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View Full Version : To Tear Apart Their Corpses and Use Them as Clubs

2012-06-28, 09:34 PM
Hey, guys. I've recently been playing a Master of Many Forms. I've been using a lot of forms like Trolls and other giants. The thing is, combat has become a little... boring. It's essentially come down to "I hit him with my claw". I want to do things to spice up the battle and do things that a real Troll would do. I want to rip off limbs, or throw mooks off of cliffs, or use them as improvised clubs. I feel like these tactics would make things more interesting and... Troll-y. The problem is, I can't find rules for doing this stuff anywhere. Do you know if there are rules for this anywhere? If not, what do you think reasonable houserules for this would be?

2012-06-28, 09:48 PM
Tearing up corpses to make weapons use improvised weapon rules. Basically say "I rip his arm off and use it as a weapon. DM, what is the damage dice for a human arm?".

Throwing people is difficult unless you are SIGNIFICANTLY bigger than them and have the appropriate feats. Bullrush is close and works for cliffs. There are ToB manuevers that let your throw people however.

Improvised Weapons

Sometimes objects not crafted to be weapons nonetheless see use in combat. Because such objects are not designed for this use, any creature that uses one in combat is considered to be nonproficient with it and takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls made with that object. To determine the size category and appropriate damage for an improvised weapon, compare its relative size and damage potential to the weapon list to find a reasonable match. An improvised weapon scores a threat on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. An improvised thrown weapon has a range increment of 10 feet.

2012-06-28, 11:18 PM
Feats for throwing people can be found in Races of Stone, although with a sufficient to-hit you could just chuck them and eat the inevitable penalties for improvised and trying to throw anything improvised more than 10 or so feet.

Tearing people apart though, is a bit more difficult. If they're already dead it wouldn't be a big deal just ask your DM, and I'd suggest a simple standard action STR check to rip off a limb. Tearing someone limb from limb while alive? That's another deal entirely. 3.5 doesn't really do the whole 'dismemberment' thing. . . at all, despite the regeneration spell. That would be complete DM fiat.

As for what kind of damage improvised weapons such as arms, legs, and unconscious bodies do, there's a table in the back of Complete Warrior, I believe, that lists damage for various potential improvised weapons dependent on weight.

Surzt and Gurzt
2012-06-29, 12:37 AM
There is a feat in savage species that allows creatures with Regeneration to remove their OWN limbs and use them as weapons. Throw Anything sounds helpful as well. Also there is a class out there (Brawler i think? I don't recall completely) that can ignore the penalties to hit for using improvised weapons.