View Full Version : Auto-Updating combat stats sheet

2012-06-29, 06:15 AM
This project was inspired partly by this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247782). When I read it, I got to thinking. I'm currently playing a gish, and it's a real pain to be constantly recalculating my stats as I have different buffs on me at various times. So something like what Vrigar is working on would be really helpful.

However, I'm not very patient, and I need something like that now, so I decided to throw something together in excel. It took me about 3 hours last night, and it's still pretty rough, but it works pretty well. I thought others might be interested in using it, so I thought I'd post it here. You can download it here (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B68FE8EITLzOTUxKY3ZxWllvaWc) if you're interested in checking it out.

The sheet can auto-calculate your ability scores, armor class(es), saves, attack bonus with various weapons, and skill bonuses. This all happens on the sheet named "Sheet". Cells highlighted in green are ones where you need to enter a value. Cells highlighted in grey are ones that you shouldn't put anything in, because that thing doesn't apply to whatever calculation is happening (Armor check penalty to most skills for example).

You would enter any buffs you have on the sheet called "buffs". It won't actually apply the buff until you tell it the buff is active by picking yes from the little drop down menu. It works best if you enter your magic items and class features as "buffs" as well, since for buffs that overlap but don't stack, it is able to pick only the largest to be active.

The sheet labeled "code" just has the choices for the various drop-down menus that the sheet uses, so you should probably leave that alone.

As I mentioned, I put this together pretty fast, so it's not the greatest thing in the world yet, but I wanted something that I could use for our session tonight. If you have improvement suggestions, or questions on how it works, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them/implement them. I want to try to get an Open Office version working soon too, and if I do I'll post that as well. If you like it, please feel free to download it and change it/share it as much as you want.

2012-06-29, 11:16 AM
At a glance, this looks... really awesome. I'll totally use this in a campaign I'm in where buffs are constantly flying around (I'm a buffer Bard, another player is a buffer Favored Soul).


2012-06-29, 04:44 PM
I loaded the excel sheet into open office, and checked it over, and it looks like everything transferred just fine. As far as I can tell nothing broke, so tentatively, I'm just going to leave the excel version up, and if you have open office instead, you should just be able to use it as is. If anyone notices otherwise, please let me know.