View Full Version : Wyvern riding champions

2012-06-30, 01:40 PM
So I am trying To make a Wyvern riding meele focused character that is part of the military. He will be basically a cookie cut of what the rest of his army would be like so something that grants boosts to all others that stack would be great. The level cap will be 15 for the build and It has to be gestalt with a psionci class on the opposite side. The twist being that once you choose the class you can not change it, nor can you choose to forgo gaining a level in it to gain a level in a different class.

EX: 5 fighter 3 paladin//8 Psion class
Can not be 5 fighter/ 3 paladin//7 psion class// PRC

The reason for this is all elfs have the natural ability to cast magic and as such are more powerful then others at doing so in my campign which is eargon based. And Truename spellcasting was just to difficult to understand in D&D for me. Think of this as a competition and as such I would like all kinds of builds. Though it is mostly a melee idea, having other classes that are not melee orinated are perfectly fine as long as they fill the role of the mounted combat tier. The only other rule is you gain a feat every two levels, and on every forth level you get two points to put in any atributes, but not the same one.

Base stats are

I can not wait to see what the playground has in mind. And thank you in advance, Oh and one last thing no Dragon magizie because I do not own a single issue, everything else is fare game though due to my wide collection of 3.x books.

2012-07-01, 10:11 AM
So do we have any takers? Any one at all. Its odd to see the playground quite on a post for more then 24 hours.

Howler Dagger
2012-07-01, 10:17 AM
Well, for starters I would say replace fighter/paladin with Warblade or Crusader, though it would still be okay to multiclass to fighter for the feats. The White Raven discipline is great for giving all kinds of great things for allies. Psion is the most powerful, but if you could go Psionic Warrior for more fighting abilities.

2012-07-01, 10:33 AM
Your post is a little confusing. Are you an elf, and the psionic class is your innate "magic", or are you a human, and the psionics is what humans get instead of magic?

There's the Dragonrider prestige class, which works pretty well, especially since it doesn't specify True Dragons. You could have a level of it even if all your don't have any levels in a full BAB class.

If you want to provide buffs, then Marshall or maybe Bard with dragonfire inspiration would be the way to go. Dragonfire Adept and Dragon Shaman also have some buffs.

The strongest psionic class is spell to power Erudite, no question, so if you want power then you should probably go there. Psion is an alternative if you want to cast spontaneously, and psychic warrior gets you stuff that has good synergy with melee.

Are you allowed to move your stats around? Constitution should never be your weakest stat.

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-01, 11:02 AM
For the Psionic PrC, a better breaking point then psion 7 would either be psion 5 or 6, with levels in Anarchic Initiate. If you want better saves, psion 6 is good, for pure earlier access to solid powers, psion 5 is the way to go.

2012-07-01, 11:53 AM

I was thinking along the same lines but was also thinking about a way to power up my mount, forgot completely that your mount is an allies so changing the paladin levels for warblade is an excellent idea. As for the psionic thing I think I need to explain it better. Because of elfs being better at magic then almost anything they have to have some way of showing it. It is why In the world I am making each race has an automatic type of class they can choose from. The class they choose represents the other side of the gestalt and can NEVER be changed. Meanin if you are a 15th level character you have to have 15 levels of the type of class you choose at level 1. For elfs it is a psionic class, not THE psionic class, thus it can be soulknife, Wilder, Psion, Psionic warrior, any of them. But once chosen can not be changed and automatically increases every level.



And there are as many versions of the PRC dragon rider as their are dragons. One from dragonlance, one from Dracominca, etc. So which one do you mean?

And no stats can not be moved around because they are all start of at 18. And well 18 is perfect. Then you add your racial modifers and you get those stats.

@Mithril Leaf

Not quite sure what you are saying. I believe it is because of the confusion about what i said and put an example of the right and the wrong and everyone is getting them mixed up, so I hope the begging of this post helps you out.

2012-07-01, 12:53 PM
I meant the Draconomicon dragon rider PrC.

2012-07-01, 01:02 PM
Do you need to obtain a Wyvern via feats, gold and/or class features, or does the Wyvern simply appear?

Anyway, Warblade//Psion, emphasizing White Raven on the Warblade side and going Egoist on the Psion is both a very fine gestalt, and can function as a melee leadership guy like you seem to want. Has plenty of charge-stuff to do with the mount, too.

2012-07-01, 01:30 PM
That could work out well for the PRC, defiantly because it only takes up 5 levels.

And it automatically appears

unless you use the prestige class on the opposite side of the psion it can not happen. Don't know if i can make it any simpler than that.

And after looking at warblade I only found one problem, I would like a cut off at level 5 and well it does not really help until later levels. Crusader sadly would be better.

So For another example to get the idea
Crusader 5/ Paladin 3/Marshal 2/ Dragon rider 5//Psionic warrior 15

Crusader for the white raven and steely resolve so he takes 10 less damage a turn. The three levels of paladin so he can use his Divine grace as well as Aura of courage, Marshal 2 for over the top and Resilient troops that way almost saves are instant succeed. With the dragon rider it clears up one feat so feat progression would look something like this

No faults
1 Mounted combat
1Ride by attack
2Sprinted charge
4 Weapon focus lance
6Weapon specilization lance
8Improved critical

The dragon rider grants me trample

How does that seem? And the three feats i have no idea.

2012-07-01, 01:39 PM
Zhentarim Skymage. PrC in Lords of Darkness that gives you special flying mounts, wyvern is definitely and option.
Also the fluff that goes with it is that they are a specialized unit of the military, so there are few of them, but yea, it isn't SUPER uncommon to find one in the ranks.

2012-07-01, 02:17 PM
The class for the spellcasters of the team seems fine, but for the melee it would not work. Will Defiantly use it for the Magic kind

2012-07-02, 10:44 AM
Anyone think druid would be a good idea?

2012-07-02, 12:03 PM
Druid wouldn't work really well here. While Druids are normally great at melee, that's mostly because of wildshape, which doesn't really fit with the build, and you'd need a wildshape form that could ride a wyvern, too. Also, You could, of course, give up wildhshape for something else, like the swift hunter druid variant, but then you don't get full BAB. You've still got plenty of buffs that would make you better in melee, but not as much as a wizard or spell to power erudite would have.

You'd also have an animal companion that you probably wouldn't know what to do with.

2012-07-02, 02:06 PM
The class for the spellcasters of the team seems fine, but for the melee it would not work. Will Defiantly use it for the Magic kind

Well I mean you could gish it...

2012-07-05, 12:41 PM
So how about factorum then?