View Full Version : Increasing QoL (3.5)

2012-07-01, 02:00 AM
I'm playing an Artificer in my next campaign. The character is a retired war 'mage' who saw so much killing and pointless loss of life that he wants to increase the quality of life for everyone.

So can anyone point me to any books, or suggest custom magic items that will increase QOL. I don't neccesarily want or need the items to confer a mechanical benefit, but I do want them to increase quality of life for the people that have them. The people in question may be commoners or they may be PCs, I want the items to be just as applicable to Joe NPC as Epic McAdventure. The DM encourages creativity, so I thought id tap the most creative geoup I could think of, the play ground. I don't need a price tag, just the items, and if they are home thought up, the ideas of their use, and possible spells.


Twicedead, Thriceborn

2012-07-01, 02:19 AM
Get creative with energy transformation field from the Spell Compendium and you can make vending machines. Combo it with create food and water, for instance, and every time someone clicks the button, it creates food and water as though you had cast it at the spot of the vending machine. The button is actually just an immoveable rod or some other similar magic item. Substitute any spell you like for create food and water.

2012-07-01, 02:30 AM
Anything from Tippyverse. The whole concept has a high quality of living for everyone.

2012-07-01, 04:34 AM
You might want to avoid the citizen advancement program though, might not sit too well with your character.

2012-07-01, 05:08 AM
I can think of a few spells.

The Halister's Fetch line of spells are permanent Summon Monster spells. An endless supply of Celestial Bison to help in the fields, and a "Lassie" for every "Timmy"! (Waterdeep: City of Splendors) Or use that salt making spell on it

Coral Growth grows coral as you direct. Houses, bridges, roads and almost anything else you can think of. Now Farmer Joe can have a set of coral armor custom grown just for him in case of pesky goblin attacks. (Shining South)

Suspension: Makes thousands of pounds of stuff weightless. Elevators for the elderly or rides for the young. City flooding? Make the houses fly! Heck, make ships fly! Now the only threat to your trade routes is land pirates! (Shining South)

Darsson's Chilling Chamber was made to refrigerate food. Even says so in the book. It is a {Cold} spell, but what would happen if you changed it into a {Fire} spell and cast it in a metal wagon? Portable garbage incinerator, that's what! No more nasty piles of filth promoting disease in your city! With a Darsson's Brand Portable Waste Incinerator you'll be the envy of the kingdom!
(Another gem from Shining South)

2012-07-01, 08:03 AM
Nourishment: The tippyverse standard of food and drink is the Create Food Trap, combined with the Prestidigitation trap to flavor it as the finest cuisine known to man.

Climate Control: Keeping a place hot is easy given fuel or fire (which is easy given magic). Keeping a place cool is significantly harder. There is of course Control Weather, to ensure showers in the hot summer afternoon (but requries central planning).

Also check out the Blue Ice material from Frostburn. It is always just above freezing, and can be used as part of refrigeration/air conditioning systems.

Waste Disposal: Distintegrate is more friendly than incineration. No polluting fumes. Gather up all the garbage and chuck it into a sphere of annihiliation.

Menial Labor: I'm a fan of using undead for this, but it may not work if undead are shunned. There is of course also the Unseen Servant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/unseenServant.htm), which can keep houses and streets clean.

2012-07-01, 10:08 AM
You might want to avoid the citizen advancement program though, might not sit too well with your character.

Perchance you can explain your reasoning to me? Why wouldn't my character, whom I've said wants to improve everyones QoL not want to do that for citizens? And the DM had a point where he had someone trying to advance people past the point of feudalism, I honestly believe that he would be more okay with iy.

I'm sorry if I sound sarcastic or gruff, I just want to know what you mean by it might not sit with my character.

2012-07-01, 10:10 AM
Perchance you can explain your reasoning to me? Why wouldn't my character, whom I've said wants to improve everyones QoL not want to do that for citizens? And the DM had a point where he had someone trying to advance people past the point of feudalism, I honestly believe that he would be more okay with iy.

The C.A.P. involves sending low levels through a test chamber where they are subjected to deadly traps, then have their memories wiped of the event at the end.

2012-07-01, 10:13 AM
The C.A.P. involves sending low levels through a test chamber where they are subjected to deadly traps, then have their memories wiped of the event at the end.

I'm sorry, but I am still abominably(sp?) Confused. Is the advancement program a tippyverse thing? If so, I will avoid it. I'm not looking to remake TV, I just want to make life better for people by being as inventive as possible.

2012-07-01, 10:39 AM
The main thing the C.A.P. achieves is allowing people to easily increase their levels. In D&D, increasing levels generally results primarily in increased ability to cause mayhem and destruction and murder people. Therefore, a character who is tired of killing and loss of life is unlikely to want to make everyone into a high level character.

Unless he's thinking that if everyone is a high level wizard, then you've reached a plateau of perfect M.A.D. and there will be no more fighting.

Edit: Also not sure if the C.A.P. was originally part of Tippy's idea or not, I seem to recall it was posted by someone else to fit the concept of the setting, but I could be mistaken.

Mithril Leaf
2012-07-01, 10:51 AM
The main thing the C.A.P. achieves is allowing people to easily increase their levels. In D&D, increasing levels generally results primarily in increased ability to cause mayhem and destruction and murder people. Therefore, a character who is tired of killing and loss of life is unlikely to want to make everyone into a high level character.

Unless he's thinking that if everyone is a high level wizard, then you've reached a plateau of perfect M.A.D. and there will be no more fighting.

Edit: Also not sure if the C.A.P. was originally part of Tippy's idea or not, I seem to recall it was posted by someone else to fit the concept of the setting, but I could be mistaken.

I also recall it was made by someone else. Not 100% sure though.

On topic, you could create a hospital by mixing a couple of repeating regenerate traps with a few cure poison, cure disease, and heal traps. Should cover all your bases. If you want to make a truly post scarcity world, you could even throw a repeating true resurrection trap in the mix. Only death of old age.

2012-07-01, 11:01 AM
Edit: Also not sure if the C.A.P. was originally part of Tippy's idea or not, I seem to recall it was posted by someone else to fit the concept of the setting, but I could be mistaken.

CAP (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246310) was made by someone else.

2012-07-01, 11:51 AM
I know I didn't mention it, and I will edit the first post to reflect ti, but its a fairly low op game. I also don't think the repeating traps will fly, can I just have regular items, not traps, please. I just want wonderous items that I can make to improve qualitty.

Also, I don't care, in or out of character, about power of others. Any people who are major threats will be taken care of, wizards aren't the end all be all.

Thanks for all the ideas so far, I'll have to look ar them. So far I've got what's listed here that seems avaliable listed, as well as 'lighters', 'hot water heaters', 'cars', and 'latrines'. Basiclly I want to make some common day items. That we take for granted today, and move them past serfdom.

Morph Bark
2012-07-05, 07:30 AM
Allow me to introduce you to Bark's Bathing Business! Walk up the three steps and dive into a blissful world of bodily cleansing, freeing you of germs and the dirt of the day! Sure, it may be highly acidic, it may be lava, and you may drown, but no worries! See, with each step unto the little stairs before you can get in you will be bestowed with the wonderful acid immunity, fire immunity and iron body spell effects, so you will suffer no harm at all! Buy one today and get our bubbler package for FREE!

Also, rings of communication (MIC) could easily be altered into being cell phones, essentially.

2012-07-05, 08:00 AM
he wants to increase the quality of life for everyone. Look around you. I have a telephone, a laptop, a pen, a cup of tea, a clock, a radiator, air-con, electric lights, a printer all nearby. In the house I have a washing machine, a shower, a dryer, a microwave, an electric oven, a kettle, a fridge freezer, a flushing toilet, etc. All basic things that would be difficult or expensive to reproduce in a fantasy setting.

Some suggestions:

Continual Flame lanterns lighting up the street so that people didn't get mugged so often.
Quills that didn't need ink and didn't wear out.
Magical paper that recorded what you said to it.
A mechanical clock that kept time and never needed to be wound up.
A fire that burned no fuel and could be turned up or down.
A magical chamber pot that emptied and cleaned itself when the lid was put on.
An orb that cleaned your body and clothes when you held it.
A box that keeps food fresh.
A bowl that fills with nutritious food upon command (Murlynd's spoon).
A wand of lighting small fires.
A wand of mending for all those quick repairs.
An unseen servant who tidies up after the children.
A book that provides a good explanation of any topic described on command.
A set of clothes that alter to fit the occasion.
A cup of cool, clean water that never runs out.
A scarf that always keeps you warm (Endure Elements)
A hat that keeps the rain off.
A duvet of cure disease for when you are coming down with a cold as I am now.
A money pouch that always gives you the right change and always has enough to buy a stranger lunch if they look hungry.
A front door that told you who had called round recently and took messages for you.

As a retired veteran though you probably want to concentrate on alleviating the effects of war: hunger; poverty; injury; disease; loss of shelter and lines of communication.

2012-07-08, 09:12 PM
Look around you. I have a telephone, a laptop, a pen, a cup of tea, a clock, a radiator, air-con, electric lights, a printer all nearby. In the house I have a washing machine, a shower, a dryer, a microwave, an electric oven, a kettle, a fridge freezer, a flushing toilet, etc. All basic things that would be difficult or expensive to reproduce in a fantasy setting.

Some suggestions:

Continual Flame lanterns lighting up the street so that people didn't get mugged so often.
Quills that didn't need ink and didn't wear out.
Magical paper that recorded what you said to it.
A mechanical clock that kept time and never needed to be wound up.
A fire that burned no fuel and could be turned up or down.
A magical chamber pot that emptied and cleaned itself when the lid was put on.
An orb that cleaned your body and clothes when you held it.
A box that keeps food fresh.
A bowl that fills with nutritious food upon command (Murlynd's spoon).
A wand of lighting small fires.
A wand of mending for all those quick repairs.
An unseen servant who tidies up after the children.
A book that provides a good explanation of any topic described on command.
A set of clothes that alter to fit the occasion.
A cup of cool, clean water that never runs out.
A scarf that always keeps you warm (Endure Elements)
A hat that keeps the rain off.
A duvet of cure disease for when you are coming down with a cold as I am now.
A money pouch that always gives you the right change and always has enough to buy a stranger lunch if they look hungry.
A front door that told you who had called round recently and took messages for you.

As a retired veteran though you probably want to concentrate on alleviating the effects of war: hunger; poverty; injury; disease; loss of shelter and lines of communication.

Thanks a ton for the ideas, any suggestions about spells to use? Or ways to create them? I don't know many of the spells, and help finding the right one would be greatly appreciated for crafting purposes?

Also, to the playground at large, what spell would you use to make a lighter? I was thinking prduce flame, or another fire spell, but a lighter doesn't do very much 'damage to the human body... any fire based cantrips that would work? And I especially like the chamerpot idea with selfcleaning attachments.

2012-07-09, 01:35 AM
Prestidigitation would cover most things including a lighter. If there isn't a spell that fits then do it anyway and estimate the level of power involved. Nothing I've listed is higher than a first level spell and all perfectly possible for an artificer. In a high magic world I'd expect a lot of them to be available to buy from the local Cannith guildhouse and even the poorest houses might have an everburning lantern for their living room.

2012-07-09, 10:30 AM
Prestidigitation would cover most things including a lighter. If there isn't a spell that fits then do it anyway and estimate the level of power involved. Nothing I've listed is higher than a first level spell and all perfectly possible for an artificer. In a high magic world I'd expect a lot of them to be available to buy from the local Cannith guildhouse and even the poorest houses might have an everburning lantern for their living room.

Thanks, and I forgot to mention, we're not playing in Eberron specificlly, I'm just a crafting nut, and my DM allowed me to get the artificer out of ECS, he decided it didn't have to be setting specific.

2012-07-09, 11:30 AM
Thanks, and I forgot to mention, we're not playing in Eberron specificlly, I'm just a crafting nut, and my DM allowed me to get the artificer out of ECS, he decided it didn't have to be setting specific.Fair enough, the classes and races in Eberron do transfer quite well into other games.