View Full Version : [PF] Evangelist Cleric summoner...think you can help

2012-07-01, 05:47 AM
As the title asks, I absolutely love the idea of an evangelist cleric and it seems to work quite well as a summoner. Sacred Summons is a must, and I'll probably be picking up augment summoning and that other feat that lets you get another summon when you summon out multiple creatures. However, since this is PF only and not pathfinder, I have a bit of an issue. I don't know how exactly to lay out my ability scores. While charisma is important for preform, I am not sure if I need my charisma higher or dex higher. While charisma will make my preform skill better, and give me more channel energy, it dose little else(though it adds to diplomacy which is nice.). Dexterity, meanwhile, gives me more AC(I'm stuck with light armor without blowing feats, and really don't want to do the latter) and makes my ranged attacks better, and I plan on using ranged weapons since I'll have around 8 strength. My race will be Kitsune, for the sheer awesomeness of, well, playing a Kitsune(and the stat-boosts to Cha and Dex, as well as the bonuses to enchantment spells are nice for an evangelist cleric.), and I have the following two stat-layouts for a 24 point buy in mind..

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 14

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 16

(All stat-boosts from leveling go to wisdom/wis is priority stat.)

So, which stat layout do you think will be better? Also, at what levels should I take my key summoning feats(sacred summons, augment summons ect..)? Any help with this would be appreciated. Also, for my single domain I am thinking about taking the Charm domain to get more use out of the Kitsune DC bonus to enchantment spells, since there is not really a domain I know of that boosts summoning. With cha + enchantment spells I'd be a pretty good party face, too. However, if you know a better domain for this concept feel free to suggest it. Also, alignment will be lawful evil, so sadly I won't be channeling positive energy, though that makes the loss of channel energy dice from evangelist less painful to lose since I won't be relying on channel much.

2012-07-01, 06:00 AM
Your ability arrays seem fine. Cha is not that important, you don't have any offensive performances and while extra Channel Energy is nice, it is not essential.
Dex will probably serve you better if you actually intend to be a ranged attacker some of the time (word of warning, though: To be an efficient ranged attacker requires some feat investment - if you're just doing it once in a while it won't matter, but if you intend it to be a major part of your offense you'll have to invest). Your strength is a bit low for a ranged attacker, though, so you might be better off being a caster cleric.

For feats, if you intend to be more focused on summoning than ranged attacking, I would get your summoner feats as early as possible. Getting augment summoning by level 3 would be nice. Superior will probably not see much use until you start getting a bit higher levels of summon spells, though.

Keep in mind that the Sacred Summons feat is extremely restrictive with respect to the kind of creatures it will work on, and for some alignments it might be a waste. Generally I think evil characters will get most mileage out of it. Look at the list and consider carefully which creatures share your alignment exactly - if there are few/none, sacred summons might be a waste.

2012-07-01, 06:07 AM
Yeah, I planned on going summon-focused anyway, if that was not apparent from the OP. By "ranged attacks" I didn't mean I wanted to specialize in ranged attacks/archery, just that I'd be using it as a fallback at low levels when I can run out of spells fast instead of the usual clerical fallback of swinging with a mace or other melee weapon. I was most definitely planing on being caster primarily, focusing mostly on summons and also perhaps dabbling in enchantment(Though not really devoting any feats to it beyond metamagic feats which are generally useful for all my spells, not just enchantments.) since both my race and archtype provide some fun toys in that area. Also, as for domain choice, none of them really help my summoning at all, hence why I considered the charm domain since it allows me to play with enchantment a bit more. However, again, if there is a better domain for this character I would like to know.

2012-07-01, 06:18 AM
Charm is a nice domain, and work well with Kitsune. As you say, there aren't really any domains that particularly help summoning, though you could look into some that help with mass buffing, to aid your many summons and give you more party-boosting oomph in general.

Glory (Heroism) gives you a swift-action activated Heroism aura, for instance (and heroism stacks with inspire courage!), which could really give your summons/allies an extra edge. The touch of glory power is also excellent for party face purposes, even if you will be lacking actual enchantment spells.

2012-07-01, 06:22 AM
Yeah, but I'll probably stick with charm since Glory is not a domain usually given out by evil deities, and I do plan on going evil. If this character was good-aligened I'd probably pick it up, but I prefer evil and REALLY like the idea of sacred summons to use a summon spell + inspire X on the same turn, which was one of the reasons I considered the build in the first place. However, if I for some reason change my mind and go for good instead of evil, I may pick that domain over charm, and going good also allows me to channel positive energy, which is nice for healing my summons. Evil, however, gets me a lot more mileage out of sacred summons and has fun RP, so yeah.

2012-07-01, 06:52 AM
I just browsed some of the domains again, and I found that the Dark Tapestry subdomain of the Void domain actually gives you a power that affects summoning. It lets you apply the advanced creature template to one of your summons, which can be pretty powerful - but it's hampered a bit by being 1/day, so might not be worth it.
The Void domain list does include a few enchantment spells too.

Death can also be a nice domain for a negative channeler, especially with the 8th level power that lets you heal yourself while hurting others when channeling. Undead subdomain might also make healing your allies more convenient out of combat, when you are a negative channeler with spontaneous inflict spells.

2012-07-01, 07:05 AM
Evangelist actually dose not spontaneously cast heals or inflicts. It instead has a list of enchantment spells that it spontaneously casts instead, which is superior to spontaneous heals and spontaneous inflicts, in my mind anyway. Also, I'll have to give the void domain a look to see if it's actually any good. The summon ability sounds nice, though.

EDIT: Checked out the void domain and it looks pretty awesome. Only gets one enchantment spell, but the summon power and planar binding line is very nice, so I'll probably take it over charm.