kill any of them, the fool... still I could have fun with this.
"Paladin" I called out, forming into my true self, horrific and monstrous. "Because of your order's earlier, I cannot fight them, I cannot kill the rabbits." I walked closer, smiling as I did "You have to Order me to kill them, you have to make me kill" I stood before him. "Do it, order me to kill... set me loose"

2012-07-26, 09:21 PM
Ixin sighs and thinks to himself, Well, I had to do this eventually. After all, if I can allow one weapon to kill, he looks at hs sword, I can allow another.
He turns to Verak and activates the ring.
The restrictions on violence shall be modified. You are hereby granted permission to inflict harm, including that of the lethal variety, upon these halflings, he gestures toward the rapidly approaching tribe, and their mounts. All other restrictions upon violence remain in place.

2012-07-27, 06:12 AM
Petra moves quickly to position and says, "I have a number of spells I can cast to help us. Try to stay close while I get things set up, some of them require me to touch you, please do not be alarmed."

(Everyone needs to read this, as it will almost certainly affect your combat prowess)
Moves to M-10

OK, bunch of things to do. Petra is going to try to pre-cast whatever she can, but in order to do so she has to estimate their arrival.

Spot: [roll0], if that is low she'll try again by taking 10

Actions in advance. Once the halflings are about 1 minute away, she will cast the following spells:

Bull's Strength: Target - Ixin (Str +4 Enhancement bonus, 4 minutes)
Shield of Faith: Target - Rick (+2 Deflection bonus to AC, 4 minutes)
Aid: Target - Verak (+1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves vs fear effects, also gains [roll1] temp hp)

Finally she will ready an action, trigger condition of: halflings 100 feet away, to activate her protection devotion feat. This creates a +3 sacred AC bonus to everyone within 30 feet.

Finally, initiative: [roll2]

2012-07-27, 12:03 PM
"That's not what I said paladin" I leered at him as the crone touched me "I cannot kill unless you order it of me, didn't they explain that to you?" I chuckled as I spoke the words, axe quivering in my grip as the new energy flooded into me, preparing me, urging me towards a glorious slaughter.

2012-07-27, 01:24 PM

You can now make out that there are 6 independent riders, each riding the hybrid mounts.

The riders are roughly 2,000 feet away and they spur their mounts in a dead run, heading straight for you. At their current pace, you estimate they will be there in a minute. Petra casts Bull's strength, 1,600 feet, Petra casts shield of faith. 1,200 feet. Petra casts Aid. Their spears are readied, you think they intend to just ram you through and keep going.

You have 6 rounds of actions left before they're there, if you want to move, now's the time.
I also completely forgot about Kevtiln and the beast, I'll put them at L-10, hiding behind the dune. If you want them to move, now's the time.

2012-07-27, 01:37 PM
Rick draws his shortbow and intends to fire at the first one who comes into his range of 60 feet. He calls out, "They won't be able to charge up the dunes, but we should probably choose a location to fight them, so that we're not all scattered. In the larger area near Verak, with me at the top, or behind me with Petra?" Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2012-07-27, 02:34 PM
Once they are within 50 feet, Leif casts Glitterdust, centered upon the middlemost rider. He then draws his Morningstar, and moves to 0-11

2012-07-27, 02:57 PM
Ixin mutters, You're going to kill them at the slightest provocation, so why do you need a direct order? and then activates the ring once more.
Fine. I hereby order you to kill the halflings riding toward us, as well as their mounts. I also order you to move with me over to that area of the ridge near where the rest of the party is.
He deactivates the ring and heads over to Petra, Leif, and Rick, then unleashes some of the light power within him, aiding the party's morale and accuracy. He then takes a position at the edge of the ridge, readying himself for the swiftly approaching halflings.

Casting Bless, since I'm pretty sure it's been more than four minutes since Petra cast hers.

2012-07-27, 03:49 PM
I laughed as I walked behind him, swinging my axe in a circle."How did that feel Paladin? Ordering me to kill? Ordering me to kill those who have done us no harm? Was it freeing? Or do you have a pang of guilt in your stomach? Regret maybe?" I continued to laugh as I walked to the quiet one as he fired an arrow into the approaching meat.
"Nice shot" I chuckled as I gripped the axe in hand and crouched into a leaping position, focusing on the rabbit's as they came.
Watching them, seeing the sweat drip from their brows as they charged, watching their mounts move with ferocious determination, the sun glinting from their spears.
My heart pounded in my chest, my body twitched with excitement I began to laugh again, inhaling deeply each moment as I watched the rabbit's closing. It had been so long since I fed, so long since I felt a body break in my hands. My bloodlust overcame me as they came closer, and my echoing laughter reached their ears from the dunes.

2012-07-27, 03:56 PM
My actions as the roller hates me.
ROund one: Move into position and Initiative [roll0]
Round two: Place battleaxe into off-hand
Round three: Intimidate check on lead rider [roll1]
Round Four: Intimidate check on secondary rider [roll2]
Round Five: Rage
Round Six: Counter charge closest rider.
Attack check: Battleaxe as two handed with -2 power attack [roll3]
Damage check: [roll4] Vicious Damage [roll5]
Damage to self: [roll6]
Possible Critical Damage [roll7]

Also, an updated stat's block for encounter:
Verak (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=412756)
Prefers Male Chaotic Evil Changeling Fighter 2/ Ex-Monk 1/ Barbarian 1, Level 4, Init +7, HP 53/36, Speed 50ft
AC 21, Touch 15, Flat-footed 18, Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus 3
Vicious +1 Vicious Battle axe +8 (1d8+2d6+5, 20/x3)
Unarmed Strike +7 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Flurry of blows +6/+6 (1d6+4, 20/x2)
Light fortification Masterwork Chain shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Natural, +1 Deflect, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 14
Condition Rage
Sacred shield

2012-07-27, 04:44 PM

The riders come into range, one of them seems to detach from the group, moving further away

Verak leaped from the dune, howling like a wild animal startling the rabbit before him. The hunter's leap caused him to land on the rider's mount, and left him, for only a second, staring into the rabbit's eyes. The last thing the rabbit saw was the creature grasping his throat, smiling like a demon and cackling hysterically... the last thing he felt was the creatures axe rending through his flesh, cutting through his shoulder, ribcage, hip... Blood spurted from the carcass as the rabbit's upper torso was flung aside by the creature, dropping before the dead rabbit's mount. Verak leaped again, landing behind the line of Rabbit's, blood soaked, gore covered. And laughing like a creature possessed.

The halfling lays on the sand, the sand soaking up it's blood faster then it can pour out of it's remains.

Leif unleashes a blast of magical energy, covering the ground between the riders with a shiny glittering substance. Almost all the riders and their mounts seems to be completely blinded by it, appart from the mount of the first rider.
Leif hits W 12, catching R1's mount and R2 and R3 in the blast


Rick shoots a well placed arrow, hitting the now blind rider in front of him. The arrow penetrates deep within it's armour.
Rick shoots an arrow and hits R3 with it, wounding him.

Petra takes a step forward, going up the hill, pulling her crossbow at the same time. She takes a second to aim and shots, the bolt striking true, the rider falling off his mount. He does not appear to be moving.
Petra moves to N 10 and shoots R3, downing him.

Still needIxin.

2012-07-27, 04:56 PM
Petra clambers up the slope, behind which she was hiding and shoots a crossbow bolt at rider 3.

5 foot step to N10

Rider 3: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2012-07-27, 05:48 PM
Leif raises his Morningstar to the sky, and yells an exhortation to long lost gods, summoning a shield of swirling air around him

entropic shield, using his first level domain slot.

2012-07-28, 10:00 AM
Ixin moves to the side of the ridge, ready to defend the party's more fragile members from any halflings that might attempt to get past Verak.
Move to Q11.

2012-07-28, 11:19 AM

The dead rider's old mount take opportunity of an opening left after the attack to sink it's teeth in Verak's shoulders and then trash about, one of it's quill striking Verak in the process.

The other, now blind, rider, slowly make his way to Verak as his mount sniff about. He attempt to attack, however, in his blindness, horribly miss.

The other mount who's rider has fallen off sniffs about and finally finds Verak too, attacking him but Verak easily dodges the blind animal.

The other riders, after the display of terrifying magic, seem to avoid Verak and keep on moving, heading to flank the casters.

M1 attacks Verak
attack: [roll0]
damage [roll1]
Total damage : 7

R2's mount sniffs around until it finds Verak and slowly walks to there, allowing R2 to attack
attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]

R3's mount does the same
attack :(1d20+7)[18]
damage : (1d6+4)[8]
and misses

R4 moves to P7

R5 moves to R 17

R6 moves to O 16

Your turn.

2012-07-28, 01:26 PM
Rick drops his shortbow on the sand and moves, drawing his rapier out in the process. He strikes at the rider with the blade.

Free Action: Drop bow
Move Action: Draw weapon and move to O8
Standard: Attack R4 with a two-handed Rapier thrust
Attack: [roll0] (26-28 crits)
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Crit doubles

2012-07-28, 02:09 PM
That's more like it! Blood! The beast ripped into my side, only fair I attempted to return the favor to both it and the Rabbit on it's back, so I sidestepped one blow from a blinded beast, and lunged towards the blinded rabbit aiming to pull him from his seat, and hurl him towards the other two riders, placing his flesh between mine and theirs.
If only for a moment.

In short, initiate a grapple attempt on R3: Attack check [roll]1d20+11[roll/]
Grapple check [roll]1d20+17[roll/]
Unarmed Damage [roll]1d6+6[roll/]
If completely successful Verak turns and releases the rabbit as a free action so it is between him and R2 just in time for it to attack :smallamused:

2012-07-28, 02:11 PM
I swear the roller hates me....
Attack: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2012-07-28, 02:15 PM
Leif whirls and fires a blast of acid at the mount of the rider attacked by Rick

Against touch AC [roll0]
Critical check [roll1]
Damage [roll2], double if crit.

2012-07-28, 06:29 PM
Petra drops her crossbow to the ground and casts a spell at the nearest rider. She then repositions herself, drawing her morningstar as she moves and prepares for any hand to hand combat.

Hold person, targeting rider 4. Will DC 18 to negate.

Moves to O-9

2012-07-29, 11:46 AM
Ixin moves back up the ridge to fight off the two approaching riders.

Move to O14.

2012-07-30, 10:02 AM

Forgot to mention, Battle Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s38F7UuVeE) if anyone is interested and it's appropriate where you are.

Verak grabs the last rider in his vicinity and twists it's neck, killing him outright. He then uses his limp body as shield, fooling the blind mounts who teer into the flesh. He then drops the body, letting them have at it. The mount who is not so blind isn't fooled whoever and continue attacking him, missing due to the body getting in the way.

Petra casts a spell on the rider by Rick, the magical force holding him prisoner, which causes him to fall off his mount and roll down the hill. Rick, swinging at the same time, misses due to this.

Leif shoots out an orb of acid which singe the mount, some of it's quills curling, as a foul smell fills the air.

Ixin moves to block the path to the casters on top of the dune. The two riders coming from that direction use the range of their spears to attack him, which he easily blocks. One of them goes around Ixin.









2012-07-30, 11:01 AM
Rick steps to the side, getting on the side of the hill, but in reach of the held enemy. There, he attacks him with the rapier. Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3] (Unsure if a paralyzed opponent can be subject to it, so I'm putting it here anyway.)

2012-07-30, 11:27 AM
Only adrenaline controlled my actions now, I needed more blood! More! To feel these beast's necks snap beneath my blade, to watch the gore flow from their bodies.
So I moved around the most ferocious of the beasts, bringing my axe sideways towards it's neck, laughing as I did, it had been so long since I had such a challenging fight, It felt good...so freeing.
5ft step into S15
Attack check w/two handed axe, -2 power attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Vicious Damage [roll2]
Damage to self [roll3]
Critical [roll4]

2012-07-30, 01:45 PM
Leif takes once again takes aim at one of the riders on Ixin's side of the field, and yet another orb of acid springs forth, spiraling towards the unsuspecting combatant.

lesser orb of acid targeting R5
[roll0] (against touch AC)
Crit check [roll1]
[roll2], x2 if crit

2012-07-30, 02:27 PM
Petra repositions herself to deal with the mounted troop, drawing a dagger and throwing it at the halfling riding the quilled beast.

Move to N10, attacking Rider 5 with a thrown dagger

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-07-31, 11:09 AM
Ixin moves toward the rider that Petra and Leif missed, slips past his spearpoint, then stabs in with his sword.

Move to N14. Attack R5.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit check: [roll2]

2012-08-01, 10:08 AM

As Rick steps forward to finish the rider, his mount see an opening and bites deep within his thigh. However, Rick, unphased by this, finishes off the rider as he is paralyzed and unable to do anything to stop the oncoming death.

Petra and Leif have the same idea and target one of the riders at the same time. However the knife gets in the path of the magical acid and falls in a twisted heap of metal, far from it's target. Petra, unconcerned by this, continue the motion and picks up her crossbow

As Ixin moves in for the kill, the rider attempts one last unsuccessful attack before being run through by his sword. The rider's mount attempts to take opportunity of Ixin's closeness, however only ends up with a mouth full of shield. The last of the rider, seeing an exposed spot with the shield raised, strikes with his spear and strikes flesh.

Verak, in a blood thirsty strike, opens a large gash on the flank of the beast, blood tainting it's quills as it howls in pain. Hearing this, the other two beast let go of their newfound chew toy and come to it's resque. However, in their blindness, they mostly get in each other's way, giving Verak an easy time at dodging all of them.

R5 AoO Vs Ixin

M4 AoO Vs Rick
Hit : 13 Damage

M1 vs Verak

M2 Vs Verak

M3 Vs Verak

M4 Vs Rick

M5 vs Ixin

R6 Vs Ixin
Hit : 8 Damage

2012-08-01, 10:09 AM
Crit confirmation

2012-08-01, 10:34 AM
Petra calmly reloads her crossbow and fires it at one of the quilled monstrosities.

"How is everyone? We're almost through, lets finish them off and then I'll heal anyone who needs it! Leif, give one of your roars again, it worked so well against the beasts last time."

Crossbow bolt at M5

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit check: [roll2]

2012-08-01, 11:36 AM
That's right! HOWL! I met the wounded beast's howl with my own, blood flying from my enlarged teeth as I brought the axe down towards it's skull for a killing blow, ready to leap backwards after the strike to let the blinded one's flail in the wind for a while longer.
I was having so much fun, but my dance partners were wearing thin. I thought I heard the crone call out, but her words were lost in the glorious flurry of blood and death.

Attack check with Axe t/handed -2 power attack on the non-blinded mount: [roll0]
Damage check: [roll1]
Vicious damage: [roll2]
Damage to self: [roll3]
Possible Crit: [roll4]

After attack take move action to jump back to U16 if only creatures left are blinded ones (which I believe do not get AOO's? If I am wrong, disregard this)

2012-08-01, 12:01 PM
"I can't quite reach all of them, but I can do this. Should solve one problem or another in this fight."

Moves to N13 and uses Maddening Howl

2012-08-02, 12:41 PM
Rick attacked the mount with the rapier, hoping to skewer it.

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

[I just saw how much that AoO hit me for...]

2012-08-02, 12:53 PM
Ixin slashes down towards the mount, then closes with the other rider, smoothly stepping past his spear.
I'm fine. he says to Petra. Only have one wound so far. Rick, however... He gestures to Rick's prone, bleeding form.

Attack M5. [roll0] Damage: [roll1] 5-foot step to N15.

2012-08-02, 12:56 PM
[Repost to include survival roll...]

Rick is definitely not unphased by the creature's bite, as he is currently on the sand, bleeding.

[roll0], a 1 means he is self-stabilized.

2012-08-02, 04:31 PM

Leif quickly runs to the middle of the dune and lets out a powerful moan, shaking everyone at their core as a sense of dread fill them.

Next to Rick's bleeding form, the beast who was about to use his body as a chew toy seems to falter for a few seconds.

Ixin and Petra, seeing an opportunity, strike at one of the beast, blood staining the sand as they strike deep.

Verak, seeing his opponent distracted, strikes his axe inside the large gash, breaking it's rib cage in a gory mess. The blind beast who seems unaffected by the moan, strikes at Verak while his axe is in the way, granting him an opening to strike at his exposed side, Verak's blood mixing with the beast's on the ground.

The beast that is currently carrying Kevtiln howls back at Leif, grabbing all of the mount's attention, however a quick command from the last of the rider, as his spear bounces off Ixin's Armor, brings them back into the fight.

M2 VS Verak
Total Damage : 13

M3 Vs Verak Dazed
Will : [roll6]

M4 Vs Rick Dazed
If this kills Rick, PM me, we'll arrange something
Will : [roll13]

M5 VS Ixin Dazed
Will : [roll20]

M6 Dazed
Will : [roll27]

R6 Vs Ixin
Will : [roll28]

2012-08-02, 04:55 PM
R4 Will [roll0]

2012-08-02, 05:22 PM
Petra moves to Rick's side and gently touches him, casting a spell, avoiding the mad beast as she does so. She calmly reloads her crossbow, preparing to continue to fight the ravening creatures.

5 foot step to O-9

Casts Cure Light Wounds spontaneously, sacrificing Endure Elements. [roll0]

Rick should be able to act this round, as the roll to stabilize (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#dying) actually takes place at the end of the round.

2012-08-02, 05:42 PM
Rick's wounds sealed up and he picked himself up, thanking Petra as he did so. He picked his weapon off the ground as he did so, and when he was fully up, didn't risk it again, by first moving to be above the creature and then by attacking defensively. His target was the demon-beast in front of him.

Attacking Defensively, AC: 21. +3 to AC due to 5 tumble ranks.
+1 to attack by being uphill from the enemy, as stated in the Hills Terrain (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Hills_Terrain).
Attack: [roll0] 23, 24, 25 crit
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2012-08-03, 08:00 AM
As I lept backwards, I felt a wall of exhaustion hit me, the beasts had hit me harder than I thought. My blood ran freely from an open wound, I had to re-think. Clawing at the beasts head on would only cost me my life and I enjoy my life far to much for that risk, so I turned and pounded up the hill, turning on my heel's as I reached the tip of the dune, momentarily I watched my accomplices fighting for their lives, as my bloodied form appeared before them, none of them looked like they were having any fun... what a pity.
I looked down the hill, and howled at the beasts in an attempt to have them blindly follow me up the hill, ripe for the slaughter.
Nice and simple this turn, Move action to Q16, then full defensive and shout down to the beasts.

2012-08-03, 09:27 AM
Ixin turns to the last of the riders.
I truly wish you had not followed us out here, as then I would not have had to end your lives in self-defense. But your fates were sealed the moment you began your charge against us. He then swings his sword at the rider with all his strength, hitting nothing but air.

Attack R6. To hit: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-06, 10:25 AM
Leif, still muttering angrily about his missed attacks earlier, sketches a quick diagram on his own skin, then points at the nearby beast, leaping back a few feet as soon as he has done so.

Shield Self targeting M5, will save is DC: 16, moves to O11, provoking an attack of opportunity from M5 (purposefully)

2012-08-07, 02:34 AM

The beast Leif target with his spell pauses for a second and seems to shrug off the spell. As Leif moves further back, the beast quickly bites at his side, leaving behind a large gash.

Petra, seeing Rick sprawled in the sand quickly rushes to his side, laying her hand on him and infusing him with a new life.

Rick quickly gets up while the beast is still not paying attention to him. The beast suddenly snaps back to reality and bites at the man in front of him, however, Rick is prepared for this and avoids his attack, his weapon finding an opening and finding blood.

Verak quickly runs up the dune, the follow monsters closely behind. He distances them as they sniff around, and readying himself for them, allowing him to dodge the attacks, if barely just.

Ixin, seeing the oncoming spear, raises his shield. However, the beast at his side is now in a perfect position to attack him, his powerful jaw clamping down on his thigh, blood dripping down his armor. As the beast trashes about, it's quills find openings in the armor, digging deep.

M5 Save

M5 AoO Vs Leif
Total Damage : 17

M4 Vs Rick
Miss. Thank that +3 AC

M3 Vs Verak
Miss. Thank that full defence.

M2 Vs Verak

R4 save
Awake, gets up from prone, Rick gets AoO
Then attack Rick if he's still alive, will do attack on the next round of combat.

M5 Vs Ixin
Total Damage : 17

M6 takes 5 ft step back
R6 vs Ixin

2012-08-07, 03:57 AM
Rick strikes the standing halfling as he rises. Attack: [roll0] (-4 Penalty to his AC due to being prone)
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

When that attack was dealt with, he turned the rapier back on the creature, and continued staying on his toes (defensive).
Attacking Defensively, AC: 21. +3 to AC due to 5 tumble ranks.
Attack: [roll4]
Check: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]

2012-08-07, 06:09 PM
Leif grimaces in pain, and fires a final acid attack at the beaast that just struck him

Lesser orb of Acid targeting M5
crit [roll1]
[roll2] x2 if crit

2012-08-08, 09:01 AM
Goodness, these things are tough. Ixin comments as he stabs down at the beast digging into his thigh.
Petra? I might need a little healing now.

Attack M5. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-08, 02:03 PM
The beasts were getting the best of me, my body was feeling weak, even my laughter was spluttering between coughs of my own blood, I needed to confuse them, throw them into more confusion... but that would be dangerous, lethal even. Good....
I grinned widely as the blinded beasts clambered to the top of the dune, weary and angry, excellent. I danced backwards, checking over my shoulder as my bounds took me closer to the paladin and his fight, darting around and behind another of the mounted rabbit's and calling out to the beasts, howling in anger and rage. Watching as the creatures hopefully tore towards me, with the mounted rabbit between me and them...
Withdraw from combat and move to K20 along a backwards L route from my current position, staying 15ft from Rider 6 at all times, then once I reach K20 I howl over the noise of the battle, hopefully attracting the beasts, which may run in a straight line towards me... hopefully, maybe... please?
If this fails, which it probably will. MEDIC!!!

2012-08-08, 06:36 PM
Leif drops his morning star and draws his cross bow, carefully loads it and then steps back, putting more distance between him and the nearest beast

foot step to O10

2012-08-08, 08:00 PM
"I hear you, Ixin," says Petra, resignedly. She really wished that this battle was over already, it seemed to be going on forever. She hustles over to Ixin and gently touches him, channeling positive energy to heal his wounds.

Move to O-14.

Use 1 charge of Healing belt (standard action, Magic Item Compendium page 110) to heal [roll0] hp on Ixin.

(OOC: Roll well this time!)

Edit: eh, could be worse

2012-08-09, 01:49 AM

Ixin sees a badly wounded Verak running away with 2 beast sniffing closely behind him, one of them catching up to him, however Verak easily dodges the attack, the second one unable to find a path directly to him, instead bumping in the first one.

The beast in front of him appears distracted for a second and he takes advantage of the opportunity to strike at it, inflicting a deadly wound. The beast lays in front of him for a few seconds, staring at him as it tries to catch it's breath. However the light is already fading from his eyes, slowly falling in an eternal sleep. A new life slowly seeps in his body, Petra's touch bringing him back to reality just quick enough to step out of the oncoming spear's way. Leif's acid ball crashes into the lifeless body, acid burning the creature's quills, filling the area with a powerful stench.

At the other end of the battle field, Rick quickly slashes at the halfling standing up and carries the motion, his rapier embedding itself deep within the beast. The halfling falls to the floor once again, blood rapidly seeping out of his body. The beast snaps at Rick out of pain and anger, however, Rick quickly dances arround him.

M5 stabilize on 1 [roll0]
R4 stabilize on 1 [roll1]

M4 vs Rick

M2 Vs Verak

R6 Vs Ixin

2012-08-09, 10:07 AM
I unleashed a low growl as I paced around the beasts, they were resilient, I had to kill them, quickly before my body gave out. So with an ear splitting roar I pounced forward, aiming to wrap my arms around the lead beast, tearing at it's flesh whist using it to protect me against the other one.

Oh god's of murder and strife, bless my dice this day...
Attack [roll0]
Grapple [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Possible crit confirmation and damage [roll3] [roll4]

2012-08-09, 02:02 PM
Rick kept doing what he was doing because, frankly, it was working. After dodging the creature's maw again, he pulled the rapier out and retaliated, ready to get out of the way if need be. Attacking Defensively, AC: 21. +3 to AC due to 5 tumble ranks.
Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]

2012-08-09, 02:15 PM
Ixin smiles as his wounds heal.
Thank you for the healing, Petra. This fight won't last much longer if I can help it.
He quickly steps toward the last rider, and whispers, I truly wish there were some other way. before stabbing upwards at his chest.

5 foot step to N16.
Attack R6. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-09, 02:43 PM
Petra fires off her crossbow at one of the mounts, reloads it, then stares at Verak, aghast. "Are you insane? Never mind, don't answer that. Why else would you tackle something with spikes and quills all over it?"

Crossbow at M3: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-08-10, 11:34 PM
Leif sights and fires on one of the beasts near Verak reloading as soon as the shot has flown. "Petra, his insanity not withstanding, Verak is in need of some support. That is, unless you would actually prefer his death..."

2012-08-10, 11:36 PM
I forgot to post rolls...:smallredface:

fires cross bow at M3
crit [roll1]

2012-08-11, 02:09 AM

As he dodges the attack, Verak leaps backward, managing to flatten all of the beast's quills as he wraps his arms around it. He then takes advantage of the closeness to sink his teeth in the beast's neck, drawing blood.

Ixin steps forward, his shield blocking the spear and inflict a powerful wound to the last rider. The last rider throws a quick spear jab, not really hoping to strike, but enough to provide cover for his mount to retreat backward. The mount's paw strikes at the ground, getting ready for a charge.

Rick, on his corner of the battlefield, finds an opening on the beast in front of him, the beast staggering left and right trying to recover it's balance before toppling, laying motionless in the sand as his wounds bleed him to death.

The other blind beast, after being peppered with bolts from an unknown location, strikes in front of him, smelling Verak, unaware or the fight going on in front of him. His nose guides him true, however, a stray limb strikes his head out of the way.

M4 stabilize on 1 [roll0]
R4 stabilize on 1 [roll1]
M2 Pointless grapple [roll2]

R6 AoO Vs Ix

R6 vs Ix

M3 Vs Verak (AC 17)
1 Verak 2 M2 [roll9] (house ruled due to attacking blind in grapple.)

2012-08-11, 06:09 AM
Petra hustles to the brawling Verak and quilled beast, timing the touch of her magic carefully to ensure she touches Verak. Verak feels some soothing energy flow into him.

Move to K19, Use healing belt (1 charge): [roll0]

2012-08-11, 10:37 AM
Rick quickly considered putting them to his blade, ending their lives. He looked around, spotting the demonborn in trouble. "I'd think someone like him is the trouble..." Knowing how much those things could hurt, he quickly moved to P10, where he picked up his bow.

Move Action to go to P10, move action to pick up the bow.

2012-08-11, 12:06 PM
Leif fires again at the beast standing near Verak, reloading again, as he mumbles quiet exhortations to various supernatural beings.

fires at M3 again
crit [roll1]

2012-08-11, 01:26 PM
A wave of warmth passed through me, feeling my wounds knit together I cursed, how dare they interfere with my fight! How dare they!
Nether the less, I accepted the gift and continued to tear at the beast in my grip, biting deeper and ripping off any flesh I could.
Damage [roll1]

2012-08-11, 09:28 PM
Ixin looks off at the rider. You would be well served to use that distance to retreat instead of charge. It could save your life.
Holding his shield out to counter the coming attack, he advances in toward one of the beasts before making a cautious slash against it.

Move to N19.
Attack M3: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-12, 02:21 AM

Petra quickly makes her way to an enraged Verak, as his teeth sink in the creature's flesh again. She wonders for a brief second which one she should really be healing here, however, in the end, Verak feels the healing magic coursing through his veins.

Ixin makes his way to the beast, covering Petra's advance as he slashes at the creature, inflicting a powerful wound, to which the creature strikes back as best as it can without it's sight. It however falls short and instead it's teeth slip over the metal.

The last of the rider spurs his mount, however rather then charging, he carefully guides his mount to stay out of Ixin's reach as he strikes him with the spear, missing him entirely.

M4 stabilize on 1 [roll0]
R4 stabilize on 1 [roll1]
M2 Pointless grapple [roll2]

R6 vs Ix

M3 Vs Ix

2012-08-12, 12:56 PM
I kept the beast locked in my grip, laughing as it's blood filled my mouth, I pulled my head back and howled in glee as I drove a hand into the base of it's neck, hoping to cut off the beasts air supply, whilst simultaneously forcing one of my fingers into the beasts eye socket.
Damage [roll1]

2012-08-12, 01:03 PM
Rick moved... to M14... pulled an arrow from his quiver and shot it at the third of the mounts.

Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

2012-08-12, 01:11 PM
Ixin wordlessly flourishes his sword, then strikes at the beast he wounded, hoping to finish it.

Attack M3 once more. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-12, 02:33 PM
Leif sidles to L14 and fires again, this time at the rider staying in the distance

fires at R6
crit [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2012-08-12, 03:19 PM
Wordlessly, Petra takes a step back and fires at either the rider or mount on the plateau.

5' step to K18. Reload and fire.
Shooting at R6 (if still mounted) or M6 (if the rider is down).


ohh: crit check! [roll]1d20+6
If confirmed, double damage

Dice roller doesn't want me to cheat.

2012-08-12, 03:23 PM
((blast, forgot to roll initially for crit check, and now there is a threat ))

crit check! [roll0]
If confirmed, double damage

2012-08-12, 05:41 PM

As Verak thrust his fingers into the beasts' eyes, it trashes about, Verak almost losing grip, however, he manages to hold firm.

Rick fires an arrow at the beast Ixin is fighting, however, his arrow bounces harmlessly off one of the creature's quills. That instant of distraction is however enough for Ixin to strike at the creature, inflicting a powerful wound. The beast wavers for a second and lays down, panting. It slowly catches it's breath, it's eyes never leaving Ixin's, very aware of it's surroundings, however unable to do anything without making it's wounds worse.

Leif fires a bolt, hitting the last of the rider straight in the chest, making him fall from his mount. The fall looks particularly painful and he lays in the sand, his neck bent in a strange angle.

The following bolt hits his mount and the creature's eyes lock onto the shooter as the bolt digs deep within it's flank. It runs toward Petra, jaw snapping at the air as a threat. Petra is however waiting for him and easily steps back, avoiding the attack of the raging beast.

M4 stabilize on 1 [roll0]
R4 stabilize on 1 [roll1]
R6 stabilize on 1 [roll2]
R6 fall damage [roll3]
M2 perhaps not so Pointless grapple [roll4]

M6 Vs Pe

2012-08-12, 06:03 PM
Even though she was ready for one of the beasts to charge her at any moment, Petra is slightly startled and gives out a little yip of fright. She drops her crossbow, pulls out her morning star and gives the beast a whack.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

To confirm crit, if needed (on 19-20) [roll2] yeah, totally not needed

2012-08-12, 06:42 PM
It almost threw me off, heh, it could pay for that failure. After tearing the beasts eyes out, I used the grip to pull it head back, causing it to thrash more as I aimed to bring my teeth down into it's neck.
Grapple check [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2012-08-12, 07:10 PM
Rick fired an arrow at the beast that Verak was fighting, after it threw him off. Attack: [roll0]
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

2012-08-12, 07:15 PM
Ixin looks up from the fallen beast to see another one attacking Petra. He runs up toward the creature, bloodied sword swinging, being careful to give Verak and his beast a wide berth.

Move to K17.
Attack M6. [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-08-12, 07:28 PM
Leif snarls in triumph, swiftly slotting another bolt into his crossbow, but insteda of firing, prepositions himself to 016

2012-08-13, 10:11 AM

Petra, startled by the attack, swings far too wide and misses the beast in front of her. However, Ixin appears behind her and attacks the creature, his sword sinking deep.

The creature, through the fog of pain, strikes back at Ixin, it's powerful jaw clamping down on him and inflicting a very serious wound, however, Ixin's quick reaction, pushes the beast back, stoping the wound from turning deadly.

Verak tries to maintain his grip on the quilled creature, however, the creature, emboldened by the room, continue to trash about, finally throwing Verak back. It quickly follows with a bite, returning the favor to him as it's jaw clamp down on his neck, the wound looking particularly vicious.

Rick, seeing an opening quickly lets an arrow loose, the arrow finding it's target and sinking deep in the breast's flank.

R4 stabilize on 1 [roll0]

M2 Vs Verak (If this kills you, PM me, we'll arrange something. I'm not sure what you're HP is at right now by my calculation, you should be at -4 right now.)
Total Damage : 18

M6 Vs Ixin
Total damage : 14

2012-08-13, 07:42 PM
Petra takes another swing at the spiny creature in front of her, hoping for better luck this time. "Almost done here, let's finish this dirty business."

To hit mount 6:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bah, rolled my crossbow instead of morningstar. Petra hit 16, not 18.

To confirm crit, if needed: [roll2]
If confirmed, double damage

2012-08-14, 07:30 PM
The beast struck hard, blood gushed from my open wound. Heh, it was a warm feeling, it had been a long time since something outmatched me.
"Good kill" I hissed as I collapsed to the ground...
Roll to stabilize [roll0]

2012-08-14, 07:40 PM
"Rick, we need to get that quill-beast that got Verak. Don't want him the be killed this early" Leif aims carefully, and fires a bolt into the beast that just downed Verak. He pulls another bolts from his quiver, slotting it into the crossbow, before continuing "Somehow, I suspect Ixin would be upset if we let him die."

fires at M2
crit [roll1]
[roll2], double if crit

2012-08-14, 07:49 PM
Rick nodded and did something drastic. He dropped his bow, again, and charged forward, pulling the rapier out as he did. He struck at the beast, putting some of the weight of the charge behind the thrust.

Power Attack: -1 Attack, +2 Damage
Charge: +2 Attack, -2 AC
Current AC: 16

Attack: [roll0] (Threat on 27, 28, 29)
Check: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Critical: [roll3]

2012-08-15, 07:22 AM
Ixin turns around momentarily and sees Verak fall to the sand.
Oh great, another unconscious party member. Don't worry about me- I'll take care of myself.
With that, he lays his shield hand upon his wounds, allowing the light within him to pour out, sealing up most of the wounds caused by the beast's teeth. He then pulls it away, ready to counter any further attacks.

Lay On Hands on self for 12 HP.

2012-08-15, 10:06 AM
Seeing Verak fall, Leif fires his crossbow once again, however, missing the target. Rick quickly drops his bow and charges the creature. In a flash of steel, it's all over for it. Rick's weapon found an opening between quills, hide and ribs. His weapons is embed deep in the creature's chest, right through it's heart. It looks shocked for a few seconds, before it slides off the weapon, already dead.

While Ixin infuses himself with new life, Petra smacks the creature's head with her morningstar, hearing a crack as the skull gives in. The beast wavers for a few seconds before losing consciousness, it's other wounds slowly bleeding him to death.

As you look around, there appears to be nothing left to fight. One of the creature is slowly bleeding to death and another creature is pinning in the distance, it's wounds not lethal, however, it's unable to fend for itself and you figure it will die of thirst in a day or so.

There's also Verak who is bleeding to death.

2012-08-15, 10:11 AM
Rick sheaths his weapon and moves towards Verak, where he attempts to treat his wounds, even if the group had magic that can do the same.

Heal: [roll0]

2012-08-15, 10:16 AM
Petra walks over to Verak's side for the same reason. She expends the last charge of her belt, infusing Verak with the unfamiliar sensation of positive energy.

[roll0] healed

2012-08-15, 10:37 AM
Between Rick's attempt to stop the bleeding and Petra's use of positive energy, Verak regains consciousness.

2012-08-15, 11:56 AM
Petra walks the battlefield slowly, checking to see if any of the riders are still alive. She carefully treats their wounds to stabilize them.

Heal checks as needed:


2012-08-15, 12:05 PM
"Not to step on Verak's shoe's with the whole questionable morality thing, but are you sure its a good idea to do that? It will be a long time before they regain consciousness, and they may die anyway given the conidtions out here." Leif decock's his bow, and tears a strip out of his cloak to bandage his side. "I'm not saying we shouldn't help or anything, but they did attack us, and it seems like all your doing is guaranteeing them a death from sunstroke."

2012-08-15, 01:16 PM
"They did attack us, but as a result of a misunderstanding. Yes, we went to the elder's house to bully them. But we didn't kill him deliberately. It was one of those beasts that got out of control. As it was a misunderstanding, if we can save their lives despite their assault then I will do it. I can only control my own actions, and I choose to help them if I can."

2012-08-15, 02:43 PM
As Petra kneels to treat the wounds of the last living of the riders, she hears his last breath, the man expiring in her arms from the grievous wounds that have been bleeding for quite some time. It appears the only living beings left of the attackers are the two beasts.

2012-08-15, 02:59 PM
Petra, kneeling, says a short prayer for the fallen.

"Divine powers, I ask your blessing over these, your children. In this land of eternal day, night has at last fallen for them. Keep their souls in the next life, and soothe their families in their loss. Protect us and guide us in our travels, as we search for knowledge to save our home sphere, Mechanus."

Petra rises. "In better times, we might have been able to work with them. There is no reason to hate the locals."

2012-08-15, 03:03 PM
At the sight of the carnage on the dune, Kevtiln appears to be sobbing uncontrollably.

2012-08-15, 03:07 PM
"Look, I said earlier, we need to talk about some stuff. Now is not the time, but we really need to consider the ramifications of this mission.". Leif checks the corpses for any valuables as he talks. "Have you ever stopped to ask yourselves why we need to do this? I mean, why we need to fix the bloody universe.".

After searching from body to body, Leif stands, "Just food for thought. Now, are we going to get this ship or what?"

2012-08-15, 03:10 PM
Light bled back into my eyes, my body began to move again, two forms were above me.
The crone was there, as was the quiet one. They surprised me, treating my wounds, so far they had no reason to do so. It was a curious sight, but still, this meant something.
As my eyes snapped open and my form writhed back into what I wished it to be the crone moved away, to inspect the wounded rabbits.
Should let them die a warriors death, from their actions I would imagine that would be there wish. A warrior should die in battle, not from lying broken and beaten on the ground.
I pulled myself up from the ground, my eye's met with the Silent ones.
"You have my thanks." I placed a clawed hand on his shoulder, pushing myself up and leaving a bloodied hand-print on his shoulder.
"I owe you a debt" I said as I moved towards the creature that bested me, my body was still in pain, and a few of my injuries still bled. The walk was a test, but pain is only pain.
When I reached the body of the beast, I knelt besides it, running a hand over it's hide.
"Even wounded, you fought well. You have earned this freedom." I then stood, drawing a flask of oil from the sack on my waist. Emptying it on the beast's body, before taking out a torch, sparking it into life, and placing the flame on the creatures form, allowing it to burst into flames.
I watched the beast for a moment as it's corpse began to burn...

2012-08-15, 03:19 PM
Kevtiln gives Leif the evil eye as he search his fallen allies.

Leif doesn't find much, odds and ends, things like flint and steel, some rations and water skins. You also find some ceramic pieces with weird engravings. You suspect the halflings use this as currency.