View Full Version : Creating Manifest Zones? Just little ones...

2012-06-30, 06:30 AM

Does anyone know of a Planar Manifestation spell, that would create a small manifest zone for a limited duration? I can't seem to find anything like that in the Eberron books.

Baka Nikujaga
2012-06-30, 06:51 AM
A spell close to what you're looking for might be the Planar Handbook's Planar Bubble or Faith of Eberron's Anchor Plane power (though it is Psionic rather than Magic).

2012-06-30, 06:57 AM
A spell close to what you're looking for might be the Planar Handbook's Planar Bubble or Faith of Eberron's Anchor Plane power (though it is Psionic rather than Magic).

A manifested zone. I get it.

2012-06-30, 07:20 AM
Excellent thankyou. neither do quite what I was thinking of, but between them they are close enough to provide a template for a new spell that does.

2012-06-30, 07:36 AM
Do you mean creating a place where the effects of a plane are happening on another (such as the Plane of Fire traits are active on the Material Plane)? Because the Planar Breach line of spells in either Manual of the Planes or Planar Handbook might be what you're looking for. Especially the 9th level Precipitate Complete Breach, which tears a hole in reality to let you get from one plane to another and results in the planar traits of the other side coming through and affecting the nearby area.

2012-06-30, 07:48 AM
Yeah, i've looked at planar breaches and they are similar to what I want, but not quite the same.

The context:
I'm currently running a Renaissance-steampunk game where magically powered machines are being built based around the concept of the Aetherlight, a magical lantern that draws arcane energy from the "Arcane Aethers" that permeate reality. These Aethers were once known as "Planes of Existance" and it was believe that you could actually travel to them! These days such notions are dismissed as nonsense, but as more and more Aetherlights are built and the erosion of the higher planes begins to have a noticable effect powerful forces are starting to take notice of whats going on down on the prime material once more...

basically this is all very well, but we've gotten to the point where the characters are wanting to be able to craft Aetherlights, so i'm trying to come up with costings and such.

Leaving aside the arcane machine element, I need a spell effect that draws energy from one plane or another for the use of empowering certain spells, and creating side effects depending on which plane its drawing from. this effect can then be permanenced or set into a Magical or Mechanikal item for the purposes of building an Aetherlight.