View Full Version : The Proving Grounds [Homebrew Playtest IC]

2012-07-02, 08:09 AM

Are you interested in testing your skills against a mind-boggling array of ever deadlier foes? Do you have the stamina to face wave after wave of bloodthirsty denizens of this fine establishment? Do you yearn for competition, glory, and above all whatever valuables you can scrounge off the corpses of those who want the same from you?

Well then, step inside! The challenge begins immediately upon entry. Your progress will be recorded by our sentry spells. Should you manage to complete an entire floor, resting opportunities will be available. Complete the entire course, and fabulous prizes await.

The note is tacked to the tower wall, just beside a glowing portal of pure white light set into the wall. This certainly wasn't what you expected when you came here, having heard rumors of a powerful evil menacing the land... but then again, loot is loot, right?

2012-07-02, 08:30 AM
Thorne - "Be on your guard; evil often takes the form of japery. The masters of this place even admit to controlling a veritable army of lethal monsters. Do not forget the implicit threat there, however brightly their gold glistens."

Magus - "As you command."

Aylandra - The red-haired warrior simply nods. The instruction was useless for her, as she is always on guard.

Theo - "Oh, lighten up, won't you? I'm sure we'll be more than up to whatever tricks they think they'll pull on us. We took out that lich, right? No way these guys stand a chance!"

Thus arrayed, they advanced through the portal. Theo first, since none of the others had ever been able to beat him to anything glowing with magic. Aylandra second to complement his subtlety with her more direct approach. Magus next, alert as per Thorne's direction, and satisfied knowing that his compatriots guarded him on both sides. And Thorne last, with a paranoid glance over his shoulder before stepping through himself.

2012-07-02, 08:31 AM
I wasn't kidding when I said the challenge begins immediately upon entry. Did you want to pre-buff in any way?

2012-07-02, 06:53 PM
I'm going to assume Thorne casts his GMWs/MVs at the beginning of the day.

But, since you're giving me the chance... Thorne gets his Magic Circle against Evil up, Enlarge Person on Aylandra, and Divine Favor on himself; the big buffs can wait until we know what we're facing.

Aylandra will set up Vigor+Share Pain with her Psycrystal for... call it 30 hp for 6 pp plus three from the Share Pain. Also Freedom of Movement on herself for 7 pp, since that lasts almost forever.

Magus and Theo will sit. Their magic is a bit more reactive.

2012-07-02, 07:44 PM
Stepping into the light, you experience a brief sensation of weightlessness as the world turns pure white, then you touch down on the other side of the portal, and the feeling is gone.

You find yourselves on a platform of dark purple stone, floating in a black void. On either side of the platform, a quartet of pillars set square patterns rise twenty feet into the air. In front of you, a crescent shape has been removed from the platform, and the parts to either side of it elevated ten feet, connected only by a pair of steps on either side of the platform.

A large creature stands on the elevated section of the platform, watching you expectantly. Its form is that of a lithe humanoid, though far larger than most. Its entire body is covered shoulders to feet in interlocking metal plates, like a second skin. An ornate helmet engraved with runes covers the creature's head, two eyeslits giving it the appearance of an angry scowl.

A cloud of weapons orbits the creature - axes, swords, knives, maces, and more - whirling about with deadly speed, though none come close enough to strike the creature itself. The creature holds a length of chain some twenty feet from end to end in both its hands, grasping two of the large rings set at regular intervals along the weapon, the rest of the steel chain covered with hooks and spikes stained a dark, rusty ochre.

"It has been too long... My blades thirst, and your blood will slake that thirst... " the creature rasps, its voice laced with fury - not mere anger, but a fury that speaks of a primal hatred beyond your comprehension.


Initiative:Theo: [roll0]
Thorne: [roll1]
Magus: [roll2]
Aylandra: [roll3]

"Enemy": [roll4]

2012-07-02, 07:57 PM
"Embrace your death..." the creature rasps, swinging its chain in a series of whirling patterns. Abruptly, an angry buzz fills the air as thousands of translucent blades cut across the platform, slicing into the stone and scything through the air in a wall some twenty feet in height. The wall of swords cuts a path right through Aylandra, the nearest blades slashing madly in her direction. Another quick series of swings, and the creature summons a second wall of blades, separating Theo and Aylandra from the others.

Aylandra must succeed on a DC 23 Reflex save or take [roll0]*1.5 (79) slashing damage. Success on this save will shift her either one square north or south.

"Enemy": 29
Magus: 20
Thorne: 12
Theo: 9 (+4 mod)
Aylandra: 9 (+2 mod)


2012-07-03, 08:55 AM
Magus - Faced with a fellow master of metal ((even if Moekaiser isn't here)), Magus attempts to disarm rather than destroy. His allies can do that plenty well by themselves....

Standard action: Magnetism on its chain. SR:no if it matters. [roll0] disarm. Unlikely to work, but seemed too appropriate to pass up.

Thorne - "Take the fight to the beast, my friends! Aylandra to the right, Theo to the right, now MOVE!"

Standard action: Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on the whole party.

Theo - "As you command, oh commandiferous one!"

Move: Shadow Dash to A6. Goad DC 19 Will.

Swift: activate Impaling (2 uses left)

Standard: Ki Strike, sacrificing one die for Ray of Enfeeblement and another to try to steal an SLA (I assume SLAs since Magus didn't get his free check vs a spell), chosen randomly from the highest-level ones he can steal.

Melee Touch attack [roll1], damage [roll2] + [roll3] Spellstrike.

Ray of Enfeeblement: Melee Touch Attack [roll4], [roll5] strength penalty. RWotF gives +3 damage on melee attacks, whether weapon or spell, so... negative energy damage, I guess?

Shadow Dash recovery: [roll6]

Aylandra - As verboise as she always is, Aylandra simply charges straight ahead, raining steely death ahead of her.

Bladesurge forward to... mmm, does Enlarge Person grant the normal reach for being Large? I've heard different rulings. Jeesh, this is going to get complicated. Does Bladesurge provoke? And then we have 3D geometries to play with...

I'll let you make the call here. She can spend extra pp for movement as-needed, just tell me in your post how much extra... unless it gets refunded. See below. Stairs are probably most appropriate, unless this is intended to function like a teleport (does not provoke, ignores obstacles), which doesn't seem to be the case from the wording.

Now that she's Bladesurged next to the darn thing, however she manages to do that, she gets a free attack. Deep Impact as a free action, and make it an Equilibrium Strike with an extra 2 pp for good measure... and then Power Attack for 5, because why the hell not?!?

Spent: 15 pp, psionic focus.

Melee Touch Attack: [roll7], damage [roll8], and Fort Save DC 21 vs slow (if Theo hit) or stun (if Theo missed).

Assuming a hit, Bladesurge again (for minimum pp this time). Melee Attack: [roll9], damage [roll10]

Then, full attack!
Melee Attack: [roll11], damage [roll12] <- bonus from RWotF
Melee Attack: [roll13], damage [roll14]
Melee Attack: [roll15], damage [roll16]

Equilibrium Strike recovery: [roll17]
Bladesurge recovery: [roll18]

*sonofzeal wipes his brow and looks a little googly-eyed after all that* http://i.imgur.com/ZiOZ1.png

2012-07-03, 10:11 AM
The creature retains its grip on the spiked chain with ease, jerking the weapon free from Magus's spell with a huff of annoyance. The sudden movement of Theo and Aylandra takes it off guard however, allowing the Neraph to sink his dagger into the thing's thigh, dagger finding a tiny gap in the otherwise seamless armor. Meanwhile, two of Aylandra's furious attacks are deflected by the whirling blades surrounding the creature, but the two that hit sink through the armor as if it were not there at all, eliciting howls of pain and fury.

The creature moves in a blur, shifting as fluidly as if it were made of water. It dances nimbly away from Theo's dagger, then flows around Aylandra's animated blade as if with a dance partner at a court ball, then ends near Magus and Thorne. The cloud of weapons surrounding it lash out at Magus, even as it twists its weapon in those graceful gestures again and conjures first a ringlike wall of blades around Aylandra, then, slightly off from the other wall, a wall of roaring flames.

Theo stole a Wall of Fire (CL 20) from the creature. He could not steal a higher level SLA, as such spells are beyond his capability to steal.

Aylandra, Theo, and Magus are Frenzied for 10 rounds. They must take every measure at their disposal to attack the nearest creature with a melee attack each round (a full attack if possible, otherwise a charge if permitted), regardless of allegiance. They gain a +2 bonus to Strength, and a -2 penalty to AC. Note that Aylandra and Theo are currently closer to each other than to your enemy.

Theo takes [roll0] slashing damage from the cloud of weapons, and Magus takes [roll1] slashing damage. The creature did not come close enough to Aylandra to damage her with the cloud, and his movement did not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Aylandra takes [roll2]*1.5 (9) fire damage from the wall of fire.

"Enemy": 29
Magus: 20 (frenzied)
Thorne: 12
Theo: 9 (+4 mod) (frenzied)
Aylandra: 9 (+2 mod) (frenzied)


2012-07-04, 06:20 AM
Magus - Driven by the homicidal waves coming off this beast, Magus beats itself against it.

Does this trigger the Wall of Blades? I don't think so, but here's a Ref save: [roll0]

Slam [roll1], damage [roll2] <- bonus from RWotF
Slam [roll3], damage [roll4]

That would have been a single +4(1d6-1) if not for Thorne. All hail conquering heroes!

Thorne - ......thricedamned fey bastards. He could stop his berserked teammates... maybe. Present evidence aside, none were particularly weak of will. He knew that well enough, and would not have travelled with them otherwise. But doing so meant this abomination could pass its way unmolested and wreak even more havoc. And at the end of the day, his compatriots weren't evil - it was. And Thorne knew what to do about evil.

5-foot-step to H7.

Full Attack

Jovar [roll5], damage [roll6] <- bonus from RWofF
Jovar [roll7], damage [roll8]
Jovar [roll9], damage [roll10]

Swift: activate Belt of battle

Spend two charges, and cast Greater Command on all three allies: "HALT!". DC 22 Will.

Spend three charges, and full-attack again.

Jovar [roll11], damage [roll12] <- bonus from RWofF
Jovar [roll13], damage [roll14]
Jovar [roll15], damage [roll16]

2012-07-04, 07:08 AM
Aylandra - Just as the bloodrage washes over her, Thorne's command rips through her like an electric current and jerks her around. Her guard remains up, but she doesn't attack.

No action, but not flatfooted or helpless.

Theo - Shrugging off every effect except the one that all but dooms him, he charges towards Aylandra with blood on his mind.

FRA: Charge

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Reflex vs Wall of Blades: [roll2]. On a pass, no damage.

2012-07-04, 07:17 AM
Thorne's weapon drops the enraged fey in a trio of flashing slashes, but, even in death, its furious twisting of minds continues.

Reflex success vs. Blade Barrier. Note that a charge leaves Theo standing in the Blade Barrier.

Your turn again.

2012-07-04, 07:37 AM
Magus - Turning from the fallen fey, Magus assaults Thorne with what barely qualifies as a threat.

Slam [roll0] damage [roll1]
Slam [roll2] damage [roll3]

Thorne - Completely ignoring Magus's attacks, Thorne stares past the whirling blades to try and plan his move. Theo seemed to have shrugged off the command and blade barrier alike, but Aylandra at least seemed to have heard. That might not last though. She could withstand an enraged Theo for quite some time with any luck - no great martial warrior he - but the reverse would not be true. Thorne readied himself to attempt a Domination on her if she tried to attack.

Ready Action: Dominate Person, DC 21

Since I know this'll be needed almost immediately:
Aylandra's Will save: [roll4]

2012-07-04, 07:58 AM
Theo: Not suicidal despite the rage, Theo sidesteps to minimize exposure to the whirling blades behind him.... and keeps attacking.

5-foot-step to C9; next turn he can step out.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Aylandra: Shrugging off both the Command and the Dominate, Aylandra returns to doing what she does best.

No movement. Full attack on Theo.

Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9]
Attack [roll10] Damage [roll11]

2012-07-04, 08:01 AM
Note that it's a 10-ft drop from the upper level to the lower. I don't think Theo has that reach presently.

2012-07-04, 08:03 AM
Note that it's a 10-ft drop from the upper level to the lower. I don't think Theo has that reach presently.

Right. A10 then.

2012-07-04, 08:48 AM

Slam [roll0] damage [roll1]
Slam [roll2] damage [roll3]


Dominate Person on Aylandra

Will Save: [roll4]

2012-07-04, 08:51 AM

5-foot-step to A11. Refl [roll0]

Attack [roll1] Damage [roll2] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]
Attack [roll5] Damage [roll6]

I suppose there's nothing keeping him from activating Shadow Feint here. It still feels like cheesing it to me though.


Attack [roll7] Damage [roll8] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll9] Damage [roll10]
Attack [roll11] Damage [roll12]

2012-07-04, 08:52 AM
Aylandra's Critical Threat: Attack [roll0] Extra damage [roll1]

2012-07-04, 09:03 AM

Slam [roll0] damage [roll1]
Slam [roll2] damage [roll3]


Dominate Person. AGAIN.

Aylandra's Will Save: [roll4]

2012-07-04, 09:40 AM
Aylandra strikes Theo down in a flurry of brutal slashes. Moments later, the fury drains from her face, replaced by a blank expression as Thorne's magic wrests control of her mind.

Theo's battered body falls backward and, oddly, disappears into a misty vapor before it can land on the floor.

Some time passes, during which Magus continues to pound ineffectually against Thorne's enchanted armor for a bit before suddenly snapping back to his usual cold, logical self. Aylandra remains dominated for the safety of all, until the walls and ring of blade vanish several minutes later, leaving only splatters of blood and deep gouges in the floor to prove that they ever existed.

Seconds after the last whirling blade of force vanishes, a portal of light appears on the lower section of the platform, from which Theo is ejected forcefully, landing on face and hands. His wounds have been fully healed, and even his clothing is untorn, as if nothing had happened to him whatsoever. The memories remain, however.

As Theo reappears, a massive, booming TOCK fills the air, like the reverberations of the hand of an impossibly large clock shifting hours.
Theo is fully healed. Anything he used remains used (daily impaling use, luck point, etc).

20 minutes have passed since your arrival.

2012-07-04, 10:06 AM
Theo - "............fascinating. So that's what it's like. I'd always wondered. So! Let's have a look around!"

Search: [roll0]

Thorne - Thorne gapes at his Neraph companion for a moment, then sighs inwardly. Nothing Theo does will surprise him that much at this point, although that admittedly was a good run for the money.

Magus - "Interesting. Would you care to share your observances?"

Theo - "Well," replies Theo as the prods one of the pillars with what looks like a tuning fork, "first there was all the steel and whatnot, but that goes without saying. The fascinating part was the sensation, or lack thereof - but lack isn't the right word either. Rather than a passive 'zero' sensation, it was like it was actively 'null', if you catch my drift. Kind of like what I've read about the moments in transit through a Magic Jar, though expanded dramatically." He taps against the floor, ear pressed tight. "There's more, but it's a bit hard to verbalize. I'll let you know when I sort it all out, of course."

2012-07-04, 10:12 AM
Theo detects the tracery of latent arcane spells on each set of pillars. Upon closer inspection, each pillar has a slightly different spell waiting to be activated, though a touch on one would activate all four in the set. The spells are not traps, at least not in the typical sense, but it seems impossible to physically touch the pillars without setting them off.

A closer inspection will reveal Conjuration (teleportation), Enchantment (compulsion), and Divination magic from each pillar. Even further investigation will reveal that all of the spells are harmless.

2012-07-05, 10:17 AM
Theo - "Looks like we've got some ports, teeps, and peeps on these pillars. Nice combo too, whoever made it knew what they were doing. That seems about it though. Can't tell you more without taking the thing apart or sending someone through."

Thorne - "Good work. Alright, let's talk strategy for a moment. They've just proven they can kill us, and the unconventional rez afterwards shows they've got magic that's frankly out of our league. I'm not saying give up - you all know my opinion there - but let's take input for a moment here."

Magus - "They have demonstrated a willingness to keep us alive. We should play along and learn what we can before acting rashly."

Theo - "For once I'm with Magus. Hey, who knows, maybe we'll find an opening we can exploit!"

Thorne - "Alright. How about tactics if we go up against something else like that metal creature?"

Theo - "Its teepy badness was off the charts, but it bled like anything else. I say just nuke 'em hard, go for raw pwage", he somehow manages to pronounce this "word" as if it made any sort of phonetic sense, "and just go straight for the kill. Let's save the funky stuff for enemies that are less about the up-front-and-stabbity, or when there's a bunch of them. Big bruiser stabby dudes, even ones with teepy badnesses, are probably harder to disable than to kill outright. Lesson learned, I guess."

Aylandra - "I held back. I will not make that mistake again."

Thorne - "...okay then. I guess that's it then. Shall we?"

Same set of buffs as last time. Thorne's MCvsE should still be up, as should FoM on Aylandra. Thorne will re-cast Enlarge Person and Divine Favour.... and let's cast RWotF just before using the pillar this time. I'm going to assume all touch the pillar at the same time. Make it the... SW one, if it matters.

2012-07-05, 10:52 AM
As you touch the southwest pillar, all four of that set begin to emit a low ooooooom. Previously unseen arcane sigils on the sides of the pillars start to glow with a soft purple light. A moment later, a swirling portal of purple and white motes of light coalesces between the pillars, slowly rotating in place.

Across the platform, the eastern set of pillars remains silent and dark.

2012-07-05, 07:13 PM
*goes through*?

If not, I guess each will touch a different pillar.

2012-07-05, 07:56 PM
Stepping through the portal, you feel the same sense of weightlessness as when you first entered the tower through the portal of light, though this time it is accompanied by the prickling feeling of eyes watching you just beyond your sight, along with an intense itching sensation all across your body. The sensations last for only the duration of a single step, and then you find yourself elsewhere.

Elsewhere, and instantly gagging at the odor of rotting flesh and decaying organs. You find yourselves in a wide chamber of patterned tiles, lit by torches set into the walls at regular intervals. Once-fine tapestries hang from the walls in tatters between the torches, too torn to make out what any of them might depict at a glance.

The floor of the chamber is smeared with blood, most of it dried but a few small puddles and streaks still glistening with crimson wetness. Three drains are set into the floor, two smaller ones set in slight depressions, and a third, around which you have materialized, much larger than the others and with the cover removed. The worst of the stench seems to be wafting up from there, and it doesn't take much imagination to picture exactly what the source is.

Any thoughts of investigating the open drain are quickly replaced with thoughts of survival, as a pair of massive constructs lumber forth from the shadows at the sides of the chamber. Each of the constructs stands at least a foot taller than the enlarged Aylandra, constructed of steel and stone roughly in the shape of a bulky, hunched humanoid. Long, heavily plated arms hang from massive shoulders nearly to the ground, the fists covered in spiked knuckles that might be called crude when used by a human, but manage to look quite deadly on these creatures. But the fist weapons are not the most dangerous aspect of these constructs; all along the things' backs sprout a bewildering array of spikes in all sizes and shapes, from needlelike protrusions to stubby cones, one and all covered in dried or drying blood and gore. The rotting remains of several fleshy creatures are impaled on the spikes of each of the constructs, half or more of the decaying forms missing in most cases.

The constructs emit a deep, grinding rumble in unison, sounding like nothing more than a small landslide, then begin lumbering toward you.


Initiative:Theo: [roll0]
Thorne: [roll1]
Magus: [roll2]
Aylandra: [roll3]

"Enemy"1 (left side):[roll4]
"Enemy"2 (right side):[roll5]

Theo: 22
Thorne: 20
Magus: 19 (+5 modifier)
Enemy2: 19 (+4 modifier)
Aylandra: 18
Enemy1: 13

2012-07-06, 07:20 AM
Theo - "Constructs. Right. Well, there goes my contribution to the fight. Magus, don't cast spells at them until we get a better read. Your Trinuke should be fine though. Thorne, Aylandra... just beat 'em up, few constructs can really take that much punishment."

5-foot-step SW. A grid label system might be useful.

Move: pull a scroll of "Golem Strike" from his Handy Haversack.

Standard: Total Defensive. AC 36.

Thorne - "Understood, Theo. Try to hold the Western one off for a round or two. Magus, Aylandra, focus fire on the Eastern one until it goes down."

Standard: Righteous Might. AC 31.

2012-07-06, 07:51 AM
Magus - Tapping the arcane energies around him, Magus creates a violent eruption around the Eastern construct.

[roll0], Ref Half, DC 23

2012-07-06, 08:03 AM
Reflex: [roll]1d20+5[/roll

Edit: 25, nat 20, roll in OOC thread.

The quicker of the two constructs lumbers forward, covering the distance with two massive, booming steps, then lowers its armored head and releases a wave of noxious, billowing yellow gas over the entire party.

Breath Weapon, 30 ft. cone. Reflex DC 18 orParalyzed for 1 minute or until you take lethal damage.

Theo: 22
Thorne: 20
Magus: 19 (+5 modifier)
Enemy2: 19 (+4 modifier)
Aylandra: 18
Enemy1: 13


2012-07-06, 08:10 AM
That gas sounds like it'd be covered under Warforged immunities. I'll put a Ref save just in case though.

Thorne: [roll0]
Magus: [roll1]
Aylandra: [roll2]
Theo: [roll3]

Also, Thorne's large now.

2012-07-06, 08:16 AM

2012-07-06, 08:37 AM
Aylandra - Coughing from the foul emanations of the creature, but warded by the fruits of her psionic gift, Aylandra moves to counterattack.

5-foot-step South

Power Attack for 8; I'm gambling on this thing not having a high touch AC, and likely DR that I'll have to brute-force.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Free action: Expend focus for Deep Impact .... Equilibrium Strike, 10 pp spent.
Touch Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]. DC 21 vs half movement speed

2012-07-06, 08:44 AM
Aylandra's first two attacks are deflected by lumbering swings of the construct's arms, thick steel slabs turning aside the animated weapon with ease. The third attack strikes from above, bypassing the apelike swings of its arms, and lands solidly in the space between head and shoulders - a killing blow to any mortal creature, but only a rather significant annoyance to the construct.

Across the chamber, the second construct lumbers forward and breathes another cone of paralyzing gas across the party.

Aylandra's one successful attack was reduced by damage reduction.

More gas, more saves! Ref 18 or paralyzed for a minute.

Theo: 22
Thorne: 20
Magus: 19 (+5 modifier)
Enemy2: 19 (+4 modifier)
Aylandra: 18
Enemy1: 13


2012-07-06, 08:53 AM
If I was smart, I would have copy-pasted the Ref saves... ah well.

Thorne: [roll0]
Magus: [roll1]
Theo: [roll2]

2012-07-06, 09:31 AM
Theo - Well, there goes Thorne. Not knowing he could simply poke him to wake him up, Theo does his best to keep his golem occupied.

Swift: Shadow Feint; 50 damagesoak.

Standard: Total Defence (AC 36).

Thorne - *blinks furiously at the others*

Magus - Magus continues his arcane bombardment of the eastern construct.

Swift: [roll0], Ref Half, DC 23

Move: A9

Standard: Arcanopulse, [roll1], Ref Half, DC 23

2012-07-06, 09:39 AM
Uncaring of the sword-sized puncture in its neck and the growing arcane blast damage across its form, the eastern construct brings both of its fists down on Aylandra; first one, then the other.

Slam: [roll0] for [roll1]
Slam: [roll2] for [roll3]

If either of the slams hit:Improved Grab grapple: [roll4] opposed by Aylandra's result.

Theo: 22
Thorne: 20
Magus: 19 (+5 modifier)
Enemy2: 19 (+4 modifier)
Aylandra: 18
Enemy1: 13


2012-07-06, 11:06 AM
Aylandra - Shrugging off the grab like it's nothing, Aylandra assumes a meditative stance... and four blades of solid psychic energy appear around her.

Two psi focuses ftw!

Transcendent Blades. If I'm reading it correctly they shouldn't be affected by DR (since they're psychic), but also not affected by magic immunity (because they're Supernatural), and also not blocked by construct immunities (because they're not mind-affecting despite the implications of psychicness). It's a strange grey area, but I think it works. Let me know if it doesn't, of course.

Each one deals 12 damage and heals for 4, and can be launched one at a time. Aylandra will launch them at the Eastern one until it goes down (which it hopefully should this round), then at the other.

Move action: recover Psi Focus. Can't fail the Conc check.

Swift action: Bladesurge the western one, moving to E4-F5.

Free action: blowing the newly-recovered focus for Deep Impact. Power Attack for 10

Touch Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

5-foot-step back to get clear of the AoO, then meditate for the Psi Focus. Still can't fail the check.

2012-07-06, 07:09 PM
Aylandra's first psychic blade takes the construct through the face, shredding the tethers of arcane energy that kept it animated. It collapses in a heap of stone and bloody steel.

A surge of speed and a lightning-quick attack later, Aylandra's followup attack deals significant damage as her animated sword embeds itself in the construct's torso. None too bright, the creature turns and hammers away at the slippery psychic.

Slam: [roll0] for [roll1]
Slam: [roll2] for [roll3]

And improved grab, which doesn't matter.

Theo: 22
Thorne: 20
Magus: 19 (+5 modifier)
Enemy2: 19 (+4 modifier) (destroyed)
Aylandra: 18
Enemy1: 13


2012-07-07, 12:48 AM
Theo - Breathing a sigh of relief at not actually having to tank the darn thing, but wincing sympathetically as Aylandra's psicrystal shatters and she herself is brought to her knees, Theo shields her from further harm.

FRA: Stand United on Aylandra.

Thorne - Thorne continues blinking furiously.

Magus - Effortlessly switching targets, Magus continues the assault.

Standard: Mage Chains. Ranged Touch Attack [roll0]. Damage: [roll1]

Swift: Arcane Barrage. [roll2], Ref Half, DC 23

2012-07-07, 12:53 AM
Theo - Breathing a sigh of relief at not actually having to tank the darn thing, but wincing sympathetically as Aylandra's psicrystal shatters and she herself is brought to her knees, Theo shields her from further harm.

FRA: Stand United on Aylandra.

Thorne - Thorne continues blinking furiously.

Magus - Effortlessly switching targets, Magus continues the assault.

Standard: Mage Chains. Ranged Touch Attack [roll0]. Damage: [roll1]

Swift: Arcane Barrage. [roll2], Ref Half, DC 23

Aylandra - Nearly crippled by the golem's devastating assault, Aylandra redoubles her efforts.

Power Attack for 8.

Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll5] Damage [roll6]

Swift: activate Heartseeking Amulet

Touch Attack [roll7] Damage [roll8]

2012-07-07, 08:49 AM
Between the psychic blades tearing through it moments before, the blasts of arcane energy searing its form, and the continued assault of Aylandra's massive blade, the second construct falls to the floor in a heap of groaning, gore-soaked steel.

Thorne recovers momentarily, and shortly after a set of four pillars rises from either side of the room. A swirling portal forms between either set of pillars; to the left, purple and white, and to the right, red and black.

2012-07-07, 10:11 AM
Theo searches while Thorne tends to Aylandra's wounds as best he can.

Search [roll0]

Thorne casts Faith Healing on Aylandra three times and uses three of Theo's "Lesser Vigor" scrolls for a flat 72 points of healing, leaving Aylandra at 76/85.

2012-07-07, 10:13 AM
Theo detects the presence of the same forms of magic on these new pillars as he found in the previous room. Aside from that, the room appears uninteresting.

2012-07-07, 10:41 AM
Thorne - "We're running out of steam here, people. All-in on this next one, use it or lose it."

Thorne: Bear's Endurance and Magic Circle against Evil on Aylandra. Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Righteous Might on himself. Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on the party.

Magus: Greater Invisibility on Theo. Spider Climb and Displacement on himself.

Aylandra: Augmented Offensive Precognition (10pp, +4atk/dam), Augmented Vigor (10pp, +50hp), True Seeing on herself. Freedom of Movement on Thorne, just so we don't get a repeat.

Once fully prepared, they go through the purple and white portal. Same order - Theo, Aylandra, Magus, Thorne.

2012-07-07, 06:18 PM
You step through the portal, once more experiencing momentary weightlessness, then reappear in a wide chamber of white marble. The chamber is dominated by a rectangular pool of sparkling blue water several feet deep, with a thick column supporting the ceiling at either end of the pool. The lip of the pool is sprinkled with a trail of gold dust, fully encircling the water.

Four angelic creatures in gilded plate stand watch over the pool, which contains an enormous, blue-skinned creature with glowing yellow eyes. The creature's massive body ripples with layers of muscle atop muscle, and its huge, helmeted head is made to look small in comparison to the oversized horns - each as long as a lance - sprouting from either side. The creature's cloven-hoofed feet are submerged in the water, which appears to be slowly spreading up its legs, glowing with a golden radiance.

Suddenly, the angels turn as one to stare towards Thorne at his arrival, faces painted with shock. "No! How did you arrive? How could-" one begins, but is cut off by another's panicked cry: "The purification ritual! It fails! The demon breaks free!"

Indeed, as you watch, the previously paralyzed demon bends low and bellows, a roar that leaves your head spinning and your heart thudding in your chest. The angels are even worse off; their faces have grown tight and their arms move with jerky motions, as if fighting against something moving them against their will. As one, they suddenly cease their struggles and draw greatswords of steel and fire from their waists, then begin to fly toward you.

Circles at either end of the pool are columns, blocking line of sight.

Theo: 20
Magus: 18
"Demon": 14
Aylandra: 16
"Angels": 6
Thorne: 5


Initiative:"Angels": [roll0]/4 = 6

2012-07-07, 09:55 PM
Theo - Temporarily invisible, Theo barely resists the urge to whistle a jaunty tune as he ambles forward casually and slips his barbed dagger into the back of the giant demon's knees.

Active Buffs: Greater Invisibility (9 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds)
HP: 107/107

Move: C9. Move Silently [roll0]

Swift: activate Impaling

Standard: Ki Strike
Touch Attack: [roll1], Damage [roll2]
Sacrifice 4d6 SA for Orb of Force. Touch Attack: [roll3], Damage [roll4]

Magus - Magus moves to re-bind the beast at the center, and move himself out of the line of fire.

Active Buffs: Displacement (9 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds), Spider Climb (999 rounds)
HP: 91/91

Standard: Mage Chains on the beast in the centre. Ranged Touch Attack [roll5], [roll6] Arcane Damage.

Swift: Quickened Empowered (via Rod) Magic Missile at the beast. [roll7]*1.5

IF IT MISSES (against flatfooted touch AC? :smalltongue:)
Swift: Belt of Battle, 2 charges.

2nd Standard: Arcane Barrage centered somewhere around F9, catching the beast and the SE angel for [roll8] Arcane Damage, Reflex Half, DC 23.

Move: I-14

Mage Chains recovery: [roll9]

2012-07-07, 10:18 PM
The demon roars in pain as Theo's blast of force strikes it squarely in the knee with the sound of cracking bones, then roars again when Magus tries to ensnare it once more. It shakes off the effects of the warforged's binding however, disappearing from the pool and reappearing to the north of Magus in twin flashes of silver light. Lowering its head, the demon charges Magus, seeking to impale its would-be captor.

Theo's attack was completely soaked by DR. The Orb of Force was fully effective.

The Demon activates a Quickened Teleport to A-11/C-13, then charges Magus.

[roll0] for [roll1] piercing damage. Everyone must make a DC 18 Will save against Frightful Presence or be Shaken for the rest of the encounter. If it hits, Magus has to make a Fort save against something he's immune to anyway, so nevermind.

Theo: 20
Magus: 18
"Demon": 14
Aylandra: 16
"Angels": 6
Thorne: 5


2012-07-07, 11:06 PM
Alyandra - Impressed at the beast's might despite herself, Aylandra begins hacking at it ferociously.

Active Buffs: Magic Circle against Evil (995 rounds), Freedom of Movement (~750 rnds), True Seeing (99 rounds), Offensive Precognition (98 rounds), Vigor (97 rounds), Bear's Endurance (96 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds).

hp: 88/97

Power Attack for 10; all attacks are Cold Iron and Magic if it matters.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- bonus from RWotF

Swift: Heartseeking Amulet (1 use left)
Touch Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Free: Deep Impact; Equilibrium Strike (10 pp)
Touch Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5], Will DC 21 vs half movement.

2012-07-07, 11:37 PM
Aylandra's telekinetically-wielded blade sinks deeply into the demon's flesh. It has time only for a surprised grunt, before the massive greatsword quite literally eviscerates it. The demon falls to the floor, bleeding out in a pool of pure blackness, which you assume can only be liquid eeeeevil.

Still in the thrall of the demon even after death, the angels zip across the room on golden wings to surround Thorne, lashing out with greatswords that flash into identical copies of his jovar an instant before striking, then revert to their normal forms.

Angel attacks: [roll0]

Each attack that hits deals damage equal to Thorne's own primary attack damage (so, his jovar at full strength, not including Power Attack.), plus four.

The angels are currently flying at +10 elevation for a higher ground bonus.

Theo: 20
Magus: 18
"Demon": 14
Aylandra: 16
"Angels": 6
Thorne: 5


2012-07-08, 12:15 AM

Magic Circle's anti-charm/compulsion doesn't free the angels?

AC 31 after Righteous Might, so only one hit, but it's going to hurt. Still, wow. They roll like Aylandra did last fight! :smallbiggrin:

hp: 10+118/124 ...minus [roll0], partially blocked by DR 6/evil

Active Buffs: Freedom of Movement (997 rounds), Magic Circle Against Evil (~750 rounds), Bull's Strength (94 rounds), Bear's Endurance (95 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds), Righteous Might (8 rounds), Divine Power (7 rounds), Divine Favor (6 rounds).

Power Attack for... 5. Start attacking from the one that hit him, working his way around as he goes.

Free Action: Retribution Domain granted power to maximize first hit

Attack [roll1] Damage 52 <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Swift: Belt of Battle, all charges.

Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll10] Damage [roll11]
Attack [roll12] Damage [roll13]
Attack [roll14] Damage [roll15]

2012-07-08, 12:18 AM
Confirm for potential crits....

2nd: Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

5th: Attack [roll2], damage [roll3]
6th: Attack [roll4], damage [roll5]
7th: Attack [roll6], damage [roll7]

2012-07-08, 12:23 AM
Third, fourth, eighth attack miss. 6th, 7th crit confirms fail. Moderate damage all around, all reduced by damage reduction.

You're up again.

2012-07-08, 01:52 AM
....none dropped? To clarify, he was hitting that first one till it went down, then moving to the next. And that's.... mmm...

52 damage
82 damage
74 damage
42 damage
34 damage

If that doesn't even drop the first one, I may have to rethink things.... :smalleek::smalleek::smalleek:

2012-07-08, 10:12 AM
Sorry, I thought you meant you were working your way around to weaken all of them. In that case, the first three combined attacks drop the top left one, and the next two moderately inconvenience the bottom left. All attacks reduced by significant DR.

2012-07-08, 11:37 AM
Theo - Seeing Thorne suddenly surrounded, the Neraph weaves his arcane energies around their leader to safeguard him.

Active Buffs: Greater Invisibility (8 rounds), RWotF (8 rounds)
HP: 107/107

FRA: Stand United on Thorne

Magus - Interesting. It should not be within Thorne's mandate to slay Angels... but Thorne had often proved willing to sacrifice such concerns when necessary. It did not matter to Magus. Only the continued collection of practical data mattered. Magus advanced to assist, and to see first-hand the interaction between angelic bodies and arcane damage.

Active Buffs: Displacement (8 rounds), RWotF (8 rounds), Spider Climb (998 rounds)
HP: 91/91

Move to F9

Swift: Anklet of Translocation, F7

Standard: Arcanopulse, catching the two bottom angels. That's [roll0] arcane damage, Reflex Half, DC 23. Unless one of those two debuffs Magus took change that, but I don't think they do.

Arcanopulse recovery [roll1]

Aylandra - Not to be left out of the fun, Aylandra

Active Buffs: Magic Circle against Evil (994 rounds), Freedom of Movement (~749 rnds), True Seeing (98 rounds), Offensive Precognition (97 rounds), Vigor (96 rounds), Bear's Endurance (95 rounds), RWotF (8 rounds).

Free action: activate Boots of Haste (9 rounds left)

Move F4/E5

Swift: activate Heartseekers (last charge) ... Power Attack for 10
Touch Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3] <- bonus from Haste

Standard: Transcendent Blades. All four down that bottom line unless both die, in which case hit that top one. That's 4x 12 straight damage. Ref half, DC 22.

2012-07-08, 10:36 PM
The angels crowd closer to Thorne, shying away from the enlarged Aylandra. Unaware of the defensive magicks shielding Thorne, the northern angel continues hacking away at him. Meanwhile, the two remaining southern angels focus restorative magic on the most wounded of their pair, flooding its body with golden radiance. Its form is still badly torn and singed, but the worst of the damage has been washed away.

The two southern angels both use Faith Healing on the angel in F-1, which was staggering about on the brink of death, then both use supernatural abilities that close its wounds further. The northern angel hacks away, but since it's moot, whatever. The spellcasting does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


2012-07-09, 07:21 PM
Thorne - Thorne grits his teeth and begins weaving the dark energies of his heritage at the angelic creatures...

Swift: Spirit Shackles. All three remaining angels. Automatic Slow.

FRA: attack! Start with the NE one, switch to SE if it drops. Power Attack for 5 again.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Theo - As the protective energies begin to fade, Theo weaves himself through them as well, finding himself by Thorne's side. He quickly moves to attack the nearest angel.

Free port to D3.

Swift: activate Impaling (1 use left)

Standard: Ki Strike against C2.
Touch Attack: [roll8]; damage [roll9] + [roll10]

2012-07-10, 01:36 AM
Thorne neatly removes the life from the body of the northeastern angel, four quick slashes fueled by his divine impetus tearing through plate mail like paper. Theo delivers a quick stab to the inner thigh of the closest angel, which grunts in pain.

I assume Theo jumped to reach the angel flying at +10 elevation. With his height and vertical reach he should be able to make it regardless of the check result, so meh.

Aylandra and Magus are up.


2012-07-10, 09:06 AM

Swift: Locus of Power

Activate Rod of Empower

Standard: Magic Missile on the nearest Angel - [roll0]*1.5.

CL check vs SR if necessary: [roll1]

2012-07-10, 09:13 AM

Active Buffs: Magic Circle against Evil (993 rounds), Freedom of Movement (~748 rnds), True Seeing (97 rounds), Offensive Precognition (96 rounds), Vigor (95 rounds), Bear's Endurance (94 rounds), RWotF (7 rounds).

5-foot-step south

Bladesurge to swing around and come up behind the angels to flank. First one's an Equilibrium Strike. Start attacking the Eastern one, switch to Western if it falls.

Power Attack for 7

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- Bladesurge+Equilibrium; Will DC 21 vs half movement.
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]

2012-07-11, 02:14 PM
Between the blasts of force from Magus and a brutal flurry of slashes from Aylandra, the two remaining angels are dispatched quite efficiently. One has to wonder whether killing living embodiments of pure Good is going to have lasting ramifications. Oh well.

A single portal opens above the pool, pure white this time. Stepping through, you find yourselves in a room with four large, fluffy beds lined up in a row. Three chests sit at the feet of the beds, all unlocked. There is a coin-sized slot in one of the walls, just above a much larger slot. A note next to the coin slot reads:

Hoogie's House of H'artifacts

Exact or greater change only.

No refunds.

As you arrive, a swirling portal coalesces on either side of the room, one white and purple, the other red and black.

You can purchase items at book value here, but only with available coin or gemstones. You can sell unwanted items at half market value.

The first chest contains 5,000 gp, ten elaborately carved ivory tusks depicting scenes of battle, one dose of dust of appearance, a +1 dagger, a +1 greataxe, a potion of mage armor, a ring of counterspells, and a wand of invisibility

The second chest contains 1,000 gp, a potion of levitate, a potion of darkvision, a potion of fox's cunning, and a potion of bear's endurance

The third chest contains 100 pp, four precious gemstones of unknown value, a divine scroll of detect poison, a potion of mage armor, a +1 animated heavy mithral shield, and a +2 silver greatsword

2012-07-11, 02:16 PM
Bug fiiiiiix.

2012-07-14, 02:09 AM
Theo - "Ahah! I should be able to get some good use out of this! But then... hmmm... Magus, what do you make of this? Useful?"

Magus - "I do not believe I can wear another ring. Perhaps......"

As Theo and Magus poke and prod their way through the chests, Thorne and Aylandra discuss their position.

Thorne - Wiping his brow, Thorne looks concerned. "We killed angels today, Aylandra."

Aylandra - "We did. Also three infernals, one of them strong enough to corrupt those angels. And that metal monster. We did our job."

Thorne - "That doesn't mean I have to like it. But you're right, it's our job, and we agreed to make those kinds of choices. Still... you saw what happened to Theo. If they could restore him so easily, perhaps nothing we do here has any significance. Perhaps we should get Magus to try and teleport us out of here... although somehow I doubt that'll work either. I don't trust the... hospitality."

Aylandra - "If they wanted to kill us, they could simply have thrown more fights at us. They have no reason to placate us with trinkets unless the offer was genuine."

Thorne - "As always, my friend, you raise a good point. Still. I hope you'll understand if I have Magus arrange what security he can."

Aylandra - "Of course. Incaution is sin."


7,000 gp (in mixed gp/pp)
10x "elaborately carved ivory tusks depicting scenes of battle"
4x "precious gemstones of unknown value"
+1 greataxe
2x potion of mage armor
wand of invisibilit
potion of fox's cunning
potion of bear's endurance
+1 animated heavy mithral shield


Belt of Battle (Aylandra) - 12k
Quicksilver Boots (Thorne) - 3.5k
Enduring Amulet (Magus) - 1.5k
Wand of Lesser Vigor (Theo) - 750 gp
3x Scroll of Ray of Stupidity (Theo) - 3x150 = 450
1x Scroll of Wieldskill (Theo) - 25

Magus will attempt to cast Rope Trick. The big demon in the last room used a teleportation effect, so I imagine there's at least a chance. If it works they'll sleep in the Rope Trick, rather than on the beds. Because paranoia! :smallbiggrin:

If everything goes well, feel free to fast-forward as appropriate.

2012-07-15, 12:21 AM
As Magus attempts to cast his spell, the flows of arcana unravel right before his eyes, no matter how he tries to hold them together.

As the spell fizzles, a note appears hovering in midair before Magus's face, lasting long enough for him to read it before spontaneously igniting and burning to ash.

Beneficial long-range teleportation and interplanar travel effects have been disallowed for use by participants as of patch 1.61110.

The beds are safe for one use. Rope Trick doesn't work. Back on Tuesday!

2012-07-16, 07:33 AM
Deprived of secure-but-less-comfortable accomodations, the party resigns themselves to rest. Theo keeps watch, as sleep is somewhat optional for him.

In the morning, they take some time running through their respective rituals/preparations, and step through the red and black portal this time.

I'm seriously wiped these days; if I find time and energy I'll add more flavour text, but given the nature of the campaign I'm assigning that a lower priority than just moving things forward.

Thorne: Bear's Endurance, Magic Circle against Evil, and Enlarge Person on Aylandra. Magic Circle against Evil, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Righteous Might on himself. Righteous Wrath of the Faithful on the party.

Magus: (His prepped spells have changed slightly; see his sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=416088) for details) Spider Climb and Metal Skin on himself.

Aylandra: Augmented Offensive Precognition (10pp, +4atk/dam), Augmented Vigor (10pp, +50hp), True Seeing, Freedom of Movement on herself. Freedom of Movement on Thorne.

2012-07-20, 11:45 AM
You step through the portal, and straight into another scene from a nightmare. This place might once have been part of a temple, but the altar to Pelor has been defaced several times over. Dried blood is spattered across the altar and much of the floor, cracking under your feet as you arrive. Across the altar, an entire horde of skeletal archers wreathed in flames stands guard around another, larger creature that you take to be another undead at first glance, with its slender, skeletal frame and skull-shaped head floating unsupported above its emaciated chest. A second glance reveals that the creature is formed entirely of a dull black metal that seems to absorb the light however, rather than flesh or bone of any kind.

The creature releases a low, resonant hum at your arrival, and makes a sharp gesture, directing the skeletons to attack.

There are two Mobs (DMG II) of fiery skeletons there, each composed of approximately fifty medium-sized skeletons.

Magus: 25
Thorne: 23
"Enemies" 19
Aylandra: 18
Theo: 7


Initiative: "Enemies": 19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13588589&postcount=165)

Theo: [roll0]
Thorne: [roll1]
Magus: [roll2]
Aylandra: [roll3]

2012-07-20, 08:59 PM
Magus - "Interesting. I wonder what manner of creature this is. Undead? Construct? Hmm."

hp: 91 .... AC: 29

Arcane Barrage, right in the middle. [roll0] arcane damage, Ref half, DC 23

Thorne - "It matters little. But we need to be guarded against heat; I imagine those flaming skeletons are not just for show. Aylandra, front and centre. I'll back you up as quickly as I can. Theo... well. Act on your own discretion."

hp: 100 .... AC: 30 .... AC vs Ranged: 35

Standard: Mass Resist Energy {fire}

Move: H8/I9

2012-07-21, 04:03 PM
As one, the skeletons set blazing arrows to strings and loose at Aylandra and Thorne, the sheer numbers of arrows making the volley all but impossible to dodge. The strange metallic creature floats through the ranks of skeletal archers and to the side of the room, where it seems to disappear into the shadows. An enormous wave of pitch blackness washes over the room, reanimating the skeletons felled by Magus's blast, and sending intense spasms of pain through your bodies.

Mob 1 concentrated volley on Aylandra: [roll0] vs AC 20 (this is a volley attack roll against her square, not her actual AC) for [roll1] nonmagical piercing damage and [roll2] magical fire damage.

Mob 2 concentrated volley on Thorne: [roll3] vs AC 20 for [roll4] nonmagical piercing damage and [roll5] magical fire damage.

The wave of negative energy deals [roll6] negative energy damage to everyone, Fort DC 23 for half. Supernatural ability, Spellgrace applies.

The large creature currently has total concealment. The token squares are where you last saw it as it phased into the shadows, but you don't know if it's still there or not.

Magus: 25
Thorne: 23
"Enemies" 19
Aylandra: 18
Theo: 7


2012-07-21, 11:15 PM
Aylandra - Unable to see the ominous metal creature, the bladeswoman decides to give it a wide berth and leave it for those with more appropriate weapons and skills.

hp: 71/85

Round 1 - Magic Circle against Evil (995 rounds), Freedom of Movement (996 rnds), True Seeing (99 rounds), Offensive Precognition (98 rounds), Vigor (97 rounds), Enlarge Person (97 rounds), Bear's Endurance (96 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds)

Bladesurge around to E9/G10, and attack the lower mob (unless it dies, in which case upper). PA for 8.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] - bonus from Bladesurge
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3] - bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]

Bladesurge recovery: [roll8]

2012-07-21, 11:41 PM
Theo - "Huh. Well, I guess this is the chance to try it out...."

hp: 91/107

Round 1 - RWotF (9 rounds)

Swift: Shadow Feint.

Move: Shadow Dash to A7 to avoid AoOs, although we don't seem to be using those.

Standard: Dust of Appearance.

Shadow Feint recovery: [roll0]
Shadow Dash recovery: [roll1]

2012-07-22, 01:14 AM
Magus - "Interesting. Thorne, this spell will allow you to strike it if you can guess its location. It is the best I can do under the circumstances."

hp: 58/91

Round 2 - Metal Skin (round 119), Spider Climb (round 118), RWotF (round 9)

Swift: Arcane Barrage on the two mobs. [roll0], Ref DC 23 half.

Standard: True Strike on Thorne.

Move: H6

Thorne - "Many thanks, my stalwart friend! Deal with the skeletons as best you can, and leave the golem to me. He hoists his adamantine blade and starts tapping into the darker powers of his heritage as he moves to support Theo.

hp: 106/112 (temp hp from Divine Power ate the rest of the damage)

Round 2 - Magic Circle against Evil (round 995), Freedom of Movement (round 996), RWotF (round 9), True Strike (round 3)

Swift: Arcane Barrage on the two mobs. [roll1], Ref DC 23 half.

Standard: True Strike on Thorne.

Move: A5/B6

Swift: Soul Shackles. That should catch the upper mob... and hopefully the Shadesteel. It's (Su), so SR:no, so it should bypass magic immunity. I don't think I need to see the creature to Shackle it, and the shackles themselves are implied to be visible thus identifying its square. And I have True Strike which lets me avoid the miss chance, soooo....

IF SHADESTEEL IS WITHIN REACH (large and the reach that comes with it should help here) AND DETECTED
Power Attack for 12. Attack [roll2], damage [roll3]. Adamantine, magic, slashing.

Dark Binding. Ref DC 21 vs [roll4] rounds of immobilization, and [roll5] profane damage.

Ready Action: if it makes a melee attack against Thorne or Theo, counter with a melee attack into whatever square the strike seemed to come from. Same roll as "within reach".

2012-07-22, 01:19 AM

Thorne's active buffs:
You may have noticed I've switched notation. I'll just note which round they expire on so I don't have to keep updating every number each time. Once we reach that round, I'll take them off the list. Oh, and I've been forgetting Resist Energy: Fire (round 1001) on the others.

Round 2 - Resist Energy: Fire (round 1001), Magic Circle against Evil (round 993), Freedom of Movement (round 995), Bull's Strength (95), Bear's Endurance (94) RWotF (round 9), Righteous Might (round 8), Divine Power (round 7), Divine Favor (round 6), True Strike (round 3)

2012-07-22, 07:13 PM
Aylandra's huge blade cleaves fourth large swathes through the lower ranks of the archers, sending flaming bone shards flying in all directions. The few that remain are laid low by Magus's followup blast of arcane energy, sending them to the floor where they do not rise.

The remaining archers sight on Aylandra and release, showering her with a volley of point-blank blazing arrows. Across the room, the tendril of vile energy flowing from Thorne flows along the wall closer toward him. A section of the shadows coalesces into the black metal fist of the construct an instant before it comes swinging at the side of Thorne's head.

Concentrated volley on Aylandra (provokes an AoO): [roll0] vs AC 20 for [roll1] nonmagical piercing and [roll2] magical fire damage

Slam on Thorne: [roll3] for [roll4] bludgeoning damage and 29 critical damage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13599141&postcount=187)

Magus: 25
Thorne: 23
"Enemies" 19
Aylandra: 18
Theo: 7


2012-07-23, 08:36 AM
Aylandra - Pierced by dozens of arrows, Aylandra presses the attack; slaying her foes quickly would protect her better than manifesting Vigor while they still threaten her.

hp: 38/97 (forgot Bear's Endurance earlier)

Round 2 - Magic Circle against Evil (995 rounds), Freedom of Movement (996 rnds), True Seeing (99 rounds), Offensive Precognition (98 rounds), Enlarge Person (97 rounds), Bear's Endurance (96 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds)

PA for 8.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Assuming that kills the last of the mob...

Swift: activate Belt of Battle, two charges.

Standard: Transcendent Blades, at the Shadesteel. That's 4x 12 damage, Ref Half, DC 22. Let me know how much she heals.

5-foot-step to the SW.

2012-07-23, 08:52 AM
Theo - "Ah, there you are! This dust stuff is worthless; it seems the whole point of being invisible is for people to not know where you are, thus making a small area negation... less than valuable. Hmm, might not have worked anyway, I don't think the thing is properly invisible or hiding either. I wonder if..."

Thorne - "THEO! NOT THE TIME!!!"

Theo - "Ah! Right! Let's see then......"

I just noticed Spellstrike ignores golem/undead immunities. Huzzah! Now I feel silly for mucking around with scrolls of Golem Strike earlier!

hp: 91/107

Round 2 - RWotF (9 rounds)

Move: draw a scroll of True Strike from the Handy Haversack.

Standard: read it.

2012-07-23, 09:08 AM

hp: 58/91

Round 2 - Metal Skin (round 119), Spider Climb (round 118), RWotF (round 9)

Swift: last of the Arcane Barrage, on the Shadesteel. Try not to hit any allies, of course. [roll0], Ref DC 23 half

Move: H3, then Spider Climb up about 15' for a clear shot at the Shadesteel.

Standard: Mage Chains on the Shadesteel. Touch attack [roll1] to hit, ignoring concealment, dealing [roll2] arcane damage. Arcanopulse would be better, but I did blow that True Strike so I might as well put it to use. Stupid Personal range..... :smallmad:

2012-07-23, 09:19 AM
Thorne - As the only one with an Adamantine weapon, Thorne proceeds to give the foul construct what for.

hp: 49/112

Blow all four uses of Devil's Favor because I keep forgetting I have it and at least this way it's doing something.

Also, let's activate his 1/day Fast Healing from Devil's Stamina. He can probably take another full-attack from that thing unless it crits again, but a little extra edge is good.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]

All attacks are adamantine and magic.

2012-07-24, 01:29 AM
Aylandra's whirling blade sends the northern half of the skeletal mob to the floor - and the ceiling, and the walls, all in different pieces. The followup blades of psychic energy pierce something, but her target proves adept at keeping the blades from its vital sections, and she can tell that the effect was less than might have been desired.

Magus hurls a sphere of arcana, but even guided by his spell, cannot manage to strike true as the shadows writhe out of the way of his attack. Thorne's furious swings prove only slightly more effective; he feels his blade catch on the creature once, but the rest of his attacks catch only swirling shadow.

The moment Thorne's flashing blade leaves an opening, the shadows coalesce into the construct's fist once more, aiming for Thorne's head. An instant later, another pulse of negative energy ripples through the chamber, sapping the strength from those still alive.

Negative energy pulse: [roll0] negative energy damage, Fortitude DC 23 halves.

Slam on Thorne: [roll1] for [roll2] damage.


2012-07-24, 07:58 AM
Aylandra - Shrugging off the worst of the blast of negative energy, though still feeling rather much worse for wear, Aylandra spends time restoring her defences before maneuvering forward.

hp: 34/97

Round 3 - Magic Circle against Evil (995 rounds), Freedom of Movement (996 rnds), True Seeing (99 rounds), Offensive Precognition (98 rounds), Enlarge Person (97 rounds), Bear's Endurance (96 rounds), RWotF (9 rounds)

Standard: Vigor, full augment. hp 34/97 +60temp

Move: E3/F4, assuming that's close enough to 5-foot-step in next turn.

Theo - His preparations complete, Theo ambles forward almost carelessly to slip a barbed dagger into the vile construct's heel.

hp: 73/107

Round 3 - RWotF (9 rounds), True Strike (round 3)

Move: A3 (I'm assuming the thing is flying; if not, C5 will do.

Standard: Ki Strike, sacrificing 4d6 Spellstrike for Orb of Force.

Melee attack [roll0] ignoring concealment. [roll1] physical damage, 12 force damage.

Orb of Force: Melee Touch Attack [roll2], [roll3] damage (RWotF buffs this since it doesn't require weapon attacks, only melee, which Spellstrike'd orbs qualify for!)

2012-07-24, 08:11 AM
Magus - Taking his miss in stride, Magus simply follows up with a far more reliable, and potentially more devastating, direct blast of energy.

hp: 58/91

Round 3 - Metal Skin (round 119), Spider Climb (round 118), RWotF (round 9)

Standard: Arcanopulse. arcane damage, Reflex 23 half

Thorne - Thorne clutches his shoulder where the beast hit him... but his wounds are already starting to heal, and he launches a desperate counterattack before the monster can finish the job.

hp: 19/112

Round 3 - Resist Energy: Fire (round 1001), Magic Circle against Evil (round 993), Freedom of Movement (round 995), Bull's Strength (95), Bear's Endurance (94) RWotF (round 9), Righteous Might (round 8), Divine Power (round 7), Divine Favor (round 6), Fast Healing 4 (round 7)

Full Attack (first one maximized through Retribution domain)

Attack [roll1], Damage [roll]36, [roll2] miss chance <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll3], Damage [roll4], [roll5] miss chance
Attack [roll6], Damage [roll7], [roll8] miss chance
Attack [roll9], Damage [roll10], [roll11] miss chance

Since he's so near death...

Belt of Battle, 3 charges.

Attack [roll12], Damage [roll13], [roll14] miss chance <- bonus from RWotF
Attack [roll15], Damage [roll16], [roll17] miss chance
Attack [roll18], Damage [roll19], [roll20] miss chance
Attack [roll21], Damage [roll22], [roll23] miss chance

2012-07-24, 06:32 PM
The combined assault proves too much for the construct to avoid; writhe though the shadows do, twisting around adamantine slashes and arcane blasts, each attack seems to pen the shadows closer and closer into the corner. Finally, as Theo completes his spell, the blast of force proves too much; with a great clatter of dark steel, the construct explodes in a blast of negative energy, pinging off the floor and ceiling in a thousand shredded parts.

A moment later, the now-familiar portals coalesce around the desecrated altar; one purple-white, the other red-black.

2012-07-25, 07:25 PM

Two charges of Lesser Vigor each, bringing us to Round 25. During that time, Thorne's Fast Healing will run its course, and he'll cast three Faith Healings on Aylandra and two on himself.

Final status:
Aylandra - hp: 95/97
Theo - hp: 95/107
Magus - hp: 80/91
Thorne - hp: 83/112

Theo and Magus will spend time poking and prodding at the body of the fallen Shadesteel to see what they can determine about it.


Theo will drop another Lesser Vigor on Thorne that'll run during the fight.
Thorne will restore RWotF, but not his personal combat buffs. Everything else is still up.


Let's go purple-white again.