View Full Version : Paladin Build Help (NWN + PRC 3.5)

2012-06-30, 02:43 PM
First off I'm sorry if this belongs in 'Gaming' instead, but I was honestly not sure which board to post it on.

Required Help: http://www.athasreborn.com/prc/manual/

Recently myself and a group of other people have decided to play through the 3 Neverwinter Nights Campaigns (The OC, SoU and HotU) in order carrying over our adventurers. we've had a lot of fun (Using Baelful Utterance to destroy Fenthicks clothes while he has his sob-speech in Chapter 1 Finale) a lot of pain (LICH!!!!!) and a lot of confusing bugs (Druid quest NPC giving me the rewards for the quest while telling the druid he failed, leading to constant "Everything is hitting on the Paladin" jokes)

I have a problem though, a personal one. I don't feel like I'm contributing as much as I should be. I've been told I'm handling my job as the tank/mook clearer well, Great Cleave and an assortment of magical swords will do that, but I don't know.

My main problem is having so many choices and places to go, and no idea where I should go with them.

Right Now

Orpheus Nilus Manfred Incorgio
Aasimar (+2 Cha, +2 Wis)

Paladin (9), Fist of Raziel (1)

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 20

Heal: 1
Ride: 7
Persuade: 18
Lore: 5 (for FoR, otherwise we have a dedicated Identifier)

Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Servant of the Heavens (For FoR)

The main thing thought about was whether to be based in Strength or Charisma, and of those which secondary stat of Wisdom or Dexterity. I chose the latter because looking at Fist of Raziels Smite Evil abilities, AoE of up to 5 for + CHA attacks up to 5 times between rests looked too good to pass up in campaigns with lots of 'evil' creatures. But I always wondered whether I should have gone the former.

On top of that I wonder if I should take the Leadership feats, bringing in Tetsujin The First (Warforged Knight (19)/Knight of the Middle Circle(17)/Fighter (4) Focus in Greatswords and Two Weapon Fighting because the Golem Bodytype supports One Handed 2-H Weapons) and a potential second Cohort. But I don't know how to get my Charisma/Strength up high enough to get the maxed level (38) cohorts (It's something in the realm of 45 Charisma without stat boosting items)

I don't know if I should use my mount for combat or have it as an extra combatant, I don't know if there's another Prestige Class I'm overlooking (like Swift Wing or Dragon Devotee)

In short I know where to start, but I have no idea if I'm doing it right or even well.

So... please help, I would be grateful for any assist.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, the reason I haven't taken a weapon proficiency yet is that I'm getting a lot of mileage out of an enchanted Scimitar/Longsword/Greatsword trio I've been carrying since the first chapter. But I will need to settle down on a weapon for Fist of Raziel.