View Full Version : [PF] Does this sound like a balanced adventure?

2012-06-29, 01:39 PM
I'm going to run my very first game, and now that I've finally got everything planned out, I'm wondering if what I have in store is going to be too difficult for them. I don't think my players frequent this forum, but if any of you do, please stay out of the the thread. You know who you are.

The Party, all level 6: Gnome Oracle, Tiefling Rogue, Half-Orc Barbarian, Half-Elf Psion, Human Gunslinger

The Challenges (players should have time to rest/prepare between fights):
1. 3 Bearded Devils (CR 4 each)
2. 1 Rope Golem, CR 5
3. A spiked pit, uncovered and clearly visible
4. Flaming Torch Trap: opening a door releases flammable oil over a torch, igniting it and damaging the party (CR 4)
5. Loot trapped with a Shocking Grasp that goes off if you touch it. (CR 6 by my calculations, though that seems high.)
6. Illusory pit and Hail of Bolts Trap (CR 5)
7. Boss Battle: Human Devil-Bound Magus 8, CR 10(?)
8. Bonus battle, with NPC Cleric 5 ally: Erinyes, CR 8

Does that sound fair to you? Or should I ease up on some of the encounters?

2012-06-29, 06:22 PM
None of them sound too difficult. I could imagine the Erinyes being trouble (DR + SR + good saves can make them a pain), but overall nothing seems too difficult. Keep in mind, that even against a CR appropriate encounter, if the PCs have numbers on their side, then they hold a significant advantage.

2012-06-29, 08:27 PM
I think everything looks good. if your players play it cautious they can get around some of those nasty traps.

2012-06-29, 08:44 PM
I was already thinking of giving them the chance to find an intelligent magic sword that belonged to a paladin the villain killed. Kind of cheesy, its name will be Heartseeker and it gives its wielder a bonus on Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and crit confirmation. That would probably help against the Erinyes.

2012-06-29, 09:14 PM
You might want to be careful with that magus. There's one in my group, and he dealt out something like 56 damage in one round. Without Spell Combat. And that was at 7th level.

One at 8th with a template thrown on might deal a good bit more if he gets a full-round attack off. I don't know what your party has for health pools, but I'm thinking the only one who might be able to take a good 60~70 damage without being dropped into the negatives would be the barbarian. Maybe the gunslinger. And neither could take another one.

So basically, watch out for instant deaths.

2012-06-29, 10:58 PM
Well, it's worth pointing out that this is a oneshot, so if a character dies, it's not like the player is being seriously deprived. And I'm sure

She went the Finesse/Dervish Dance route, wielding a +1 corrosive scimitar
Her full attack is +12/+7 (spell combat +10/+5) (1d6+6+1d6 acid) (18-20/x2)
Saves: Fort +12, Reflex +9 Will +8
AC 21/17/16
Erinyes-Bound Template, which gives her constant true seeing, at-will Minor Image, 3/day Charm Monster, 1/day Greater Teleport, Charm person
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Empower Spell
The tactics she's going to use: she's going to cast Darkness and take advantage of True Seeing to ambush the party.