View Full Version : Experience Loop?

2012-06-28, 02:03 PM
Thought Bottle+Item Familiar(ring in this case)

You store your experience -500.
Remove your Item familiar for 24 hours to take an XP dive.
Use the Thought Bottle to restore experience to level of pre-ring removal.
Put the ring back on.

Is there anything in the rules that disallows for this? (I am aware that the spirit of the game is violated, I just thought of this when looking at Thought Bottle)

Occasional Sage
2012-06-28, 02:37 PM
The Item Familiar rules say that you regain the lost XP, not that you gain a like amount. Since you have already regained the experience via the Bottle, there would be no XP increase when you "recover" the ring.

2012-06-28, 02:43 PM
In that case, you can make a new Item familiar when you gain a level, giving you a +10% exp boost. This trick could be used after every time you level then, but I suppose its much more limiting.

I have one less reason to refuse to let people use the feat now.

Occasional Sage
2012-06-28, 05:12 PM
Note the "6th level or lower" clause. That, and the 3rd level minimum forthe feat, should limit abuse a lot without DM fiat.

2012-06-29, 05:30 AM
of course, all this depends on you finding a game where the DM allows item familiars to begin with...

something I've never managed to do.

I agree, though, that in a theoretical situation, Sage has the right of it.