View Full Version : Tippyverse and Race question

2012-07-02, 12:21 PM
So, in a Tippyverse where there is a Wish economy and spellcasters rule, wouldn't everyone see the value of increasing their races base stats through cross-breeding?

For instance: All Dwarves mate with Earth Elementals or Dragons to become Half-Earth Elemental Dwarves or Half-Dragon Dwarves. Then, all the Half-Earth Elemental Dwarves marry and mate with other Half-Earth Elemental Dwarves and all the Half-Dragon Dwarves marry and mate with other Half-Dragon Dwarves to keep their improved lineage going.

The other races would do the same.

Elves + Half-Celestial, Half-Fey, Half-Dragon
Humans +Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend, Half-Celestial
Gnomes + Half-Fey, Half-Nymph, Half-Dragon
Halflings + Half-Fey, Half-Dragon
Orcs + Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend, Half-Minotaur
Goblins + Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend

These are just examples. There would be a lot more races that would do the same eventually.

Eventually, there wouldn't be any true-blooded races left. They would all see the value of cross-breeding. Also, there would probably be many spellcasters that would force the cross-breeding of many races. Over time, there may even be some groups that try to create a superior race through breeding.

2012-07-02, 01:11 PM
Yes. That about sums it up.

2012-07-02, 01:14 PM
Interesting idea. It makes me think of some questions... How would the LA interact with the resulting evolution?

The upper limit seems, to the best of my knowledge, for breeding monsters, to be the Emerald Legion. The limit of what breeding available races and templates to make optimized "genetics" in D&D.

In the Tippyverse, the Emerald Legion probably is under development as specified in the original version, somewhere in the Wilds...

2012-07-02, 01:23 PM
If someone tries, they'll quickly figure out that the half-whatevers are much slower at learning magic than normal humans, and give up the nonsense.

2012-07-02, 01:46 PM
Interesting idea. It makes me think of some questions... How would the LA interact with the resulting evolution?

The upper limit seems, to the best of my knowledge, for breeding monsters, to be the Emerald Legion. The limit of what breeding available races and templates to make optimized "genetics" in D&D.

In the Tippyverse, the Emerald Legion probably is under development as specified in the original version, somewhere in the Wilds...

Yeah, in a world where everyone is a CR 3 or higher, then would CR 3 be the new CR 1? House cats wouldn't be able to kill commoners anymore.

If someone tries, they'll quickly figure out that the half-whatevers are much slower at learning magic than normal humans, and give up the nonsense.

I guess it also depends on if Level Adjustment buy-offs are available. Also, most half-breeds tend to live longer. Well, at least Half-Dragon Humans would probably live longer, thus allowing them to learn more over time.

2012-07-02, 01:57 PM


2012-07-02, 02:20 PM


Wow! I think that's probably what would happen in a Tippyverse. Especially if a high level spellcaster gets married and wants to have children. Most people want to make sure their offspring survives and thrives. Making them "transhuman" would seem like a good start.

2012-07-03, 07:45 AM
Joe Commoner
Type: Humanoid
Human Commoner 1
XP: 0
ECL: 1
CR: 1/2
Feats: Skill Focus: Profession (Farmer), Skill focus: Profession (Herdsman)
Stats: Wis 13, Str 12, Int 11, Con 10, Dex 9, Cha 8
Skills: Farming and Herding skills, mostly
Hit points: 2. Weapon proficiency: Sling

Joe Awesome

Amphibious, Arctic, Magic Blooded, Quasilycanthrope (Sea Eagle), Empty Vessel Factotum 1
Type: Humanoid (Shapechanger, Aquatic, Psionic, Endless)
XP: 3000
ECL: 3
CR: 3
Feats: Able Learner, Jack of All Trades, Magic in the Blood
Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Stats: Wis 18, Str 21, Int 18, Con 21, Dex 15, Cha 13
Hit Points: 11
Speed: 35 land, 15 climb, 15 swim, 60 fly (average)
Damage Reduction 10/Silver
Low Light Vision, Tremorsense 60’
Immune to Poison, Disease, Paralysis
Halved Magical Healing
Fast Healing 2
3/Day SLA’s: 50’ Telekinesis Ray (CL 13), Ray of Frost, Detect Magic,Magical Aura, Undetectable Aura, Read Magic
+1 saves vs cold
-1 saves vs fire
Cannot be flanked
Racial Skill Bonuses: +8 Swim, +2 Survival, +2 Bluff, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge Arcana, +2 Spellcraft, +4 spot, +4 Balance, +4 Escape Artist, +4 Tumble, +8 Climb, +2 Disguise to appear like a normal Human (hah...)
+4 Racial bonus to Initiative
Embedded Gemstone of Heavy Fortification: Immune to Sneak Attack, Critical Hits (Cannot benefit from Vest slot magic items)
Naturally Psionic: 1 Power Point per Class Level
Disguise Self (Sea Eagle features)
2 Inspiration Points, Inspiration, Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge, Trapfinding

I want to live in Tippyverse now.

2012-07-03, 09:15 AM
Throw a Necropolitan in there :smallbiggrin:

2012-07-03, 09:55 AM
You're already immortal (To Aging), able to breathe water, fly, use several SLAa, are naturally Psionic, immune to disease/flanking/poison.. And tremorsense and Damage Resistance.

So now you'd add undead to that.

2012-07-03, 12:36 PM
I considered Necropolitan but it didn't fit the theme I had going. This is supposed to be a nice thing to do; otherwise why do it?? Also, HD issues, presumably being unable to breed, looking all wrinkled, the fact that the method of becoming Necropolitan is hideously evil, the fact that it is ambiguous whether using negative energy to exist makes you inherently evil and thus more likely to do evil acts, etc. etc ruined it for me. Similar issues with Elanification, in memory loss, inability to breed, and loss of much of what makes you 'human'.

2012-07-03, 01:04 PM
Pretty awesome still.

I wonder how a game set in that version of tippyverse would go..

2012-07-03, 01:51 PM
One of these days, I am going to add some psionic circuitry, to be recharged by that naturally psionic bit, and thereby get some survivability and extra utility out of those power points...

2012-07-03, 01:57 PM
That Revivfy + Dimension Slide one does make you annoyingly difficult to kill.

2012-07-03, 02:03 PM
becoming Necropolitan is hideously evil

Why do you think that? The only guy being tortured (nailed to a cross and left there to die) is you, and you're supposed to be willing. The only evil-ish things are the cursed nails and calling forth the name of evil gods, but I would hardly consider that 'hideously evil', though probably not good by any means.

2012-07-03, 02:05 PM
Why do you think that? The only guy being tortured (nailed to a cross and left there to die) is you, and you're supposed to be willing. The only evil-ish things are the cursed nails and calling forth the name of evil gods, but I would hardly consider that 'hideously evil', though probably not good by any means.


I'm pretty sure that it is specifically called out as definitely being evil in the books. Also, it does do some acts and use some spells that are [Evil].

2012-07-03, 03:04 PM
Also, didn't Emperor Tippy himself say that the most expedient way to make an army was to make people Werebears and psychic reformation them the Control Shape skill??

2012-07-03, 03:57 PM
I would find it very likely that not every city has the same kind of race optimization.
-Some cities use the Transhuman Commoner.
-Others might focus on undeath, turning themselfs into Necropolitans, Bone/corpse creatures, or Liches (even though this is not very handy due to LA).
-Others might go the Graft route, slowly changing themselves into other creatures. Be it golem-, aberration-, demon/devil- grafts.
-Some might use mind-switch tricks to take over golems, effigies, etc and store their real bodies in some kind of suspended animation (Stronghold builder guide, has the perfect example).
-I can even think of some kind of culture that is in "the Wilds" that focuses on WereX creatures and Druids.
The ways of becoming 'more' in the Tippyverse are near endless, as one of the main features if near infinite time, resources and manpower.

It would be fun to play with those various cultures and the more I am reading about the Tippyverse I think it is a viable setting for a game.

2012-07-03, 04:07 PM
Well, my idea was written up given several notable goals and constraints. I describe those at the beginning of the document.

Otherwise, everyone would end up Ethergaunts or something.

Killer Angel
2012-07-04, 02:31 AM
So, in a Tippyverse where there is a Wish economy and spellcasters rule, wouldn't everyone see the value of increasing their races base stats through cross-breeding?

For instance: All Dwarves mate with Earth Elementals

mmm... Can I choose who I want in my bed? the girl, or the earth elemental (http://www.google.it/imgres?q=immagini+earth+elemental&hl=it&sa=X&biw=1331&bih=735&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=HFP9XzReLXL5IM:&imgrefurl=http://deathfeniks.deviantart.com/art/Mage-n-earth-elemental-180119936&docid=K2be2E9sdfjOKM&imgurl=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/265/f/b/mage_n_earth_elemental_by_deathfeniks-d2z8lfk.jpg&w=769&h=1039&ei=gfDzT4GGBYSo4gTCpuiJBw&zoom=1)?
I pick the girl. I'll let your sons having the cross breeding bonuses. :smalltongue:

2012-07-04, 05:38 AM
One of these days, I am going to add some psionic circuitry, to be recharged by that naturally psionic bit, and thereby get some survivability and extra utility out of those power points...

Oooh depending on the rules you use for that it could get very silly in a lot of interesting ways... You're talking about the "Getting Wired" article, right?

There are limitations, but the point is to negate them... The number of "circuitry slots" on a character is 17, and doesn't scale. You can fill 16 and add a Fuse circuit to render them inert and then appose more. You'll need to reserve some for the recharge circuit, for the triggers (contingencies), for the links, and keep enough open ones to actually make them do something useful.

(I really love "Anticipatory strike on the condition of I'm attacked or targeted_by/in_the_area_of any non-harmless effect". Then BOOM NOVA.)

A more reasonable use is "In case of death, relay triggers : Teleport then Psionic Revivify then Mend Wounds" and add that thing that leeches one pp/day to recharge the circuits until they're recharged. It will only work every two weeks (without more optimization), so all you need is to not die more often than that.

Morph Bark
2012-07-04, 06:03 AM
Also, didn't Emperor Tippy himself say that the most expedient way to make an army was to make people Werebears and psychic reformation them the Control Shape skill??

Whoever said that (Tippy or not) wasn't thinking big enough. Were-battletitans.

2012-07-04, 08:31 AM
Whoever said that (Tippy or not) wasn't thinking big enough. Were-battletitans.
Lycanthropes can only be formed within 1 size category of the original and animal forms.

2012-07-04, 08:40 AM
Lycanthropes can only be formed within 1 size category of the original and animal forms.

So make them Gargantuan first.

2012-07-04, 08:43 AM
A more reasonable use is "In case of death, relay triggers : Teleport then Psionic Revivify then Mend Wounds" and add that thing that leeches one pp/day to recharge the circuits until they're recharged. It will only work every two weeks (without more optimization), so all you need is to not die more often than that.

Transducers could reduce this time even more. Especially if you don't use PP for anything anyway.

Lycanthropes can only be formed within 1 size category of the original and animal forms.

Polymorph Any Object?

2012-07-04, 09:34 AM
Dungeonbred Battletitans? That at least brings them down to Huge.

2012-07-04, 11:21 AM
So... based on the Lycanthropy guide...


What is a good Lycanthropy thing for society at large??

2012-07-04, 12:45 PM
A Good (Lawful or Chaotic at your personal preference) Lycanthrope?

Hey, does a Avian/Winged creature Lycanthrope have wings in hybrid form?

2012-07-04, 01:07 PM
A Were-Chordevoc Raptoran is the cheapest way to get flight in all three forms.

2012-07-04, 01:17 PM
A Were-Chordevoc Raptoran is the cheapest way to get flight in all three forms.

Wouldn't you have to be small to have Chordevoc as the animal?

2012-07-04, 01:34 PM
Sorry, albatross, eagle, or vulture then.

2012-07-04, 01:59 PM
So, why not Sea Eagles?

2012-07-04, 03:03 PM
Well, my Sea Eagle thing was just an extrapolation. Those are the three 1 hd small sized birds which are written up.

2012-07-04, 03:06 PM
Well, Vultures are rather.. Were-Vultures would probably be evil.

Morph Bark
2012-07-04, 06:09 PM
Lycanthropes can only be formed within 1 size category of the original and animal forms.

Battletitans are Huge. Making them Large via dungeonbreeding is possible of course, but debateable of that works for lycanthropism. Alternatively, you simply apply it to half-minotaurs or half-ogres.