View Full Version : The Delta Campaign logs

2012-06-28, 08:18 PM
Greetings and welcome,
This is a campaign that me and a couple of other close buddies are doing, i'd like to share ours stories with you as well as ask you for advice from time to time

2012-06-28, 09:07 PM
Day one,
Our characters appear on a strange platform, on it shows a picture of two dragons, one that is happy and cheerful, one that is sad and morning, these two dragons sit back to back. Suspicions of this being like kingdom hearts aside, we start looking around and notice each other.
Now for the cast
Lain- female changeling warlord, former commander of the red cloak empire
Ceil-Male human fighter, A older irish warrior simply looking for a jolly fight.
Rasey- not his actually name mind you but lord knows its long as anything, thats what we call him, thats what it stays, male Vampire... backstory unknown, goal...*sigh* to become a vampire lord.
Vegas, also called V-a crab wildren assassin, so a crab assassin who doubles as a binder. He simply whats to complete some hits off. Lord knows without him we would be nothing.
After we sort of stare suspiciously at each other for a little bit words start appearing out of thin air. Totally not like kingdom hearts.
These words tell us, "You have been chosen for a great task, a task which only those from the outside can complete. Move ahead, and seize your destiny"
At which point a door appears. We go through, and wouldn't you have it, 4 special raised platforms that grant you special benefits are there, it would help if the DM WASN'T PLAYING KINGDOM HEARTS MUSIC. So we make our choices, we are then told by strange words that appear in the air, for this task you must lose what memories you had of this land, all else shall be preserved now go.
Well we all wake up with a few strange men looking over three of us, the man, who we can only assume is the captain of a boat based on the fact the he has an anchor tattooed on his arm and a bottle of expensive brandy in one hand, begins to talk to us. Something about a voyage, sea monsters, and us being stowaways,our character remember nothing, the minute his back was turned Vegas turned into a crab and stealthed away, Lain changed to look like one of the sailors, when the captain turned back he was startled to see a new crew man, and only one passenger still there, one really good bluff and the fact the captain was drunk, and had a bad memory, and gullible, and he was convinced that he had hired lain and the other 2 passengers were illusions.
The captain demands payment from out Ciel our fighter, luckily at that moment Vegas, goofed, and became human in the warted, this distracted the men long enough for our fighter to bail. Lain chased after him to "capture him" and the captain forced vegas to pay 4ogp.
enter tree town
looking around this quant little town we temporally went our separate ways. Lain to find a map, Ceil to the weapons shop, vegas to stalk the crap out of us.
He enter the weapons shop liquid sliver, to find a very pretty and dainty elf girl working the forge. Ceil engages in small talk with the very pretty girl, she revels that there use to be a werewolf problem around here, ceil immediately desidesto buy a silver weapon, because come on, A former werewolf problem+adventures arriving in the area= A werewolf attack.
he didn't have enough money, so he is about to leave when the fire burns the girl, so our lovable Ceil does a first aid check, and he successfully cleaned, bandaged and even stopped the pain of the wound. He takes his leave with a hopeful heart and a girl blushing deeply. He then heads toward the bar for work.
She hears about a capable huntress in the area and heads for her, she finds the right building and knocks at the door. After a few seconds she hears about 30 locks unlock, and a somewhat old women is at the door, she invites Lain in, and Lain manages to get a map of the whole country, for free, and its a pretty detailed map even.she takes her leave and what else, but heads for the bar.
He had followed Ceil, and saw all that then headed for the bar, got close saw Ceil was heading that way, and bailed, he then hit the library to look up some info on one of his targets.
Part 2 coming soon

2012-07-09, 01:11 AM
This is incredible! I cant wait to hear more about Delta! Even though you got the great Rasputin's name wrong and didn't remember that the starting town is obviously Palentutorsenbarial. Keep up the good work! :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-10, 08:40 PM
If anyone actually does end up reading this forum post let me introduce myself, JakeNubbin the DM of the campaign that wolfwoodarmy above was talking about. I do actually want to go into more detail about what he is talking about because that telling of the tale of Delta seems a bit less meaty then I would put it. Its also slightly inaccurate. My campaign, The Eight of Virtannia, is a big experiment when it comes to making a D&D campaign and I would like to share with you all what I wanted to accomplish with this. He did mention the dream sequence but nothing about the virtues of each town, the deities themselves and what they actually are, and how each town is set up and how these lands aren't linear in the slightest. First off, a little back-story.

I wanted to construct a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for my two closest friends, sounded easy enough. Lee and Wolfwood aren’t the hardest people to please when it comes to D&D. As long as something happens logically and in a concise order they could roll with it. But, this was also problem due to the fact that they would be pleased with anything. I didnt want them to be pleased, I wanted them giddy. I wanted Wolfwood and Lee to tell their friends and family how exciting their D&D sessions are and once were. So having Wolfwood actually post how this game is going on a prestigious Dungeons and Dragons forum is quite the honor.

We had started up D&D because it sounded awesome, and it is. My friend Lee was the designated Dungeon Master due to his complete disregard for anything mediocre. Lee is a cynic, hates most books and movies and… everything pretty much. So we knew that if he was satisfied with the game, it was pretty amazing. Everything he said carried weight behind it; if Lee likes it then it must be good.

Wolfwood was our designated best friend and weird guy. If we needed the plot to roll off in some weird-ass crazy direction then he was our go-to guy. He is also fine with playing a girl and two characters so yeah we kept him around all the time. Wolfwood was able to keep tally of gold and items in his little notebook and had the weirdest memory. Could calculate perfectly which enemy went first, to where and did what but could never remember the name of the first bloody town we started off in.

Our main session was held with two other friends of ours. Due to the fact that one of these friends could rarely ever meet up, and the other could never ever handle a bad outcome and would become easily frustrated, we started up our own joint team. I called this a Beta team, which then instantly made those regular sessions the Alpha sessions. Alpha was constructed entirely by Lee and he was able to construct a beautiful landscape to explore, vibrant characters to talk to, and glorious dungeons to raid. Being the cynic that he is, this came to us with no surprise.

Lee also took charge of Beta since he was an experienced DM at that point. Since those were experimental joint sessions with only two other people we made makeshift characters and based our sessions around the Shards of Chaos campaigns. These went very well and we almost immediately forgot about Alpha and our two other friends all together.

Then, I had an insatiable appetite for creating a campaign. I had always wanted to write a book or direct a movie or something along those lines. Something for other people to experience in and tell me how great I am. Lee and Wolfwood knew this and were actually excited to see where I would go with making anything Dungeons and Dragons related.

I wanted to create something that gave the players a sense of what the most important things were in a land that they could wrap their heads around and figure out where to go, when and why. Then, with that in mind, I wouldn’t restrict them the tiniest bit besides reasonable boarder parameters. This was Delta, my campaign that delved deep into my own brain for my own friend’s enjoyment.

Chapter 1: Effen Terry

Wolfwood said the basics but let me clear up some aspects. Yes the dream sequence was inspired by the storytelling methods used in Kingdom Hearts and I do like the music from the franchise. In fact every town has a musical theme and since im no composer I did play random pieces I got off of YouTube. That whole sequence was supposed to start the story off in an interesting logical way and I wanted to see how the PC's acted in a mysterious situation.

That dream told them that the deities are dying. Basically virtannia is a land the size of Australia if it was shaped like a crushed peanut. Eight cities dot the landscapes and they are all ruled by an animal deity that teaches its people two or three virtues that make up the basis for each city. The dream told them that the deities are dying and the PC's would learn how they would fit into the larger picture as they progressed.

Rasey, the vampire he mentioned, is played by me. His name is actually Rasputin based off of Raz from Psychonauts. But apparently Rasputin is too long...? I also don't recall anyone ever calling me Rasey. My goal is to become a vampire lord in regards to getting in touch with my ancestry.

That crab assassin Vegas he mentioned is actually a Hengeyokai assassin named Vicas that we call V but we still are nothing without him. He is played by Lee. The other two Ceil and Lain are played by Wolfwood. The dream he mentioned did take their memory of Virtannia away but never mentioned anything about destiny. I hate destiny. That captain encounter he was talking about was supposed to put the characters in a moral dilemma. Do they give themselves up as stowaways and pay 40gp or just run for the hills. Needless to say they all wanted to run.

The town they went to was NOT called tree town its actual name is Palentutorsenbarial but everyone just calls it Palentu. It is the town run by the Horse deity Gibbous and teaches its people Character, Beginnings and Improvement.

When Ceil went to Liquid Silver he actually did do a good job describing the scene there except the part where the dainty elf girl Elaine blushed deeply. She did not, she is married to a man named Terrish. Lee misheard me and said how awful it would be to have your woman stolen by a man named Terry and the name stuck. Keep this man in mind because he is an important plot point.

The huntress Lain spoke to is Regina Tress who you may have heard about from the Bark at the Moon campaign. I rewrote that entire campaign to fit what plot i'm trying to get across and now she lives in a mortal realm town by day. If anyone is angered by this i am sorry but it was the only way I could get them involved with the Bark at the Moon campaign.

That's pretty much all he wrote about and I will continue the tale with his permission in a more... upbeat story teller fashion rather than a developer commentary kind of thing. Thanks for reading all of this :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-19, 12:56 AM
I wonder if anyone will ever start ours reading these I hope so :smallcool:

2012-09-29, 10:39 AM
Last time on delta logs, everyone started making their way to the bar there, gonna be honest, i don't know the bars name. Ciel made some quick money working for the bar keep while lain sat and drank some wine and talked to a dragon born marriage counselor. After some time ciel got the remaining money he needed and went to buy a silver shortsword for the inevitable werewolf attack, entering he met terry, the elf ladies husband. Poor ciel bought his sword but left heartbroken :smallfrown:. The DM wanted to poke fun at this and had a bullywog lady come up to hit on ciel.Not knowing i had the frog spearer background, I smashed her head against the ground so hard she died instantly. Committing said murder ciel figured it was time to meet the diety of the city.
Lain after a boring conversation with the dragon born left as well to meet the diety. And V seeing the two losers he washed up with decided to follow.
we went inside said tree, and started climbing it. almost to the top e encountered a trent wizard, he was the campian of tree town. I personally found it amusing to have a tree living in a tree, but I digress. unfortunately i now need to go back over my notes to fact check, see all you nonexistent people who read these later:smallsmile:

2012-10-02, 02:26 PM
Lol, whenever you referenced kingdom hearts, i remembered a failed adventure of mine, where my players found a device that transported them to another mini-plane, after they completed a specific task they would find a code to go to another one and unfold a mistery of a plane-traveler , however my players are more traditional, and wanted a whole overworld to explore. maybe you could put this in your adventure!
i allways wanted to make a sea adventure, kudos to you!

2012-10-11, 12:29 AM
First off, thank you KikeDragon for replying and yes, a planar detective campaign sounds amazing. Secondly, I have been given the reigns to the rest of the delta logs due to Wolfwood not remembering things correctly, his odd storytelling methods, and his inability to spell. His words were a little bit different than mine. But now, rather than doing a developer commentary thing, i will actually tell you the tales of delta from the perspective of the DM. Hopefully I can get some feedback, due to this being an experimental campaign and all.

One thing to note, our group is the group that doesn't care. In the entire Virtannian story arc, I think these characters actually rolled knowledge checks a total of three times. The arc didn't last long, only three levels were gained total. They started out as level three by the way, as sort of a character progression from Alpha even though we weren't playing as the same characters at all.

These characters, moments after having a cryptic destiny dream, completely forget about my guy Rasputin the vampire and never questioned his absence. He hasn't been introduced to the party yet, still. Vicas Bisque is crabbing around town getting used to tolerating his party members. Our leader class Lain the Changeling is getting used to her shape-shifting powers and inquiring a map from Regina Tress the huntress. And Ceil, the large human bearded beast with a shovel is making money.

They eventually meet up at the town's center-piece, The Monument of Beginnings. Now see, this is how hard our group doesn't care about anything, they never ever knew that this was the name of the tree, or that it even had a name in the first place. Keep in mind the players did care, its not like they were bored, their PC's just didn't care about any aspect of these magical lands, so called the happiest place in the world.

Inside the Monument of Beginnings is the horse-deity Gibbous Selai, the deity of Beginnings, Growth, and Improvement. His champion, as in the most powerful person in the entire town/city and occupational guardian of the people, is a humanoid treant wizard. He's kind of like an Ent from LOTR if one grew inside of and dominated Dumbledoor. Obviously Delta never asked about his being, occupation, name, or the fact that he was even speaking in common.

This Level fifteen wizard, named acres unbeknownst to the group, led the PC's to the top of the tree where Gibbous rested in the shadows. He is a frightening horse-skeleton, this hardly effects any one of these PC's. This demonstrates fairly quickly that the deities in each town are dying, or at least being called from this mortal plane.

Gibbous tells them in an odd decrepit telepathy that he is, in fact, a god. He wishes the group to investigate a cosmic anomaly happening underneath the Monument Tree inside of the escape tunnels. These exist due to the dangerous wildlife, and an ancient Werewolf threat. This is knowledge gained only waaay later in the campaign, since these PC's never actually asked about it.

I forget why, but Vicas and Ceil start arguing. Vicas demonstrates his Assassin prowess and actually succeeds on a check to immediately start strangling Ceil with a garote. Lain does nothing about this. Acres demonstrates his power by growing angry and imprisoning Vice and Ceil in magical barriers. This impresses Ciel but leaves Vicas with a disgruntled scowl.

At this point, acres knocks hard against the tree, sending a call out underneath. This awakens my vampire from his coffin and slumber, to assist the group in their mysterious task. Delta doesn't ask why my vampire was down there, why Acres summoned him, nor why my Vampire was a happy-go lucky Canadian rather than a sparkly emo turd.

Acres hands them a key and warns them that these tunnels are home to traps that would ward off werewolves and that they should be wise about how they progress. This begins the tutorial dungeon, a small one with only one encounter but one that would demonstrate to me how these characters solve puzzles and handle themselves in combat.

A bit later they would learn that Acres and Gibbous actually wished to test these group members. Learn what I wanted to learn, their wisdom, teamwork, patience, craftiness and combat prowess for the quest that beings from another plane of existence wished them to embark on. Next time on Delta Logs, I describe how they almost completely fail a one-room dungeon.

2012-11-16, 09:53 AM
Wait the tree had a name? I swear we never even saw a sign.

2012-11-16, 10:13 AM
Also for those of you who actually read this thread( like the one guy) I've desided that while jake our dm will put the main plot details and the what not I myself will tell things from the players perspectives or at least from mine.
As for the one-room dungion we apparently "almost failed" we had little to no trouble. Well the key we had would open one of two doors then break, we went for the most obvious door, not even bothering finding a secret door. We enter a room with 4 holes and the lingering smell of meat, a obvious werewolf trap, at the bottom of each was a silver pressure plate from what I understand the meat smell was to lure the werewolfs into the pits where they would fall on silver plates, the plates cause the holes to close the silver keeps them from moving. What we learned was at least two plates had to be pressed or the door to proceed wouldn't open. Why the escape tunnel would be designed like this I don't know. Any way the only people willing to do it was ciel the fighter and Ras, so our main defender and main striker. So we enter the next room where there is a injured man sitting next to a chest and a lever. Vice immediately jumped on the guy and started choking him with a garrot, and ciel called it werewolfs. This poor creature never even got a hit in he was dead in like 2 rounds maybe 3 I kinda felt sorry for it. We pulled the lever and now Ras and ciel could follow us, as for the chest lain didn't trust it at all so she tied a rope to its lid and opened it from a safe 15 feet away, fire shot out of the chest so good thing I did it. Throughout the rest of the campaign I have an almost instinct for the dms traps and I keep somehow advoid them or stop them altogether. So anyway we stood on a platform and we met the watcher, I'll let jake tell about him.

2012-11-16, 12:30 PM
First off let me clear a few things up from what Wolfwood was describing. He actually did a good job describing what happened here although there is actual reasoning behind the door. It was of course an escape tunnel for werewolves, the escapees would be told about the secret door and leave through there. Meanwhile a following pack of werewolves would enter the main room and immediately the wolves would smell meat coming from four nearby pits and hopefully take the bait. Only two needed to be pressed but hopefully all of the four pits would trap four pursuers. Then the farther door would open, luring the rest of the pack inside. By the way that chest wasn't just full of fire it had an alarm spell inside but the alarm was pitched extremely high to mimic a dog-whistle, you see. Similar anti-werewolf traps lied inside that the group managed to avoid.

But anyway, they do enter a similar corridor, if they were to continue they would reach the exit but they were instructed to enter the nearby large marble room that branched off from this exiting corridor. What lay inside was cosmic, it bellowed with arcanist energy and drew in most commoners with its lure of something they couldn't understand. An oval platform seemingly waited for them, untapped for hundreds of years. It was large enough for four or five people, it marked the beginning of a great adventure. But for Delta, who just didn't care, it was just something to stand on. The room that lead to this circle is enclosed unless the horse deity opened it with his connection to the Earth.

When they stood on the platform the room spiraled, tapped into spacetime itself and lead them through the plains to a single room, where a man stood. He was a high class, very powerful man with fine features. He looked human, but his demeanor and obvious ability gave him an air of unpredictability and authority. Vice immediately belted out "Whaddya Want."

If me and my com-padres run this campaign again, I hope they make characters with just a tad more gusto. I stress that the PC's didn't care but the actual people running it were enjoying themselves very much, I think.

This so called "Watcher" explained to them that seven of the eight deities that lead these lands are dying. All but the great leading owl Nicodemus, deity of Knowledge, who held her reign in the capitol city of Ascension. Watcher briefly explained how, without the guidance of the deities, the people of Virtannia would go back to their chaotic and barbaric ways. Watcher needed outsiders, un-biased but capable people to become Delta and choose specific civilians and apprentices to become the heir to the deities power.

They were promised riches, desired goals, attainable thrones of status and soforth. These platforms they were standing on were gateways to each city used by the deities themselves to teleport around. Now, I might have brought this little tidbit up too soon. I wanted them to finish up in Palentu, go to one of the closer surrounding cities by foot, and find a similar platform to talk to the watcher again. After they were done with their second city, then they could teleport to any other city at will. This did, in fact, happen, but it might have gone in a much worse direction if they chose a different path.

So now they had a mission to accomplish, to finish up in Palentu and pick the heir to Gibbous Selai's power of Character and Beginnings. This story will be told next time on Delta Logs. Also next time, the most unexpected turn of events I could have never predicted unfolds and begins a horrifying chain of events that would lead to the Nautical campaign they would eventually run.

2012-11-16, 12:51 PM
If you want to get a better picture of the watcher play mass effect 2 you'll see him. I will also post something later.