View Full Version : Druid Animal Companion

2012-06-29, 08:18 PM
I'm playing a vow of poverty druid. I'm level 4 and my animal companion is handing the fighter role just fine (riding dog). DM nixed my leather barding (for now). Exalted Companion gives me DR of 5/magic. I'm not convinced my animal companion will continue to be via able as we level. The bite of X spells are handy for both myself and my companion, so I can definatly buff for the big battles.

Skills seem to be problematic, just +1 skill rank per hit dice because of the poor intelligence.

I'm unclear which feats to select for the animal companion. I choose Ability Focus (trip) so far. I'm not sure what else should be on the short list for the animal companion.

I know I've rambled a bit, and I indeed am unsure of how to make the most of my companion. I've found very few sources that give any specific advice, even the Druid Handbook is silent on feat selection for the companion.

I'm open to advice.

2012-06-29, 09:14 PM
It has scent and track as a bonus feat. Maybe max survival so that it can track down stuff? Good if you don't have a Tracker of your own.

Feat wise... well there are several threads on refeating the tarrasque (like this one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156029)), but not all suggestions apply. E.g. With a Cha of just 6, he doens't qualify for the Dragonblood > Dragon Wings > Improved Dragon Wings feat chain, which would have been my first recommendation for a FLYING riding dog.

Some that might apply:
-Shape Soulmeld: He qualifies for these as his Con is 15. Maybe Planar Chasuble to hedge out mind control?
-Martial Study: Diamond Concentration to Saves maneuvers might be useful, but require you to pump Concentration (and you only have 1 skill per level). Or get Disarming Strike > IRON HEART SURGE!!! Otherwise get a Shadowhand one and use that to qualify for...
-Martial Stance: The Shadowhand ones enhance general maneuverability, so you could get a Spiderclimbing Riding Dog with his 12th HD feat.

2012-06-29, 09:49 PM
You can always switch to a better pet. The dinosaurs in MM3 are awesomesauce.

2012-06-29, 09:55 PM
Yea, Level 4 means "you meditate for 24 hours and get a Fleshraker Animal Companion".

2012-06-29, 10:16 PM
Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a)! The animal pile doesn't ever stop from getting higher

2012-06-29, 10:24 PM
If the DM said no to barding, I can't imagine him allowing the fleshraker.

Anyways, yer dog is only going to get 12 extra HD (Resulting in 4 feats) so you'll want to either pump offense or defense. The best defense is a good offense, so look for feats that allow you to dish out more damage.

I'm not too familiar with Book of Nine Swords, but I don't see anything preventing your pet from learning a stance. For two feats, you can get the shadowhand stance that grants +2d6 sneak attack. Other than that, seeing as you are attacking prone targets then you could add in some power attack and improved natural attack, or any of the feats that improve flanking.

EGGS! Genius. Train your wild cohort (should you take the feat) in the same manner and have your pets flank for each other :smalltongue:

2012-06-29, 10:31 PM
If the DM said no to barding, I can't imagine him allowing the fleshraker.

Depends on the reason the DM said "no" to barding. The OP said that he has taken a vow of poverty. Would you think that the barding 'belongs' to the dog? Or the druid who has the dog as a companion? Personally I think the DM had the right of it...

2012-06-29, 11:03 PM
1. Take Exalted Companion.
2. Dismiss your Riding Dog, and meditate for a Celestial Riding Dog.
3. Its extra feats for bonus HD should include Sacred Vow and Vow of Poverty.

2012-07-01, 11:29 PM
If the DM said no to barding, I can't imagine him allowing the fleshraker.

DM said no to barding because my animal companion had higher AC than our war cleric. That particular restriction may be lifted later, basically the DM doesn’t want the animal companion to have the highest AC.

I did ask about a fleshraker, DM didn't say no, but he is going to have me make a survival role to locate a common animal in our current environment. That kind of sounds like a no to me, but we will see.

From what I've read the riding dog seems to stack up relatively well to the typical alternatives like a bear. Being medium sized makes it easy to take with me on ships, and to the local tavern.

2012-07-01, 11:31 PM
1. Take Exalted Companion.
2. Dismiss your Riding Dog, and meditate for a Celestial Riding Dog.
3. Its extra feats for bonus HD should include Sacred Vow and Vow of Poverty.

I already took Exalted Compantion. :smallbiggrin:

I had not considered taking vow of poverty for my riding dog. Seems like a cheat, since dogs never own anything anyways. I'll have to give that some thought. My guess is the DM will nix the idea.