View Full Version : Tweeking a character.

2012-07-02, 12:53 AM
Ive got this character concept and was curious what the forums thought of it and what i could do to make it better.

The character basically runs off of Rogue2/Hexblade4/Blackguard3/Warblade2. The concept was to give him good saves, evasion, Mettle, Cha to saves and to be able to to do damage and take a decent amount of damage. Stats are Str:18 Dex: 18 Con: 16 Int: 14 Wis: 16 Cha: 19 after level adjust but before magic items.

The rogue and Hexblade take care of evasion and mettle, along with granting Cha to saves vs magic and the shadow familiar variant from PHBII allows him to debuff slightly along with taking care of his Reflex and Will saves. The black guard lets him use poison, good fort saves, his cha to all saves which i believe stacks with the Arcane resist from Hexblade and his aura of despair stacks with his shadow familiar further debuffing his enemies.

Lastly he has Warblade levels, granting him good fort and hp. Besides this ive used a combo of Untamed Essence, Witch Razor(DM is allowing me to use this on Warblade) and Jade Throne schools to augment his already interesting class abilities and letting him to lots of damage.

Now the only downside to this build is the necessity of the feats for blackguard. I.E. Power Attack, Cleave and Improved Sunder; leaving him only 2 feats to play with. I am not sure what to give him for these and would like any input on this or other tweaks to make the character better.