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2012-07-01, 08:32 PM
So, 3 other players will be trying out dnd for the first time. They want a short campaign to get a general idea of what its Like.

We don't have time to make characters or teach then the rules.

So. I need a low combat very short campaign 3-4 hours. With minimal combat to show then what rioleplay is like.

Anyone got ideas or links to a prenade campaign?

2012-07-01, 08:54 PM
You don't want a campaign, you want an adventure.

Try this site (http://www.dungeonmastering.com/campaigns-adventures/83-free-dd-adventures)

2012-07-03, 09:30 AM
Steal a Hero Quest map. They're dungeon diver's that are meant to last about one or two hours. Here's a download. It's easy enough to convert to a D&D session, since your just stealing the map and the encounters. They use basically the same monsters.

Here's a PDF. (http://www.yeoldeinn.com/downloads/kellars-keep/eu-kellars-keep-quest-book.pdf)

Or go to the wizards site, and check out the map-a-week section. Use the starter characters in PHB 1, and go.

I've used either in a pinch, and it's good simple fun.

2012-07-03, 09:50 AM
Some players don't like roleplay. Can you safely assume that they will? Most of my campaigns with my friends were heavily combat based, because anything outside of combat was deemed boring by them.

You could always use an NPC generator (http://www.myth-weavers.com/generate_npc.php?do=npcgen) like the one on Mythweavers to churn out a PC for them, too. Granted, you would have to fill in their possessions, armor, etc... but that shouldn't take more than a few minutes.

Then just use a module or something. Sunless Citadel is always a good choice.

2012-07-03, 11:10 PM
To the OP:

I think RPGs can be anything you want. If you want to play it just for the power kick, that's fine; if you want to go deeply RP, that's fine; if you want to play it like you play Diablo (XP and LOOT!), that's fine. The problem is, you'll have 4-7 people around the table, and if you're all looking for different things, it won't work. It's a multiplayer game: if you want to play a game of Poker and I want to play Chess, there's no way we can play together.

2012-07-04, 09:24 AM
To the OP:

I think RPGs can be anything you want. If you want to play it just for the power kick, that's fine; if you want to go deeply RP, that's fine; if you want to play it like you play Diablo (XP and LOOT!), that's fine. The problem is, you'll have 4-7 people around the table, and if you're all looking for different things, it won't work. It's a multiplayer game: if you want to play a game of Poker and I want to play Chess, there's no way we can play together.

Yes, but he's got 3 new players: he doesn't know what players like and, chances are, the PLAYERS themselves don't know what they like, if they've never tried an RPG.

Hitaro9, my suggestion would be, don't stress too much with preparation, but: first, try to talk a bit with the players about what they expect from a roleplaying game, and second, try to put a bit of anything in the adventure regardless: a bit of combat, a bit of RP, a bit of character interaction...because you'll never know what they'd end up enjoying. Then, be prepared to roll with what works best for the group. :smallwink:

2012-07-05, 06:11 AM
BTW, why don't you try something very rules light to run the game. Microlite d20 (https://sites.google.com/site/microlited20/), a VERY simple 3.5 derivative that is literally a couple pages total.

That way, you aren't going to bombard the players with lots of rules and a character sheet full of lots of confusing numbers and statistics.