View Full Version : Sci-fi Campaign Log - I am Alpha and Omega...

2012-06-29, 02:55 AM
Hey guys
I have never actually done a campaign log, so I decided to make my longest running campaign to date a Log. We haven't played for a couple of months now because we have many students in our group and we play when they come back to our hometown. We catch up and hang out and when we feel like it have a D&D session. Since it is played solely in solo sessions, I will have each session spoilered under a different post for each character My group has been very good to me over the years, so in a way this is my way of saying a personal thank you.

When the darkest hours of my life dragged me down, you guys were here to help me feel good about who I am and I was able to understand what it means to be yourself.


Firstly I will list my inspirations for this campaign, they are due their mention: Star Wars, Firefly, Gundam Wing, Gundam 00, Code Geass, Xenogears, resident evil, alien, silent hill, Elfen Lied, The descent, Magnetic Rose and Final Fantasy.

Background knowledge:
This is the brilliant era of terra-forming. Human kind continues to reach to the edges of space to deal with it's overcrowding of the mars and lunar colonies within the Sol system. A machine has been developed with perfect and intricate manipulation of tiny airborne nano machines has been developed in order to terraform a planet far from the homeworld of earth. This machine jokingly called 'God's Right hand' caused a massive uproar as to whether or not this device was another way for humans to play god. After long debate, there was a landslide vote that this machine should be destroyed, but after the creator of the machine Cain Clinton convinced the leaders of earth that his machine should be used to further expand the human sphere of influence and perhaps help us discover more on the edges of space. After tenuous agreement and treaties the vessel was launched. Abel, Cain's brother was a high ranking military general and agreed to depart with his brother for the good of mankind. In the year 4597, on the edge of the milky way, a transport ship named Moses, the first of it's kind is jettisoned off into space. However the biggest voyage into space had only just begun, alien contact was around the corner. A planet similar to Earth's was discovered several thousand lightyears away. After several studies and tests, terraforming was given the green light the planet began to grow. The planet was named Adam and it began live and prosper.After a few years...l the Ethartz came. These creatures stand about 10ft tall, with scaled hides, at first glance they resemble lizards, but a scientist will tell you that the Ethartz are more related to insectoids. In fact most genetic evidence argues the fact that Dragonflies and Ethartz share similar genetic traits. These creatures were far more technologically advanced than man. Their machines destroyed the battle tanks of earth, the bi-pedal mecha enhanced the Ethartz the agility and power and all seemed lost. Some pockets of the human colonies on Adam chose not to help their other colonists in fear that it might insight further aggressive action from the Ethartz. One man however chose to fight the Ethartz, Abel rose and fought the Ethartz and won many glorious battles, even when the odds seemed against him. Cain decided to start to build mech tech in order to rival the Ethartz deadly mech's. After too long, additional Ethartz reinforcements came to conquer Adam. As a last bidding attempt to claim Adam back from the tyranny of the Ethartz, Cain uploaded the terraforming computer into one of the most advance Ethartz mecha he could find. The beast that was borne of that unholy matrimony ultimately caused the 100 years of fire that burnt adam and all it's inhabitants. The machine called itself GOD. GOD destroyed everything, human and Ethartz alike, many believed that none could better it. Abel Clinton however was not so willing to roll over, they fought and fought, until all was fire. Cain and a few other humans were able to escape the fires on Adam. Cain altered his genetic structure and was able to increase his lifespan to that of 10 humans. Cain was able to play the eligible politician when the Ethartz Monarch Yetz came to investigate it's missing populace that disappeared in the fires of Adam. A Pact was made between the two races, that this planet is a testimony to war, it shall remain undisturbed and has deemed far too dangerous to repopulate. After a decade or two passed the fires on Adam had extinguished, life began to develop, Cain was shocked and studied and watched for signs. Human activity was spotted on the surface on Adam... Now for several decades Cain watches from his Vigil, inside he knows GOD still lives burried deep below the crust of the earth...

2012-06-29, 02:57 AM
Our first character is:
Quentin Thecrab factotum 3

Quentin is a witty archaeologist, he used to spend his time with his father discovering the archaeological mysteries of Adam. He has a knack for tech and his mech is called Sparticus, a 20ft wall of steel with 8 magnetic grappling wires (like Knightmare frame Harkens in Code Geass.) He is young and free spirited. However recently he has had to go into hiding after his father, the King was assassinated. Quentin is the Prince of Advehn, the most powerful nation on the continent, it's a religious monarchy state that has ruled peacefully and fairly for many decades. Since the king died, their relationship with the Soviet empire of Kislev has gotten alot worse. Border skirmishes have occured and there is talk of a full blown war by the end of the year. He is accompanied by siegfried, a Knight of Advehn bound to serve Quentin as his loyal bodyguard. Siegfried mech is called Goliath, it is heavily armoured with two large power fists capable of crushing 20 tonnes per sq inch.

He is a descendant of Cain's children, Cain punished a sect of his children that chose to move away from his teachings and collected samples from Adam without his consent. As a result he caused their floating satalite to enter the atmosphere of Adam, killing half it's populace on impact...

When This session began I didn't really know what direction to take Quentin in, however since I just dropped him a few klicks away from his home city, I decided it would be okay to let him free roam until certain internal events occured in order for him to react and make a direction for himself. He decided to move towards an location known as AREA D. This was where his ancestors crash landed on Adam.

Quentin and Siegfried trawl through the wreck of AREA D where they discover that there is a Kislev reconaisance mecha team pursuing a smaller unclassed mecha. Being the nice guy that Quentin is, he decides to help the unclassed mecha against the advice of his comrade siegfried.

This part was gold, with the right music I was able to make a very intense chase scene as I described the mechs lougeing between debris and using guerrilla strikes to make the pitiful reconnaisance team put up more of a fight.

It turns out the pilot of the mecha is a female soldier of an army that Quentin had never heard of... She answered very few questions and snapped back rudely. Quentin played his role well and kept his head cool despite the girls attitude, she relinquished her name, which was Elle and after a while she was permitted leave. Quentin saw her as no threat. Soon after Quentin and Siegfried move onwards to an Advehn fuel Depot/Barracks

Elle Notes...
Elle is a member of a Cain's personal entourage, though born on Adam, she quickly proved her worth by gaining heightened senses. She can manifest psionic powers as a Wilder and is potentially a friendly party NPC later in my campaign or a BBEG depending on how the players treat/deal with her. She is genetically related to Cain and Abel, so Cain see's her as a daughter despite her lineage being tainted by the cursed dwellers of Adam.

In disguises, Siegfried and Quentin enter the Depot, it has seen a bit of action over the last few days, Kislev mechs have been attacking depot. This peeks Quentins interest, because a simple fuel depot cannot be attracting this much attention? Under the guises of knights of Advehn, Quentin and Siegfried investigate what is really going on. They discover there is a large mine/prison/refinery disguised under the encompasing hills. Quentin subtly uses Siegfried's powers as a knight of advehn to investigate the purpose of the refinery/prison thing. Kislev PoWs from all the recent border skirmishes have been brough to this location and are being used as slave labour. In addition all wanderers and vacants passing through have been imprisoned. Quentin didnt want to raise eyebrows by disagreeing with the methods used by the Advehn leader of the depot. So instead decided to fund the research

Quentin did a good job, because by keeping the advehn minister in pocket he was able to extract more information and additional tech, he was given a few rifles and grenades as well as ammo in addition he got a stealth suit prototype that was being developed in the research facility. I decided to keep certain things hidden from Quentin. The minister was doing some dirty and horrible things to the prisoners, force feeding them a hyper-stimulant D.R.I.V.E. which ultimately causes people to mutate or decay. I wanted to leave this as a potential threat later where this untested drug causes most of the prisoners to hyper mutate and kill everything in the town below... Maybe another time :D

They later bumped into a mechanic who worked in a mech tune shop. His name was Mac and he was only really intended to be a vendor, however after alot of talking and drinking, Quentin and Mac became friends and Mac was recruited to Quentin's team

This wasn't something I expected, but they kicked off quite well. Mac's gruff no nonesense grit seemed to gel with the party. Mac was a paraplegic so I had to quickly think how he would fight... I realised that the problem would be resolved through mecha combat xD mac's mech is called tracey, it's a large sized mech with a massive gattling cannon mounted beneath the cockpit. LOTS OF DAMAGE!!

As they were leaving town I made them fight a random encounter in their mechs, nothing to fearsome. I threw a purple worm at them, thinking it would be a fun encounter. It amushed them by causing a sinkhole that pulled all the mechs towards it's mouth, they all failed balance checkss, except quentin who did some realballer moves by grappling the massive worm protecting his teamates who were able to burst it down in a round or two.


2012-06-29, 02:59 AM

2012-06-29, 03:22 AM