View Full Version : Show Me Your Moves: Boss/BBEG Edition

2012-07-01, 11:19 AM
Howdy all.

So I always find it interesting to hear about the Boss Characters and BBEGs of others.

Any of you mind sharing some of your favorite ones, and why? Whether you've lost to, defeated or created/played them.

Tim Proctor
2012-07-01, 11:31 AM
Well one of my favorites is the Intelligent Spell Turret. A weapon created by a wizard that has gone crazy. Basically it is technically a metallic orb dominates people to become servants builds a golem and animates it. It creates armies of animated creatures and then seeks to destroy all organic life.

NACSOW, Nonorganic Animated Consciousness, Self-Operating Weapon

True Form: 5th Lvl Intelligent Spell Turret
HP: 200
Hardness: 10
AC: 7

Spells in Order
Dominate Person DC19 (used to make minions out of people)
Telekenisis DC19 (used to move itself around and other objects)
Cone of Cold DC 19 half, 9d6(used to kill people)
Teleport 900mi, (used to escape an area to a safe location)
Repair 4d8+20 dmg

Mission: Eliminate organic life from existence.

Wis 19
Int 19
Cha 10

Communicates through speech, and telepathy

Special Abilities
Darkvision, Blindsense, Hearing, True Seeing

Lesser Abilities
Detect Magic @ will
Hold Person DC 19 3/day
10 Ranks in Spellcraft
Locate Object 3/day

Major Abilities
Globe of Lesser Invulnerability 1/day
Detect Thoughts DC 19 @ will
Deeper Darkness 3/day

Dedicated Power:
Lightning Bolt DC 19 10d6
Animate Object 1/day
Permanency 1/day

2012-07-01, 04:14 PM
As I've mentioned before (Here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246672) one of my favorite BBEGs has been a Sea Captain who was actually a Pit Fiend in a specialized hat of disguise.

The set up Is what made it all worth while.

The Campaign was set up as a Pirate/ Privateer adventure. Sailing the high seas, gaining booty, that sort of thing. The PCs, 5th level at the time, were too poor to buy their own ship so signed onto a seedy "merchant" ship. After a few adventures they were captured by pirates. In a turn of events they signed onto the pirate ship, serving the captain.

Of course, as almost all PCs do, they were just biding their time until they could take over the ship. Again, being typical PCs they figured they could solo the crew adn Captain, even telling arrogently telling me, he wouldn't have more than 8 or 9 class levels and they were 8th level at the time... So they stromed him while he was alone at the wheel.

That lasted for all of a round before he reverted to his normal form (hats of disguise are often abused by Player i game with so it was time for the NPCs turn) and beat them down. He let them escape and they vowed to defeat him. The campaign is ongoing (now in PF's Inner Sea Setting).

I would have related the story here: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=248039&page=2) but that dragon was just a minion of a CR38 Red Dragon/ Acendant (whose Moment of awesome was "ruined" when the Dragonslayer PCs that came to kill him after a huge and long campaign were betrayed by one of their own.)

2012-07-02, 10:56 PM
My biggest of the BBEG's I've used started as a bard DMPC/ NPC that was helping the PCs with the current plot (Standard usurper steals the throne type deal). The twist was that the bard was actually the usurper, and everything he steered the PCs into doing solidified his position, rather than the king's.

He ended up being a epic level bard / sorcerer that the PCs only succeeded in driving away, rather than defeating. Since all of my campaigns occur in the same shared world, he has since ascended as a demigod, and the new PCs occasionally have to fight his cultists

2012-07-03, 08:50 AM
A good BBEG I had was The G-Man from a modern conspiracy game. The players were a team like "The Lone gunmen" from X-Files and The G-Man was a mysterious figure who was always one step ahead of them, always trying to hide the truth about aliens, monsters, etc. Funny thing is he never did give out his name. The G-Man was the label the players chose.

The most memoriable plot The G-Man had on trying to kill the players was when he had the PCs air-dropped on the roof of a building, all tied to a 5-foot long cylindrical bomb. The keys to their shackles was on the first floor lobby and all the building's fire escapes were removed. So the PCs are on a limited time-scale before their bomb goes off, but are tied together so they have to lug around this 120 pound "weight" around.

And just to make it THAT much more interesting, the building was filled with traps, snipers, armed robot drones, AND I had each player represented on the battlemat by a miniature that I had all tied to a lego log so we can be accurate on the whole depth of the situation.

They hated me at the end when the bomb didn't go off at zero because it turned out to just be filled with chocolate pudding. :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-03, 09:46 AM
The Vampire Twin Sisters.
They pretend to be one and the same person, living in a big city as a lower/mid noble. I plan to be using them soon when my Players come to the "Big Town" to metropolis of my the current world. They/she is not the Main BBEG but almost. The 'real' BBEG is a Black Dragon; i know kind of lame, but there is a running joke about him in my group.

One of them hunts every so often (about every 10-20 days), while the other one is at a ball, big event, or something like that.
That way when the PCs see one of the sisters in the street biting someone, they suspect her. She will flee as soon as she can though, leaving the PCs to find where she is. When the PCs confront her 'she' has a perfect alibi, with dozens to hundreds of first-grade witnesses.

Ring of mind shielding (or custom item). Nothing that unusual for a wealthy noble. She is not willing to take it off, and the other nobles or the judges are unwilling to force her, as she has been seen by so many very credible sources when the crimes happen.

2012-07-03, 01:00 PM
My current BBEG is an artificer of questionable mental stability. His goal (as far as the PC's know) is to release an ancient evil that the gods trapped long ago. In reality, he has a ritual prepared that will siphon the power the the evil and give it to himself.

On top of being french(ish), he has about 5 different escape plans at any given time. Since the PC's are all viking-inspired, they all hate his squirrely, cowardly fighting techniques. Good fun.