View Full Version : quest suggestions

2012-06-29, 06:22 AM
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a direction I can take the campaign I'm running.

The world is at war; under the radar of everyone, the savage races banded together and managed to destroy almost all of the human and elven cities. The panicked survivors have taken refuge in the dwarven mountains, and a counteroffensive has been mounted. Every able-bodied person has been conscripted in to service, and the elite PC's head a "special ops" team to carry out important missions.

Anyways, the players are currently assisting in the defense of a small town. The attack is being lead by a particularly vicious goblin shaman who I expect to be dead by the time it's all over.

My question is this: what should I do next? I would like to introduce some sort of a specific quest line and/or villain, rather then the PC's just jumping from mission to mission, which I feel will get stale. Long term, I want the players to discover that the drow are actually behind it all, but I'm not sure how I can use that to make proper objectives.

Anyone have any ideas?

2012-06-29, 08:37 AM
How exactly are the Drow behind it all? Mind Control?

As far as recurring Villains go, anything that works normally also works fairly well in a war setting. With the added advantage that the rcurring Villain will always have pawns he can send to distract the PCs, while he makes his escape. A few more general ideas:

-A Shapechanging Spy which the PCs catch in the act of stealing information/carrying out an act of sabotage. This one escapes by blending into the crowd.

-A mad scientist wizard churning out unspeakable monstrousities for the enemy. You know the standard WWII Superhero archetype :smalltongue: The PCs will burst into his lair just as his latest creation is ready. He will sic the beastie on them, while he makes his get away (in this case as an actual wizard he can teleport off).

2012-06-29, 12:17 PM
How exactly are the Drow behind it all? Mind Control?

I didn't include this backstory since it wasn't strictly necessary, but the initial attacks on the human and elven cities was carried out by burrowing under the ground, thus bypassing walls and defenses. Also, until the actual attack launched, the savage races were not united in a single cause, but in small tribes that mostly fought with each other.

The drow are obvious in the use sophisticated tunnels, and I was also thinking of making the leader a drow - all anyone knows about the leader thus far is that he (she?) goes by Drek - race is unknown, and even the name is rumor.

2012-06-29, 12:25 PM
Palladin 5/Rogue 5/ Shadow bane inquister 10/xBlackguard

If you are keeping it 20 or under make it a paladin of tryanny or slaughter, if over 20 even by a little you can take one blackguard level at level 21 and get rid of all paladin levels to be a level 6 blackguard with all the abilites of still being a paladin because of the shadowbane inquister.

Then their is the much simpler Bard 5/Rogue 5/ Arcane trickster 10

A telepathy based psion
Or the mindsulpter. The possibilities are endless.

How is this persons fighting style that you want, I have always liked the first for the simple fact he can debuff massively and still do massive amounts of damage do to smite and sneak attack being used together that will stun an enemy if it hits. Being able to deal like 10d6 to anything within 60 ft every single turn. If that don't work for you go and look at the last ICC. It was the drow judicator PRC. It was very fun.

Make the mount a dragon from the Prison plane so he can imprison people with no problem