View Full Version : The Pocket Totem(ist.). (Build help/though excersize.)

2012-06-30, 01:00 PM
Ok, I've had a though rattling around in my head for a little while now, and I'd like a bit of imput. Please not I have not at this time opted to use this in any particular game, it's just my own curiosity.

If one were to take the worlds smallest giant trick and apply it to a Totemist? How would one acquire Damage boosts to make the numerous natural attacks you'd still have access too effective? Or acquire the Con to offset the size penalty's so that you don't gimp yourself?

Again, this is just me being curious, and amused with the idea of making a pocket sized character who can zip in and utterly maul the crap out of anything the DM might want to throw at the party just as well (Maybe better.) then a competently build melee character of a more normal size category.

(Come on, you KNOW this sounds like it would be hilariously awesome if it could be made to work!)

2012-06-30, 01:03 PM
I thought this was going to be a mini-handbook. Huh.

Well, what about getting the Assassin's Stance and some items to boost SA? Size doesn't alter SA dice, so slap Craven on top and get as many natural attacks as possible.

2012-06-30, 01:52 PM
Ok, that's one way. Any-other ideas anyone? Alternative routes? Idea's for taking care of the Constitution penalty's?

2012-06-30, 02:01 PM
Lolth-touched is a nice +6 STR/CON for 1 LA you can then buy off. You can also go the other route and pick up Wight from Savage Species, thus making your con-cerns moot, and also getting level drain in every attack you make.

2012-07-01, 02:01 PM
On the one hand I like not having to worry about the Con score, on the other, Totemist, I'm told, run's mainly off Con. So, I'm not quite sure how well that would mesh.

Though it occurs to me that Shadow Blade + Weapons Finesse would be pretty devastating on a character doing this combo, particularly with an Amulet of mighty Fists granting the Speed Property.

2012-07-01, 02:07 PM
Warshaper can get you a bunch of natural attacks, and if I'm remembering clearly, their is a template someplace that can give you wildshape. Or just play a Eneko/halfgiant wildshape ranger, then go into warshaper. I think they can even take the Aberrant feats to get two tentacles.

2012-07-01, 02:11 PM
On the one hand I like not having to worry about the Con score, on the other, Totemist, I'm told, run's mainly off Con. So, I'm not quite sure how well that would mesh.
The Totemist is mostly run on Con, yes, so your save-based melds will suck. Save-based melds are not really the most important ones, and moreover the level-drain of the Wight is far more devastating than any of the things your melds might have been forcing saves against. Your HP will also suffer, of course, without a Con score, though the myriad defenses of the Undead type help there.

You would have to take Undead Meldshaper, so there is a feat tax involved. Undead Meldshaper is also going to force you to care at least a little bit about Cha, which is otherwise a major dump stat.