View Full Version : Draconic Polymorph

2012-07-02, 04:32 PM
Am I really thick? I'm looking for this spell in the Spell Compendium and it's in the Sorc/Wizard spell list (5th level Transmutation, "As polyporph but improved.") but not in the full spell descriptions (and I've looked both between Draconic Might and Dragon Ally and between Poison Vines and Portal Alarm).
Is this a misprint or something?

I've also looked in Draconmonicon, Dragon Magic and Races of the Dragon in case it was originally printed in one of those but no luck.

Anyone know where I should be able to find it?

2012-07-02, 04:40 PM
Draconomicon page 79

2012-07-02, 04:45 PM
Draconomicon page 79

Derp, I looked under P in the Draconomicon but not under D.

Thanks, Demigodus!

I'm still not sure why it's not in the Spell Compendium though...

2012-07-02, 04:56 PM
probably a typo?

I only found out the page after googling the spell though. And finding others were having the same problem finding it XD

2012-07-02, 04:57 PM
Spell Compendium came out around the time that the D&D writers started just coming out and saying that Polymorph was broken as hell. I'd bet the compilers second-guessed including it at all, but just didn't clean up every reference.

2012-07-02, 05:05 PM
Well in any case I'm glad to hear that I'm not illiterate.

2012-07-03, 06:18 AM
Personally, I think they just stopped caring so much about proofreading and such.